Semi-Weekly Signal, 1871-9-5, Page 2 " .
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more charitabl, a, hs Bare tatters%, F,t..lCl Rohl. 1lttadltlOt, , S<<«tea Mouuanv• ONE OF THE 110 ST DESIRABLE
tt t Scc lq i9 a1. elsn•tlmausti quale lith eve of tp:krn, I `N__alt _, Juu.a[-'r e, St Urnnixw. __- _
nr in p011,thtg the elfiv%eney,r yere•- U.r ;t Iw t1n&t tb- Autwnorst alt tLa ..teem-..•.,.,.rr• Uro -Ihta Strachan,J. LWhie, A. ""'^"`' "^^""-
_ Yeuu•uI the tuschor'■ pn,tmewilir and EdtNiattur Department desired W give I POtiT L81111'. y
-- - '" " that ensu cbwngr lou orcowry. • McL nmrld, JY.lipoma L.Dobd no,J. 7i6te1a. w
Me Cnuuty k+wher•cbottm of ■Waling * Jol-IuWu,J. 8tirel,ft. McNa hk*
. oou a cx. w »EY:. • I► t•1 It■r turthenuore,alleged, th•trn. 1]t a tao._T4 tlreriw th.-« . w' (..esWtin...lWt.-.) Business Stands in Goderich
dile p{aarrtiality had bun shorn its grant. •prohwir►ry peep., the oxaluivaliva in this ncktary'Uto deme v•+ulderablo Tho A iqlli a Mdla d. of \uil,Joe. It Is now of the luritive of fid et
tee"""'•"'-"v`•.mow" - . ,Pr,vwmal Cdrtifie"ita to •tudeuta of impor,by urdonng tiN MYN •het• to .,,..mgt of d+wage,by bcru.t vrluabl. Tkrac \t'illianur al Saud.Slrulwwy Juu. over .tl Y .
leulNr sod destru in t ud orxr lrw:han, J. \1'rlrh,D.Mcl.schliu H. wentLrt toile}atlnvtlrl■attugly iwaKuciwg
T=DIQISI Of tIOQAV21"s the Nt.rinA S?ahool,tah-rwen au Letter Iso uwa;n for CuuutiN 61st ren geed fa Y int ¢a IMwwlt'ltobt.Laidlaw, U.8...ithr`1'w. thewselvr fill. In maty ins mate they I 1,`07. *§A,1(aj.
1palitlrd tleau nun FirWlw l;..wuty t abich ilium,ly buruug the beet ut thea aero .1 v, s, ;a'Ito first sli htl •
TOR REOlS1ptAT,ON PURPOSES. Y few bnfursat the:t oriaal Soho bit kcrl Bi•hoys Wiu.Filiut. 1 ! lie tl 7
Bard Trach.ra, •nit that the*d nevi Ltd hr Acturll sa int will.. Nu as 8 loll. unwell,Lut they wake ttwunsetves fifty
cite Y w..rth 1f a Proviunal Crruti• y Kt Caen.-'l'he kanestim u a 1 t WxaTIgar.--Fur the last work
Iw eHter owl'- fin ceato•sigR&tu- •t Y' MI lrp 1 www wurN Linn they wotild otherww
ceW aa.lrttes Clus Normal Rcb,ol Trach- unr-Ivied LLat flu p»lean fur the CurrfJ DrukeJ, red the rue wcto u[ • tad Leen qutW west,
lea readily apt'L,(MRI.&men to a Position Illyr, I" !' 1 g _ tea Ly mut;nually brooding mad wuurn;lig 00- ...
er. T ugh lktlewtheiurloutxN.uuid Ex,1u11nAtlin dwuld is "ronwlyt )4ddharenotbxunoo,promiuugthuunun- urnrnvtlr littlawilment which atlticts
ld a(aod maid W divide a I statement W be utterly nu6oanded, 1 casior"then these at the N,,rmal Sok Mt of ears. The s mu v bunt iR some --WAUXWIL-R
akin,Smadfitl e°11 7 I tl —_ them, l thug have the hound, r Chia,
(a Registration purperN- coucnrrod.n the Cnucipbe in,ohvd in it: flow much a fatherl•interest, had the Vlmic s sutl'vredfru=u lw`;dye. atthar;n tbn;r two thele kn.d, ur thele HE PIt$]lls]d80CC PlE BY R. B. BMt?H, CON818TIN13 OF ♦ J
(W°kY nawol tb►t all th_te teacher■ throe•h- y t — I BAyBALL.-Thr"(i g Fly Club of T
tea ,fie thing has lre•a dour,I yo lmuwu d,xould hare ehnueeLtb hevM OOLBOitNJa. tlµa ppl•Les Irupx,ar pLyiug$ a mutefi with tta,tb,they oot of ahtywl of la,uuutatiou, Story Bnok Building,tlro p .1 roof,■lure end dralLtng. Front entnnp t•
•At udifi y o of in lend who are yuaLtied with the Luckuuw club ou Wednesda-y, lith tad tnvtW uuautfrtatiou of pity utd,if•dwelhuq from Squ re 8uuate un North side of Market Square, TJ ft, fruat•
The Rn'stry I'tl;w halal,and some O( Normal Rch o.l'I'o caber who hate m- alt tln cuudolatos,wbwu greening over ■a — thew aro mut buuutilull etxx tai theist, d
1 N halypl y( of the lunger-uu rant I c-ivnd F1rt anal Succus Vlsu Prawit sial i MBLAX('HULT Ann FATAL Amninsiir.- Me rt., and the tiuturn watch wick lbs Y 1147 ft. cop with r;ghtof way tu'Nurth 8t. ad Hamilton St.
e uesyuns that they LenW not novae. .. n thn am Ii hl inratued and murtib . W ill he sold L Auction uu 16th Set neat un die ron sen.
theI Cstrtiiicntw,aro entiu'd to Grtifivates T"(Taualay)formaww,Me D.Uroot, d S4wtit a uI Luctuwullon Friolay I Y tl Y Y V• V
a. tis fin tb cwt uE fila d.yb by „(the noir a w,run •huuW Lav• the \\'e hrve niece ebjwted to lho niwd CSlburuo,wasnugagad tLrtl&hu,g,old his I the 8th feat. Bulk uuatchs rill is]day lis thea m whttdn they ehrxw . TMIR39 B]AAYa
W atandud c f ynaltfieation, wbieh re 6tlndt•in-Irw, Mr.W.G;Lbs, was help ed ou the ground of the"Shue Flies." to while away their day, every wiudus
help of the labor of•deputy,its Ignoble 1 es-Itvat mud all p-lido laoititi''w to ob !
lose and luuiry•, Thn gone u{teeing taw ilioni. two nhugly 1 ie.onuuouded altered abs ewalj rooems•ry to guile him. )!r. G;LIr its attewpetnK W Itattuvu:c-Ms:J. X. Moran of the((even d tkn therinuwrter ataltda►t gtl). lirquire u[
.r owan,tad t rill&..m 1b'the tutu of to this G.nucil ,t Fmbho lu.trlcyyy un the I W mon muitoLlo n»atu.Ias /hu aw4rpsl w&from,-uu allow W another, slipped jfi,nuuj $buy, Ismil rotauved frotu must les uKhtly closed,ru incl the dour
&quwl o[ irvtlicwnt teschnn, asuwb• M•to.t and tai right the thrwluttg I►emtedy'a old atatd W the shop one uta all Ute little crack. tad crevicm its!
title w W prr,cid.•comfortable Scott lar 1 apptautn u"t of r Co...mitloo,if lSyaatiu waclitne, H hen Mr.Grout. silt to pull dunraurthu[Mr.Kuutae mi•'failorahep, the walls, tle1lr and tllaewhnn,must l»I w• n o BV C e
wwna hungry vassal alt this vary Minister rap,eam;wanl alt mo.t abhr and,• were- loo atuu,t and deformin •tke wefully atuHwl up with cotton west or
Itvso"mi ere wholly unpoaurated wall: g S him nut,hi■ body wY found W Le cut WsiTHsa.The wtlathrrlurlhnfors,w,00k "nue other alttall adaptive substuwn.
Rhcre policy■as sweepnnegiy euudv<uued`the Normal School. I first No-P"'ud slut range of w w+ble pndeasioo. The is two,tad the fight of iii• went out, has boou ruuyande,ld,vrry unfavorable L I G xleriuh, Augwt 26th,1871
j V for the late crops, but yesterday the The fidget meat ve •firtt,• bright,
at tut elaalion. I k-umo help lvi'tis• ,low a-ul lite .Kayeact of ax•n- liton L'bwCs rx lw,rks e.0 this head, as far u w;thiusfvw wiuutesalturticv wtutro fin. ruddy, , fire, A d yet he u net I
We deleted Ssudtieta Meedouald, -I payors fur First end S"ou l Chum Corti- r aro. Wee al,area.xk of ver, t 7bie melanclwdy and'fatal accident hY agenda geared alto and them u uvvey wa'ui enou h. bio will shiver, and!
badly,that Le darn net tall parltantewt hoates for Normal Scho l Teacher raid sirwutiu thn Exis ui Latc c +n the tea h- w„1 u a gloom over tits lobule ucglhbor- prospect at present u[ good weather. gg
- I ether teachvro tlir.,u,h,rat tLe Pr"viva, N K K _ whoera, and shrug hi► shuuldnn, and I
together until atter bra hu proTlded,far I w till tl o*auto valuri oT ata■els toques- ere wAthert d+w ardfuitkei-rat uatiee;s.• ' —' ' SV K108• ,utile. Wou W the unha ri ht I MM(e(( /, j e Che p D
_ whoth,-ughtlemay bursts in u,1olu him: Adel NT ZIE T}, A e
Y wavy of his friends me he can, feeling.tions; but it was ubjuetvd,that, r tln that lhuronghly eerupwWnt les:here, ali8]►1DL1)' goes Fuca.-The tato nim have flow skilfully he monger W threw into i u U
canteen he alit never herr the Nme I T Ulan w old hake i Irw N m w Nka I IPIIaeu h of Waehiug had uounats t r Wo AwIs WaaTtL-The owner of• somewhat uenvhed.the terful lira rifer alt n:presew Lntwenso•mart I x
oppa.rtunitp. It Randtiuld Macdonald I' 1anu, l...A didwce from Ktl sbrid • ` and• Irweitouuu, tlleroLy cowplvWly AND LARGE 8 T r
!emetine than the exatniuoti.0 Vrrpontwn. Fur the indecent hrtein e4d Vt K . ritivL kava ur wRln time raged its this Has moved,W k;s own 8/nn ow
09J Itsg;otry I+• this sew •alt uu excuw ur offered, exec 1 emote W sell ort u,d &neurnt •par- %,utuh &tel I ma safely N that the is not g the split, king iutrndnr. He ..I
snake»us build another e8, f tuaehere in the various c„un-I lot'. P v Y Y Y y u Int evil a asend, but kee the I
Otfiox uta du nut coot, pl►ced iR rued a I tics, tln ps-we& would I,eedwe that•'pornoli' are grunted to thew who chaser. It sesta&the female side of tine &n now w much stifled Y W be uu bag- Y Vk [o•
baYN wait not a(rxable ty the arra. a rewombrauee of the event its his wind "&LM11t011 l Itlraety aew And Stationery Sto«
poulwlt that we cannot search .tile I known. 61 ream r was that I thought aro esus aA coin 111 t Witcho wh Found went- H&YI ►r t het town husband er ortadky%i en&rprosi. Tiley wtlre (mid w other peuphis wind& tuo)I011g u
it coolld be reventedb r r Io- to isms. Acempatsutitlachnrrkucould Y repa,rtadtysalenterpn•ing arcwp:all- 1
Sheriff a ur Tr: ilrt is ofii:•es without •I its cou,Lut that il,inloma tw4i m. have p.,wed, i[time for study bell boon lis the very uwt water for several ant of thedilaptdrted.Exitw.(ur to have after. Thn tirlget u never couttm Thi Stock purchased Ly him from the
mrd even after wanhirlg week without nxfue. all remit, with the way in which his dinner is --i -
double journey, ray rd the ytlesti nu should bac,not allowed,will fool humiliated at hating to • 1' m 1 decttoysd buildings, grain Sic but the ,w kwl; at Iwrt,w cartainl Y Nch Insolvent Estate vI
them aRuut loll nkat'ma h ve Lena; •les teat to wreak kir wrath on the now Y
kucwn to candidates,it would bo W the accept`"fwrmit” ever until Jlwruy runout lo urnta i exrgxntotrd. IC a Is comes,duriu some rtiuuof uveal
done tl aro W the projddice of oar enmparatiwdi■arlrataga art the Normal ,lost. owner, Ly deluging hum with ho,iltng true they bund• -amount of timber ' y (t ta' Western Ontario, ,•
In alaimin that Normal and Cornty water,when hr awe to call eu R'ohieF and cordwod, ur reudnnd Yverrl dons he luuok"tlagf(nn' aayrum the table A
lotoreeu,white we are uu the way to the School catdiaat:e,alta to the correspond•fr tl da 23rd Au t before takin' oe sr s- rt huwife and snarl,and then refers to I Mr JOHN HARRIS
In edrant r alt norddorwal gchool l Board teachers are now un an equal toot- Y. fIw, d 1 ralrable blob,anus alao,st uselor(rum "• -v-'
It.rSstry e>etce W reounl our dad' we g K mg,Dr Ryer&.D fur etc W w on what sou, There was a weWrSw,t builwg oo lke dvstruehou of the mil;but this low moat anything. Tine uure lie u expoetu4h
raundid vox tut Certidtatss. L'.1 lop S y thn tire, cal u ,w, Y the visiWr tar V ed with the firmer will become hu refuel ,`J' AT MOQihi1 V OEe[t•
meat grim uta b,e•r tt; but we can at mleenrlrtiou wits ovemiled,alt tie around be considon oar or tea Srrwru {' ❑' all exa t tln fact that several farmer if halt W htnunU,and had nu nue k.lour• O •
lett plan the injtulia uuw stood its suggeatal W the F•vo miner that they 'rerwtrru.y O(fAe A orTRnl &Aout eywt( •xl'acta`d•frufu witch tho woman teak • bad to combine to out off tame fields of
rare,k. re• wuulrl make the p.r,.:n f r the ex- fo Few wl.r',OeNot tea-Ainy. rurn6,,od ba•in-full mid let it dy stracght its the grain one pleasant Sabbath momigQ w ufy by alatriniml ,the ,rolrsbility is nkat N'hieh he is dntorwiutld noaTH nos IgARK" mQuAaa
IoaA Harte awl hoer nein lo, a j' J eave It tram the dnTeuriug olmueut, the old wler would,")her rr later,
tha mien over Ria peidal g V a°.motion of tumi,64 in'Ibis counties l Y• p l urcLuwr's face. Havi "nuked to ds'c' ..
mut kis ewursv'to,n ever again to mill- a it of our jli h ar Public lkbw ls, rat the jaw grog by"Lt ton y m old d him ExwrttouaL.-Uuwlddnn rho open N hen fin khat N touch disgusts him. N.B.-B im self dine, Gem
wmewbt oYiur it,&:,those which bad P N K K 1 i ai
rule Ontario. The lir is roQlAidied Nut 1reeR toed in the otuninahon of Nortual desiring W dntor ou the pn.tratiegrd ohnek, utstrad o/ drlorwung hi whole candour autb which the Si(trertl always M nothing tetter to du ht TO CLEAR O U1
a'Reformer bran;ht to too mwrre W vi n Y it Round have dune if the uta gnof yOZtnllljf atRtat; w anumg it'd oom- i u
School leacher,. TI:A,[ hawe Lau leacLlug,can Only compete fur a thiel •1 oundtnmN th s,a duuY of g,..l govern- limit at ere thio corructu kis British Manufacturers
divide the ('owdies for lteyistrdion aseur d, bas beet d ne and that mu cl&ss cortific..te; after thew years'teach- u( LOe visoea ked han Y trtlP Y her ,nrnt and the furthonu all iulgoity, V rJ g' ,
1 lkfonndr hr tight is the int Lu mr •, ly fur•lncoud elwas veru- math was intense. A Sub um,w e he tiudineu, "rowial his d ener. old
purpose•• uenWAu Leve Gra•. vnu the answdrs W Y I I' 1'0o uta wen out ubwuhol at the uncalled AT AN
R K lirve,led w this tl ht of the Amason. tinging[salt with his garde..r. leu a
measrre Wroduc.r the ReSLNnr's ter, which aro art contains d intheuxt-Gwka tlats;and,If Lo gets it, after two years ,,p and uugentlemsnly `flack wade t J E IS ENABLED TO OFFER ALL
wbieh wy injected. Tke uceeaure W• room teachin he ma a I for a first Tas Laura.-Thal gretur part of the d n nu L the r "broken rensrkable thiing tbrt allair} gal wrong
dlrtde the C.unties pavcaaltl,l from theI prescribed bur lGar ung in tha public s. Y PV Y area is uu,v taken off,and the/all wheat J J p1/O with tum more titan withanyone ul". god•m hu Ime►t•dight advise
'eta"cortihcato. kl the Normal an,the ba,:god"refvrmcontemtororyofSrafurth, Theti tt wouuan, thou hshe ro- s gV
Iawlvvrrlattlnt,an a uueriwebl,moved scloae•;uta it way bis shown by colih Y p' is rtl thrashed. It will averse fruit, y g fanorII10118 C(iIICt oII un the*re sal race h tYt, t cri-
me youth st+uhl. save himself thew or W 1 K `:my oil the ing remark, who ie the tower ares^ had with tads at rotul
ariilg the Narnul Kckuol Ex.nlfun&laoa 4• to 95 hwhela to tLo ren and is a in all m t r tie. Sh mon,q nut];kis him VV g
by Mr.Blake• Ippaorted dy the res• 4,u ar+, ublirlcxl lis w het Annual our years'Wil in the lower rraaseof th6 way•ro,beeowiug rewukably tnmdly at.Lent Ymu rates that small dealers
tin Riform part that no divwuu I' 7. uo,I eample. 8yrtng whet is a with the'I'rwat,wen ubilant that an 'all roaiw,cta Shn u frapunntly ailiry(,
yy licLcol Fur ort,with the e"toLtion pa- rofrresn"°Ly mw or t ro sesotyne at the 1 but aha u nut w tend rA tan,uu her- ■vox ens uscA cease. bare W buy&t wholesale.
should he made wdlwnt the comm t alt little their,but will glue a f■tr yield,Y e eta b would be real arced tar the uta- i g
n I.1 y used in the count?Board -urinalti huul,whern,aoa,nliui tu•bihy, P V 1 wit^ nor u she- articu about
tie CountyCotunetl alt the County mu- ruunauwu, ad whueh are Being •first Slaae certthcaW mould be taken, tt Is not seriously Injured by the lodge fortunaFe who Oared to oppre hum- f'' i 36,000 hells of Wall Paper to Nlepl
earned,ata oppoNd and defeated by the re and its sato Iter dittnbuEur,and polo at the end of the first sermon, this axu•e. UAta and p'c'+•an aplendul+ but alt(Wugh they do nut ulwu that IN "my,can,gr The tiscours noon,by the (row,-Lrtugthm
(luvurnmnat,rhtstfi wialned we nlrmtac10 V ) and barley a fair crop. Pototoes &re was worsted the mer • co oils, 616 way,can Itravnly discourN fur an boar
to le bawd in this uta alt maktu (At w¢Iek will 1rn publ a ;a tM Juur,wl and oertunly wi[t.uut aril •t the-ead o! gond in quauttty, but ell nut glee • length of wunitluance mon/bra former on this effects all dtomighto, and cul
1' g of Salver limn. uta in my G,rthaanu, the sseotid session. Would the tln, discover thew-well,everywhere,for he LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK
berths fur its friends,if it should)it& r INAry yield. I W fire Ls nut la s the"A r s to
1lAasatt Annual S,hoad Rol a,Irt,far Y gene c..0 cerulivate gut ky flue mpetfiaid pias.-+l M Johnslmt, near BrltY' y 1 y uc ity°elly diacuvetirg thew- They j jZ I1: 2 :
to be,Y known W be, the ialornnation ss riblet I canmuurg les alual m%slue with the First - , 1letbe"for such a nrftent ombin ti Y tibud held by arty one Luuw in URtario.
rear eat tLu"Patent LomLivatirm i os- chit wrtinute rat b)Ute ears'alt twaob- very (owlishly bet tire w suave under the leder of the 1'atait l owbiuuiou, •r°'m aweug tM telrore alt hu lite.
Now,what is thtl result I The result u, S 7 She,however,taken plenty of medicine.
U660M that but6urtevsn6•wdid•eashave,resent• ingoxl.:rieunrsdprivatestudv 1 Nor bush its • datiincW uu his Place, whLph don't failto&inks hunts and sdmuuater IN gdJ/S HI NUS 12 YSAft3v
1 1 bl.accl tip, and destrlrNd rails, tad a such a castigation as the uQena mplittros. Sba is a iarge consumer of patent pi W, Hole b a eta/ee to save NCeI
—ww Ied•thevimtves its a0 the uuuuties of the taro a on alto .pt to till the Normal pistalL ptauter m, and patent dnugbts-
ProTiuee fur esam;natt-m fo.rFirst Claw Bobrae of the city,at tln rxlsnss of the gOminlity u.C'v on tMadj,uruinS farm -1f you wuubd the 1In(; Uh, wall, anything patent w the ray ofinediune is TTO O1t1AI1r8.
13'AUT TMS TItE QiJES'IIU ?1 1 y IWi h cif )lr Nixon, lot Ctic standing the "Then i* a G&Im in Glbsd' and
t ertificetes, and • sir rcisirtbl snow S and YuGhc Sch los of the ouuutrr, al a no uartco si enstnro Cher rapport,fur Ordenrh,Sept.6th, ltli 1. swfi{
cumber of exndi•1ales G,r Secoud eta".which'is against the co art: of all our off"w of tl or 10 neigw.a Z, Rm:`"^ wndfietd era task-tM sick man whale. Oedewich, 18th Aupl►t 1871.
u modern L..ptutiona;the dcomm of w'hieh who.o awstonce, Me Noon's whole M •refutal;ust of Ito w,13166us stout- she ueY1, icul sly beroelf qutta well.
THS flAl(ILTON LIMB OR NO l urrulicxtar,morc than:.v!f•d whom hate She to articularly unmen:iful to oras
l u to I,ce ane sal rrluu on ax mural boedutgv unght have been deaturyed., mento, [m& iw.a that*title Lu friends -- --
aAILwAT AT ALL lea WORTH Ignition i (acted all tln examm rtiono s lnaforty P' 9' 1 7 tbnss w u ere alWeted with short inner -
_ know led•e,w'hcrover that knowled u has Ft"we LuT 6,6TH Cos.-A nmlould• am gradually decreasing anon j Nua rale `ruts and'fu t to alt en1'thin tke►
d more than:hire-f"urtdu-( the Candi- e tl eau tier for •boat three mwnWa la d P g ThellhnoisCvntral Ftailoay t'om(aray, F 7ZaLd P11 •
. We AdrAethe people of North Huron, drteshave presented theulsflves UwThgit brew attired. K, ) wen,t►e friends of Truth ail Jnsuce have use'!in the react place they found mouth f Chicago+, are building eleven Cloth POU N D
wwnlg at a few tram in the edge of the aro rall its round the nod uld Rail.
who have mut nl.d. a their mind/ oo Gillam(arruficatoa. Ut these, • large , - Y g S il. To crane in Irom the hunting-fiald,!riles nF Corn Crab», tbo eapncrty °f 8IfiI1P OF flIP(1PHOSPBITES
p alk,.comoenally u ttuug one,Or par- -Curt.
number had held Fint Claes (...mutt' - - — - or short;ray, an:tv tergal to stops and I which will be three milli,,..o! D&ands;
the railway question, W consider the ' hart» breaking fort in the clearing _ _ _ - - _. o, g rY they aro wre,tu.g them cnb to receive Il•. y
B.anl Ccrti6ates,Mmt mute of tLmm an }!! wt .no's bouts,ala than shah U ve uta.,memo-.o.-a,.w... .-lied lo lou
matter carefully•If they west a hail- r.ported to have failed in thrtr ex•unnu- fJ omill•loll . which w.0 at•uta etnppwd Ly the apple \ `a apt to pet her mut. Slna*trotigly uhjedt I m ores in payment (or land&purchased of w .ati'". .,.. ..t., .A.iw i u..h u
way,let ill=be very cantiowhowthey pone for ThirdClae;Ct,itdie.,tw, Thea esti•mutwatequntillastSaLb►th(Aul. 11CIIIl11Itw llYaKM,
27th.,when It was fnuud then h( no to Ke her rWpeto bees{attend with mad. the Gompan , and the full(.lueag price .d...1 w„ll.the noddy,.-,sheer t b I. w
deride. The Allen stive we believe G,be facts 'let only authorize list- slwte,uent, mon wester to proven Its spread;% mads Y""'" She LN the Ioost unpdewut facility of i u W be pot a for rat there. Corn s the lions,S alasi «.r uta«lbws w.1..Wca it u tad
between the WellingWn,Only i Brace bit fnrntsh the most inn•loot,demon- Mr. Jas. Breckenridge •farmer of des rale Inn a file an old duh of Slyril POLICY oN Tee FAttx.-The believing that tigers ever w hum she has I grwmt• cultural al& le alt that country, raw syr w 11 were Pal e.r.wP,1N I.
o not stnuor of ilia s4uplice of ilia .ttacks Htibtucgdoo, was burned to death last F'f P g control can us%or do an thin ru ht un p y .ew...d .a,n,,wi 11.. anew ndner
liedi w low.f aU:Thorn ah aro upon the system, &lid of Tlmre-lav by a bush fire. An inquest "bout 16 acres, and there found ready whole secret of the successful farmer 7 K g I&rad tL Can•diac Pril Dwtru er" u tw.nnt• Vii;
Irw rhe u stadia h Undoubk,dlw,, .se p,o,..a ret o1,les,tlo..t. a low sure•e,
tuotdrial fur nu gdutioats jaws• N anted often lies in his having • fixed {rIs i of K Y the beat xmedy in any country wbero• ,ca w n.....Lg.,ltt,.tw.,xb.tad a .,n
deorans d a railway,whom we staaa!'- I♦e utter dt•f.cti%vuess rA the turAurr tar halal at 1[Woc,nada werdiet nttlrn• * wit w at wmew Serail iseell mpatotlun. Multttudw lura me N+aon int any never do anything exactly right i diwnlered a•rditlnu of tM setomAeti, nun aides...anpwu.s nw..a.i a Ne.e■Lr
nista►r,wiU act consistently erneaSA in Qrunty It meal mxamiwtina*>{ ttmrheto ed of 11allrlent•l efaflt by fir! in the it f thea. 136e gas'rl»t rte daemant tacnit r,n•...r ,. .u.►r s m w
"If nor b. low that the err arum wool& reedy U,deronr.the eastern line (en e, 4r meet chrir ieuni-ime noo•ranties uta „ 1 Y I liver and bowels u prmbined milk at w*pt-.,ur•Pwv-u,w,ol't.,reew..wF .&ur
voting down Lunumes W the Hamilton 1'1 Y P which was at,,nc*Temoved abd in furtl- make money by the revjest and secuung• ar "°sggginot at poepb to du thine debility,nnrvuw waakness &rad uutm'mie ..trona u•.n.,.l. 4.' unmet. r.nly.w,
t who have hertia been most vrforosls A new Fenian movement u eontempla- which alis thinks the ou ht W do y
A line; bet there who think the natural astoffice.nal ualificetiuwudFusClau y thrieaa,dinton fiwhci,a,cwlucherre• onhatlLuy wLllep;ract,iallycriesu du but they du not. She will endeavor W!rivaanddwenIerfal. Pnee 25 eta.nefie !