Semi-Weekly Signal, 1871-9-1, Page 2.r j+arosett.70100. a .... our- 1•'-... r `[.M . ,.Meige,; :e .!lh-tsrorw�w,s410AltAL 1 11•' eft#t t' Me thebsak et He chanced ter nth a kiss ; attd whoa resetting art the rianrveu to b• free faun hilt pi sella► skirted the gt.wudn. the Hall was reached, he hued h r onto teals ! 1f you gru,t this reqursl, con- --Amowg t . latter, was Fleaewe. She the suutuwuw dr•wmIg-r•a„u, •eat•d her tiered the breve with the utw'.t grave had kale else gruwd. and wetul•nn` ta en a 1.ta, 11) utll, Wud.rly &i 4 M4- tag, I will say you bra. eb..w a kiuduw Mee leak .d abs stn&., had seated Ler- coaly ; - W use awl b ti. ! rodtau.. e self sena tape* tree white lay across s •W.lesm. home, Florence, my wife !' To this the Cummiaaimer replied : -1 list el water, It was • pieturwyw but Smiling, w.ntdsrtust nowt wen all ar proud et bangs�} $S English u•u. But .tawewr.es seat, 1..r the books, "hakee areuud her, F:ore,o., mrstitiel sed if Igdiaps aro calm to be de.ttt witL Ili 1N the a,.atant d.rtrernyl of Ilio mou wrplexel, owl• only b.ot up to her the .y, 1 will tate way cwt off sud against their bass, were trvwcben.us tit budruJ f,.r .nletplao.trau, cb•uge places .Iib Ili• apsakar, Lor of is.wy 1d.ww, and a slight ler moth'. .Gs- •Mr Instals awl y.o., Jeer Fl..nuo•, w..uld M far hotter to b• an ludt.n. mg. fr gestat& of m.th said stow. will, 1 trust, prrl..0 • lotto rims . .1 utu5, ( rLi. *ally w&. even too, much for Indian r • hide further d..wn t e stream are n s.edly a. it had s, happy a dawravel, $rat u7, &*d tbore wat • general rar ed jdr. Slur evant.ud Mee hirer.; the I hero .Iw.ys indul,,•((oil a strong desire .tighter, in which Wavms-k.o-kv.0 rreateoo1. geeing apron! at the "meet to I,e hived fur taywlf Mune, mod not for bim.•If jwu.d as heartily ea auy)." /ns .d tan nehtndunuums, the lode .k. wealtb which !unplowed t• bo mono, I Atta[ ran man dale djourumiutt, he(liai tbe Moore of the stream to end thin urea ons way to satisfy myself, ale tett meetis sera r"r lunnanu'•us Automata" reit► • willow swilot. broken It wu neaemsty for me ei Luse my pro- I g y foist ate true at her sale. p/rl, Evert thing slut l valued-u.l L' m.; and •rerybodv wu iu goal bunter. 'Whit • beautiful picture: le it note Learn and .11 its MI:actions-psa11A oi. Th. Commissioner, uud.rstamding the q.enad Mr. Siurtecstt, • little mater- ' et ay po os.iou the first toes 1 lett the' Indiana wen duped pis,gn the Treat r, euaty, ail hu enrspanwu, as ►u noosed b.pp,n..s of In.etit% the holt- *ho is cos a.. anthawis.l, in „hien lis ill. taruu. the ousd.r.Dunuus giantss she east to the oty wile ; mad if the editor of the fYuvm- rlrod _stared W Mare them u. ,r.Nn6 d,r.at1 *, of Flonase. I icfe use tit to amwuuce the fact n hu ] I Adelaide's face d,uksaud, she g•s• no eduuu, he u ieep.nstble, and my warm- for use year only, $3. per bead, • pear reply, bat mored away up the sl".re, set gr.tttude is dos him far lbw service of anon for each rveerte, sud s buggy while lirsLam, dnwiutl au Maui(ble be has rem:dnred me.' for •nob of the chiefs. The treaty mea Moods. etr.11.d od to low die merry I b. u,hnp g..t i1u1 t wee. Every- sca,ningll a.eselul+d .ith sll the pro tteusprnr •t •Tule d'ul.wce eavagnd ion bud! knew slut Ar. 8tururutt had ant' r fn.>rua11 tsllteg fonunee, loot hu property, and, in a.nsegoeuos, I Po ttls, and the Indians , went Adet.i.le horned on to the sols of the everybody was bis 'most '.la'dieut ser- I Moue highly eattefied. Thu is one diM- fair girl- Her stop atartlwl Fu r.uoe v.at' forthwith, Dully gest sd the seal of eslu&iaaGws it free • revery un wlu•t' alis *u indultf- Imagine, if you can, the discomfiture 1l am t.". feta el.e sprang up quickly, and •b" of Mims loam ., inagne the mon Mut broke tdf aha frag,hs cnut of earth where nine dies wander ; but yeti cat only _ she stood, trim tuo bank. Sas felt her -family imagine the happmoes that vu }..theta giving way; el» rrnfisal abs Florsn.e Sturtevant'. oath tis teen she (ata a stwu for tier sud, m ithluu,plorinq : hid chosen 1..r liar husband. 8hr knows, .yes, •bo held est her hands�.outely to I now, who befriendel Frlward, her bn•th- Adelaide for succor. Ths lad? jnught 1 or, and the perfect trust she feels fur save her, Gdl well s! a w•s assured est' bua wakes her hie blessed. the power, but AAelaole a face grew cold, white, sed •tern e• mublo- -e.s unto `+•r her! foe cede ms tnu•uph•d .neer the I a go.wl is her breast; sho tuned her hack ' �g [.- trkig gignaL est the wppl.at, sed no •yye, .sag• that 1!o•r• of (tmuIp..wnos, saw her',Mok sau. "*� TMro .r a hullo• plunge; a hint, CADENCE, w SBP,. 1, 1871 +' i f.sut ory, dru.ued by,the riser cd the .MK wmten, and Men .11 went on as het ire. A smile o1 fiendish seudsatI•e atob nn �Z.Q� :f,�ase. the ghastly auu•teawoe of •Ueawood'. _.. - prood gumtrees; alio • mutterod through u150L1 roc LL RAC& her closely shut teeth. 'It wu nut on deed. 1 mm n..t W blame. " L&DL&1 07 Tse■ TTSJ ware. Suddonly els stopped; her whit _ panda aleuchd each usher firmly ; els* I Tms M URAT ruts-o5,,1D {acs grew •bsolately hand with the rudt of , yeomen; for, strtkiug out from the sh..re 1 (By Spsri.l (dagm. b fAe .hg•a(.) s wiM the d.sp.r..te power of a *tome HALT►1x, 8e t 1.-Ths rear cem- arm al. beheld Urahuu 8tnrtevaut. P The current eau swift; the suighty sung- 1 maimed this morning .t 10 o'clock with ing of the tide migL1 have dnoeu beck alis Single Scull Rao,. Entries wen nee Ives determ,u.d, but it prldutsd a.. I md. by Sadler, of the Tyne ; Brown visible .ffeot in the ppn.e'rr. "l the bold of -Halifax ; old Kelly. Sadler crane Lin swimmer. He re. died the spit where Florence had roue down, and Jrv,ug, first by two boat lengths, Down second came to the eurf.w some roils below, and Kagy third. w,bh lb• gist in feu etas. A few root-OAR{D .AL•1. moments afuresJ*, mad he had bonne her to the shore, when, d•clmuig all HALIFAX, Ana. 31. -Th. fort having "lira of rsietaace, he succeeded m re- cleared away, tho races commenced this st•.nng her to a,nso.oesuoa I mem There w.ro.ix creme Wmtd Gristle t•. the surprise 'd all Woml- ung. ( .rd, h. insisted on carrying her b. her I in the tour -,+red race continued boarding plus in his chaise; and •he neat day, hecalled-to impure tf she hail mataiud any injury b the ac Ment. The .hall which .Iuranes I..d els to be ipleidldly contested up to the stake -boat t turuwg post. The Taylor -Winship crew, (of the Tyne) won perusneed, joined W antlety about her by three legjtbs, followed snocseively schost, brought ou a low nanous fever, by the Pryor, (o( Halifax) saoond, and that confined her to her bed f ar • fun- Me Coulter-Biglin, third. night, dreamy which another leacher *as provided; std Moo the was at list able ,I,he (!rand POW vol[ with the m- W sit up, the phvslcao positively Lir bail. M1 exertion. Her very life es rad dIs i 01 ]LaniWha. depended on her keeping yulet and -^- restful. But hoer could .l* be quiet The Treaty Conference between the wben Edward's contwnauce at hs Indian Chiefs of Manitoba and the tsd0.. hwsg sdsly np,n her wages! Lieut. -Governor of the Province, which 411••-•"1.1 nut 1..rbesr . ht-s1wtep" ngnommencia lura Gary, on the f: lased the ••war toy world esp.rssw.e at ►9a$h Ja1Fi>:i1allennad war tan days.- -. otlonouwang the cherished ehyect d hu- was • vest' iweetutg sed no 1w maps- '-'�-'•►'!I•• •11•rt di. thought .f the dt•appoint life. ing affair, thea "simple savage" showing 8•anely had she dried her eyea, sad himself no Meanadept atbargain-making. rerdved to put her trust luso overruling Providence, when • letter eau herded I The Indian representatives were : Yellow her. It pproved to be from ti. mordent Quill, whose band numbered 1,000, pee- dthecelled.where ltdwird mea aaade-Imint 326. Ka-ku-ga-by-nor (or Bwer- ing, end its content& filled the eiul of I lasting Burl), with twenty present out -of the girl with deep gratitude. An un- a band 711. wa tag Crown friend. "n ran the tote, had laid i it full the expenses of her brother for Driven mund by the Wind) and Wie the entire amtrve of instruction ; and • I Kuoish, (or Night Hawk) tech represent- receipt for the roue wu inclosed. Ung half °f • band of b00. Gen. Krim, Florence dosed her eyes in much timid'- the e.m•us o[ ti• bawd be be- ful,.ees. Ood hest not h,naken her. The next m..nting the following pears-i"ngsnl b, showed 500, tend graph aJppeared in the (Woodford titrori- their thief Na-u-koe-by-sees (Flying de, us.der tb. Med u( t srwusl : Down Ilird) sud there ware 300 present. - mu 55.05.* •),lanes r toe est reef te.l Henry Prince, chief of the Christian t.n5. ar'e.-Ws*.u. the emu -karma •tunny beer.. eur5.5.*t, 5. 51. Misfortune tea.lir. Sahara:, sud the C. .. only 555* 5111&. ear{ .Wn .tech 5. 5*.. her M:•1 ke f,r another, end he too would la he psmwles rt„ 5trally_ by m.*. nee .es of - {P" 11*, w g.,lhtl., 5l nM est5n .t w5M5 05 *re .1 hays his spokesman. K.s-n& tws-ks-ta rat -ane pr.prM1y of .wnM. 11, 51 . .5nt .a )W ,mut. p...,Wos t. (5e 0.05.4,, ao,ordfngty atn•0l forward *n'1 gave it u IrIrMY1, 5tel dw.M e1Me If Mire.atn54' W hle- eeR� nm,.5l.5. we 0.554 K .w .said ► . hie opinirn that as the Great Mother wished bcr Intiian children to be brought 01 eanree alis wawa ficw like wthl-tiro n on reserves, the Indians should lave sod ley norm evrryhody in W'oedford P loser that Mr. Stwrtevaut *5. a poor the bole voice in chrr.osing them. Aye.- mas The unfortunate fellow himself • ta-pe-pe-tong, • tall old brave, with no bore up brevely, mud that evening he clothing but a breoch-clout and • ■mear- calld t Oakwood to we the yuuug mu ing of .boa cly, and waving sn eagle'• tram. The servant sed ale was ort .t home ; bat Sturtevant judged different- wing, u he spoke, pointed out that the ly, far .0 ing up the ►venue, he lead imprisonment of ten Indians (who had sten her face t the upper window. A deserted the Companj s service) would quiet smile wrsathd up hie !'acs u he be an inanrmonntable obstacle to tegoti- turned misty He was mt very dm .lag disappointed, if appearances ars reliable ationa. The Lieut. -Governor agreed to evidence. / their liberation, prote.tin;, however, The ensuing day he called again. This that he did eo as • favor frau, th. bounty time Mee Riven was rn the garden, and and goodness of the Queen, and that *u forted to bee him ; Int her uwmer Isdtatu ►rel wlite men were mil egn•l *u enld sed distant, when he asked her to ride with him ono, more, ebe declined I before the law. Everluung Bird ex- --she awl an engagemoent. He wad ant pawed himself satisfied with everything itvfted tor11 sgtn; sed shrtrtly attar- I when h. found Gast the Queen was to ward. ale was seen in public ■ith Mr. I clothe himaself and hie children, int Monmouth, • rival suitor, whose fu.- tnne though very kaidaome, was inferior Wrans-ko.uk000 wanted to kltow some- te the p atrimony which heel belonged to thing more about the Queen'• intention's Graham Stnrtes&nt. Til. Commissioner explained that the Fl..rense Knowlton cmraleec•d very terns offered ware the name u the •lowly, but tines days of idleness were pleasantrrs la her toe,- afi. 8turbee ob Ca'nsliatt Indians had gladly acceptd- was • M.nalant •utter. 8ont•time. hie • reserve of 110 acres for each Indian exam was a new book, again a rare en- family of five end an a 'ty of $12 (N; gratieg, n(ten • boaqu»' "1 flu wen from oas long as alis aur shines." The daugh- Ih.aty grsnhonse, And .•neday, when she was •We M tale. • betel walk in the ter of &chief, on the sttuly side of fifty garden, h• set slums be,.de her, and ail wearing a ample ..f mdals, hero al- w.th her hand in hu, told her very aim- vaned tl the front and kissed the ply and gnsetly :hat he loye•1 her, sud GovernrsndC.,mmfa.io•ter,andtheytnd aske•1 her t. he hit wife. 'You hare doubtless heard, dear girl,' Aral refrain from makin f wry faces. The lie •aiJ,in oouehuaoe, 'ref my lees od for- Hos. Mr. McKay having premed the lune 1 Do you lova me well ennngh to Indiana to say if they acceptd the brow. with me is toilsome way thea year, they male some vary mdwt opting before mo 1 A poor young lawyer, with kis friends' backs tnrn.J toward proposals Ka -no -tor -ken -nee -sin asked atm, and his b,rtnnatn hew nut with feu 110 igntr. miles of land for the Fort 5,wn later t Answer me,-Flnreoe.' Alexander Indians. florngn Ka.io 8i. lifted her waft aim t. his f.ee. 1 wanted 80 miles in width, for the band Ha reed her soul then, end drawing her t,rm. wows, kissd her "u her fore he helomood to. Wa-ens-koo-kon de- kaed. m5ndd 190 square mileWhir the' It fs Ierd to say whether the mere to Will Flreence gr. with ng l' hs tkd, old brave of the "breech -clout" reprvroh- deopi.e bud modelle his abject truck ling sdt�• Aute the whispered reply came:- e,t his compatriots for naming their de- to his t)ttawa chief, .'r Ma ',pen, �' WI-oatra,d Chaawta. At the Oalt Reform demonstration, the following address was presented by Mr. Juha Allen et ab• (1 11 Reformer en behalf of the Reformers of W•terlee, to Messrs Mes[easi. andBlak• It is • ✓ fes was by the exceWut tact sud gnat Perham.eotary etpor»eos ul lits friar t mut colleague, Mr M.Kwla', prevsntwl M. psmum( tutu law of wooly au 1.l -a' - rwd aid exude pies* of taguslatuw. - As ut ••s, however, be maiagel to forge ntewnrw thlveigh Perhauuut b the •aid of ua faithful "u.arty�r' frivolo which proved, as predicted Ay Mr Btake, to be uum.nsututi..nsl, east they wee* antte- quomtly dtaellows.l Ly the Ottawa llov. . ernteut. Ws trust, however, thea the dorm al the Prtert continuation aro mm�q.nnt rand That ore I..n the romwa „f Usternutent will l» iu the b.nde"( the lralonu parte, when the distinguished gsutle.wrn whom wo Lase day have unit to honor, slsell geld. the destiny of this [role I'n,naue tewrrds LhsO groat, happy rad pr sperous future which we trust u 7•t u. sb.re fer i1. G.ntiueno•, permi5111 ort5 mon to weluonio y..0 to Oalt, the ,tauuhester of t:anada, ar.d South 1c'aterh o vow .d tis first agricultural counties, &oilstone mar ypu lire te take a pronitnent and trading l.rrt out .only in the Jurer1 neat of OMario, the ohisf of the Cuufederated Previews, bot in time of the OowI0ww of ('auads, ebich we trust wilt ere long e ubrace every Province wt this one- 1 Ultima owning rllegisuse to the British Crusn. Anal may Ilol {rant that Canada may Tong remain in happy con- nection wish Britain's groat and glorious e mpire. Signed in behalf of Me Iteformers of South Waterloo. Rua(. HOLISM, Chainn.n. Jura ALLAN, 1 Joint Seeretar es. Ju. MI FatDD.4N j tribute well-m,eit.d by them, and cot a The hTisiesr1 igs . bad standard for other oortsutaunctss b / - test their representatives by. I utx'raaus ur X09!1 51'walr. Lo,Do,, Aut. 28 -The latest phase of 1he Noweio i murder case is the discharge of tbe ptisouur John %I0W•tn, which took place on Sabnrday last before the Police Magistrate and Mr. Brook Stevely, The County Attorney se,d he had no t further •viden� • to oder m'tbe o+ue, r and tb. mag al rates did nut ansider themselves justified fn longer detainung hint under the evidence already alI4oc.d. FMebe Canppt»ll and Thomas Koyln are still dotainoi. Sn far, however, nothing su been elicited yeinst Kd.yle bevend • string snspirion taut he precured the pistol which wa. found in the house. From the condition of things at the prwnt tame of writing, wo should not be very much surprised to limo before long some rove lotions of a positive kind wkuch will Ise apt to remove much of the oLscanty surrounding this case. To Messrs, Alaunder H'u e,ssie and Bdtourd Blab : 0.'Irt.owir,-As the recogniad lead- en of, the Relwrnt Uppostuou in tie Ihsminion and Otterio Parliaments, thus ergegtheringof Reformers Mils you a must c.rdial and hearty welcome to the South Rodin� of Waterloo. The gross majonty ed abase present -though you names aro as familiar to them 15 "house- hold words" -have before hid the pie sura u( meeting you /roe to face. Thu lurItil&bhen,u held fur the double purpose of giving the Reformer of this and the adjacent Ridings an opportunity of steing and hearing yen and other pr minent moo of the Parhauen:ary Opposition, and that you may nmingle with your political friends in the wunty in order that the nay gin you the strongest pos.,bI. ma ifest-Item that 1� mer wutlnng seal and •nlnous labore t* Parliament, your sager andcois:ant wat•hfuluees of the right■ and iutereste '.f the people are neither unobserved nor unappreciated by your friends std sup- porters m this part n1 Ontario. -rh. "fair tri.!" cry got up at tie general election following the Confed.r- •tion of the Province., resulted unfor- innately in the retorn to both Parlia- ments of too many iron of the "martyr" stryw of potato'. ruder these ctrclun- stances the task Impose.! on the Oppst- lion mea one of nn "ritatrlf character. lltr•yed and deesrtel by nen wearing the guise of leefornt, the Opposition led et.traordtnary difficulties to ,,ni•ed against ; and most nobly .red msnfnlly did they moot the erpsctatb.au of their party, by the feerles. manner in which they eipooed end c''ndemned the wildest sol mastrocklesa extravagance un the hand, and the hoist sud moat un. binahing corruption on the other. In the Dustin m Legislate'. eve y memson of the Go.venment, of whish we may speoiallx.vuention the loteroolomal Hallway r,uM, the Manitoba question, and the Pacific Rulwsy, wu thoroughly sifted, its objectioo&ble features p.ioled twat and ably cnti_tsed and opposed, but iu no coo did that careful. thorough and roost aresesaty actor on the pen "1 the Oppestiod degenerate into anything a�eu•s�t agiactionsntr. Hr. Mukenite w wojuytnplthe•nun confidence and approval d hu colleegnes in Parliament and tsf the Itefra '. party throughout the unitary, mut the saute time, mid in el.mee spial degree honored and respect- ed by the Oovrrnlnod, and, this too, whtle they had • wh'.lesome dread rel hu able criticism rad feerler exttnun of what is behoved t" be Wrong. A.noug other members of the Opp,position who had ably Wuted Mr. Markonsie, it may not appear Inrlte.'u to mention the same id lite. Jaomes Young, the member of thus nding, who, though • young maan witI any previous Parliamentary ex- peri.nce, wrought n'it for himself a re - c r,1 such as few pnbllo men have ever dome in so eh..rt • time -a record u credttahlo to himself as • it most be pleasing and satisfM;wry to his coustitu- euts. 'Then u another question that must neoeseariiy come bef.re the nett merlon of the Dominion Parliament, which in point of Importance exceeds anything ■nbnttied to ita decuom since the o.n- fedetstion of the Pr,nnoes, end tljat is the treaty cd liuhmgtti. Tee reppro- pentalty. of Canada on the Jeini High Commission appears to have sacrificed the bet and highest ioulm. of the conntry by appending hu signature W that imp'.rtaut d'.cum.ent. The myste- rious silence of Sur John A Macdonald since his return iron Washington moat soon be broken, end the soontry looks (onward with wnfidence to Mr Macken- zie sed the Reform O psition to see thatthe right& .d the Dominion to the twat impotent flattener in the world, be trot bartered away without •n ade- quate end satisfactory nation&I egnlva- lent. Ae the heed of the Gnrsrnment of On- tario u s moan who obtained the p tatior. be now holde from hu n•m.rkei *t Otta- wa. and who has bell it ever once in humiliating sitbsern.ncy to the d.uande ..f the rue• exacting std nnacrupnlms master. A weak and .flung tool in the hands of fes oil poltical antagonist, there a •eparently nu political degrada- tion too low fur hen to deeoend M. At one time wo find Mot while professing to boa Reformer, icing al1 the influence hu p drum' base 11tum to eecurs the de - (sat of Iteformers •t the polio. At another tome w. find Itim opposing with the whole strength of the Government a series .f emoiume t moved by Jlr Hlake on the Nets licou• subsidy, andimme- dietely ther•51t&r, in enter to save his Government front dotes., he turn* round Yd voter with the OOP11esition fur these same resolutims, and dlrags hu stavush fah:wars ie the mire *long with him. - Thies weska nlbssgaenl three au mn nand., before they knew the mot the . Mbantels.' bribery el aesk and c.rrupt mhita men wmu{d rtf r. The old breve .'nee to aid hue on carrying out the or- unostentatinua oddong, one fair Sab- den which he sn msokly and tnplmoilly hath m•.wtu(( t the little chnreh is smeared with the silvery rleythan put in obeys. 1f any of hu •:hsMlu,nur 1.11 ..- Weelfonl. 71se bridognw,m hid mi de- fou race ave ret I(k)mil,•s M"g by Si h, ed en bosom• rss.ive under tbe Mmiatarial rind ol, and then, in alis pra.nro. of After several turtle'. days of chaffering whip, sn.thor tern of the (lovarnnient mks ..robed wtsnhippsen, the ceremony rindstone dare I s before their e es the t.nk place. in s similar strain, the following pro•- I( K ° Y Mir Riven soiled sonrnfnlly by the penal was ttede :- tamptnug II•It „f • 8herul a noel and pdaiwly dreeswst Ar da, bee rally fer.+ads mocked hat, or the inmates key .d the plain) g teplly u sM went ; and )tr. ..H7. i'rina,. Gond Oreille, Kosies, Registry sud ..red forthwith they wheel and Waome-Ws k"nn, came forward, tis hate hoe end do their master's bidding Sturtevant smiled a siagnl&riv mesal.¢ Itt•r Acing spokn•n.an. He said ;-I with grateful espsctanoy of Lbs g.0d wile as he $hppd ti. diawnud wed- an t(01ng to tau lbs teem..( ell the chinos M eons •('hanks to Mr Itlake littering on the finger of his bride.1 Indians --not inclnAing throe of lbs and the Reform Opplittnn, those and Fkweosstarted aseh. aught iia glitter1 Porta¢.. Fin', in the wily pert .f other things enn111y reprehensible lied ef W Millen:, Mit the trader prerurs' every apring, we want all the children to been •ep,wd uefore th. lase g.ssra! bed �s"� hw. h. Wetted with Ane elnther .' lit the *Metier, and the true chancier of the Ates.n of elegastprri*gna -w{tted at4I.JI.4A ' en b boo .isN,d-il.Mrh► tinellaWn ant war seen by th. a.; • rev, late th. .re m•st of w6hichh the I (roe. head t., fad wfth .arta. ajr Jslsg ' most esaul observer 'lht election, r" welfttkr" 554..4. and th. eseehman sea , an Indian wants to settle, • thnngh mnnug on the country, W wee oh. v' die rand M let'.rta•ant 11a11, folk.- I'v•mes u M be pal uy for hint telly fee- *erste sofa lbesr5m.ut °rgut, "like A - .;t kr Iliw other earriagee, wkidt enntain- nfrhed, and a plmigRe, with all ise 5eear- thenderb, t from • olsar ale►,' resulted W Mat4igw.N�- Fkr.oce e•el.ahwl I inent* of cattle, h.:., complete, i. to In scatunng the .J.1 Mu �'s•ssWd. ah. drew sinew M the be ors bbs rep s giv.0 t.lm ' Ws went hngglee fer Ma Oav+rammu bks ahaR ►trf..ae tbe wuirl. '(dsef air ke.1•rd, and .1,s eedonsd Inver I ehiefs, ennntltll.. aid braves, te show sn that mmp•rativsly few .f thorn gained) r thou, d,Nieit o Ruh man 1. t.. he stip- rs-el.rtuon. In 'ddounw M this, lir I��lwkssl, whitlw am yam taking ma 1' I plied wool . sbyw M .mea 1,r hinting, Itlake'. raven end ehle oritie'wm ..f (1,v - Ma 1061d,�re,trt,ase 1li1l. fi1t.4 fur and all lir other ngnir.n ns. ; and M• .rnm.nl P.licyt hie p.r.riel and fear- meg / w"7 acne, j grosso• in the tare way' gsoh ladies ; isr wi pees of their wrens dumas -ceded ecncnitL Nits) 3. Yellow fever has broken out at Charles- ton. On Sunda?t 2000 immigrants arrived M New York. Cholera 1* declining in Dan taic;no fatal cases for two days. An attempt has bean made on the life of King Amadeus of Spate. The week ending 26th Aug tritneved 329 deatlu by cholera t Konigsberg, in- cluding 127 children. The length of the telegraph lines of the world, eat pr.eot,430,000 toile sin &.rope; 190,0 01 in Amerios; 10,•000 .n A tatreoe; 30,000 su b -marine; acrd 1110,- 11)0 intim of sltenuuusya.r),_ The U. 8. proalow 1,800,060 teas of pig iron yearly. The copulation of the r. R, ie nos 38, 5bo, 983; of whom 4,968,904 are negrow in venous degrees, and 63,2:.4 Clone**. Eh" valntion of Boston is thi■ year Six hundred and thirteen nmillion dollars. Dr. Livingstone a reported safe .nd slowly making hu way homeward. The Prussians will eescute Ill• teeti near Paris *fent bth Sept. Ths 9wedtah army i. to be reorganiz- ed, the o0uscription system being re- tained. The Orangeman of New J•rseypataded .n 28th Aug. witl. & guard of 44 police men. No disturhsnce. Another Steamboat explosion recurred on Sunday, 27th Ang, The Steamer Ocean Wave, with 2110 en board, Mao upt Mobile;29 killed, 66 wounded aunt many misting. The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked all the clergy of his diocese to have themsel,es pho °graphed at his expense. A nioe lot. of figure -head. they will make. The British exports in August were twenty trillion pounds sterling -the largest total over attained. The King of Italy u reported to have appointed Count Senopu, and not Menabrea, as Alabama arbitrator. Dr. Livingstone is expected t, be able to settle the sexed guesuoout the sources of the Nile and Congo. M. Thiers is to haus • len pbhened lease of office, as President of France. The Cholera has extendM1 its ravages 1 to Hamburg. This is but a step to New York, with which there is cnnstant transatlantic cammonfcation by steam. A Roman mn \ b ttsckod the atic•n, and as dispersed by the militaryatthe expense of several lies. And now it is reported that Austria, 1ta1y and Oernuny have formed • p»sc. alliance and that Russia is probably oordi*l also. Jamaica has been shaken but rod damaged by earthquake. The body of • young wotnan, in a state of docompsition was found in • trnuk t the station oft the Hudson River It. R. Through • trnckrnan ft wee trace) as having a,me from the house of one Rosongweiggersquack doctor, and pm- feasional abortionit. The likelihood-ia that the girl died under his hands. My he have a ahon shrift and • lung rope ! A Lesls Trades Union has get a ltsstm The Union compelled an employer to dtacharge an operative. Th. operative Buse the ofdsen of the Union at the Assize. and gets £300 damages. A Hindu, lady poo lectured in Ma•Iras nn the "Haman being" acknowledging the mperioribyof man and the inferiority of "'tenon. The poppy culture is snooeeeful In Cslifnmis, end the protect contains more morphia than the opium of com- merce. Two Mnwar*ors WAv1.-The Timer of fedi,. gives Aridiuenol particulars of the diluter which occnrn.l at the inland ut T.galands. It appears that on the 3rd of M(srch last an onthnnt took place from the volcano Rnw•ng,on that island, accompanied by a seaquake ; th. sea ,thereopm rse to • great height, and • gig5slm wave, about 40 yerya h,gh end- 1.nly rushed 'm the island, sweeping away fmm it human bemire, settle, hoses aged everything else. lin. account says 416 mem,us perished ; another ■c- o lick gives ale nomboram 300. Among thaw who penand wu the Rooth of the island. Only the. hn,sss were 1dt standing. Almost all the survivors fid t•. the hush, where they still were by lett ae.-nnta. Th. Mono of lh• ded wen lying •hmtt making fhb air fo.el fmm west of hands to hury...Jksa.....0* ,hs 14th of March the Solna*. ata: net flames and lava which destroyed-Iltwal e1. tha coltoratsd land. The *rooked nese end doeretoof the snrrrrtng p. nlstion are said t. he great land the need of help pressing. Pretterry, sem C u is the d.sldontim in dvwtising. 14.11. ]oar eowttesta wWn tM Hvsois [lmht T,lJntillion News Sixty'l'.s.utsfirma make a upeei•lty et eggs and handle d,3S7,6t(U donee year. ly . The Paris crew has' withdrawn from the 11.1da. rax, raid 1e11 ter home, a1- 1101.gh they prod their onto..,co fou, A tranger to Cobrarg, mimed lune. Daub, 6P) years of age, committed slit. nide un Tuesl.r, whir •1udes the Milo- esce of 10 10 The preperalions fur the Provincial Ethibiuuu rt Kwgstnu an rapidly be- ing °mutdeted, Berlin hu presented Profesenr Guld• w it deans, ei 'Turunto, with a beruulul inketemd, as an &ckuo.lelg toot of his lectors un the Germeu war. 80181 poisons were pr.seut at the Oalt Radorw Pnoouio. Moon. Mackenzie, Itlake, Curre Itymal and others �1r,ke. Mr Lawson.recrmnt M. P.,fur tie booth hiding woe masted Miro, At Pert Burwell and Port Stanley tis schooners Skylark and (lr0r;te M \tile were Jrtven ashore iu the late gale. Ths mate and weumau.-cook of the former were drowned• Mr Pihl the Nurwosen father of narrow gauges' was dined at Toronto, and u now to be accompanied to the Muskoka region by Ssud4eld Macduaald. County TiTtw �. Wattle ften G sag ally 5111(1,10 ur .511010 teaum ) a1. A meetu,g of the representative. of the various muuio1p., iuw Interested in this North Perth, North Huruu, and South Itruoe Ruloay extension, was �-� Or Eict,1e. bald .t ltluevale last Mondry, w,,vened at the cell of Mr D. U. Hay, Secr try. Taw following tuwuship delegates were prusuut : Went Wawan,osi-E. (law,!, Deputy Reeve ; E. J. Barger, Thoutas Harris, Alei M..uaey. Auh,tield--Ivo. Armstrong, Reeve. East Wawauua1 -George McKay, (luuueillur ; Robert Currie. Kuiless -M. Campbell, C. Mooney, W. Treleaven, • Mono -T. Kell . Reeve; )Jr. Holmes Deputy It.ev. ; H. J. Johnston, Couu- tallw ; N. M. Livingstone. J. Strvttuu, W. J:" Hiugston, 1'. Thwurrsou, C. R. Cooper, '1'. bliertdau, J. beillie, J. Are- stroug, T. Ashton. Tun,b•rry - John Mcrer, Re ore ; Pater Ftalter, C. Toot Sett, J. k, Mac - ton, Joseph larch. G. B. Starnes, Juhu Gregory, L J. Brow, J. M. Iwtot, John Curvgw, Samuel Bla:k, Wm. Smith. Grey --J. L, kie, Reeve ; A. Ma Donald, Depot) Reeve ; Jamse Spence, W w. Spence, Thomas Strachan, R. The Rideau Cousl Steamer. find great Piers n. ditllculty iu taking Meir trips beteg Mlma-D. Falwwr, Reeve; K. Win. trouYJw! by 1uw water and the smoke stau)y, W. D. Stewart, hdiuw Davies. iruwthebtuhfirer. Wa1Lo.-Andrew Little, Dvjuty ILlis111iltUn ?Street, Reev.- 1.u.ow_l D D Hay, Reeve , D p, r, ONE OF THE MOST• DESIRABLE • ' `=r Business Stands in Goderich 00 ---- THE PREMISES OCCUPIED HY R. 11. SMITH, CONSISTING OF A II Start Brook Bwldtug, fire pro.( en,(, "turn ad deMliug. Feed u,trance to dw"Hmq front Square Situate uu North side of Market Square, 92 ft. 'routege by 147 ft. deep with 11411 of way to°� North St. end Hautillou 4t. N ill Le sild by Auctwu on 161E Soot. ueat on 11. promote. T�YtM091 XI L Y. leuquir ut W. M. 113.EiVAC3Ir Godvriuh. August Stith, 1871, -ti_ G MeltENZIE �. STATIONERY. Hu mored, t. leis own Ston ou It u •std Mere is a siker mum on the Gatineau nut n"whwre on thou rconuy rel the Desort. 1ts whereabouts u known only to the Indw,s, who keep the seerrt to therlmselves, and rant be temupted to re/'eal it. A largo eel was caught by a ld salved Hugh Brown, fn flu strand River •t Galt. 1t measured &limit 4 feet long slid weighed 6i Ib.. Itels are very ',lout" this summer In the river, The Minister of Marine u at variance with John A. and will likely leave the Rinsing Government shi . Campbell, Councillor. Thi 8tcek purchased by him [rapt lhr 1'ho 9ecrntary briefly stated the ub- I lnauh'eut Fatale ut Joel of the weetfug, old 10,.51101 u( this •utrrptiw, pnytlug out tlat lay -law.' had burn del, wLwtere and 11 0 1st . Mr JOH1� L'�ARRIS by referrpelto t t Torestd con tLo lis». l lie refnrrod to lite Turunto and Lu,dou •• movement as obviously dc-.Igned W burk the &chew", aid propasusg uothilyp R'hich be u datettauund tangible instead theruof,and urging vigor *50 and nutty. p Ths meeting had to arratg• for Muntr,sl u ex n lumbarfo South Towuship wettings, at which Delegate. I". g from the W., G. , B. Mallory sould America in increasing yuantitisa 510 fen ptvsent. Tey tint and seu,ttd w,wt- Tlla Prurincial An,gl,can Syuud mesa 'n¢t at Aiulrlville, uu \l dueaday, AT AN M -Manatee{ o H 13th u( 3lith at fid,. in., awl at W'ittgiant, oft Thursday, 31t, at 1 in., had .Indy been fixed. Blank bills bad been pro vided ; also 10110 copies of a campaign sleet for distribution an.11g the people it was resolved t u alt a usly that Peter Faber, try , of Winggham, be Mr. \arse, •pewter, yumtwd un a1Wr appointeed Chainuan, The Sea:rvtary'w. ham, TI» Doo was *aver! by mks 1tuam_ a',p.. iutment was also contiruted. At eau elso rem lad tout mawtmg. ust received •std srllin loser !ban else- er i Dont, Lut tlw father eau druwod lee' held through the tuwuahi s ma j g and his body wit leceverd. I (allows : where, TheDomhuunpostaltarifrhhapenetrated Gnag aid Morris -at Ainleyville. ���� 12 �Il:li�^i : to British Columbia to Me satisfaction u( Wdneda] Allg. Saab, &t 6 p, w. A T 7hT01tR7�OUSE'p• our follow Cauadiau on the Pacific.: Tuntburry-at Winglanu, un Thur,- Al 1U UAri O Throe cotta from bite stage 1tc W tie' dsy 31st, et 1 p. in. 0lre la 1 (data t0 save mouq - f'uific 1. pretty uhesp pgtsi((e ! I Monis end I'.'aat Wawanosh-•t Bel- £vorlthing you Want in School The (ifube preacbw • very forvible ' grave, Sept„ 1.t, .1-1 p. w., and Blyth sermon against the demoralizing peeve- some day, et 6 p. tis. Golerieh, 18th Augat IR'i 1. ut fence of betting t .11 out -door •ports, , Turn1erryg.1 Bln.,vele, fiept. 9nd, otherwise good and bu.ltlulul. ' at 1 p. w., atilt t Jamestwn same day, mt 6 p. ret. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Grev and Morris ---at Walton, Monday L It Dltlhoaor 1st bare a Tangh aTiLd. s 'ea.atrkilia'1'11aI. --- 4th, at 1 p. m., and Tuwnplot Grey, same Ths c u plsu'ts of lab.,rfsg men that Slv0r Ware, d at b P- m.r, their woken .,us and thomvelrce are wt 1' aney (}node, 'A LAIN 7I\•D jus t'si cseTAtrNO ass Molesworth --on -Tuesday 6th, at 1 heli uI proper respect by theme wlrt W'. 11 papery, Au1. . p. uL weupy different .phare■ to life, are only & Wixdow Blinds. s -- _ Morrie --•t Harris. School -house, un 40. well founded. klanual labor u, C! AL • Criminal Court, held at Fort TueMey, bib liepbember, •t l p ram, undeniably, held in c termuve Ali- AT MOOIRIIOUSL• 'S. William, un Tnesday;July 2b:h, Sheriff and Forbes'sSebool-house, &awe day, at respect. The chief reason of this u that Fraser un the bench -Flora Mitchell, 6 tis. workmgmeu do out love knowlelge, teacher, Ballachuluh, un the county of East ,R'swaruceh-at Scott'• &:hoot- they show themselves to becnntn mere Gneri.h 18th Jdy, 1871. awfi4 t tale its r e •^„ , .a .',-''Al'rdttesdryytth, at 1 p. 1L.. teed macklnet, »,..;.:e ... y.,:urmtnt the ace of the Prum51gti i Pura1, 1 Detm(Lktoytll, same day, at 6 p. o. work that fall* be their 4.4 m Ms hue of ' with havi, made • false Mlii jg anut: $rte W aad AsbSdd-st their daily trail, aid .4 duan¢ little or schedule .Le returned to the.djitret, ea Dmtganaon, en Thursday ; th, at 1 wahin r •lee. :Ley ell..w tLe ialh,tor H. the 3d day o.I April Iasi Aocl:eW p•le•si, p, m., and Hing.Lndga, sem" day at o iseurp alis righta of the man. They t..o aJ out guilty, mad wu.de(end.ai be feta• p, w. bRcn give more thought .nd m.rre,at- Mckenrae, writer, Dun an McPherson, - Lucksow-on Frida)- 8th, 6 p. m. 4oti„n n, the unr)050* bh•n n ti" awn, sohao,lntuter, Onium, .aid that in lis. West W&wsno.1,-Gtb"u„'. School- ,Inti! the f..no.r becoeva M" cl.t.f Lett, capacity as Registrar fur the district u1 bouw, Saturday 9hh, I p. a., and Town sod then cowpdu❑ ricean*a other ars Ballarhult•h and Curran .f Argour, lie HMI, unwed y, t G p. um, them as they vee then,aslves. be wbu conducteal the taking n( the census ;for Kinloss-Lang.i ie, Monday ` 11th, disregards lo. nwii rights, and Ignore. _that district fo A�ast. Alnz Camer,n at 1 p. ie., and Kielueh, rule day, at 6 be own wtatslnwdt I ovd n..t bink f.ir *r the env marmot he app anted fur the p. m. uVwn to n•q,act llo.m. We nutnnare- districtu. aIva Now .)1itcle'1. resoled. Morris-Ban,ni Sohool-buns.,, Tues- 1d4nrly hear, among • certain rIW, 1'h. sobeduls shown him was brought W ellep 12.1i, t 1 p. w., and A. Brown's Mons such rrtn.rk at 'hu, on the snb- him by Uiwan.n, atung with s o. urty 6*hail-bnue, s& io lay •t G p. m. jest o1 edncting their children . •'Well, wore. He cenobit rel it hu duty to took Eluoa--Trowbridge, Wedue«fay 13th, age's s; Jubn t ¢" t.. wbol moms over thea, all, to res if they were proper• ; at 1 11 . m. Newry. same day, at B pp m•.r. Aut 1111'" g..t lanes' enough. lag filled. Im hack u,g aver Use Jlitchull'. m. Brittow'm, Thundery 14th.. at l0 He can n•ad end sato and cifdier tee° .che,u.e, he (von.! that her mgr a, m. Donegal, sine day, st 1 p. m. B1eat• and !Let'. enough fur any aomn,eow was put down at 2; years. - As she s ns Steve son's bciho d -lieu.,., same d y, . wane.' '• Thn. renally acknowledging peremelly known to himself he judge•1 6 p. n.. a distinction which the ' neat moment by her appearance bb.t,her age ou Wallace -Craig's School-hnuse, Tiles they wo: ll Jeny ; thus hvlpong to ley much unstrnlatvd. (l�ughur.) ;He day Seh, at l0 a, m• f;„wallet„ser,,' the fonudation for a difference vh,rti ` ILLnRRP."(*'f:aur Taecvnranfr•s- had wmnr•rsauou with Cllr onunurater awn day, at 2p. ui. 11ren'. 1'mturl• thea creno ethers for pseneue rg. Thu I� sd rep w .e .: leek ea Taney p��s •lint the natter • few div s after the 3d 9th, t 10a, q,. Fer' n' ] rriaci ,l. it somettu.es carried to the ex- O.pilt fit N 5 f•. oideu 'so e... the mita gllso p,: same day. I 1 Aetu M N ilia Rsllw.r 0-,..'. Trad.n .a *ties '.f A1,rll, old r& tete ,numerot..r ser of at 2 p. m. tremo etul prolnce. ib elle is ■c•:ordIu;;- air .m..ont ver (1 1 0.e 1....... lend. r "el,....,- llne Mame Opllt tl, • ttiws. wrote to tM I LieuoweI--li.tnnl y'9th, *t G p. m. lag. T. lasmss jest kunw..d¢e .co l*. .'"hire. in eatofe rw ,inn .l 1. laser u .i Cot. l Ses.wn-Clerk of atronUsu fer an extroot ; On minim of D. D. Hey. seonded to enable hum t. �nght Isis way through r -- "f her bees out .,r th. eooion b0,k. In by N. h[. Living.tono rt was nnani- i 1.fe, u thought to he suffcient fur • JAMES THUMSON, return he received an extr.:t of her •utously resolve! -That in tinrjudgment Lb"nng men, and ail knowlaalge and Torn Chrk. baptism, fr which it appeared that th i North Penh, North Ifumu, arid'soonuremenu that d. mol bear Directly aa•enrh, tar 31.( ITL ..tits she was baptsed ,a the 10th day .4 booth Bruce Railway-extenaion will, as ;'a' hu lone of laleor •re anu,derer super Fobrmary.l'i'C,, er 44 years ago (laugh- 1 ootnpseed with any rival scheme or livers, 11 gli they tend to elevate the ter.) ttl4,lsne tloen eo.,u i,n,o ted with 1 to Registrar G.nurel, who directed) him to report the cane to the Pr.t•urat.t. risaaal- Tarr winner wucr•s•-exam:u,ad at great length by Mr. McKenxue, who confidence and.npp.rt.4 the people, and Thia, we are hapuy to mar, is not the rndeavunrl t' •haw thlt ilea. J1ePbernm we plydgennnel.nt work c,rdtslly and' view taken by ell lal.or.ng men ; tad wo was actuated throughout by private energetically to secure the ),aasage od I are sti11 happier to be ■Ale to 5. oleo malice against the unused, and that By-law. in•id of its aoutrucunn, using i'here i. • rrr.wirg disleeituon among ho had no authority to nuke the prevent I every legitimate moan" to carry th, i I 'eming •lases to dnye out these mvstug lune -Mat if ray err..n hied I project to a anon•ssful tesue. . *I"*e"*s views altogether ; het it will been o.a tutted the enunwrsb.rs wen Blank hill. for public meetings and (►k. • Lmg ume yet t., Ju It. And, the r , sr psrttos to correct them. Campaign sheet. w. re dutnbnte.l among 1 dnrtng that longtime, will e"t laborers Waste's, however, dewed teat the pan- the meudters of the Conuuittee. hal, to tsar a large share n( the blain, c-rd1ng5 were instituted thr• lieh tiny ' ft is rearO .eI that the prove ling. for their own wrong" T Then me no dl.- prisme atimosityon hu pert. Alexeuder dmf this meeting he sent to the Huron grace fn weil'ling t nlnw, ou o1. o1 • U.meron, ib. enmmerator, IJenaBed tlw wipers and Listowel BAntea f..r pub• ' spadle; mut there ie smoothing dsgram•- schedule shown bim as the one h• iwtion. lel in awing able to de nothing else., ✓ eoewd from this weuwd. It ceuucrej P. Fined, Chairman. Higher capabilities ave placal within t0 bim that rhe eau elder ilial %11. D. D. Iia(, 8ec'y. men'. retch. These ors mit mere'" high- IAngald McPhee, regi red .uasu>n- et *cL.evementa. They d" nut regmrr, clerk for tie parish utSeroutua, M,d nor, in themselves, bespeak the hloltest that he ser 99 years of age He ,ailed "A Mdn,ntain °f (toil" i& the last inlellrctn.l rend esthetic enldmw. It uR assession-clerk for the pmish.1Mtrmtia,. inducement held ant 4, seekers after Ifiagrnee that the chef e(s.ryable d.ffer- for uuwerds .A 60 vase. He knew the sudden end 0000 rnel wealth. "A etc. 1 ''Men the no and hu metier Mitchell family, The document lin pro- gentlemman by the tame of Robinson, I.h. ,i L chat tits one pull. the plow duped was a true and correct extract df says the tet. Ibelie kepullr.rw "who ; and the ..th.r bolds it. Flora Mitchell's baptism, taken (rots the claims Oreg'in as his ahudinn place, is* session bo,k, She .as baplsed ou the making en hnnesb !;ring by ggabbing up M R fiD. 11th of Fobrn*ry, 1827. '11. entry in companies oilmen, 1 e) in nuu.l,er, whom I ♦R I the b ok was mule by hINeslf. In in c.usidereti°n ut �lq) p•id by each, ho on,as-uxauunatiun, Mt, 11 Kena»•hn*d promises t, pilotto a Innuntaiu of solid Al (Nen.5. ns .5th ASR. b the Rev- aver. waned mn extract Imo aye m 181N, in gold. After wondering around in the "'cant nal"olm r°rn..T u, F45.n1 ,1,,., g t It w u 14.r:, . *loch It mu stated that Flora Mitchell uta untain s with hi. duj,ea fur ser,rsl ser learn w Frbnurl, 1839. 1Yiuur weeks, Mr. Robina onsuddlenlydisappears �7 �T �} �} (''1 �T .dntftled tht the signature was hu, Otit to'start a new enterprise of the .tine B V S I lY E 1"7 A7 V H 1\ i. rnmld nue aq wbu *rota the .1Ieyd character." We lave the utmost iffy r •x;rait. He was finite ants that it wu for the victims of Robinson ;but they not s true one, but be would u.t .geese bel"ng to a dW which 1*. as a grtk•rnj.r that the tapu.ni extract he pralncedl thug, v., odious." Whernfere, well was c,rrca. He recollected • meutber Robins n kindly come around thf. way 1 of the Mitchell family haring applied iwot ham not mgfin., hi& telenta eltogeth• for an elusct some years ago. The er t, Mieenuri. Then aze * goed rima] Fiscal (Mr. M'Lar.n)tben addressed the in this locality who aro looking for him Sheriff, sod craved a conviction, Mr. with intem�anxiety. M•K.nsie, fur the accused, hreld that the prsecutor was bend to prAdoo i 'evidence ae tp the birth, but this he hd Lose Joss Rmastt.-An Ameri"an failed to do; not a word to the d,tcomenta ' paper says : Anybody who ever saw un which he relied referral to a birth I Lor{ John Russell might well believe he but t.o baptism. He referred t. the et- eau destined to reach the age of tett of birth given by eh• &niton clerk 1 MsTSO.acan. Hi. a little wemlen- in 1864 r a correct nue, and he now faced, withered, shrunken up nod chap cams forwarl with a 11.p:ism cerutMata std in Itis big boggy clothes, reminds one e nd sail that the former one Sat not rf • lister nee • rivalled in itis shell. urn". How lsuld they, then, depend But he fs es full of life as an egg is of on books kept in snoh a manner se thief mea•, and pwrh•p. one n( tbe milt »-� -- The Rhenff found the charge pm•5n. markable pro,4s of this riGlity i& th, He was bound to t.ke the .er. ou-ho,k vigor in which he habitually Inds his - u evidence, espe•uslty when it a•..wunl neat omrgan just leefnrw rising to .peek. to by the party who made the entry. After hsvirtgltaken ■everalrsef. in an en- Alfhnngh the rxtrast referred t" • ormous banana handkerchief, he snvsl- heplism, he (the 9heri6) understood ope. hu nos' in its folds, !bel d eau in•■,ably tbe olesMm nut to applies.. h. th hands, and give. such 51 ha tae children Intl they mire ?rrcn. unapproachable bleat, s'nimpsnied by a tl aughter.) Therefore it null mde 1 mod,- movement of thy. whole body r''"'^sg en1 vole* trot ►stye. neelo. isietW sere *Aertm, se mete *one r•'- w.* Rants. Teem ar"'^ l4 M.r• $ltM itL•dat!. li•m, wanld , �5r mire *ell mime nal One tern• eMepor et theeritILTT Whig sora► then env MMr Stet IM lseW ttnlw, met wta�Is.MSr. ti..►m.sw msrww t twit wdesw .he h•plised sen ahs day un which wee • a apart in alp directions, from the sheer' of the edmnnition. N hrfr'?r• - ... . _ ....., . RM-"-"me*e•.- bxrw. le cold not bellies der I, --- u 1-.1wt"'�'' ftna0 .w oMstpy rut peS { efts down he retires lwneath Chi. i th. n.ae .m oiseeeln res w Peon aA amnio Nese Pen.nd Rev.l•rm. •.wet.. mnhn t tl» ll(�1.. _was.. r•nnr t.+,.rr. : .� t• Rs' r.MM wort, t'ee., enema. lo,. Mv. rules, M•N pr!M l IMM a mistak mani1ere n swat.,tag mn d hab, u.n. of R inn ees ,,p •ggain bhe diel a ' m.,, .ed "I'L •vrry4M,5 7•ri .1M s nr et.t4d,*yy n*.. w,tA .•los ..1 .h., a mistake of AR ld,u yeti, er euuct Ire ow tableyiian front hi n, burner hu h d tet i V r i;rY 111 (1 *1 'I F(1't l- &g". Hs gemma ld, haw*ear. Infia•t n,l whss le eve trop year cameo 111 vie 5.a.5A m.. hew r5 sp .m.rytkly M elle. lotted penalty (het the law allowed, and in hie brad, and, to all *pp ".twos., S...rtli•g1) find the accused in the elm hoonmes the very embodiment of pro. NGVELl'Y At OTt ST(5RR, .4 £1 *belies. rhe m„rt-rowan wail pound resigns:ion. tt nr eeoad.d deriwg ebe oriel. G.denah, September 1st,1871. Full Supplies of ALL KINDS' 0� f aNCY ENVE! OPES TO CLEAR OUl L�ota Paper jest to hand n 1e 8sptewber A debate on ritualism t. exp ectad. The great Heart four -tared race was postponed uu aocouut of • fog and rough water. Un Wednesday, M Torontu,tie ateun- er 1iuwraet was mmakingg • trip to the !e- land, when ahoy felloverbuard. His father, OFFERED AT LO.VEST RATES Enormous Reduction AT MOOSHOUSE'S. 71051 (m1 l'rvak,raat-Il. A large stock of deacnption et OFFI('E ITATIt\EEY • Ar (Hive Vireos iii blest Novel o tt feet resit ed t the STAR Boot Stu.1. rice ;i0 ant., free by mail on receipt of price. P*rd-y PuITINO in Gold. Bronze std colored mks, artistically dons a; the 41011.4', When. - vie Large arrirnIi of Envelopes,- Note Papa, S ng Books, Blank ts.oke and Phoeetraphs of the Queen, Marquis of L.n:e Rud Princess L.mse, Platen Frames and I'icrnroe everything mild phe*J al Ili. Sten Bo,. STORE. Tenders schemes, bet serve the varied interest. s"rel .red to develop trno menh,e01. u(the sec•i"n of muutry thmngh which' Surely the of pulls no better with ril, it u located, end fmm its nnanctal I tams on Me hornet, nor the draft -hone resoures, is the only cue entitled W the because 1e wee t*ng1.t to loos ha master. SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK. MASOLY NT ACT OF 1869. Y fur: II,*TIkG•, i' %Ito,* .VD 4cl.tlN I.oal7 mini.55 o5 i.o..s0.. m u. tone ..1..eo..- tr5, (Swlv.5t. Trmler. rel I le ,. o,.4 b the u Werete.d, for /M pa,. hem .A the tatoc k /. tree• of tan •,015 ma5.W law.ioiste 1, .o womb s IN do11., Yp r loreutury pn.e5.o.t11 fear o'.ler5 on T. -..1.y then:elre .any d mpk..M ne The . M.5 consent.,.•(a a.vnl woo anisic o1 (outwore . 1.1 Crmeery, .mu.htn4 1.gr1... w,th 5nop Ane ten..1. It .s Waimea end !lateen, to11anne hm.wt brei. 'n.e au..■ sea a..eetwy we/ he . ■.. p115.tem t. 110 .M...r'.nl t kW Ake r. *5.1..115.1 t.15e Tows .f t,4.,el,. Dated t uede0Ml 1M. 1.t dry of Rept •. D. Int DIXIE WATSON Aswsg,tse, A FARM FOR SALE. ren* nen Or ne AC'HIM WITHIN rive. 'ntlee "f 1l.. Toon ul 0.derieh. t0 of which rn .1,.10, ,lt',.nos soda rued '.M.1 .l'"o.t herd stumps 15'. soo r (-.5551 by lake Heron eel lasunfu'ly su.st..t. n15,e1 Hoei .Il the wy Lin1 iso 7.a1 le per) sed thin la • term Onl.ma oe Ili., 1•um mel 15.15, t a Miles Emit T i': I t Ira S. nne-thid 'due pe1Msee rt, mut FFgqelrnl da.n, the Ie10we mer ,.'mel, 5. 1 .w 5. 0 5•.11, les purr bur by pay me Inlet•...very sir ne.ntaa •t n per rent - r.w IutMa p•rt1.•nlen .p1.ly pest -peel b A HACK eT s...t.rlrh P O Drawer 11 r...t.rlrh 14 5 !nee. 1871 *r1 1r „ �ii�,utiE; NOVT1:T "kr BO(')K r*51s10s'a M AX'S 1INnlrTON 1711er mini mum, 501n* 15*Rt. 1st T(7ltK. Doom* tr1•y M TSR' M1 n r.. A9.1[