HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-03-22, Page 9(Russel Studio) Eat,enjoy,losewaght. Canadian Family Meal Plan for Weight Watchers Enjoy nutritious, good-tasting foods—even pork! $5 to join $200 thereafter WEEKLY Special...We invite current mem- bers of any weight reduction group to transfer to us...pay only to join. There is a class near you. Special rates above apply to Classes in Essex, Kent, 1..unlIton, Elgin, Middlesex and Huron counties. Adelaide Daniels Weight Watchers of Ontario Limitedref 491 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto M5M 1C7 /AAV:. Member of the Canadian Association of Organizations for Weight Watchers 1400 classes monthly in Canada JOIN AT 'EXETER Mondays 7:30 p.m. Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church 1$.5 oz. Alberto Balsam SHAMPOO 150 ML TOOTHPASTE 990 4 3/4 oz. 3. 99° 10 - 104 Bars or 20 - 54 Bars Cadbury's CHOCO EXETER 2351661 433 MAIN ST, Makes milk taste like chocolate , , Mixes instantly with cold or hot milk CIO DISCOUNT ttt FOR THE FAMILY Assorted Bags Name Brand CHOCOLATE BARS 890 Don't Miss The $avings on These Spectacular MARCH SPECIALS '1.49 990 FOR MEN Old Spice AFTER SHAVE LOTION FOR LUNCH BOXES Toastmaster Bread LOAF 29 0 Northern Ontario honeymoon location. MOTHER GOOSE PARADE The primary group of Debi Wooden's ballet class staged a parade of Mother Goose characters at their ballet recital Fri day night, With their teacher, Debi, are back row left, Kandy Dob- son, Tara Leigh Grant, Melissa Colter, Alexandra Zivkovic, and Lisa Wright; middle row, left, Dianne Willis, Lynn Stephens, Jean Buswell, Melissa Becker, Todd Colter, Vicci Taylor and Debbie Down; front row, left, Janet Kints, Joanne Kints, Pam McCaffrey, Colleen Glasgow and Carolyn Galloway. T-A photo Outlines church intention in series on union plans For the marriage vows bet- ween Debra Ann DesJardine and Ivan Ralph Mcllroy la a double ring ceremony March 10, 1973, arrangements of yellow mums, thasta daisies and pink car- nations with white candelabra formed the background in Calvary United Church, Listowel with Reverend Leslie Grant officiating, The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. DesJardine and the late Byron DesJardine, Palmerston. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McIlroy,G owanstown. Mrs, Sid Jones of Monkton played the organ, accompanied by Judy Mason, cousin of the bride who sang. The bride was ushered down the aisle by her uncle, Murton Oaeit ee.g The Times Advocate would like to extend best wishes, to the following members of the Over 80 Club this week: Mrs. William Desjar- dine, Strathroy, formerly of Grand Bend, 89, March 28, 1973, Bea Dixon, Green Gables, Parkhill, 87, March 2,2, 1973, Mrs, Marie Pask, Zurich, 85, March 28, 1973. Mrs. Louise Tinney, Exeter Nursing Home, 82, March 22, 1973. Mrs. Nettie Isaac, Parkhill, 83, March 24, 1973. If you know of anyone who would like their name to appear in this column, please tell us, There is no charge. DesJardine. She was gowned in a floor lenth white chiffon over polyester satin dress with lace yoke and long satin ruffled sleeves. The skirt formed its own cathedral train trimmed with matching lace. A matching headpiece with waist length veil completed her ensemble. For something old she wore her mother's gold heart shaped locket. Her bridal bouquet was of pink roses, white stephanotis with trailing roses and ivy. Cathy Lewis, cousin of the bride was maid of honor gowned in floor length green flowered polyester over satin with green trailing velvet ribbon, complete with matching ribbon in her hair. She carried pink carnations and green mums with pink ribbon. Bridesmaids were Carolyn Lewis, cousin of the bride and Sandra Woods, friend of the bride. They were gowned the same in lavender with velvet ribbon. They carried pink car- nations with yellow mums and yellow ribbon. Best man was Alvin Ward, friend of the groom, Ushers were Ken Mcllroy, brother of the groom and John Mason, cousin of the bride. Following the marriage a reception was held at Ranton Place, Palmerston, To travel to Northern Ontario and the United States the bride wore a blue polyester knit dress with brown accesories, and a corsage of pink carnations, The future home of the young couple will he in Trowbridge, Before the wedding the bride was honoured at showers given by her aunts at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Lewis, Ailsa Craig, by Mrs. Ken Mcllroy, Listowel; Sandra Woods, Listowel; and Susan Henderson, Palmerston. This is the second in a series of articles being prepared for the T- A on the proposed "Plan For Union" drawn up between the Anglican Church, the United Church and the Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church. Mr. Savary is the Anglican minister in Kirkton. By R. N. SAVARY The "Plan of Union" begins with a section called "Our Intention." It names the chur- ches which will he joining in the "new manifestation of the Church." It is worth noting that the union is to be brought about by "the members" of the three churches, not by the churches as great corporations. It is up to the members to see that their wishes are made known and carried out. The first article in this section, "Our Intention" goes on to ex- press the reason for seeking unity, and the mutual recognition of , the members of the three churches as members of the Body of Christ. The actual "intention" of the churches is stated as (1) to make visible the God-given unity of the Church, and (2) to seek fullness of life, and power to minister to persons struggling with the problems of society and the world. The problem of every man struggling with his own nature might well be mentioned too. • Then the three churches "offer to God and to one another the resources and gifts of our churches and members ., . . to bring into being the 'Church of Christ in Canada' ". Some people will quarrel with the name chosen: "Church of Christ in Canada." Apparently it was hard to find a name that satisfied even all the members of the com- mittee. If you don't like it, what would you suggest? No one wants a name that implies a "sec- tarian" outlook, and yet any other implies too much, What happens when a sectarian name is chosen can be illustrated by the title "Protestant Episcopal Church" — what does it really mean? Put it into Chinese, and you get "Society of Objecting Su perin tenden ts. " Names which attempt to define a church by taking up a particular stance are easily reduceable to absurdity when they are looked at from outside the culture which formed them. No,. a name of "universal" significance is needed, but such a name easily gives an impression of arrogance. When Roman Catholics use the word "catholic" without the adjective, for example, it causes resentment on the part of many other catholic Christians. "Church of Christ in Canada," even without the article 'the' in front of it, may seem arrogant in face of the fact that after the union comes into effect there still will be more Canadian Christians outside this church than in it. However, this title does say what needs to be said -- this particular church's faith is centered on Christ. It is trusting Christ that constitutes the church. And this particular church is geographically a Canadian part of the world-wide fellowship of christians. Let us hope that other Christians will not regard it as making extravagant claims by its use of this title! The "Intention" goes on to state the desire of the churches to form "an enriched embodiment of the one Church of Christ," conserving what is most valuable in the past of each, and finding new values for the future. The common faith held by all is acknowledged, and so are the differences of interpretation and ways of expressing the faith. "Respecting in love the con- victions of others, we trust the Holy Spirit to lead us into new understanding within the fellowship of the Church of Christ in Canada." That is a very im- portant sentence. It demands a By MISS JEAN COPELAND The theme of the United Church Women's March meeting was Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Duncan McNaughton read the call to worship, The scripture was read by Mrs. Fred Parkinson followed by a reading on Stewardship by Mrs, McNaughton. The offering was received and Mrs. McNaughton gave the of- fertory prayer and also led in another prayer. Mrs. George Wilson gave a report on Stewardship and also introduced the speaker, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, of Thames Road who showed interesting slides and gave an informative talk on Morocco, The president, Mrs. Jim Miller, conducted the business and she closed this part of the meeting with "A Thought for Lent." Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler, do, but find it so hard to practice, The rest of the section "Our Intention" describes the direc- tion in which that trust should lead the reunited Church. Mr. & Mrs. ,John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin, Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia , Ellen and Deanna, Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler and Steven attended a birthday party on Saturday for Rev. John Wheeler, held at the home of his daughter and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Wilson, Dianne and Lois of Conn, Rev, Wheeler is a resident of the nursing home in Mount ForeSt, Michelle Hannaberry was a guest with Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna Copeland on Friday night and Saturday. A group of 25 from Kirkton and Woodham gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gartenburg Saturday evening to participate in a carda Mon sponsored by the Eastern Star, Mitchell, Jim Gartenburg, Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs, Alex Gartenburg, CCAT open house Have you ever wondered just v‘ hat goes on out at Centralia College? Well next week you will have a chance to find out as the students of the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology present "Open House '73". The college will open its doors March 28 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. and March 29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, The program will include exhibits and displays to illustrate the home economics, agricultural business management and animal health technology courses available at the college, as well as a special display concerning the various student clubs and committees which make up campus life. Of particular interest to the ladies will be the home economics displays. Fashion shows will he presented at 2 p.m., both Wednesday and Thursday and at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Food demonstrations will be presented at 1 p.m. Wednesday on "Cheese, a meal in itself", again at 3:30 that afternoon on gelatin desserts; at 11 a.m. Thursday with the theme, "Let's start with a mix" and at 3:30 p.m. on "A taste of the island coconut". In addition, there will be a junior fashion display and junior and senior food displays. In the agricultural business management section, the students have planned a mixture of exhibits and films to cover the areas of engineering, livestock, herbicide and weed control and a special farm project demon- strating how Centralia students use what they have learned in class in an on-farm situation. Junior and senior year displays in all areas of animal health technology will be available, including a film depicting the duties of Animal. Health technicians, Students will also be available to answer questions. Most of the displays will he located in the Administration building, with the exception of the animal health technology displays, which will be in the Animal Health Technology building and the fashion shows which will take place in Huron March 22, NOE Halt The college is hoping fora. good turn-out at this years open house, and. it should he well- worth at- tending, Research is now finding methods of helping, even the severely handicapped to achieve hitherto unexpected levels of self- help. EXETER MR. & MRS. IVAN R. McILROY Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS It CONSULTANTS LTD. AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Our Loss Is Your Gain E_-- 90 BOLTS OF DRAPERY MATERIAL Clearing For A Limited Time Only At CI IARGEX NOM 50% OFF Arne! Antique Satin • Fibre glass • Cottons • Rayon Blends 911111 ##### JJJJJJ 11101,110/141 ll 0 0t tttttttttttt /1 ttt r tat !unfit tttttt ttttttt t, ttttttt t tttt lid t 1,1ti tt r ttttttt SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Flour ttttttt ninon ttttt 11 ttttt /lilt ttttt 1111111111111111/11111111111111111111111111/1111110 tttt r ttt 111 1111111 1 0 111111111111111111: E Ida May & Son phone 235-0852 Women at Woodham hear about Morocco insurctrke O Far Complete Home, farm Commercial and Auto Coverage CONTACT Bev Morgan Insure ce Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone135-2S44 Exeter Across From heaver Lumber BUDDING BALLERINAS -- These five girls are the members of the senior ballet group taught by Debi Wooden. Here they pose at their recital Friday night. From back left, they are Kathy Giffin, Brenda Wilson, and Wendy Hillman, Kneeling are Laurie Prout, left and Mar- jorie Ritchie. T-A photo great deal of the members of the divided churches, and most of all a willingness to take one another on faith, with a willingness to trust the Holy Spirit. This is what we all say we Fashions to be featured