Semi-Weekly Signal, 1871-9-1, Page 1e •t,1 Business Otrt(lorp. 1)r. V.. llfopourwll WILL BM AT WEB TOM COTIULT*TION TT pa•1 It Werra a- .. wary er7. Wall viols peen/ el am hese vie ween, .4s1 w es►. 4 0.47. eMta.awa aa.�• pant NOUN. WM1aDr, ac {.o..1 an. 1)1(. Ise LIC A TO. RYUI•mtaWW , am,(muumuu, 1.e. O•,• P W er lteoW tee taws dowse. et Canal i nhool. GEO' COY & ABRAHAM BRITS ProprAetorst L1t.(3Aline AWY. .. les Mend ewer*P �1O ' .tN. id... Olinaver •eM; $2 PER ANN. IN AD E le g 4 _=...... ��......�'C�'-....-�..2• Jam_--•-- �- ��� t The Greatest Possible Good to Ike Greatest Possible Daber.�� JAI= YOlI G .1 J motor vols. 10 -NO; 2 1.r. Lww/a. • ARRIOTIS AND ATTQINIIT•AT'LAM, 1.s ..,-r.Ol. •.Wer4►,a.•teerenORslsOnes4.s."eln O.swro. A (►tarrow- PO..OAtalrTIN1, yoLICl TORN 1 N entotOUST,M. rdesembUS.., tepees street. indent. .O..oAaseoe. N J. T.aus«, pert. r MMalere DatalOTNaal11L ATTU1/11 9 ..4Mesr7. 4.. lienneh. ■. L Dora. see W.I.aMrNt.aa:., 1.... r. rrowaa. BARaINTaa70U , ATTORNEY♦rL4M, CRO4 4. Cilie) 1.e., ,West .0almrnor .b 'e Woa. I 4.s West ■. M.lconene.. •$RUTS., AT'10R$iY, a0LIOITO # • MONEY TO B � ONEY TO LEND. shone A Minter. R1AL OITATS AND 1 NDUSAN':1 A011111. 140 4. Mesita 11W1ep. toWu, N. T 1.1n C. 'reeve, Apersoy. -U•. rel. Mato Asst t.4* (141, .r IT. Me [loosen L 1CI4SCommRDATOTIONR.SA TPI8iD, Cr7 « Eons. Sans l .lays or ammopose,eslly .),red was ~-I"� LA. S. 1i.enUn. /11111. 71(014.1* AND ,tl•v$(OL, LAND lJ AM«.•ed Oseseeeesr' 7amrIW. ARCH1TH011JRR. r part fwaw 1'10. 4pe- u�.eeparsi.,erPee.Wer Prism. amdmp Me. .Imo w .,wormsor IN .wase e, Lir. mane C e. 0/r• 411Mriab ee April •*fin a •' •r114 Land OMoe, AIarypI w Laree •4 Fenn ad .114 lad• Dein.. U M TIUEMAM. 6oderieh, Aeg 16, 1870 1.1 Gooding's Banking Office. NEST STREET, OODLRICH, BUm oremb.44., mammas ease 111 Bone 0•.d Fer.1n' Mote 41aro4el..44 paeehwd wen nein 0.1.1•11.1 ridge/.. Ise'el.nalret a 4 per rest atone payable es ill ANLREw 4AWsl.. yrr •4.4k, Pel► Fe► . u71. . slitI M 1V ICIIOT.P(()Y. SURBER/I DENTIS' Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, fied•rich. .rtes anoint 14th alta eneiuces iDircctot). IQWit><Ynn' CMANCE ►1 - l(Otn. re t)tr ihaL,w ere tL' dtilatrtncr fn.1.-- I. 0. 0. F. He..1. 4p,'4q ..a..418.4,. 11.11. Mem Meek. Dotard.. sem Thursday •realer. a! 71 J.1Nt. rrtr 1.r a• [/sole. area. Tallow brit... are .Mally 1.044.4 V.00111110011. ler7 t.. Owlrti Feb. M. UTI, _ s y - LODGE N. 33 A. a.erA.F.A. A.'1M. Tee anoULARCrIM- Ma,lee *reed es No Dr media Morread., ol eek 1' bras herr. o.AWly u.44ed. W. rtCllayl. M. .a --Vi Odedab. in May.11171 .1114.4. I.O. OF G. T. 44 4 fj Prices 1e Sell the Tloar- Pbotographs reduced te `1 per Dos. of-7bcta. ram MAL! 044:14. Large Photograujii Reduced it Pro .nit ion. Mae .111 maks the largest 7h4tr4reph. marls Oed.Nreo vary cheap ?ornate pUturre nrom „N Dear upward at FAITiI, HOPE AND CHARITY. n0D1111C1 TRIPLE 40 44 Or T1119 01.41 %a bed thee a e sa1.•r a r4 Verne * t:W. w\« St ray r...., erg. ..emssde..t 1: endt .Map hones bonbon .r4may 0*44, ADEN ELL be. "Mary. .114111.4 Jan NW tet earn non Huron Division No. 120 SONS OF TEMPER(NCE. D. CAMPBELL'S r4r4gnpa 0.den Uedomh Ay. lith 1470. will INT 11W Waggon atd Carriage FACTORY• BATES A EpLIOTT • IJ t7,.1.4.01.lamil- 1 l mating 4. thape(AI. o f owu 11.4 .'unify 'that they ►.,e opened • Werra 1' d arctic. Prop on Mt. 1)mveat•e at. 11. 7..11wu . .444..44) l.gwt.Ml7 elbows.' t1.. Wester. 11.. W. 1 4. S. mime personalty to 111 the wort estretr to them, mid era rnpdred t, tuts out 4.4 of Toean... i.Yld r ty P zo or VIA T eeW1k 1. .8elr r+1.• Root too. Mr deer wet thereat aloe neon Intoe radially Oran, A. D. CAMERON S. a 1.T•UA1.OWW r. •.Il.r .. Jnr UM w 4'441 'nuance. GODERICI-L4 ONTARIO. D. C., FRIDAY SEPT. 1, 1871. THE TRAVELER INSURANCE 00. Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, sad menti 4 1. tiro Uel, of the very ret .1114- tonal rtool rat ..ek....hlp art at the wry lowed re- .mYntme rail. OBBINaa. Prompt!) altaeded o. RAND, . large lJIortmeUt of 9LEI1Gr 9 whin will be mold Clear for ()awls or Creels wood. Untrr►, log !..atm. wee PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS EXPEDITIOUSLY & PROPERLY veserM 4 Coada, W 04rd Dens ea Snare. DATENTg0easeolwee • arye. rend for prat r lest neer Army Is merrier e• yes'. NEB tY°tem. Cgesd. Moheansl Member, ..h Aar ed Patera and Dreueldean rob, Ila 1171 wrlT- JAMES SiEWAST WHOLESALE &CENT IN41!REiI AOAINWT AIY'II)INT9 CAUNINO Dodi)) Injury or kir of Ise. Pru Nl.elog til , rt of • stlpuhki Lim a4 per oar, room 44 to aprow*. of .re o .10. 0.10.4 44..4W'YItel, CAM. death now wombs. el. 'amid full LIFE INSURANCE, •r •4dow.Osnla of all Arne .t lo. Cash Teen P ull airmail°. cit be ureic.. of if. H. D8TIU8. A ood.Aad 1► rlay. 1171 _ . sT HULtON IaO TEL, IU *1011. 0). HURON 71)HN PRANG, - Proprietor. THE `SCOTTISH PROYINCiAI Thu houm le atter 4r 4440 oven ro0.•nl.ece h tj .M4Ma blit gt; 0 ret+ear4 line u.1. O,SR r0u1 Hotel. Kiteh.11, Oa. JOHN HI('k4, 7ropeeol; (1Y u IoW IaM mlarlv t mruwL4ea,t .C14attai- pr to resAk my home in Rtd:MII; nap Pro- prietor. 7o- awn I...J Maras, auImo home; reser res Conner ten 1(v4esNur4N sulks 14 1 IJOLBORNE HU•1'LL, 07 the 1u-tmal see Weide Pt Careir'. limner) u... rfesu1.e. req. FOR ALL KINDS OV 'ORM? AND (4IAYENTALTURES, OMEN. rem mar eine Ilan. ••..a. Moor neat el w rod, olden ne the .4mtea anlll. Herm - i.taldrW.. Gonna r. US Oodrrich, Asir IL 1870 .30 IMPORTANT NOTICE F. B. MAN N; Haase Sig' &,,arrtage Painter 7-.717•3:21 ASSII .I ANOE Oo.. T. J. MOORHOUSE. Agent. tai, /ETNA FlRN_ INSUR ANcg .CQMP'Y NARTFONO COW CASH CAPITAL .. , . J .$3,000,00I CASH ASSETS .-..... 6,782,635.09 LOSSES PAID IN 51 Taa1128,000,000 00 CODIIRiCHe E. MARTIN Proprietor. Good Accommodation/. Ample Stable 1R.wm. e::). This a admitted to be a Fent elms Ho.se kept in (loud Style. A AjN IIIb. 147J 441.4 D1417(18 TO ACQUAINT TII1 PO/Mier/1AT be h.. 441.d op . sin ep Near Mart .sat 1. the Parma lreaod�.arl�C�4rrna .111 ousel. ram ra .lu. shwhirrIr p94 a ell all orders pram* Dy and .t io..en.bl. prlre. T4..th1 fn. the 94Uns era m tha 1..t 7 yen or1.11 • .04U1asnce of to Oma ThelLargest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS eusintes 'DirtctoT). SASH LID DOUR FACTORY Sash, Doors, Blinds. Mouldings, Floorin g Sang. sod all trade ul 1.;)I laC, I 'y, W()IttIt, ♦41) TILE LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME OF *4T FIRE INSURAN CECOMP'Y I A.tfRKICA. Q} LAp•s.t mare talk Ms Dominion 14.eirxmrnt for Mr benefit of (Amail too Poli.y hol e.s rsclunxly. rt. -Recent failures show the impor- tance of patronizing the Companies that &frond the moot pitiable Indemnity ud the value of an .enta Policy must be ap- parent. N. R _ 4.9411.1 stteatba glees to the Irons.* of Ih4llegs. 18ure8.4, 417'1401 rd P,. hoc Hwl f1rterm. of thea mit Ire errs At rale.' as how r gm mos be made with safety to the 00.09417. DIM% WATSON,,,.�� , tlaerl.h.Jo. sea. 1.74 11217 BRANT ORD BREWERY TEIOS. SPENCER, PRO. Spenoer's XXX Ales & Porter Spencer'h Bottled Ale in Fine condition, $-•encor's Ales in Pun- cheon, barrels and Half barrels. at tho OODERICH DEPOT. MARKET SQUARE. GEO, GRANT. 314,flr. Joe. 11111.. 1171. ew41.1, - erre as Code •ad U,wk.eyer•ad Tremors They Usk Deal tb..r.gper.e.ro 11 larlory Wor11,1 betUMy can 1,vtoatutittetiod ball WOO cry 1.v°t the. with • ,4414 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring un hand. TERMS STl3ICTLY CASH, .iAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM. ROBINSON. Galerieh, Aug 15, 1,470 .30 ,BOB. THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON ANP/ GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. h .r teen ,n eu•lenry Thirty-two ywn, Lie. derma (en cetera ens pod t.r.e. .101111.107 Pi» to half althea ponads.t•rliatr, GODERICH PUMP FACTORY. Now Is tbe tine to Pilot your Cotters Sleighs, sod Carriages. NT Orden fres ea4t17 Carina shops •tteed14 l with Moral. 1114. r414u'g. 011.1.{. O,f11144, Obelus. rapersRsltpi.g, a... •• F. B. MANN. beam lea Aug. 16, 1875 awl FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, LL11D AGENT, VALUER, ate venom err. 3O .4)DIC1t1CH. MON EY'Ft) I.JEN D, newt M t8. ('...44• leaded CweitO&.,ar W 1.' renal B.1W,y.4.rl0o res 1•.e41m..1 Ce. Fa.i'sns fo r Alt a1O Crown Land Patents taken out. Debts Collected 8.4,141 Ase IA, Ie11 .L The dlebnnemeet o, , 8,. ..anon so. ewer 4 wile area, 41.e with,nl 44,114 rwMnb.if: se IM eet•blmbu.nl oldie *04,lu 1*,. ie 14. reaS.M.rs 01 1•ubl,c Corporal Icor, SIercbanu, Howe bone, mit es"ew mea generally wherever .t . re per s:tee. le 11.1e year, ISM, the 1, in ramose. sloe. •rboratea W A'fJ176 is no 1018 year, 1.44, •• • t4T,7R1 • 1018 ......- 10181411.44(40,' 06, '• • '• L(1t,!!r 1Q18year, iT0S, • • arK?s11: olo year later. 1147,'1 • .e saie,set TRR SUE4^RIR&R le PRIMAL/JD TO 7ILL ALL .14.n for, P V P A; rad- 41e• ..t,rh.t4o. Parties wading orders by mall .111 piece ere depth ,f well 1,..mlatform. w arm Towner.. No. d 0aer.«Ion and Lot. H• h as .lea o. heed, REVERSIBLE MOLEBOARD ROOT SCUFFLERS. CHURNS AND STRAW CUTTERS. res 111 .44 .e liberal Wm., .r order apro.PU1 1Uee1M to Stand pro -lonely wormer by Mr. 11. 14.14. J. D. A14t$4TR0S0. Modem Wrote 4Y (171. , w /+u.0 Harness Shop. W. A. MARTIN Corry thatila lee yarelmead the Racer 1earriw Olt Ra mn4 t leer a6.4.7, Hen et nlataes cared re emertherl win w mer. it. Mutt.. 0Ma4efu w A Y. W .r4a M W W tame yews M the Leri Rawer Shope fe 01o41..r Ir ree pe4M«e te mar e7 LIOHT AND HEAVY HARNESP Horas•C7et►i.E sad Rostra ColaerE, !. S4.4M•m .,M .1.,1 with swami. E}Orders promptly attended ti. N • ref awn merrier ea he'd themllew. Croaks. Whips, wear. 1 N.*tcw care) -Combs, I •n, tit, .. • 1. 11,1M Nan , Monte >o On,K:• MONEY TO LEND At ,Gre►tly reduoert Rates 0f Iat•rsit Ha Irad hes wy ....est of memo,' M Tn. . ken fit.... t wo a nnea year .t • Int rate of 41•real and far orator true .4 rep., owl. 94,111.4e b7 yawn .14.44. r1t. w espouses will 400 toepsntes HORACE HORTON appraiser for the ('a Icer• amrnenl llalldlug * ea11.1e *oriel,. of 'I'Oro.IO. INSURANCE CARD The erbeorlb•r is agent 4.r the w aolini1-4 . Ineamence (lonairemle,m part INlr^t Lear.... Samosa 11•YTru1D of Harreae. Prot I%CtA L or remote HR1T1.H *8(1(104 M Toe.1. Fire Az !Wartime bitodee lowest possible nil HORACE HORTON Office Markt Square, Ooderieh. Mot fens, tit(. w1ap. MORGAN CRADLES, GRAPE VINE CRADLES, TELEGRAPH CRADLES Barley Forks, Straw Forks Hay Forks, Fish Forks. Rakes, Spades, Shoved.. Coal Oil, Black - Oil, Machine 0011, Pl s t, Tar, RosIL, Oakum, Ropes, Blocks, &c. All althe above for attest low rates at the NEW HARDWARE STORE, (Opronle Market Ilovle,) C. H. Parsons & Co. Ood.rich, July 25th, 187 1. The Mire Mown. Punct la sow 44.117,400 TM Lrfe Reeervr ?Orel ,e wow •9.112.4'ia The lro.pmly . represented tbrovp holt Onu•no eel maim-, by ..f,ennu Aa •nu 1Yon 1494.449111101111•1 1..arreco nay be )111 J.. U. F .0. 85111 H,Meadea t Secretary, Mos ream. A. M, 4(1(4., Asset for Coderwh ; M V EII,,O,lor Earle., W. N. Welty', 41.1,18 Goddeneh. Aug 15, 1870 .30 ExtensiveNewPremises Splendid New Stock. PIANOS, <w Y• Pin Auction & CComdat GO I)EHICH&CLINToN Erttabiratted Ilt14.Zn-. LE.; of Mseellen.ne.PloprnmCe)wne8 J even d•I.nlay,•ed 1s Cl:.tosenry We. 1 T• Pro foe la oysQTplgd'') -- Property Iier'ale este .ed pompe Wore arr. r•nnlinek medother 9.le•pelMMllysaeSd .d to, 8.ougbw 11 M revery. 0.44.1 RisEMAN•8Amine Mot, •(IOOf)F.R11141 4PAGON&CARRIAG C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet 1MJkcts, Grdertakers dt Wood 't u rners, A.M.TIC_OTON RST MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH ORGANS, Piano btools, deo.. Meanhrt•red M re celebrated rine es R. S. WILLIAMS a ,(JO., To,omro. The meet ettne • a• n.1. to Ibml.lea. • 4- 1111,. remxre' arr.... toe ,trot M the ,tore ret fro 1., W. Arb.,om'e Herres Trp, Own win 1.. ,4sd A ,GOOD ASBOBTMENT 1 of hateable. Bedroom, fhen4rwom, modem w Pr, •14,1, .1e. as 7*41. CI A I RT helq e•N ee't toed .4414) CUPBOARDS Illti TRAIA, MASH STANDS.. MATTE ESIOLN WC NES. ROTAS - WHATNOTS. LOOKING GLASSES 01 1.T PRAM IND. 17'.: O t E ere prim o ' 11 everything l4 their lir "T'II and�'gedham In ...Oman. there W Lees 1 apponW wet for krennh endtheaurrenrl14 ,.'wiry of the arm Justly alelo•1414 nrm,•nd are reel to eel al end. mar by than, at NIAN Ut' ACTURE 1R7e PIelCES. lupin nay ea ..es art eras trend.' sal RHe-Ma.., wait atrial DANIEL GORDON Gederiak, Aug I6, 1070 .10 TIME IS MONEY. Cheap for Cash. R. R A r,.,.l•lrte mremeol..'..044 anal Shred. glr•y. carr .,d • Rennie In ban , al .• maser are teem4, - ACALL St)LICITED. 0odarteb. 1,. 411 r47, 'Min MUM* de tie days work a er 4y, E•• PATENT GhOOVED IRON HARROWS Me bent and shaped err Awad le tarda Rey .Ie r..[, worth .rt 0e Nepenthe. lowed at 11.7. Inca* arms 4448.44844.1, 4sOs(tra. Ilea► Ink, 1471. Ell le -- Notice to Debtors. LOOK OUT FO' R THE BIG WATCH AlA. t 4R[Th.m�, DUX Me E .4*18, rt11904 11 8. 4 4 1. CM W sesel.y.*r. oe ria beep 1114ileplesnierefere .Mae data aim will be psi amour i.sirMa. e detleh, r A.1. 141I. voodoo to Debtors ,t 11.4 444 teOAed he W .4Ar lmadd, when J0(, ...Meer Cele frierMed Mei "4"1"..„ 1 444 sa !•r •pea er, Mies. la 1441., R•IM 4,41 41.•' ha p44 14 0 411,7 M .48444.. ...-.11OC1t A7A4, 1,Aw.O4 • awn 4114744.48. oil. 111a,1.Jl rwMtl•• Me E,Ieaautao Lory TfIC 14.14-nber oreuhr veneers to the pet, 11e N Huron end arose, Ih.lbe it now era. efrlur.no And-rl•a Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, Qiittorag tto.l .bac► w. l b. *old t..n EAP ' OM LAMH. JOHN PASMORE, Victoria 8,f at, (Rodericb Godsend', Aeg 111,1070 .110 orII F: Excelsior Grocery, STEPHEN YATES. HAR OIIF.AT I'I.r ANl1w1171 47S(11'YCINO r0 the labile ofy,t4.1 hire bought ma die to area. of Yr A. II. name 1n tit ern One -.r7 and ,n.lnte,de to 1011 It a Wows anoint Ho Ire a head, A GOOD STOCK OF Cu118IUTFAG OF TEAS COFF+ES TOBACCOES. &IUGAR. SYRUP, MOLASSES, RA181144, CURRANTS, RICK, • SPICKd, PEELS. CRuCKERY AND GLASSWARE, CON sISTING OF. CHiNA SETTS, TlIdT COMMON SETTS. STUNS " AS YOU GO TO THE POST OFFICE D01101.AIR1 8.174 RIZ Mane hie aware ark. In (4. pabll. for the genera,• pp..tnea9e gtwlM Alts, One.be ma1. eomwl rarer lest 0514, earl 1. 4044.1.111 Ir 44«70. *4 were • ai mat. Ile word tell 4,.,'111 att4l4m 440 1.e RUSSELL WATCH ler the sale of .8(x8 he 4 ads agent Inl lmlw14 n. hoe M MM • nn Ingo err of Ode reliable lima 4w f041r4 he *it • politer. aler near, •14te am*M.. iliOns.1419 to tars prinete( "rm/e aeThe►nen imelieng tem . nell.aeneli .M ten W en eerie. for ►yr g •.ey1 sir a eh, .Sea TIN Rtl.IgIOLL is to les badMe7. ter. ea4g..ha ...Mimi es sold we pined J..1.., 4.ebur •1.e 1:(4*. arena Is. met- monde annex. Cell 1.r Iles. DO1I0LI89 AVM IINEI X. 0.tldtth. sena *e►. 1sT BLACKSMITH WIKTLD. I#M1nt.TET.Y. ANTRA DT 8•RA(-CVw1MRS M hoar nosing Lia g1.hl ..wl,y w.e8, see elan 4•pi0y0ewi w11.1.1 l If ROR111'R1N14 YweartteeAA O. 1e 414.1441. O.dRM4 k Jit.. IRA. writs 1 C °a Q 0111=i1 t to 0r�}ti0a W o I(i = iter TeJ F. 04 so g O REMOVAL. ALEX.WALi.ACE ANDJEWELSR, .wit .reasT. (.O D1®RIC H. THi Mie .l'' Meng rower• ,e Me Shoe t�• n.. u•ot. • ••••• p, .Lin► h., fn.3a ,eed.r61 also, .M I,benl a rnh.arh net hie `r -erne- 1.,m far 4. INi men, .rw n „e„ ,h.i w dart 1,`l 1» erred ...mad e ▪ of .8l1, p.tnlmse h.. rear ear :oat M Lon1Yly Watches Clocks e.nd Jewelery glnrWIIb, to di. ponderer, lees n rW lm ass heam awed. erre.. mer 41; sue as roam, troll r ..seasesl Mere ...end Ia� A .I.1 ene..n -. 1 4., wbee, Obs teed. . 1 1 4 •e Mr ALISX WALLLOR. •.er.•e Amo 1•t. WS _ _ COMINIOP CARRIAGE W U IFt 1i . R J. WHITELY & OD. LF3MOQAL DANIEL GORDON, CABINET M 1(I:Ii uPHILsrFRBB, HfA Ourf1 ATlRw lal.17Ipp with the tiler. pun hsede hl, ..l up ll,.},... two d.....r., of the Peet 4.. .. FEiiNITI'RE B. J RMIT711. TO N E(OI, we sow masah••1•et1g, Photons Buggies and Spring Waggons. r durability erre be our which sal. are rimemi 1M retro.. .in out • .wane &Ou . f [T An work sr.rra,ted CARRIAGE TRIMMINO. la all It. Marrs w•11 .r w1411117 recur. Y Judo 4UMW9411\, UMW th• 0 pwis e [ma (for4e,t) of H11mno4) on. of Lae ares. LUMBER WAGON. ceder. at tale Ue. ,..finny mended te. Jobbing and Repairing. 41riet utast.. Feld ta eetraimed 4••• 8 B. pectus it M twort m bolas !erste at r ..sweetly .46.4ed. 11 lentri ► lit mor IM. RAltaael 09 . Mn ►• •Sl a futon arty M she .tan rarer mw•,.MMr4ly thee ear rhe. thweM 1..r Wt p«eeey0, he hope hr and .t:eeta m te merit • , 4a,.M•.e 1•J 4400 .r *I topper HE HAS NOW ON HAND sae */ the hr4•n Carta .4 harden a the Cada, Awl .. ria ln. dioneol ...duo rerun.. Le . upq.l7 redone. .Ith ofeytil.r le 4440earkn Dn.ln4nr.n an Parlor ,vette 11..'ruwe Salts 1. Renal, d. de W Cl..famt, b 4, la White abet. 41 Yeomen every d...-rljdbq Muter 11117trn. Pillow. le. A. ON HAND ALARGEAS 1sctenwtve NEW PIREMISES Patin). T11I . )TOT 70 Dar • • Written tor the M uw *1, W. iter rot t• nY' The a 'dug tepee bard.., C414.1 a..1. 4'41 or 11... ( Ord...Iwlnl moa, The trader 4,,111* sewer. e8 I' he IoM Meth,. 1L. tn4, de •nee tit. IUt141. w r re air. r .r not 144 444 ! If re. u11Je of Inert, 11.11. hoar t4.. Wool. 1i re' the •lrl11so of litre; Ipro .ttent, MW Lie. ily than, Aad 441'. .Otuwro h.. Uwe Ire w1 tier, - res. ret 6. 48.4 4. Tr lure ,Pore 1..., An oft.* Mt roe rola I,. 111. or 4.1g., A► ! •...We purer ape t. Inn w"'•. Yet .a. *t re andea M'torn ti en1 ► Ym' Per .el t. dl, I' TM .4,141 4,44' gouda• 41 put .t Y4.Noa . gal lwle4 e)1. w I inane:- Ten ur I4(t 8..n write y [t mg (*slow. de..h marl.. Pair Lotto did! wbr en or lest to, can, T Mal ,. rl4l7104 e. bit r le, Maned hist,' tot .n,.• *4,4 .,.I'8. -'l y•.I Jn.rta t....,• ii• roe the truly Milt ha.w}.o11 ferret Fur l,1.{ U,..lo wo•In.t l,..0 .. ,d4} t1. herrn. T W tri , 14.1 lin earn'. Nonage load,. 11Tm el Lia. the do el. 4.l ..I .L !Ir'Mb nate. whirr 1W,rW ni*.ness et.' , rear s„t M die ! Anil be.4hl4 1 euros. 44.'r. 11,., 1..1« Ila, Loved sod sword ..n loftiest the* M .11 10 10) pr...,r..mo1 NJ ere.tfel..e .... aA. 1. 4141 then eerum, art. writ •t..p Le rile: Pear not to d4 rarer* h loth, 54.147 l ,s Por.o.11*, 1. Norther* * rer: ggl II.•y &fir lh. 111.1w4e1 glower .4 4.111.,. T.y sail r7 sear low ..mete sphere. w. 114411141Y11111. S.,ItTY 1 ST OF 7letor•....,1.4.(1.11'a.el111,1411 nim 0 4.11►m *1*. Pewgr't, 1 d to Q'. Moir n.M..rr..seri nt. n • o.,frl0ru10 II"+.s u, 1404 Patna rnnro Ys ■ any .17l• repaired r Teener pr.a IT HN always w Mr a eu.plrte meson mel of Coles k. Shrouds la theLatrst Stye. Ai4..IIEa 1111E/1110 Ml re. c 11eLLpr"■Cnigh 2 Door. Westof Post ace. Loeber end Cordwood hikers it 611 •Mrr'b.Derr1'4. 1971 - sal O GI-. IN, ,)AVIS Jfk. al IRIS DAY REMOVED TO H1E3 COMMODIOUS NEW BRICK BUULDIt G GoderichMatble works (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JORDAN'S DRUGSTORE) Oor►eol.ot to Cho Market, e His stock of stoves $C. IS LARGE AND.COMPLETE ♦H711M IN .ANT .1r •8711114 0 r W Jy ta.pn14g w •tae (14*.. po▪ o r• hie ALI KINDS OF 10B WORK WiLL Cl DONE THE AME AS USUAL. • der1oe, l.1 Joy, iglu ,y P HOTUt7IRAPH8 81.00 . Per Dozen. MONEY TO LEND ON EAST TERMS INCORPORATED) 'I' IX A. D. 11/4 HH11ON & ERIE 'SAVINGS A LOAN SOCIE'TY.• CAPITAL, - - - - 4707,000. TH1.40(7191T •DTAIICem wormy 04 7100. nir of Reel Karr, .r ea Toren ••T Arrow,. hld t. borrowers NOLA WYRRS'mere AnOHARGED g1.. 17Nt.t7 wt ea HoI1IWYe entrees. Am ram M .....y, from 17r ap..roa r uN if fete meter .f ren homage to Wren. Remy maybe e14.4need .t say time with our or no delay beyond the time de- emed*. e-emed1. u.4.tlg.un4 re t10a .1d propn.l (8. Norway. the end of whir% Is prod y.tM 1.1,04,. The mil tnnnnt id the loan I. adorer -.o d«t^e. tee bong made for onmeleles 1 ether sharps. erre alts add ea eaMn.11y a ire rat of • lots Row err 1nnletas er from The her. are eN repay 8le Ides by yearly, half -yearly. w meekly 94!••1.4. The 7^.4^'14'.) 1N4lmesl• larded., beide Intern, ..melt mon An prl.rlpl .m418o, as .n Mei Isd48.1 by their payment the d.4t le ...Daly er*ega.trd. w4 the mages 44.. .ha «the sed .• the time •t Imitate m N: AM1.LF. . t Perrier, -hal.. $040 tar 1S ran; be 94y. .N Trash year, er .l the sed er error( r( ea M .f Ode W paid1.47 , the beet 44The (8' (l..'.4 retro...at wI4. 114*4 m•17.. .Ire n 4regarded 1 y to fanning mem.eli40 as l.7 popular(' ,'.41.. 1,111 brow gMrassilt en meriand 'Magree MIrneln, l.owee 1p0v- erre \sown and . 94 41, 4 Re the r retainer, pay - erre lyalgrad haired In it sad Deere, , p&71 tea 41.1110 Ute r 114 ..ter .11 9474 pr Ida lace tire ., 8. this nM of lest°o 1.14 l property drift .14 ..l a M1ee ha4+P•e+ r•m the row. - die4• ..7 M de and NIMareMt freer.* ren M e7 t 947 .4 Matra ee y moot,. f.).r mi tg by re 14 sal M *MUM .t r, antera as the 141440 the ens borrower.) rM d on al M Mr . r eel par wen will relieved 4.11 ry,mita Imo larit.I..ce. ran DartM00.- er lam abs e4 .4 ,eaaM et th(4w l s M.0, e y Muer pwgp•fd, Mannd a tbe S.efoary. or free any .f tM Medea y". mi- earn Ca ARaa4 FLETCHER. T.Ieaer .t Godwin eDIITIA 1.11D/11a3 And by the Dozen. Flour, Feed,O4tme.1,0(rnmeal, Buck- wheat! Inllr,end Provisions generally, al- ways en hand GOOD AS VIE BEST, CHEAP` AS TAE CHEAPEST FO CASH OK PRODUCE. 07:1". Opposite the Market, and next door to Jordan'. Drug Store. w7at .tore o1. ray. Irl!. 'JHE'llE, CHEESE. Shephara Strachan, GROCERS, GODERiCH n at IIRl.dor YE been for th�(0.f Mnted •ceel Anted R»Lir Faetnry ...seal d.aler...peli.d at eke Fasten Prism. d6EPHARDfSTRACHAA. Sediebb, Aegis 10' 4 - Money to t.oanonReaiEstate, PPR it IRK RI ele.Trealand Lres aerlip.y '1 et U DDwr c*e14•, O M ran[MAN, i1R.t 7.uem C•deaetl TO LEND ATag RAM... 714 Saimaa AND ATT1,RwUT AT raw AND SOLICITOa 174 th, 01.4.048. Yarn 1Ma. VITT. IMF - MONEY. Our Stern Citi*. TLOE=1TQJ E15O WLAT01Ai 1034• TUNA: 'Never mind, the mad writ nut hart' her ; she'. only • school-mi.trem.4 The rotor 111 wbiah thew words wen' uttered was sweet and soft, but it fell harshly oR the ear of F.oronoe Knowlto8, ea stepping hastily to' one side to avoid the el.eaut carriage, with its 'tasking pair of gran, she caught a hasty view of the beautiful face of the speaker. The gentleman drew in the horses .rest with grave courtesy &adsorbed Florence, greatly to' the thirst d hi( ,'sir co'n- p.ulon. 'Pan4tw me madam ! I did not ob. serve you in *onion to slacken pros. I hope my lmreleaanees has not seriously inoonviniehosd you.-Pardotfinif Florence bowed slightly, but she mad.' no audible reply, and- the gentleman, - pausing to take • sieood look of the' sweet face, now au■hed and averted,. lifted the reins, and the .laipag. epee &way- Floreuc. forgave the proud lady d Oakwood her her more, when eh* me' membered the dieciphne life bn.p, but which, as yet, had failed to purge tit' Lars from Mir River's character i4. s trial., thus far, had been spared' her; she was Imdait4lned in the hart school of .friction ; and Florence, whet, young as .he was, had pawed far dew.' into the valley of shadows, could lrwok leniently on the faults of one destitene. of experiment. She rerneniboried .1.o, that ones ski very mail years .go, she, too, lot bora haughty, and arrogant, perhaps. though newer heartless or selfish; ; she, _ . h. led boon the child of wealth, amt nurtured in the very bosom of taunt: 'Fender parents; • magnificent home est the Hudmon, unbounded wealth, keeps of adminag frienda,.evirything thlt SMI to make op a destiny which the w.sld calla fortunate, was hal ; but then last come •change. No one is wholly rupee ' table for his own miefortunes, and Kneel -- ton, by & mens of ill-advised investments, had Inst everything bit the and inheri tante of property. The blow prostrated Scott, Vanstone it -tom; 1)10 TO 1611811* 148•1 *17114 10 1)479 I) they rill open a brain. d tbelr 7Iwe,.tr SLS - C7?":li8 W0333t W oN 'ter of 8r A. r. Jo8srtm. Viten• nt. fader.. h The. roe am gra M the rare for • mpely .4 W Lad t W Ill .f dare, •1e mom b. •1.'e io wpp1T Tombstones, -. Mantlepleces, Window Sills, &c., &c., &c„ O'ALFi OZRNt ons RACE NEOATiVIS L1.1 5) COMM. primate tree. One doses from bscknegauve !Menu, postage free, teeny address. ILP Particular Attention paldtsCopy- Ing old Ambrotypes, ie the hit at, le of w.rle.nrl,lp rate nemerb • firma GAVIN RTUTHERS, Arent. 1.er-8 0.4.1417(1.1 al,, 1171. UNFAiLING EYE PitESERVF,RS. are w Lazarus, Morris & Co. Celebrated Perfected Spec- tac:es and Eye Glasses - THE CELIIIRATLD PERFECTO:1h ,peeled.. �I.. Intrndnd r. the 11ol.11e mol the land oar Casale ceAre rbe,44t1. Y.ah 14.,, 4wrril .8100 pear try Ian res .144 a intend •rnivalled by .or ear *par le dere to dls.lreryl mol nes et Iver . wt enly do we lamas that nu frees rp.ruele .1111. .d.•p4..1 Ly carry peer en the CwlwMINI. oMINI. • needing OptiOpting.ll id Nit that try to tbe ril bed their or the 1Mh., s 4 tide au doriel, meeting ( emred merit wbieh re Mb.r 4.7.414110. poaor.ed Ina all good ireful Invention,. *VI baa. p' 4.0.0,4 .III ee,-rop.Inee Imitators pretending to ham smiler te Meade ' e him. He was laid en a rich -bed, from' which he never arose ; and • few weeks' after his death, his delicate will slept beside him in the vilageburyirtg.ground. What more could we alk for than the great gifts which fortune had bestowed' on Miss Riven 1 And her life was wen' to be crowned with a manage with' Hesitant Sturtevant, the world -celebrated lawyer at the Blue It,dp. Ekstrom,' had hoard & great deal of talk &boot this u.-, expected event among the greeips of Wwlf lent. She had listened W theyo/ng- man's praises until .he had felt some curiosity to behold the object of so many virtues and graced - rich, handsome, tal- ented, generous, noble and high-minded above all others, .n the story ran ; and devoted u heart could desire to Ids high- born lad) love. 1 1 1 u f et l . well also, Well. Florence had seen. him .t bet,. Asir of4pmteelsele env co the seated blimp .ur► end he did not disappoint the idea .he. a M tunlrrrNf upon tM,w reg•eduw Lhae Dea.e had formed .4 him. A tall dirtirgrulr.d .Age bet the a•ht perfwl,I.,1rl Ie m.a,•ay.448,; looking 0eMittman of twenty-eight res ,.44.• tea fatigue .441. tea S pa -taloa oa e1 p.'n4ee le avoided. Me here .lens niter papaws. nor lelm,r 11 1•• Ven thea )"•tl7,C. 1el.,,ted'1pe.'te. le. and 17.4:1... ens haring adopted ell the ln.prent ode *hid e ine& moven., .4( art per.. leltLu. remh.nly the an .• of ti snap. ram) ant 1M 41 naiad " rarer. d ),.ane 4 lbw lens-,, being erred ,e dee rat d 1.e freer of Lel.l `Ina SNIT en Siegler the thirty, mild, a clear colorises face, very dark grsy eyes finely cut features, ud Burling brown hair. They looked well' together -Mr. Sturtevant and Rise' Riven -.he with her dark, Onent*l style ,f beauty, and he with his handsome' Iles. nauh end formI,,, nand the nun diwm I W nils., D.,rp rya nor and the redlnl res✓«,Imo„ re..Iws. I Ag�.a nn. e . CaCrhw efrl. kich so well hecaule hi y,rem. wt )alt I'n.'alk 1.1nae. 4o1 re.4014.et n"","1., And did Mr Sturtevant Inst ,,,,,..4';`," with wMMIM •.x«.ar..14 4wga thought after the quiet little schonlmie- amt..8.04 w. nes mutt. a wnu..n Ibe omit sawn tress, whose neat muslin dress O.e 4 ' 1 %'r mle,., h4I h had so lilaerally bespatter." Farr either large set email photographs. T►• •►.r prerndl tied 1 r war goo's . of the cam only an wtlw'Iw'1 reriJ. at Agents '-tla IT; subscriber is retarnin(thanks fort he liberal ormisiahM tha m;r^'• fain rb,f'.UrC.M14aIN1 rid Rltil )111(1 ( Oda glance mit lheve(•dr p.lrol,a h ran tam""1...1“ Imo ,4.:r Y.6 Dlw«vne diwfis6irl face of Miss Rivers might weals jet ry theft he 44S made such int- V,' m Dare answered the question. During the remainder of the ride J Lirge4 of n his gallery albs.ill menu moo- her efforts to engage him in eo 711 lance of the tame. I Ltd' I Great Redesign On L Inge rho top asks. t alight M gave her •clue to !tidal); Ooderich. Aug, 16. 1870. .410 ea TAO& 4.t 1 hM. 1n head me «4100 e10'l. j•nee nWPhaH ,.tool,. et A Par pier. uses mid .4gelrM. Re delay WeeOg.• now ..he. P. F. WAi.k41t ftniket.07 Re., ymit 1>RM .user _ _ . mseet-We4rnrata," py. .rein ore extended to him . L. JOHNSON. 211 V tT[RI NARY. Noticeto tockOWnere W M. CHURCHILL I7A7INO ATTR/ Rh TMa *1904110 EOM- [! IMP of twee,. 11 to ONT VETERINARY OOLLFA)E r..wdtI. lade..mlN4lnn rad ob4.4e.d • 4.p(ewa le w r11ry en Mimed M lM l'4. .. rad •ds,�1 aMI lh1M91.1 J..II.Prod olowM., Lir Rear, ,., Prof.7 91.1(4 V. n. Prod 77rwberfh ProfOtarn, 1•mf a4H4r, •11 MT«.. ,, Oran. 4.044...8.4 alt to ..a •r eA..' 114 aw M Mostar .4 nye 44. .t 44wk 40 aha O A N 044, •r Abel, 079.014 MIMY i IJr17 41.40. V0erla.y 704"1..4 ahoy. 4 heed, N... Mir be pia f.,r•.r.4n. el Men., po.d.e. ir4.. iwenln'7( Y t h. re4ur. rear.., „r4 p*rre NII s Bartle's Colbert . 144x1 . annm&ABI1SiT. . w5 .57 Feed I ' Feed 1 L JTJBT 14.1° VET> AT sA1.R ANr►ROAi't. 910 TOM OF BAIN SNORTS <C estr'rn l OII rr•mra ke nld TIIa O^4or,e. 011.... 11171. 4w*4am Stoves ! Stove s ! firs 1'&'w0*" .Lin Cownenrtn Ines 001111“pTTI7.,d,..•Plrr =.gJAIN Are WA1101UR' I N . cit raft BD. COAL OTL Shepherd k Strsohan'e, WHO,, Mrr, WO ;,8...- t•d wet 4110• illi MIL, faith 9� par Cask, ► RA miens erebeets, rat l' .ITOitT.lr ( Str, 411M lir/. Ce41 O;1 a• «I. Oodwli 3, Jh tA, te710 wt a 1' ,17,Krlf signally failed. Ile was note d and teriturn, hardly polite. As he insisted her ' atractiou, and made her the life enemy of Florence Knowlton, try remarking 'Woodford is extremely helmet* la' the choice of • teacher this summer.' He studied her face closely ea ke spoke, as thnngh to murk the effect of hi. wnnl.. The effo,ct wee quits marked enough ; he cpnld not have asked for. anything mor. decisive. --Mir Rivera Washed crimson, ton off the dainty •fil she wee tying, with ea glove with Neel ore, she plied coldly - .:.gay .r Yin I din say yin aro correct. Knowlton, if ler bold appe&n•tat dam not greatly belie her, is a p -rem well suited to the coszseet•tion .h.4 .ccners' Mr. 8,nruv&nt s fine yes kindled; he nearly committed h,,, elf by a share nmoonse, but t checked fore they were uttered, burs I ecourteous-. ly, And ,lmve away from the pt. mf Oakwood. One tine summer day there was • pie.' Die in the rem. neer WO. Afro& Flnrl•,tre went nen M the run) with her pnpi'a, an 1 there was not • livelier rl present than the ,,•4idnimla•crea .11s, simple white drive Mese, her Ponta' ItwUty ; efiif 6,11 mmm wort Sok u the; whitener to her snowy , `heap hat, with ie lett` nblo4'l, mytbnlb pd well with t 8.84100el , tear14 which gni Graham te Sr4eesst wait s, /her., anr1d at his elan 1.I tls.al, was Mise' Riven, ,ne1*I.nde1O in silks end' W .d se a &open& binL qkday wore rsP Cho ipowshor loam' I rasa, dinner ked been .breed; ♦I1.• 144y .el.wrsted, ate h go.Up 1 . 17p -tying th.mmtv.e to their W WW1 mrrmesee .t the ori 7J, m Ori J • 'slew*, Jae 1, •