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August 31.11.
1! OWII 4tl'.ii. '
Etialaatt.Law SALT. W tttL.-On Satur-
day, ut the well on the Heron Rood
sear the railway track' -1T feet of clear
salt werestruck at thedepthof 1140 fret.
9'ba puutimg apparatus will .be shortly
erected. Thu well will supply its own
' Mock, aud atso two emalter bieske Brew-
ed alongside.
Cuiseti ttasrr.-1Ye 1atdlY no‘iced the'.
Certonbrouk excursion to this town.
Otte of the .arurs.oiiist., tl,rnugti tho
Herron, thus expr.ases his Ppntou of it;
--"At (loitered' we arrived at
hall past luau. H.aded by our hand,
we proceeded free. the station t, the
ground. adjoining the MaltLyi I howl,
where every accommodation mea provi-
ded toy use worthy hoot, Mr. Hooker, W
whom great potter is due The situatieu
. of the gruundelapleasing. It commands
.mull new of the lake, and being well
shaded, a More suitable place for a pie-
niccould not 1w dor, red. After denting,
swinging. Ac., all repaired to partake of
as .scrIIeut repast prepared by the
fedi& of the party. Aftert t eereort the
steamer 'eywwer having been engaged
for • trip up the lake, all got aboard,
and were shun euj•oytng the refreoIiny
breezes of Lake Huron. The band play •
ed several lively airs, whish added co on -
' Merida! to the enjoy tient e( the ,tarry.
Great credit u due to the captain sad
errs m1 the ory,.wur for their urbanity
and politeness tuwardetheeace rswnuts
It is of the utast ,•t importance to have
S'tactecles adapted to the Ere in • ecten-
ti&c manner. F. Juniata Iran received
full iastru^tions its the art of fitting
Spectacle.' acoIr tely, aud is Sole Agent
in Mu plea for Lizire., Morns A Co.
Perfected Spectr:les. Give biota call.
Kiva's Casein. -Th. Rur. Geo.
Lagrone*, wools to occupy Mr. Cry s
pulpit, during hie abatises rt' !ic'ttire d,
willarnye in town ail, Thursday W as-
dtmesoiseeleticel duties. •
CuxsacaATIU . Ui 1'hnr,Jav, 24th
IOL, at the Cathedral Churn, l 'tn.10 i,
by Bishop (Menden, of Muntr.wl, the
Yeteopulttan "f the Anglican Church,
• the Yen. Archdeacon N.Thuutb wag
eunesent*1, IN (mediator to the 'Bishop
of Huron, under the title cl Bishop of
ClfaxdsD DIAlTIox a► Pius, -Our
•tttention ham been called lel glue fast
tett when the new South Pier is men-,
aJ f Bettor's
1101 'S lull BAtnsi.0 IIAas,a.--'rb. City Sclionas, end wishing rt' accouut of
g ut•urnwuut Engineer, Mr. Page. has
been in town Minting 111.-C. Cameron
Feat 11.1'. Mr. Page a koing down to
sequins the Hayfield harbor.
A Titourt,o KLarv"M.xu' • -- Od
Tuesday last, John Bethune, whose
crime fee already referred to, was tried
before his Honor Judge Brough 'mud
clearly ronvieteetof stealing a 890 *Well
from Mr Elliott, of ltahtield. His
limier deferred •entesun4tntil- Wedmore
day at 11 a. m., when the verdict of the
Court was -Three year$ in the Peniten-
tiary'. The prisoner, who -was wuU-
dresw,c in broadcloth, received the sen-
tanto with a plaintive "boo-boo," but
never a tear cure. On his trunk being
&•arched, it contained rush a heteroge-
ueous collection that the aou-
elusiuu tall only be, that Ffethure was
view around the county picking up what-
e ver he had laid his hands „n, Coat,
mutts and vests at Oster*. --Stela and
shoes of all numbers_ Five furies all
with money in them'. bloney in pockets.
Monty t't nun. Matey in ■tockin;te.
Motley knotted into rags and hand ker-
chiefs. English coppers std .flyer.
Nora Small and Prince' Edward 'eland
notes.' America* rid Canadian Curren-
cy. British and Auienean gold. The
money altogether amcunted to o\ er ltiti.
There were also two watches besides the
one etoleu. Papers its his prreruitm
deeeribe him u John Beaton, who had
been on military duty in Prime Edward
Island in IBtpt, and there is a deposit re-
ceipt from a P. E. 1. Bank for, in
same nave. He has been giving himself
"eves! uivau. On his 'way down to
Ashfield, having discovered that Mr and
alis James Soinereit1e, Luckn,w, were
away front home, the prisoner took pos-
session of the house for over three hours,
ordered their little daughter to, prepare
dinner for him, and kept her its a state of
eltremu termor. The agile patty is
tholleht to hap been round rho siFinity
of it•roueter, familiarly known there as
"test kl d' kir." It • u well his areas
Ido,r health, to reside at home." 'Ilio
resignation was accepted unauimously,
but with regret, on the 'nutlet' Lf Mr`
Kay, seconded by Mr Crabb. Thu con-
sideration of the gneitiou of bltWg the
Vwancy'' was deferred to the itegulrr
Meeting. There was submitted to the
Itarll a certificate from the Council of
!'ul,lic ludeuttion, gtlmhliyitag lir Mc.
Leu, to act 4u help.,! 1lopeetor under
the New Act, It was tics, uwtr ,by
Mr Elliott, owcouded by Mr !rain',
,that the IL'ard get plan' and sptec-
ificatious for a Sch..'l in St. An-
dn.'s %tars, of the same diieuaiuns
am that in St. Dat his Ward. blesses
Kay, Crabb and Ferguson thought un