HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-02-15, Page 16................ ...................................... . .. ................... The Oasis Restaurant !i! ..... Sunday Specials Whole stuffed Cornish Hen, potatoes, salad, vegetable, beverage, baked apple with whipped cream. Full Course Dinner '3.50 Children under 12 '2.50 Open 24 hours daily (The alknight dining spot) Phone 225-2715 for reservations WHALEN CORNERS 5 miles north of Elgin field on Highway 23 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Feb. 22,23 & 24 — Volume 111 Corning — The Tee Kees FULL COURSE MEALS 12:00 Noon to :0() p.m. and 4:00 to 7:30 pm. DAILY BUSINESSMENS LUNCH Where Old & New Friends Meet DINING & DANCING NIGHTLY NO COVER CHARGE Les Pines Hotel Motel North of the bridge EXETER 1 Phone 235-0151 Saturday, February 17 Entertainment by Mozart and the Melody Makers Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DE1TZ HIGHWAY 21 — GRAND BEND Open Daily BREAKFAST & LUNCH 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, DINNERS 5:30 p,m. to 8:30 p.m. Sot. - 5:30 to 8:30 HEATED 1300t —T p.m i3V-30- You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO 50th Wedding Anniversary OPEN HOUSE Beatrice & Clarence Johns SAT., FEB. 17 EXETER LEGION 2-4 p.m. EVERYONE' WELCOME BEST WISHES ONLY 25th Wedding Anniversary DANCE Evelyn & Gordon Johns SAT., FEB. 17 EXETER LEGION 9-1 SKIPPERS ORCHESTRA LUNCH EVERYONE WELCOME BESr WISHES ONLY For An Evening of Fun And Fellowship Thursday, Friday and Saturday Plus Saturday Matinee Tex Noble Club Albatross Huron Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 -4•11•11011.11111.1110.101MillimillIM01.0110.1•10110iMMUNIMINilimli • 's The F9urth Annual CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WEEKEND at the Pineridge Chalet 1 Y2 Miles West of HENSALL A FRIENDLY PAIR — After winning a grudge snow- mobile race at last year's Crippled Children's Weekend at the Pineridge Chalet, London's 1972 Timmy John Fitzgerald waves his crutch in the air while last year's Timmy Bob Sweeney offers congratulations. T-A photo. Fri.,Sat. 8t Sun. Feb. 16, 17 at 18 Fri. Night • Snowmobile Party • Trail Rides • Dancing to Joe Overholt • Mooseburgers & Venisonburgers & Hot Roast Moose Sandwiches Sat. Afternoon • Snowmobiling • Free Snowmobile Rides For Children • Jam Session • Mooseburgers & Venisonburgers .79orw non r: • Sul. Night • Dancing to Joe Overholt • Mooseburgers & Hot Roast Moose Sandwiches Sun. Morning • 9 A.M. — 1 P.M. • Pancake & Sausage Breakfast $1.25 All the Pancakes you can eat. Cooked by Gourmet "Bill Brady" Sun. Afternoon • Open Snowmobile Races • Free Snowmobile Rides for Children • Sleigh Rides • Bands - Seaforth Band • Model Air Show • Stage Show - Heywood Brothers, Joe Overholt, Staffa Step Dancers • Mooseburgers & Venison burgers • T.V. & Radio Personalities • Meet London's 1973 "Timmy" and the Crippled Children Support Crippled Children Everyone Welcome This Advertisement Sponsored By the Following Friends of Crippled Children C.A. McDowell Centralia LTD' 228.6961 Hurondale Dairy Huron Garage & Variety Hensall Hensall 262.2712 . 262-2815 Conklin Lumber John Elder Exeter. 235.1422 Skiroule Sales RR 2 Hensall 262-5598 Huron Motor Products Pineridge Chalet Zurich LTD. 236.4361 Hensall Drysdale Crest Hardware Hyde Brothers Hensall 2622015 Farm 'quiprnent Hensall 262-2718 4:-",•••••••, Tuckey Beverages Exeter 235-1505 Pay* 16. TitreS-AtiVOcOte, February 15J 1973 CRIB OFFICIAL VISITS — Kent Butcher, area secretary of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind visited several area elementary schools recently telling of the work of his organization. Shown above at, J.A.D. McCurdy public school, Mr. Butcher shows a checkerboard used by blind people to Melinda McIsaac, Robbie Funston, Mike Sutherland and Leanna Tripp. T-A photo HEY! Want to go where the action is? MAITLAND TRIO Country and Western Band Fri, & Sat.-Feb. 16 & 17 DANCING BE THERE! Grand Bend folk busy, at bingo, seniors, 4-H Also Chicken Fry 1.79 By MRS. FRANK PLUMB FREE SALAD BAR Friday & Saturday 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Gerard, Shiela Tiedeman, Mrs. Higgens, Susan Masse, Mary Moser, Marty Mommersteeg, and consolation prize to Angela Hobaitle and Marty Mom- mersteeg. A door prize was awarded. Working Man's Special Monday thru Friday from $1.00 at 7 p.m. The group chose a ring binder record book. Introductory sheets and instruction books were handed out. Books are to be checked every two weeks. Harriet coached the three new students how to make their notes. Sewing baskets and equipment are to be ready for next meeting. In "Sportswear from Knits" one should check about care of the material before buying. Various patterns were shown, measurements taken, and the meeting ended by a question period and the 4-H Grace. Over 100 attended the Jackpot Bingo at Alhambra Hall on February6.Regular prize winners were Donna Mennen, Willy Bedard, Bev. Masse, Doug Masse, Henry Martins, Frances Relouw and "share the wealth" to Marian Market and Donna Mennen. Other regular winner were Mrs. Wilds, Angela Robitaille, Frances Relouw, Miss Vanpraet and ''share the weath" by Dora Rood and Iola Shaw. Other prizes went to Brenda DeJong, Norma BRENNER'S RED GABLE HOTEL 4-H 4-H "Knotty Knits" a group of 14 girls held their first meeting February 9. New officers chosen were president, Harriet Van. denbygaard ; vice president, Jane Kelders; secretary, Ellen Va ndenbygaard ; and press reporter, Matilda Van Leeuwen, Meetings will be every Thursday Since 1876 GRAND BEND 11,111111111111111$111111111111111111111ifinnellirmirMentriMatrilltitlIMIMIII1111111111111111110111111 Lucan church news 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Carson concluded by challenging the congregation to go to church and encourage others to come. `Be alive for Christ' he said. Seniors meet The Senior Citizens met last week with an excellent at- tendance. A minute ,of silence was held in memory of the late Mrs. Bertha Pfile, for whose memory a Gideon Bible was donated ogra mconvener Mrs. Wellwood Gill read poems and sang a duet with Mrs, Mae Holt, entitled "We'll Grow Old Together". Mrs. Susie Devine told the story of "The Old Maid and the Burglar". Mrs. Dorothy Reeves read two poems about grand- mothers - the old-fashioned one Lucan United Church The sacrament of baptism was celebrated on February 4 when three children were baptized: Stephen Patrick, son of Mr. and and the up-to-date' one. Mrs, W. Mrs. John MacDonald, RR, „ 3 Gill, .,,T cited 4 ,16niebocty's La= ; Duantl'An'd, —§bifYciiM (glailei..' The program „ tfo FfeSed 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Maier, 4A: ,,:wit,11 the singing of "The re We 1, Lucan; and Stephen Glenn, son Get Together" after which vaildds games were played and lunch served. Euchre The Euchre evening at the Anglican Parish Hall had seven tables playing. Mrs. Jessie Fink- beiner won a prize for the closest birthday to Valentine's Day. Mrs. Schade of Dashwood won for the lucky tally card. Card game prize winners were: Mrs. Grieves, Mrs. H. Lake, Mrs. C. Love, Mrs. A. Kuntz, and Mrs. Schroeder, Centralia. Personals Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Stromes are back from a Florida trip with their daughter Mrs, Kieswetter of Kitchener, Holy Trinity Anglican Church On Wednesday the Anglican Church Women met in the home of Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Frank Street. Mrs. F. Hardy Sr. the President presided. Rev, R.A. Carson led the Bible study dealing with children and how we should be as accepting as a child if we are to grow in faith. Plans were made to have a meeting of all the Women of the Parish in Carlisle Hall April 12. Mrs. K.B. Keefe, wife of the Dean of Huron will be the special speaker. Mrs. King and Mrs. Hodgins gave readings on children. Lunch was served by Mrs. Coursey and Mrs. G. Hodgins. On Sunday the A.Y.M. made a canvass, of the north side of Lucan for the 'Heart Fund'. Canvassers were Linda Kraul, Karen Henderson, Anne Revington, Bill Henderson, Bill Carson, Donna Marlott, Anne Stanley, Nancy Lewis and Roger Lewis. Next Sunday is the beginning of Baden- Powell or Scout-Guide Week. The Brownies, Guides and Cubs will parade to church for the eleven o'clock service. The members of the groups will participate in the service. Last Sunday Wendy Yvonne Gwalchmai, daughter of Humphrey Daniel and Joan Gwatchmai was christened, Godparents were George and Marie Atkinson. Anglican Last Sunday Mrs. A. Hil] presided at the organ. Rev. R.A. Carson preached on "Christianity faces Com- munism". He said there is a struggle for the minds and hearts of men. It is a war to the death, an ideological war that demands attention from all Christians. Mr. Carson said "the church to preach the Gospel, needs to be concerned with political and social issues, for to ignore them is to be practical atheists", Mr. of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Snider, 184 Frank Street. The following new members were received: Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald,- by transfer. from Leamington United Church and First Baptist Church, Leamington; and Mrs. Fred Windsor, by transfer from Greenway United Church on the Grand Bend charge. The sermon was the first in the series: "Why?" "Why Is It So Hard to be Good?" The minister pointed out that there are two powers struggling for mastery in every person and that the problem is not one of knowledge. "It isn't so much a case that we don't know how; it's that we don't know who. "as William Barclay says, "It is only when we know Christ that we are able to do what we know we ought to do." On Sunday, Mr. Tripling con- tinued the series "Why?" with the question, "Why Is It Wrong to be Critical?" He pointed out that christianity is love in action, and love must seek the best in the other person. "Why is it wrong to be critical? Fundamentally, because we are all children of God, and every man has the right to be judged on his best behavior. If I point the finger at someone else, I am pointing the finger at myself," "If we were more concerned with people, and less„, concerned with value judgments;' it would be a happier world, and a more peaceful world, and ultimately a more Christlike world," said Mr. Tupling,