HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-02-15, Page 11Play card qt Shipko February 1$ 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Mabel Ewald, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mabel Ewald, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, House- keeper, who died on or about the 8th day of August 1972, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of February 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughtpn, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario 7c 24 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS on forms and in envelopes a v i 1 a ble from the office of the under- signed will be received until 5:00 p,m. on: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1973 for 4 —1973 Dump Trucks Four used County trucks will be traded in. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. W. BRITNELL, P. Eng,, Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 7c FARM, 192 acres, 40'x60' barn, brick .house. Phone 234-6406. 4:6* ZURICH — Z storey 3 bedroom frame home, electric heat, full basement. Phone 236-4702, 0:7c Mr. & Mrs. John Corbett and family, near Hensall. By ri+'IR$. HUGH IVIORENZ SHIPKA Seven tables were in play at progressive euchre Wednesday, evening at Shipka Community centre. Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. R, Schroeder, Crediton; ladies low, Mrs. Angeline Scott; men's high, Harry Sheppard; men's low, Earl Turner, Parkhill; most lone hands, Mrs. Mary Moser. A lucky draw on a fowl was won by Cliff Kenny, Crediton. The east group v:ere in charge of refreshments, The south group are planning a euchre and solo party in 2 weeks. Persona Is Herb Harlion and Dorothy returned Monday from a plane trip to Calgary, Alberta and while there visited a niece Mr, & Mrs. Joe McAreavy and family and sister-in-law Mrs, George Sherritt who is recovering from surgery in Calgary General hospital, Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams and Mr. & Mrs. H. Morenz visited Wed- nesday in St. Thomas with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Baker. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker Jr„ Bonnie and Tracey Stratford spent the weekend with his parents here and attended the funeral Saturday of their uncle, Aime Blais, at Strathroy, Mrs, Milton Sweitzer spent a few days last week at Stratford with Mr. & Mrs. Terry Pickering and baby Justin. Donna Leadly, Welland and friend spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs, Jack Pickering. Mr, & Mrs. Dick Zielman and family visited Sunday with the WE ARE DISMANTLING BUILDINGS at ODC Site, CENTRALIA ( Ex RCAF Base) good used lumber all sizes, plywood, doors, windows, cupboards, shingles, asbestos siding, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, bathroom fixtures, miscellaneous items, Salesman on site daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Sunday or contact C. A. McDOWELL LTD. Centralia PHONE 228-061 or 228-6780 20% OFF Auction Sale By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Friends of Mrs. Ray Lammie will be pleased to know that she is improving in Victoria Hospital following surgery on Thursday of last week. Mr. & Mra, Jack Paisley, Toronto were weekend visitors with Mrs. Paisley's mother, Mrs. George Dunn, and with her sister Mrs. Ray Lammie in Victoria Hospital. Allan Buswell has been a patient for the past few weeks in Victoria Hospital where he un- derwent surgery. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom visited over the weekend with his parents in Parry Sound and with their son Dan of Stonecliff who was also spending the weekend there. Mary Shoebottom was a weekend visitor at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shoebottom and family, Exeter. O'PER ceirr4w ycr sow 1084PAYNIF Ree7/16 PROPER PROCESSING ... is our business WE KNOW • how to cut your meats so they eat better • how to cure your hams and bacon to a mouth- watering turn • how to render your lard to creamy white • how to get the most out of every cut of meat for your family. cilATIONIL iI INTLTUTE ltle(E111 PnTILlifilERS RARING TO GO One of the features of Saturday's Hockey Day at Heesoll was the performante of the mite, ther go ore nges R t hockey players in the village. Shown (above getting reedy t Lavery and Jeff Caldwell. 1-A photo. Miner 13 For Sale APPLES — Spy apples for sale, $2.50 bushel, Lynn Farm, Hwy. 4, 1 mile north of Clandeboye and t mile west on Middlesex Road 24. Phone 227-4677, 3-8c GOOD HAY, first and second cutting. highest price paid. Phone 726-2427, 5-8c DACHSHUND or Miniature Poodle pups, registered; also older dogs, Shalmandach Ken- nel, Grand Bend, phone 238- 2856. 6:7:8c 36" SNOW BLOWER attach- ment, 40" blade, both new. Will sell for $100 less than list price. Electric cattle clippers; 1948 Cadillac engine, Phone 262-5680. 6:7* 16 Ploperly For Sale 13 for Sale 16 Properly for Sale Couple .home from west FABRICS. D.H. BIRD 'HURON COUNTY ACREAGES' 49 acres vacant land on paved county road, 5 miles to Lake Huron, good loam, some bush, excellent building site, creek through property. Asking $19,500. Our 1973 Fabrics have arrived, What An Array! SEE OUR SPECIAL CLEAR-OUTS Wool Plaids, Wool Hopsacking and Sports Fabrics 99( A YARD Reg, to $3.98 45" tp 58" Wide $2,99 A YARD Reg. to $5.98 60" Wide See our Bargain Table priced to clear at HALF PRICE • Men's Fine Shirts • Ladies' Slacks, Blouses, Sweaters • Children's Pyjamas, Pants, Etc. John Zandwyk family near Zurich. Mrs. Zandwyk recently returned from hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz were supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morenz, Saturday in London and Sunday dinner guests with COTTAGE, 3 bath, electric 5 years old, Grand Bend, Apply to Box eter Times-A bedroom, 4 piece heat, winteriaed, 2 miles north of Terms arranged. "YRP", The Ex- dvocate. 6-11* The Indians called Trembling Aspen "noisy leaf" because ,,the leaves trembled with the slightest breeze. 'RURAL HAVEN' 4 bedroom family home of character on 5 acres, 4 miles from Blyth. House in good re- pair, features large rooms, full basement, good furnace, excel- lent barn, drilled well, Asking $29.500. For information on the above please call: WALTER CRL.IMPLIN 238-8081, or D. H. BIRD, Realtor 433-5351 7c HENSALL — Large white brick 8 room house, well-treed, lily pool, double garage, at 65 Richmond St. S. Phone 293- 3353, from 9 to 5 or 293-3354 after 5 p.m., or write 0. M. Jantzi, Box 130, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 6:7c LOVE at first sight is what you'll have when you see this 2 bedroom, single garage home, large kitchen, dining room, living room and den, Great value, well decorated, well pric- ed, at the edge of Zurich, Gerrie Gingerich, 236-4028, M, Sirotic Real Estate Ltd. 6:7c 11/2 STOREY BRICK, beautifully restored and decorated, on ap- proximately 2 acres of land near Kippen; large broadloom- ed living room, kitchen 15'x9, 3 bedrooms, plus drive shed and garage. Asking $21,500. Call Elizabeth Brow n, 1-472-2233; res. 285-2830. L. M. Girard, MLS Realtor. 7:8c EXETER — White brick bung- alow, good roof, dry basement, good oil furnace, bright, clean home with two bedrooms plus den, large living room, dining room, bright kitchen, new cup- boards, new carpet throughout, auiet street, close to uptown. 452 Andrew Street Drive past then phone 235-2912. Asking $12,600. Good terms, or discount for cash. 7tfnc 200 ACRES, McGillivray Town- ship, 150 workable, drilled well, silo, 24x80, with unloader; pav- ed feedlot, 2 barns, 4 bedroom modern brick house. Call How- ard Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, 293- 3175; Granite Real Estate Corp. Ltd., Realtor. 7e 24" CHAIN SAW, McCulloch, $150 or best offer. Also for sale, pony, Phone 227-4522, 6:7* PAIR OF SKIS, Fisher Presi- dent, 210 c.m., with Look Ne- vada bindings, very good con- dition. Asking $100. Phone 228- 9902, ask for Chris Kemp, 6:7* TO GIVE AWAY — 1 female pup, ideal for children. Phone 234-6336. 7nc • 1972 MOTO SKI, 340 Capri, with cove r, excellent condition. Phone 235-2122 after 5 p.m. 7nc TRUCK CAP, new, 36", insulat- ed, to fit long wide box. 244 Main St,, Exeter, 235-1533. 7c BALED STRAW — Phone 236- 4863. 7* 11 Properly For Rent 3 - BEDROOM town houses in Vanastra, RR 5 Clinton; $95.00 per month; all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7725 any- time. 39tfnc EXETER — 2-bedroom apart- ment, fully broadloomed, stove and refrigerator supplied, Ap- ply Joe Darling at Darling's IGA or phone 235-2794 after 6 ltfnc GRAND BEND—Bachelor apart- ments with refrigerator, rad- iant heating, color television, furnished. Phone 238-2339. 45tfnc BACHELOR town house apart- ments, Phone 235-2420 during business hours. 50tfnc APARTMENT, street level, up- town location, small, newly decorated, electric heat, stove and frig supplied, ideal for single person. Phone 235-2420 daytime. 4tfnc 2 APARTMENTS, self contain- ed, frig and stove, Mt. Carmel- Crediton area. Phone 237-3469. 7: 8c And Have For Sale EXTRA SPECIAL! MEN'S ODD PANTS Sizes 30, 32 and 34 $1.00 A PAIR Our Loss Is Your Gain! VERNON SCHATZ General Merchant ONTARIO 6ffnc WHITING'S DASHWOOD NORM WHITING aUGUOROOP ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & THINGS ANTIQUES — Grandfather's clock; settee sets; marble top cherry table; hall seat; sets of dining room chairs; chicken coop chairs; organ stools; fern stands; wool winders; dough box; flat to wall cupboards; dry sink; cradles; brass and iron beds; oxen yoke; china cabinet; wash stands; phono- graph and records; cylinder records; record cabinets; oil hanging and table lamps; toilet sets; clocks; brass; china and glassware, FURNITURE — Hall table; buffets; gate leg table; oak library table; chrome sets; sets of chrome chairs; wardrobe; cedar chest; 48" box springs and mattress; wooden and iron beds; night tables; dressers; chests; colored and B&W tele- visions; TV, radio, record player combination; floor and table lamps; upholstered chairs; refrigerators; gas .and electric stoves; washing machines; washer, snin dryer; cribs; bug- gies; stroller; humidifier; elec- tric sewing machine; record players; car tape player; port- able electric organs: cameras; Bell & Howell movie camera, projector and screen; tape re- corders, etc. 63 MAIN ST., S. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1964 7c ALL SNOWMOBILE SUITS AND Board bans bats from school rooms LARGE, MODERN 1 bedroom apartment, wall to wall car- pets, parking, 25 minutes from London, rent reasonable. Phone Gra n ton 225-2220, 70 HURON PARK, 3 bedroom house, available April 1. Phone 228-6353, 7* ACCESSORIES CALL 1863 JERRY MacLEAN & SON AUTOMOTIVE LTD. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE VILLAGE OF CREDITON West of Stardust Restaurant Sat. Feb. 17 at 1:30 p.m. Sharp This is a stone and brick ranch style house only six months old consisting of 2,040 sq. ft. on a lot 146' x 335'. The main floor consists of a living room 30' x 12', dining room 12' x 12' 3 large bedrooms, 22' x 14', 13' x 12' and 13' x 9'6"; 4 piece bathroom, 2 piece bathroom, kitchen 19' x 12' with built in dishwasher; family room ( or beauty parlour) 22' x 14'; utility room 22' x 10'. It has broadloom throughout with the exception of kitchen and utility room. This house has electric heat. Full basement. House is sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. Donald Averill, Prop. Minister Thomas Wells has said that "while we hope our children will come out of the system with these virtues, and many do, this is not the kind of statute that is pertinent to the times", The Board decided to let the minister of education know of its op- position to the proposal. Middlesex County Board of Education this week approved in principle, on a one-year ex- perimental basis, increased special education services. These include appointment of a speech therapist, the opening of an in- termediate opportunity class in the Parkhill area, and the opening of one, and possibly two, specific learning disability classes - one at Westminster School and the other at Caradoc North School. A report to the Board indicated that its present special education staff and services cannot meet the needs of students who require special help. The increased services will depend on provisions of the 1973 budget now in preparation. It was also reported that pupils at Newbury and Wardsville schools would move on February 19 to the newly renovated and enlarged Mosa Public School. In other business, the Board endorsed a recommendation of its animal care committee that no living bats be kept in classrooms. It also went on record as opposing a recent move by the Ministry of Education to remove from school legislation the section that says it is the duty of a teacher "to inclucate by precept and example respect for religion and the principles of Christian morality and the highest regard for truth, justice, loyalty, love of country, humanity, benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, purity, temperance and all other vir- tues". In announcing the intention to drop the section from provincial education statutes, Education "The Centennial Office" One-Storey Cement Block Building 45' x 70' x 15' HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — 4 bedroom frame house, in excellent condition; oil heating, forced air; lovely lot; driveway; close to schools; 2 piece bath down; 3 piece up; large living room. GRAND BEND — Located on Hwy. 21 just south of bridge on lot 82x126. Three bedroom cement block house, living room, dining room, 3 pc, bath, basement, oil heat. This house is modern and in good repair. North of the Car Wash EXETER 235-0800 Use Your CHARGEX 7c SPECIAL for FEBRUARY Zoned Industrial or Commercial • TV TOWERS • ANTENNAS • ROTORS • BOOSTERS Apply SIGNS BY WEBSTER 235-0680 7c HENSALL — Brick house on a well treed lot, 3 bedrooms all with closets, 4 piece bath, large kitchen, completed rec room, carport, living room, dining room. This is a lovely home and must be seen to be appreciated. PHONE 262-5372 7c 18 For Rent APPLES, choice quality, North- ern Spys, Delicious, $2.50 per bushel and up. Bring contain- ers. After 4 daily and on week- ends or phone 482-9136. Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 7c USED SEWING MACHINE — 3 White, 1 International and 3 Singer. Contact Hopper-Hockey Fur nit u re, your Husqvarna Sewing Centre, Main St., Ex- eter. 7c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2" drills; port- able television; floor polishers. Beavers Hardware, 235-1033. 18tfnc Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter JOHN BURKE LTD. DEJONG'S GRAND BEND CLOTHING Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 48tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4:24tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. ltfne 47 Main St. GRAND BEND ONTARIO OUR 1973 MERCHANDISE HAS ARRIVED! Some Special Clear-Outs MEN'S PANTS Reg, to $14,95 Most Sizes Only $2.00 Pair BOY'S & GIRL'S SLACKS $1.00 Pair SEE OUR $1.00 TABLE Come in and browse around. 7:8c RCA TV, 22" console, black and white, 2 years old; RCA stereo- phono with separate speaker, record storage cabinet. Phone 235-0173. 7tfne MATERNITY WEAR — Dresses, blouses, pant tops, pants. Sizes 8 to 18. At the Separate Shoppe, Main Corner, Clinton; open 2 to 6; closed Wednesdays. 7:9c BURGLAR ALARM system, less siren, new, never used. Owner has another. Sell less than half price, Phone 238-2023. 7c SKI-DOO, 35 h.p., with tach and speedometer, Al condition. Phone 227-4413. 7: 8c SNOWMOBILE SUIT, lady's 1- piece, navy, medium size, used one season, in good condition. Phone 2:354843. 7c 1972 SKI-DOO, 340 TNT, 1,100 miles. Phone 228-6567. 7: 8c AUTOMATIC DRYER, Westing- house, Viking wringer washer, $145 complete, Phone 235-0811. LADY'S CLOTHING, size 12, all in good condition. Phone 237- 3479, 7c LAI BEAVER1 BEAVER LUMBER MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1582 WINTER HOME BUYER BONUS on new BEAVER HOMES 19 For Sale or Rent ANYTIME... ANYWHERE.. ANYBODY TO BUY OR RENT-3 or 4 bed- room home, located on large lot or small acreage. Apply to Box "JNP", The Exeter Times- Advocate. 7:8:9* 14 Wanted To Buy Early orders get BIG discounts on new Beaver Homes. Save on mortgage interest, and initial investment. Choose from any of the 50 new 1973 Beaver mo- dels. Save today—lot owners can start with as little as $200 down—and you can be living in your new home this spring. Get the facts now — phone George Smith, 235-1582, OLD BOOKS and bookcases, tables, dressers, chairs, house- hold contents purchased for cash. Phone collect 293-3444. 45tfnc OLD CLOCKS and antiques, We buy sell or trade, also re- pair and refinish clocks. Bob's Clocks, 13 Main St., Grand Bend, phone 238-8382. 4-8c GOOD HAY, first and second cutting, Highest prices paid. Phone 728-2427, 7:8c USED CUPBOARDS, suitable for cottage, Phone 235-2598. 7c FURNITURE, g 1 a s s, dishes, lamps, clocks, etc. Ye Olde Antiques, Lucan, 227-4139. 7:8:9:10c 20 Wanted To Renl PASTURE, 60 to 100 acres, for 50 head. Phone 234-6281. 6;7:8c 100 ACRES of farm land. Phone 262-2612. 7* Drop In And Let Us Show You How You 22 Notices FREE New 1973 Beaver Homes Cata- logue with floor plans, Ask for your copy at the Beaver store. 4-9c Can $ave 12% 15% INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with On Your Meat Bill By Buying In Quantity HUGH A. EVANS PARKHILL Just listed — aluminum siding storey home with attached garage. Large living room, kit- clien and utility room, 4 piece bath, 3 bedrooms, all carpeted. Immaculate throughout. Excell- ent home for grandparents, GRAND BEND NEAR THE BEACH—Complete- ly remodelled summer cottage with 3 bedrooms, living room, large sun porch, well equipped kitchen. Easily rented for $100 per week in season. EDGE OF GRAND BEND — 3 Acres with access to river. Build your own "hideaway" with boat dock. 55 ACRES sandy loam, small creek and Well, VA miles front Lake Huron. $3000 down, Vendor will hold first mortgage. MAE THURMAN Rep, for Hugh A. Evans, Realtor 55 Ontario St. GRAND 13END 238-2825 SIDES of BEEF App;u -235 79 A LB. QUALITY ALMATEX PAINT'S AT FACTORY DISCOUNT PRICES Ask About Our Delivery Service THE PAINT POT SEED GRAIN .HINDS of BEEF A p pp roauxr.1 a1s25 93 4 ROY SCOTCHMER Highest prices paid for grain that is suitable for seed. We are interested in Garry, Rod- ney and Stormont Oats; Brock and Keystone Barley. Bring in a sample for our quotation. ALEX M. STEWART & SON LIMITED Phone 293-3211 AILSA CRAIG ONTARIO 5:6:7c 16 Properly For Sale FRONTS of BEEF 12A5PpPor7n.els 65‘ L9. Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:10 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-Up 47tfnc Prices Include Deluxe Cutting, Wrapping And Quick Freezing (At Webster Signs) 235-0680 4tfne PITTSBURGH PAINTS 720 Colors blended to your choice, in all finishes. SIMMS BRUSHES for best results. PAPER BOOKS in the latest designs and patterns. "Your At Home Decorating Centre" CALL BILL MacLEAN 129 Gidley St. 225-2934 EXETER ledwtftic tantediPIARKET exeLer frozen foods BUY ME! Buy me! I'm a cozy 2 bedroom home with hard- wood floors, panelled lining room, bright kitchen with lots of cupboard space, 4 piece bath With vanity. I'M situated On a large treed lot in a quiet part of town. A steal at $12,900. Phone 235-2608, 60 GROCERIES • Flt 11 PRODUCE FRESH &CIRtD MEATS CLASSIFIED DEADLINE TUESDAY 5 pan. CALL EXETER 235-1331