HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-8-29, Page 2PP.
g tit nu reny lauds se mush ss two marls, ago. 1 1.11.10 av The blarierte
ambit ninon itheikiedKree„et lett St. Paula hve weeks Mime +rah the Ltlerul, th Ilth of dogtrot. ea 041.41011
situ i.e..' it utttrie timmramar that stuff would remit demi 4.1 so et tle 1, An
r pievaleut in The K of tidy her appoitited Coquet
littelkilie another conotry 111 con- now been here two weeks awaiting it. amp el eti /Leah Ont. Be diet Ottawa. Menebrea, Arbitrator iti the (bindle
nt le pay Mich • preat for pesos, we There is also • barge party of warvaym• ott Snide+ meets fide. mid t ired I
Tr..% Garry ea noun as myself 1 have onieinnat I int, enity d hoe, the foes- °median Choi r •
enplane we may el* May he sontent, here= nothing but waitdirg oti this in bt. Johe'e horde{ goes! cut eleichrb. hold thinned.« in maltase* to return rim Cnnui 4'It""wan large Business --Stands in Goclerich
et Couferenee. en tbe Alabama Climes.
eel , All the troope In the Doinupon am to
n thet Urilatusis leas olhoially an- eel" awl 111000110114:11t Imin for their rin, d.00rs...1 had hem theate her . fe,•„gismf by 1.1 Not •
adore re.W nom 4, mat tut rytoitoon,t provisions. l'hey have now been bore tor emu. time. mai thig tut Alps ef t‘toed tetuds ititve oe.,,rrett in the
three *auks. Soule uf their goods they nay trout Omar,* wee mere then le, rt. restock government lies tin
way. 4,191 bY oherged itself with 'the Fatima raid City Chamberlaul'e office "r, posed a tax of hve fritiar.a tin Ilateh
The reinerk td Retiforth, Captein cif T,
hese hail something lett to a fear of foul iniTil&I'•Irt•":::".111.7:1'1::::er":11:itt:I'd't ra"rwirual.Intt"niittit4% .
cat, and ene frenc ins es ery camel bird
. nO"gr&in chums." That UM Gledstotie (linen.- Kamm, the HintsunZre Bay Co. ajd t
shipped fries St Paula through bfwetressi d hoer Ble item« 6 .1.14 and deld
to keep loot,ng that he "mutt
Diuni""di eni cam Thilddi both"' . Cloud; which wens delivered into Mr , - m. -------
veyin. giscals through to We place. Mae ba.
of Ids death a• "pulmonary •pitilexy." 0eruiem iro"P••
, piditheaus bare shown theiusels es in A- Otto the hands rhf lion, Griggs Its Co., - - HE PREMISES OCCUPIED liT A. B. SMIrH, COIITSISTrol,r0,:iltrableA te,S '
how 01-infersuel Brituth Knew's haunts f..ur days titter than those ' Dv. Paincluitid, of Quebec, died oil Spain is eztreditieg the Communist T
sptly ellaabh " gent ill 01Ir CUVAIlusseuces suit interests. arrival hem ten 'far days age, whereas The FellSkswilliet°theltill,,toilau.ch Agrisulteral 24th iitat,, ag..I St. Ho was thu oldest Tangos. I 6".rf lir" Uuliduwif. 4" In.'".1 rnof'41"r. lind d6.11141.
li J.1.1111 is striking wild and silver oriin 1{7111'23
therm ' me ' wheitever es yet, of the nueney wills.* held m. Leyte uu Tiiessolay prefeesur .4 medium., in the pc,,,,,,,,o,.
When • t- trathroy detonation iteited ' to uorresposid with the Anierican system. ett,,i 6.0%, wiPhyrkeeit.ton•olhei 1t5ch Se' pt. next 011 the Premium.
fr;ii,iu Sii!iialtd•krii,ttititte en North side of biarkut &hum at ft. frontage by
wrillITA.Zeitrill 31118111161r.
Enquire of ..
611401/1.1,1ch ui°rket" !I. The mejuxitv of the lAtnatitlan people. 'Ise fa* is, Mourn. Hill, Oe 'es
the Greedihmess ?thus. B ,
no that as Teri'," 'Mutt otherwise and demand, whatel tu make their tieupert etticieat am
*in amble 4°- tr., may be On ou mince. they mo car r o• as to whether they ac-
e* spagg We have pset dot tit. tiiinnb.t. nu, Dombuto commodate the public or mit. linty
lireatee wen um
.. • IA?' lAsbace °F, War oW°°•• R'&11.111"--' eglit of "friedependeut and Final Judg- now that the. Caned States Government
to the tiassi:gi e t4 *migrants. through the
' b"""sh and. they will turn and twist
I 1.1k0 mare wita they bud the &melee in
moment from the Throne. That c lag
whiclelkeY mart th., l'Irret ae"elees "liedependeat and riled Judgment" mitt Wien nit &RI M nem'. Hilli 0r4Ne & Co-
ernagdishaL web... to dueht North tem. titab .......td „tn.., tao...1, 0,ion.erni. strengtt,, .L.,f tft former thpayhavLalreedy
ieeko• 141•471Fisslid • • - meet," secured to them by the' terms t f have revorsed their instructiens relative
lir if this lot
Tate the ilhahnhat directors have •G" 0.17 .1..4 s,....4.Als_th. rriecti..„f *au Wind to reiugn this credo on the
Hiercis sin:i South erw's 11111......7° get ally .ftir ever,hy placing her irreittediebly 1 *amid rec" oin&amen&d our whOltwashilutuuter:
nalwati•Nalle•danal bY Prnr".„1 suP. in the bands Of IL In'Op10 • 11161, whateser to ship their geode through Mr. N. W.
segt rare in the best vetealectee; Leung b,te no obj,tion to yoin7-1,,, 0..4 n.rn try witll find rt mere satisfactory to
allifl iliela d44. nn• i" 4b. eentilj„...mati ' adenneeinent over the shebetons of other 1 the''ren'.." Ivesaiu suit
. halletled 4.111l,110 "r" 1.104 w`11 L'''' " nations. It yoittld bat 0 been 1141C0111111g through the Pre7nce with Mr". Dowel,
tall Ger#4„. The Township conned .of
showmen eillet he y are what c. oirse they in 13°14 L Hivw•Sli.
3666141116WorY wi•elY °um uP 118 '0-.1 Lela L., pursue- Theirailence leads us to the
• tdrations to submit • sectional bunt), to
b -lief they will. het ray .4kinAda., if they
• Gni. The cenetittienmes will watch their
'..roisber"""" ' 11"rvies ti* th° 1"Cse`t 10 SirJohn A.3taolonakl ending govern- Inepector et Post Ofinee for the Dominion
of the Norther Ternships in went inn, eh.issu suusairisiu so usnuitu, Rh? tsui.ostablisLang othcosat the necessary
t .M1(4 also f.til to do their duty ! I
are ea present sa follows :-Townettip of cermet be dailatel beyond the restdpt The Seat.. E.ri nor's st in of
on Sendlield Macdonald. and pressed tou I Tem yew being -the 1111,16nd wird to a
. him tlie oiaims of their village to the dollar.
• --- new Registry office, he replied : " Whet Chicago 1. insper ing geodsdirret from
for several days past been very intense, 710 1" a we rsgeousaces of the New,Y..rk Custoun
literally overpowering to the usuadiss The arbitrators ha,. been epp„totod you...
and to settle the boundary between Omen-, There are 30,045 Post Offices in the
functiutut ; just as if that old pugusenotes efaiiitolia mid Mr. F.
_ovule Tache for the pilot „t ths t,,,,dr. convicts who
peudle-eatod cur, SIMI., mid all his D imittion, «coped (rum Slug -Sing have Levu re -
privy outincillors mei come to the wank' The Galt gathering ou Fridey last pre- captured.
mom resulutiou of girnig • mixed ./h°4111 settled • splendid mem of Reformers . .„ v i., ,
to-ilie utalmmit and wuttneteid ir'nk" °` Metters Mackeezie and Blake hed whir«. peatlites bold for 1160 • crate and the
the dug (Iva, by Hartwig, not onlY the sae presented them by the Raforuiers of „odio i
aidare =nun race- but ever{ *Pe'riee ‘d Waterloo.
Walla«, $10,000 ; Village of Listowel of the doeument
ekil her ittiCeety ...nth has ellhittdled dose to a mere
so opo e30;(,)0 ; Grey. $36. 000 ; Y be pleased te "eppriele" us ber thread. All it now dres is to hold over
retire s chil‘ish threat of "unpleasant
- Weir igawsnosh, 618,000; East Wawa- •hreglekeweigederiag, personehties be
gal& 110,000. This is at the rate of say Itt At we aired the ettention of the /he y.:,,,,,,,,,
$11,000 per rile, but the promoters
restranhee thee a hen they secure the
rge.... Government rasa of *1,000 per mile
I'Mr the aneounts voted will be reduced.
a. Shedolias hem 6614 about the refusal of
' ' ;
eter its fries doing oar
en -initiate. We witjte
ry out ita threat et
Grand Trunk Railway to the example of Wwitir va a few "Humph,' left
The Put...dose are rotting in the sorrel -.yoe aish
tTeotikee which nature iota wrarow
her animal 1.1),(11, 11111.0 it rabid state
the Northereltailway, which has finished sterut'd our leisure, by
ere Construction of extensive elevator
at fer the unloading end take toil.
beelleAL W e de Dot Wily, th,t IMy that it will give entrance and accernyds.
am* rubs., hie boon vv.,. The siring door. the bu.goit. serer that float on
conveniences for speed detcharge of grain erected by the Messrs Gibson, is nearly
lakem It will then rest with the!
hen by the whit bards of a
finished. It will be ready fur work in a
whieh 'ire to be found at MI termini short time.
p 'mint, we shall now
spectator of the °online
tor. A thrust or two has
n exchanged and bleed
WE SECA:V.A. Car 1131.
Goderich, August 25th, 1871
pio eiseuvery of the sepulchre .4
urder t° "r"d littobLa..1,,,N,Yakt,f;tte,rdi w , Queen 5.1 Alexander 11,
Gould trank Pail.. ay Co. to 'Joni the , Nsw Miu..-The new Grist
ustang as it does, m au au
ethic triunity of Ion« aud varieties tu by • pi it 4 ho . cor n •r a jive
pant of structure, sue, aud being, retern a yerdad of wilfel uninler against
Ualtitle•ilsAiibobw7Yfi. led with countless newts.
proved rather extensive an ,i p ,
was met at Halifax Telegraph C
mud td action tor the cireumecribed lletiforth a hotly
'matt • °red la:hit "iudptiLurn4; tat, litilad..'dir...ile"ngneirstril E1s1glir50G4-vorse Cartier has arrived at toe:I.:al ottt.., utlycutrutt:11,71h,,oltibtorpr::::ontryl
The "4:limn...ober" In dart Polka mai-
ii:rvinge*thie'legyet' huulaydroYi. whitial't .01)&1'1'1r:ell's- . Cktrit‘htts.otption hate .n, it, ing opened in V11.1.611 of Britain deily at 10 0.10
siestrow to a relive'', will be to the
Ontario Government the areagest
iZilimitut for .ni in that line
would rot be domed, tf the milwar,
Itamilton scheme dose, °nines with
, the inteetim .if the Act .1 aperopne
Them/mum W•ilingten
aud Brum Rade ay has loot •
is. 10 call it •Iy the mildest Wes
isiretateeset. The visesess era
foster fr•dw. We need 11.1 ao rums than tag iteotim,ut Attroh,gtot ood pkoLotd,
"Rude to the well-known adrentages of fiat was in town lest week "predicting
stirs to sickness, health, distant
, number of childreu
Imppily the race have not already be- In Delude, the grasshoppers deal ri iye.1
-.- SOU urea of crops 1I0 8 boors, on etith
The United Stateadrank Biz hiindred
se ▪ Imp of ali sorts, they must &limy*
henceforth he looked upon, in the light
of fossils with certain other defunct The perticolare of the rniarler of Miss Iniliwn dollsly worth of liquor, home-
gou such as that reoeutiy extimutah- Perdonner at Attica, I nd., bare 0 init.
iit by the somnimiihnlistic winfamaion of At • benquet given to the French
ed brood et forked annuals %%loch mimed „
to exist st an earlier period of the dog- one id the gitilty 1 artim. A Lefsyette depittletein in Diddle, whe clone ... er te
days by the mandate of I)r. Soler Beer- 1•0 A BpapYr ease: "The prinemel &eters thenk the liritiehpitt..ic for relief af,
ma. l'Ins la .r.111,8 l Weam"1•I') " au - in the affair •re a youtig melt armed 1 .rtled, 1110 tout of "Toe Quad., ' rro-
early hour, • sudden and munnat-ternal theer Hart, well known in this city es temed hy the Aleyor, Ism mowed with .
rnah of electric wisi,1 occurred,. wolch ""it '1141:v Hart,' SAel to be a son td Ileac atiAiritu,f.nh,i,
thr forest trees groaning mai creambigi W. Hart, of Awes; e young titan 11•10111.1
h„d the deem:nee of luau quivering mid as...I-area Itroweing; and the gr"orlet.r land and Frames, on the mithontv of an
Meag earned out. Mork w Ill Ise short I y
twisted, se if they hud hews living mange.
o'er itliforniant was tumble to learn. It
coultaioli_wd,”11 the ••tte *Ole at.' Dieppe,
lightning, with fund bnlimucy kept in -
appear; that on Thursday night late, the
and on the other al Iniewh•ren. Th.
mewantly slim/Oleg thrinigh the lurnl eiiilit after t1as internee, Hart went , to
at hilt, i• •010111.1. so weighty as mon, .0 Iiisilenp' nt the presence of his 0 de the undertaking.
and mother-in-law In euch a UlaIlllee AS The Alaiquis of Bate it st least star-
k. resemble the violence tit • water
prtaing. !leis going te'Vun • lino .4
creased in coolness, and although WILICT 0,,, 4,,,ity pyrusiL The neat morning eteee,,re bntun.o oirdar (. city of 30,.
spout. The teuipetature ham mince iii. led tho,u1„ wt.,. c.a. b. ... 0.1 1,1
tliefOrssitl.Triink ReilviteNeett our her. :business, to tie tune of Nets per
of blies made the beet on the lakes, for want
is.risrs dessmbes e,51,0,,,, of diapatch in discharge, storage mecum°. FALL Snow. -The fall Show of the
Hower Branch Agriculture duey, takes
popelsgion in the said County
d line, net only te Southampton, dation mid liberal tariffs, sllow business
place at Gorrie, on l`ctober 4th.
'ael' dual
mime points on Lake Huron, and tow) to the Georgian baylhat could bis
Fata.J-A fair for the Pale of
.**.rilitild the mid (previous) be, be it Days' Hotel on Fritlav September the
testa bc rig& fur eien sap/ better things.
. . • 14111 tti ent tu eltend th° 1'1" better transacted here / W• hope III c„,,,,, steers ate..., win be held itt, igr..
Rh. Knorr buyers eill be present.
w. the oetio tow to Km:orris:
Wellington Grey earl Brace line
a Seven miles from ftetne, on the East- _
IMMO DA• 61111:11t Whoa el Norte .
iathat it . fail bail ear took plac • . s An acenotasidation was rats The culhorusi Branch Agrioottortd
rdleP11.1. .1 II" "lib' ..1.4 ii,,...th" .intlin.7 ir I'm"' "" IllT• • lamrePe. Show clashing with others. to 'add it en
1 *el" r•'•••I '"'""' -7"--• kiii.iii gEi plenum' and inicrial 40 °Men Tuesday 10th Ociiiher, at Smith'. ft ill,
' 110""""•••1"Hamilit'ea•e"' The tier on tai wounded and dingle. and • I. Intending esti, qt..ts will please
We ere , entsr6 dal isle by re literally Society has resolved, to Preyent the Pall
still eon' Inn" he •airi"usdeeld'r•intu hes wife ememsed bun uf the crime, 'and 000 inhabitants that he owus in Wales)
no dental thud; peed be apprelieutted. he confessed it, but diseged hereed to
and Nea York.
sail threateeed
any more Cu* season, of 00111101 WIA•Ure• an) thing $.4,12,,it,
Miens of entire demo:alma- her id. .h. aet.
Tee dretel wend, was, ho ,
m o.1, for her to keep, and in the after -
FALL WileAT.-From all parts the
Hos move,l, tells own Store on
Ntreet, Full Supplies of
Thi Stock purchased by him from the
" " ."."18 1" "" f"r tht:0141" .Noir uau't linnyine 'e•Id'efr instead of 5th °voter as formerly noitic-
I'•'" 4demeddlib5resew."6 wateedi '11104 Ibe d.'bri•• • 11 •" • f"adel hear this an mind The Somety, eel are
see« sod se doubt Me re ult of tireless. /fed to say, thoneh the yosingest;is one
nee. IA The
Iffe=z, Grey add Bruce.
Harr snd Bruce Ina as
of the ttrongest in the County, haviug a
- Ithly, heifers miming to. vete kr ens t.
splendid list ef ntemIntrs.
reptile T ships of the Smith Riding e •
koletiperannerstisa bars it iu optional'
_ Id lake te see the Direct* • we haps th Reformers of the South LEY171b1,111
vas to this deli, They Rithrgare holding their Toenship mud -
will int lemeese to buthl the Soo. ISIL,S mil organising, prepAratory to the
. • egetdee .6 emery it, 11 11,,, 5111 Convention at Seaforth on 12th October,
Morrie Ives deftstcd by the council tet-
t:the needs of creasing the track "LL Nettie to siihmit a By -low to that effect
-7-er•-r bon • ng•feetier to, 1110 Grand AS Petitions from the ratepayers .4 end
Whetter try *miner at Igenitebe section showed that the seajorlty were
Baylielil, or Ooderieh, or go up - tipper/oil to it. A deptitatum of the
-20"1111016h11410 iGneardine, they can do a Mr Hayward hu written us from t, • tlrey and Genes intend t •
_ geed.wark in building up London and A -Mining requesting publication in the
am -mints al the Fall wheat harvest sris ,,;,„„ .11. ,it, iiert
7.‘ Little Nonecnet.
Which he is determined
Enormous Reduction
yet heard of a ainglaiaraire WirtsWPW ths.- tents._ So toys tit .1..,” the , is , . - '.i. - . --jejoblehe .44.-timiieleteliieteeel'E.- -
yield hat been under thirty Washed to ,o,,r4er be *es efo-ent,e thoge&,....4.-4,„":„. _ ..._i
the a....1,, whIlat ID S.0110 Initial/COS it IIIV 11,111 efige•ord IR Otilk1114 the 0».11,
renew se high as forty bushels to the th, tie..., .,,,l,,,i „( din ist,„ Ms p.mi, TM PI. Lorna Heeled weans " • nal
acre. I wee present st the threshin• noon seeing .5 hien she •itiptied Il and good boy to male a devit od."
out (4 the kali wheat of Mr, R. Br. wit, went tme the h use ami embed it out. Judi Billings says : "M hen • man
a fon days ag,,, septa, waiteizted of the During her absent,. ne dr ive the 1.1•15 ain't good for anything else, 1 iike tow
.hririgh tee ahoy, b. the row of R .ger's see bun tarry a gold -6.010d cane. If he
soap factory, the gni follineteg. Alter- can't buy • cane, let him part his hair in
e ▪ lm hue aa OM= tutettee, it however.- .nht there Hart approaeheil reel st rock the middle."
in this instance turnell out try _liberal her fal the head with a pmr of brass An Irishman when asked by a lady
ine mere:mut, 156 bushels, or Ng Per knuckiet, which 1.11.0 her to the earth. viheather he would take • glass of sherry
acre. withoiit reckoning the rinanaLY Brim meg and the other man then came or • glass of 'Guidry peed., &mewed
which 0.3 rent front the floor aide*, op °tie of whom stuffed a Imuilkerchief that he would take the sherry while "her
removal of 'no machine; dud • tittirr into her !midi' asid choked her. 'rue ladyship" wes mixing the punch.
a amend( grain could scarmily be de- tn.. latter then pr.eamdeil to violet, her ..s„, you en, going to keep a ac,hool r.
Not') PaPer just t.o hand
A larint snick of description of
just received aud Meer than else -
W heel.
Everthing you Want in School
Inver Wire.
c Goods.
/1110,1000 11.1 of Consume -
w loch preeent themselves as the Bundling Lots for
...ease prnattsses, are cold chills, imegh,
leee of appetite, hos of es , nig
iiiimotia, pellets, also yelli w and, littlish
or gray matter. «met Ira« streaked • it
blood ; burning pains tli. rhea,
dierrt gement prostration artd in.
capacinir the ordinary donee of life.
sired. p TA011. , said • young I•ay to her Mal nil Attu SO.116 A reemt table and very mummy
thil Yr," undurVidnif a l'rneen• of"Pre.ree- iii•r discovered trat their elut1111 was ‘„,,,ad 7 r"`.
marry• widow with binechild- their 'Lune" ion from alenti ; notwith.
rause a verY "Finns d'40e, both i" r"P", .4 1.1 • chicken coot near by, where it "Th" "I would prefer Loal. myself," man 1114( the thallgeroUa cheracter .4
tura rip ming, or scathing which wiil d..a51. Teey t..ok cp the body and hal
of wieldy and quasitity. This is entirely remained wail tteo o'ci. „di ,,, the ieern wite the quiet reply ; "but where's the their dome« they believe in ultimate re -v
the result of the lung proteacted press- ing, when they removed et an t deposited whinwer I. ois wry. This iery confidence prevents
lence.if the drought, whith no min whin.. .1 in the canal, ethers it sae lime I. An artist, showing his pictures to e the pellicle,. from resorting 1.. the enly
has fallen for the last two months ever Hart wan tithed tip oa Friday ruling on.I custo iiiir, received the following short .00•IMI .4 c..re, aild that wetclifolness
penetrated the soil to such a depth as to Lilo ethers ini Sol iir.hay ,,,,, riiing. After restort. " Well, I don't think much of neeenun7 In et eriteni a time, until
riach the piens tabors, and the Incites, the facts had bemire innewn toe Monne(' tars,"i°41101 oP the Picture Indian him. finally they lap« in to Impel ms treed ivery .
have played such lavoc atu • mg U. e leaves, A, tirs ,,s, f„sif,.,iy „„itodt erot there '•Don't thiult,inuch of it ! Yhy
•inawatais Ikea adventnrois boatman that
te leave them riddled to perfect eat str.aig talk of taking die prisonen Ter, ram -a very rare print rowed down froin Erie ; timed and
skeletons, so that iti both whys the plarit int of tho rnlab000so aud hanging them. and plestant his anticipations.P lahre:
has bee: :deprived of the natural 1111.- When our infortnalit left, ire MIA- r"•• " certainlY te "et e" I'm.% the iiile ehich drifted him so reamer wee
eatianco and satin A now be expected to tee« eat einvotinded by three 1.1. fuer Leaning over tee grand -stand railing ries a ,,,,,,truoi,,,,,, .„.1 .6.. h. ...id
MOO eithur Very prolifie or yet Moly iiendreei pereona, alio seemed intern en this niormag was John G. Saxe.
"1("n, minted his way tie tiolnd the current tiro
whi.leeorne. tutii and mire p huient, hist it mt.. ' 1 (Alike "the monaml of ell you survey. utt...1 It. it..., itod tb.t to, dr.. tititrim.
bey sine« ten teers of age, sou uf Mr. D. .nd that the taw
CAALTALTY.-A few days ago a little he hoped that trefto coomo.-1 prey:tided, ' said Fernando Wood, patting him 011 the
s 01 be ailimed to take , bach• "a", 1 null have • lean on •I". G ..rn, down he WY can led anode( the
utake a general canvass thremei thma,MK:me. Township of Huron, iu romping .11 ,ntiree. Young er represented • property,- reinied the genial Sam. seething spray, awl with his bark was
i - neyore the riding comer •err mound, came in coutact wite his (ether'. as a b.,a boy mid has I f.r *dyer.' Wanted, • boot for the foot of the deah„,j t„ woe.,
At I eat he has lia.l that
the intermediate country. dupla! of the following comionnication
forming • ;unction with the else
it et -This long looked for lihasni„ iltep and thing •rons wound in the mill 01 reputation here, where he is sell , pair of bellows, a key to mule box on
r ovum It is eat mud the ears, some Water to wash dm face of
the earth in, hilt to tit the hand ot the
cl timtable coven for railway time tables,
• spectacle for the eye of the potato, a
et 'eking for a leg of inlitton, aryl pair
of legs for the In...cum of promises.
theis,tres interers, we hove yet herr gladly °empty, it trill be of service to Mu come at last. ere had • Atte shower the leg. The incision • 4
teed woad have planed Aim ir- the« interested in Oa North Weld. tiediay but wa +till 1,, .14 .ferdnore. thehied part tO the very bone. From ,hat he is learned to a ,,,,, en whose
Pseedild Pneliion ni We shall be giaol tO from Mr. Hay- Burdetters.--It has heill'atahordralf . the quantity of b:ouil whioh thd pen," reptitetioo - was at that tiiii• none 11,0
Otte fellow lost before receiving inedimi oet. 1%. other two puttee are not au
to transport preluce to two the past few weeks owing to far leers
n need the present, belt as the hie cau was for some time reckoned wed ksown.
hesensing for • fe• miles of their Hull
ward again. Ed. Simard
h • .tetta, very critiosl, but by proper surgery and
Isis ul than they he, 1/ these onttinued all elmig the road to e•Pe'nd1). 1-dv°94
en owed with pti cer pro_ Fort 0 . I reached here on the rmeeming line' r."44m,
meets ef hit tee fill that more serions socidents of each , ,
At the Aberdeen Smoiramy loon 1 tt
careful attendanee, he is now consider. d ., ei,.
' adenime their through traffic thAondon, After leaving Pembina,. I saw the first '• •^`• • .
• ad lasking their company nicely sign of impaling like good crops ., and I *IA the ineweihasta are rote y f..r then
atom, am le Le ea e i . offer. us .01110W ft won or-
be rch -An Irew Reid King, U1 I
-... , from th4 time ,1 our eating London. Im.ks, I would say Hist 11 the finest coosidering the negligence with which „ , ,
"nitrate a .1 ttdieitring imi war, *As
..p.., ozzincadiat nit Irsraa , '''''' tn p.1 SartIannoLgneloi thie'lYteis4;)frPrig14. 14.01rgettilacIP: ',tend A A,,,,I sir are left exposed within reach of thought charged 'with crnatIng a not« and dis-
turbance in the Melanie' Arius' Inti OM
end binrut ever bireae h 1 into tbig phwe, scythes anti other dangerous implement
bri, ck verde have also ertiumenced open-. I Br"' FIRER. -Bush fir" are .i." tr.. viol guilty Of that t Prisons... I clin-
str sillily blazing in the vicinity of Amber- es i__uue o -b, ,/ (heti 1 ssiy did sem ti'i,
. . On Menday,11st inst., the Imperial for ttor,r1 •Act ditellijig hottlift TWO1 the greater bulk of theirs is i et te coum.
--A. neighborhood. The crackling and fallibg 1,,,. "..,- ,,,,, ire, mere via mirt.
' , Iffolleh had the Three*. In that speeds plying the demand or budding imleit riot. '
T stock breeders -Kr Ch.• MISIOD of heavy trees, many of which are in ebo , 1 r 1 -',4„l_y,,,, most give ....
Ilse ''Welddrilgtou floarreutlee is thus re- The town reminds iess very enuciflifftee- • - "." e,„1 Sr Jog eishor ..I pr.:hart to th , ublic roods, rendering , ' ."4 ". ' r • W• I hist 1
lerred tO7 - . . forthithmigh if atiyddvigtIt imffirlyilliwg,uglee."(0.Tit..".ceekeeTZ,Iy stigirsg as tithe,. (motion' in travelling a nether dangerous- ad..Vir.°4 Id:nor ,:tr: She'.13"14,,,A07-• ease,:nituk •
"With special reinfection 1 retie nn in ' " 1" l'. u'af 'V; hal with their impaled stock frum ntiserimunt. About half a mile *mite
n it's, es me; are ye gam) to dee onything
• the premed . eeetwee to enr re!elltene n" 'trees.' &re y'll ww16. The - 1angi'.'nud. •rt.. (nintms Noe Ens •sys id this Village elvers! large trees hay, ,,,,• he, I (1,fient bought...) Sheri
th. si.,...„. the.„,,,hy twerieht taw t„, (*hen across toe road, aid a good mane t t„,h,00- We v.111 deal .ith von first,
thine to «I
, , with tin. parted atm... ny 0. htatty gration so far ailments to ah mt. thel
, '.- ' el Washington modes of settlement h • 50hk Vert ferr hare ne b•ck• ai*.- 61 snick, 111.- more may he expected if maXeir, continu. si-4d .0,,,,,, perhele. We may have e....e-
Y. 16•11144a In diennte• MY fru,. to,oeou'o,_,' oiot,o,t,TIttotb.t.a_-but?".;:ty'l gull •1.0.10.Vdeldi &eat 1.1 N..r'n'tet, Ltemeav. -A few captions wrangler _Wed, weet‘l,helr'll‘frileratillit ig.itiltre,""for4d1r
win the American rv- i a i - 0? - - 1 thair 15 hoop, onil Spiv; wierong, about litenn7 re mien«, such a -e to he win; to hae deen we so. (tteinewerl
, =float fee immoral question% iamb out. 1 be" I o„ iti hard Ginsmi,lf Mnit of attUe, I hall, keig in their present fiery .
lit!" those that have we are %idler with,‘""thri" - l't.
,,ts lyggigg.,ritifilikr iskhillb li gTieterling met with in loamy Oscan will befieppY ienobter ) After the plea eves signed,
egaptation te other countries. -he . for 1 buot toon,• °°1 m,:trY%tuotiot1:-tit, (..- one pig;1•11. KIYISY. W4,1811100, to learn that the Amberly eorreepondent the Shona said he we. sorry b. see sii
-- - 111111101011 Wig with ..itt Frani« of
Pebeitiout bu soncorred with me in the • Nit, art.,7 i IT lia!' nna„,,„.. 1 pin, and 0 eiiiehonei, Mr. Thohlfihdl, of 01 the Herber idttliAt whoee piqtiont r„speetohiti.beikine a omit at the h.tr id
' •Pri"Iies 4 that Prinanle ni amiable 1 ha„ geo,Phee'uthueYe,;1 tor siii ,,,,:ok--e.' Whistiy,8 cattle endarge: a r• Smitten, ironv wenetimes unhoole the cloven loot - h 0 .erI 'it snub • charge l but " 't 'rut
refer mos which is proeleimeil try the eto - ' n of Thornbill, 5 Settle: V.111.1111 and of recreant morality -by hokling nP as t tint i ffenter he would let him off for a
Treaty .4 Paris which I rejoice to have ite,"Il'helag under eanval is iltee:if Nolo, c„,,„timpii, synly,.,,,scui en1( each;
the first • Prisoner in ssi insitoiating
Yu eppetnuity el arommending bY „ohl ..." ,i'.14,..1, hull si-nnid w. .... nn,„ Charles %Moe, of TIMPLOTIIIIIIth,761111Te
example, sad Re hav• also &creed to the toot, m'' c°i-',•'.- to- - ---i;-- ,htitiej-j-,;',. home.; Joe.' ?WOO, .4 Colhors., 3
. ilk adoptiot. of certaiti rides for
the mantises oinilnct of neutrals grin •I
re. Wm he z long, doll winter ; CIUS I ollt Min, bud -clown at
(.' suseng will im ...ka on very germ h" °•"616‘. el
.1. rie am, I Must ere long obtain general re- sow. ,s,ast sr,,,,,,,,, (... st„, sr Ulintm about .
. .... gognitigia, aad furs a rideable iulditben oet„10. here fror-ini.1:5,1i,;14-.00 pgr dAre pise •••05 '
• fi• Tie the eerie of international law. I tool ,o, , t w. ec, to siae, ' awash' .4d • . wit
' Ike fie filly w a fine
' .e., ig,..., wmolt have bees determined on
,.-400 to the resiation of tihe Tre.tv.
Imported /took.
it were the mirror.° close y o
thst ince cannot fail to «nous ite own. tramle-(Tho') it were nu thitesed. (timai On one ornasion 114r. A•lam meson
assier. The counsel asking his name,
4. Mr. Fisher s brand being ranted against Ann. and his tu5gen: Ple• .nonia,,iisees r_beente6 yobe",lifilif""%i 14 reoeived for answer. "Adam, Sir --
the sill« Attain Theimema." "Where do yen bye 1
yn hew 8 brand raised ageinst every fool, knave .ve' noo, ray 1,,wd I (lessightep.-Diendee "At l'ai &dim, Sir." (Paradise r • mllage
all deeming his taintod laurels. f. oin the .
Pt. in Patna* r continued the barrister.
about • mile and • half west cd New •
male.) -"And how long have you tlweit
4.1 awl hypocrite. And being deeirous of re- courier.
Hy imphiephitea, when the firet es Illyto.nt
presents itself, es it the only sure
reined v.
A laughable thing took place at •
revival meeting somewhere ia Missiesippi
not lung since. the minister noticed a
seedy -looking chap in one id the seats,
looking as though lie needed neigion
• good square wee'. So he stepped up
to him and aaked hiin if he wria
editor of tha radical paper in this place."
"Yhen, in the name of Orel, let us pray,"
replied the devoted milliliter.
A little five-year-old by was being in-
structed in morals by his grandmother.
The lady told hem that sal inch tenni
itc., were only oaths, and but little
better than other profanity. In fact,
she aMd, he could tell profane oath by
the Kehl ••by." All such were oath .
"Well, then, gnindurother," said the
little hopeful, "is 'by Telegraph,' which
I see in the newspapers, seeming r
"No,' did the uld laity, "that'll only
'I he inundation of 1771, which swept
away great of the rild Tyne Bridge,
Newcastle, we• long remembered end
Whirled to with etnplissis as "the flood."
Nos. 550,633,558,620.
140'cias. 701. 770.
was SA* so taw Tea. a-
n et7OnellMtillt 000E111 min site tom
Cederiih 20 Aug. felL
Western Mr
TOSE ile.1.1) IN THE
City et London Ontario,
KV, & 22 September.
7 Fess Usie see Matry Par-rs mar tie 6•4 et re
6.• p.11 set s Jellidee•• ales
A* ante*. aro Isoarowled to IA melees er Were
lir tett
MIAMI f0 (MS 7.4 k r)LOStisoN
ento all
FIRST cnti7 F'RST Competition Op
ea it Weal hr• R.000100
resSes, Ass .16 1171.1
Strayed Bull.
7 lho for On dollar Crohl.'s. cons int. tin pool.. of the •wtermIreel,
ikLAT woes: OF. TR•T CHOICE.. CILre 1•M• •01 awl white 1.0,I TIN rivrrowl• onowtot
tau to hand. Try It. ei prove p. eerty. per ...mot. WIWI.... it •••e.
tea Asi eel I, Ts WS A Nr.15T1 501-11.
New Goods Arriving Daily
"I elsall *grim the PieliSeleet
Canada Mat Os provisions which require
da oedema site. in my •iisw, highly min -
7., 7. rewire em, however, that NZ-
hiarl .411, rierintient air fret
Dwelt art
Shaft theme dr
DINO. 11%11 Mins 1664
howedieofill he required to cafity.them as
Utrodigh le winter. Aa mow surupring „two etta h is moire Min .ine
different trades rointri„4 hogg,. "cl c rott horse ova bnperal Mei int,,
the lee tikes to b. peel, whiefi enn Herm from Zealand, fts. Ilitinatite
prow* guile to any who ma think 01 heavy drangtit emit two share old. The
staining from waging war with the whin« 1.11 • Ar .,„11:f sinninz.re. 4h.h tention raise • laugh It is needless 4
Meer and IMO newt,. of his contemporary tete chariest C. Sprinoer, great -grater- to ot„ tett she judos sshed fur sh
bipeds, and betaking himself te hold father ef titer* Soringier, M. P P., e
ram and sweet communion, with the lame, Springer, Nen • Reeve '4 "041°N Tea %Vont* -
1 lawyers are noel working
the Now • SA ill Cenatia. Merit. „., kwe Bob. etitharv4,,,hkeet wn,h,i,e,yburshwohrtit, hhi:st tshpanwitesper. wlataappesrs that this Charles L.
Af Womihull (the present
legs. ovriondly denies and divim
very *tie reds meat ta be had, And Unit „ „ , -r-- Pnia'ned dart, and hCro,rieY Pnt Dela • OM, where he luta largepercemovita; 6.1.n, of the t4.. mcfrrcic
coming ost, Port is di -se. per I . ; hum, to the "ray Ile &It oat h
u -rhe moats and their ertreliellal• for the Tres*,
obe Gime... rm. fro. 206. to per 1b. elute sear, h. the lunis set y nn ita thickest visor.- Sold to eongicon
imp vie, are vorl , -111,1 thiak ,be •••effeeiiimpo •,nd Ag 1,, 11,,,n P4r4g." 4. an n"leePtinnal 15 "'I "alit hnhdr" "tea germ' li01.13V), there sports. amid many pre -
it di
both Th have mined emelt theyeommt ne d ftekba&*big.6-"
vies with iffillaaleatiefsetien,
%we kg dulbfalit that the Heiler Cone
delbhkearefirliter tide manly sag Igt.
gegiallueiXtihdrest the anieF
be the abet
faders to
WOW work seg
Bow lame I
Mem Is t rime lisi mete So dm
°ant f or contin&DOWW\117 " mature Mu, In hie hind lees fire ti°°' (""m° "Po Yoars,i erg.' otto v, down/eon , and 14 n
net dimey
t""'' • fet aim!" 06-- wit „„„ widliwsr"k ten" the em w "nnunt nI sr hundred le" ann"I'' rains The gray it Implanted to Pwe• / here /bee onmong nod year letter of
01,11641. to primate hands es ea Wino& Th• mo,panoo, my darling cinema, and it is
is vete be dianpatiott now I, ", hi I menthe, of the world, of wbieh menet t itutto te,. trwat, eseIng that the
tight We
ft. „haws legviree soh men km Mona
and redly aro rendering to the farmers
111600,000,000 hos bee* &need fmm their hoot, eramered
nwn mines ; we are not without Ininm, , s," Yos are fitted for Politic*
het while we feel that they will not pro '"'"I" t'Ln" "1,7,46 met e .;„ ceo,„iat • Mire lesdedship, I firmly believe. I
to erwortioe to here
. AWN. ht gooney
Me IP:Z:1M to the at Ai.
ar. rift ainv r• use eV
«Anilailis sealant AL
I es to
„os we hope they will reap a
nesting there is „s;,ss,,,g„ rsffissly 111.411114 sied tine ettete, an. hv warmest prayers. .17:11:
dellidolve eril eta. nor hot .. E..ve Gm of theta ',Se 0'011-1. •
keep im Son the tree wan**
New Ifileanneles,
1/64 lk•Atb •4,0, :„Xt „,„dic4„„, they We undertaken VI illowset, efel of pier leiter the gereiwwer,
And bevies fireman, fee Mean.' si• so..DILTLOmigur.f, •
Rwitter helot* GAP °seri
• It. toe rem awn faith the spied self -
bolo tseph Oboe hie bole