HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-02-01, Page 4Why wait
.till it's too late?
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Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881
C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC
Amalgamated 1924
Yours truly
B.T. Jobson
P.S. the present location appears
to me perfect.
eN. Published Each Thursday Morning
at Exeter, Ontario
Second Class Mail
Registration Number 0386,
Paid in Advance Circulation,
March 31, 1972, 5,037
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $8.00 Per Year; USA $10.00
Editor — Bill Batten — Advertising Manager
Assistant Editor — Ross Haugh
Women's Editor — Gwyn Whilsmith
Phone 235-1331
"Of course it doesn't make you
look older, dear. How
could it?"
CYHOOUL $ 3 95
We have a complete line of .
• Tropical Fish • Canaries • Birds
• Monkeys • Hamsters • Gerbils • Etc.
Pat's Pet Shop
Need early decisions
What a difference a year makes!
That's the conclusion one could reach
regarding the situation of municipal
facilties in Exeter.
A year ago, members of council were
considering a new municipal complex to
replace the present town hall structure and
hadgone as far as engaging an architect to
prepare a preliminary study of what space
was required by the various departments
and if those needs could be fulfilled at the
one location.
Since then, council have purchased land
for a new works department building and
acquired a new fire hall. Considerable favor
was shown by some members in holding
any further action until the disposition of
the local post office became known;
members suggesting it would be an ideal
location for the police department and town
Now, announcement has been made
that the post office is to be replaced so
council members will have to give some
serious consideration as to their intentions
for the building.
If, as some suggest, the present post
office would satisfy their needs, a decision
would then have to be reached as to the
future of the present town hall structure.
These decisions should not be delayed.
Disposition of properties of this nature take
time and the earlier decisions are made,
the quicker the next step can be taken.
This is important if the decisions should
result in the present town hall structure
being completely vacated.
The present site is valuable commer-
cial property—especially now that it's next
door to the post office—and if it is to be
made available to commercial enterprises,
that fact should be made known as soon as
possible so it will not stand vacant and
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Eighty years of experience in custom-
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Heed the lesson
The war in Vietnam—or at least the
American involvement in it—is over.
Despite the fact many experts predict
that the South and North Vietnamese will
continue their battles against each other in
some form or other, people around the
world have to be cheered that it should at
least result in less bloodshed than what has
been experienced for the past dozen years.
If nothing else, it will at least bring an
end to the anti-war feeling that has resulted
in bitter domestic strife in the United
States and in the show of disdain that has
been showered on the Americans around
the world.
Hopefully, it has shown leaders around
the world that war is no .longer popular,
either through direct or indirect involve-
Perhaps it will also show the great
powers of the world, that none can win a
war. Peace in Vietnam was not imposed by
a winner or surrendered to by a loser but
negotiated between the parties involved
after thousands had lost their lives and a
country had been devastated.
Surely none will be mad enough to try
El No. Soaking
E No Scrubbing
D Clean & Dry the
Sane Day!
.:,., 4.
Quotatio Rug & Upholstery Cleaning
212 Prince Alfred St. Centralia 228-6853
Coming home to roost
Coming home to roost?
Sell-out ... by any other name
Recent new stories about fuel
shortages in New York city and a
number of north-eastern states
must have been a real shock, not
only to many Americans, but to
Wefy'thifilting Canadian. I know
it shook me, when I considered
the implications.
It was the first strong warning
of what's to come — a world-wide
shortage of fuel and energy. And
that's a frightening prospect.
Experts have been issuing
warnings for years, but these
usually consist of an article in the
Saturday supplement, easily
forgotten or ignored.
I'm no expert, but any school
child knows that there is only so
much oil and gas in the earth,
that there is only so much water-
power to be harnessed, and when
that's gone, it's gone. For good.
Already parts of the U.S.,
especially the heavily in-
dustrialized and populated east,
are on the verge of a crisis in the
fields of energy and water.
What happens in the States will
inevitably happen in Canada,
though it may take a little longer,
because of our much smaller
population and much greater
But unless science can come up
with some new, cheap means of
producing energy and fresh
water, things are going to be
pretty shaky by the turn of the
Perhaps, as always, it's the
only way man can learn anything
— by having it shoved down his
Perhaps we won't stop wasting
energy resources until we're
reduced to the point where we're
cooking dinner over a fire of
buffalo chips, as the pioneers did.
Except that there won't be any
buffalo to provide the chips.
Wouldn't you think that
Canada, having witnessed at first
hand the ravages the Americans
have made on their own
resources, would have learned a
Wouldn't you think that we'd be
hoarding carefully, with an eye to
five hundred years from now, our
dwindling resources? Wouldn't
you think that our so called
leaders could see more than
twenty-five years ahead? Many
of them seem to be thinking no
farther ahead than the next
One of these fine years, unless
we begin to conserve and
preserve, there'll be an Old
Mother Hubbard story that will
wreak untold misery on millions
of humans.
But that's an old tale, of course,
in this country. Through a
combination of human greed,
short-sighted leadership and
plain stupidity, Canadians have
been content to continue their
century-old role as hewers of
wood and drawers of water, and
to sell anything they could to
foreign investors: British,
American and European.
There's a great lot of red-hot
nationalism in our country these
days. But ninety-five per cent of
it is words, words, words.
The people who make the real
decisions are not the writers,
painters, students, but the
coldeyed, grey-haired men who
sit in the board-rooms, and would
sell their grandmothers into
slavery if the interest rates were
They're the babies who have
looted our forests and mines and
are currently pawning our
energy resources. And they're
the birds, with some notable
exceptions, who take off for the
Bahamas or Switzerland when
the taxes get rough and they've
made their pile.
To most of them, the unem-
ployed are an unfortunate
statistic, the poor a necessary
nuisance. They know where
A local grandfather was
looking through some old per-
sonal belongings recently and
came across a poem sent to him
several years ago by his mother.
While he noted the editor was
"a few years on either side of
effect", he thought it could be
included in our column for the
interest of our readers.
It has a rather poignant
message that our behaviour
sooner or later returns to haunt
us and the grandfather in
question no doubt is already
musing about the few years
hence when his own son will be
experiencing some of the
problems he created.
The poem was written by Evan
S. Tonian, and goes as follows:
When I was young and
And came home late at night,
And tried to slip in quietly,
Without a sound or light,
Then always from her room
My mother softly asked:
"Is that you, son?" and now I
The deep relief she masked.
We scolded and we chided,
But still she would not sleep
Till we were in—just one of those
Long vigils mothers keep.
But now my gabbing youngsters
Make me repay the score;
And I sometimes must lie awake
Till they come in the door.
And, mother, are you smiling?
Then I know why, all right;
The final joke will be on them
Some far-off sleepless night.
+ + +
Just a reminder to area young
people that applications are now
being taken for the Opportunities
for Youth program for the
coming summer months.
Last year, two or three suc-
cessful programs were operated
by young people in this district,
providing employment for
themselves for the summer
months as well as bringing
benefits to the communities in
which they were operating.
Information this year indicates
the federal government will be
placing emphasis on supporting
projects which benefit the
community and provide practical
Readout 20ftite
Dear sir;
I read in your paper the town
council are thinking about
moving the town post office to the
residential district.
I thought thatwould becontrary
to town by-laws.
experience for the participants.
Applications may be obtained
from the nearest Manpower
Centre, or from any of the OFY
field offices in Ontario, the
closest one being in London.
Because of the competition
involved in this scheme, young
people should take immediate
steps to have their proposed
projects submitted for con-
sideration. Deadline is March 1.
Young people wishing to un-
dertake projects may find some
suggestions from area civic and
social leaders who are aware of
the needs in their respective
+ + +
Despite the fact the
weatherman has provided few
good days for snowmobiling,
complaints continue to be
registered from the machines.
A ratepayer in St. Marys has
threatened to withhold his taxes
until council in that community
comes up with some stricter
controls and several other
communities are already moving
in the direction of limiting the
hours and areas for enthusiasts.
However, the most severe
indictment came from a
Goderich area doctor who last
week urged a provincial select
committee to ban the machines
on the basis they are a detriment
to the physical and mental health
of society.
50 Years Ago
Mr. Lloyd Beavers has ac-
cepted a position as hydro
superintendent at Ayr and left
Friday of last week to take
charge of his new position.
The Missionary Committee of
James St. Sunday School offered
a prize for the best essay on
Missions and the prize was
awarded to Miss Marjorie
Messrs. Wel Johns and
Trueman Elliot have formed a
partnership in the cleaning and
repairing business and are
renovating the building that was
used by Mr. Elliot.
On Tuesday morning, fire was
discovered in the upper part of
T.W. Parlmer & Sons, Gent's
Furnishing store on Main St. in
Hensall. The town fire engine was
immediately on the scene. The
upper' part of the store was
somewhat damaged and the
lower floor suffered only water
25 Years Ago
A disastrous fire Tuesday
morning destroyed the wood-
working factory on James St. of
Mr. Helge Jensen.
Hon. Farquhar Oliver, leader
of the Liberal Party in Ontario
will speak at Liberal rallies in
Zurich, Grand Bend, Seaforth,
Exeter and Henson next week.
Miss Marion Cowen has taken a
position with the London Life
Insurance Co.
Two public meetings have been
held during the past week to
consider the advisability of
erecting a building in Exeter for
a new manufacturing industry
desirous of locating here,
Messrs. Glen Robinson, Bill
Essery, Stan Essery and Harold
Penwarden attended the hockey
game in Toronto Saturday night.
Dr. Mike Watts cited such
things as deafness, lead
poisoning, cancer from exhaust
fumes and the anti-social
behaviour of snowmobilers as
some of the problems associated
with the machines.
With the exception of deafness,
many of the same problems could
be easily associated with
automobiles. Obviously the
carnage on our highways is of
equal concern as some of the
physical health dangers
associated with snowmobiles.
However, noise and lack of
concern for other people's
property still remain serious
problems with snow machines
and their drivers, Surely even
greater inroads can be made in
this direction.
Abuse of other people's in-
terests and private property is a
major concern, although un-
fortunately only a small per-
centage of snowmobilers can be
faulted in this regard.
However, one snowmobiler can
create numerous complaints and
it is the number of complaints—
not the number of
snowmobilers involved that
prompt action from municipal
and provincial officials.
Because law enforcement is so
difficult, it is quite obvious that
snowmobilers will have to take
action on their own to police
activities of other enthusiasts.
15 Years Ago
New Crest Hardware in
Hensall owned and operated by
Drysdale Hardware Ltd. stages
its grand opening this weekend,
following $10,000 renovations.
The newly organized Grand
Bend Chamber of Commerce has
already arranged for the
operation of an information booth
on the Bluewater Highway open
daily in the summer months and
weekends in May and June.
New broadloom carpeting
covering the entire auditorium
and new oak pews are being
installed in Hensll United Church
as part of the $7,500 renovation
A Centralia firm, C.A.
McDowell and Co., has been
awarded the contract for con-
struction of a dial telephone
exchange building to be located
opposite the RCAF Station,
10 Years Ago
Over 300. members of district
Women's Institutes attended the
60th anniversary celebration of
South Huron Women's Institute
at Exeter Legion Hall this week,
A canvass of the village of
Hensall by 26 volunteer mothers
for the March of Dimes campaign
realized $212 Tuesday.
Approval has been received by
Group Captain L.H. Randall,
commanding officer of RCAF
Station Centralia for the con-
struction of a winter sports arena
at the station, Construction will
commence by early spring.
Clerk C.V. Pickard ad-
ministered an oath of office to
Exeter's new PUC which will
hold office for 1963-64. Com-
missioners are Mayor W.E.
Simmons; former mayor R.E.
Pooley, who was elected chair-
man; and Murray Greene, vice-
every nickel of government
handouts is. They know every tax
dodge. They are the real and only
second-class citizens of this
Holy smokes! I'm beginning to
sound like a communist agitator.
I'm not. I just get sick at heart
when I see what's happening to
the country I love.
Talk about being sold down the
river! We're being sold down all
our rivers and all our pipelines as
Canada might be compared to
youth. Youth can, and does, burn
up energy without a thought for
the morrow. He can dance and
drink all night, stand all day in
the rain, hitch-hiking, sleep on
the floor, ski all day on
weekends and sleep all day in
But imperceptibly, and then
suddenly, the youth is mid-
dleaged. The luxuriant hair falls
out, the belly thickens, the pace
slows, and the joints begin to
ache. The energy has been
burned up, much of it uselesssly,
and the, cupboard grows
progressively bare.
Is that what we're doing today
in our comparatively youthful
country? Are we going to wake up
with no hair, arthritis, and a pot
belly with nothing to put in it?
And while this is taking place
before our eyes, the politicians
chatter like parrots, jockeying
for position, their eyes fixed
irremovably on the past.
I've no solution. The only thing
I might suggest, in view of the
energy crisis, is that all the
politicians in North America be
laid end to end. They'd make an
admirable pipe-line, of just the
right girth. And they'd produce
enough natural gas in one session
to stave off the crisis for years.