The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-8-24, Page 6inioszainisz. mows: !ainlwanktand, at ()Wench. ()AIM ?nth (bonen Association, at Godsend& 19 and 90, North Huron, Clinton. sad 99, South Huron, Seaford& 116 to 30, Proinadal Exhibition, King - 4, Ashfield arid Wawanosh. Dunannon TRE WEEKLY HURON SIGNAL. Augq.st 24th. The Council met pthoguent to adjottIll• tuent, at Mr Elliott& Hotel, Baytield, on Meaday, the 14th inst. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes , 'diet meeting read and approved. A petition waa presented from the odioers of Sit Bayfield Volunteer Compapy, aaking an appropriation fur the approaching Walton Match. A petition from J. C. to rant aid to Mir Mashie fee Medical P. addreased the Conned atresieleugth • on his effort& tog secure Goverument 11.41 t for the Hayfield Harbor. M. A. Rutledge U. the Montreal Telegraph Couipaity • wend their line via Brumfield to Hay- field. Moved by George Caine, sec. by B, that this Council gnuittlie sum 1111 to the Hayfield Volunteer Com- pany enable the members those( to menet* at the approaching Battalion Thee Keys that Thus Baird by paid the awe of $134 and Thus McIntyre $15 for gravel. Carried. Moved fby George Camtle sec. by Thoe Keys thet the petition ..• for futlite consideration. Carried. Shaved by Thus Keys sec by Goo Castle that a Itylsw be frirued and passed to raise the - several sums required hy the different wheel sections for school perpolies. Carried. 3, By-laws No. 3 dt 4anthortraft the collection "1" of Municipal and School rre (nulled and N.ssed. Moved by Geo Coatis see by De • Woods that this Council grant 850 o to the Telegraph line" from Seaforth flarfield, to he paid when th• hue o tut - plead. Carried. Moved by Dr Woods sea by Geo Castle that this Cottrell is of ("anion that • By-law Mould he submitted _SI to the ratepayers for • grant of $15.000 to aid the Hayfield Heeteous provided dal Covortilneat grant 100.000. ter a lilt. purpose. Celled. Moved by 11. W• Venal sec by Geo Castle that this (*.Arno de new majmilli to meet at Mr 1/lions's Hotel, Brucefield, en Monday, the fith Bovezuber at 2 o'clock p. in. Carmel. Varna, 15 Aug 1671. • Implant ego, Mr. Fe own veneered to recommend & new Oombiguition of Hy - • public, bailed upuu the effects he himself experienced from ita use ; sinoe thee it nee been employed with merged SUOMI. MI the trestmeut of varioue de- bilitating diseases, end the sale which was at first numbered by single bottles, has Pow reached large proportions, so that it is impuesahle to estimate the good results which have followed. Many cases of con- sumption are known to have beencured, others the physical signs have disappear- ed, while great improvement has been marked in all. The udientor has yet to be inferuied et • single ivatance whey, Bron- chitis, either ii&to or chronic, hes not been suooessfully !rested by it ; while in other lung difficult lie. diaenik Sof the Heart - Nervous System, and the Brein, it far sur, pews everything hitherto known Sex FORTIS "El roalTol."- If the B.tp•- sigor wiidies toretain any vestige of its re- putation as • Reform journal, it will have to pursue • different course, and not make ranks. It is • dangerous sign stare hi and T ronto ?dere . Tim the brother orginat at Cornwall, a no reason for Com- bination proclivitiet-Nea Ever •my Richardson ref Iowa. weighs Inns hundred aud fifty-two pounds. Ii• man will marry her for feer el big -day. A young candidate for Om legal profess - Om wee asked what ke should Ord do when empoyed ki bring an motion. "Ask for mosey un account." He passed. • Coroner Keenan)" jury in the Westfield -ass returned the (Mowing verdict That :he deemed Andrew Coyle and others lied through a renter* or exploinen ef the leder of the ferry boat Westfield, July 30, 1171 : that said exploaion or raptors lea sathirece of engineer Robineee, in • cempany aro reopened» Ser the de- ader as toe defect entlid have hese.' detect - d thes Staten Island Ferry Couipan) had 'competent Superinter.dent, 'seemlier and e ethenic in their employ, suet are there- . ire negligent. W• reconmend the Dm- :ict Attorney to take prompt mitten in the salter. Wei lase think that the teasels - went inspection is very imperfect les noir randocted. Tliere wee one dissentient, Ir. Kirtland, who believed that tla die add not be diecoveren by the urdniry Coroner Keenan, after the verdict re tred to prepare. warrants ler the arrer he President, Directors and Slipennend. lets of the Staten Inland Ferry Comply, • fur the arrest of Robinson, the men. e sr, which warrants aro to he placed tr•he hands ef the police of the First Prenict furexecution. They will be requite to give substantial bail to await the bed.. ef net Pre...haat, t• whom will be entroed warrants for the arrest of the Presicet, Directors and office. of the Staten Iced Ferry Company, remised instrecieu hem Coroner Keenan to mak* only • aid veiled and to accept the eremite:. appear before the Coroner at his atoll Cc} Dt. M. McTaggart, of Toronto,lat• of the Hamilton Infirmary, will be at Dark's Hotel Goderich Saturday Aug 26tk, Thom, eh. are in need of the easiest of • skilful Physician should not fall to eall upon him. By his patienta, the Pram d Canada, and medical men, he is sponse of in the highest terms as owe of the meet skilful practitioners in the Dotaieion. He has hail aniple experieem in one of the beat inatituuens le the West, where all kinds d diseases have come under his ob. serration. Ho cures cencers valeta the use of a k. ife, and rupturippoor Hernia without an operation or pain. Fite. via : Epilepsy. Catalepsy, Apoplexy, tie., he speedily and effectually cures In throat and lung disease he is and te hare so 19L 111 Csli7 _La DANIEL GORDON, to keep ap •itb the llama painitheed MOM up the obee too doors wen of the ree FURNITURE WANSMOtlill A Life Policy for bale. A good iiirestnosit kr Gat ps- rty .ho could aot tat I. owe life louret. Yon teeth:eine *piny to 1. MUINTIN.30. Utaderichird 187L 11 eat Mien - Notice to 'Debtor . LL DEBTS nUk: T111 CATS - MIA tir STRACU AN A IlIcKiaeos, blacksmith, moo le mid to th• date they eon be put MIN sisi etoilisel ion. D. IL STIR tt:11•X Cieleriek. Aug. 1871 awIllatd wlere he •1111. future .arry o tho atm. tissue. mor• otemovely M. ow WOW theaktel fur tool Patotoosge. he hope by enct attest, m le manta costlatione atad •f support. HE HAS NOW ON HAND one or in. linen aterto of Mewl.. tit the lthenty and le ue the sti,rtest notice. porporedie firewtrogroom •ad Pirko thee /Sefroont Setts In Wabmt, 4. Ss Iii Moneta, do te Whits srsol, leistlesaw• 011 •rery description, Feather nolatens. Pillows Le. le • Wanted. RIPENS/CPU GIRL 4,010 ltSTR0IT tot de emend hoessweek fa • entail family NO th 201th W. Reek.. Melia. rune. How HaddebetlIth Avg. lel. oneetf Goderich Marble -works ON HAND A LARGE AS - walrus NT 07 Mt.. each OU Pawnee, Llirornee Lithographs Pbotagreplo of the 41thea Having math urinate...on with • Toronto 111..acturing Hour e. seep. Picture naafi* a may style route. at Toronto its- Has Owe y• ort hand • complete sewn une. of Coffins & Shrouds In the Latest Style. '2 Doors West of Post Office. gip Limbs and !Cordwood Wes is Et - Arms Cledericiu t.d, 1870. gel Oa CD Dletoothee of Me Throat and Lunge. sod Consubjetton. Probed, never tofu. to the w bole binary 01 thealthine, hes anything woo •••• widely hod +otiosely Oen. of yoga end sioni mot Of the moth or N. It has Mien higher bd.. le they ono.* Mee. it hes De00111.1 known Ito maw. ellareeter sad power to cure the radio. offectIone a the lusts aad throat, he. mote It know o a rt. Sable protector against Woe MM. Adapted le slider donna or Mese. and to young children, it le ▪ thee.. Wow the met allergen moody that rise be eves for laolpiont ooliSUIN141011, wad the dem theyous alothotos of Mellon. end lents. •s • poo- h* kept us Ned In every faeoly, ludedarti."A Milos astaiaa middle attacks of Creep, It are etenmend ...Jed to colds aud soughs. all Ilhoald be provided with Yds olidthe fur Roos. Although settled Conoomorodos 16 thought the enoshis, KW groat somber* of MOM where the duo thee emoted oettled, ltht• been completely cum& gad the 1.1.41ut rselinieed Su sound bole by the trearZe Mordent of the Lu s and Thotat, that Pottered. bo conilete Is Its mastery Wei mon oltoUnithe or them 7.1. to h. Mb. bet aim could reach %neon, under do Ch•rew reo- Mot: outmode end dleappear. WOOS ?met e. Lathe. Is always othev el end often wholly eared by It Alleestabdthe le gtheralli cured by tallog the Char." Peeleref nand 1.11d frequent dooe Se generally aie its sm.. tam,. that • e rood Ith• e thaws the public that 14 iet11141:4111 are lull, Scott Vanstone DWI TO ieria•re rHAT WITHIN lo DALT .1J they inn op. A breech of then Su. ardoo EMIR- METING, le thotold nand of Mr •. M. Johnotos. Victor. Cotheritte Titey ham re pea to the titatto tor e n+. or the beet eosin, Diatom, sad .01 be ab' to Rupp', NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING .810P, WSW elltRITI OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL GODERICTI FRESH ARRIVALS Ready -Made Clothing Or 1 SUPERIOR QUALITY. LARGE VARIETY OP BROAD CUrflIS, CASSIMEM and TWEEDS, ATi.14nt et it hory4-1, to nista thud nonce and is t!". FIT end WortnitiiikfitiV gaSiittelf- MY STOCK PF GENTS' GooDS QUITE COMPLETE. ERIC hicKAIT• nor shop in this eke. MM. as 'Wept etrol, opposite Mr hank et lloithreel. whore he will keep wog... os Med or mettle ender FURNITURE OF AM, KINDS. Hating 0. hoot as meortmeet of ephotetereg intt.rient. Ise Inn be prepared to all promptly all orders • nastily of CM and Rosewood Mon:mugs to Picture FramIrg to Order. Ae• IA. 111711 Vitt Mantlepieoes, Window Sills, in U. best etj le of •srliisaroilvp on reawmat• Dederick 17. July, /A71 ow113-0 The Huron Favorite. Ayer's Ague Cure Tor Fever and Agoe, Tater oiltent Flees, ChM Timer, Remittent ver Dome 1.01.1. Perko -Veal or 1141104. Fewer, Ate • As Its same Implies. It does Come. and thes leoll 111th Containing neMier 4, rood ',Qutelne.ltianottb. Vac, nor any other ,otaeral or polo.. sob... swims es importer* ot eine, be thwarted.. aka. are leveed aechent, Without & parallel In the emote of A F.. molulas. Our pet. 16 erattge4 by the enentowheletweulle toe Melee of the radiral nine effected In Mooting. *see*, end whore other remote* had wholly Ithacellmatol tenons, either resident in, or traveller throlorb miantethic lorelltles, won 1.4 pro. Oared to taking the 4021•11 f'rrept for 1 Woe Coreepleltes. ann. front torpidity of the Lieere, It 11, eseelient neleillay, stimulating M. Liver Into heed. erne. For With. Disnerters Snit Liver Complain.. it le an •seelleot remedy, prod...lee Wen? truI) re. Markable ettotorethere other motile... het fol. ised Anelj Ural Chemists, Lowell, Sao., mod said id: round Me wort4 NEW LABOR-SAVING TWT1WTRD PATEgIlls ST 4.1.63101 1 borer, Deditrich TV. mach pidrenr• le again to the Penton of HMO. A NEW CHURN of boo owa loveution an I for elan, be the mewed a t•trvalood.the tomboy. Met wandered 10 moot. ly wort/ y of DAMN "THE HURON FAVORITE" SAVING 07711.1 AND LAMM, STRENGTH AND DCRABILITT WSW • ND KIPIcILlft:i 07 STORKINti, 14 leo se weenier W -Tholvidele fhat work. la the crews can be either ratted or etedred morels* to tee dote of too eream.07 saaifeete Div dote tHE CHURN • ne see at Meeks. of Mr. D Porrnon,Haetttes St. Roden h. (amity or Teernotop nob. ewer. os Stood Leone Per leithe pentad., Apply person. et OA 411•41.thea. Rtherieb Tp er by boner to CIO. It:It ft 0 To Let. 1St) 11 Lee aka, athither te Peel Othert up N. B. -An aesortae.it el the hest Seeing Machines cocatantly on hand. .1 Illt• SMITH. Roderick, March 2sril. .9 LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG WATCH Angle DANIEL 1701W011. SIEAM SAW & SHINGLE MILL, With rarm for Bale. Ings montalere, the wad lterthotirillta the IMA ',m.o..? eon eltmtnt7 gime The end etg.j, gam feet of lumber per Amy of 1•01.11 11.tra. It Is ton; mituatest for businoe, Wag la • well tomer. roomy whore time lo • large emaend for lumber. The foot ems... a hundred en.. sad h. • geed deslioig house it earl nab. The Mum aod me. eat be sold t•g•ther amemiely II. HALL. UNFAILING ZEE ,j'RESISEVERS. 183 1-1 Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor all eke pureness of • Laratave ALEX. TICHISORNE. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURE. Redsnett Tp 7th Jahr, 1171. A.119.11 AforicE is hereby given that &replica - LI don will he made to the Legisleture of the Province of Ontsaio, at the next Session thereof at Toronto, for authority to divert the course of the "River Aux !Sables" in the Township of liossnenet, for the purpose of draining c.ertain Lands in the Township" et Howantriet. McGil- livray and Stephen, in the said Province. Toronto,. Ilith Jam. 1871. w2atf Pelops no sae meth ebbe IA se tielierseilt any hero.. uthwereat bet Wiriest portal.* 2441. llos obvies. nth soot is, then is• saws the liable and Ow Mere Naar tun remedy dun hey other Tho. who bath no▪ t, know/ LiAl it tures timer atoirdsbore mad and all too. 0.1 what It dee* oNce it thes thwart - that foie through say don or eseboctot • n iosil. in. We base thouneeda sp. Rooth oantithrt.:1- at. of then remark...Me at as g ebthpla. tit.. hilt such cures ithe teethe bit tooloweag n• Vies c4.1ot or any deleterious drug. they may to taken teilb a... by anybody. Tither ikistr pie it,. thest •ver fresh mod mak. ths.0 i•Ins• it to while lain( purely vegetable lead epees, peererial sin. Ise et .ate. k. homes, Item, end other ergots of the e ddy, reetorthe their irregular *Mon to health. sea by earreciatt. wherever they lust suck derange. Sttiliite Merge the ere give. in Ole Wrapper oe the IME. Ihr the tailoring' aumpleaste, which theme Plea rootly core: - mow theingembe 504 ow. off , sh .old be Wee randeratel y 10 StieStliAtti the ere on .1 remote MD benthr tees per' woe, Sinews Illeadaelere. bele Yeablesele*, Ceti* 4,,1 1171/Itims /ever* the? illinukt NA )4p segue or remove the .3441.14411one toeuch eau., lase is rowan, reentrese. /or lithosseelleem,iieet,liblevel. Pelee. Itebets et else Stem* rata la Os. Sit messy tore Lebo* they thou. Illoutlaunti Isla, as beettnet.te e•aa ens direseed bolas O s serest*. Witte ree-e e.oge Woes oesepestale Ovoid to Wee to large see forteeni elatiee io pre. [c.a. fife 't of a drain. parte. For Satepremaitee • brae dab sltan14 be Waft se praisetJee deer. eel. by ay nopohy. Asti Memo Pitr,leket Me or tyro PHU le ere. war digotine end Mame sertataelt. As ettoblettelt de. thlmoitthee the eon.. ea4 bow*. into healthy ult., feetorsin the spotlit., and Invigorates the e.o.m. Hence It te ohm se - One who feel. tolerably ,ell ones end. that ado. elf the. Pere mediae litho feel doebledlr better, from their oloaotlim mid rementhog effect en the Memo • begeratue zorrisz. ar Ali., Al. The Ovum Leappairs I Every ehilel in school should leen speak end read the Garman language. The people of thia cotuitry, the kite: - rot portion particularly, are awakerts te the importance ot knoieledge of tie German. In the New England States .t le made • refuter study in Weeny of as well am English are in donna everywhere. On the farm, at the mune., the desk, in the shop, at the bar, in tie papa, in the medicel profession, in tie school -room they have the ?reformat. Wean, to day, find at least • down cm - rogations, paying salaries from $1000 in $1650 a year. where etiolates able ts preach in both languages are requirel, they hare Imo 'maid fur mouths. m mars! ebbe for years, begging foe me Clink' who can converse in both languages are always in demand, and oomniand higher wage* than those who den my mosaic one. Bat, independent of the mad and butter consideration, the Gee man lengearre eh k• studied • Meant Of its intrinsic •alee, and particularly handers. Dispense with Latin and Greek in your echoed, but by all means let *shave Cerran.-Nebroska Herta. AS GO TO THE POST OFFICE. eil e•nunsneeit huitisust last and wry, it visors eiri morn He trooM W atleeth.n to the SELL WATCH 4.1. he le tithe agent In linderieh. He • large the. of tale rehab. tote '1 posits I to rll elwp, and to tto There la tenting than • Nth eat/ h and there M•nt eno)M 04th r► 'thee MI rCU.L. i, to 11n had recap e..roneet of g,.ld is d pat«t too Clocks repaired In n work - all end Bre, OCQLA .S 1lCKENZIEr r►. IRb fot the has on keeper anarantell Ili no Teiac temente The lion Robt B Roosevelt, member of Z:ongreas from New York City (lYth Dia Wirt), and editor of the 0itisen, ewes break- ers from the forecastle of the Democratic ship, and gives up the old hulk la doomed to sure destrnction. Ho says in the 1st somber of his paper : " As medlars stand at present, Democracy is almost sure of defeat in 1872." and further oil, in lan- guage still more positive, ha concedes Mt the New Departure, the AA -Orange riot, the exposure of Tainmanee rotten - ass (though, in his opinion, cd Wight con- sequence in their operati.m on New York. ere), "have prodtmed their effect m the 'pantry, where, withl the aid eif the Anti Catholic feeling, they have deg the grey,. _ • Demecracy. and will levee it in th., .;, tut •th on ear Interwational, by dint of repeats.' ass es 1,`,, sienow. has searly ruined Sta silk trade ""1"46 Oath lett. NT GT OF 1869. 111 the tAs firm of rally a lesol 1 ens. tat mot at tbe en beldame, coety of II shame.. to appeal. A Hated • II 11711. Megnts and Isms e.arrP4N9 'le &wines it. utider Os style and tern re -partners, hied. hh1 emignelent of their h• rmiltors am mottled to b• Tows re tholocich. In the relay. the thirty Rod day of • how of for rieisett 10 th• meets of their affeles, and. DrInS Terme', Lazarus, Morris & Co. tac:es and Eye Glasses. I owe introthweili to the public ot Ube notiiistos of perod they have roe oak • Bucrthe ...lied by Lenses , rot oely de we Images. that this lemma ,portael• will be pted by every person ea the they •ili Roth:mid tad tfoot, way to the remotest odeara of the Glebe, awl tele le doe whey te they mem whit It no other epertschas poems and eke all nthernpulon• Imitators pretending to bore similar goo. for mit. ••1 t 10 admitted Wit Nen tittieg pair of Spertaehis Is slie el the eroded best. .hi,th 00 be ronferwei upon those reeenter them Hoare worm let the stoat perfect shoed 10 Said, as by teat now. Ma lat.. Ithie the *three a ordinary 00'• hale spared .ittoll rope.. nor labor t* V; • them justly Celebrated tipe tones and Rye Otos lorA , having adopted all tle O.n.o... week the ses• of tresepareney wIth the greeted curacy of romos Is the Lena., being rerouted In the wet Mondale from. of Gold, Piller, Muni and Steel ef the *meet sod ferns °elites, Runyon. 4.4 the Mellen prefeeelen os• eel. and Prismatic teethe heat emesre and olives We ...canon to reatio• the puttee agates pretending to babe or good. f. en. ate we only impel, anthodoel mold.. Amt. -We haw enable.. the seescy for the Wit of oer Celebrated Parlected Spectecl. sad 1 yo Masers with fuoterlek 22 Jae*. 1371. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 House to Let - Apply to th.INIDSH Wanted. it nrCOND 4011 F,,,T.11V. MID WILE* JOIlia OMEN. thidln If P. 0. List of Letters- c+ N OT JOHN FAIR AND ANDREW 1 Bulin formerly trestles Se John Phir and Co. SALE OF LANDS. Hy net. of the rested In . Athlete& or ling Mt. Weet, le the city of Elandltow.. Wed./ten the Sixth day of September next, at alarm o'clock forme. an the rector and later... of tee eal4 In/Wrest* le and to the eattrettee wept le bool, ylt All ethl singe'. that meta. paten or track of 1.4 .m1 rwirinis..s, sitssieN. Mei mil ie tb• .1•4 [h. •ot half of let number Rover le thorns the.leritto rip- brats sed mettlerar be sees tem, a thee iamb W. F. 11119DLAT. Assignee. Rawlins eth ruse 1.1 Adams II Wm gurnban Chat. Brown itisr•rd bleacher] Henry Cense Ann Clarke Slieshrth Cechy.* Jello Campbell 11 .1 Cooper J James Cdolt John Dirklown Jong Dana T Ragland A Thos P reen. Best rreionan flare Perris. Jets nos Pletcher Wm • h (Worse 1361106 11 (.7 Hogg Jon.. Hanlon John Howard 11 Robert banner Wdleta Hornell Iltra Joni. M Mee K m. John bold John lettlinne Wesley Levey Mrs Moore ondm. IlacKin Daniel Magee • Remit 11 c Donald D A AI rm. McNees. Alo Meth.* Remo McCready Janos Wailes A Mrs. Mclean KR* IN Wet lieuree gra Pollock Willem Isooth Mow. r sheen 1,1 Mon. James thibbins Mr 8.wart Ft Olsson Vsenotrone (Barrister! Teener Mr Walk. Mary Tork Robert Wallace U Jackson (flag.) TOWN LOTS. 1,10R SALE 4* MALDEN() 1.0,11. nem PiPTH r sc. es., altuated,r nosing from no, et.yr,,ki Rosa 11/1Onnia Road. Terve moo. hi. Apply to ROBERT 1.11.801t. proproetor GAVIN ITV TV gius. erderieb 1711eJely. 1071. weber Choice Farm for Sale botiettoh A 10,7 inf.& met MINI Cirri*. the t••ewilln. 187 • • !Olt IPM1111T1110 TUB 1111reoletre. Moine es, se IA ▪ denote! Rout its NU. et NISSI7 of whir* ot truly marvellous. Inveterate ea*. teeretabe• di* ✓ eamed satersted with corroptlee. here bees pprilled and mood by Ile g...mid by the wrofe• lose contamination unitt they wen (.11In roily affitedeg, Mee loos re/Really toned ill molt great number. tn Limon every tee hos of the country, the{ the public scarcely more to be lefornool of Ito virtues or nett. fier6flanhe poison I* one of the moef denture's eeernies of otir rare Often. this no seen ard Imre!: tenant at Or anon** u edam Niel. the ...lel it °DOS and to• des then.. of enfeebling or fatal die..., with. t • lc Hine a seep... of Os preset.. A frol*, It then.. bread Infection throsootho et the body ..41 then, Os Solve favoishie See•einti, rapiii? it/trek.). udo one Or nth, of He hideout, Ionn•, ed ler on the mirth. or among the Male. In the latter. toner. el. may be soddettly depoteted in the lunge or heed, or tummy formed le the Myer. or It shows tth Kew.. by erupt.. ell the skim, or fbol Mem- e nto.. arnoe part of the lorly. Hen. the 04,0. visetle, eves • hen NO 1144.1•• aymptorns die*. Fetter, re one. 641,44 With the fonowhig eon, Wets s, tier -Lily god Immediate relief, and, et h, by OW YIN of Ole SAIIRAPANIA- Tenor, San RA et**, itleeta Orel, Rthgereort, wore ettneealfel forme ss flaserreeee Deeps. and the Tar.. T... effortless of the mow to lo mid itnrvinit Sytelinte. are rured Itp It. though • long ante reentrol for Bet long cootie*. tote of tea othrilcote Inn yore the Tomo Wet. Louver Mee or KAU.. teethe Nine& •oeffi thieved anti oltletately roe. by Ile too. no re. I resit Are found net. Almanac. sup • evatlo:. R hers. nitres end Goof. when esnes4 by ern rytifiatierfte of •rfriteetre• meters in the Wool, • leld quickly to It, e. sito Lteer 77.77 leo of the fever. Mot fooloelee,m hes aright lxt'r ark* be, roses renklIng peeves b 41.. I Title 11.4•NAPARI1.1,1 Ie • greet re 1411170.11•111 ',lett le /RM. August 241h. The Chairs and. Yat,a7 oraor to understand MAW horrors through which the Pe: just pasted froui the lack oftfo, terrible plague which has ravag of their beautiful land, it will 1, When a 111411141111g4111 says, "All -1 trust in tioil --all a mid, signs himself to fate with the physicians, M,,hanoueditus will hero that s Utd11 11 dying until, he is dead ; and then the exeitenu ant on the funeral services, eel tilt. mist violied order, such a shouters called i'Ouelous," produce atom very wink:slate. obi& such a people should too guard. They eaves no fixed tau and in Cale of it plegue the mi can be easily understood. Thi good and had 'spade is um: curious. First, the ((jams; them form an intertuadmie 0,1 and men ; that they' ages ; they have the powerover ta,he mealy forms of men, a monsters, met beaottio Melee The Pentad's mutter! when t tire, spill milt or water, or dine Mg. -theta they &spraying' to of Aimee'. The), Minors in tf. sots," or "this is beautiful," fore, any groat cannaity strilr with this slrenge Wilt pan energiee,--and leaves them a pi fatalism. - When the Persian loess hia amulets and charms, h. folds I sera himself to Alhih's will ple faith which Weald be •Ie Foliating, if It were not Ole !lei stations folly. Speakuig 1,0 the charms e Orientals, it nay be of inter that each person, however p Aerie Or liale sack of leather." over the bread er on the- left ninety-nine names .4 the pro during ths first day. of tie binherrent ; 'end by this ante warned ef danger end dieenee. their happy- and unlucky de ages, Tuesday is a day of Glee, day inditiereastly good ; Moth. roc) le blessed ; Friday bath and imot sacred day, • the most unlucky of the week Thus the superstitions tl rich in tradition an -t story, light on recent wren* in the • may rettUrn to the titanic,. ways Ilse a sweet, 'tree ro for our prettiest mauls of the • The Ka02•11 City nate. g, ot -nada appeared in Jackson County "In Independence there . forty soniSid them the hi animals -1 have complet e ight, are. now wandering ai helplesenoss. In Westport t spreading rapidly. Aleng of the Memplui Kansa It and lone Jack Townships the 11p very gloomily of the r Some id the (Liana he,. la The iye begin to swell • As soon as the swelling cn eyes also begin to runeelear tholigh *mile hard and fore was heneth the lids. Aft. moos a hart white fame Thailisesse dews not altetfl general health tt the cow. is ea good se ever. There tii change either in the • quantity of this milk, nopan of it dy hind, no peculid- tl fever and, indeed, n. symp indicate disease. The ty,., arid are destroyed." 1.1..e.ingei has nen reply t•• an address fr. D a D.ELLOIGill Vett :hi: tion pronounced in it of a. Catholne Church, it& trite the essence of oi,l clerical . all in telligett Gathelios of mitten. The Dathohcs of been the first to perceive in the ordering mid elnit atfairs of the Chtirch, neat needed now hy tl this participation they w proper means to cat c which has fontid I. e: Vatican decreer. and wh the entire Ceili•die world teary rule of a priestly aut •04.1moer:r.eillerely of Datil order of Jesuits allied acd ecirttyn:Tri:niti.3t flow of cereals aciiiiires berth chrstret'elr:tInlarrmet summit to 42",000 bnali day e eek. The engageei by sail, the deli% eriwiesteht ec for corn, end itte fUoTOO *bhnes.hte:sei.oltienno; by ir at Mie. 9te for corn, s seeiler privileges ti I 4, highest figure. in eich. engagemente are for pot Ks ioilig.dy....o.,x.ic.clyii,t,Irikngdisliv tereouly.g.e., alio ter best place to buy y 0.1r 1 la The Med Mlles 1 service of 6.vitzeriand, inael maid two gentlenien to •