HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-01-18, Page 17BIRTHS, BELL — 13111 and Bev 13e.1 , RR 2, Kippen announce the birth of a daughter, Angela Anne, January 13, 1973 at South Huron Hospital - a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. James Randall, Hensall, FINLAY — James and Anne Finlay, Exeter announce the birth of a son, Douglas James Harold, January 5, 1973 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London a brother for Murray, Dale Marie and Steven, and grandson for Mr, and Mrs. Harold N. Finlay, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Maxim Decharme, Zurich, MILLS — Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mills, RR 2, Crediton, announce the birth of a daughter Bonnie Jean, January 9, 1973 at South Huron Hospital - a sister for Kimberlie. TONER — Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Toner, Kingston, announce the birth of a daughter, Tracy Ann, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, January 10, 1973, a sister for Jeffrey and grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Gackstetter, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Toner, New Liskeard, On- tario. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Grand Bend, announce the engage- ment of their younger daughter Nan- cy Anne, to Mr. Donald Alexander McArthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McArthur, RR 5, Paisley, Ontario. The wedding will take place Satur- day, February 17, 1973 at 12 o'clock noon, at Grand Bend United Church. 3c Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Price, Exeter are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Judy Dianne to Paul Fredrick Gratton, Paul is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Gratton of Tam- pa Florida. The marriage will take place at 3 p.m. February 3rd at Dashwood Community Centre. 3p Smile SEAFORTH OPTIMIST WINTER CARNIVAL January 19, 20, 21 1973 COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF FIRDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. SNOWMOBILE PARADE 9 P.M. SNOWMOBILERS DANCE ARENA HALL SATURDAY 9 A.M. NOVICE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT 1 P.M. PARADE TO AGR. GROUNDS TUG OF WAR, MEN'S & LADIES' NOVELTY RACES 9 P.M. SNOWMOBILERS' DANCE — ARENA HALL SUNDAY 12:30 P.M. MOSRA SANCTIONED RACES $3000. IN PRIZE MONEY HOCKEY DANCE Sat., Jan. 27, 1973 9:30 - 1:00 a.m. HENSALL ARENA music by The Bluewater Playboys $3:00 per Couple Refreshments available Sponsored by Hensall Intermediate Hockey Club For advance tickets call Murray Baker 262-2109 also available at Ron's Health Centre, Hensall Weetturaeat 'mutt Two new residents were welcomed and a resident was honored on her birthday following the sing-along at Monday afternoon's activities. Music for the occasion was provided by Marie Flynn, Clinton, Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins. The Silver Strings of Winthrop entertained at Thursday's Family Night program. This group of young musicians have been appearing quite regularly on television as well as en- tertaining locally since they organized two years ago. Faye Dalton plays the piano; Linda Godkin and Beth McNichol play the violin and banjo, and are solists for the band,Ray McNichol looks after the announcing, and plays guitar with Alec Robertson on drums. The audience joined the band in singing Happy Birthday to Norman Speir. Exeter Arena Activities THURS. JAN. 18 3-8 Hockey Practice 8-11 Rec. League FRI., JAN. 19 2:30-3:30 Tots & Pcirents (Free) 4-5 Skating 8:30 Jr. Hawks vs Mitchell SAT., JAN. 20 7:30-7:30 Minor Hockey 8-10 Public Skating SUN., JAN. 21 9-12 London 12.2 Hawk Practice 2-4 Public Skating 7-11 Ausable League MON. JAN. 22 3:30-9:30 Figure Skating 9:30-11 Hockey Practice TUES., JAN. 23 1:30-2:30 Usborne School 3:30-8:30 Figure Skating 9:00 Jr. Hawks vs Tavistock WED., JAN. 24 2:30-3:30 Tots & Parents (Free) 4-5 Skating 5-7 Hockey Practice 7-10 Shamrock 10-11:30 Broom Ball ZION UNITED CHURCH CREDITON Minister: Rev. Douglas Warren, B.A.,B.D. Sunday, January 21 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Nursery for children 3 years and under. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m. — EveningoFellowship Hour at the Manse, All are welcome. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE MAIN AT VICTORIA Rev. Austin Gedcke Sunday, January 21 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Special music by Ross Wilson and Lorrie Gibbons of the APOSTLES. Tuesday, January 23 8:00 p.m.—Annual Congregation Business Meeting Wednesday, January 24 7:00 p.m.—Crusaders Ages 4 to 12 8:30 p.m.—Youth Time "ONLY A STRANGER. ONCE" CALVARY United Church of Canada DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. Bruce Guy, B.A. Organist: Miss !della Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, January 21 9:45 a,m,—Morning Worship 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. Wilfred D. Jarvis, B,A., B.D. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, January 21 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School Grades 3 and up EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical 11:00 a.m.--Sermon Topic: "The LOrd's Sword" 1:30 p.m.—SerinOn Topic: "De- molts, Men and Swine" 9:45 a.m,—Sunday Seheol for every member of the family. Nursery 'facilities. Wednesday: Prayer end Bible Study 8:00 Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist Rev. R. 14, Thynne, Pastor Telephone 235-2476 "WHERE 'rn WHOLE BIBLE IS WHOLLY TAUGHT" N TONIGHT Thurs., Jan., 18 " P "' Exeter Legion Hall JACKPOT $150 51 calls 1 share the wealth Admission $1.00 for 15 Rounds Extra cards 25c each or 5/$1,00 Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One tinder 16 Years Of Age Will Be Admitted - / EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting will be held in the Library, South Huron District High School Fri., Jan. 19, 8:15 p.m, Wives arid husbemeig of director weleame Interesting program Directors meet at 7:45 p.m. Ladies bring cookies A, 6. Hicks, Soctelory 12obert Down, President EXETER UNITED CHURCH James at Andrew Minister: Rev. Glen D. Wright, B.A.,B.D. Organist & Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Musk Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, January 21 9:45 ap.--Sunday . ,School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "JOYFUL LIVING" (Third in a series of 4) Nursery Courtesy Car — 235-1964 * NEXT WEEK 11:00 a.m. — A Youth Worship with "The Good Intentions", a musical group from Tees- water. 8:00 p.m.—TALENT NIGHT and Annual Meeting. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Jack Roeda, Minister Sunday, January 21 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:15 p,m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) 3:15 p.m.--Sunday School The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570 PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Andrew and George Streets Pastor: Rev. F. Morgret Sunday, January 21 9:15 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. Frank Morgret, B.S., B.D. Sunday, January 21 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School "We invite Yon" Parish of Exeter and Huron Park TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rettor: Rev, G. A. Anderson, D.F.C. Organist: Mrs. Maude Cannon Third Sunday after Epiphany. January 21, 1073 8:00 a.M.—Holy Communion 11:15 a ,m,—Morning Prayer Salvation is not a reward for the geed we have done, so none of us can take OnY c redit for it. Ephesiatts 2:9. Living Bible The Oasis Restaurant Sunday Specials Open 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily (The all-night dining spot) BANQUET FACILITIES Phone 225-2715 for reservations WHALEN CORNERS 5 miles north of Elginfield on Highway 23 MEMBERS & GUESTS Social & PINERIDGE CHALET Friday Night January featuring JOE OVERHOLT 9 - 1 GUEST CLUBS: London Exeter Driftskippers $ Dance 19 Snowmobile • ii 11 ii Hully Saturday, Make Music of Gully Dancing Lunch & Reservations Dance January 20 The Bluetones Sno Sport 10 till 1 Refreshments — Phone 262-5809 Anyone Interested Annual South Hibbert Sat. Jan. attend STAFFA 130 please the Meeting of the Athletic Association 201973 t HALL p.m. Friday & Saturday Nit The Maitland Trio Corne early and stay late 114/1.i(1 .1111116 4 Tifnia-Advnota, January Ifk 1973 Piga 17 Stag FAMILY NIGHT DANCE for IN MEMORIAM-- MARTENE — In loving memory of a dear mother Marie Christina who passed away one year ago January 24, 1972. To a beautiful life came a sudden end She died as she lived, everyone's friend. She was always thoughtful, loving and kind. What a glorious memory to leave behind. She left us with her thoughts unknown But she left memories, we are proud to own. Treasure her God in your garden of rest For in this world she was one of the best. Lovingly remembered by her daughter Olga, son-in-law Thomas, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 3nc RUSSELL — In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Audrey Russell (Scott) who passed away six years ago January 18, 1967. Years go by but memories stay, As near and dear as yesterday, Its not the words they are but few, Its the loving memories we have of you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad and family. 3c Ron Mason CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank all those who remembered us with cards and visits in the loss of our great grand- son Jimmy Venner — Alma and James Prance, 3p I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, treats and visits, also those who furnished transportation to London. Your kindness was much ap- preciated. — Charles Jeffery. 3p My mind and heart now enshrined By thegiver'sloving thought Your kind remembrance could bring back Life to these old limbs And make them blossem like the trees, A special thanks to Dr. Boyes and Dr, Cameron and hospital staff, also to my many relatives and friends. — Thanking you all, — Rill Love, 3p Special thanks to the nurses, Dr. Wallace and Dr. Read for their ex- cellent care, while I was a patient in South Heron Hospital. — Mrs. Ray Rader, 3p I wish to thank everyone who so kindly remembered me with cards, visits and gifts while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home, — Murray Stewart. 3p I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their assistance since I lost my home by fire, also the Lucan Lions Club and merchants, — Fred Munro. 3p Sat, Jan. 20 EXETER ARENA EUCHRE PARTY — Shipka Corn' !nullity Centre, Wednesday, January 24 8:30 p.m. lunch provided, Everyone welcome. 3p ANNUAL MEETINGS — Presbyterian churches - Hensel], January 26, 7:30 P.m,; Exeter, Mt- paned to January 2a at 5:00 p.m. Pot luck supper. 3c THE SUN SHINES Bright) (in Florida that is). Join us on March 3 for a two week escorted motor coach tour to Florida. All hotels, transpor- tation, side trips and admissions are included in your ticket. Disney World, Cypress Gardens, Busch Gardens and Silver Springs are also included. Give us a call for our free brochure. Fettes Tours and Travel 184 Main St, Mount Forest. Pick ups en route. 3c I.0.0,F, On January 27, 1973 Exeter JOOF are holding their 2nd annual Friendship Night Banquet and Dance. Tickets are available from all officers. Fisher Hardware and Ex- eter Electric. Closing date for tickets sales is January 20, 1973. Wm. Rowe N.G. Bed Fisher Rec. Sect. 2,3c Admission '1 ,00 Lunch Provide() Everyone Welcome EXETER DISTRICT CHRISTIAN Women's Club will meet Friday January 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. GWY11 Whilsmith will show pictures of her trip to the Holy Land. Everyone welcome. 2&3c BINGO — Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, January 19, 8:15 p.m, 15 regular games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission MOO extra cards 25 cents, 3 for 50 cents or 7 for $1.00. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion, Proceeds for welfare work. 3tfnc EUCHRE PARTY January 23 at 8:15 p.m. Dashwood Community Centre, Sponsored by Dashwood WI. Prizes and lunch, Admission 50(l., 2,3c INTERESTED SNOWMOBILERS! The first annual meeting of the Honeybunch Snowmobile Club will be meeting at the home of Walter Westlake, RR 1, Hensall on Saturday January 20. For information on joining the club, please call 235.2328 or 237-3233 after 6 p.m. Sc PENNY SALE, Monday January 22 to Saturday, February 3. Open 10 a,m. to 5 p.m. Friday to 9 p.m. Salvation Army depot,15 Rattenbury St. Clinton. 3,4c ANNUAL MEETING, Hensall South Huron Agriculture Society, 1.0.0.F. Lodge rooms, Monday, January 22, 1973, 2:00 p.m. All interested persons welcome. George Frayne President P.L. McNaughton - Sec.-Treas. 3c 1.0.0.F. — The D,D.G.M, will be making his official visit to Exeter Lodge on January 23, 1973. All Brothers welcome to attend, Wm. Rowe N.G., T.B. Fisher Rec. Sect,3c SOUTH HURON and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will meet Wednesday January 24, at 8 p.m. at the Exeter Public School. Guest speaker will be Mr. Bruce Heath, director of Huron County Children's Aid Society. GAF. produced film "Where There are Children" will be shown. Mr, Heath will have something of interest to say to all interested citizens. Everyone most welcome. 3c Thelp wio, busin essesproblems Businessmeno can bring them to a new office to be opened in Kitchener early in January by the Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism. Located at 305 King St. W., it is to be managed by Robert Half- night, an industrial development consultant with Wide experience in general management and manufacturing and specializing in industrial carbon, sintered metals and plastics. His duties are to advise, assist and counsel industry and municipalities to stimulate employment and income op- portunities in such fields as plant expansion, location and relocation, expanding exports and marketing, and assist with joint ventures and licensing arrangements. Entertainment Country & Western every weekend • Tasty Snacks • Ample Free Parking Commercial Hotel Seaforth The family of the late Gertrude Yearley wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sym- pathy shown them in the loss of their beloved wife, mother and grand- mother, for floral tributes, cards, letters of sympathy and donations to the cancer fund. Special thanks to Dr. Ecker, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital, Rev, Glen Wright, ladies of Rebekah Lodge and Dinney Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be remembered, — Mr. Tom Yearley and family, 3p STAFFA HALL Country Cavaliers Fri., Jan. 19 9 p.m. $2.00 a couple or $3.00 a family l.aclies please bring lunch South Hibbert Athletic Assoc. Reception and Dance for KATHY GAISER and RON MASON (Bridal Couple) Sat., Jan. 27 9- 12 p.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE BLENDERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Church/ a„„„„„„,„„„„„,„„„„,„„„,„,„„„„,„„,„,„„„,„,„„„„„,„„„,„„„„„„,„„„„„„,„,„,„,„„„,„„„,,,. Pineridge Chalet 1 V2 MILES WEST OF HENSALL CARDS OF THANKS-, We wish to express our thanks to our relatives and friends for remembering us with cards, flowers and gifts on our 50th wedding an- niversary. — Mr. and Mrs, Mansel Mason. 3p I would like to thank all my friends and relatives' for gifts and cards while 1 was a patient in South Huron Hospital, A special thanks to Dr, Goddard and nurses. I would like to thank all tile merchants who donated the gifts for the New Year's baby. — Lynda Riley. 3c I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Wallace and Dr, Goddard and Westlake Ambulance, nurses and staff, also the Canadian Legion, friends and relatives for their visits, cards and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital. — Fred C. Beer. 3C Clarence and Aldeen Volland wish to thank their family, many friends and relatives who helped make their 40th Anniversary such a memorable occasion. A special thank you for the lovely cards, gifts and good wishes.3c IN MEMORIAM DESJARDINE — In loving memory of my dear husband Herman, who passed away so suddenly two years ago January 23, 1971, You didn't have time to say farewell, Nor us to say "Goodbye" You weregone before I realized And only God knows why, I cannot forget your smiling face Your happy carefree ways Your smile that won so many friends In those happy by gone days. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your wife "Irene". 3c DESJARDINE — In loving memory of my dear father Herman Desjar- dine who passed away two years ago January 23, 1971. Two sad and lonely years have passed Since our great sorrow fell, The shock that we received that day No one can ever tell, But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know, It's lonely here without you, A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried, To my heart there comes a longing If only you could come home, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell, Or even said goodbye You were gone before we realized, And only God knows why. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your daughter Linda and son-in-law John. 3c DESJARDINE — In loving memory of my dear father Herman who was taken away from us so suddenly two years ago January 23, 1971. "Dad" only some know the grief we share When we go home and you'renot there The blow was hard the shock severe We never thought your death so near You're not forgotten, Father dear Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. Proudly remembered and sadly missed by your eldest son Garry and daughter-in-law Lynne. 3c DESJARDINE — In loving memory of our dear father Herman who was taken from us so sudden 2 years ago January 23,1971, The dearest dad this world could hold With cheery smile and heart of gold To those who knew him all will know. How much we lost two years ago. Sadly missed by your three children at home, Nelson, David, Brenda, 3c DESJARDINE — In loving memory of our son-in-law Herman Desjardine who passed away 2 years ago January 23, 1971. It seems so strangethat the one we need, And the one that done so much for us, Was taken away. No one knows how we miss him. Sadly missed by Alma and James Prance. 3p LATTA — In loving memory of our parents, Ethel who passed away January 8, 1972 and Agustus who passed away January 22, 1971. They would not wish for sorrow Nor would they wish for tears But just to be remembered By us, throughout the years. Lovingly remembered by Ervin, Vera, Gary, Diane and Lorianne. 3p To reserve your table, phone El:. = GEORGE BEER CHALET DON MOUSSEAU r.z., 262-2673 286-4213 236.4610 = E FilimiiiaiiiiiinimlinitiiiiiiiiimiiiimiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiIiitilliiniiiiiiimilliiiiiiiiiiiimilainia-; 55•mwmim55.55.•5555•5‘,51.,514.5n ,5**155.5•51.5.550.551.tamm5-5,.1.5150.5 it5. kom55.55..51 em51 .515.51 .51m..5d1..1 Entertainment at the / 1 DASHWOOD HOTEL Saturday, January 20 F-2 Joe Overholt Dancing 9 - 1 t'1111111111111111 lllllll 1111 llllll 1 llllll 1115111111111 lllll 1111111111111 llllllll Special Octoberfest Food .11i1111 llllllllll 11111111111111/111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ft ROAST SPARERIBS, PIGTAILS, BRATWURST SAUSAGE AND STEAKBURGERS, SERVED WITH SAUERKRAUT, COLESLAW OR FRENCH FRIES