The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-8-24, Page 4• +4 • 1' 4.• THE WEEKLY HURON SIGNAL. • d«error 1411. ant Il1rrkltl mean �ignat. GOl)ERIC11, AVM E4. 1871. obis shtLAsaslcallT. MalyhtW dlf .0 1s ha,edelayel 111, far the lost few weeks, in makmlg our promised enlargement, but we have now aoarly overcome them all, and present He subscribers to the WILi&Ly 814;1.AL, this week, with the largest tonal paper and that, 0000er•glugnut! at u weekly f kl Natalia/ ihs Whs • incemeing, Our'intlucna'we dost bag The British House of lsrudc,hoarywith of, only being detenuiued that it shall the `rime of ago", an1 the Gladstone eounteractthe wischatvuna efforts of tovern onion biles twith the light d*epee the Expumturtu wRdis.•tsien •snag sentdamn, mow inan•itiludeetdeadly the reformers of Huron. Tb. Expaia antagonism. Then can be INtl. doubt iv, doss tiot annoy us by implying that twit -moribund ari.tocrsev .Mill fail to re- anr ability is not equal to that of the nut very leog the progress of the middle Unmated Thomas McQueen. 1f "the climes of England. As night beexpetted old man eloquent" wore alive, we could tb.repreeentiveset Williamthe conquer. wi i .ply 611 at kis feet and War* widom• ori soldiers are determined to die gate. A. It 1a, the Seelurtb Eap.etor a not an They hare resented the Pipit shred antagonist with whom we are 'amid to them, in aboltehiag spins, their will by pwGlidrd in the fluninwn. break a lance, and it would be wilier and It u just • gar, since the Slow. L more prudent if iia editor would look to came under our masagemeat, and wS his owe weapons and his skill in wing have to thank our friends for a Iorger them. He is not such an invincible musun of sonic than we dared to warrior as can effort to auto his liras lope !tar -old (rends, with words if in reeling unfavorable comparison, #nod cheer end encouragement, t pally b•twoem oro humble solve* and a gaUaot T.mainmg true W ase Gast many ^eN kuigkt of other years. As the *spawner friends, with warm ex premium' of 50.-", I hu aserileginusly atte.pte4 W conjure will,dding their names to our Oat• up the spirit of Thomas McQueen, to our The favorable twelremuuth's span• ducomflte,re, we may as well express our baying determined w to deserve stilt serious ooRrictiuu that if we could beer better at the hands of our patron', we his winos from out "the groat darkness" Dale gone to large expellee in the put •d would eseowrage w to do 'our beset tlauofcomplete (Wants of newwdemin" (little though it may be) W urge theme enty hete- entlr readablatyp*,and •Cyliuuer Power formers of Huron to remain united and Press, capable of printing the large .lief budisuible and W turn a loal oar M the w turning out, and a 1....r we are now aroakiig of this callow d.dgliag in gas' when necessary, and printing at forth lately Iported from • Oleng nrry theto f 1000 impressions per hour. rate ° 'nce. raven a Aunt. We can eoufidently appeal N'c menu that the S on a shall, take and is tke nferm.re of both North and funb, for sin and contents std South Huron, whether the Expositor's maintain the lead in this section of the Proving*. accusation that we are the "jumping - Thr rrreulari.n, of the Signal a larger lack of • few local P°liticans', does not, it. when .1 cavo int. our Aatpl+, ,nod + instead of touching ue, accurately pour - hoer as it seer teas during o, tia.tly- tray the attitude of the editor of that fmr years' history. Bonn Acle intendueg P•Pe', Roth ea r.g&da the North and advertisers ore r.qussted to verify our tiuuth Ridings. Having i had "kcal statements by a personal iaspectiun °four Politre•nr', is his eye, whom it was subscription list, which will satisfy them Profitable for him W become a "jumping that the Signal is the beat advertising jack" to, he thought he conl•t foist them medium in the County. Hardly need on nN.th ridings. Beit it wouldn't do weoy tW, through good tsp., and and when he found us exposing hie The tare molly over the party proceeded homeward by the sane route, and as they were dep•rting from the church had their equanimity suddenly desturbed by several pistol shote tired at point Blank range by • mwhievlous mewl in an adjoining Matte which caused the clergyman to pre- form an *valet much rowmbling that a • deer suddenly stricken by the deadly rifle bullet of the hunter, that u, ruse suddenly upward Grad again arrived at terra hums in • lee dignified position, while ado ninin re*peaimen of humanity who was preesert Wok refuge behind his (muck) larger and better half Now you ,oust kuow that •chartvor' u as essential by *mitosis hers ea the ul.rgylw•n'e edict which prooclams the twain "inn tlesh" and of course the sequence of • charavan oat bbl. of beer! Now the bride- groomworthy had bespoken envoi those neew•ry requirements but as SWIM !rhombi were with him tock the lion's •hareof the spoil‘ and left the dregs to the ■ ioked cherirar. Ram. The wbugoeow of this was that the bye took it se an insult and That night repaired te hiermideaoedeouadiagg, is • wend "anon beer" was 'If watchword east rept of tb. party. The bridegroom informed them rd what they hadhad, but this only servdteiocrs•w theirnervoo*- nee, "ci your wife not worth $2,4O,"Fad • musician whn played with • stick ,pus • kettle, "yes" answered the indignant bridegroom with wahmaenee "she is worth mon than $2,00 and mon than 120,00". Well then was his answer from aumorone „Royal Warrant the Army Purchase system by. carrying • rote of *ensure on the government by a Majority et 80, and by also rejecting the Ballot Bill passed by the House of Common'. Taere m•y,be some chivalry exhibited, but then, will certainly he no laurels won by these knights of "long de.os.t"in entering the lots against old Father Tim* whn has taught the mass of Britops to feel "that kind hearts are mom than coronets, and asd simple faith than Norman blood.' throe h Dad report the Lipa, will ever trickery, he throws dirt at us, till mean - 8 b the and unflinching nee ca■ ne further go. Let him pelt consistent adro- ate of progressive liberalism, and the away. The pelting only ooneiooes us uncompromising foo of injustice, tone - servitor std corruption, wherever fused, and that the social and material improve- ments ef noble, n14 Huron, will Inc. oar elunstant, conscientious aid. In (hat ere most be • "shining mask". SOrtSietilttnial. Ire would remind uuir readers that, on lbth September next, white the Gnderich Horticultural Show will be beld,tlle Ex. "Me Party" Tser'natt.wc In its eagerness to demolish "the poor old SiowaL," the Safnrth Expositor has future, great care will be given W the unconsmously exposed its own hand. cendeneation tat.' news, that each weekly Taking for • text an extract from Thou - edition may be • perfect mirror of pus- dere Tdton'e talented bet Utopian jonr- ing events, both local and general. Oar nal, which will never find its sphere in present gratuities' psblication of the !practical lie, until the Millennial era, List of Lends for sale for Taxes, will be when "the wolf and the lamb lie down -..i cavi seiip proof. to atom go. todeseithert4ePther;41M.ANImMkr. Hader t. 11le. that sus intend to allow no pecuniary con- 1.11 of l^obielrY, once torte enunciate' attention W stand in the way of their I the "independent" or "no party" doc- interests. i trine, which it was compelled W re - We propose not to alter the Price "1 Ronnie, but only from the lip outwards, hibition of the Ontario Fruit (:rowers Asesoiatien also takes place We bops a gnat mute of our Horticulturista will pay the 11.00 membership toe to the litter Society and osmpete.' The prism offered (se published is sur last laee),are %good tbommlves,b tthe nipttatiou which the suosemful competitors must earn, will be worth more than an nrdioary effort Mae cure. let our tri ode see to it that Hu- ron takes its proper positios as the best fruit -growing county in the Province. - All that is wanted is • kale ambition' in o•,r horticulturists musing them to make Ip their milid• tomespete,a little can is selecting varieties and specimens, and a close attention to correct naming. We have the fruit ! the WMOLLY SIG WALWI1rmO w Aanho a ers until 1st of January, 8 earmstl7 urge them, that w. may still further improve oar material, W remit as at once the amount due up to that Zeta at the old rate. and not oto allow the amallnes@ tat the amount W deter them from remitting. Twenty-five ant re' "ahinplaetewere charitably made for just such emergencies, and our freed' will easily understand that 21)00 "little•" will makes very devout "aaickle." To new subscribers from thudate,and W old subscribers from tat of Jansary 1872, the price of the WEEKLY Stover, in advance will be 11.60 per annum. bigot toe ask our frwndi to talo the trotoite to each at In onto nes L.eseriter l The effort required would not be very great, and would enable us W spare no oxpeue in keeping the Slo,laL rap to the times in every respect. We may add that we have largely im- proved our Jos DI,AOT'ZNT and are prepared W execute work .d every des- cription, Plain or Fancy, large or small, at lees than city prices l When our County friends visit Ooder- ich, we will bitglad if they will give us a call, whether they have business to do with us or not. Our mammoth phi can be seen et work, either on the Weekly o. Semi -Weekly impression, almost every for the sake et its much puffed "circula- tion,' the very week litter its first an- nouncement. We au quite willing that the Expositor should' belong W • :no party," cherish no convictions, and see W be so "independent" of, both aides that in its utterances it can laud the politician it predessse W oppose; and depreciate the nun it proforma to sup- port. • Holding thus lightly to principles Hoopla always manage to wear ship and scud to the winning side, and still talk oomplacently about "no party" and "in- depende.ce.•' While we are quite will- ing that the Expositor should .it loess to conscience, all its maligent attacks, though. • thousand times more virulent and ..manly than three of the past, will not prevent us from expusing its deceit- ful cease. After deriding the journals that openly &anomie° their "party' ties and but emly profees theii principles, wit t° true unctuoutw of 11. Pharisee t�a�Mleporitne snivels out :-"tor our part welts subservient W no man or party of mea" Again we remind the Reformers of go South of the famous scene at the larasstr almalithrlrbaldalsa Team voices, yen sea afford io pre w Warbler, to this; It. only answered by • volley tat sone• and threats and was answered by a volley of musketry. after which aim - mowed a scene which I wallaby* w an abler pen than mine to describe, it is a subject whtob might Whetter haadied by your Moberly sorrespoadsst---•s form. I 'AU only say that if the pro:else which they gave him atter teems' bunts of music of returning •,d oontinutug their efforts until tlei are better appreciated and repaid, b pt, you will probably bear mon from msec the abj.st.-Cott. HATS FOR THE MILLION ! !I THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED AN IACCLUSIVE 11 AT. ('.t P, h 11'14 STURK lis the twee building, erected by himself, lasttummer, on West Kids, Market N um* IS NOW RECEIVING AND WILL OPEN for the inspectiao of the public, on On Saturday the 4th day of March, 1871, The 1.o" yea awl bra Stud of ilefs, (.tw,a.d leurvoahinp (hew(. rest MeoJAt W Oo vferu-A Cuilualea alt.. Newest outs of Engliah, Now York, & aanadlan Fashionable Silk, & Beaver Ism mite we published a statement from the Woodptoe! Times nawtfq on Col. Skinner and Ur.Meriwn, of Himil- ton. The following from the Kingston Whits corroborates the gravecharge,as far as MrMuriwnis orricened:- "We regret to be oomp.LLed to endorse the statement that Marie o.,of Hamilton. sold his position forthe A seociMion Cup to Sir Henry Helloed. He had made fib oat tet • possible be, sad WY • tie with- Sir Henry. One a the team heard him bar- gainutg for £400ind when he lost the Cup at was agreed in Ramp that he had bartered it, He told Sergeuit Kincaid he had done ex The eadei are metered ma - hie iVino. sons) own .eootmt,and the b-eaeet gabs were W be his 0071. The act w as nest creditable to a Canadian rifleman." day. Brasfield Convention when the repre- A■ the appearance and efficiency id the meal journal is. &broad, alm..et the only sentglive of the ''Eepo.itor" in calmer - test of the prosperity of • locality, it sow rests with the public, by properly sup- porting the Sloe AL,e,convince the ovoids world, that we indeed are (am with tenth we claim W be) a lire and enterprising community. YMLaess eau ne Tur'tbardo I The menu and malignant scowl which gleans through the columns of the last Expositor is its nat ird expression. We are glad it has thrown off the musk of an assumed courtesy end appeared in its naked distortion. Like the cowardly clodhopper, beaten in s fair tight, its tactics are now W kick, bite and gough its ant•gonist,nr even shoot from behind a hedge. It gravely says it has no apace to give to the process of "dienecting" the Y.G. ant 11.111.7. The Cuunoile et Osey and Mbrria hare mowed By -laws --the firmer to grant 8361 000 and the latter 835,000 loth. Hamilton Mme. The Ashfield By-law W give 110, - 000 W the come 0b*t was advertised in our last issue.1138,000is the sum proposed to be given byTur•b.rr)}nd 118.00017 West Wawanvsh. 1a last Wanannsh, we hear By-laws will ber submitted to aid both this and the Loddon line, so that the rate -payers am take their choice. Ntw that the Central roues is again being coquetted with by London, the New It. is of coarse death an Heaulten. The end is net yet. vieuggito •man andaninfinitesimal party of non, who haus nothiag in common with the nw.j.mty of the Convention, pror'tjmed R..bt. Gibbons not to be "his choke°. Again, we remind the Reform- ers .fie North of the baleful look with which,in subserviency to another man, the resp representative of the Expositor an enuly cateahised Nr Whitehead aboutatter with whish the questioner moos* Iliad evidently the slightest pos. Bible at+usintaneeand then when he went hie, through his journal, in which ee h. , wto have such • love ter Merit rooseded to pot arguments into the N of the opponents of the imam - nominee of the Blyth Refrom Cony . That is "no party" jour. .alam ! o on profess ardently to belong te the y that seems likely to be in power, von keep making yenned( th•othegeothat ifthe former he latter may not reject you bastions. We are -thankful .ndfather" was not "a wa- ne one way and rowing the agrees recent criticisms .d the Sired. Quite I should likely. There is no wriggling out of from its the stacks in which it finds itself ig- tthal out nmmu iniuusl7 impaled, • jt•noun, en- Mheermoc' deavoring as far as it dare to be recreant to the reform party in this county. Rut it would fain divert public attention I T}n• from its humiliating position, by pelting 1 Acott tis with the mud in which it find, its own 1 int feet resting. it ha& not "time noir in- clination," to argue, bec'anes it is already buten is argument ; but it has any amount of spate "time sad inclination' to vend, like an evil-tooged behmnnger, the dirtiest slanders Agatha the Signal - Th Y' eel u announced to be in its Acott C.ntentrr• Englisho emote. 110 the post Scotia, hu gen • ` 'g "decodcnoe." We need only point in enmukd,dHd reply W this weekly Wee e•'t the ;.goal oda :rt their the fog the f Pah, of Though t tion• �r "tempo( and bngh o red -par his genies circle, awe the first number of mer enlargement - which u u large a lore, paper se pnb- i;eheel anywhere in the 1Dornininn. N 4 th preached to of oar "w.Ding influence ..dc.rtailed civmtlati°.." W loathe .0140.4011 of knowing, and being ►hle to prtne,th t unsolicited by 'ldnimmmi our friends are loyally tallying mend us mid that nor "cirewkane." i. larger 10 - reavores tjajuat&year no; rhe Hats, Fur & Wool Felt Hats t LSO. Silk sod ClothCaps, of the latest Styles and Paneros for spring wrar. Mom of . ,kin $took W bola made specilla 1.0 sty order, sod ea 1 claim to bore a thorough nowledce of the RAT and CAP business will he able (with the large and varied stock 1 have a lend lied an continuelly receiving.) TO PLEASE THE EYE AND FIT THE HEAD OF THE MOS? Fastidious, hod at prion that will defy competition. Ooderioh. M.reh lit, 101. W. M. SAVAGE. OPENED THIS DAY AT THE HAT CAP AND PDB STORE Ot W• M. EAAL. VAGtr1131. £IiI Z.I V'lt,L1• RAIL0ATI.-The grw•t .ILektsessat that ever prevailed are any trpie -ill this placer now raging and 1. all about tnrl- ways the rw* rogway i• b tlho month ef every one. All along the Duple in and around this place were strongly in favor el the Losdou scheme in ted 1 behove it leas then it first originated as the Amboy villeitissproposed this scheme whets the happy people et W roister were as sum of the T.e.t.te, Grey and Bruce, it was proposed by the people of this pier for the perpsee of getting railway oominu•icatemand to sunt •atop to the Tmunto one, as they will know that of Waster get a mammy it was net at all V•kteHist they amid ewer pt one. Brat when the Toronto died mut or at least &banded the proposal of eosin too m Wrsu.ter, the Londete• tent held of our scheme and sent delegates W differ neer porta of this tidies SeM►fL-the• •deo in es,weM- w"old get support they retul.ed hese with hilliest confidence that they would gat the necessary support, and atter a great number ot meetings they ikated their roma vu Seatorth, AialoyTille and Winslow, foil the reason• that it would be • better paying route also that it would he o •user built route end that they would got more Besuees than be going by ('Lston although it would be some no Ilea longer the people of this place worked hard lar the teed, also the Lon- doner., but •ben the people ct Hamilton started their whims in opposition W thein and held meeting through this the Londoners withdrew from the field like cowards and without prig.; ay reasons cr telling their strongest support- ers of the action they have new don. •ix. rye' the birth of Sir Walter .bated nn Tuesday, Ifoth thrmglw.ulthe world, the is the medium of inter- ishmen and Irishmen were is in doing reverence W novelist than the sots of wh,.e valeaandstreams male clean* ground, and Tidying memories. Toe- d ord Montreal, in this Can - specially prominent 10 ; and New York chose •pfrnpriateone for lay, Moue, in the meet t, Sir Water' no publicemmmemtnra- land that trimmed the to shine with such purity not forgotten or tnhon the more honored that led ii tb.gniet home • "wnnrland fury' W1 The "1,: ro wuryhi of Stammer Hats & Caps of the Newest The L,Z. al. asu.ay. TMS IT -LAW VOTED 111 5Tarasw. Eater, Aug. 18. -The vote on the Stephen by -lar at the close of the pall was 241 Nr, and 11 against it. Railways everywhere in Frame an choked by tbtenormone quenteme of the Me. The Western Railway opens its stations for n ercbadue *my ones tuten deli. ZIIAtUH. , M* u'.oni*L.--Thetun-lusingpartirf the community have been in canteen's for some time peat in the anticipation and colebsstion of themarriageof a unique andetruigely matched couple, which kik plan jos Tuesday the loth inst.-Yoar carrespandeotbeingtutim•tely acquainted with the fats of the ease, you may rely In receiving it correct statement iu the form of • simple narrative as follows: - The bridegroom who has for sometime been • resident rat this locality, had, it &spoofs left behind him in tho fatherland • sweetheart who of late years beams in the plan to b they deadliest foes. peculiarly essential to ourheto'aha reset' They •m determined that they .belt - so much a, that of late he found that aver build • mined through Korth he might as well endeavour tudowitho an Hunm and .Iso that they will do all is his daily allowance of '.Lager Beer' (an their icer tut the 1omilbn need so 1 idea utterly prepeeterowjas W live longer Po happily without her. Ao, as rumor huh it 17 to all narti. go on end vs who in meroantil terms i will thus give it to steed by and watchwill see who who will you. He ordered an agent in Germany pin the day. The email of Grey has to have her carefully packed and shipped submitted a By-iaw W the people ram - to his address by Es prem C. O.D. or by ing 1/315i,") to1h.WeeYn�aOn: nd parcel post (!be latter assertion i .m in- one of 30,1+00 white the poor Louisville* dined to disbelieve).' Rumor sometimes stand in the nearground, legging Nie taken for its �worth; thus. unit i_I,- eo this ver Township W grant o thm • se.tiosol STYLES IN •GREAT VARIETY pm7RY O�Pw O.derieh 4Sr.l flay. 1871. t • "•Vanier Letter .A.. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, 1. healit.1 . war.. .soy d r. wort, to mo.e11.00ear osasu.1. 1 11e to gat .set . of der, aW ran. I.Rhlrr ..�., ,., ..r Mr Rhuttar $50 i5 1111.e0N. t.rne. • L...»r 4104..-1.lei . hoerle..4l. TAW any .••11.. o..nun.ter.d on tae rent-00st. A. a4ret nus.. .1..111 be luny', to .ahil.lt euc50.. and .pw,rrrrn• d wort, gas u. r.,.,.. ,.dee, It.,.. w Lank. for .11 ..rt.et FANCY STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, .o Pima .ark 111 sato,.....rr.sted l(. I:. -An art. at Macau.. .rle.r•d oil eb,rt..l astia Threads mad auraon. f•4 ni bless to t ce. R. M. WANZER & CO., ^S th Show -Wives next door to the "tligeii O@o.. 0.1.001 A... ttq lot. 4 1 G McK}NZIE Has Inwood, tit hos we Store. on >E I[zsnkiltolu Street, The, Stock parehased by horn from the Insolvent Estate of i■ gcittT by chat" they fununk this Mr JOHN HARRIS route when they were almost sun of They have put their cies heads is the trap they have done what the Hamilton wiahed them b. d.. and what their friends in this platy nevar expected they have went the far that they may return bottle W their other occupation and give u(, the idea of ever betide" • railway th rug h Nnrtth Heron sod in after years they can anima their children by tellicg them of the "Castle in the Air" they once at- tempted to Mold and how they fatlal sim,oly because they attempted . tees that they were unabld 4. fulfill or in e ther words they wen sot the right men in the right plash they were not Railway men. They refused 130,000 from Grey. and 123,000 from Monis. bit mw they are quite willing W oaswpt m ..stissal Bomu from Morrie of 170,000, she what a °mange. From the it is evident that their delay in not nosepling the offers that they got were that they were trying to make ea much as possible out of the Townships, Rod in return were trying to to see hew chap they could get • railway. To them and their now scheme, i my go an but they mast tear ire naiad that this last ',slime hes turned their bed friends she arrived in %wish, shortly after the Btmus of 20,100 worthy clergyman who was touuii them, left ferGermany teseek a helpmeet in the Olio of is fair Mecklenburgter. Mow, such a misfortune would Imus disconcerted even the patience of Jub, for t lout think Hr. Editor that if Job had to wait for weeks for a clergyman W marry Mm but perhaps he might hers lost even hiedi,ine patience and given way t.. despair. On th. return of tie Rev. Gentleman • few days agn the important •vent Wasflud W to take plana no Tuesday the 16th lost, when the couple, lib. all ethers in their siluatidn hoped to drown their joy and felicity in the cares and strifes of main• reony-alae for neglected warnings and 111 taken advice. Despite all .pdea•unrs to the contrary our friend prepared ea launch his pigmy shallop un the treacherene waters of thegnl'dmatrimony on whose fdden rale has been wrecked the bppi- of so many elf Adam'. tiMi. Areq rdingly at an early hour they processed to gather with some friend■, .ronin arm ocsething like the revolutions of two ■ w orals men at the (ulyd of (.mbvde Pierw, by way cf a arcuntons route threutth W. Cerrieka log -yard to the Church dative which journeythey wens ehanmr. by the roman of the Viet.ria Mine who • mir- which esu nn doubt well appreciated. MI us. -.One of the deuesst mists that was aver seen in this place bappwood this mornida, it woe se flick that • porno could dime's ad object 1011 frees th mL ft esu .Ino very chilly ad had • very All- owable smelt, OOLBOANW• iwroartm Sr,..a. -Mr. J. .f. Faber, Of Colborne, has arrived from England, with two young stallions, one lure and semi. pig., all of which we have no doubt will preys themeelyt gnat ac- s quisiti.m. in this section andw.'rtny of Mr. Fo4er s sound jetdgment ■t • Mock breeder. We regret tri hear that Mr. Fisher esu for 1 weeks tenons - 17 ill while io England. TO Which IS deterruine"I CLEAR AT AN Oui Enormous Reduction ••w. 1 Slt.r TIES I;en1AL 2LCr, 10:1ItMIEltII4! Here Is a ehaaee to lase money Oodaaiok, lath Aogoat11171. Mtie DONN suss re jinni TIE IN rteta..u•.artsa eat ON n soared to meas • Il.Ist...ew •r p•pms ter I sew.ellmor In 0.ewtak Lsea. aw1. .w101 -t1 TO CONTRACTORS. TRMDRRS WILL Iop*czivgo er TAS us;us;.4an. I eras m.tae4.y tae seta day of August Ise, M w Slavdaui A sonsnot trom ylrto,1 ammo tee ume Pref MOO. SOadillallialw can to rot mins Alta - _JAM118T8O$1ON Tow. Clerk Voilasa AepelgtsiI. x1,11 Srj'ATIONEJ Y- Full Supplies of art KINDS Of FANCY MOPES *Ne Note Paper just to hand •Ra t OFFERED AT LOWEST RATES, AT MOORHOUSE'S. UOOD8 .AT COST. W- R. 'CLAYTON Smith'tts 13i11, IFTININYrIToLILA% T111R8nlTION MOLT 1111. mos.. got neat. tos ratolved to The Ego M Loads ter Tan*. As we protniaed our readers, we mow psblieh,feetheir benefit, the Let '.{Lards for Sal- for TAaee. We are doing this gretnorualy, in the interests of our sub- scribers, and will not be able W'pare the spies more than one nr tee weeks. l lnr friemde will therefore please primer, • the • u 1.a• v mamma ma taut for when the sale comes off- i ,now mom Am. tell. ■ rtOttai ,COST. LI. estlen aloe* of DRY -00(1N1 ma,w:R RI RR, e:4.:WRRy, AND maaDwaaa, .Loa sum glom no Tannery ado rin;elty A Splendid Chance .RCURR BAROAINA. RT. Ta. Ctrs melt moot M oleu.d A large stock of ',toy description of OFFICE STATICSEJIY just received and selling lower than elan ehere. vet 1 R. m - An tart*. make Itt entre toll sed mottle. ate tier 4.. ,Ise Ism . Or taanraesoaat• AT MOORROUSE'S. Everything you Want • in Sohool 0• MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Sivar Ware. Fancy Goods, W*11 Papers, ;A Window Blinds. AT MO(►RHOUSE'S. Go -Aerials 113th July, 1871, awed, ?aeriNciti, NAIBLI HURD&ROBERTS, Or *Safe III Ira ALS * ..roirraao e. SCOTrIl GRANITE MONUMENTS, Tett street, Haallt ., Warp .•oa,tan(1, on hand sed win . Gloats order oreMtn .ot ane..11 n..iA e M wrma..atal Marne tt .,oar eshnaIna M.•es.n1Ten.1.=e aoms,. (.t.e:"nntera T.bl.r+ W To 1 .. k,.A M,rM, mot Marks. (rl regal.. • e , ee , •.y M. MORAN Agent, Kinross 8t e OrdsrMA, ti A.r.1r1 seelyere IA8OLOER1' IQT 0P ISOL AND AMENDMENTS THHBX?0 1n U. ma/W Ml. A. • R. H. N.1., haelrr. Med shwa has twos i► ..retina e.t.a me of ..o olio a 1•ir.sat1.1Www1� 011 noire. ■trnea. Garan w tleawt.$ ravels%