HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-01-11, Page 8evening„ Bill Love is in Joseph's.. Hospital in London with a broken hip. The annual Webb Reunion was held recently in Port Huron with 62 persons present,. Mr, & Mrs. Glen Brenner are vacationing in Florida and plan to visit Acapulco, Mexico. Mrs, R, Keyes is at home with her broken wrists progressing favorably. Her brother, Herb Britton of Mitchell is visiting her. now. Mr. & Mrs. W.P. Stromes visited their daughter and son-in- Senior Citizens met on Wed- syndrome. It is one of two cases law Mr, & Mrs. Clarence nesday afternoon in the Village found. in North America. Kieswetter, Kitchener recently, Hall with .4 good turnout of 16 Communion was observed at Mrs. Stan Gill is in Liverpool, people. Mrs. Reeves played the the United Church and the England visiting her family until piano for a sing-song, 'Then transfers to the Church of Mr. & mid-January, games and talk over tea served Mrs. George S, Harris and Mr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Ginn and family,. by Mrs. Mae Holt assisted by and Mrs. D.J. Padden were Cleveland, Ohio and Mr, & Mrs. MTrsh.e1,111. sympathy Turlibull. completed an received. Mrs. Morley Desjar- . H. Demare and family of London enjoyable time. a solo. were visiting their parents Mr. & dine sang of the gom- Reeve Payne chose the winning Mrs. L. Ginn recently, munity is extended to Mr. & Mrs. ticket for Mrs. Don Smart, Grand Mr. & Mrs. C. Kennedy spent a Murray Venner and in the Bend for a hind of beef fully few days with Mrs, S.M, BarboUr, sudden death of 13 year old processed in the Christmas Draw Toronto who was under hospital Jimmy Venner on Saturday from at the Tenderspot Grocery of care. a rare condition called rhea Leo Masse, Grand Bend. ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF Sections 52 and 54 of The Ontario Water Resources Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 332), as amended, Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 323), and Section 362 of The Municipal Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 284) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by Ontario Water Resources Commission as continued by the Minister of the Environment on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Stephen for approval of the entering by the said Corporation into an agreement with the Minister for the construction by the Ministry of Environment of a water works project as described in certificate No. 6-0198.69- 720587 issued by the said Ministry and dated the 11th day of September, 1972, at an estimated cost not exceeding $252,000.00 - and - IN THE MATTER OF the passing by the said corporation of a by-law or by-laws imposing a water works rate. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 16th day of January, 1973, at the hour of eleven o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Township of Stephen Community Centre (at Crediton) for the continuation of the hearing of all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to the application and to the imposing of a water works rate. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of December, 1972. K. C. ANDREWS Secretary NOTICE Township of Stephen Water Works Project #6-0198-69 At the request of the Township of Stephen, the Ministry of the Environment has investigated the possibility of installing within the said Township a water works project to serve a major part of the Township and now proposes to construct such work at an estimated cost of $252,000, and to make application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the undertaking and the imposing of a special water works rate. After allowing for Provincial assistance in the amount of $126,000, it is proposed to borrow the balance of $126,000 from the Ministry of the Environment and to repay the debt over a period of thirty years. The proposed project would consist of the construction of a water distribution system on the following streets: ON Gravelle Street Pearl Street Highway 21 Eva Street Eva Street Highway 21 Philip Street Philip Place Francis Street Leonard Street Lakeshore Drive Forest Avenue Summit Avenue St. Clair Avenue Oakwood Avenue Indian Road Block "A" (Indian Rd.) 33 foot reserve (Line between Lots 1 & 2 Concession W.L.R.) Highway 21 Highway 83 Highway 21 Right-of-Way Lot 40 including service connections from the distribution main to the street line. The estimated annual cost of the project is $13,224, which includes debt retirement, interest, reserve for contingencies and operating costs. It is proposed to raise this sum in the following manner: $7,969 by a frontage rate of 46 cents per foot on all lands which front on or abut on the water mains described above or connect to same; $1,650 by a connection charge of $10.00, $2,000 by a domestic user rate of $20.00, $450 by a commercial user rate of $30,00 and $1,155 by a levy of 2.03 mills on all lands within Water Area No : 1, described as follows: Description of Lands Contained in Water, Area 1 Township of Stephen Water Area No, 1 shall be composed of the following five parcels of land: (1) All the unsubdivided parts of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the Lake Road, West Concession of the Township of Stephen and all the land contained in Registered Plans #22, 25, 27, 28, and 29, for the said Township of Stephen (2) The Southerly Six (6.0) acres of Lot 7 in the Lake Road West Concession of said Township more particularly described as all that part of Lot 7, Lake Road West Concession, lying South of the hereinafter described line: Premising that the Easterly limit of said lot has a bearing of North Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes East (N 31 degrees 07' E) and relating the bearings herein thereto: Commencing at a point in the Easterly limit of said lot at the distance of Two Hundred and Eighty- five and Forty-six one hundredths (285.46') feet measured North Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes East (N 31 degrees 07' E) from the southeasterly angle of said lot; THENCE North Fifty-nine degrees Thirty-six minutes West (N 59 degrees 36' W) a distance of One Thousand One Hundred and Forty- three and Ninety-two one hundredths (1,143.92') feet to a point on the High Water Mark of Lake Huron being the Westerly limit of said lot. (3) to a point in the Easterly limit of said lot; THENCE South Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes (N 59 degrees 54' 10" W) a distance of Two Hundred and Sixty-four and Four one hundredths (264.04') feet; THENCE North Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes East (N 31 degrees 07' E) a distance of Eighty-eight and Seven tenths (88.7') fdet; THENCE South Fifty-eight degrees Fifty- four minutes East (S 58 degrees 54' E) a distance of Two Hundred and Sixty-four (264.0') feet West (S 31 degrees 07; W) along this last mentioned limit a distance of Eighty-four and Six one Eighty-five and Eleven one hundredths (485.11') feet to the point of commencement of the parcel herein described; THENCE North Fifty-nine degrees Fifty-four minutes Ten seconds West hundredths (84.06') feet more or less to the point of commencement of the parcel herein Beginning at the southeasterly angle of Lot 7; THENCE North Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes East (N 31 degrees 07' E) along the Easterly limit of said lot a distance of Four Hundred and Premising that the Easterly limit of said lot has a bearing of North Thirty-one degrees Seven minutes East (N 31 degrees 07' E) and relating all bearings herein thereto; That part of Lot 7, Lake Road West Concession, Township of Stephen described as follows: described (4) The Westerly One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty (1,320.0') feet of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the Lake Road East Concession of the Township of Stephen. (5) That part of Gore Lot 7, Lake Road East Concession described as follows: Premising that the Northerly limit of the road allowance through Lot 7, Lake Road East Concession, has a bearing of North Fifty-nine degrees Four minutes Forty-five seconds West (N 59 degrees 04' 45" W) and relating all bearings herein thereto; Commencing at the northwest angle of said Gore Lot 7; THENCE South Fifty-nine degrees Four minutes Forty-five seconds East (S 59 degrees 04' 45" E) along the northerly limit of the road allowance through Lot 7, Lake Road East Concession, a distance of One Hundred and Fifty-six and Ninety-three one hundredths (156.93') feet to the point of commencement of the parcel herein described; THENCE North One degree Thirty-seven minutes Forty-five seconds West (N 01 degrees 37' 45" W) a distance of Eighty-two and Six one hundredths (82.06') feet to the southerly boundary of Highway #83 as widened by deposited plan number 1264; THENCE North Eighty-two degrees One minute and Fifteen desconds East (N 82 degrees 01' 15" E) along the southerly limit of said Highway, a distance of Eight Hundred and Twenty-five and Seven tenths (825.7') feet; THENCE South Seven degrees Fifty-eight minutes and Forty-five seconds East (S 7 degrees 58' 45" E) a distance of Ten (10.0') feet; THENCE North Eighty-two degrees One minute and Fifteen seconds East (N 82 degrees 01' 15" E) a distance of Five Hundred and Thirty-five and Five tenths (535.5') feet; THENCE North Seven degrees Fifty-eight minutes and Forty-five seconds West (N 7 degrees 58' 45" W) a distance of Ten (10.0') feet; THENCE North Eighty-two degrees One minute and Fifteen second's East (N 82 degrees 01' 15" E) a distance of Four Hundred and Seventy-two and Three one hundredths (472.03') feet; THENCE South Eleven degrees Thirty-one minutes and Forty- five seconds East (5 11 degrees 31' 45" E) a distance of One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-four and Four tenths (1,654.4') feet to the northerly limit of the road allowance through Lot 7, Lake Road East Concession; THENCE North Fifty-nine degrees Four minutes and Forty-five seconds West (N 59 degrees 04' 45" W) along the northerly limit of this last mentioned road a dktance of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Two and Seventeen one hundredths (2,502.17') feet more or less to the place of commencement of the parcel herein described. With respect to frontage charges and notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, ratepayers whose properties abut on the existing Provincial watermain on Highway #21, will not be subject to frontage charges until such times as they choose to connect to the water works system. Upon connection, these ratepayers will be subject to all charges, including frontage charges, in a like manner to all other ratepayers who are using the water works system, subject to the exemptions hereinafter set out. In computing frontage rates, provision shall be made for the exemption of or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate in the following manner: (a) In the case of lots situate at the junction or intersection of streets or highways, flonkage will be exempt from the foot frontage rote. (b) In the case of lots that are triangular or irregularly-shaped, a reduction shall be made in the frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient, having regard to the situation, value and superficial area of such lots as compared with the other lots to adjust the said frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis. (c) Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes, a reduction shall be made in the said frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient to adjust its said frontage rate as compared with that of the lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis. (d) Where a lot, other than a corner lot, has two or more limits that abut on works and the size or nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works are not required, a reduction in respect of the works that are not required, so long as they are not required, shall also be made in the said frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its said frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis. (e) Lands having frontage in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty feet and used for agricultural purposes or residences in connection with such agricultural purposes shall be exempt from the special rate per foot frontage falling due in each on all frontage in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty feet, while such lands continue to be used for agricultural pruposes. The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable for the said frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall be charged 'with the said frontage rate as so reduced. On the basis of these levies, a house having an assessment of $3,000 and a frontage of 75 feet would pay the following amounts annually: 75 feet frontage ® 46a per foot $34.50 Connection Charge ® $10 10.00 User Rate 20.00 2.03 mills an assessment of $568,435. 6.09 $70.59 *Typical Home Frontage 75 feet Assessment $3,000 Typical Home, Total Overall Annual Charges for Distribution System and for Provincially-Owned Water Supply Works Permanent Residents Distribution System (Itemized above) $70.59 Water Supply from Provincially-owned works flat rate 38.00 $108.59 Summer Residents Distribution System (Itemized above) $70.59 Water Supply from Provincially-owned works flat rate. 28.00 $98.59 When the construction of the water works is completed, any ratepayers so desiring may commute the annual frontage charge at a cost of $4.84 per foot and the annual connection charge at a cost of $105,20. The Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Tuesday, the 16th day of January 1973 at the hour of eleven o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Township of Stephen Community Centre (at Crediton) for a hearing of all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to the application and the imposing of water rates. All plans, reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. Dated at the Township of Stephen and first published this dth day of January 1973. Mr. W. D. Wein, Clerk.Treasurer, Township of Stephen, Box 99, CREDITON, Ontario FROM Highway 21 (existing water main) Highway 21 Gravelle Street Gravelle Street Approx. 180 ft. N.E. of Pearl St. Approx. 480 ft. S. of Philip St. (Block "C") (existing water main) TO Eva .Street Eva Street Pearl Street Approx. 335 ft. S.W. of Gravelle St. Approx. 625 ft. S.W. of Pearl St. (S. limit Lot 6, Concession W.L.R.) Philip St. Highway 21 Lakeshore Drive Philip St. Approx. 160 ft. S.W. of Philip St. (Lot 22, R.P. 27) Philip St. Leonard St. Approx. 125 ft. E. of Francis Lakeshore Drive St. Approx. 250 ft. N.E. of Approx. 420 ft. S.W. of Indian Leonard St. (Lot 10, R.P. 27) Rd. (Line between Lots 1 and 2, Concession W.L.R.) Philip Street Approx. 395 ft. S.W. of Indian Rd. (Line between Lots 1 and 2, Concession W.L.R.) Oakwood Avenue 33 ft. reserve at S. limit Oakwood Park Lakeshore Drive Forest Avenue Summit Avenue Forest Avenue Summit Avenue Approx. 300 ft. W. of Lakeshore Drive • Summit Av'enue Approx. 180 ft. S.E. of Summit Avenue Summit Avenue Highway 21 (existing water main) Approx. 420 ft. S.W. of the road allowance between the Townships of Stephen and Hay Highway 21 Line between Lots 4 and 5, Lake Road West Concession Pearl St. Highway 83 Approx. 1,350 ft. W. of Highway 21 200 ft. Northerly 210 ft. Northerly USED CARS 1970 MONTEGO 4-door sedan, radio, automatic, V- 8, K44632 1970 AUSTIN MINI K42466 1971 AUSTIN 1800 automatic, radio, K76629 1970 AUSTIN 1800 4- door, 4-speed transmission, only 18,000 miles, 4950N 1967 FORD Sedan, power steering, power brakes, 390 engine, automatic radio, K41001 $795 1961 MORRIS MINOR K42447 )(_4( SNOW TIRE SALE Goodyear Tubeless Suburbanite Polyglas Here Are Some Examples: SIZE G78 X 14 List Price '45.25 '3295 SIZE G78 X 15 List Price '45.25 $3 3 95 SIZE H78 X 15 List Price '48.75 $3 595 Similar Savings on Other Sizes MOST SIZES IN STOCK FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS * * * SAVE ON Gasoline 45 . 9 50. 9 South End Service EXETEH 235.2322 Open Evenings By Appointment Reg. Gas Premium Gas Services in India. She said it was a personal learning experience and broadened her outlook. She is back at the University of Waterloo working on her Bachelor of Arts now, Church The Anglican Church Women's group met at the home of Mr. & Mrs, Maurice MacDonald on Oak Street. In the business session a decision to hold two euchre parties in January and a discussion of plans for 1973 were the main points. Finding the secrets of the following Scripture Cake Recipe by finding the Bible verses was interesting. Scripture Cake. 1 cup Judges 5:25 (last clause) 2 cups Nahum 3:12 1 cup Judges 4:19 (last clause) 2 cups 1 Samuel 30;12 1 cup Numbers 17:8 3 Jeremiah 17; 11 1 cup Jeremiah 6:20 2 cups 1 Kings 4:22 143 tsp, Leviticus 2:13 2 cups 1 Samuel 14:25 1 tsp. Amos 4:5 Season to taste with 11 Chronicles 9:9. Follow Solomon's directions Proverbs 23:14 (first clause.) Personals After slipping on ice Tuesday By MANUEL CURTS Lloyd Brophey, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital has returned to London to his son's and daughter's homes. Viola Curts has returned to London after two weeks vacation here. Gary Eagleson has returned to his duties at the Veterinary College in Guelph. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur McLinchey were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brown. Mrs. Vera Brophey has had the misfortune to fall on the ice and is nursing an injured back. Mr. & Mrs. Clare Reid of Weston were in their home here for the weekend. By the way: The difference between some people's ears is one block. Vtioe Ztlet4 Bane and - thitie Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER When the directional indicator on your dashboard lights up but doesn't blink, it means a burned-out tail light or stop light. dt Limit your window stickers to the official ones in their official places. Unnecessary stickers hamper your view. Starting in 1974, government regulations will require all new cars sold in the U.S. to have "interlock" systems, making it impossible to start the car until front-passenger seat belts are fastened. If your drive on salty winter roads, your car should be washed regularly to remove damaging salt. The old old custom of picking up a new car at the factory to save delivery charges has virtually disappeared. Shipping costs are lower these days, and it's hardly worth the trip. A trip to inspect 0 fine selection of cars is worthwhile indeed if your destina- tion is Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227.4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in goon! By MRS. FRANK PLUMB GRAND BEND After a 27 hour flight by Air India on a 747 with stops starting at Toronto, then New York, London, Paris, Rome, Kuwait and arrival at Delhi, Elizabeth Kennedy, Grand Bend and her friend Valerie Nathanson of Sydney, N.S. arrived in India. They were away for two and one half months. Their purpose was to learn about the culture. The Indian way of life is similar to ours in the city, but simpler and cheaper in the village. Indians are careful at first in talking to foreigners wishing to avoid contact with hippies, or drug users, but are friendly once they get to know you. Elizabeth said that people in Canada do not realize how much they have in services — how much they are pampered, compared to what they have in Shop at home I nsurance For Complete Home, Farm, Commercial and Auto Coverage CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across From Beaver Lumber Pail* 8 Times-Advocate, January 11, 1973 Canadians, are pampered GB girl back from. trip to India