The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-8-24, Page 2• TILE WEEKLY IIUtiON SIGNAL Ila Lia kl1 ess 1,433. ta,'•Geree masa." o tb mellow days of Antonin , heaths fields were brown and bare, Awl the withered Imbrue were flying, -Viol: wildly through the an, ..paths lofty bank of Heron •ood a o au.1loving u;, sailor tall and manly, piles, a luaidoo paining fair, Passing fair. All dune the sun was sinking Wends. western slope of dey,. And they saw Ila, waves questing Madly o sr the fumy bay ; • Then he bent his head and murmured And the wild et tilde heard him say., "Lore, wilt t,.ou bo mine forever 1 And she ehispend, "yes for ale, Yes for aye. int Yes they lon.red and listened ; wilder th s. °.fore lose the anted ct • ,wsMishing ,tiil*tfaay n the s. anon : nth tan pier f ores of lsfing She : the • ..i i•.n s heart WAS sore, M ahs: u.;h.• 1, -Thou wilt !ire faithful 1" And he anew er..d, '' Evernore, Hvermore." Round the Lofty promontory Swept the wiv`. with drearer wail, Awl ther saw :he acrrami:tg curlews Flutt.rutg, wheeling in the gale Thrn the maiden welt and trembled, And her,heek eascold and pale, . Bnl he kissed!:. r, saving, 'Dearest, ,Dry true loud a 111 never fail, ,. Never fail." Ivo' beneath the feril.,ry n Dipped the sun witty ing. glow ; • tier the hearing, bre.Yat .;f Huron Shales 4 evrm•rt gathered slow Titan rte sew his gallant reseal Lipreading forth her w: rig% of snow, ito,1 Is said. "Q. hood the signal Vow !ny sarct••et, i must . 1 must po." As the maiden viewed tha billows, As she heard the rising towel!, - Fears of danger chilled her bosow.- Fears that she amid tie'et diepsl •When shall 1. our future meeting 1" 'Haply net-er I who can tell 1" fawn the parting- 'mud aratapoken.- fl onl of sorrow, "Fare -thee -well, Fare -thee -well." • lean the saw the vessel bounding O'er the waters far and ire., v, d gt h r, l open mart to fi1R-1 am directedby the Board of law the white wares round her ieapieg, Arts and Manufactures to inform oa that Heard the sailors shoat -with glee ; pet aversion. an Industrial Exhibition will held There she stood in yes to, straining But why should any man be the eandi- y with the Agricultural E>thibitio n, Eire to hoar.: m1 eyes to seer date for president cit womansuffragist*?Ibtmnthe City of Quebec, on the 12th, 13th, TM s n turner in darkness, moaning, Logically and consistently, I feel that their 114 and 16th of September next. f'tt'han shall he come hack to me 1 candidate should be •woman She ought,The Manufacturers of the Dominion Back to me r I moreover, to be one thorough) emancipa- and of other Countries are invited to send ted froth the "absurdity and fol y," the tom„„.,...u„.„ of their .,.-.. rrowness," and the "belefnl Contemn- ` . ,Pin ...' - 0-4 t the tempest i6 zlie kthition. '•>,ea,or,.nerur, ' roared the deep, tum,•' which I am feu old to outgrow.-- Prizes to the amount of about $5,000 are e Round the ship were rigs end not, Could you not find one who, illustrates in offered for the beet productions. ^• Wolfish howl and hungry leap : her own ��erean and history what you w The prize put is divided talo thirteen 'All in vain that loving maiden felicitotsly term "the liberal thought of an cisme. r tollows. Stull her lonely vigil keep, enlightened age r Let her be one who CLAM. 1. -Cabinet and other wood All alone, for onethat &,mea not, kw two hushanda after a sort, and lives in work, Surgical appliances, Musical Iwarn. Wearily shall watch and weep, the same homes with them both, sbarin1 mints, dc. Watch and weep. them och of one, and bearing the name of Cuss. 2. --Carriages, Sleighs and parts I the other, [to indicate her impartiality per thereof, etc. • •For the gallant bark was driven • haps,] and cense and c:adidate will be so , Ctaas. 3,-igachinery Comings, mane. Onthe headland, iron -bound, fitly muted that there will be no occasion, factures of Metal Tools and Fittings, &c. And the crew in borrow waited °Ten trader the mmol liberal, progrwiye. Cuss. 4. -Building Materials, Pottery, For the death that yawned aronnd, enlightened regime, to sue for thou di- Tiles, Slates and Slate Manufacture, When a huge ware, swift u lightning, Thee. Could not one•of thisotam be per- Buttons, Glassware, &c.„ Struck the chip wits thunder sound, shaded to overbear her shrinking modest) CLASS !._Architectural, Mechanical Then her timbers burst Yonder, and nominate herself 1 and other drawings, Portraits led other And the sailors all were drowned, In asp vet of hearty hatred for free love Paintings,DeooretirePaintinge,Japanntug. All were drownedand all its infernal delnaions, I remain sculpture,, u.ry, Engraving. Litho - yours, HORACH 1871 Game. gray, pencils, Maioriels used in the Fine Pity that unhappy maiden ! Tribune Office, Aug- 7, 1871- Arra Sorrow now has crazed her brain ; CtAss-A. - Pal car, Printing, Book - toll she watches for her Inver, 1sA' Flea's. Binding, Manufactures of paper, &c - Waite and watches all in vain : Bran and wawa is used the French CuYi. 7. -Lowther, M.rnlfa.ctune of Still she stands when twilight gathers, as an numadtant for the skin. lecher, Rnbbec gouda, &c. :dating o'er the watery plain, Cunt. 8.-(h ., �'aruiah, Chemical Ryer Moaning, na't., .Tor sighing,Black Lars motion. and low_ -heeled •hoes ions, b.. , are muting into fashion • 'Walla niece comeback again 1 QLAa+. ft -Geology sod Natural Hidrry Back again r The plaid -tinted pearls an Tory moth is Cuaa,10.-soap, Groceries, ProrisiWu! almond this year, and are very nn- • Tobacco, 10.-Sn &e Twelve native C hvuane came alo.gside the Admiral's flag ship in a Oink and beg - gel to be taken to Shanghai, their junk be burned, to prevent its fall- ing into the hands"( the new* authorities, who would thereby' discover from what villages they came end punish their rela- tives. The request was granted. manse 'Melt sa theQom' Invited by Mr Tilton, Wr Gey has gives to the Golden Ape an attreeened statement of kis latest views on the woman question. The closing part of his letter u interesting. You are entirely, eminently right, Mr Editor, in asserting that my conviction of the proper indiswlubifity of marriage is the main/pring of my kosttty to woman aut. free, and to the social philosophy from which many vainly seek to separate the woman movement. Though I Imus writ- ten or dictated very little of what has for the last ten years been editorial in the Tribrrne on this subject, it is nevertheless true that my conception and scope of the marriage relation renders my conyer.ion to woulau mange a moral impossibility. 1 have but two left of seven children, and they are both daughters. 1 would gladly 8t them for lives of n.efulneu and honor, aa lyloved and loving wives of vir- tuous, upright, noble men, and mothii+; f it please God, of good, healthy happy children. If it is to he decreed that they are to be, not such women as those l have most admired and reverenood,but men with d female physique -powerful in ward cam cures and nomination convention., vein, stent in senate and nn the stump and effec- tive before juries in the trisl of actions for erim. eon., I pray that my career on this globe shall dose before theirs u fairly be- gun. When and where they thus shine,K will not be pleasant for me to stay. Mr Editor, 1 believeonrchuntrynicn are indebted to you for having discovered (per- haps 1 should say invented) nie w a possi- ble (though most improbable) candidate for the presidency. Allow me, then, to thank you for your early and frank demonstra- tion that 1 can in no contingency be count- ed on Or hoped for as a woman suffrage candidate. As you forcibly and gutty say, there is not even a remote possibility dm, ultimately adapting myself to this end. My differenee with your crowd is Ito. vital, too radical, to permit the most sanguine dreamer to hope for my conver- sion. Ism growing old; my opinions are tnlorably first; and the Advanced Female of the Laura Fair t who kills the pars niour of whom she claims tp be rightful af- fintt Auld ives a ie m the wife she has !doubly widowed, is ney The Ministerial Ortata In Spots. Once mere Spain is4wugthrough the throw of a 'Mutational orae. Atter vainly endeavoring to hold together, the lierranu Cabinet, who, a few wesks ago, *ere ordered by hu llajesty Amadeus to return to th.,r poste on the ground that they had not sustained any parliamentary defeat, have beeu obliged to succumb to internal differences of opinion elemental to the and counterfeit, and be thyself -be a tout three political parties who entered •into his -card thin, whether you have the guinea compositicn. They have presented them• stamp or not, be geld. Be a 'man for a' ulna to the King, and this tune been cau that With truth, virtue, beu..oleuce, did enough to explain their differemw tg him. Ile hes accepted their resignation, and eked General Serrano to try to form Innate es it falls Mtn the shining fent-- eulblem of benevolence, without wkiah all i art and all beauty and all loveliness are mint Bentham, life Is real, aohimn. Let us Iivein want. Lte, the woudrues battle - hour in which ae can wanks our being with glory, and crown it with a starry diadem; let life be ratical, earnest. Strip thy life of all falsehood, and fusel, God's treat ludo -star: with lofty life 11111, your alaracter shall rtes purer fur the tempest, arongeT for the cnofllct, to be a new ministry. Great controversy ie go- crowned with victorious wreathe. 'Tu lag»M as to whither it shall be a fresh wag thyself be true. -Let all the ends thou of coalition or whether it shall consist ex -1 aim'et at be thy country's, thy God's, and elusively of men en one partyonly. Senor tootle': then, if thou tallest, thou tallest Moret resigned the finance epartment tQ ra bleats1 martyr.'_ consequence of a load and unreasonable tl P017gam9 1H Tested ! emery havingbeen made against tom for alleged illegalities in the tobacco contracts. It Was gnus tome that, led away by his seal for publio interest, he had, after two 8th, says : Mn Hornet actionklawkfee of the ineffectual attempts to effect these con- tnty, hes brought an as far divorce ss. - tecta by public tender, effected them byaunt her husband, Ti as Hawkins- - private treaty, laying wide certain formal -14. ""e alh,gw that she was married u, him Kies prescribed in the law ; but it was clear- o Ehildn. in 1860, sad that they have ly shown by the repnrt of a special icon- I ata ehddreu, She Also charges that about willow that he hail dans ' Service to the , Si ran age her husband took soother State bythe not, while at the gime time wife, and about three yurs ago he teak a third wife, said has twit children by each he had injured no private interestsinor of thecal; that he has deserted her and her seared hisewker that of any of his friends. diildren; has aFueed her, even threatened I do not think he need here resigned, lent her life, and a few months ago dragged he sew obstinate in doing so. Ted king her out of her house sad beet her cruelly aeeep!edhia withation, and portfolio red 1lin- beceue"she nunld tot "'Inv. front it o, tater Saguia with his portb.lin pro tent., that he night sell it. Thi. case is pend - until con time w the budget debates i undecided in the Third Dutr,ct t•or,rt. ehwald conclude Owing, however, t.. theThe daloudant lives at Lehi. Mrs llaw- great opposition the budget was receiving. I kine hes reads another move in the acme. and the fief that the heat was driviva She has made an affidavit cbarling her away the deputies by dozen. from Madrid, I husband with adultery, and Chief Justice it had been (nand y rte Role to continue hMoKeenusband hes radon aa warrant and unseal dtocuuing it Ilam by Kent, so the whale I lin arrest under the follow nog statute of tbinh has been put oft till alter the letanidT the arrest ury of Utah, which may M in the mean time, after fierce Mbatu and . fuand on page 33, section 31: •'Every per - through • opposition 4111 hes been hurried son who emir mita th.,ciTiont of adultery throtgh sad Tote b 172 to vet, pro- + longing the budget o 1869-70 until such time as the Cortes can etaplete•he con- sideration of the budget fur 1871-72, which will of downs not be till winter. The ame bill !ivies the Government special pitmen to ora funds to meet what pay - a aunt* may be lndiep.tioible tillage. Noard MAMMA ]anti Stara OM TME Paovtnez Or Qr1IIr MowTR- LL, Jett' 1871. The Salt Lake Cit, Tribune, of Augyt The author rorogqnests Iowa date okil- •fulmusicialu oftiodench to compose s Ione for the above verses. Great Wants* ' i'now paid to "Home Manufactures," ese we not mendfac hereat r own songs 1 "Lake Huron." would be a very appropnai sane for the tune. Berne 15 August 1871. Gyres with•mt atitehtigK oa tM beck ussl1.-Woolen, Flax' and Cotton an mon stylish than the elabo y em -Furs,' g �v ■ • -•� V � are etre Hyla. gaanwdstbwl Fishing Tackles, Wearing + V (Monad of "frau frog" maze, trimmed lr5y�' 12.-Lsdiei Department.) t ..--_-i sQ..s as sass.rel 1 tltn+o. with feathers and vehat, will be dueled, CLaas• 13. -Domestic annfactttree. eintgtilw wnrs eerFfall. r Competent Judges will be appointed for Yota0. ladies wear the pile liliih i f very the different classes and the prizes awarded der is the hair for evenings, whish is very with the greeted impartiality. bteon.mL hitt it said to have a very ill- Arrsngenrent1 have been made with the junnis.U.ct on :hs lair, different Railroads and Navigation Com- panies to reduce their rates °f freight on articles intended for Exhibition, and all other measures having been taken to pro- mote the interest of the Exhibition, it remailta fnrthe mannfact.rere to make it • sesame by giving it their support. I therefore hope that you will send to this Exhibition a collection of the best articles 'manufactured by you, Mit is im- portant that strangers visiting the Exhibi- tion should be favorably impressed by the quality of our different Mat nfacture., and to show that we compare favourably with other countries. • If you wish to have •pria.list, please let me know, and i will maul it to you with- out delay. I have the honor to be Sir, • Your most humble servant, E. Lar. os Bluarerlu.a, • eereiary 16, Rt. Lambert Street. Odt1 Tdlt7ashtp Is Pratloal. shall be punished by impru'.nweat not exceeding twenty years, and not lees than three years, or • y Me not exeeeling 11,- 000 and not leis than '8301, or by both fine and iinprlseun.ent,at tlwuiscretina of the court. And when the crime is com- mitted -between mitres, .any of whom is` married, both are guilty orf adultery, and shall be punished acc,rvlitrgly. No prose- coition for adultery can be commenced but ..n the complaint of the husband nr wife." The preliminary exaninatinn will take place in the ouurt•rooni in this city at 10 •.1., to -day. lir Hawkins hes been sent to Canp Duuglai for ,ate keeping. WOOS, MELODEONS, !MOUSE ORGANS. CBIIR"H ORGANS. Piano Stools, &e.• Ito , Mmnfactared D• the celetrated Firm or R. S. 'WILLIAMS 1t CO., TosooTo. The most etten.Iee teaks. in 0.. Oon.inlon. IIs nal 'ridge,' hewn to rat finale that M W Len 5 £x.17,11 aagaea t ',rear. nth osd 1*. oo sdiex .annoy M the .Mva la.tl. r.tMA.W arm, •d M pn- par.d to .ell .11 arth'r. e...i. by tMm, at MIANI F'4CM IlEf tl 1•111Ca to. woes -arises ,....e and term. ascertain- • into warrIMotes. w..t St not. DANIEL GORDON' Goderieb, Aug 1S, 1870 .30 TM LAM i have gets to the othe r •tlrom• Ann TMILATIOW Or TN! Coa*Alll---Daa?o•lindrsesing the hair, and er pulled ATI FwaTlwo. up 01 ch. hack of the head and packed _ - away intend' a space as pesible. In the second battle between the Amin- es mir The latest fashion fee trimming the es.gnadron and the Cereal's, the letter 'Aorta el silk dresses is with wide bias cad 6,000 men armed with 5ngah, and; bands da a mlre.ting Toler, stitches on their bullets fell short, while t1e deadly! beth odes and tnmmed un the lower edge Bre of the American rites told fearfully eswrtb nmrpw lace. the seamy. Under toyer of rant vegeta' Rls,k hoe scarfs are universally worn den and the/Moulder of s hill, the Amen- nth eve,' kind of drug. They protect mos advanced within. 120 yards of the the dreg drnua lining soiled by the heir, forts before they came within emir which nosey ladies now wear braided down of the Conon musketry. The Coruna the back. resisted olespe stely till the last. Whey A new style of bracelet is a wide band the A,nencare reached the entretichmenel nit cuff LI lernuhal gold, in the centre of • the Careens suecnmbeol. •A mmnber d which is aelns,.f flnwen in enamel, stud - prisoner' were taken, including the leer' dal with a l: d,,uuunds utduthsr precious tadl w sal• stones. A ceded met ing a who is to 'lutenist etth point setmd Ica command, whowee y ed, the Cominander-in-shift having been billed on the 10th of June. Tee Asiicba force bi,onaked in fort., and neat toy demolishedthefortaand spiked all theme. the fleet retnrned to the Boise anchorage two days after The Conane cent nn brand letter filled with nine insulting and abusive language, to which an reply was lade. Admiral Rodgers, however, lent to CcI'0 Tito know what he should do rick the prisoners, The Groan answer. mi he might do what he liked with them. Coo days latd he est them at Innerly' Ind eat two me e.ngere where, but theI ooh nthrwities refused to receive them; " It was as much as his head was %wed Mem sed it was no use to eA Horth able story awampa do draft, hes hermit life 1 own, in ad the river. to hi, hiding p�►re, endnpon beingpur.ued' burden of his Brother, not as a chanty, be 'hawed 8gk lint nosily airrendered, I not as an act of pity --thingoes to hguihle d d t k o inky the din sumo measure to degrade the recur - mediate Sash, Doors, Blinds, arm Upon i n informed t at the war ant, Its profited benevolence i' and incited mediate in New York is ding dress fer a young lady asserted next fall; It is of with onirt train trimmings, and ostrich feathers. na papwtells the remrrk- t a man alio Bad to the the late ear to avoid the dated! discerered living a den and settlement of his thicket near the bank of n fleet discovered, he Edd At the celebration of the fifty-second anniversery in Memphis, Tennessee, the Rev. Dr. Ford remarked: "I honor this U er begonia It is practi• cal. 1t.nellarked y weak. Esrb...wa ie called upon to pnt hie shre lder ander the 81LT ' ERRITOBT. F'o ' I F,, N 2 ACRE. •r iILUCK'.(JN RAILWAY Tract, mn.Ml•tely vat sloe and ad- joiningthe forl.,ratron nI °M•nrh .Moat t quarter. .f. et, • front Market Sloan end rn.m.ediag • leadlea road to to•a. g'p• Th1s o ons of the moo valuable I ,eauons ter Ssit Works in this sleben for oke .soIof of trotelne and the ernn,•wl,s arnktee et wood. for further partwelare apply •t " THE SIGNAL OFFIC'..' 0.bri.1. n... lelh, nye- awe Auction & Commission f}c) r)L:1tICH • CLINTON tab' imbed. 1134 oe. `A LEM of Ai•celtannnoi rropily t. Gokrtek J,earv't■lo"ley,■od :n Cl:atu every Wed• a.eds y. ' onaradranee,l nn Prolrny h r i.SMiae es•e and yyn.mpt return• male. Penn Si,ork nod other Sslea pesetsdly°teed ed lalhmnwhout the rarely, • A.M.'. RI:BYAN'l Aeteyea Men, SASH AND DOUR FACTO1�Y. received n i e noir e o an theme r I s Mouldings, Flooring. to Oenmaaieate farther with the I d t he amclud- I as due as a matter vet right, without any Q, wen rn_ i lir. rel to n hie tent icon hzieneen Minister, then to the old uphntntla'tng where he founplace and d rueful ,,,Vilest that hu mission was many changes mimeo rhe commencement of es. notlo,a tkt ilia American attack the rebellion. Ilia only clothing was souse the pest �n�^� treacherously 8� made front the skins of cans and other was en ed a ,oat mix rear sgn, n the haste, t)aitlatT4,d t Ord 0%.1 inns wen nut4 might like men. ehurthe bed old ors -nolo, 4 tlw il e.t!. .re made o1 colt non, moth bent lib ,.d hpwps. The soldier este dressed In armor of one thnkn. ,s, sotto% idea, so that only nes tylt..ead poria. rate it. Their swords I"rinoed no .11•., innards enpttwed shoe tha the Comm rernment had planned 11s ',uprise ,4 he t,merian flow, aid ewe astonished t he fa Lure of the forte to Annihilate th moan veteele at the fist ire. The ext then has aee.mpli*hee vee ehuap • lessening of self-respect in th. h.n.fleiary. "I h.mrr the Order because a vein of common sense Tuns thrungh 111 ita opera- tions. I dislike tight -rope walking. 1 sew • man walk a reqs stretched from the animal* chick he had captured daring the' top of houses not far from this building. time, haring thea no one with whom t.,A glance was sufficient. i turned &say, unreel, dnnng ebnat eight years. He I predicting that he would break his neck has alninot led ...ante"' of language, termer or later. ,te went to Nee Orleans, taupe a fit *Ude.I pe?formed the sent* fes and did tweak u revel Indo u w . •v'dn'I5 ver societies that all the. ''� wnderetsnding mu,• the solid gronrel of practical common al. the. •aeentri tank, the *thee ,4 Breed lee character idg mann the a t weenie. Pit. t step Maslen nimen. m Rt. Patois_ I M. ' twos itoewent cls ran titer Lowe and Admiral Rodgers will I Winne are towtrid, .t irstrnouons from Wuhingtcn before l .roof exempt ler t w.asedil,g with further hostilities. ' a Y, W.�alt•." 1 royalty, under arrest the Ilsp.rnr Diet and dtneerons • found him walla M1 o'cl.n,k in th• are beonniMs the ertf.e'nent in a cud.. "Pommel M R. �fT1111y- Om '"1. la" Mn. inns* and walk the tient -nope of theory, of credit, ettrangeut expenditure. though they may attract the `ass of the crowd ohne, will earner or later, by the eternal Mem o humanity, fall and be welshed. "feanty, symmetry, elevation ere all veer wall, provided they are praNu•ef "In Flot•eece there is, or watt, a numbly I AiwItf'nlpe�".R 71.17 s a i Inn from her ntetret.hed hand flown a deer anal stream of livin i water, leaking ing, sed an ?mode e1 (21i2.Ci.H; W(7Ltic, e ach aa cirrk a ad 11,ehr. Saab sed Frames 'I'bey Oink front thew .tperience a tremor, tMert,teet thnv roe sloe •oluf.rtlat to s11 wee mitt' uvar !hem with • rail. 20,000 feet of Dry inch mad a quarter Plaoringt ne hand. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. JAR RirCfiANAM, unVlh) LAWSON, RORINSON. Gocterieh, Aug 15. 1070 .36 MASONIC APKONS • U. OAKDiNEla, • Gem dodo -Joh, 1Jely1870. w 0 rim isol O • August 2411i. 1DOMIHIO:1 CARRIAGE NV(JUL I•C .5. R. .1 WHITELY & Cu. R ?A' sLOPAwj R. J. Ault r:L. Juan &SOA. an new,.aaaf;Ct.rt•t. Photons Buggies and $piing Waggons. wakh for 1pp,ama" sad ,binb,nty rar,wl be nurse- med, and are .arurn.g the patr•,aage of all whit Waal gµ.,;l.e•arllcn, IT All wank warrented. CARRIAGE TRU1MING. M all int ranches well and tastefully ...riled, .Ith despatch. u•der the •. per,elot+tea e .4 Mr Jobs aro. tr....0 of Il.m,itoa) sue of the 5011. LUMBER WAGON. Orden Ie tats lino ..•efally &neural t.. Hitt nd Ropairtng. Krim .,tsar* i"' to .11 order. ooloost.d t• ate. K R. n,.pe,•n.,n of the seek ase hylas lei. std ea u earnestly .•11 1101. Orataiwa tet May 11171. w IMPORTANT NOTICE. F. R. MANN; Hoose Sign & t;arriage 1'dtDter 1 u `FMRRPTw 4cQC%INT Till 1U•SI.IC THAT 1 he hSteal r p • shop{ •o xt to the Wesley. Met►wmt t'lu.r.0. .nh • duh seem attache' when h. le I^•Mfe•t to till all or.lerspru+p- tly. s0.1 al nano r., (owe. Tlsenktd t•r the panes ay,& of ui. wt 1 yen. son. it. ..,wun.w•te et the Now is the time to Paint your Cotten Sleighs, and Carriages. er ar11•.* feta conntrl l•arnye shops .ttnd.A b with digital.h. Nin remove Guda•, Gnsen.g. GIs.1ug. Port - 1 towing. Sc. air. F. it. MANN. (roanict, Asz, 15, 1870 owl • $At1�iINA V . • 2171n&`0 1071 And C ocderich. STEAt1IER A1011 OSI IO", WILL RCN REGULARLYRItTWELKOOD[MI'-n .off N 1'we . 54.110 Gal.rreh ,very Thure.l,y pop neve, ue u. k. T.1 M....t 7(.1.4.ta.-e. ! A'. A. ltt)fl God.,he :sJulT RVI. - For- Sale. AC1.1:4 •,,rrsor.. tent ACII3 tor, ,asst. llpkly .It..rad Oil Yet street. Uwe of •.d•r,. h• .n 1101 41,01. Hooter to red nom o• t4..t..r bt■Y•e apply J. V. DICTUM ESQ or 51x. W. CAMPBELL Gtderich July 25th, 1871. aw117-t1 COW ESTRAY. 1...a tee d.n'toM. Mt 1T •M�ig0 OOH wa.•.h o4.dn.01.1 14th feet.. e Th. nen, I. rean..t"t to prove relinteriyereiperseree and lake Iry away. JOSEPH MALLOf'f7H. an./mase, fedi Jeer. lea s t • CD 41 I4 & CO. 4 Carpenters Wanted ! TV BUT THE LA reTtUC0 OF Nails,'Iools,,and other RATERUA ,t Wh,ch we ben jest received. Painters Wanted, To rl.., on1 the 1.1.40 serrtment i.1 Paint.. OII., t.o.e,.. G:&aa and Putty. all .f the beet Qvailty. Blacksmiths Wanted, To •anti tlinlr 'Supple. of Horse Fall., fan and Steel. la which we sun etre amen Ue very bast .arse, Coopers Wanted, 'F. nalkoi disc aid of a gnat variety .f t►. Toole ..oaf their truce. Ladies Wanted Tn I7mm f ,cry very large stock .1444 Ain Pisan A large Quantity of ILcape on band. orst- of all kind., in melee. variety .Y• R.-Rrveyfking.rtdatthe 1'ery Lower rates at H. GARDINER & Co.'s, Market Square, Oaderich. ned.eieh, felt Mar 1081. Wanted to Purchase. nom, Nam' tele.L. G~' P0. km* wee r -