The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-8-24, Page 1i i N!!! ED AN EXCL un art Aide, Ma ti J. OPEN rok, 1871, ,4411 rrer Lrou:1111 to a. I Fel able silk, & Bet t Hats r eo Inc spring wear. M i+ 1 dan., to limy. • flier the la.+ts sod sal iedno AD Ok' TIIE MO 4,1e1i11,43. M. eitv.---ca. 111 ANL FUR ST,9$E G lea If the Newest 1AFRIETY =Pee 1 TIONERY. Supplies of - ( FANCY ENVELOPES AMU I' nit •ata DIT LOS EST RITES. f T MOORHOUSE'S. 1oyak of every dsecriptlua of fS 11T.TIt.XBRi' ed cad scl:mg l.. cr than alq,_ 77. 777 Marrs Orp'rnUSF'S g scl Want ' in School Olt 20171 soots, Gonda. raper., & Window Blinds. liHUi-SE.S. 8th Jul, mi 16: N R PEP( LD} Fol=!• Fofit� rides, shine ahlat um, drove f a FLOW yrpal• Xu H. Pa , J.J1 For Ie1CI( il0 ma.t was Lon w nl ., no and �'. DETI, ,w hlr. rat), 25th, F.� ALES, IDLES orka. ?.Black e e*, Van E B ICI [:W111111 ND w r' the 81 • e • THE NEW SERIES.—No. 1 YOL.XXIV. - '•--..- . ,.rwe+ai�rme eee+iwo— vow et—.. eA ♦ m WEEKLY HURON SIGNAL. NEW GROCERY STOREin S T WRXTELY EL LIOTT d WJ i1 DYL.0a kM WINES B LIQUORS, Home Har KingitonAtruet &Market.8quart, 1 OROCE8lE3 110Y18ICNS F E tr $1.50 PER ANNUM. (>IODE$ICH, ONTAxIU, D.C;,-THURSDAY,� - � •-�'__- _ -AIM 24, 1871. . NO 31RECEIVED A T RGUSON'St d of Boots and Shoes, j3L �OL1) � GOj)Elit(:H, .elselel Jar ate tilt.. twat., Apprentice Wanted. j, i ft L6Ad:f THE BLAe.`6ew C • rim tom it. wast* i7tlf/e, 411'IptT J lige 17 r Mehrnd Oaesrlea It lag. 1471 D,7t• ah a . TO 500 LABORERS WAN TED. t�, /Irr11J (MANE TILL At (0.2141 n cy:el/ or TILa y Wn `� 0 7so seelylta. .Ica, 7luo,m Novo -tom. tame per dew, t[ t;e„at 44. Peru. wlebhoa to ib es/stout. fors.,. wort m.4 laborer, wlll.t,ply at rat new. Ai Muentow A i 8146641 a hat.114a. 0a4erttalwaea, ane. .aa. ,A. CiSO l tp1i0it0 • FEED F!rm8.I ! (Samuel Curran I Godes** uaA,i.w, lel s" -t f. , Loud r,.p.rmlly aomieaeo t• t►s M4k'that M •� --.�� ----- e b.s alwsed a AT THE USUAL LOW RATES. NEW DRY GOODS NOW OPEINT INt - g. RIO 8T . MW TIES®, FLOUR AND FEED STORE I a Tea o.. 5Ica •5111 be' Greven , On Viet 0ria street, (opposite Somerville's Grim KUL) Pall Lap/ 31 ik . :ar� M�we1 jag*1 e.r l hand, together tl Of Choice Fimily Groceries, s►11tk I. haat arra/sea em b..ow ,.r, riles), P01 CAAH, sad dalvrr.d .:.y r hoof a woo. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA. A CALL SOLICITE ova**. amen tet.. ter1. • MU8i0, hill* Birlrmu iingw Tbutfol to the pmbto r -e pial emir, ... anaMW /hops, 1u,W.n as Nue, will bs laR�41 oe T►and.y, jarart 1010. Teras as ems, ueden. it. rlh Aagae, 1471 1 .. Cow Estray. 1Austalasx/sila.."• rt*. ned.rem.A. 1,et t,11,1,OM.O11. Q .Lwt rah lnly, . red .nit ovnestof Sops.* p.enetyv kalif RICHARD WALTrRS. (Wh.rm Sri Ant la'1 .1* st THE Very Thing Wanted; NEW HARDWARE STORE In t>I&)DEBLIClK OPPOSITE MAUUET nou3E. SIGN Of THE tI CULAN SAW TII F •I'lq.'kIf**M Llan T(.NAT THAT THeT a... Jud ..,..t«, •pester set bee Lm'n a.. COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. staff time. Mali rllf f• .I.1 at 101toi that defy .w.pseltl Haan prmh.."eg neat. Item. Pt...a givens eon k. 6. -Wet M Goods seal, font reek. H. PAHSO*S &CO. Opposite The Market House. fowler, a Jane t7rd 1171. see-. tf ►ti.Inwi Hrrnrn.wrwnss. -lir . Felton wiabnne N .tax that M an no anthn0..-1'.aan., Mut that hl. nypophrni•b W mel *.',Wont., of .n r..pett.hl.. Drneruta•adApntberanea sit.%pore..►air a .3. A FARM FOR SALE. ` r ARM roil Or 111 AraRA. w*Tx4M Frye[ it m.IM 0f the Taw. of 13.derlrh.:0 of which . sada (".1bv,lo lom and le ad order .l.mt rtes. or Stomps . Thi. tem I. A•nneed by a.ke Hawn .rad b a,AlI.'ly itndn4 Um.et Howl .11 Lha way(. d PToll 7).t II them 1.. 1.arr, O. hard os the rnnlaee w �'..n T �,.If MLS. (Sn.-thiel of the p.rmhew ..eery rel *!red d.... ilia NOW. moa *.may a 1„4. It soitems pervois.et by ppa. Int.reetevery alt month. at per amt - fro forth., peril, nlam Apiary post -141d to A MACK aT e.d.rl.h r n rawer 14 • t:.Mrl. Ieth Jam 1071 trfr-, Young Ladles' School. Th. Misses McMillan will re -open their School o n-M.lday, 28th A opst, 2 w WM4TED, A STOUT, INTELLf- gent Lad. W. it J. RAY. Uodarich, Ang. 13th. To Rent. ABOVEAal (Mi the Signcs Several Rooms T,1'i imitable 'far law Ar other offices. Apply to AHRAHAM SMITH. U.werich, 18th Aug., 1871. The tint instalment of this Season 's Goods in which bee over 7,) pieces of ' Fwanoy Dream CA-oocitel 1r� tilt. LATEST STYLES. Lifg?Rks AND ALPACAS, HOYLE'S PRINTS, SKIRTS & SKIRTINGS, WINCI,EB, FLANNELS, "e`er &c., R. B. SMITH. Roderick, 11th Assert, 1871. -SEMI ANNUAL SALE Of Dress Goods, at the EMPORIUM! DRESS GOODS MSS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS ItEDUCED1N-PRICES REDUCED REDUCED IN PRICES REDUCED IN PRICES AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S ATJ. C. DETLOR & C();y AT J. C. DETLOR & CO S AT J. C. DETLOR & C O'S Roderick, July 96th, 1871. Thea.dr&noa of the choler,. 1 next methylated 4411 of • f that wanted to be swallowed, (F.00n the New York B'.,(.l) I 'thus the beverage has beta. We are no•larmists, but we .... really staple ti Barleycorn me the counting, beteg its its are its tb whie 'I drunk. u °t d.. the new an uses rank w 'Jul, and pple e'1 severlkkish at a loss to understand what possible I the fermata tad null 6abtds (raween principal omen Its gas! a part of the New York , nu'o met expect A, result frurn the futile efforts i eheapow, and the rapidity w 6 winch they are making to }tongued. the 1 it Prodlets • geed, thuruug isa,pie that the westward advance of the 11 also develops s higb•r ata Asiatic cholera w Europe bodes no tin- lirinrn than fusel 011. I Batu mischief to America. A panic ter contra, the drawbacks le a bail using, no doubt; but precautiod 'tiddler Been, to be this A m nes out breed panic. A single caw of drunk with it does not slay cbelen decLrio itwlf t t, a require. W be feud a been taught to tlliwk itself " int II" figs haps four or five time' in a sin late danger," and e•i had Ingleewtf Ilia may bring the expense up all precauttousagutit the advent of the the whisky figure; .but it is et' plague, undoubtedly would breed • Ian- seen that the aggregate amou IC, and that of the wont kind. on hilaraion enjoyed u greater Tuesday we warned our readers that the ether that' en the shaky. bteaking out of the cholera at Konigs- berg, in East Prussia, threatened nit with its early appearance in E„gl&nd. To day we chronicle the first utse ,d Asiatin cholera in London. Kuuigsberg, prnctiesUy but & f..rtnight distant from w on Sunday, a bei ten days distant from us now. Thee are the plain fats of the caw... We repeat, that to igHort them w to slur them over, a ►u orltonce against tie public weal. h hu been childildy urged that as the Cholera broke out it* Easter, Russia two years ago, and has taken all this toile to reach the Baltic wo-board, we .,ed not expect it here at the earliest uitd the aiming year. Those who speak ,n the way strangely forget the vet 1$erence that exits between the rate and travel in Ries.a and in Western Europe. Nothing i better ,et&bluhd wi Lha mysterious Asiatic ,,Lague w ichwmaking its perntanet't home in Bengal, salhea thence from time to time, like suu1eapsctral Genghis Khan, to lay, waste the world, then that it is carried from place t., plum by human beteg: mud not by the atmoe- ,rlere. It follows the carsve.n and he river. It sails in ships, and rides in :Wittiest. The commercial movement of Altana a feeble in point .d number., and ,low in poiut of speed. The Commercial movement of Western Europe ie multi- tudinous and swift. Though Konigsberg at which plea' the 1.,..s has taken up its position for its attack on Europe and America, be Itself a port of neer traffic only, Mau, it, real port of entry, a at ocean pert ; and u 'Konigsberg is really connected by steam with the whop west of Europe, the rapid propagation of the cholera u fu se Engiand u ``weciaely whet eras to have been exl>eetJ It u much miner, let it be rrtuentbered, to prevent the advance of this disease over- land by sanitary cordons than it a to pr•vent its tranemiMinn by .ea. Our t peril free, it lies wholly upon ttlOCailael rQ eemmnni,atuwt over ch h just has reached England in ad- s -shwa of its arrival in Western Uermany. In this condition of affairs, to talk about our ilei /40 safe that we need not trou- ble ourselves about the matter for • par or w lunger, would be nelieubwm d k wen fMperilpv A gg 011 an emigrant well as be does upon ample ala, vessel hl the harla,or ,d a city, whi •b had therefor way per. tile day. W about y to be ut of ex- on the FASHIONABLE TAILORING. W. dr J. KAY HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, AND ARE PItSPAREQ TO MAKE SUITS TO ORDER AT CHEAPEST RATES. Apprentice Wanted. 'FREY HAVE ri.ECEIVE1) NEW H m it%an IL.(CL'MITatso 'TWEEDS & COATINGS, NEW ALPACAS,INEW PRINTS, &c swb6el Aporno a Spey to M.ti.oX11.11 IMT • Aatarm P. t0ederi'h, March 5th, 1471. O. > f0l 0wel Artlle^ *114* 11:01.10 4 A D Ylsau Ctt►aA�ttrypLLwro Au uld gentleman in Polk coo *mon, of considerable •ralth er time sauce rude the dupe of m confidence in the following mann lat!9 r the Bolivar Free rrese.— A; Land of Uyps's* appeerd neighborhood, retuaning,,orel w woman belonging to the petty r acquaintance of the old geutlem communicated to him Yhestarthng genes that* large amouut of trees committed on his place, acid that b tag her instructions he could see This be agreed to do. She then in him that he must decant MMlhu m •certain place. After the lapse u days the whereabouts of the t would be revealed to him. He awe ly deposited the sum of three th two hundred dollars in a hidin known only to himself and the When .event days had passed ►he appeared unto him, stating that her tattona would not wurk, and assign a reason th.t hefaildtodeposits!! money in the h,dmg• place, u atipe He thendddeerenty-asyen doll& w the asount. but still the spell was W awl' in laying ban the h weslt protect unsuccessful. H agreedk, let the Gypsy take the p of money into her keeping, in ord facilitate her eonj'ration. She he several days. them returned with th tire amount, and th•ycouhted it ora other. The Gypsy then inforlued h must, W complete the charm, sects package owe more, for a period days ; that he meat not, in themtan look at or go near it.' Thu Wee use fi,l and the package was once mon Whoa endaed ysh dexpiirdend eheahr to `u to the place of deposit, toned gaclt►g}�,wp he had placed *I, out pewintrit was as to d ►�► contan.d nothing hnttmrspa « .. old Paper,. He sought the Uy weer her usual haunt, but the antic! p.Ry "folded their tents, like the silent/ y stolen away." . Aw I!*P*NT 9rpAuatsl arn,alwrrs in Monet—A Haiti re dmpateh The English High Church nes per are t eryiug out spirt the .p se v the main in worshipping with t`Pr, hyterians while in Yootland. This is th ways writs* in the (ItwrrA newel feels "1t u absurd for the Churchmen M pro test against mntt.mforuit7 or hmegy in side or outside the estabhah it t wore th.. aEsund' it et Tegeg0—e longus we have not the arurage 0901 our lip. with regard to the mites offender in this respect. I mean, lot t wind matter., the Queen herself. He Majesty spends half her tires in Scotland When thenoho attend. the Ptesbylsriw Church at Crethie, that is, for six mrestly in England, she u an Eptecopalias, Cr six months the other side Mt the Tweed sha is,au far as our Church is in geasliott a Calvinistic Dissenter. This Cahinis tic theeenter a by our preemie oonseitu no: the anprume governor of our h Thai 'Protestant Supnmaoy' u tie r✓(;9 2Un• in Ireland. Is it not high tetrta fa very shwue'a take, ouch Pru an my Ma supronlscy es this should be bo�tta ajau in En,hu,d Y' u came .aplaced ►rYre- in the mks. A do the an, ►d ,ntelli- an WW1 y obey_ are it. formed nney in I* few r.a•ure rding- . .and G place ylry. &gun uuist'- ,ng u of hie n mare which idden • then ukass sr us pt it • •n *to- im he to the of neo tient. and cars- GSM rs•ore. ,oseded the finite mew al ale% e the 4th Inst., say, SusanJCefly. CM asps ♦New Tl awrvantia the houses( • Guild, who at .ea,oas in EurIO• 104 urtsr rart�rrM or rsox6s'cs, I been arrested on a charge of Amine _ sad barn,ng her new -burn child, From the (7tieoge Tribune. bode was duoorerd th the kitchen s f by some neighbors,who are inttmtd The man who causes two blades o gram to grow when only m• r•w b•- the *sof Mr. can of the hremises 11 as a ruse of , e Guild. The woman has [ere, etc., ate.,—the public is famtllar with the maxim; but chat .hall be said bused her crime. for the tray who mak.s three two (car 10 {- -- - be strictly exact, three end a ha0 men) ,III The death record from expl. drunk where only one was drunk befoul I during the put month, or since th Such a benefactor of this hind exists, ' cf July, is truly appalling, The and u apparently doing a good business lyn Eae& has been to the troob rarer in lrelatrd. H• do.,it with collate the statistics of some of the "at•tbylatod ether," end he nut pole lmjiortatt ones, which ws ive u fo accomplishes with this compound three RpiideoSE' � W and •belt times as moth drunkrness u 3t. ldiur Arsenal 15 a like aino&at of whisky would accom- f �''inaennse Areenah,,. • „ 9 1 plate, but he does it far hew than tone- 4'sohingtnn Anginal 4 Grecian War Ship 111 Westfield Chwqua Eagle S)tan,aft. .-........ 1187.. Sb.wmarket 27 Jersey City 3 Total.... third the •xpynee. Thmkefthe amount of comfort to be diffused throughout Chratendont by this to imph of science, which gets a mw as drank for ten .ants as h. eau now become by an expenditure of ten and a half times that 1nc,, to rut: one dollar and 4., cents! And not only does the new fuddlcr do this, hat It fuddles quicker than alcohol, and allows the fuddled in Sir ideal 10 lnr..'no ...tor, and ready for the next potatl"n mach *miner then the (ousel oil winch now coon. ettt•,tes lilt, MAI» reliance ..1 (a,l'11tin "the M • mis.ion•ry to raise nations as a fnddtet tot the h,..a,.is in- can people to their moral a tsllrcthit. secret of the chconception is a bnght one, 1 chi -mimeo con• e uj' implant lrel.nlarnv of rrwehyleted •11,Ir hablnmtptt(.NnhI oarto cirilisati"fieth.,nrt Iia Irtla...l is rbit: lo. British dominions A Saratoga letter says: y here is a heavy excise tat—much relic of the past harp ,n ,*wooer, indeed, then in the happy land whom every patriotic hr ' f I .itch arc with lowing veneration. PI b ` e some widow of General (Intent d tr741fdfRs ary fame, • dear, charmer y° , tepees. in a grecs old le by &6lwsed and haste of a /ri�, eyerb ria ma !i l vena' "Nuby" is enticed in wr Inn, In which he narrates thee •of an Apache Indian cant k 7' • C -,t mhos. Hot on 'pirate wi methylated -that a rested to ausc.ms nrg ethic then, nnIit for use as a ht7Tvrage—there a no tai * hate ver. ft i, f rom these methylated slows the meet of the ether of commerce tm prepared!.„ The muscone tante of the 'tonic arid, or naphtha which was infused tato the alcohol, is still retained. The beverage ham *Imo the disalvantage of a very ',ogee( odor, by which its consumer limn he recognized • s well Al if he were a kettle of burning coil tar, or r benzine fountain. Nor is the new tipple soluble in'wster, any mon than so much osier oil. Ti. sipper rat eth•ral sweets most t.ke them "straight" or not at, a11; but he may, and, and according to dowel ptive authorities, does habitually thmw dnwn his throat a gulp of water before and after his charge of .milphosis ether, like to wads of a shot -gen; the powder, or propelling force, icing, however, placed between the two wads. By this pincer of loading rap A man may knock his in- tellect over, at long range, as it wen, r often sit he likes the intervals of prustrs Lien being but brief)—and all without contributing a penny to the revenues of England's tyrannical guyTernment. in- deed, the exemption of these methylated spirts from excise duty seems to be construed by Paddy u a direct challenge to him eo dtidk the nanme.me stuff if he dare; and Paddy, ne.•r slighting ah "p - porton it► t 3 knock a chip off the should. lir of ary "bye,' took the stump at once. The ether amfrnnted him, charged with its font Motors and odors, as if to say, "think me, if yon den;" and, far from pocketin4 the *Rr.nt, Pat *wallowed the affronts and ailed 4e5nantly for the The Catholics are doily soothe the Pape after dominions, and the pr on the oeca.i.ns of his . amount toI(3,oO0,ONi Wurtembnrg, sent hu the ex -Empress 1120.0 known Americanwumt, he presented the P sterling. The Cleveland Pres 1130,000 towards Memorial Pend—ft than sa.y other Pere, try. fa the flnorea 2f (' to receive dont*; completion of the terse of three years ed, and found t v co 25c.) - Koro, the room embracer; Christie can authorities in Joe , in honor, to inn, his conversion life, in order the from his nap, etndenta, aril 'import T.. th from the poor eomt,nne h,, .f aa before, 1e', other Mildews an increseel7 t^�Md by Por( the wrdg nsty . A hes,. a gnn•ot who O 4 Amon. to the felt honied, ernmem of purpaep fi rebels. him 0. r the law nods forhb i yid ay, at ha their � tines him ea a 1 4 ho oder will rweninsber hew ell 41* Headrigg imparted It to Lady tgant Bellenden, io"slid k'Stsbt r • specel Bring in the ptoc • Pro,l Jet. that her I. /angled wianowe Tahip', u1d • Her. eh.noy nvt raitung' fur1the tbe.afba . hwven to winnow the grate, but by a. impious Limier of a man raisieg "a wind for her leddr-ship's aln tai-taoaiar occe Mon," and this same lichee! of theology is •orie.sly raProdtaoe,I is the n: ginn by au old roloe„d eiabr.1aoeouLha rA Clonal. of a recent destructive hail Mor. in Atlanta, (;a what a de (. c11 51* *iA you wind and nasudi G,r all die led add rain what de g.Isd L>rd ha poured u.t upon as p'x,r airman ; it ►11 corn•: of dat ice reersheen what de whin folks hub started in du town. 1s. ago niter—making of freez,n'-,old naw bete in de mnnah st July, anti da good Lord punishli *us for tryite-terNebr. sneer$• Sdm.er t Ile dun t m*ke id its d. sen geo ts t�e' and 'hen p or, ei1lul gn3n begin de Lord. ,lets Ae'e Nw tv hanornd}win,' d emand widt .r'atyin' Itor,t'.fewdp4 hail ani run er- bbe. de Imp. One Rs,. Timms' Haar % of Pito kesegh, Pa., has distinguished himself aeon/ his clerical br•therri by refusing to exchange his112,500 salary iatheCu.tr .f Smoke for • 88,100 salary, (gold) in San Francisco. An tinkling% Phildel mendable generosity end °t .owed led modesty, ty, bee given 1.00,000 for the re. noted tsc e'ie1Presbyterian hospital at West his nam. aha5awt ae n algid. t -The NannnciF rinn J hare abolish. .the separation of semis ,n the *yam eaTn Preshyte ion Boner-. say "No ry deadly a tb ., lenlitus and murderer) me oboist them pep� s� they are ant s i* I respandectable people. Lmlies6gl am to oy1 try their fire their pistols, sod school lir and their .kill in dichargieg pow. er things a did not kn.w that raga wen se common u Pitts. rt;h, but here they are handl to bare the house. It implies a condition of net, greatly to be deplored, bot oor- /option and violence go hand in hand. If our masters are r.blxn, the people i11 carry arms. Oka c O r in Mete. eetd aWesleyan, friends here recently teat and commodious church a *• o,,edriling. f for divinof e service ,' Sabbath thyth. It wise e th intr. Our tuwtuenan the Re►. W.8, Blacken ick preached on the oormion, hot/ ' o mu1ntgg and evening, and tete Pulpit wee cuplej by the Her. (,.IL Kef1Dy.pastor f the congregation ,n thee/tension. The stgregatie& throughout the day wen ' and attentive; and the c>llectintx ten at.. evince the disinterest taken by he public in the enterprise. The eon gregation met in a social gathering on the afternoon of Men.lay, and atter partaking f u excellent nip"( tea with appropriate ddressesbythe Wv'daC.Ibut..l,W. 8. Martina and Mr Johnston- The whole affair ams orris an admirable and asta- fact.ry manner, andall ronayrneolssernm( to he highly gratified with elle result. Great harm and olimenfert is eased by the ase olpurgataves whichgripe and rack the system. .Parwou' Purgnfise tiffs are free from all impure natter, and are mild awl health -giving in their "pennon. At this *moon of the year crimps and paieain thest inec andtaveela,dysenld r diarrhea, dtc., are quite common, and should be checked at once Johns,» A,wdyne Liniment is the best article that eau be used in all such ass, and shied be kept in every family. .1 Goon Hoses.—"There is mai pleasure autprolit in disservice of a god horse. andlftit very little°, either in a ld one;" no person fmm choice will retain, bed horse, many, however, are in pose* Ikon of much who need not be. We thiel then bee. few Iotas .o haul but the their condition can l,eirn(•nncl endnn4 deed mon reliable and useful to tile, owners, toerestwhich, there is npthi,5 *,a14,`Darley's Arabian Heave Remo d Condition Medicine," it has effected Mtsnahing results in thousands of cal 0 A elf m do um he fh, m., br g.'t 0.h. 441• Me Liar cam Hold h; ell nee limas a tataat, Osrar Covnrnols Msmaxs. nndrtion Medicine for home "Dailey, shier Heave Remedy"hu no equal, -o ,et, in shim respect ere as0mia irg any hornets were Replevied to he broke w n and aimed wortblomm, have by th e 01 a few peckmgmi been restored M . filthy and sound amdition, alltramie I . si wichaving been cornplo4lyres,. and have been sold from 9M1 tit 4 re than tney world previrmaly hp. mot, when ynnwant a hors' modleio "Dams}. Ars/oats !leave R,•ugsdy- lee know yenwill be perfectly Ransil: h the result. Reo ember the narprlo thst the eigoatnre of third JCCo, it , h package. Norllh.p & [yr„an, teal tb•, t int., proprinklds for the fore da