HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-12-21, Page 22'•r•WOl idN0No. Ye 4S :2,1.No.No.N.0,Norio.NO.NONO-NO.cf*Plio;40
Happy Holiday!
Merry Christmas
and ,
Happy New Year
To All Our Community
Supertest — BP Products
Generol Store
Lucan and Clandeboye Phone 227-4217
Phone 227-4217
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i &
• g' It is our sincerest wish that the &
spiritual beauty and festive joy of
the Christmas season, light up your if
IT days, with bright hope and happiness. v iv
il: 227-4211 Furniture & Funeral Home Lucan
etti,:Tt 4:?:.4..!..togo;:?tItme‘.id.z.nitq:tit:Nill?Atm c:Niclgiv?.ti=gt tzitti'WAI iqgs :?,iti•i:M-si.
r.,..... Pk:5,W= Wia ;71i:a eiia•NWAcri::..ec;izriir,;?;4calPiit•;*:a3.1:3•;',1: WO.
tl :a.
Radcliffe Drugs & Staff
227-4792 Lucan
A 3 a: May your holiday be
- -=';14,4 happy and 1 .I.),
f•S 1 9; '• - --- your blessings .J: .4. - Qr.
_ - many.
q g
Is .77-,:yr• ......1)0 .
13 McLean Service Station
MAIN ST. LUCAN 227-4781
..kwaswa,w walwaz wa,was was wdzxs= woz,as was•wo wazw, we: was wa5 was wa,
Warmer than ever,
And cheerier too,
Are the Holiday Wishes
We're sending you.
Don Smith Sunoco Station
Phone 227-4274 Lucan
for 24 hour towing
Repairs for all makes of cars.
At Christmas
.. May your holiday
be happy and your
blessings many
Clothing & Dry Goods
qq Proprietor Gary McFalls
Main St.
.Viir4tYaUYIVI c'?134!S ValiZO•Ne:Z•Wl.:ig= W,a Nag
t".4;zWeloAisP:iia Wes$AitsliitacNz1:7,:ascga;',Ii0No-wioNo.No.,xoNoNio,NotioNo
S'eoe ou G.
And best wishes to all our
clients and friends. We ap-
preciate the privilege of
serving you.
Donald G. Banting, Insurance Agency
Established 1929
William J. (Bill) Amos, agent
C. Haskett & Son
•;:s*4.-tvAI'ezi• .fit 3;:Ml»iNiz:K(itti•c:Pcc:?.ter.q4;i•cqgi rttlqgra
' at CORIsrmAs
227.4741 Lucan
emri Oi:eaPiPk:t4A0 tkgs *044,1
Christmas Greetings to
One and All and Many
Thanks for Your Patronage
During 1972
cAtere's wishing you the
fulfillment of all your dreams for
Christmas. Thank you for your patronage.
Scott's Elevator Ltd.
tvtifiVigiftVcfclitert r4N^=.14',S?:Cit'sz114',S?.?iaz!.!..ics."Mcrflatc%aR.ilsNitsflazgicfNos?t•sof...t.s .../.4.amegridi*Iti.
Special Christmas
Gift Subscription Offer
* Give a gift Subscription
* Save $1.00
Offer Expires Dec. 23, 1972
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Subscription Certificate . 1g
The Women's Institute met at
the Masonic Hall Wednesday for
their annual Christmas pot luck
dinner and meeting. Eighteen
members were present with Mrs.
Harold Snelgrove, president, q
presiding.Roll call was answered
by relaying your first Christmas
concert you attended or took part
in and an appropriate saying,
recitation or play.
Mrs. Snelgrove brought the
meeting to order before dinner,
following which the business
meeting took place. The motto,
"It is better to give than to
receive" was read by Mrs. Frank
Hardy Sr, A report was given by
Mrs. R. Crozier on her meeting as
a representitive to the Family
and Children's Services held in
London last week, She was helped
by Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr.
Gifts were exchanged and the
name of the secret friend
revealed. A social time was then
enjoyed by all.
f ; G45;$f)ga4.14iaPPiaf, Wif:!3•,:•5'.,•i'=,9?ifW:iifffV.,litflf•rii=3N.044:7•PkIff•PA4,5•PkfaXii:t4.1341^•
To All My Fnends
And Patrons
G• A. Thompson
Please send the Exeter T-A
In Canada as a Christmas gift to:
In U.S.A. 1 yr. $g.00; 2 yrs. $18.00 MR.
— —
Despite the wintry weather
conditions of the past week, the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario
1;pio.No.wo.wo•No. 'NoNowaiWO.V.Ow*
We'd like to put all our wishes
fcr a joyful holiday in your
stocking. Merry Christmas and
Hoppy New Year, one and all.
Superior Market
Phone 227-4462 Lucan
Provincial Police investigated
only eight accidents with i.otal
damages limited to about $3,000.
The only mishap SrAday oc-
curred at 5.35 p.m. at the in-
tersection of highways 4 and 7 at
Elginfield and caused damages
of $800.
Involved were vehicles driven
by William John Elliott, RR 2,
Ripley and Rudolph Heroux, 13
Braesyde Avenue, London, The
Santa Claus at
Sunshine club
The Sunshine Club met at the
Masonic Hall Thursday. About 39
members and one guest were
present for a Christmas dinner,
turkey and all the trimmings.
Following dinner Santa Claus
in the person of Mrs. Thomas
Emery Sr. called with presen-
tation of presents. A very sincere
thank you was extended to the
executive and members for all
help given,
investigating officer was Con-
stable Brian Munro,
Damages of $900 resulted in an
accident Saturday morning on
No. 4 highway near Mooresville.
Drivers of the two vehicles in-
volved were Lee A. Grove,
Wingham and Gwendolyn M.
Perry of Goderich. Constable
James Craig investigated,
The other mishap Saturday
occurred at 1.45 pm and involved
vehicles driven by Rhonda
Granger, Huron Park and
Gordon E. Morgan, Ailsa Craig,
Constable Craig again in-
vestigated and set damages at
$250. The accident took place at
the southerly limits of the village
of Lucan.
The only accident Friday was
of the one car variety. A vehicle
driven by John Allan Ross of
Ailsa Craig left the Denfield side
road, just south of No. 7 highway
and sustained damages of $150.
The investigating officer was
Constable L.S. Denney.
In a minor accident in Ailsa
Craig Tuesday morning at 9,15
vehicles operated by Owen
Dodds, Ailsa Craig and James
Brown, Traverse City, Michigan
collided. Constable Auger listed
damages at $85.
An hour later, a vehicle driven
by Leopold Quentis, RR 4,
Komoka left Highway 4, south of
London township Concession
road 15-16, Constable Auger in-
vestigated and set damages at
Late the same afternoon, a
vehicle driven by Robert L.
Betterley, London left Highway 7
near the London- Williams
townline and hit a sign causing
damages of $70. Constable James
Craig investigated.
The other accident of the week
took place in the Dave's Diner
parking lot at Elginfield. A
vehicle driven by Shirley R.
Parkinson, RR 2 Denfield slipped
on ice and struck the restaurant
building. Constable Auger listed
damages at $500.
Christmas party
for Tops girls
The TOPS Club held their
meeting and Christmas party
Wednesday evening in the
Masonic Hall: Charades and
games were played and gifts
exchanged with rhyme guessing
the contents of , each.
Following this a diet dinner
was enjoyed by all.
Lodge names
new officers
James William Smith, Lucan
has been elected Master of Irving
Masonic Lodge No. 154 A.F. &
A.M,, Lucan, succeeding T. Gary
Other officers are: senior
warden, Lawrence G. Hotson;
junior warden, Robert L.
Anderson; Chaplain, W. Cecil
Moody; secretary, C.B. Culbert;
treasurer, M.H. Hodgins; D. of
C., Clare H. Stanley; Senior
Deacon, R. John Moon; Junior
Deacon, Emerson E. DeGraw;
• er Guard, H. Royden Herbert;
Tyler, J. Alex Young.
Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Steuer and
Jeff, and Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Gable
of London were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Catherine Fischer.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr.,
and Mrs. Thomas Jr, and
children attended a Children's
Christmas party in London
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson has
received word of the death of her
sister-in-law Mrs. Arthur (Jean)
Hodgson, Winnipeg. Besides her
husband, she is survived by three
daughters, and two sons. Mrs.
Hodgson was in her 89th year.
Funeral service was held
December 12.
Vesper for
CGIT group
The Canadian Girls in Training
(CGIT) National Christmas
Vesper Service was held Sunday
evening in Lucan United Church.
The theme of the service was
"What-on earth- is God doing?".
The service was divided into
six parts: preparing His com-
munity; gathering His com-
munity; 'cleansing His com-
munity; healing His community;
involving His community; and
scattering. His eommunity,
During each section, the
congregation and choir
responded to readings by the
individual girls. Throughout the
service,several Christmas carols
were sung.
The offerings from the
Christmas Vesper Service are the
only regular source of income of
the National CGTT Committee
• t.lch serves groups across
Comrades happy to report it
was my pleasure to forward 20,
yes, 20 Early Birds to Command
on Monday - How about you?
Time is running out Comrades,
there is but a week left in which to
pay your 1973 dues to be eligible
for the free draw and to be known
as an EARLY BIRD. Come on
Comrades support your Branch -
Get your dues paid now and earn
your Early Bird lapel pin - It will
go well with your Smile,
Branch 540's New Year's Eve
frolic is shaping up nicely. Tim
McFarlane and the Cardinals will
be supplying the dance music,
There are still some tickets left
which will be sold on a first come
first served basis. Everyone is
welcome. To assure that there is
plenty of room for your dancing
pleasure only 50 couples will be
See the Old Year Out and the
New Year In at Branch 540 -
Noise makers favours, refresh-
ments and eats. Remember now
that's December 31st. Tickets are
obtainable from either Smilin
Carl or Li'l Len in the Sea,Land
and Air Lounge at Branch 540 or
telephone 227-4751. See you there,
By the way a member was
telling me the other day he was 60
years old, 'That makes you a
sexgenarian' I said. 'Heck no,' he
answered 'I had to cut that out
years ago.'
Members of Branch 540 are
reminded that our annual party
will be held in the Sea,Land and
Air lounge between the hours of
5.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. December
22. Bring your wife over for a
couple of hours, we are also at-
tempting to get a piano player for
a sing a long. For a couple of
hours of total enjoyment its
Branch 540 December 22. Just
our way of saying Thanks.
December 23 some person is
going to be very happy with a new
member in their family over
Christmas, of course we are
refering to Comrade Dandy Boy.
Yes, Comrades that is the date
we will know who is going to be
the proud owner of a registered
Dachshund puppy. He is a
beautiful little fellow whose
picture is posted in the Lounge.
There is still time to get in on the
draw, see Smilin' Carl or Li'l
The Cub Pack held their
Christmas Party last Wednesday
evening. Mr. Roberts assistant
Cub leader, was in charge of the
program. Several mothers were
present for the concert. The boys
sang carols, watched a film strip
on the birth of Christ and heard
Mr. Roberts explain the Cub
Camp he conducted at Fergus
last Spring. Mrs. K. Kraul and
Mrs. F. Egan served lunch to
those present.
Sunday the flowers in the
Church were in memory of
Clayton McIntyre: The youth of
the Church met for Holy Com-
munion at 8 a.m. Following the
service Linda Kraul served
At 11 a.m. Rev. R,A, Carson
preached on Howard Arnold
Walter's Christmas gift to his
mother when he was a
Missionary in China He wrote:
I would be true, for there are
those that trust me,
I would be pure for there are
these who care;
I would be strong, for there is
much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is
much to dare
I would be friend of all - the foe,
the friendless;
I would be giving, and• forget the
I would be humble, for I know my
I would look up, and laugh, and
love, and lift.
Mr. Carson said it should help
each person to prepare for
Christmas. We should be true,
pure, strong, brave, friendly,
giving, humble and look up,
laugh, love, and lift, This is what
makes Christmas,
Sunday night the Sunday
School Children under the
direction of their teachers
presented the annual Christmas
Concert. Mr. D.J, Henderson was
the chairman, Each class gave a
presentation, The teachers are
Nancy Lewis, Joyee Sovereign,
MrS, McKenzie, Mrs. Glenn,
Francis '"!son, Mrs, De GraW,
Mrs. Culbert, and Mr, Iten-
dersen, Santa arrived by red car
but he could have come in a
sleigh. Santa read the children a
story and gave them each a bag
of candy
Page 10 A Times-Advocate, December 21, 1972
OPP .check few accidents
despite icy road conditions
20 avt4 6i/te14
Old Santa received quite a
welcome from 540's members'
children on Saturday December
16 in spite of the inclement
weather. Our good friends from
Molson's supplied a suitable film
for the children's enjoyment
prior to Santa's arrival. As an-
ticipated there were a few
children present (very few thank
goodness) whose parents failed to
notify Santa as requested. The
old fellow had quite a job trying
to explain to these youngsters
why there was no gift for them.
Pretty tough on the old fellow.
Here's a wee chuckle for you
Comrades for the last Comments
in 72.
Ode To a MartiniDrinker
Or Sold Cober
Starkle, Starkle, little twink
Who the heck you are I think?
I'm not under what you call •
The Affluence of incohol.
I'm not as drunk as thinkle peep,
I'm just a little slort on sheep.
Tee martoonees make a guy
Fool so feelish; don't know why.
Don't know quite who's me yet,
The drunker I stay, the longer I
So just one more to fill my cup,
I've all day sober to Sunday up.
This being the last `Comments'
for 1972 — I trust you have
received some enjoyment in my
attempts to bring to you the
happenings around Branch 540
and in part the Legion in General.
May I take this opportunity to
wish all the readers of Comments
A Very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New
Christmas Day
St. Patrick's
Christmas day is filled with joys,
When all the children get some
They speak to us in different
Which makes a jolly Christmas
You put up decorations and make
things look nice,
Then SANTA comes with toy
snakes and toy mice,
But remember Jesus is the one,
He is God's only son.
Mogi iiiiiiiiiiiii 111111114111 iiiiiii (1,11,11in iiiiiii .111.11.8111 lllllll 1110111 llllllllllll 1111110111 lllll 111$111111111111110111rilli
Church news
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<•,•V•t•i'Vin•MP.•N.KWx' .• •
OLDEN DAYS AT BIDDULPH — Students of Biddulph Central school put on a Centennial history
display at the school Friday afternoon. Shown with their old-fashioned dresses are Sheila Smith, and
Helen Appleman. T-A photo
By Sid Daley
Year and may each and every
one of you be the perfect host or
hostess, as the case may be, by
making the one for the road -
coffee and not be the one who
brings sorrow to a friend by
letting them have just one drink
too many.
And that's 30 for this year -
remember - most men who meet
pretty girls on the street seldom
give them a second thought-They
are usually too tied up with the
first thought.
WI enjoys
pot luck meal
0 0'