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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1871-7-25, Page 1
'3 1'13;- - •As t THE AIILLIUN ! ! ! !NG ESTABLISHED AN RHC CAP, at IUR,eTORN limed', last summer, on West Bi 4313 ; Mi 'EIYI NG AM) WILL OPEN to 41#3 day of Marok, 18/1, 1 cps, wc1 Ylll'4'.1•,• I (l•rrb ever f' Aseht .. „ tons'. �.•'.l : 3,41.•.3 .� anadian Fashionable bilk, • & Wool Felt flats , 111.•.181414•• w,..1 1,11.1 u. for .1.11411,11110.W. V W any order, and u. I el•oll n.•�..,13, • t . teas wi lbe aSle (with the lap go •Mbar.. D FIT THE HEAD OF ,rices 1.4)41 will drty e,rny.Iii u W. M. SAV. c 4 THE HAT CAP AND FUR or• SAGr 183. 'c Cups of the N€ GREAT VARIETY k • a$iuss '. 1 49 ( • ELI. lies, us.I AT MGOT O Wn . Y ! S ATIONI Full Suppli AI I. awl KIM Of [PEI EI A.D fi 'IM. 4113 i . Note a Pa Per Jus • a ur'FEItLDAT LE (�' L AT MOORH lit A Wm Mock of every 'I ' .UFIICE STA TR not received and u'Ihog lo, }thirlg Jou M ISCELLAI E Silver Were. Fancy G Wall AW)a AT'AMOR (l,oleri3:h lath July, `� • i Valuable Prope' T 4)T• Al 4R/:f1 • t .}} 1418••. 1. dada 1 oeraseamt v wre. lush d oft lot ` hos. •11. t. ITh. tI iut m'1 Int loeluwr• Tawe rade a..' w ,1.44)1,13 Is J 609 1 ( 4 E. L • an14W A-tl 11t)1)RICIf AND THF. Biel • , thitrongenient Kitchen ntal•11, whir. )king man.(actured mrly i. D•' nee, olio have every facility that son be ,n K4Nantee every one delivered be do i4 0331 was be punctually •ttended0., :R• PATENTEE. sw'J4 & w 11r .11'N BaurttStsttnts Ooderich Marble-wo 3 Scott, Vanstone & 1.r,i To , TIM ATV. f11AT .11111:6 14 DA p,ey will oven • INaro1. of their R4rardlne eR.S1,3 • CT rilf9 ir©witri a Jelin torr, Viet'd• at • In'he.d' •lend of Nr A. wong t. th. • *,•• �• • .. ri oily o The. gnalltt . owe, ahs 1403 641 13.4 4)4),.4017.4 /n ,tuJ•pit TOrnbsttitte.. MantlopW ndow c Stlls, BCC., 130., 1.0„ 1, 134 411 .1.5 if of workmanship 311.1 on reasonable 3.41411• OAV1N RTUTHSRA, Agent., H fl..••sieb itl4 Jab. telt Tl.• r.' fa mt 1:,31141.::.41 • 0Pintos 1DITrtttotg. ' . to.., -A-. ..--;---1---;i-.:..4.,;)-- Q ie lest•. Of AT 134. a. every eay. ort 13 41 uiet say .bee, CRY watt PI *OP •41.414.1 Li p.U.,• •lt• D. p4. Y SIC t13.6U44i011,•o^I•• Q"'wivi •' dale. 14401.115,1 00• rrV 11t;w:Rt1I.COIPIPILR•'am tee 1- ,,,,44..9 • Mare d•., w••t'IfLvewalarl4H•N l! 2,131 R •°,� --�" u.4• MaILIC7K1,10. K. I). tlt10.K), rN', 1aa• � I A iW Labala...14 414 I sweene ler IV. 1. P. C 81.1i•. Win tont ", OM) A MAA• .''.' Ox,LfWtN Odeon .,pk/eer• .01C+ AM. aUIWIWN,i. e., u4 eM p'i.era Clnai•U'''r.-triaaa.__ 1 Lows* datpar [. ^l 4arr eTea *MD A7R'R•siii.Yf • A�,rvt.+ i -41+41..• Mn�� ra.•11,.•n.EEr'w••t-' - tea c .....1.311041................:„31""44•..4 •h'w• Y. •.. it 16 - J. 0.414).. • ,.,r,.� 1 t ••yule►, Tete/ AND Af PikaloY. aii:.IC1'NaN- D- �ytr•ry, •e N1„dereeN Ut. %MY. 41.1. -----*--- William ts.' •fwln.'-13. A. 'wu..'. 1 stet tint 13NO L\4V ttVVICI. •wu1•3 M. N., 13'11t"rol"a. .41.1. h,,., 1<• E•«oot, Y •V.4u New•. CM. a 13 •r".� •out .1.1.:41N IN'M I t••' .aa• are* U'g3n1A. Asi• N iM -.4.1" ) knew. W. Tome. , ael•arta.71.1VTT�p�pintEY-..rJ.tw. BDUM Cra Bair RtiPt+• 14'o•rwh• 11.1•eb. aih_- e woo, )7. SR lCI1t)I.t•at t f.3 E SURGU.r DENTIST. K «4)..sr tbo Poet Ottice,a5•e•t Street, foot •.I 43 0yut two, 1.41. • o rgf S. Molnsr'r ealn. he. ••. ,101174114, At VAINLY, SOLICITOR.� RONIRY TO LEND. v 13•'1 w 4744 • i l.� �� HIT7tt(�N• AND ti 11, _ AA)VERTISLIt A N D •• Irho Greatest Possible 3 002 to 3339 Gr lat9stPossible T'luabsi." GEO. COB ABILASAM S)rTTH.Prop'Astor.. _ •_ ____ =_ -- AD i GODERICH. ONTARIO D. C. TU ES i ) A Y, JULY 45. 3871. $2.00 PER ANN. I V e - sas ttt.tu ltlse c: ...-e stew. 1(40, A'nl 4.M ►MTipCrim''. :. n.:::1:1:, b 1Ii•11.1:::11,',0:::::..1. l.eotn him Leto►• • w o,..,ialr•ls:-7410 A•V 1 , f•t !Weutto3114T"1:13.3.4141 c* 'atPNni 1. did 11uleled the 111.331 ten11111 lhe.0ih 11.,.., I IIr'a'.( ur,•1'ec. After 1.11134)4 gets. 4)l '.*iuicwblr .1314 ••nue, t w«.40113141 rlw; , ' "I IIc " y, nut irti • 1'" 4)1 r bxk of 1hf►lh . �' sones, 01411833 s4 Alter 11rri nn,•. egrwt ra•m trs 4113 t•4).,dby1M• 4.l w. 14'4113013111314:1 LoW1'. -_ .-4141_-- truth 10 dneerer e1. at w4. the Dug.. rho 1111forowen It k. I sew • In+ JAMES Y0L'SG, Editor. sr"'.P of loan. saki kettle b•kut..,u. ao'.uth.1''•:I:. d R S•dr4n.Ibre, .'1.wh wuwA' vol.,. ✓-.\V, P_Itw.fU...s1••'e.1.ef13nOM• .hr(I"l1ti.W41hr1•JaIWnn3ta4dw' ee •,uck!IK.*__vtIsteps,,ng1t.045611.41A Iw,Y 1-. f 1mdr4)."tghao r41 w 40as.1MMelew1.. I}moo i PO PH?AY 1"41+u411g11r'••11achdMr1►41ntl.ew414)3Iw1130gb/.(,141p.n4A13c'14b 1370111» to icll�l. Saeincee IDlttedetc)pe _ - SPICING COME AND iUMVMER amigo IIUGH DUNLOP, Lrr 4.'.r b' Mnnt4M}6 ;sank I..' sow Ai :•4.1..4, 41'.34....., late` ^f eurrH3 aceTWEEDS ua•Ide 1•.1 "401 In .4)d 'boon... wear. w lath h. le pn- y.n.l'o ..•.1.41 ,.l., u soy .'41,. 'Good FIT Warrented, Iteway-snarl•• ('lotl.inu•'• ' t Douala, alas• on All Cheap for Cash. Ow1en•L 3, 1.1.111, 1•:1 • a•rons Ilk angler. LOOK 1) i'T POI t 'I' { lE �taL 1Y►•tf. ANDIIIMlR 11CT W.1fTs, 410. ,, Ao �N.11•i ,sa0d"t Abbot 1... Wroa41, Moat ,.4.M AtLeN7wM 41.1 1st MM. . t•. Kepawla•• • Cwr1t.4 4141W0 ITCI'I'I V. It, R A IP latdr,Co r41 Saar...••tl/s as 'Otago " wow., ro swayar City atnlf.6o4 MA Iftl lherlt ('-i UItIH:. M E .1+.•4408 a M, rod to furn.h W ape. MA lot robs . d 41 ,41•" a .loos• , wt weetelIMMIIIM •IRC.et et tee «u W 1L1/'S I.O. 0. P. • de F,11 N 4114) Flone ()AM Peas • Barley P"tot. Butter E3� HN.►t Hides ,r • q'sai poet. 13.1 Dark all (,IIIfkPn• y(mll W.ol T' ai'ewp 1001 Air.* 1 1:� w•� Hest... *owe ++o. trofitiali. fob '7 BIG WATCH MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reduced Rates of/ Interest. '.,,n i. 1••I,] • ,1111.3 of l4)•n t, tin Tut: 1 1. .'4)4).11 741• at 41841 .f 1311,• oat rat.. 1 r. rslde Dn., of 141' v eltt, p•tdde td , 1113 sal 4).4, nor .f ,.q..tato ail dap r,vtoohe HORACE HORTON 4.ppraller forlhr Plus:sella Per. .a VOruil •Mlldllut & marine Rociely. of 'Poronto. INSURANCE CARO_ The aoloetiher 1. tweet for the atR•wl a Inn Inwrsnow O0tn1..nlea PIIOV.tI,4 Loot a, Et'14w1. IIANTY044) M Hmdb.d. ra' 1'l.r'Lt I.. f Ton.otu N HITIRt(AY13NIC\,•.4 Ton,.to. 1•`,» •1r Marine boat ... dura -.t Metre/0 Woo HORACE iiOR1ON' 18114 1l*rkot Square., O•dsriel; 4ept OW. late. ..3'.413. MONEY TO LENtHI OM SART TE1441$ IMCODPORATED I TI I I .t.. D. 144 HURON & SAVINGS is LOAN SOCIETY. 4I1 PI TAl. - - - •700,nr)(1. HIA4.k.1RTTt DWAx,Eq 4114) YET ON RRCC- 41 nt, of Wad 6.41., ,.d on 7., -Ins vary 4.wal& a 13 ,rn.wrr.. NnLM"YERM'C ONTSARECHAIt(IED 1 6,4134313 eait.4.:5'33•'1• eh a... .4r. 111 of ,1•,, lento *340' , 3•.4)14. 1. lent 0 e wI enn..,r of leo t433 14 u prod r . he • h/ W Itnaey as 21.11 at airDrug with n tk 4)r w, .beta, Iwtond the 11 x 40.4 14 N' 1 r r 44 IM title n of , torte... Ch1 N 4)t tr, 1he 13 ! hhh i. ,mut 11 Do throw. The full ,.,'.,t 4th I ,, 1."1•sn•M le4133343n t.ow4).4.f Mm .. I /t4 4111.1 d1 ell a 1 1 In 11• .4 • I . by T.wh•r w»kli.. or from 14)114)134,4)1. r hrn•ow. ea. • Tenn h Mew ler 41.411141,-4.4ee,41,. a nthfv t'lT Iw. 7b l 14.01 1, •I•I f• Ito I 1 - he.iil,, • , II fir a In el .44 tl to A. 11411 that 1 11 anr,w 1 he 4.l•t l ntlMlr o .' Mni eusincss Oiettt3er• AV,PIANOS, MELODEONS. HOUSE ORGANS., CHURCH ORGANS, Piano $toole,!Ao,.& O YN,f.cluied be the re'rhr..4d flee. ,4 R. 8. WILLUA1t't B (.'lL T0h011o. T1..1u,n..1..oi.e u.at n$ to Uoulr»r• ?41113'. .MI'ntaAll Meta L 'intimate thtithe ha* Lees l sly+414)81 went 'or ita•lerirll •u debt o,uWlPr equate) of the 03.,41, In. 1141 1 1 13•,1 t .14), awl t. pre- ' late 1 towel all • 1 .d, to Il1.n, et 1cX1'uEIt'4 ruc'E-• ..rendr• Ria..` .. R'.aUArwL 3r5'a•itlltt _ .-�.- •'moi.._ 141E SCOTTISH WEIR Z.IF,Ba •' ASSU&ANOE 06.. T. J. MOO1tHUCSB. Agent. Gedell.k July at. 11.71, • 1868. "` THE LIVERPOOL., LONDON DANTEt- GORDON Guderieh, Aed 114, 1870 .A0 YOLTR WANTS NOW SUPPLIED. -0- 411�r M.1.0l11..e ha,fee pawl/wed • ,l,.l,11,t of 1 linoer .,,.l a1.. 1..113.. Ihr root •rl to .4 mach 13.41}. will Le able to aupp5) aq, 434.413534 of ME AND CEDAR SHINGLES. of Op. olrplen Alti. eat 4 Ow lo.3w 'who,H. ...er' 1.. wiry 11. hi,:n,•1 I rl•'. for plee Or .hr her 4huhu .411441 for w•t•n' .hhr las 4.l4ro 411 al the Nit., PETER LEONARD, 4111.,41" 4441.1,71 ( let EAL! !ERRITORT. 101i4 i.f:. I. 2 A4'IIE ir..k. I el t lr mut •1 a •an.FW }mlh,i the i „rt•onllou .4 V.'Ieri.h „boot .•rhir MAW. Drat, . 't a4)dd '.ankraal.kraal.p Drat,urdtrJ . k-1 not to tten. t •1'41 7111' i. 13113 4 the moot Tal'nLk ' h •tattoo. ler Solt Worm in M. 4,,, 11.3 .trlral f 4.,•',l 'f 313 4 tlnomtr ..Imo, of 13.'.1 For funnel pert 4)l re I'p!) at THE SI3Nr1L OFf IC Omkneh. R•n, IUD.. 1674, .RL tf Bl OCK'4.ON ItULWAY 1 , ,,.'- 4, one the nlnit1ape 4trheril,4 •r It ad.,4 '. -- _ - -.- lit. ._ lit.1m11114•ttww{1 -- - _-_-1--�•- - T-1 ": x , %t Prise .. Wer.'wd_.34a4n 13•• w . the tone 414' a-�r•1n<•' 18 (wed ..1.-- T• 1.1,:1'4 In. •. -Inq I...dn.. ,.I r M. `111• let. n 33., `..t :.•14.45-, .4 Ute farm wale w W.h ph 1...1(.4)334 .. •k• rnnhla•. nil., nut it. pq.'.L.rin ..111........o. 4re,13,1,. Ih4)'n.'rll.orit..j.trn, •.tkn•l ih, w'........ 1. .r knows .••I n r.l;' . 4 t :all n.. a tato, 411..31.3•. ,A,e•s.' Yt.Y'.141 the h. (t 1•.f torn ll• 4 f 1 ( t4) 1 1.1 4 #hot n.cAltrt.LlJa, R•rnrtatr II- GODERfl r: le. -AS YOU GO TO THE PAST OFFiC'E. Jbta 0141 +_ D01111, •. ....Lite Rr\341E rat nn.h'.1M•') !11115 7W( • b 1,4 41 1� r' 74K ret . u. 4.4.101110. I hon mow*. r•aaew,e'1 Iqr.,,., Iaea131b att'Lle 4. t w dr(4 i• d le 4'•.'rre It hue. en t wee. ". I(&.4,...11 /.11.. 11 ...W.I. II .I.,'.I,7 alt. 117'" 1• •L.• rt..'• Ir -'1.•4) RVytaELL 'WA t'CR • ..r t 7De p .4 4at441Y h _ 4__1.- . h b f -.r. NM n..aent Is 1uler'eh. Re . •..t 7]41 .,4)l.. Telt:• on bond a are. W,13 er•.A1 of jM, 1'1144.413 lir. ''e/Wl •rMsOf 1241 A., keeper .►1t a tie .. 17 • p..m•.0 to.. I'+':.p, N44 i..eN1a11D1t•-y . • 414411311 :k r•nt.. •.t...• 11•., t•..1." (•r.• h,.• r Three 14 :I 4 way U L0FiI1'dllua• 1..4 e. 1411111 R .tat, • •t MM . ... e •�.A •14 tr a...00.0.t a rad .1t 401.4..4 44143 131. - 13.8.,4." .w »-•4 131 •.40,4.3 41.41 wad, w sab. soman. -Colt t-Ww-- i IW(LIali Neff WOO; • 0.1.64►. &elk AWL f•7. ' i 12 -'-41- 4.-1... .•.r,... !'r be. t.eBAat• .- w h it •1', r „ 41, }Ida, 4.11. r- tt lc� t 334 34 t #7."341 Huron Division No.120 SONS or TEMPERANCE. 0..';. I•'w �-YFETIW lit Tait s+ . atI ..3.3 ' ft! 11.1;111.1..; .t a 7 3rd.) .4, .s m R •'.."d -4.5.5 , N,l �m•r<•a •. 41.41 al*..t ±i}T-•'1'4!.13 tr .. t►e rot:,48,-re"Yatllw4-13th n'4"dist*7w.IwL1 D. CARAWJii R. a. ir'• w t A J• f "TO*w r. _edwie% a1•Ip Ott: .' a•Mss, Ts_ DANIEL GORDON, 171 HOLSICFtER, I.... In ulna•.on taloned..t r4) (w!doh ,3014 out 11.41.1 1 Ito. to i' M 413 the 1313/.31.....111 IM 44-14.1•114.....411.• 1.:AA•egr 1 Awl i.,te r.t at A. per ..4)t. 1•t ,.•aa ut611113.l.1. Noll ps.,eat-l. .4 ✓ oll tmn Mnbn .n•11,yn4M'4)41v 141 3.4)14)441 l t.. 4.. Moira. e,v •. Le . r4) 141.140 ld ,rl Str,.rl at la 11. tanto.. m 41'41'.. M. �-she andq-•a ,,tn.Mt• t'14'.H(.E1 t'LETe1lE11:' T.ia.4 •1 14.lerrh EL F3 M Cls . 1 •- TIITH, $0141 AND CRA1:1TY. orthSN•n Creel,' an TN •r- T$1• ..Des 11141[441 hood Cbl our n 134 T 13"4)4113 DAL wear rfnt.. leitan4-'. RnE11 ^ -_. ALA* ,_. Itayta,,. ,ray•oda»*&weWk• Ion. •w,aaw 4, WITII \VIEW. 4•S 1 t. 1...1•,7 wee 411 • - ._� . Nwo_ r. h • „tan • f tie Pon • r • � FORNITVRE S S EWART '3 )Y' w'AR1YUC'a JAS =• -- .her. he 11111 li f l ,e ere on th. ala.• snore•' <iece•ively 1.seerrl. whl•• tionknl for too WHOLESALE AGENT �,; na•,e. I»hope• M nri.t•1(c13tl,n to 0.01• 4)Y e•,uurufl33 ams "Areas.. ,f•„prowl h. (outward sad 41"114.(• •t cw.,..(•� • /I.."HE HAS NOW ON HAND L. w *EALLE r..-1 HE a t,.. 1ter,"1 ,1.'k. ,l mra,ulm 10 the Gaiety FOR AI.1. KINDS OP •4)9 a nn l4)• •basted weir. p•ewree p, 'ep1, ".4.•171030 WWI •wrr7thb313 In N. 0M•. gush u 4)017 Aon nnvAMF[r4L74Fr4, cn►.ta• F_ Itnr.. 3130L. De t.V4 m, A••.. Tr An♦ .t 4).•t not 011 11.41, ••4.,y Hon. -Mout, 4112,. trela..dt1:-.3) aoderieb. Aei l0, IAD .30 W. O. WIL8099; Issuer o1 841414113►•''Licenses.' 9:flo4graaoe & Real Estate Agent • coax laet0aaue. R. `w DEEDS. NORT IVAse DRAW% AND h'1,. IKONST To Lon iT S 401341 sant. Yat. tett•.aa .,- awn.* wawa. 3411, y---3-- ._ PAT1'; ff• FOR INVE EXPEDITIOUSLY 41.1 in Candia,1313. 4)1{ )AT R NT.tn:..*n1'rvr 4){r DAT inn 414)431".* It It\Itl" M"'•„n.1„Engineer. Soh D h 1,33 Web, 11th 1071 IMPORTAN r. House Sign 4)c r% �R6111F. T,1 A3 VI.6IA r lh• h*, aft 1 1 1 n I 4..4.W.41'114) Y t I "..117:11141:144411301.....10114 r 1 a Tii. _ 1 yowl l4). hot -,� Now is the time to Sleighs, and Ca Or (Wier. from rnontry with 43.pa,M. Gi 11dmR, 411. 41141. ral•0.1. selo•,•n.. y IONS OPENLY .n4 1113 pelhl d' tet fon. .rtes.-.' 0. MIK (1DAerieh, Arr. 15, Ip7 3 Notice to 0 ICE. Ainter 1tr:.luanenn ' awl redo, state - fl' 'oow s't'n la .413.•3, do .• la t•h.ntenl. .le A• 4 white 1300., 1341314)",11 .4 de.1e11,dnm, ✓ ".tl..r D„I,t.ro"1,)461 -141 .3" ON HAND A' LARGE AS- it 8• p1STIfgeT Or rein,. *what. Oil f'hlnt in., 1 lo..m.» I.Ithonmph, 11nto,n .I' of to Queen 14rinp ,1..1. 41X"040.4)' "33 4130 • 'Toronto Y•,nfsetudn4 11..4)„ rt anle`11 Mehra Frames ■ say style required al Turunto 0riere. Tj Ha always os bawl a complete 1,eurt meal of Cothas & Shrouds In the latest Stylet 111AT rt to A1•o• 11114R..UM to 111re. C11ei p roe CQ 138 1 2 Doors West of Posl Office. 444 toren is; tir- rhenne. n„le,, 4..De•. Md. Ire. 41.' DO'.` INION CARRIAGE N♦ OItlricj. R. J. WHITELY & Co. htr%;Ig. Or& •s_•� j 41,' 7 .nirlw.Vr ..'' 411•I1F4a1.H the nowmnnG.'nrint, ter, Photons Buggies and !Piing W wont. hi. h hw powwow. a•••• •.1 Anr+b .'..not M mere... 1..1 4 ,d ,4)d 1, mewing the wtnm3a' h4) w eat • sol ea,w ,dile, r- ,t An wnh IV,rrsnIM ('ARRiA(IE TRIMMIII!. In mkt Ifs Man. 41'..4111 mp'1 - ' ^•" 1 'r -Moto will, eatow.m '.13 ' e ler John (nr:h�.v ^' ii.mm.m1'me ..r h. LUMBER %s6ON• AI I tootle. IuAeM.t Ina» • ^'�, ,..err• r,*4.ed110.4 rey na 4r hetet.. le.- DIR-13711„ (4)114)1•. ...et r'NAIRV R 4)111.. In thle Hwa ...,.roll♦ 44)..413.4 Jotsbtag:Ind Repair. I/Wet nten•1•m fd 011 oreee. weer*• a_ J, the ens MeW Mtn: Vila • I.1iR 3411331 * `13-7 °1346133 YC wx-wtr. rNh 3''"'13 imJrfT( i+;:. rki \ttiCp •� qp t�„ JI ll AItOtl l l•ECr A\ -flor* .gsore; - t.\ CIode rich . .•e 1 13 NEW CABINE1 ND $P$GLSTEi13UN - 8 .toP W14T .TRIIT PPJSITE BANK OF MONTREAL. GODERICH. AND dLOdli • INSURANCE COMPANY H. • Dere le e.ufenrc Th:n-two rears, sad doom lett period M. ; a'J L'+»a aced.•e Five and • half million pounds sterling, TLwdl,l,urre.nenl 03 141.'ruorie°. .e w oyer wbl3 arra, ha. .aeons J,ubt Cn1I*1 ..len ' Ih.• e•tab!'ahleenf of Otto I'54134) olio., in the , onn,lerre o, ''1114111 Corp...alm*•, %Ierel.anls. 114uertl..hler•4 •414 *earwig les •earally. whrnrrr .t a repn.e'.41• la i1 181 year Ih36, the Vtte Prewar** gloat. amnunlad 10. , 24,1171, • 131. 10113 year, IAN... .,II. 211,7132 • 20i rear, IIS., •• •'• 4'•34,7741 301.1. rear,1`116, •. . ro Lo 9.331 e• year *tat, 4067, •' r 11 2416,0013 The Vire Neem. Nuri is sow 44,717,464 The Lob Rower Fond le vow ••,2,4,468 The cowpony a ...permeated Ihrou6ho„{_Its, ono 2114 ,1orb.'e, try rnd ,,..u., A. •4)12, 10 whole appl.ealtoe 1••13 mamma.. may be'm•tle. U. t .0. 8114%11t Hc.o4en1 SecreWY, 1.1.nu.. A, M, R'l.h, Afield rot ctR4n.h Illlw1I, lot /Cuu'lel, W.M. Wats* , lot++.•Nwh. U.Jericb. Aug 15, 3670 wS0 .'ETN A ?Mg INSURA•N"rl COMPANY RIRTFORD CORR ".ARO CA PI1 AL ..:"..... I'I,oM.f')O . 41$H A.rll(ETS ... 5,782,61.5.(411 L•)•.79ES PAID 1N S1 YEAlt'S28,OVO,000. it THE LARGEST ASSETS •T W Waggon aEd ('arriage eaa.IrACTORY• BATES & ELLIOTT Ii. %Yr , I..Narn tu,•tlmat k . •' toe MM .f 30.41 ..A.1 • •.I t the/ harp 1^,.4)1•-dt'M•1 .4,40 04 edt LY t 11'41 r.l • waive MIK tM www •• (1311 ..41. p 4141 1414 411311 24) p!t•.y *a 1•• I Waggo/N, /Ing re ONIQS IOWA will wYr•od. pod•IN0, 4 shute 13.�11 •W a t 431 ra.v • • 14,ro enesitaent of' =cam hop ler PWIL•for Cc •d• ,./Ar woo Stoves ! Stoves! C 1- t C c c PJ PLAT! ANO FA24IJY ••f' fttE LARGEST ANNU L INCOMF or ANY FIRE INSUR ALICE COMPANY IN AiVsiniC . "f• IMr.r7 mole -..sirk q. Doeateis. 'i.,r,rnwvnl for 13Ae benefit of Gams..• f•,•••iry A,44e,o es,4.s.rrl4• p .- Rw•at - (,i11tees .4'... the iInpd 'ante rd p tr,nirinyf the C,onha•u3 that at 53rd the mo reliable intr... ty and. th• .Inc 4 f se .Bina l 'icy must rte apparent', II-Wp •faT.tterirro, y•1 a 4 -Ma Tn 4)4)4)••13-a a It•.a • hunt«. Reboot au0 Pehhe Noe flths. tr ',too of tl.m •fe,e*ton, at rat. ,. ie. as Dm :L C slide Wirt-wri•t7 1., The t7mp 4)T DIXIE WATSON, Agent. Yiodcr44Jam. 31,1334 1371. .I Ir ERIC NicKAY, 11 1.1 /A Lt.n 4)1. 11 .\ 4,.j..of oohs.' keep rw io est•. /h. Dula •,l 4 •4'mJ hen h. will 4'340 3...1.•(17 ►and'n mat. t" ord.. FURNITURE OF ALL HINDS. Ma 4• n4 1..111 M -orals J,a i 11443.3111..1 L.aWsull..Wlpetuutis.ordat. In tA iontlty e( Ostia.' 80.4."63 Moldier. os . Piotare Fnmirg to Order. y. R1 tr 141. M a 1••f o'tert..a i»p4.*ia'N t4 \.Y.4) of p•Id4e patr1eaae• ' Ond.•wh. Aug. 1a. 147t 13•-4 , STTST RECELVTED .lir Shephard & Strachan'{. - 20 TONS OF ORIN. SHORTS L MIdling�, TTT^' T R AVET.EB . TTSURAN^E 00. we n ao w•." A„"-I1.R7rf t nun nom_ TTRfi1•M'IM.'r,•tte. 417 41330*' l•'-2',41' 1"41""" ./ ,14.,1.411Nin MI'.•4141. rr..a "Y4 ft* M ..33.4 .d o setas ,' n 14).,,'1. Imre sonesone1' 141. i41A,1414w 11,Tny r '4.dnih .1 ton three »,10(4. Ow owl* hill LIFE INSURANCE, •Ind,,M.m'nt, of all forms .1 Ino Cash Rale,• Yee •t wnoI. .o rN 4• aid., ..1 M It: Y. DETI PIL.. Atwell Roder** 114 IML, left. sate MONEY TO LEND AT IUIWEST RATES. .1. D. ci0111►111, RARRIlTRR AND A11'o itt AT LAW AND SOLICIroR;IN CFI ANr'E41Y, GODERIUM. 13•,8 24th; tell, 'r►Y- lie Roney to r•ait7i en-�Rest Lpwtat.. n,Opper':anon. Rl M 4N11SMANs ,. 0au..1R,la.re Cnd1rwn M O N "Sr Y4"eed 1 1 "erad 11 *Pl. n TY61 *ILL, • Sell Cheap for Cash; - :nderieh, Avg 15, 1070. 4)1 Extensive New Premises x3311 SPLENDID NEW STO('X C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet Ildkers, Urdertakers AL Wool Turners. 13AMIY•R•ON BP II its rwn,n•,I ,. .•+ IMaw3lt to the Mere next .44o W,,. A.1,.,•.n • Il none.. Shop, wbrn w.11 1.• rano I A 0001) ASSORTMENT ! ERMOVAL: ALEX. WALT,ACI WAT(•414AAEu AND JEWEI,E1i wm+ 4).414), 4014 CS OI1.1CItICH ryas he 1»r hmne rer.•.e« l4 the am., 41,3 1..I'.v .4 Na •mqh, wen yvrel,oepa "1. not').M, wt,A.•a m h. WO Die thee 4)bl , Neon., or ihr 1,1wrs1 e4. with Am (,r the I1.V i ran, end bee' 1,......11•1•111 len •e••r' •••'P M %Owed In n..•ell •,nnnnn...fee of paln•Mfe hw taw. Nrly .13111.• 1•.e.pplr Watches Clocks and Jewelery ...rip13»111.84), dote in"m .el(,Irg•1'me • may dep.... en hwi,1 II +ell eieetned, tar A 4.44 ,w'r1m,.n .1 Gohl.nd thole" '.webs Watch.. e. • At De.. a!w.7anw 41.04 ALE% WALLACE. oAtri s:Aer. 15th 1111 1330 • of 11.'l..n.,14.1''...,, Inn in,n.on., and Parlor Fair niton, 1111-0 a. 12111,614. 411 A i aM (hair, ooh• .4)4 w.M.7 toted) *' L I•f416 111'4 R1i 4161''. Da, 4Avll 61.4441•. Y A1TIt F.4�1' / y 1/II CI WHATNOTS. 1 LOOKIN(, ;GLASSES 4)11,7 71313.141,. 7.1' o n ' 4 n to. prepared to 41311 •r4) elee4111 thrIr hen Cheap forr Y n • r..mn1•r• m,•�•,me.,, .. w •4)•I a7,rNM YII..., wwa,•se,wa a Il.•n4..ar+' , Ay -r PIM* CtliCritT LENT ON MORTGAGE. Apply ai trodoneli, lb me 1%T TtXO, 1 • COAL OIL. WHOLES.LE AND RETAIL. '•D' C'al On l are. Ate, &e. 0Id-1s01 •now 3,44 '.., W Pie1.mire. .a.4laheepfir •kens sae►31, J.a1.STONI: Ap- Aire of 11 1.arze Coal Oil Rear! oo:rrieh. Au;.".,1-70 1.1 ASH AND •DOUB F ACUOI: Y. -lash, Hoon, Blinds. 11�ou 1di1, F1oOr.ngt. i1�ng,' • Nilltlad.M -_ __- - e it R C 1<. I! NV 131 Tt K,. .tiro a. Cirri. a_ad 42.41. !lark and mats. -hit Oink f5fwtbenemerienee is l•etery ems est 14.7 eato n1wlnbdion le alio woe y raw* thew with • •n. '40,00'1 feet eV D4) leek •414 a quarter Flawing a. Mrd. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, ;Al m9(11A74A17, Deri9 F,AW14OW, int 44081141501. Oo3srikh, Aug 15,100 - CD (1ftT)F,RI('1. WAGON & CARRIAGE v i -2T TAW T, hard Horne.nd Wore. that he Ham* maw Carriages, Waggons, Aleigko °littoral' alba.. wilt Da wild CHEAP 'tJA CAM1.1 -- Ile rr41.3(1131117Lrow n..tl .4344141:411 �.1.,7„. .I 111414111`.N1(33To lit L 01.1. 1 had 00 )4 *vl 131' heL fate hu 401+'13.9 1.o 4)(w• 1 insisted, hos 0T, 1, iA beiaiuy hoe . ' 131 �� P tR Coure 4113.relt t . 813413 4) m• ant • .n .'tart , 414.1141• • 0.n111MO tau, p, lie nG.a,r)n:y, 31113 L.3 t1{tne .r 13'11,141 nen . l f r,,. nwn,e ' 1 im. T6vu 1 took the 1. ..o L. or .nuv..hlfu'• 1. 11 I,4. aL...•4 dal, lltA l V 4141 _ «4111. Itwds V':•aht lees►. Lnt I lad ffVERsIsu, : OLEBOiR I; I mads manystepi when (Rwaa ah 1 I ftw.L Lo.uN N Ve si ct tTElt4 » • e•tnnd 4141 ^•H NS AND ST'R 4141 o(tme In b N an sob sssie ton • 44 ',,+••41,,,1' conci.lcdsynctlt.wa.4-.wi11iI* F • h b ; 4 I.4.nw, for ,.'araly,had 14.-.. t *3144.13 'u .alonolot; toward• ditto .1413 all 11/1.11111041. tl.4 . t. t Ir rock loll wt my tett, aIIL,6.1 toot.1.j m. l 11160331 r".1, uuJeeid•d 111x441411 t ,.4)11141 130 C'EIil:•e my rusts. 13841 4141 officer • bo owned surprised at 11.e 413 doer ..t h. •4)t sola 1 apps .113 taaJ Ill4 de. Its'.'. "Yoe w, sir, ho* 11414 ekwt' r•nnloat 112T0*llq;. sill y'N' pt*••te He to .k toe 111..14'11a 143 rt/ttiw; b"t ds • ':ams 4)1, 411104.. r sinker who 'de.11aR+' - me «1,.t was 417 r3Fgi..0. lou him •'Pr'teetwit", •ltd that w an I L.. 13,14 • 4 641 tne�. • sobat l 13 ilk.an•. 1'rwrot:int be said to l4),• that his e h .0 dole well to boat up , and 16, w.,,Id teaks thou ch,ue n,.. Ho w Kiri.* iota his protectiol1 withdrew me, 'Lying ' li 1614 lD 4144 (1)1404. of R P5"t.at«ut I W old 11. hArgpn yd yo*:" and 411•:•'ILd a man, what• t,lrrt.l .33.1.10. me. 'I•Ilu 1111.11 a•• moue.' ow w 11::41 3t, 1.., •bo. law and 4)41''41 ng Ow Nt5 if 1 ever reulnw'' camp they 41..131'l 44'''13' mo a• n : • . 3 (leker.maps wa1 prer tilt at the n 8iearwltich 1,544. wt3111$,o.��,1.Altt,j11 1441 withnnl teki11► I t(4444184 thi*lIurn and 163 n,:4.l n 1 ed -_ --- rha3twl 4)N 1 r. ]1 agun 0.•11.•1 345.11,. r4) 41L I,.. d1J • n( 4111141 a a f s• I blow. ' dap 1.11/h•4lvtsnudl4 t.,d-4.erutittr,.` y 130 kat me N is - I IO Cis,, tsar u'awsr4�- i D RICH. r (low ow moat.. rum., 1; 31.00 Per Dozen. d Cal • 1.414) ROOT SCUFFLEh, toy Itlnrtb, flat 411441st h11r 1s ir'iaew bl• halellr4)t4141:11138• to we liberal lento, tt„41 to *t•' ,s.* •aroopief LI -6•daret11111wn. 11\IRON ;iOT1;1•, ZUlLl,' 11, Co. 111.1. •.• toner 11,11.h. r.a t rarell lu.4,,Nra _ yy..wapt,ll sen • U•s ASO, --- Pro lei et. r. 11•.1 se'with •ren rwenk. '4.113,0363,1 ♦(4. is J.ass I l ePe*n B os a 1.7111rbe l it. N ra; fQIIF"111CR`l, !'IQprieter. Tills is tL sesem•ed beetCo,41,lrr 11.411 Wedr. miont wt nearer. 2, 41,014141. a ser Hoot ;- Vot, ll. lei.,• Proms -Am. owe',blmsf•'r UOil wan - Hwa...'Id :.1asrtsa•r(s*8,..... sited hoses 1 J •la IA:3 � . Thi. •nen. hem wt. 94 34 la Recent Wrenn have bereat The amity of Gref sole 10 iseeM MASON tO At FOtittit 1,r‘ Ottiak, Mal PRONs . :maniple to older and wealthier owns 0.', in Catneds--411•11 n, in mak um MI le% 1. roads •ithin its hake free to Ihredr. _Tolle,toU-dotes and tollgate keep!. t• 6. , etsinnsu... As toll gate Savors LW thi '' • little better lb an :. Teen*, .f itemised ht ''T sraynien, triviieg, d by be 1.0 Fyffe ..01, to Mond find -deliver • belter•s• 4 P.m its a day's. jisernty,..their abs. nett ill (ITV is nut wept ••irr. Indeed, etetr•bra Alava gate keepers ate t te•eal aa is:A public uneunies, anat. outwit them 1. , orally looked upon .. being as 'lento au act as to pt the better of s bailiff. 1 do not contend that thw is right • fe people ' must bat* lewd mails, ar'd should be compensated for their firmer lure of time and money. !het Wised* F, ft FICILIMI to aod from 1.1.=1,..111. Are • winds. connate mini./ out be tlOilt$ Ora --- - ......- . ._. A.f.-Iiit II I.0.,itwa hums, .assil retake these hes. • lt would eertaely . IONTREAL STEAMSHIP COPANY.' 3p1Moer's XXX Ales &Porter. SpeneeVe illttled Ale in Fine condition, F••Pncer's Mae it Pun- GODERICH. DEM% MARKET SQUARE. L4 51 cents, poitage free. One dozen from 'nick neintire 87 cents, patio flee, to any Ck Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambnaypes. ohne, 'bee in retorning In. the liberal pnt ft, wee hcretnfoft. ettr.n.10,1 to Lien, • tott v.. that Ile •fie emelt im- atorernont.iehi. .r.11ery .1 IV 11 merit COD 'ineeneo of the .ams. trv- t Great Red triton ea ;It. I J 0111010N. floderich. Aug. 15. 1870. .Ao tr Ott v9, scary err.. Geortaniagoic, 4,. two:.1., • wort in one Aar, et woe (1"'" Led Patent& token out. DOAN "•""*".."."' 11.1"A " ad lethroughoot Owissit, 0. WIRACI4AWS • • NEW GROCERY STOIE. WHITELYM ELLIOTT Gpocm iqvorislotini kr doing •":""dstr ir:sightylairijleeter'y 'high p ',fee* leefoo. Welled -lot wite-Itropir s, rhos* 11:114 bat So be µa for by the 41.11.1.e. In Eti.V.nd and Merin- Tiatil Mete are neer ts,osto of thesis; Mb •Ith their Isenthee, took, about 33,111* essop'.... oho AM imported oat Of the tot mewl. flow teeny there ate in Outer tyt do trot him*, hot apothem...al' the item ft( animate n obstructions to ambit, ti..ftic hilloeed their camitrnetion and mice. In Wales, in 1843, the hi them apparently a re Miens for the society selftmoied It. hiking MM. Oalth ch.p. 10,1 ("11.14 thy semi rows** the which hate them") ea their eaftrle 16641 f• t ht. et ate id ti year all t brow been entirely done may trite, the roe& Maintained by land of the public In Be,liend a great to eitunties hate done the Moe .4 *or free although ougeneral Is* trio pasted- .101 gligintuf the prugrese he very tat the ea bite a beingebu Ily pressed on the attention of O. 11101, arid ther* tittle inng ilia "aa s: stein 1111 trfitn there also. As Canada is lathed al al. Instal thift4s; we hope she the riavalito b.1 in thin also. Corner Kingston knot & Itarialiest* lAr 7T11-11 118111:11T lay ri 1111r PO,T AII17:11T PIER 0010f rel.t 14 made 01 rod A11.11,4,11, 7114 11171. .43 SU stasis e Ilk memo they, el•lif the la 1 frmo• llt be Lep soot.. Iii. npienvithoothlp wilt ae ....111i0„ 1001 14 .1311, 11.134111141 1. 10....11 Isom AltIr mitavv rue latae -Clothing cad ketch Callus, 1111111114111, .4141101. ll'ilifil.r0014011. onto • 4 • • •