HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-12-07, Page 24PLENTY OF CANNED GOODS - The bazaar at the Lucan United church Friday night gave visitors
opportunity to purchase a variety of merchandise. Shown above are Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Archie
Sinclair and UCW president Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. T-A photo
Other churches meet
Name Bible Society president
Local 312 NFU Lucan held their
first monthly meeting of the fall
and winter season in -St. Patricics
hall November 29., Members
received very interesting reports
of the youth exchange trips from
Dianne Martens and Ben Gamble
Jr., the delegates who had
travelled to. western Canada and
taken part in the youth seminar
in Winnipeg in early August.
The results of potato growers
vote in in which island
potato growers designated
as their official
bargaining agent for sale of their
product was discussed.
Tbe delegates to the annual
national convention in 'Winnipeg
were appointed. They are John
Marten's and Gerry Duynisveld.
Delegates will be leaving
December 10 and returning
December 15,
It was decided that the anr.0.1
meeting for the local would be
church news
Last Sunday Mrs. Allan Hill
presided at the organ for the
Service of Holy Communion.
Mrs. Robert Hodgins and Mrs,
Clarence Carter were in charge
of the Sunday School.
To the
Voters of
My thanks to all who
supported me in mybid
for election to the
Middlesex County
Board of Education.
Sincere con -
grotulbtions to the
held in February in the form of a
dinner meeting.
It was brought to the attention
of the meeting that a tremendous
increase has taken place in
fertilizer prices since N.F.U.
efforts have been diverted to
other areas and their vigilance in
this field relaxed.
YOUNGEST' WINNER — The youngest member of the Lucan
Homer Pigeon club received three trophies at Saturday's season
closing banquet at the Lucan arena. Tim Culbert is shown above
with one of his prize birds which he hatched from an egg.
T-A photo
To the electors of the Middlesex
County Board of Education for
Lucan, McGillivray and Biddulph
Townships, I wish to express my
appreciation to those who voted for
Jack Murdy
Compliments of the Season to all
To the
Voters o f
Your expression of confidence at the
polls was sincerely appreciated.
We look forward to representing the
interests of all ratepayers in the next
two years.
Hubert Dietrich
Frank Hardy
Joe Haskett
Poso12 Times-Mvocaf4•0 Di tuber 7, 1972
Correspondent: Mrs., Thomas Emery, Sr.
Luca ri
and district news
Phone 227.4702
Most accidents were minor,
icy road conditions blamed
Bell Canada
phone numbers
Look in the book
NFU hears of ,exchange
Six, accidents mostly of the
minor variety were investigated
this week by officers of the Lucan
Ontario Provincial Police
The least damage, $125 was
listed in a crash, November 27
when a pick-up truck driven by
Edward Driediger, RR 1, Ailsa
Craig and a dump truck operated
by Donald Fraser were in
collision on County road 19 in
Ailsa Craig, Constable W.R.
Disher investigated.
Tuesday evening, two vehicles
were damaged to the extent of
$600 when they were in a
sideswipe collision on highway 7,
a mile and a half west of Prospect
to the
of Lucan
Mrs. Elizabeth
I wish to take this
opportunity to thank
the electors of the
Village of Lucan for
their support in elec-
ting me to the village
I will at all times
serve you to the best of
my abilities.
Season's greetings
to one and all.
Drivers of the two vechiles
were Anne Duncan, RR 4 Den.
field and Ingo Krebber, Strat-
ford. Constable W.T, Hodgins
was the investigating officer.
At 9.15 Wednesday night,
Constable G.J. Barker was in
charge of investigating a crash in
Brya nsion. Involved were
Back from
vehicles driven by Andre Boutte
of London and Judith Johnston,
RR 3, Ilderton and damages were
listed at $475.
Thursday morning icy road
conditions caused a single car
crash on the Brinsley road at the
O. 4 intersection. A vehicle
driven by Lionel Robert Nadon of
Huron Park left the road and
struck a highway sign.
Constable N.A. Campbell listed
damages to the Nadon vehicle at
Early Saturday evening a
snowmobile and a truck were in
collision on County road 47 within
the village limits of Lucan. Frank
Van Geel of Lucan was driving
the snowmobile and Ross
Hodgert, RR 1, Woodham, was
the truck operator.
Lisa and Raymond Van Geel
passengers on the snow machine
with their father suffered slight
cuts and bruises. Damages were
listed at $250 by Constable W.T.
Sunday afternoon a vehicle
driven by David Elston of London
left the Huron-Middlesex County
road, a mile north-east of Cen-
Icy road conditions were
responsible for the accident and
Constable G.N. Wilcox listed
damages at $325.
Names picked
for Christmas
The Sunshine Club held their
meeting at the Masonic I-Tall
Thursday, with Mrs. Harry Bond
Sr. presiding. Thirty members
were present, and euchre was
convened by Bill Frost. During
the card games, another game
called the pant game was played
sponsored by Mrs. Cecil Neil.
and have a full-time minister on
the reserve, Rev. Earl
Stotesbury. Five adults were
received as members of the
congregation; Mrs, Stanley
Flood, from Rowntree Memorial
United Church, London; Mr. &
Mrs. David Green, from St.
Mary's United Church; Mrs.
Orville Wein, from Crediton
United Church; Mr. & Mrs. John
McDonald were also to be
Some rockets
land in trees
The Lucan Boy's Brigade had
their meeting Monday night to
get prepared for the rocket
launching Saturday. Saturday
they had varied success, and a lot
of fun launching their rockets,
with Lou Hoffman in charge.
John Armitage went along to help
out, and retrieve some from the
Friday evening Mrs. Thornton
with her helpers had their weekly
meeting of the Girl's Auxiliary,
at the church. They are prac-
ng for the girl's roram for
Mother an daughter night,
`Dec. 15.
The morning service was in
charge of Rev. Thornton. His
message was on the theme of
taking up the cross to be a
follower of Jesus, and what this
means in terms of suffering, with
the promise of home in heaven.
Rev, Thornton also was in
charge of the evening service.
Mr. & Mrs. Thornton sang a duet,
with Mrs. Thornton playing the
accordion, The message was on
the theme of the sword of the
Lord in many aspects of
judgement, and fighting for the
Lord's people.
for the
Votes for
in Biddulph
The Lucan branch of the
Canadian Bible Society had their
annual meeting after the canvass
at the United Church, Nov. 20.
The retiring president, Clarence
Frost was in charge of the
meeting. The results of the
canvass to that date were
Then the elections of officers
was discussed, Due to the few in
attendance, it was decided to
elect Jim Robertson to be the
head of the local branch, then to
write the local churches to ask
them to appoint one or two
members to compose the future
board for the next two years at
least. From this board is to be
elected a treasurer, Mrs. Eileen
Currie was elected to remain as
the secretary.
By Dec. 1 the money collected
amounted to $336,82, from all the
Lucan and Clandeboye churches.
The worship service at Lucan
United Church was taken by Rev.
W.C. Tupling.
It was white gift Sunday and
the church joined with the Chureh
school in recognizing respon-
sfbili CPU.tile real`fli`ibnian
pi nes$ of others, and in doieg .
something practical for less
White gifts again this year go to
the Indian people of the Saugeen
Reserve, near Southampton. The
Saugeen Indians are almost all
members of the United Church
UCW -bazaa
is a success
Lucan's bazaar was a huge
success. There was everything to
suit all tar tes in gift giving.
Handicraf As were a joy to and
sold very well, 'lid Christmas
cakes, shortbread, baked goods,
sewing articles and novelties.
Last but not least for the small
fry Santa Claus paid a visit which
was a very busy evening for him.
The Snowflake bazaar was gaily
decorated with snowflakes. The
tables for refreshments had a
Christmas cloth and decorations
with candles. Mr. & Mrs. Tupling
were on hand to open the bazaar.
Thank You . • •
to all voters of McGillivray, Biddulph and Lucan for
the splendid turnout and support at the polls
December 4.
Special thanks to all those who worked on my
A Very Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year to all
Kelly Robinson
Murray Abbott and Mrs. James
Mugford and daughter Julie have
returned from a trip to Califor-
Mrs. Margaret Hastings and
Johnny and Bill Eden and Billy,
Waltaceburg,were dinner guests
of Mr. & Mrs. T, Emery Sr.
Glen Johnston and Mrs. Harold
Johnston, Belmont were Tuesday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
Mrs. Anne Kish, Charles and
Jim were dinner guests of Mr, &
Mrs. T. Emery Sr. Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Sinclair
visited Thursday at the Dearness
Home in London on the occasion
of Mrs. Sinclair's aunt's 90th
birthday; Mrs. Elizabeth Lyons.
Christine Quinn was an
overnight guest Friday with
Mary Ann Ortman who has just
returned from a stay in St.
Joseph's Hospital London.
After a lengthy illness in St,
Joseph's Hospital and Exten-
dicare Mrs. Kenneth McGown
was able to return home last
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott at-
tended the funeral of Ernest
Abbott, Centralia who lived for
many years on Alice St.
Aljoe Culbert is a; patient in
Exeter Hospital. Names • were picked for the
„party-0, be held
Decettiber 14. Following the
' a tun rprOvided by Mrs, Lillian r Kelly, Olga Bond was named
winner of the pant game.
• This was birthday day, and two
members of six who had bir-
thdays in November were present.
Cake was donated by Mrs. Laura
received and their infant son,
Stephen, baptized, but Stephen
came down with the chicken pox,
along with his brother, so this
family will be received at a later
Flowers were given in memory
of Mr. Ernest Abbott, Centralia.
Last Thursday after the St.
Andrews Day, Holy Communion,
the ladies of the Chancel Guild
cleaned the brass in the Church in
preparation for the Advent and
Christmas Seasons,
Sunday, Holy Communion was
held in the Church, The first of
the advent candles was lit by
Jeffery Shipley. Faron Sovereign
and Laura MacKenzie were
presented with choir medals for
attendance and attention to the
junior choir work.
Rev. R.A. Carson preached on
the advent of the Lord. He said
most modern Christians profess
amazement that Israel did not
recognize the Messiah when He
came. Yet the recurring advent
season drives us to probe our
hearts and minds to see if we are
harboring secret images that
confuse us and prevent Christ
coming into our lives. To many
Jesus is too common, too usual,
too demanding and He doesn't
look or act like a God To know
God, we must set aside our
delusions and follow Christ, said
Rev. Carson
at home
Get me to the boxontim
Your holiday mail will be
joining a lot of other mail very soon.
This is the busiest season for
the people who move the mail.
So to be assured that your mail
roaches its destination
before the holidays,
mail before the dates below.
Dec. 13 — Out-of-town
Dec. 17 — In town
Make your holiday mail letter
perfect. Include the correct postage;
Canada and U.S.A.
Letter mail (sealed - first class) - 80
Unsealed greeting cards - 60
All,other countries (air mail)
Letter mail (sealed - first class) - 150
Unsealed greeting cards - 120
And remember the dates above.
If you meet our deadlines, we'll
meet yours.
p Canada Pastes
Post Canada