HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-12-07, Page 13Special Christmas
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COMPLETE 18 4-H PROJECTS - Seven young people received certificates at Friday's Huron County
4-H award presentations in Clinton. Shown above with their awards are Jim Fairies, Gorrie, Barry Miller
and Beth Passmore, R.R.3, Exeter and Dwight and Darcy Etherington, R.R.,l , Hensall. Missing were Ted
Kernick and Marlene Stewart, both of R.R.1, Kirkton. Beth Passmore also received a 24 project
certificate. T-A photo
RECEIVES HEREFORD AWARD — Barry Miller of R.R.3, Exeter, owner of the top Hereford calf in
Huron 4-I-I in 1972 received a trophy at Clinton Friday night from Jack Flynn of the Huron Hereford
Association. At the right is Brian Miller who won his share of prizes with a clock, watch and a trophy.
T-A photo
Former Shipka woman
dies in Newbury hospital
GETS CANNERS AWARD — Barbara Miller, R.R.3, Exeter achieved
the highest score in this year's competition of the Exeter 4-H sweet
corn club. Above, Barbara receives her plaque from Exeter Canadian
Canners manager Jack Urquhart at Friday's awards night in Clinton.
T-A photo
Many enjoy bingo
conducted by CWL
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The easy, inexpensive way
to send Christmas greetings
Beth Passmore of RR 3, Exeter
• received the Robert McKinley
citizenship award Friday night at
the 25th annual Huron County 4-H
acievement night at Clinton.
The annual award presented by
the Huron MP goes to the all-
round 4-H member in the County
each year who combines par-
ticipation 4-H home and com-
munity activities,
Beth is the 18 year-old daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Passmore
and is a grade 13 student at South
Huron District High School in
• A total of $1,000 in cash, along
with certificates, plaques,
awards and prizes was presented
to 350 4-H members from across
the county who formed 28 clubs.
Presentation of the special
awards was made by the county's
agr-cultural representative, Don
Pullen, Clinton.
A 90 per cent completion was
achieved among the members,
said Len MacGregor, extension
assistant with the county branch
of the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. It was his
job to co-ordinate the 4-H
agricultural program along with
05 volunteer leaders.
Donald Dodds, RR 1 Seaforth,
president of the Huron County 4-
H Club leaders' association
welcomed the large group at
Central Huron Secondary School.
• Assisting in the program with the
presentation of awards were
Mike Miller, associate
agricultural representative, and
Sam Bradshaw, engineering
WINNER OF SOILS PRIZE — The prize for the most outstanding
achievement in 4-H field crop clubs in Huron County in 1972 went
to Robbie Stewart of Usborne township. Above, Robbie receives his
award from Huron Soil and Crops vice-president Howard Datars of
Dashwood. T-A photo
Exeter area girl named tops
in Huron county 4-H work
Many bingo players gathered at
Dashwood Community Hall last
Friday evening sponsored by Mt.
Carmel C.W.L. Some of the
winners were Jack Hogan who
won a turkey, door prize by Mrs.
Joseph Regier Sr. Share the
wealth winners were Nancy
Finkbeiner, Clem Boland, Gertie
Fleischauer and Bernadette
Bridal Shower
A Bridal shower to honor Mary
Ellen Ryan and gvien by her
many aunts was held in the
school gym. Contests formed the
entertainment and were enjoyed
by all present.
Sisters and cousins of Mary
Ellen assisted in opening the
many gifts. Mrs. Carolyn
Woodburn read an address to the
bride and Mary Ellen expressed
her appreciation.
Anne Hall,Hamilton spent the
weekend with her parents Mr. &
Mrs. John Hall.
Wendy Trainor and friend, St.
Thomas visited Sunday with Mrs.
Mary Trainor and family.
Mary Eileen Carey, Toronto
visited over the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey and their
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Exeter brothers
entertain seniors
The Clinton Christiafi Reform
song service led by Arie Van Der
Ende was held in the auditorium
Sunday evening. Rev. Buekema
was in charge of devotions with
vocal solos by Coby Amnsing and
musical numbers by the choir.
Two new volunteers, Mrs. Van
Der Endre and Mrs. Hoogen-
doorn along with one of the
regulars, Mrs. Dale, helped with
the old-time music and sing-song
Monday afternoon, Marie Flynn,
Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and
Jerry Collins provided the music
for the activities with a good
attendance of residents and
The residents rated Family
Night this-week as one of the best.
The Heywood Brothers, Exeter
were responsible for the
program. Bob and Don sang
several favorites providing their
own accompaniment with ac-
cordion and electric guitar. Max
Ducharme joined the brothers
with his violin for some old-time
tunes. Mrs. Ryckman, a former
resident of Exeter, thanked the
assistant, both of the ministry
office located in Clinton,
June Alton, RR 2 Lucknow, who
scored 935 out of a possible 1,000
points in the Lucknow 4-H Calf
Club, won the C.S. MacNaughton
Trophy for having obtained the
highest score in the county, and
the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce award for holding the
highest score in the 4-H dairy
A 12 year old Seaforth Girl,
Dianne Oldfield, captured the
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McCarthy,
Maidstone spent Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Tom Ryan and Mr. & Mrs.
Michael Ryan and families.
Mrs, Ted Lane and girls,
Detroit, visited Sunday with Mrs.
Laura McCann.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bradley
and girls, Wyoming spent Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ryan,
Noreen Sheehan, Toronto
visited with her aunt, Mrs.
Lawrence McCann and family
last weekend.
Elect slate
at Whalen
The annual meeting of the
Whalen Community Centre was
held Friday night at the Centre.
Following the various reports
election of officers took place.
Officers for 1972-73 are:
President, John Scott; vice-
president, Barbara Wallis;
secretary treasurer, Leona
Morley; promotional committee,
Mrs. Gerald Hern, Mrs. Chas.
McRoberts and Mrs. MacLeod
Mills. There will be a pot luck
supper December 8 at the centre
to start the winter social
Mrs. Ernest Ferguson is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Saturday evening dinner guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bern
were Mr. & Mrs. Earl French,
Mr, & Mrs, Malcolm Spence, Mr.
& Mrs. Bill Brock, Exeter, Mr, &
'Mrs. Wm, Morley, Mr. & Mrs,
Larry Bern and Chris,
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ruston, St.
Marys, visited Sunday evening
with Mr. & Mrs. Earl French.
Mr, & Mrs. Ray Adams, Ailsa
Craig were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr, & Mrs. Alton Neil,
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Moffat of
London spent Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Hodgson.
Voters of
Your support at, the polls
on Monday was deeply
I shall endeavour at all
times to repay the trust
you have placed in me,
Merry Christmas to all
ratepayers and the very
best in 1973.
Huron County novice- trophy,
donated by Elmer Hayter, to the
first year 4-11 member with the
highest score,
Dianne's older brother, Brian,
as the champion 4-H dairy
showman, took the A,Y. McLean
Six special awards went to the
Edwin Miller family at RR 3
Exeter. Brian, for hying achieved
the highest score in 4-H beef clubs
received the Anstett award; for
the highest score, (excluding
score on Hereford calf,) the
Huron Hereford Association
award and a Blatchford Feeds
Ltd., trophy, for the highest score
in judging competion.
Barry Miller won the Huron
Hereford Association trophy for
his championship Hereford calf,
and the Cook Division of Gerbro
Corporation trophy for his
championship white bean exhibit.
Their sister Barbara held the
highest score in the Exeter sweet
corn club, earning her the
Canadian Canners trophy.
Three daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Tyndall, RR 4 Clinton
each took home a special award,
Susan took the Blyth Agricultural
Society and Blyth Lions Club
trophies for the highest score in
the Blyth-Belgrave 4-H Beef
Club; Karen won' a Canadian
National Exhibition shield as the
high novice judge in judging
competition, and their sister,
Wendy, 11, with the highest
score by a pre 4-H member in the
North Huron 4-H Trailblazers
Club, won that club's trophy.
Seniors enjoy
Christmas party
The Christmas meeting of the
Senior Citizens was held at the
Legion Hall, Tuesday evening,
After the usual hour of cards the
following program was
presented: selections by the
Stephen Central School choir with
'Principal Finkbeiner as director;
piano solos by Jane Hayter,
Stephen Kraft, Wendy Beaver
and Nancy Hern; accordion
selection by Shelly Weber;
puppet play, "The Purple Necked
Black Bearded Blotch"; a male
chorus; and violin and piano by
Bob Robinson and Burns
wLunchucw. as served by Unit 4 of
0t1041000100SiV0000M0M00?.0000.0. 4,001::‘50
airistnix ley
To faithful friends, old
and new, we tune up
with happy holiday
wishes, May your Christ.
mas dreams come true.
Jim, Joan, Jimmie
and Janice Jones
This'Style With Illustration
Costs $1,19 Per Inch
Minimum Size 3Ys"
Mrs. Chris Baumgarten passed
away December 2nd at Four
Counties Hospital, Newbury.
She is survived by her husband
Chris a daughter Mrs. John
(Verna) Cada, and three grand-
children, Michael, Peter and
Jane, Tecumseh. Also suriving
are a brother Charles Brown,
Bothwell and a sister Mrs. Ellis
Mason, Winnipeg.
Mr, & Mrs. Baumgarten moved
from Manitoba to Ontario in 1938
and farmed for many years one-
half mile north of Shipka. Ten
years ago they retired to live in
Funeral services were held
December 5, at the Fred
$.0:400,400400:000*.&00r4104Pg4A4 004 Pi&
SMITH — To all our
neighbors, relatives and
friends, a very merry
Christmas and best wishes for
the new year.
John and Mary Smith
and family
4.0,4,0i,4 004 0%4 vim Pi4 0+4 we we 040 0
Robinson funeral home, with
Rev. James W. Johanson of-
ficiating. Interment was at Both-
well Cemetery
Pallbearers were, Walter
Emerick, Arnold McDonald,
Hilliard Stocking, Romeo Cada,
Bill Stocking and Harry Shep-
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
& Mrs. Hugh Morenz were Mr. &
Mrs. Julius Nicklom, Mr. & Mrs.
Bill Morenz all of London, and
Sue Anne and Sandra Schroeder.
Several tables of euchre were
in play Wednesday evening at
Shipka Community centre.
Winners were: ladies high, Mrs.
Lorne Dietrich; ladies low, Mrs.
14.0).40,4Pi4 0,4440014,0,40 0,41040 we
SMITTS — Greetings to all
our friends and relatives at
this festive season. Best
wishes for the new year.
Glen, Lois and family
Jessie Rader; men's high, Jim
Dietrich; men's low, Colin Love;
most lone hands, Mrs. Verne
Sharpe. Tickets were sold on a
dressed duck which was won by
Mrs. Ada Dietrich.
Mrs. Rudy Zondag visited a
few days last week with her son
Jack, wife and grandchildren at
Grand Rapids Michigan and on
Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Co
Zondag and family, Dashwood.
Mrs. Don Baker accompanied
by her sister Mrs. David Durand,
Bayfield visited a couple days
last week in Detroit with their
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Regier.
And there's the conceited
broker with a blue chip on his
0.4.04,10400,14.000.40r4V044 SO4 a
SMYTH — To all my friends
and relatives I wish you the
joys of the Christmas season
and a very prosperous new
Tom Smyth
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+4 014 0+en 004 0,4 014 WA Pl&
This Style Costs $1.50 For 25 Words or Less
(5c Per Word After That)
All Greetings Will Appear In Issues
Of Weeks Commencing December 10 and 17
qate exeferZimesitimeafe
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