HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-12-07, Page 12We Also Have a Good Selection of DECORATION MAKERS — Christmas trees in many Lucan area homes will have special decorations thanks to members of the Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers. Above, leader Mrs. Don O'Neill helps Barbara, Maria and Bonnie Richards with special tree decorations. T-A photo vqltiVNI*IWV:3*rrzflittPitiviltiertzNi'sP,'.t•aitt;i•OftttNiv?tertz'oNill*troqteit GOLD OR STERLING SILVER harm Bracelet Gifts She'll Always Cherish A bracelet she'll always cherish. A bracelet' never forgotten and the charms she,vifill gather as a reminder of joys past . , * Royal Doulton Figurines Family Rings Ideal for Mother or Grandmother ORDER * Hummel Figures NOW Don't Be * Beswick Horses Disappointed --GIFTS FOR EVERY NAME w g ,,. ON YOUR LIST g ..,, ., o' ri-CaIntrtzti w :0 JEWELLER & g t-,1 sl ?;:,tolvgroitter:FgrtFAIPAt-zgeo et-T,e A.:1*,iltecc?evqmc*Al t4 s wgromcot ,,* I agree you are entitled to your fun, but not at our expense. I appeal to your sense of fairness and your consideration for others. Sincerely, Helen M. Hodgins * * To the Editor: After viewing the Grey Cup Parade on Saturaday and wat- ching children both elementary and secondary level performing Will dispense with dinner Exeter council's inaugural will be held on January 2 and for the first time in a number of years, will not include a dinner. Council agreed Monday to dispense with the customary dinner after the matter was broached by Mayor Delbridge. He suggested dropping the dinner and having one later in February or March with all elected and appointed officials on hand. He also wondered whether the firemen and town employees, should be invited. "It's getting out of hand," commented Councillor Torn MacMillan. He said most em- ployees were now bargaining for salaries and benefits and if a dinner was to be included they should bargain for it too. He also indicated some op- position to council's decision made earlier in the evening to provide all employees with a turkey for Christmas. He said it resulted from the type of thinking evident 40 years ago. "I'll go along with Tom," Councillor Ken Ottewell in- terjected. "It's a type of graft." Council did agree to have a minister on hand for the inaugural. "It's a good idea, let's get started off on the right foot," commented Mrs. Jermyn. eieie Mein pads romivvsts;mttite..togigrwAlq:di .3trzFg•f;*•tezilg:k:I:?4,:zii,ti.tgits:,c:ATezNgrer?grcete:Rwzwc::143:;y41::ztopvegm• weer, ragitzmognigvoqgipveregtivo , e regto :wq,erizmitgto::114:?,4tmAlroOre:itiimtmtKeertzFt-tRAtins. Snow Boots BEST GIFT GOING! From For Mom, Dad And the Kids FOAM TREADS $398 CHRISTMAS MAKE PRACTICAL GIFTS Women's SNUGGLE-BUGS White, pink, blue, purple, gold, Women's Leather From $22.95 Women's Waterproof From $11.98 Flite Bags From $19.95 Portable Bars From $17.50 Attache Cases . From $21.00 Men's LEATHER OPERA SLIPPERS si" and so" SNOWMOBILE BOOTS For Every Member of the family Children's „ ....From $7,95 Boys' — — ,From $8.95 Women's .......From $9.95 Men's ....From $ 10.95 * Overnight Cases From $22.95 * Vanity Cases From $22.95 * Wardrobe Cases From $27.95 Smyth9 s SHOE SrtoRE CHARGEX MAIN ST, PHONE 235-1933 EXETER 4tire5,0", tc 4, lip 0 Now Until From Christmas 1 .00 • ,WOOL AND WOOL BLENDS • PLAIDS AND PLAIN SHADES OFF All Men's •,DRESS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS • PULLOVERS • CARDIGANS USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN :15t :ft :,It One-Stop Shopping for EVERY :A Name On Your List P, A Small Deposit Holds Til Christmas GOULD & JORY Dial 235,0270 Exeter Ea, r) Open All Day Wednesday In December Yit Dec, 19,20,21 and 22 9:00 in doing. so we are denying our own children some real pleasure in the art,s, I cannot help but feel that our own board Of education .and, indeed the administration, are overlooking the great need in all our schools to put some culture back into the classroom. A Very concerned Helen Kleinstiver. I wish to thank those who supported me at the polls in the recent election in Dashwood. Also to those who signed my nomination paper and to anyone who helped in any way. I shall endeavor to serve you to the best of my ability. George Tieman Dashwood Trustee WIN $100 Worth bf Carpet OR Wallpaper and Paint OR Inlaid Vinyl Lorton OR Cushion Floor Air views on 'Big Toe', Snownio4a0s and talent RR 1, Hay, Ont. ( Dec. 5, 1972 Mr. Editor: Regarding Chief Day's opinions and concern over the local Coffee House "The Big Toe." It appears to me that Chief Day is totally against the concept of a Coffee House and is set on destroying it before it is given a chance, These "accusations" were for the most part unfounded and grossly exaggerated. Has there never before been a stolen car found in the area? Have our liquor laws never before been violated? Note, drugs were found "outside" the Coffee House not "inside." If the Chief is so concerned, he should first have discussed these problems with the Big Toe per- sonnel and if necessary penalized those involved before anything of this sort is sold to the public in print. Criticism when offered "con- structively" is beneficial to both parties involved and is generally welcomed but when offered "destructively" it is not only harmful and cruel as in this case but it gives the public a very one sided opinion. Yours truly Bert & Tina Vissc her P.S. Mr. Editor we expect equal space in this week's paper for the rebuttal from those staffing the Coffee House. * * Dear Sir, In reply to Chief Day's concern with the 'Big Toe' coffee house, I would like to point out just a few presumptions that he has made regarding the various articles of circumstantial evidence he has discovered. A stolen car found in the "immediate area" of the coffee house is also presumably in the immediate area of other well known stores. Perhaps they are trading in stolen goods under the counter, or perhaps there is a special mail order department for those customers "in the know". — A great number of youths visiting the coffee house are from out of town . . Heavens! Aliens! Are all visitors to Exeter suspicious characters? Are they to be frisked on entry? — On one instance youths were seen leaving the premises carrying bedrolls at 7:00 a.m. (Did the police in their sur- veillance miss them entering at 6.45 a.m. to pick up their bed rolls?) It is well known, surely that bed rolls, knapsacks, etc., are part of the transient youth uniform. — On November 26th, the coffee house did not close until 1.45 a.m. In the summer the Derby Dip closes at 2.00 a.m., therefore surely it must too suffer the same fate as the coffee house! — And so on! It must be presumed that Chief Day and the Exeter Police Department have the good of the community at heart, The coffee house is also part of the com- munity, or at least struggling to be so. The seemingly negative ap- proach of the police, and their determination to close the 'Big Toe' down as soon as possible is disappointing. If they are after specific in- dividuals, as they have implied in the past, because these in- dividuals are a hazard to the community and are stepping outside the law, then all well and good, but to sacrifice the efforts of many of the youths of the town because of the escapades and dubious characters of a few in- dividuals is particularly short sighted. The over-enthusiastic sur- veillance of the police on the coffee shop is questionable at a time when the `Big Toe' needs all the help it can get - rather than veiled threats of closure. Surely it would have been better for the Chief to have first approached the adults and the youths involved with running the place, rather than letting them know of his views through the press? Yours faithfully, David S.S. Brooks, Esq. To the Editor Last Friday evening I looked out my window to admire the effect of newly fallen snow, and saw instead two sets of snowmobile tracks through the exact centre of the flower bed which is located in the middle of my front lawn. • Being a devout coward, I have no desire to charge outdoors in nightgown and bare feet to make a fruitless attempt to read the number on a fast-moving vehicle. Therefore I cannot approach our police force with my complaint. That is why I make this appeal to all snowmobilers in this town. If we must endure your noise and air pollution, at least have enough respect for the ecological attempts of others to please, please, please spare our flowers. Some of us derive our simple pleasure from looking at the silent beauty of a winter land- scape bathed in moonlight. At least allow us the right to do so on our own property, Lorne Johnston has returned to St. Joseph's Hospital as a patient. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Davey, Exeter, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on November 30. A family dinner was held at the home of their daughter Mrs. Reg. (Leona) Elliott, Staffa. They also have one son, Donald, RR 1 Exeter and seven grandchildren. musically in bands and song, dancing artistically and banners flying, I am more convinced than ever that our own area children could do equally as well if only given the leadership and op- portunity, We are so lacking in both of these fields. Could a band not be started in the elementary level and con- tinued through secondary school? These children who are doing band work are both having and giving so much pleasure. I see the artistic ability of our own South Huron every year at the forinal dance. A tremendous expression of talent, Let us see more of it. For several years now we have listened to very lovely evenings of music produced by our own adults of the area under the leadership of one who is so very musical but not with letters after her name. What happens when these adults can no longer per- form and no young people take their places? We put so much emphasis on qualifications for everything and 20% OFF ALL ON YOUR SEWING NEEDS Open Every Day Including Sundays until Dec. 23 10 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. tr cl.ta tvgiV'ext:Ekt trl'Azfid oft WAi'q.14 01%14%%;Wiertql:tt*ttc:fliat:fltdttNi 0111.111 * Party Dresses long & short * Day. Dresses too * Palazzo Pants, Skirts, and Tops * Lovely Imported Jewellery Specials - Pant Suits - Tops - Slacks - Plaid Baggies 25% - 50% off SAVE ladles ~, ;Polyester R Knits 1 1/4 Miles South of Grand BendTraffic Lights on Hwy. 21 *AvgiviltertqAvintqAmAtoitkrmiirgektogrivittrofts:ritrkrawwtrierwAvV;t:Nre:MAItsj $031',S4141StEcAiikZOZEOWW4414***404604.41 AA.441*.:04444311.2.,g • • • How Do You Get ;9. Him to Fill Your a. Wardrobe Needs this Christmas? Simple! Fill Out The Form Below and Circle It, Or Cut It Out And Put It Beside His Coffee Cup Fill out the form below and circle it, or cut it out and put it beside his coffee cup . . or have one of the kids give it to him. Sure, be sneaky if you have to. 'sr SIZE CHART All Goods Can Be Obtained At Gould & Jory SIZE DRESS BLOUSE PANT SUIT COAT GLOVES HOSIERY SWEATERS WE GIFT WRAP FOR BUSY MEN *0'44430441-1f4:04WOW04443143ittl