HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 24STEPHEN RATEPAYERS Thanks for Your Confidence JOE DIETRICH Reeve CECIL DESJARDINE Deputy-Reeve Township of Usborne SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION POLLS Public and Separate ADVANCE POLLS November 27 & December 2 at Township Clerk's Office lot 26 Concession 1 REGULAR POLLS December 4 Poll 1 & 3 - Township Hall, Elimville Poll 2 - Usborne Central School Poll 4 - Kirkton Library Polling Hours - Statutory 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. H. H. G. Strang Returning Officer REDI-MIX CONCRETE Washed Sand & Stone (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237.3422 Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the Separate School Electors from the Town of Exeter and the Townships of Usborne and Stephen in the County of Huron; and a portion of the Townships of Biddulph and McGillivray in the County of Middlesex that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Chapter 95, a Ballot will be held for the office of TRUSTEE One to be Elected Polls and Advance Polls for the Township of Stephen will be open as designated on the Municipal Election. The Clerks of the above Municipalities shall be the Returning Officers for the vote to be recorded in his Municipality. All Separate School Electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. Crediton, Ontario November 15, 1972. Wilmar D. Wein, Returning Officer. In Grand Bend Re-Elect JOHN J. PAYNE SR. For Reeve FOR CONTINUED AGGRESSIVE AND HONEST LEADERSHIP for A Ride to the Polls on Election Day Call My Grand Bend Office 238 - 2354 Page 24 Times-Advocate November 23, 1972 Education candidates state views In view of the upcoming municipal elections, the Times- Advocate has distributed questionnaires to all persons con- testing seats on local Boards of Education. The questions are designed to give the candidates an opportunity to express their area support your bid for election to the school board? The candidate's responses follow, accompanied by the name of the Board of Education on which they are contesting a seat, reasons for candidacy and to give the readers a better understan- ding of issues at hand. The questions asked were: 1. What do you believe the main issues are in your district and what is your stand on them? 2. Why should the voters of your * * * N-1 according to equalized assess- ment of the municipality as a percentage of the local equalized assessment for the Board, At that time the Ministry of Educa- tion determined that in many municipalities the tax rates would reflect substantial in- creases and therefore "mill rate subsidy" was introduced as a further contribution by the province towards the tax payers cost. With the formation of County Boards it was intended that the identity of all former Boards would be eliminated by December 31, 1969, but because of the report of the arbitrators set up to examine the assets and liabilities of all former Boards, the Ministry advanced the date of disposition of the former Boards and it can only be predicted that this will come about by December 31, 1974. Due to this, all tax rates are set in accordance with the former School Board identity whereas originally it was the intent of the Ministry to have one mill rate applied to all supporters within the County or Counties. Again, I would predict that this will not be a reality until perhaps 1975. Meanwhile, fluctuations of tax rates from one municipality to another will continue even though the percentage of total contributions remains equal from one municipality to another. 2. Having been a Trustee of the former Hay, McGillivray and Stephen Roman Catholic Separate School Board and having been a representative to the County Board since its for- mation representing the sup- porters from the Townships of Stephen, Usborne, Town of Ex- eter and parts of the Townships of McGillivray and Biddulph, I believe that a knowledge of the background of the system as developed is an important con- sideration of the voters in the December election. My comments with respect to the cost of education and local mill rates point out some steps in history which only those with a knowledge of the past can ade- quately deliberate and assist in the decision making over the next two years. I believe that a challenge is faced in the next two years of office which can only be met by someone knowledgeable of the background since County Board formation. Great strides have been made in equippingour schools with audio-visual equip- ment, additions of portable classrooms where necessary to reduce the grades from three to two per room to improve the educational opportunities, and in the upgrading of teaehers through professional develop- ment courses to those in the system. I am prepared to represent the supporters on the Board and to work on whatever committees I may be appointed to over the next two years and kindly solicit your support at the polls on December 4. fp' HERB TURKHEIA 1. There are no main issues directly concerning this area. We must certainly all agree that the public school facilities and staff m Hensall, Zurich and Stephen Central leave nothing to be desired, and the operation of South Huron District High School is in competent hands, We would, however, appreciate the consideration of a late bus leaving the High School in Exeter at about 5 p.m. on days there are extra-curricular activities being carried out, Presently the rural students wishing to take part in such activities must find their own transportation home, and sometimes this can create problems for both parents and students. 2. I am seeking election to the Huron Board of Education primarily because I am a father with a young family — two in high school, one in public school, one pre-school. For this reason I am deeply concerned and sincerely interested in the future of our younger generation. It is my firm belief that we should all be interested in providing the best quality of education possible, without any unjust increases in the costs. As a ratepayer with two properties, I am not anxious to see our taxes go higher than they are at pre- sent. If elected, you might be assured I would also work for a better relationship between the Board and the Ratepayers. difficult to imagine how this can be feasible without such facilities as a library located within the confines of the school, The Exeter Public School has a very great need for a resource centre and surely if the Board can find large sums of money to establish offices in an old building which has long outlived its usefulness, it can spare enough funds to expand facilities which are so badly needed at such -schools as the Exeter Public School. Inadequate kindergarten facilites, as found at the Stephen Central School, is another major issue. These young people being introduced to the educational system for the first time, definitely need individual atten- tion and ideally 20 students per kindergarten class gives a teacher some chance to start these children off on the right foot. Stephen Central has beep, cut back to one overcrowded kindergarten class for the current school year. Most schools in the area are operating on a very tight budget and perhaps more control on the spending was needed, but I do not think our young people should be denied a better means of educa- tion even though it entails purchasing equipment which can be used to very real advantage in the classroom. Less money can be spent on the frills such as renovationg old buildings for fan- cy Board Offices, and this money used for the purpose of giving our children an education that is se- cond to none, I believe there is a definite lack of communication between the Board and the community. The Board seems to be so remote and isolated from its component parts rather than an integral part of the community. Frequent reports to the people on the workings of the Board could rec- tify this. I also believe that the com- munication between the Board and the Schools is rather un- wieldy. By the time information gets down through all the channels it is history, Surely there can be more direct com- munication. I also believe that more use can be made of our schools by the community. The schools should be made available and used by the people as much as possible, and perhaps then the people will feel a very real part of the school, system and realize more and more the tremendous impor- tance of good schools and good educational programs for, the community as a whole. If elected to the Board, I plan' to "speak up" for the district which I would be representing and surely between the people of the community, the teachers, and the Board, we can offer our young people the kind of educa- tion that they most certainly deserve. I solicit your support in the upcoming election. * * * The following men are con- testing the two seats on the Huron County Board of Education representing the town of Exeter and the townships of Usborne and Stephen. A. GARNET HICKS 1. Huron County Board of Education has taken seriously the speech made by the Minister in March 1968, to extend equal opportunities to all students for a continuous program from Kindergarten to Grade XIII, Special student services programs such as speech correc- tion, trainable retarded, developmental reading, specific learning disability, visual and hearing handicapped, oc- cupational and opportunity classes and other programs have been started. I believe these ser- vices must be expended when money is available. Closer relationships must be established between teaching staff, board members and the general public. I have endeavored to promote this and am prepared to spend more time on this problem. Exeter Public school definitely needs a library area, larger kindergarten space, other classroom renovations and a major overhaul of its heating plant. The representaltives from this area have brought this to the attention of the Board various times and these changes will take place in 1973, 2. When the County Board was formed many decisions had to be made in a short time, No doubt mistakes were made. However, after four years of discussion with Board members across On- tario, talking with teachers in all branches of education and con- versing with dozens of parents I feel better qualified to make further decisions in our school system. As chairman of the Vocational committee for the past two years I have endeavored to create a better understanding between the ratepayer and the school system. This year 300 more peo- ple are making use of the night school facilities. I believe my experience over the past 20 years in the educational field and the fact I have the time to make further research deserves your support on polling day. The following candidates are vying for a seat on the Huron- Perth Separate School Board, 1, * * * 4, STEPHEN 'RATEPAYERS Having served 2 years on council I again solicit your support. Re-Elect Ken Campbell Separate School Supporters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and Precious Blood, Exeter Vote December 4 Joseph Glavin For Huron-Perth Separate School Board Trustee FREE! POLAROID "BIG SHOT" CAMERA (An Excellent Family Xmas Gift) If you buy your 1973 moto•ski* NOW! FROM NOV. 23rd TO DEC. 4th, 1972 AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS * Excluding S400 and S440 Models • NO DOWN PAYMENT • Only Moto-Ski gives you a 1 year track warranty. • 14 feature-packed models priced from $595 to $1,495. • Over 300 Moto-Ski Dealers in Ontario to serve you. Lawrence Becker RR 2 L. 'diton 234-6486 umummunmummilumumnmnmumumnmumumnmumnmumumummumumumumumumumnmumumumunninmt: JOSEPH GLAVIN Apathy is a "disease" that is slowly destroying our whole country. No-one wants to run for office, and no-one wants to go to vote for those who do offer their services to their school, com- munity or country. It is an unhealthy situation where any candidate is continual- ly returned to office by acclama- tion, Voters should have the op- portunity to show their favor or disfavor of their representative's past service, and to give the said party a mandate for further ser- vice, "by their vote" if they see fit. For this reason I present myself to the supporters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and Precious Blood schools as a candidate for trustee on the Huron-Perth Separate School Board. If elected will try to fulfill the duties of the 'office entrusted to me to the best of my ability. JOHN McCANN 1. The costs of education generally are of concern to all tax payers in the province and a Committee formed to investigate these costs known as the Com- mittee on Costs of Education is 'doing a study of the problem. With current regulations, however, and the philosphy of the government that. all children have an equal educational oppor- tunity, little change can be ex- pected for the time being. The Ministry of Education sets a ceiling on the expenditures per pupil and all Boards must con- fine its costs within this ceiling. Because the regulations state that a maximum increase per pupil is allowed, it does not mean that all Boards have reached the ceiling as set by the Ministry, but the ceiling for the respective Board is reached. There are two reasons why the Board is encouraged to this level of expenditure. First, it provides for the teachers and teaching aids, supplies and equipment to upgrade the educational oppor- tunities. Second, it provides the base from which the ceiling for expenditures is determined in the following year. There is no reason to believe that the pupils of the rural communities in Huron and Perth Counties should be deprived of any educational advantage offered to the larger communities in the province. The increasing costs perpupil for education has an effect on the local tax rates but not necessari- ly in proportion to the increase in overall expenditures, Following the formation of County Boards in 1969, the distribution of ex- penses to tax payers was done The following responses are from men contesting a seat on the Huron County Board of Education representing the Village of Hensall, the Village of Zurich and the township of Hay. DELBERT L. GEIGER 1. In response to your questions to the candidates for school board I feel I have not had enough time to hear all the issues. Speaking to representatives of our two public schools I find things going along very well. I regret that I have not been able to visit with any one at the high school as yet but hope to in the near future. However, if I am elected I will certainly deal with all issues with due respect to all concerned. Education to-day is so important to our youth that improving education even more will be one of our bigger issues. 2. In reply to your second ques- tion let me say that I have been interested in municipal affairs having spent some time on local school board and served 11 years on township council. Therefore, I feel I have gained experience to be able to serve the ratepayers of Hensall,Zurich and Hay Township on the Huron Board of Education, CLARENCE McDONALD 1. There have been several major issues on the County Board of Education in the past four years. I think perhaps the budget for 1973 will be a large issue for the incoming board. In 1972 the Department of Educa- tion froze all ceilings on grants and subsidies at the 1971 level. This caused many cutbacks in programs that the Beard con- sidered important. The issue was, "What programs were to be held up? It was a difficult problem, and one that is still there for the new Board. I would think that I would support our administration on the issue if I were returned to the Board. 2. I believe that previous School Board or Municpal office experience is important to any member of a County Board of Education. I have served 14 years in total on the Exeter Board and Huron County Board of Education. All requests or problems that were taken to the Board from this area were promptly presented and I spoke on them when they were brought up. I will continue to do so. I have enjoyed serving the electors of Stephen, Usborne and Exeter the past four years and ask for your support December 4. J.K. RIDDELL I welcome this opportunity to express personal reasons for can- didacy in the upcoming municipal elections. As a father of five chilren, two of whom are attending high school and three attending public school, I have a very real interest in the educational program being offered the young people of Huron County. I would like to think that Huron County students are being given an education equal to that in all other parts of the province and it is towards this end that I would concentrate my efforts if elected to the Huron County Board of Education. In my opinion there are very definite issues which should be given due consideration by the Board. Many classrooms in our schools are overcrowded. The Exeter Public School is a good example of this inadequacy. This school has been bulging at the seams for some time now, and having had several years of ex- perienee as a teacher, I know that justice can not be done in a classroom filled to overflowing with Students. The students are not given the individual attention they require, and certainly with more emphasis being stressed on the student researching informa- tion on his own, I find it very Re-elect JOHN A. McCANN for Huron-Perth Separate School Board Representing Stephen, Usborne, Exeter, Parts of Biddulph and McGillivray EXPERIENCE COUNTS = = = = EXETER PENTECOSTAL rAIIERNACLE Eli _ = _ = - .7. Filitlinfilitililiiimitiiiiiimilrotiitiiiitiminiffiliiiiiiiminimomintlitmuilthinimiiiiiiiimoontillimilitmiiiitimiiiimillimiltimmi....7