HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 23CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Mrs. Ina Taylor wish to express appreciation to friends, and relatives for flowers, donations to the Cancer Society and the Chureh. Special thanks to. Rev, Glenn Wright, Dr. Gans, staff of Smith Huron Hospital, Dinney Funeral Home and UCW of Zion Church Uslierne. 47p Mrs. Lorne Luker, wishes to thank all who remembered her with visits cards, flowers and treats during her time in South Huron Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Goddard and South Huron Hospital for their care, 47c I wish to thank everyone who sent me cards and treats during my stay in hospital and since returning home. — Sheila Elston 4'7p I would like to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for their prayers, cards, flowers, visits at home and while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Eeker for his assistance following my accident, special thanks to Dr. Ballantyne and Dr. Lowden and nurses on 5th floor of St. Joseph's Hgspital. Mrs, Anne Ondrejlcka47c I would like to thank all who visited me, sent get well greetings and donated gifts during my stay in South Huron Hospital, special thanks to Dr. Gans, Rev. Jarvis, Miss Claypole, and her nursing staff, their kindness will ever be remembered by me, — Mary I. Easton 47p The family of the late Norman Cook express their heartfelt ap- preciation of the kindnesses shown to them in the recent loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. The beautiful floral arrangements, charitable contributions, cards of sympathy, and thoughtfulness of relatives, friends and neighbours will not be forgotten. Special thanks to Rev, Don Beck, Dr, Goddard, staff at Victoria Hospital and the Bonthron Funeral Home. 97c We would like to thank friends, who remembered Derwood with cards and visits while he was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and since returning home. Sincerely Genevieve and Derwood Windover47c BIRTHS rmiD — Mr. And Mrs. Wes Reid, RR 1, Kirkton, announce the birth-.of a daughter, Catherine Jo-Anne, November 7, on at S. Joseph's. Hospital, Lyndon — a sister for Heather,' Tracey and Holly, ROBINSON — Bob and Teri Robin- 'son announce the birth of a son, Darryl Robert, November 21, 1972 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. THORNE — Jim and Rita Thorne, London, announce the birth of a daughter, November 22, 1972 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London — grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glavin, Crediton and Mr. and Mrs.Ed Thorne, London. CARDS OF THANKS We would like to express put sincere Appreciatien to our many relatives, neighbors, and friends for their many kindnesses and sympathy shown, during the recent loss of a dear son and brother. Also thanks. for the beautiful floral tributes, donations, cards and the help shown to us while I was in London. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. — Mrs. Val Keating, Charles, Bonnie and Robbie 47p IN MEMORIAM'-- READER — In loving memory of a dear sister and ain't, Jean (Lankin) Reader, who passed away 1 year ago November 21, 1971. — Sadly missed by Jack and Kay and family. 47c WEIBERG — In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother Flossie Melinda Weiberg who passed away eleven years ago November 23, 1961. 0, how oft she comes before us. Her dear face so sweet and true, Resting now in peace with Jesus. Loving hearts still long for you. — Sadly missed by husband Fred, family and grandchildren. 47p WESTLAKE — In loving memory of a dear mother Rhoda Westlake, who passed away November 27, 1964 and a dear father Harry Westlake November 17, 1933. Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved, remembered, cherished In our memories. — Always remembered by their families. 47p ly at both sides of a problem and try my very best to take a stand which would serve the best in- terests of the people whom I represent, This can only be done by a representative who attends board meetings regularly and takes an active part in them, 2. I am a businessman and the father of three school-age children, Therefore, as a tax- payer and parent, I have a vital interest in the education of all the children in the area, Kirkton Woodham Snowblazers In view of the upcoming Municipal elections, the Times- Advocate has distributed questionnaires to all persons con- testing seats on local Boards of Education. The questions are designed to give the candidates an opportunity to express their reasons for candidacy and to give the readers a better understan- ding of issues at hand. The questions asked were: 1. What do you believe the main issues are in your district and what is your stand on them? 2. Why should the voters of your area support your bid for election to the school board? The final three candidates are contesting one seat on the Middlesex Board of Education, representing the Village of Lucan, and Townships of Bid- dulph and McGillivray. * * ROBERT H. TAYLOR 1, Issues in any election quite' often vary depending on the area involved, If I were elected to the School Board, I would look close- Reception and Dance ment of North Middlesex District High School, My concern is that the program there is not equal to that in other high schools and additional facilities are required to improve the program. 2. I believe the voters should support my re-election to the Board because of my experience in education over the last 35 years, KELLY ROBINSON 1. I feel there is concern but not really an issue over the proposed addition to North Middlesex District High School. If there is an issue, it is a concern with the "establishment" — the size of the Board rather than the Board itself. 2. I was born in the area and have lived there all my life. I feel that I know,the needs of the area, I have had seven years previous experience on the North Middlesex District High School Board and have served a term as Chairman of that Board. ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the first sitting of the Assessment Review Court for the year 1972 to hear complaints against assess- ment for taxation in 1973 in The Township of Stephen in the County of Huron will be held at Municipal Offices, Crediton, Ontario commencing at 10;00 ct.m. on December 7th, 1972. Appellants will be notified by mail of the date and time at which their complaint will be heard. bated at Newmarket this 13th day of November 1972 M. Harbinson, M.I.M.A., Regional Registrar ONTARIO PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Andrew and George Streets Vacancy Pastor: Rev. G. Reinhart 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Vacancy Pastor: Rev. G. 'Reinhart 8:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Churches of the Lutheran Hour CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. Wilfred D. Jarvis, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, November 26 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Kindergarten—Grades 1 and 2 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "Poverty in Riches" 11:00 a,m.—Sunday School to Grades 3 and up. S. ZION UNITED CHURCH CREDITON Minister: Rev. Douglas Warren, B.A.,B.D. Sunday, November 26 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Nursery for children 3 years and under. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p,m. — Evening Fellowship Hour at the Manse. All are welcome. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical 9:95 a,m,—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Sermon Topic: "The Inspiration of Noble Exam- ples" Nursery facilities and Primary Church up to age 9. 7:30 p.m. — Sermon Topic: "Praying for a Prisoner" Nursery facilities, Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study 8:00 Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist Rev. R. H. Thynrie, Pastor Telephone 235-2476 "WHERE THE WHOLE BIBLE IS WHOLLY TAUGHT" BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East 10:00 a,m,—Motning Worship 2;00 p.m.—Afterrioon Worship 3:00 p,111.—Sunday Sehool "We Invite You" EXETER UNITED CHURCH James at Andrew Minister: Rev. Glen D. Wright, B.A„B.D. Organist & Choirmaster: — Mr. Robert Cameron Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, November 26 9:45 a ,m .—Sund a y School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship For Courtesy Car Phone 235-1163 * * People can be divided into three groups: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonddr what happend. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE MAIN AT VICTORIA Rev. Austin Gedcke Sunday, November 26 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Fellowship Service Wed. at 7:00 p.m. Crusaders for boys and girls. Wed., 8:30 p.m.—Youth Time "ONLY A STRANGER ONCE" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Jack Roeda, Minister Sunday, November 26 10;00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570 CALVARY United Church of Canada DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. Bruce Guy, B.A. Organist: Miss !della Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, November 26 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:50 a.in.—Sunday School Parish of Exeter & Huron Park TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH Main at Gidley Rector: Rev. G. A. Anderson, D.F.C. Organist: Mrs. Maude Connon Sunday next before Advent Novinber 26, 1972 5:00 a.M.—Holy Communion 11:00 a,tre—Morning Prayer Sunday School and Nursery, A Warm Welcome awaits you at Exeter's oldest Church, Auction and Rummage Sale Community Centre Da shwood Friday Nov. 24 Rummage Sale — 7 p.m. Auction Sale — 8 p.m. Bake Sale — Refreshments Penny carnival for Children Auctioneers Doug and Jack Riddell 41.•••••,* All proceeds for Dashwood United Church NOTICE OF Annual Meeting Exeter District Co-op Friday, November 24 EXETER LEGION HALL Banquet 6:45 p.m. Business Meeting to Follow Banquet Tickets Available From Co-Op Directors, Staff and Store EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Annual Meeting and Dance Saturday, Nov. 25 Banquet 6.30 Dance 9.00 Slim Gordon and Orchestra Tickets Available at Credit Union Office 3,00 per person Everyone Welcome Times Advocate, November 23, 1912 Pig* 23 WHAT'S DOING?, READ THIS PACE EoWH. Kirkton Community Association Annual Meeting NOMADS ELECT OFFICERS — More than 35 members of the Ausable Nomads attended the annual meeting Thursday to elect a new slate of officers. The 1973 executive of the popular camping group is shown above. Back, left, Marie Broom, Norma Meikie, Dorothy P faff,lois Armstrong and Donna Perry. Front, Ken Broom, vice-president Alex Meikie, president Harvey Pfaff and past president Irvin Armstrong. T4i, photo Stag for Dale McKenzie Fri., Nov. 24 9 p.m. till 1 HENSALL ARENA Tues. Nov. 28 8:15 p.m. Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Everybody Welcome Three defend candidacy for school board seat TONIGHT Thurs., Nov. 23 8:30 Exeter Legion Hall JACKPOT $100 must go 1 share the wealth Admission $1.00 for 15 Rounds Extra cards 25c each or 51$1.00. Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years Of Age Will Be Admitted CARDS OF THANKS — Many thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, gifts and good wishes that made our 25th wed- ding anniversary of November 4 such a memorable event. — Fred and Butsy Parkinson. 96p I would like to thank all my neighbors and friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits which I received while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr,Ecker, Dr. Sweeney, nurses and staff on 4th floor. — Mary Rimmer 47c The family of the late Albert Vin- cent would like to thank all their friends, neighbours, relatives for cards, food, floral arrangements, donations to Gideon Bible Society and missions. To the ladies of the church for the lunch after the funeral. 47p The family of the late Andre Vandenbussche find it difficult to adequately express their thankfulness and heartfelt apprecia- tion of the many kindnesses shown to them in their recent loss of a dear husband and father, The beautiful flowers, the many donations and the thoughtfulness of the wonderful neighbors and friends are all ▪ treasured by us and will not be forgotten. Also thanks to the Lockart Funeral Home, Mitchell, 47p Snowmobile Club Dance DIXON — In loving memory of a dear daughter Eleanor Marion Dixon who lost her life four years ago, November 16. ' Time unfolds another year But memories keep you ever near, No need of words, except to say Still loved and missed in every way. — Always remembered by her mother. 47p EACRETT — In loving memory of our parents, Margaret and Robert Eacrett, who passed away November 18, 1953 and September 4, 1936, There is a beautiful road called , remembrance Where friends and loved ones meet. We will take that road in thought today To the ones some day we will meet. — Lovingly remembered by daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren, Paul, Jane and Eric Hancock. 47c JACK MURDY 1. The major issue in McGillivray area is the enlarge- gyhe Churches in the area Invite you to join them for Worship, Fellowship and Services Tender call for fuel oil PARSONS — In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Alice Parsons who passed away four years ago November 20, 1968. God looked around His garden, And found an empty space, , Ile.then.ispked down,upon this earth, And saw.our tired face. He put His arms around you, And lifted you to rest, God's garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, And He knew that you were in pain, He knew that you would never, Get well upon this earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb. He closed your weary eyelids. And whispered peace be thine, It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. for GAIL BEDARD and TONY DUCHARME (Bridal Couple) Sat., Nov. 25 ZURICH ARENA — Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband Archie and family. 47p Reception and Dance for BONNIE REGIER and PETE REGIER (Bridal Couple) Sat., Nov. 25 9-1 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by MOSART and the MELODY BOYS Everyone Welcome SNOW FROLIC local talent bazaar, table, home baking, Elimville United Church, Saturday November 25, 8:00 p.m. silver collection, lunch provided, sponsored by Elimville- Thames Road C.G.I.T, 46,47p EUCHRE PART? Shipka Communi- ty Centre, Wednesday November 29, at 8:30 p.m, Lunch and prizes. Everyone welcome. 47c Object shatters auto windshield An area couple were involved in a dangerous incident late Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ducharme, RR 3 Exeter, were proceeding east from Crediton when an object was thrown at their vehicle from one travelling in the opposite direction, Police believe it may have been a beer bottle, The object struck the windshield of the Ducharme car and shattered it on the driver's side. MEETING South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will Meet on Wednesday November 29 at 8:00 p.m. Exeter Public School, Guest Speakers; Miss Anna McFerran P.H.N. and Mr, John Gerhard M.S,W. will be with us to share their experiences working with the London aSsoelation and will tell how professional committees can work With various committees in local associations. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcmne. 47d GF-8 FLORIDA MOTOR Coach Tours - All transportation, accom- modation, baggage handling, and ser- vice of an experienced escort in- cluded, Featuring Disneyland, Marineland, Cape Kennedy, Busch Gardens, Silver Springs and Cypress Gardens at no extra cost. Reserve prior to Dec. t and save $10.00 per seat. Departing January 20 and March 3. Free 13rochureS, Fettes Tours and Travel 323-1545 Mount Forest. 47e Election officials get boost in pay Election officials in Exeter will receive a boost in pay for the upcoming municipal elections, Deputy returning officers will receive $20 and poll clerks will be paid $15, Council approved a fee of $20 for polling places with $30 to be paid for places housing two polls. CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE, Trivitt ACW Parish Hall, Friday November 24, 2-5 p.m. 7-9 p,m. baking and tea. 47c CHRISTMAS FAIR Mt. Carmel School Gym, November 25, 2-5 p.m. Country store, bake sale, white elephant, fish pond, sewing, quilt draw. Christmas cake draw spon- sored by the Catholic Women's League. 45,46,47c BINGO — Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday November 24, at 8:15 p.m. -15 regular games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25 cents each, 3 for 50 cents or 7 for $1.00, Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion. Proceeds for welfare work. 47fnc Exeter council have decided to call tenders for the purchase of fuel and stove oil for all local • pulslivbuildings: • In the past, the business has been spread around among all local suppliers. Tenders are to he called in the near future with the contract service to begin in 1973. Plumbing inspection Members of Exeter council aren't certain if the ministry of government services is "in- sisting or suggesting" that local municipalities must undertake plumbing inspections. However, they treated it only as a "suggestion" when the matter came up for discussion this week and decided to leave the matter over to see if county council undertake the employ- ment of plumbing inspectors. A letter from the ministry stated that each municipality must make plumbing inspec- tions, pointing out that the lack of such inspections results in im- proper home systems. Reeve Derry Boyle indicated county council had discussed the matter, but had not approved the hiring of inspectors because government grants were not available. He said the plumbers had urged the health unit, of which Boyle is chairman, to appoint inspectors in an effort to halt improper plumbing connections. Councillor Torn MacMillan suggested an inspector's salary could- be covered by the fees garnered for inspections. The matter was filed until a later date to see if county council does take some action on the ministry's directive. Music by THE STRINGMASTERS Refreshments Available Everyone Welcome Sgt., Nov. 25 9-? St. Marys Arena MUSIC donated by The SyldetTfrartr " Valley Boys Exeter Arena Activities THURS. NOV. 23 3-4 Girls Hockey 4-5 Grade 7 & 8 6-7 Novice 7-8 Midget 8-11 Rec League FRI, NOV. 24 2:30-3:30 Tots & Parents 4-5 Skating 8:30 Hawks vs Lambeth SAT. NOV. 25 7:30-7:30 Minor Hockey 8.10 Public Skating SUN. NOV. 26 9-12 London 12-2 Hockey Practice 2-4 Public Skating 7-11 Ausable League MON., NOV, 27 3:30.9:30 Figure Skating 9:30-11100 Hockey Practice TUE., NOV. 28 3:30-8:30 Figure Skating 8:30 Hawk Practice WED., NOV. 29 2:30-3:30 Tots & Parents 4-5 Skating 5-6 Novice No, 2 6-7 Mites 7-10 Shamrock