HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 22The Oasis Restaurant Sunday Specials • Open 4 p.m. to 8 a,m. deity (The all-night dining spot) BANQUET Phone 225-2715 for reservations VVHALeN CORNERS 5 miles north of elginfield on Highway 23 Pineridge Chalet (1 1/2 MILES WEST OF 1-IENSALL) Friday & Saturday, November 24 & 25 Featuring the sounds of Country.Music with 'JOE' OVERHOLT Dancing 9 - 1 Special Octoberfest Food ROAST SPARERIBS, PIGTAILS, BRATWURST SAUSAGE AND STEAKBURGERS, SERVED WITH SAUERKRAUT, COLESLAW OR FRENCH FRIES To reserve your table, phone; GEORGE BEER CHALET DON Mal SSEAU 262-26'13 236-4213 236-4610 ,••••Im..111•1=111•111.••••••••••••••• For An Evening o f Fun And Fellowship Thursday, November 23 The Lazy .1 Friday & Saturday Nov. 24 & 25 Al Harvey and The Blue Boys Reserve NOW ,. For Your Festive Parties AND OUR BIG NEW YEAR'S EVE FROLICA 1b Sunday, December.11 Club atross Huron Industrial Park Phone ,28.6733 DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Odds 'n Ends SATURDAY MATINEE — 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. In The Maple Leaf Lounge The Corn Shakers Toe-tapping fun for everyone MONDAY SPECIAL Steak Dinner $1.25 DINING LOUNGE OPEN MON. TO SAT. 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. AND 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228.6648 DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL $1.25 Les Pines Hotel Motel North of the Bridge EXETER Phone 235-0151 Huron County Board of Education ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the Public School Electors from the School Division of the Town of Exeter, and Townships of ..Usborne and Stephen in the County of Huron that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Chapter 95, a Ballot will be held for the office of MEMBER Two to be Elected Polls and Advance Polls for the Township of Stephen will be opened as designated on the Municipal Election. The Clerks of the above Municipalities shall be the returning officers for the vote to be recorded in his Municipality. All Public School Electors are hereby requested to govern thei-nselves accordingly. Wilmar D. Wein, Returning Officer Crediton, Ontario, November 15, 1972 and Janet. Mrs. K. Cacciotti who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Parkinson and family returned to Barrie with Mrs. O'Reilly. First euchre for Shipka By MRS. HUGH MORENZ The first progressive euchre party of this season was held Wednesday night at Shipka Com- munity Centre, Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Lorne Dietrich; ladies low, Mrs. Verne Sharpe; men's high, Hugh Morenz; men's low, Verne Sharpe; most lone hands, Bob Adams Jr. The town group were in charge of refreshments. Personals Harold Vincent and his brother Rev. M. Vincent London and Elmer Desjardine, Grand Bend left early Tuesday morning by plane for Winnipeg to attend the funeral of their uncle and brother-in-law Edward Vincent of Winnipeg. The trio returned home late Wednesday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Latta, Gary and Diane and Andrea Eisen- ba ctl! 'WAN-1W Vi§itecratittifidWri with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Devine and Fred Weiburg. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Sweitzer, Sherrie and Ronnie, Stratford, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wray Sweitzer. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz were Mr. & Mrs. John Corbett, Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chapman, London and Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams. Qucisar. color TV for 1973 DANCE Roger Quick • Food • Refreshments • Spot dances • Door prizes Friday, November 24 9:00 P.M. Reserve your table now Advance tickets $4.00 at the door $5.00 per couple Tickets available at Clark's Variety Lucan For reservations Phone 2274406 Large dance floor in the banquet room at Shillelagh Motor Hotel Lucan December 29 — The Des jardines ADVANCE TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE LUCAN Back By Popular Demand 1500 people served FRESH CANADIAN LAKE HURON PERCH Fri., Sat. Nov. 24 & 25 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. CAN EAT ALL YOU 5 1.49 BRENNER'S RED GABLE HOTEL GRAND BEND Since 1876 For Reservations Call 238-2393 Meet Your Friends in the Marlin Room Sportman's Paradise ENTERTAINMENT "Brass on Ivory" Kenny Roberts and Mac Russell Fish Fry Whether a handsome console, a table or a portable color TV, Motorola gets it all together --- the features, performance, reliability, serviceability — in Quasar Color TV for 1973. Forrest Electronics 102 Richmond St., N. Hensall Phone 262-2540 GOOD HUNTING TRIP A hunting trip to the nor1 7 1. was successful for a pair of area hunters, Shown above with a bear and deer are Louis Maseica of Crediton and Dave Ratz of Shipka. Entertainment a e enterta inment DASHWOOD HOTEL Country & Western every weekend' By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner and Mr. & Mrs. John McAllister were guests at the Harding-Denham wedding Saturday. Mary Lou Pellett, R.N., Toron- to spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs, Alan Elston. Sheila Elston returned to Toronto with her. Mr. & Mrs. Alex McFalls celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary November 13. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Lester, Brigden, visited the latter's parents Mr, & Mrs. Alex McFalls Saturday to celebrate Mrs. McFall's birthday. Mrs. Lester is a teacher in Brigden Central School and was successful in obtaining her B.A. degrse from the University of Western On- tario at fall convocation. Visitors during the week with Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Elston were Mrs. Audrey Gardiner, Exeter and Elliott McRoberts RR 4, Denfield. Diets are for people who are thick and tired of it. • Tasty Snacks • Ample Free Parking Commercial I Hotel Seaforth Ready for Xmos fair Page 22 Tim05,4%00cate November 23, 1972 I• LIVE . ENTERTAINMENT Easy Riders Just Us Thurs., Fri, 8, Sat, Nov. 23, 24 & 25 py.M13$.4()$EPH. PAR PJ( MT. C.ARME., The CWI, members are hoping for a sunny day this Saturday as they are preparing their sewing and baking for Christmas Fair. Helen McCann, Hamilton spent the weekend with hex. mother, Mrs. Noreen McCann and family. Personals John Campbell has been a patient in South Huron Hospital. Exeter for the past week. Mr. & Mrs., Hubert Carey visited with their daughters, families and relatives in Windsor over the weekend and joined in the birthday party for Paul Masse at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Ducluirme and family. Mrs. Helen Loos visited for a few days with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr. Joseph Campbell died November 16 in Detroit. He was a former resident of this com- munity. The funeral mass took place in Holy Redeemer Church November 18 anbd and interment was in Parish Cemetery, Detroit. Mr.& Mrs. Richard Ayotte and Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Regier attended their uncle's funeral. Mrs. Catherine Morrissey visited with her niece, Geraldine Harness and grandson, Brian Morrissey Sunday in Stratford, Mrs. Lois Thompson spent the weekend in Toronto visiting with her husband Parry, and Mr. & Mrs. Byron Brown. Many relatives and friends attended the Knights of Colum- bus Memorial Service Sunday for the late Lawrence McCann and John Mahoney held in Seaforth. All the young people report a very enjoyable evening together at the record hop in the school gym. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Nov. 30, Dec. 1 & 2 COMING Rampin Ravens LOOKING AFTER THE YOUNGSTERS While parents were attending dinner and the final briefing before Sunday's Every Family Visitation sponsored by the Exeter United church, children were being entertained in the church parlour. Above, Cathy and Gayle Ecker at the left and Cindy Small at the right are looking after Brenda .0,alsdon,13radley and Lori Shoebottom and David .Balsdon. T-A photo Community euchre start From 12 Noon to 7:30 p.m. Show slides of African trip FULL COURSE MEALS DAILY BUSINESSMENS LUNCH OPEN SUNDAYS 4 to 8 p.m. Where Old & New Friends Meet DINING & DANCING NIGHTLY - NO COVER CHARGE By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA McGhee at Centralia's College of Agricultural Technology, recent- ly invited members of the staff to her home to view her collection of stuffed animals, particularly her Octopi. Mrs. Coolman said that these stuffed animals can be made for a reasonable price. and Angel, London. Stephen IVIolnar,Agincourt spent a couple of days this week with his mother and visited with his lather in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Helen Coolman, Exeter and secretary to Miss Molly Woodham hunter gets moose on north trip Mr. & Mrs. Munay Neil, Mrs. Ray Shoebottom and Mary were in charge of the Euchre party in the Community Centre Monday night. The prize winners were; ladies high score, Mrs. Webster; low, Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins; lone hands, Mrs. Percy Noels; men's high, Robert Blair; low, Tom Kooy; lone hands, Percy Noels. The birthday prize went to Ralph Lightfoot. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy and Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins will convene the next party. Personals Harry Bowden, London who is visiting with relatives in Exeter spent a couple of days last week with his sister and brother-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder. Mrs. Lorne Hicks attended the W.M.S. meeting in the Ashfield Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon of last week and showed coloured slides to illustrate her recent trip to Africa. Mr. & Mrs, Wm Elliott, David and Lois attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto Saturday. Stephen Molnar Sr. has been a patient in South Huron Hospital since Saturday night. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Keller and family London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Keller's parents. Mr. & Mrs, Lawrence Hirtzel. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder were Mr. & Mrs. B. Webb, Mr. & Mrs. L. Hewitt, Mr. & Mrs. J. Martin, Mr. H. Bowden, Valerie UCW entertains I3y MISS JEAN COPELAND WOODHAM Fred Parkinson has returned from a hunting trip to the Huntsville area and was successful in bagging a moose. David Strahan, student at Queens University, Kingston spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs, Ellis Strahan and Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strahan, Jenanne and Cathy, St, Marys were also Sun- day guests with Mr. & Mrs. Strahan. Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia and Ellen visited Sunday with Rev. John Wheeler who has been a patient in the hospital at Mount Forest for some months, and also visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Wilson, Dianne and Lois, Conn. Jean Copeland and her guests, Mrs. John Rodd attended the Journal Argus banquet for the staff and correspondents, Thursday evening in the Kirkton United Church. They enjoyed the lint turkey supper put on by the Kirkton ladies and the enter- taining program by Al Munro, Norwich. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brine and Cheryl visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Fred•Doupe-et•-• Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Strahan, David and Robert attended the reception in St, Marys Friday evening in honour of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Strahan who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. E. O'Reilly and Mary Margaret, Barrie visited Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Fred, Margaret Home residents By MANUEL CURTS GREENWAY Several members of the United Church Women and their families entertained the residents of Strathmore LOdge, Strathroy, last Friday evening, Mrs. Roy Sheppard has returned to her home after hospitalization in London. Recent visitors with Mrs. Grace Stewardson were Mr. & Mrs. James Prance and Mrs. Sarah Lovie, Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Walper and family were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Trevithick. Brinsley. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Statton, Grand Bend, were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Adair. A weekend visitor with Mr. & .Mrs. Bill Clarke. was the former's father, Philip Clarke, Pt. Credit. A family dinner was held at the Village Inn, Grand Bend Satur- day evening for Mr. & Mrs, Russell Brown, on the occasion of their 34th wedding anniver- sary. A community canvass is being made this week in favour of the Canadian Bible Society. Manuel Curts is one of the canvassers so: By the way - What is the proper approach to a strange dog barking and wagging its tail? Which end should one believe? 144.• By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Mr. & Mrs. Wm Routly visited a few days last week with Mrs. Don Willcox and family Kitchener. S. McFalls, Brucefield visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm Routly. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym visited Sunday evening with Bert Lobb. Clinton. Taxandrio Dances with THE DESJARDINES Sat., Nov. 25 —Sat., Dec. 9 New Year's Eve Dance Sun., Dec. 31 Meal Included — Free Hats and Horns $15.00 per couple Don't be disappointed — Order your tickets now! Call 828-3896 — Arkona Friday & Saturday [Mite November 24 & 25 The Nashville Band Country Wally & Jimmy C Come early and stay late 164.4a1IIIIIII1411.1III.Ii41.11•111•64110•4•1/ 4114•114•141.1141I11111.041.1.1•1)44/10/11/Whill.44ISITIIIIIIIIIIIIIalkadIII•1011.11:00M111.1111011611111I4