HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 19NOTICE
To The irlectors of the
Village of Lucan
Monday Nov. 27, 1972
Sat. Dec. 2, 1972
Mon., Dec. 4, 1972
All polls open
from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. Clerk in the Municipal Office
Village of Lucan
D.T. (Terry) Wade
Total Insurance Service
Auto — Fire — Liability — Glass
Sickness and Accident Income
Life — Pensions — Surety Bonds, etc.
I would be happy to discuss your
particular Insurance needs. Call today or
at renewal time.
Phone Crediton 2344368 orLucan 2274061
Township of Biddulph
Municipal Election
for the purpose of electing 1 Deputy-Reeve, 3 Councillors, 3
Trustees for the Police Village of Granton. 1 representative for
the Middlesex County Board of Education and 1 represen-
tative for the Huron-Perth R.C.S.S. Board,
Take notice that the first advance poll for the, Township of
Biddulph will be held on Monday November 27, 1972 from
11 a.m, to 8 p.m. at the Biddulph Township Building, Luton,
and the second advance poll will be held on Saturday
December 2, 1972 from 11 a.m. tog p.m. at the fire hall in
The regular polling day will be on Monday December 4
from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the following polls.
Poll No, 1 13icidulpR Township Building Local':
Poll No. 2 Dean Gibson lot 10 con. 3
Poll No. 3 John Dewan lot 27 con, 8
Poll No, 4 fire Hall, Grantor:
Returning Officer
To the Voters of
Biddulph Township
I pledge an honest and common
sense effort to the job of
Deputy Reeve.
Your support on December 4
would.be appreciated.
Fred 0. Dobbs
illii11111111111111111111111 lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111117.
To the Ratepayers of the
Corporation of the
Village of Lucan
Under the new Ontario Property Tax Credit Plan,
residential and farm property taxes levied and due
in 1972 must be paid by December 31.
The payment of these municipal taxes will enable
you to receive full credit under the Ontario plan On
your 1972 income tax return.
Clerk ,Treas.
Your property is a prime investment—
but only if it is well cared for.
Check over your property now and
arrange to repair and renovate as needed.
Gbt the estimates from your supplier-
contractor. Get the money from V and
G. Get the satisfaction that comes
from knowing you have enhanced the
worth of your investment in your
VG The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely to serving
the people of Ontario.
Don't send
This holiday season
make sure your letter mail
isn't "Short". Be certain that
you have enough postage
on the envelope.
Here are the rates for
mail under 1 oz.
Canada and U.S.A.
Letter mail
(sealed - first class) -
Unsealed greeting cards - 60.
All other countries (air mail)
Letter mail
(sealed - first class) -150.
Unsealed greeting cards-120.
Remember also the
dates for holiday mail.
December 13 for out-Of-town
and December 17 for in-town.
For foreign
deadlines,air mail,
surface letters
and parcels,
please consult
your local
If you meet
our deadlines, Well! meet
Fig Canada Postes 11.r Post Canada
TimesAcIvocate, November •23, 1972 Page 19
Ch .tinge in program k
for UCW meetin9
Bishop confirms candidates
The U.C.W. made a quick
change in program as the sur-
prise snowstorm arrived. Instead
of the Bible Society Building tour
and film with Rev. J.C. Thomp-
son the meeting was held at the
church. Mrs. W.C. Tupling led in
a devotional period with the
theme of "Peace". Several
ladies read scripture selections.
A meditation by Dr. Norman
Vincent Peale was read entitled
"Get some Rhythm into it!"
Someone once said that the
rhythm of the universe is the
heartbeat of God. It is this
rhythm we seek in order to live in
The United Nations hymn was
sung. A brief review of task of
United Nations was followed by
coloured slides on. U.N,I.C.E.F.
It was pointed out that local
governments contribute one and
one-half times as much as we
have given to meet the emergen'
cy needs .of children
The president, Mrs. M.H.
Hodgins thanked those taking
part before conducting the
business meeting when plans
were discussed for the annual
bazaar to be held December 1,
LADIES WIN WASHERS — Two Lucan ladies were fortunate enough to win dish washers in a recent
contest sponsored by Inglis to celebrate the manufacture of one million washers. Above, Mrs. Ross
McRoberts and Mrs. Alan flodgins receive congratulations from Steve Storey of the sponsoring store,
Wraith-Storey Hardware. T-A photo
Advent is the season that begins
the Church Year. It is a time to
prepare for Christmas, the com-
ing of God into the world in the
person of Jesus Christ.
The Every Family Visitation
will continue until each family of
the Parish is visited.
On Thursday, November 30th
there will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion, This is St. An-
drews day, and he is the patron
saint of Missionaries, It was he
who brought his brother Peter to
Jesus. So the women of the
Church meet to participate in the
Holy Communion on his day.
St. James' Anglican Church
At the recent meeting of St.
James Cemetery Board it was
decided to have the ornamental
evergreens trimmed, the fence
repaired at the road and a new
fence put around the Cemetery
Ask no charge
in driver course
A delegation, representing the
Middlesex County Safety
Association asked the Middlesex
County Board of Education to
make Driver Education available
to all eligible secondary school
students at no fee and if possible,
as an optional credit course.
Trustees agreed to investigate
and report on the cost of such a
In other business, the board
approved a 1972-73 school year
instructional skating program
for Lobo and London township
schools. Instruction to be given
at the new Ilderton arena will be
financed as a public service by
the Ilderton Lion's Club. It is
expected that 859 students from
grades III to VIII will take part
in the program.
The Board also approved in
principle an experimental grade
VII French course for 1973-74 at
Prince Andrew and Oxbow
schools under the direction of
Prof. W.E. Kieser, of Althouse
College of Education,
Plans were made to insulate the
cemetery chapel, and install
eavetroughs. In the Spring the
new range is to be completed and
the gravestones are to be sup-
ported where needed.
At the service Sunday Rev. R.
Carson preached on the Problem
of Wealth. He said Christianity is
a materialistic religion. All the
stories in Luke concerning
wealth extol the good steward
who puts his money to work to
make more money. The love of
money is condemned such as the
foolish man who tore down his
barn and was going to rest and
live on his stores.
So Mr. Carson said ascetism
or self-denial is not the answer,
He said people need to be able to
look at the situation critically
and analytically and discover
where they are. Then they need
to adopt the 5 percent church
giving so that the Church will not
have to spend so much time on
the need for money and will be
able to spend time on evangelism
and social service,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs.
John Park,Mrs. Jack Murdy and
Mrs. Ken Carter were among the
many who attended the bazaar
and tea held Wednesday at the
McCormick Home, London.
In spite of winter's first snow-
fall and slippery roads, Miss Lina
Abbott had on display 14 of her
dolls which had been ordered for
Christmas. She could readily
have sold all of them and though
she did take orders for 15, had to
refuse all Christmas orders, Miss
Abbott has now sold 201 dolls
since going in the doll business in
June 1970.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott have
returned home from a two day
visit in Wiarton with Mr. & Mrs.
Allan Tindall,
Mrs, Mildred Stoner, Watford
spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Prince.
Mrs. Tom Hepburn, nee
Audrey ReviligtOn;"lia'S opened 'a'
Small shop of ladies' and teen's
apparel at 1127% Richmond St.
London, above Well's variety
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Palmer &
Mrs. Helen Palmer, Hamilton
spent the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Archie Sinclair.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prince and
Mrs. Mildred Stoner visited Mr.
& Mrs. Milton Berger, Seaforth.
Mr. & Mrs, T. Emery Sr. were
dinner guests Sunday of Mrs.
Anne Kish London.
Murray Abbott, Centralia and
Mrs. James Mugford and
daughter Julie are spending two
weeks in California where they
will attend the marriage of Linda
Abbott, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Clayton Abbott November 24.
Mrs. Fred Pierson, nee Annie
Guildfoil, Barrie called on Lina
Abbott last Tuesday at the
McCormick Home. The Guildfoil
family lived across from the old
Lucan high school some 70 years
Lynn Emery and Christine
Quinn visited Mary Ann Ortman
in St. Joseph's Hospital London,
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Quinn visited
Mr. & Mrs. John Smith of Lon-
don, Saturday.
Lady passes
at Rest Home
Mary Caroline Young passed
away at the Bluewater Rest
Home, Zurich, November 17,
She was the daughter of the
late John and Angelina Young,
Crediton and is survived by
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held
from the Murdy Funeral Home,
Lucan, November 20, 1972 with
Rev, W.C. Tupling of the United
Church officiating.
Interment was in Exeter
Now Hear This - Now Hear
This - Apparently many of our
members have forgotten to com-
plete the form which was in-
cluded in the November bulletin
requesting the ages of their
children 8 years and under , who
will be attending Branch 540's
Children's Christmas Party.
Remember there was a
deadline date set-Saturday,
November 25 and that is this
Saturday. It is imperative these
forms be completed and
forwarded to allow Santa time to
obtain the gifts.
Sorry, but no forms will be
accepted after November 25, It's
up to you - if you have lost or
mislaid the form give the lads at
the bar a call on the telephone
and let them have the informa-
tion required.
Most of the accidents in-
vestigated this week by officers
of the Lucan Ontario Provincial
Police detachment were of the
single vehicle variety.
The only accident involving
two cars took place Saturday on
Market street near Main in
Lucan, Damages was listed at
$125 by Constable Denny. In-
volved were vehicles driven by
Hubert Kennes, RR 5, Parkhill
and Ronald John Sprague of Lon-
Two single car crashes oc-
curred on Middlesex County road
23. On Thursday, a wheel came
off a vehicle driven by Arthur
Darling at Concession 12 and 13
causing $150 damages. Constable
Jim Craig was the investigating
Sunday, Douglas Hopps of Lon-
don lost control of his vehicle on
Concession 12 and 13 and went
into the ditch causing damages of
$400. Investigating was Constable
The other two mishaps during
the week were caused by slushy
and slippery road conditions.
Friday, damages of $1,000 were
incurred when a vehicle driven
by Randy Grizdak of Egmonville
went in to the ditch on Conces-
sion 2 and 3 of Biddulph township.
Constable Jim Craig in-
Explorers watch
Twelve members of Lucan and
Clandeboye explorers met
together with Wendy Hearn con-
ducting the opening ceremony. A
film strip on children of
U.N.I.C.E.F. was shown.
Blue star books of prayer were
displayed. Mrs. Don O'Neil told
the red star girls about the ex-
plorer picture "Follow Me." The
blue & gold girls met with Mrs.
Bill Frogs and discussed
U.N.I.C.E,F, projects in several
Parents and friends are invited
to next expedition December 7.
Santa and Branch 540 do not
wish to disappoint any of our
children, if we haven't a name -
there just won't be any gift. It's
as simple as that.
Remember this party is for the
children of all members of
Branch 540 and all Members have
received a branch bulletin, now
the rest is up to you. Please don't
embarrass Santa, submit the
form now.
Let good old Branch 540 give
you the Bird, the Early Bird that
is, submissions are coming in
great Comrades, how about
yours. Don't forget pay your dues
now and get in on the Early Bird
draw. That Early Bird cer-
tificate is going to look nice on
our club room wall, however we
still have a few to go before we
qualify. Come on now get behind
Comrade Jim Simpson, 540's
The final accident of the week
took place Monday on highway 7
at the Highway 23 intersection. A
vehicle driven by Robert Gee, 130
Market street, Lucan was
damaged to the extent of $80
when it went into the ditch.
Constable C.D. Auger in-
Ken Hardy
tops drivers
Ken Hardy wasn't on hand to
receive his award of a clock
radio, but the young Lucan
horseman, wound up as the
leading percentage driver during
the 32 night meet at Western Fair
Raceway, which concluded
Saturday night. Mr. Hardy wound
up with an average of .442. He
had 15 firsts, 10 seconds,
and 10 thirds for 215 points in 54
Village law
WI roll call
The Lucan Women's-Institute
meeting was held at the home of
Mrs. Wes McGuffin. Nineteen
members answered the roll call,
by stating an existing by-law in
the village. The motto was to say
a small item on Remembrance
Plans for the Christmas
meeting were discussed. It Was.
decided to hold it at the Masonic
Hall, December 13, A pot luck
lunch will be held,
The life of John McRae author
ofInFlander'sFieldswas read by
Mrs, Frances Saward. The motto
was Do not itch for something for
which you are not prepared to
Mystery prize was won by Mrs.
Wes McGuffin,
energetic membership chairman
and put the Action Branch over
the top.
Did you happen to see the photo
of Comrade Dandy Boy in the
club rooms. Well he's there,
Comrades and what a beautiful
sight to behold. And believe it or
not some lucky person is going to
take the real live one home just
prior to Christmas. Dandy Boy is
a registered Dachshund from the
kennels of Alex Macintosh.
Comrade Alex presented him
to the Branch for a draw, the
proceeds of which will go into
Branch 540's Building Fund, If
you are interested you can pick
up a ticket from either Carl or
Li'l Len.
Our Sports Officer Comrade
Li'l Len Fisher advises 540's
Branch Tuesday night mixed
sports program is going great
guns with good participation and
there is still room for more. This
is a fun night folks for all classes
of membership in good old 540.
So grab your partner and come
on over to Action Centre every
second Tuesday and get in on the
fun. There are sports for
everyone - darts, cribbage,
euchre and shuffle board - and -
at the end of the season you will
be able to attend the annual
presentation of awards banquet
and dance. Give it a try Comrade
you will be glad that you did.
Hot Tip - Santa advises he still
has some openings for any non
profit organization that would
like to use his services. Branch
540 is most happy to have an IN
with Santa and all that is
necessary is to call the Lucan
Legion at 227-4751 or Sid Daley at
227-4216 - and leave a message for
Santa as to when you would like
his services.
Incidentally there is absolutely
no charge as Santa just loves to
meet with the children of the
• And that 30 for this week -
remember-Prejudices are the
chains forged by ignorance to
keep men apart.
Former resident
dies in hospital
Mrs,. James Mackey, the
former Mary Grace, Lucan, died
in St. Joseph's Hospital,
November 15, 1972 in her 87th
She was predeceased by her
husband, and was the sister of
Mrs. Harold (Cecila) Ryan,
Lucan, Edward Grace, Port
Colborne, and Joseph Grace,
London. She is also survived by
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral mass was said from
St, Patrick's Church, Biddulph,
by Father J. McGraw, November
18, 1972. C. Haskett and Son
Funeral Home, Lucan were in
charge of arrangements.
Interment was in St. Patrick's
At the recent meeting of the
Anglican Churchwomen presided
over by Mrs. K. Kraut the presi-
dent, Mrs. D. Ankers showed
slides of her recent trip to the
Rocky Mountains.
Sunday evening the following
candidates were confirmed by
the Bishop of Huron Right
Reverend Carman J, Queen B.A.,
D.D.: Robert Bradley Allan Car-
son, Brian William Concannon,
Kevin Gerald Gilmour, Roger
Gerald Stanley Lewis, William
Harold Lewis, Michael Alan
Scott, Michael Clare Stanley,
Ruth Ann Atkinson, Nanci Dawn
Elizabeth Carson, Cheryl
Lorraine Davis ; Wendy Anne
Kraul, Donna Marie Marlott,
Anne Christine Revington, and
Barbara Jean Shea.
Bishop Queen spoke to the can-
didates and a large congregation
on the Ten Commandments.
Among other things he
emphasized that the Com-
mandments are not out of date.
They shouldn't be bent, broken or
The flowers in the Church Sun-
day were in memory of Mrs.
Mary Mackey.
Next Sunday, is Stir-up Sunday,
the Sunday next before Advent.
Santa's last call
Twp. of
will be received at the clerk's
office, 171 King St., Parkhill from
9:00 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 23, to
5:00 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 27
for the office of
one councillor
Returning Officer
Most area accidents
involve single vehicles
Middlesex County Board
of Education
McGillivray Township, Licari and
Biddulph Township