HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 16CENTRALIA - Repair Garage for Sale, Excellent Business including repairs for local farm trade, Steady all year, well established for over 30 years. Included with above, 3 bedroom house. See below. 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, included with above Garage - not for sale separately until after Garage has been sold, Living room, Large modern kitchen, office or den, sun porch and utility room, oil heat, good repair. Terms can be arranged on above property, EXETER - 2 Building Lots - Alexander St. N. on road to Curling Club; across from Riverview park 70x125. Sale price $2,500 each. EXETER - Serviced building lots, Dow subdivision, one of the fastest growing areas in Exeter, Buy now and save. Phone 235-2420 J A. KNEALE M. J. GA1SER EXETER H , in. I op DISPLAY (Wwthilais! Col to 5100 Able Agents iTSP rnishing" b 9C Y ci;;70;i7I'VdiTtiVe 79";;Ini7wvori2 110Y/MAN RECEIVING CLERK $7r- EGU1 42 110Y/ Et31J I -so tuUlT TOYS, ASCU' JOTS, inItY' A ROY, el pd 7S K IIKP61-4r0 sae ok-us the USA-- arrIc your sal of $4700-6302 exonall get. CA ENCY 7 E 62 Pee*IIKR 141AistitiES 5th W 160 BwaY nd 0111-i*OFCE A *ENT St )•pe oo •••••• e• • lea crt. Drake Asince; 110lwi; CIV ENG-EEC GRAM, TO $7M Sanitary or ate ,' 0 co, f e Pd CLERK Numbfri heating sugelY ere Hirt todaiwyt,, Pt AhkoKailERI. Ale:Cu Yr • IA) W 1/ pricing estimai no' Cell Gt.' 6940 - - "Ariergritin"-50.9"Scle h l .0A CLERK, OK' CO; AGEN C Y, 1044 E CLERK.Tyelst. lecrtir 75 HORN Agency G.!(111.inERAKgs ' incliWiy"50981 figs, SM CLKAsst Exec Ty Gd dells, Griffith A CLK/ Teletype, ex, reg. 550 90 Griffith litosoi5 0OF Trok Th ad MGR5 AgencY 125 11 W 42 CFEE SH ,,,....,1,4 An" .A, 1/....f•t 0. 0.0.0.• °WY lo brea k into publishing field 390 Gloria Agency, 152 W 42 FolTi. AO t de Meg UP to GOR 42'112401 ,., I tilittIA Illed P S6 5 Ay *DYER ensl, troreen6 shoe me. to SUS Gerare7Merrril Agency, 37 W. 39 to414 elt6" cy 507 e-$6• nor-train wry, 475 St- layout eye, 01 , • 489 5TH AVE Jr 1-..1710-pfon Err St 2L16 Jr Sa-170 rren St NYC etel,"TnAtiy }It 4 ency. tenet gent,' E PA1 IAN • dig Age /A oR nyert t ass re ► EST. 11K- F.C.-.. , 1 Volume Beeler-;-N Y C. vitmit :41 71.s... Waite. Asgearnt7N., 271 Madisons9, (401 ITI1t1T(firEltlyelst * laurel pittkp a k -olithiro* CO, TOO PECIALTY AGENCY, 115 W. 42 RM 202 LIN AGEN Hide LY , 4 9/5 W CLERICALS-ACCTG S70.85 110 St KELLOGG SOTS, ACCURA, gene), E rn 6000 $130 Auer , LO 3,4331 Y, 509 5 A, tng Don Griffith AgencY. Ave D SWIFT "MRtP A GE CY 9 EE, Pip° dee, dsgn left FIFO. eN14. ..R101!FTRAMO'ST PC,"tA' F CONTACT Agency No IS r, E MU 5.1674 rrt CASHIER-CHECKER *Wt.-Office, nice type, A. co, Abbinpton Agency, 1 John St Rm November 23 5 Help Wanted 9 Services Page 16 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1962 CADILLAC 4 door hardtop with power steering, brakes, windows and seat, fair condi- tion, priced reasonable. Phone 236-4961 days or 236-4661 eve- nings. 45:46:47c '66 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2 two door hardtop, vinyl top, radio with echo master, rear speaker, snow tires included, in good condition. Phone 234- 6226, 47c '65 OLDSMOBILE 4 door sedan with radio, power steering, power brakes; has been certi- fied, Phone 235-0405. 47tfnc 9 Services Custom Processing 13 For Sole CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals es for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1,25, 5c per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum 806. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3'Ac per word, minimum 70c, SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1,30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch, BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1,25 plus 10c per line of verse, COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 Classifications HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL '72 SKI-D00 Olympigue, like new, $525. Phone 235-2458 or London 439-7572, 44tfnc ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, skip- plies. Jerry Mothers Typewrit- ers, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2tfnc ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H: Walker,, 17 Nelson St, Phone 235-0722, 6: 25tfn c WHY BUY an adding machine or typewriter? The T-A has an attractive rental-ownership plan on Victor adders and Smith Corona manual or electric port- ables, Rine EXPERIENCED RUBBER LINERS L Lost, Strayed .2. Found 5. Help Wanted 6. BtssineSs Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanter3 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales FOWL, CHICKENS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Government Inspected CLINTON!, ONT. We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. NEEDED IN TORONTO AREA RODER TURKEY FARMS LIMITED ARKONA, Ont. Phone 828-3335 47c Must be willing to relocate. Dead Stock Removal 13 For Sale TOP WAGES PAID WE PAY UP TO $15.00 FOR FRESH DEAD or DISABLED COWS and HORSES according to size SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE AS A SERVICE TO YOU. One of our trucks is in your a (r5e1a9) d a8i8l y. DIAL 7 9 3 3 4 (Collect) Licensed through Department of Agriculture No. 362-C-72 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 47tfnc TOWERS TOWERS TOWERS - 37 foot tower wills antenna, $79.95. Complete line of Channel Master antennae, rotors, boost- ers. TV technicians do the in- stallations. Free estimates. The Tower King. Max's TV and Ap- pliances, Grand Bend. 238-2493. 14tfnc '72 SKI-D00 Nordic 440, 28 h.p., electric star t, speedometer, tachometer and cover, 5 hours running, single trailer. 244 Main St., Exeter, 235-1533. 46tfne MASSEY FERGUSON PLOW 3 point hitch, 3 furrow 12 inch bottom, spring loaded, good condition. Jack Taylor 229-6472. 40tfnc CALL COLLECT 482-9811 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIEP VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else. License No. 237-C-71 4ltfnc Jobs available immediately. Please submit resume to: BOX TRS Exeter Times-Advocate 46:47c SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 42tfnc 'I Lost, Strayed PLEXIGLAS - Clear or colors. Snowmobile and ski-boose wind- shield plastic. Signs by Web- ster, Exeter. 235-0680. 48tfnc QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS at factory outlet prices. First quality only. Signs by Webster, Exeter 235-0680. 38tfnc NEW SNOW BLOWERS .- 6 ft. auger and fan, $485.00. Hamil- ton's Machine Shop, phone 235- 1655. 41-52c SIMPLIFY Y 0 U R Christmas shopping. In business 20 years. I sell all magazines anytime, anywhere. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall. Phone 262-2278. 44-51c APPLES-pick your own- Nor- thern Spys, Macintosh and De- licious; 2 bushels for $5, Bring containers. Easy picking. Well coloured, quality. (These ap- ples were not frozen.) Come soon. In our storage we have the above apples plus Court- lands. Ross Middleton's Or- chards, 1 mile east of Bay- field, north of river. 44-47c STILL MISSING - one steer, probably Hereford. Phone Bob Down 235-2557. 47* 9 Services 9 Services GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lit. can Dead Stock. Phone Strath- roy 245-0838 or Linen 227-4312. License No. 202. 11:5tfnc ANYONE WISHING TO have their barns whitewashed, con- tact Wm. Watson. Phone 237- 3306 Dashwood 20tfnc ORNAMENTAL IRON - Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236-4242. 18tfne REDI-MIX CONCRETE - De- livered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work Free estimates. McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood. Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422, 14tine HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439, Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan. 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10tfnc ARE WE TOO "CHOOSY" ABOUT THE PEOPLE WE HIRE? 5 Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION WORKERS re- quired. Phone 236-4081 after six. 44tfne OIL SPACE HEATER, used oil furnace, 227-4500. 46:47c Maybe so, We are looking for very special people, Are you mature and genuinely willing to spend at least 12 hours a week to start? Begin part-time, graduate to full-time. We sup- ply everything but the ambi- tion, No experience or invest- ment required. Car required. It will take 1 hour of your time to learn about this opportun- ity. Apply to Ron Anderson, St. Pauls, phone 393-5387. 4'7:48:49c TRY THE AVON WAY to a profitable business of your own during hours you choose. It's easy to get started. One ter- ritory available in Usborne and one in Hay township. Call evenings Mrs. Millson, London, 451-0541. 44-47c HELP REQUIRED for nursing home, nursing care and house- keeping staff. Call 235-0810, ask for Mrs. Davis. 47c PART-TIME afternoon Christ- mas help for store in Exeter. Apply to Box "BLP", Exeter Times-Advocate. 47c PART - TIME HELP for Les Pines Hotel. Apply in person. 47c SIGNS BY WEBSTER 10 Livestock For Sale PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, back fat probed, indexing to 120; also commercial boars, Thomson Bros„ 229-6117. 46:47:48c CRAFT KITS • CANDLE MAKING • SCULPTURE • ROCK POLISHING • STITCHERY • WEAVING • JEWEL KITS • STRING ART Ideal for all ages. DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home, Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc Specializing In COMPLETE SIGN PROGRAMS FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS 8 HEREFORD and white-faced cows with calves at side. Phone 235-1971 after 6 p.m. 47* COW & CALF HERD, 20 cows, 18 calves; also polled Hereford bull; cows mixed breed, most- ly part Hereford. Phone 236- 4735. 47:48* HOLSTEIN BULL calves - Bob Galloway, 234-6279, Crediton. 47:48c PHONE 235-0680 EXETER 38tfnc COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OLD BARNS torn down and removed. Call 227-4590. 46:47c CALL NOW for lessons on guitar, organ, drums, accord- gin. Phone 235-0940 or 235-2321, 46:47c MACMILLAN'S MAIN ST. EXETER Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck 47c INSTALLATION AND SERVICE needed for Christmas season RELIABLE PERSON to work evenings and weekends. Must be able to do heavy work and assume responsibility. Phone 235-1413. ' 47c ASSEMBLY 'WORKERS for sec- ond shift, 3:30 p.m. to 11:55 p.m.; also third shift, 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Hall Lamp Company of Canada Ltd., Hur- on Industrial Park, phone 228- 6605, Extension 37. 47c NEILSON REFRIGERATION LACOMBE BOARS, purebred, serviceable age; spot Lacombe boars, crossed, 5 months old. Emerson, .,Penhale, 239-,8203. 12 Can, Trucks For Sale 1969 AUSTIN Mini "Cooper", low mileage, •new paint job, radio, rally wheels with radial ply tires, immaculate condi- tion. Call 235-2994 nights or 235- 0173 daytime. 45tfn '64 FORD Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop, $150. Phone 238-2903. 470 IN EXETER BUYING A NEW CAR? Protect your investment with rust- , proofing. Available at Don Tay- lor Motors, phone 235-1100, Ex- eter. 47eow HAVE YOUR COATS, dresses and skirts shortened or length- ened by Tess Romaniuk. Phone 235-1534, 47:48* DRESSMAKING - Pant suits, f or m al s, bridesmaid gowns, men's pants. Call Ruby to make them, reasonable. Mile north of Lucan, 227-4247. 47:48c BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK Register with your CANADA MANPOWER OFFICE in Huron Park 47c PARKHILL 294-6321 44tfnc LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD, 8 Situations Wanted BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING 235-1640 5:9tfnc Exeter BOOKKEEPING - Experienced, at my home. Payrolls, ledger work to trial balance. Complete income tax service for farm- ers provided. Phone 237-3469 Dashwood after six. 38tfne MZFAR LAN E CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available, We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19tfnc EXPERT REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 235-1081 from 12 till 1 or after 5 p.m. 16tfnc REAL. ESTATE BROKER 434.8824 FARMS LONDON 9 Services EXETER 4 BEDROOM HOME, 2-storey, vinyl siding, 2 baths, large modern kitchen, dining room and living room, Large well established lot. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING - H. T. Dale, phone 482-3320. 25-52* DASKWOOD AREA: 100 acre level clay-loam, 92 workable, good 72' x 72' barn, 52 ft. silo with unioader, 3- bedroom, 11/2 storey home, good condition, near school. Vendor will hold mortgage. CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain, beans and corn. Ted Oud, RR 2 Hensall. 262-5075. 30tfnc VACUUM CLEANERS BRICK RANCH 3 extra large bedrooms, modern spacious kitchen, dining room with built in china cabinet, electric heat, 11/2 car garage, plenty of trees. Asking $26,900 EXECUTIVE HOME, stately mansion on extra large well treed lot. Large entry hall with curving stairs, Also back stairway. 2 large living rooms, dining room, 18 foot modern kitchen, 2 pc. bath. and pantry, 2 storage, rooms at rear, 4 large bedrooms, large bathroom and plenty of space for fifth bedroom. Full basement and oil forced air heat, Sharp condition. DUPLEk older frame single storey, each unit - ntaining living room, dininr,k /O, 1 bedroom and 3 pie, cAdVnd basement oil space heat,-.-?, needs work but has good potential. Large lot. Asking $8,500, COTTAGE two bedrooms, living room, dining- roe rN and kitchen, 3-pc. bath, oi' heater, new wiring, in: .,rig, needs some work, but 6..),A1 possibilities, good corner lot. Asking $6,500, 2-STOREY BRICK HOME 83 Highway, 6 miles east of Exeter, large older 3 bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen, new oil forced air heating, needs some work. BACKHOE WORK - Also sewer connections; septic tanks and drain beds installed or serv- iced. Pete Butler, Lucan. 28-48* CENTRALIA AREA 110 acres, 100 acres workable, large L-shaped barn, small 2 bed-room brick house, new 55' silo. $11 ,000 farm credit mortgage now established, 200 ACRES nearly all workable, large L-shaped barn, needs some repair, 3-bedroom 2-storey home. FOR RENT: CLANDEBOYE Modern one and two bedroom apartments in new complex, $1154130. SALES & SERVICE All makes. PORT FRANKS SNOWMOBILE OR BOATING: See this newer 2 bedroom mobile home, fully furnished on 70 x 200 lot in new subdivision, right on the river. Asking $12,000 EXETER NEW HOME FOR XMAS: Large 3 bedroom, side split home. Beautiful kitchen, large livingroom with Bow window, dining area with patio doors, roughed in 4th bedroom and rec room. Carport. Lot 66 x 125. All electric heat, All this for $27,000 WON'T LAST LONG: On 1/2 acre lot, sits this beautiful older 4 bedroom brick home, extra large kitchen and dining room, broadloomed, livingroom, and open staircase, large family room, 2 baths, New wiring, roof and gas furnace. Asking $22,000 A STEAL: Modern 3 bedroom ranch style home, compact kitchen dinette, bright livingroom with broadloom, plenty of cupboards, and closets, sharp bathroom, finished rec room with divided basement. All electric heat. Asking $20,000 LIVE IN LUXURY:See this outstanding contemporary home today on lot 243 x 100 This home was planned and built for the owner. Words cannot describe all the features. The price only covers the building cost. Asking $69,000 INCOME PROPERTY: Large 2 storey brick home on extra large lot in commercial area. Two, 2 bedroom apartments presently rented, New gas furnace, Income* $250,00 per month. Asking $23,000 INVESTMENT PROPERTY: Wont to earn 12% to 15% on your money. Call now and get full details, BUILDING LOTS; Three building Idts on east side of town in subdivision, Buy,now for spring. Asking $3,500 each PRICED RITE: Newly redecorated 2 storey brick home, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, den, large livingroom, dining room, treed lot. New furnace and wiring. Asking $16,900 BOB PECK ZURICH Phone Hensall 262-5748 35tfnc - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 20tfnc Wilson's jewellery Opposite Exefer Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER FARMERS! LUCAN NEARLY NEW: 3ibedroom brick and frame home split I-is); entry, extra large living'roo- \ rug, bright A c_OXitchen, large bedroomsn .J. full carpeting and extra closets, electric heot, large lot, Asking $27,500. PRESTIGE HOME: Modern 3-bedroom side split brick home in new subdivision. Two baths, large cheery kitchen, dining room and living room broadloomed, 2 fireplaces, family room, rec. room, attached garage, patio. BRICK HOME: interesting older 2 Storey 3 bedroom; antique entry hall, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, oil heat, good condition, deep lot, close to Main Street. 2 STOREY FRAME HOME: 3 bedroom; completely renovated, country size kitchen, 2 baths, full basement, garage, taxes $217.00. 4 BEDROOM COTTAGE: living room, dining room, kitchen, new electric heat, aluminum siding, large lot, asking $13,500, 34 Foot MOBILE HOME: good condition, asking $4,000.00, STOREYK IR COUNTRY HOME: Large older brick home, needs work on 2 acres asking $13,500 I LDERTON 1% STOREY HOME: Older 3 bedroom; newly renovated living room, dining room, kitchen, and den, new 'wiring, good lot. Are you considering erecting FARM BUILDINGS THIS YEAR? Contaet us - We offer com- plete farm building service, BALL-MACAULAY LTD. Pleasing you pleases US, 5:28tfnc Clinton Seaforth Hensel]. LOTS 174' FRONTAGE on hwy. 83, Asking $4,000. 480' FRONT AGE in Exeter. FOR SALE 25 ACRES OF BI vn1/2 mile off hWy. 83 west IX, Good for the outdoor STORE BUSINESS: On Main Streets good building, sharp living quarters, showing goad return, ideal for young agre5siye couple. GASOLINE STATION: and Lunch counter with living quarters on busy road, showing good returns, needs young workers, Ranch style Home on large lot, 3 Bed Rooms, 2 Bathrooms, Living Room, Family Room, Fire Place, Broadloow Rugs, Swimming Pool, Garage and Car Port. STORE BUSINESS: With good tx• isting lease, good investment property. Let your investment work for you. CONTACT BETTY BATES HOME 227.4150 OFFICE 227.4071 EXETER 235-0541 APPLY FRED DARLING Exeter Sue Edginton 227 4243 c •