HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-23, Page 5GO IN ALL DIRECTIONS — As the above picture indicates, Sunday's -Every Family Visitation by the Exeter United Church went in every direction. Doing the pointing are from the left, Jack Underwood, Arnold Mothers, Roland McCaffrey, Irvin Armstrong, Rev. Glenn Wright and Bruce Shaw. T-A photo Response above expectation to church visitation program and to discuss people's commit- ment to the church. In many cases, he said, the visitors supplied information about various church activities and groups. Other people wished to make suggestions or com- plaints about things within the church, and Rev. Wright said they received hundreds of little ideas for changes or im- provements. This is the first time for several years the visitation has been carried on. He said that people had gone out before, but there wasn't nearly the prepara- tion, the purpose or the response to that attempt. He said that some people responded negatively to the visitation, but this was far in the minority. Most people were prepared for the visitors, and most welcomed them. Rev. Wright added that the immediate response from the workers was excellent. "A lot of people volunteered to do a lot of things," he said. "There were jobs waiting and people there to do them". OUT ON VISITATION — More than 600 homes in Exeter were visited Sunday during the Every Family Visitation program of Exeter United Church. Above, Mrs. Allan Rundle and Gerry MacLean call on Gordon Hamilton, Main street north. T-A photo • . inito . 11 .10:t Everything at Cost . .. or LESS SELLING OUT SALE Starts Thurs., Nov. 30 SAYE on Many of Your Every Day Needs and Christmas Gifts • Pens • Cosmetics • Electric Shavers • Pipes • Wallets • Patent Medicines • Men's & Ladies' Toiletries BROWNING'S WATCH NEXT WEEK'S AD FOR FURTHER DETAILS MAIN ST. EXETER Everything Goes 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BOWLING SCORES 1111111111111111111111IIIIIHM111110111111111111111111181118911 MEN'S "A" LEAGUE LP (J. Bell 740) IGA (R. Tiernan 618) 167 (H. Dyck 657) SU (H. Patterson 664) RB (P. McFat(s665) FA (G. Campbell 665) C4TH (E. Matzo)d 784) UN (G. Glendenning 777) DU (B. Baynham 700) PA (J. Fulop 713) RO (B. Farquhar 751) SP (B. Nico1775) MEN'S "B" LEAGUE LR (J. Nurse730) DD (W. Pietsch 575) AC (J. Cairns 583) MF (R, Brintnen 650) WO (T. Wright 724) BL (D. Brintnell 637) HH (E. Preszcator 600) oU (H. Bischoff 717) OU (L. Archer 678 ) NS (G. Brennan 638) PD (G. Stires 819) HB (Default) LADIES "A" LEAGUE HO (P. Hunter-Duvar 549) OQ (J. Leger 502) HG (D. Munroe 758) PE (A. Mallard 596) SS (M. Holtzman 632) Be (L. Farquhar 664) MM (G. Farquhar 618) AH (H. Daniel 622) PP (A. Fairbairn 631) FF (I. Angyal 602) CH (J. Cleave 596) HU (J. Laye 471) LADIES "B" LEAGUE GY (R. Negriin 537) KK (T. Stagg 640) WE (0. Browning 691) HS (J. Simpson 589) AC (H. Roberts 588) TT (I. Idle 463) PP (L. Farquhar 974) HH (N. Dowson 594) HO (B. Bierling 731) SP (P. Lightfoot 520) MM (J. Dougherty 704) BL (A. Appleton 540) 7 0 7 0 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 0 7 7 0 2 5 5 2 7 0 3 7 0 5 2 5 2 7 0 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 0 7 0 7 0 5 2 45 33 27 14 41 21 43 32 36 37 45 46 35 40 30 42 38 0 18 28 48 31 49 12 44 29 55 8 36 39 39 37 43 35 25 23 35 39 25 24 46 24 13 44 46 1 8 57 49 MIXED LEAGUE (FRIDAY) FC (R. Durand 671) 6 33 CH (F. Smith 648) 1 32 VA (J. Russell 639) 4 49 MI (B. Sanders 651) 3 43 MA (L. Cooper 687) 7 30 LG (P. Humphries 572) 0 23. MIXED LEAGUE (SUNDAY) YS (L. Farquhar 749) UN (A. Skinner 603) IN (J. Ducharme 540) BU (B. Peckham 581) CF. (Ft. Hippern 676 ) BB , (B. Bier,ling 635) rm),„‘ RV]. porrett 694) , od I 9(Forfeif) 4 3 7 0 5 2 .7 0 34 40 35 23 53 36 , P.g. 14 LUCAN MEN'S LEAGUE L.H.,,,,(W.,Smith 716) 3 CH (G. Morgan 511) 0 HF (K. Neil 739) 2 BS (B. Ankers685) 1 FE (B. Gwalchmai 667) 2 RE (E. Morgan 635) 1 HR (G. Snider 572) SP (A. Mercer 691) 2 GR (G. Van Gael 579) 0 SC (R. Acres 711) 3 LUCAN LADIES LEAGUE 12 4 15 12 9 14 4 5 3 12 DA (K. Haskett 594) 7 31 SP (M. Murphy 592) 7 28 CC Sleeper 603) 4 27 IS (M. Jefferies 598 ) 3 23 SH FS (A. Scott 663) (L. Sutherland 613) 7 7 21 19 HH (M. Elson 558) 0 16 HO (D. Rummell 499 ) 0 16 RA (J. Ovens 534) 2 14 RO (P. Hirtzel 593) 5 11 CO (M. Hardy 554) 0 2 HB (M. McColl 514) 0 2 LUCAN COLLEENS AC (M. Root 530) 3 27 CH (H. Shipway 606) 7 21 DI (D. Brophy 559) 4 20 TV (C. VanBussel 511) 2 19 H5 (N. Lewis 562) 5 12 TB (R. Cunningham 476) 0 6' TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, a Ballot will be held for the following offices. Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Council, And 1 Member To The H.C.B.E. POLLS WILL BE OPEN ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4,1972 From 11;00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the following locations with the undermentioned officers in charge. POLL NO. LOCATION D, R, O, POLL CLERK J. Sangster Res. L. Chapman B. Tinny D. Ingram Res. H. McEwan G. Weida 3 H. Twp, Hall T, Steinbach C, Deichert L. Becker Res. C, Pepper Elorner 5 E. GuentherBlock G. Grenier 1l. Datars 6 l3ayview Golf Club E, Hendrick Mrs. Charrette An Advance Poll Will be open in the Clerk's Office of the Municipality of the Township of Hay on Monday,, November 27, 1972 and Saturday, December 2, 1972 from 11:00 o'cloelt in the forenoon to 8.00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on the regular polling day, All Electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. ZURICH, ONTARIO NOVEMiltR 20, 1972 WAYNE C, HORNER RETURNING OFFICER. REGISTERED PENSION PLANS Small Business Pension Plans Recent legislation has ended pension plans that primarily benefit the shareholders and their families. Let us show you how we can arrange to set aside as much as $6,500 annually as a dedictible item from taxable income. Recently a client of ours gave us $110,000 for pension plans. Talk to experts with confidence. John J. Payne Insurance (Owned and operated by Banks, Payne and Ley Limited) 29 N. Ontario St. Phone 238-2354 Licenced with Monarch Life" Grand Bend EXPERIENCE COUNTS . . . For Huron County Board of Education REPRESENTING USBORNE EXETER and STEPHEN RE-ELECT Clarence (King) McDONALD PHONE 235-1570 EXETER A bargain is a bargain. Few things in life work as well as a Volkswagen. *Maximum suggested retail price for Basic Beetle F.O.B., P.O,E. Provincial taxes and shipping charges extra. • TjmosAdvocate, November 3,, 1912 Page Agriculture acres decline with sales of $5,000 or more. In 1966 there were 2,948 and in 1971 that increased to 3,104. All area townships showed similar trends to that recorded by the county, In the category of farms with sales of $5,000 or more, Hay had 210, Stephen 201, Usborne 216, Stanley 185 and Tuckersmith 191. The Middlesex statistics show 13iddulph with 162, McGillivray with 250, Huron County has had almost 1(1,000 acres taken out of agriculture production between theperiods of the last two census in Canada. In 1966, the county had 752,043 acres and in 1971 the total dropped to 742,965 according to Statistics Canada. The number of census. farms. dropped .from 4,565 to 4,218. A census farm is an agricultural holding of one acre or more with sales of agricultural products during the 12 months prior to June 1, 1971 of $50 .or more. However, the county had an - increase in the number of farms , , We Have A fine Selection of • Diamonds • Wedding Rings WatChes • Clocks • Barometers. El 0 O Shop at Rome Elect Delbert L Geiger Tp Huron County Board of duc.ation ON DEC. 4 Representing HENSALLZURICH AND HAY TOWNSHIP • Cuckoo Clocks For A 11.00 Purchase . . WIN A Free Ladies or Gents Watch on Christmas Eve El Prompt Watch And Clock Repairing WORK GUARANTEED HESS JEWELLERY ZURICH • • • r Or ict The Every Family Visitation carried out Sunday by the members of Exeter United Church was "way beyond our expectations in the kind of response we got," according to Rev. Glenn Wright. About 100 people made ap- proximately 500 visits Sunday and there are about 100 visits left to be made. Rev. Wright ex- plained that about 50 households could not be visited Sunday because of time limitations and there was nobody home at another 50. The remaining visits will be made between now and Sunday morning. "We wanted to show them that we cared," said Rev. Wright, "and it's really hard to do that when part of the visit is con- cerned with financial matters". During the visit, parishioners were asked to fill in a pledge card for 1973. Not everyone filled in the pledge cards, and Rev, Wright said the total amount pledged had not been assessed, He said, however, that the initial response was very encouraging. He said some people unexpected- ly donated money on the spot, amounting to a total of about $900. The church operates on a budget of about $35,000. "If we have some idea of the amount of money we have to work with, it frees us to plan more creatively," said Rev. Wright, He stressed, however, that finances was only part of the reason for the visit. The visitor basically went to listen, to talk GARR RICE Who has 15 years of business experience knows how to get things done. VOTE RICE Dec. 4, 1972 • The1973 Volkswagen is only $2198: • Don Taylor Motors Limited MAIN ST. SOUTH EXETER 235.1 100 • • • •