HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-16, Page 17WINS 6 of M AWARD — The annual awards of the Kirkton Fair 4-H calf clubs were made Saturday. Above, Kirk Blackler receives a trophy from Exeter Bank of Montreal manager John K. Irvin. Dashwood women make contributions Introduce the new Vacu-Shine miracle 'Dry Wash' auto cloth. The dual purpose cloth that washes and shines your gar without water or soap and, for your home, cuts dusting time in half by automatically clean- * ing and polishing furniture, woodwork, appliances etc. while it absorbs dust. Write Vanfax Distributing, P.O. Box 2251, London 12, Ontario. Tele- phone (519) 472-3112. (Dealer Inquiries Invited.) 46c WHILE SUPPLY LASTS • committee. Each member is to bring a guest. L.L.L. Rally A number of members from Zion Lutheran church attended the Lutheran Laymen's League Rally at Seebach's Hill Sunday, Those attending were Mr. & Mrs. Reinhold Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Martene, Mrs. Martha Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Keller, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Keller. A number of speakers duscussed the work of the Lutheran Laymen's League. Personals Sandra, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Datars ceibrated her birthday by entertaining ten friends from school. Mr. & Mrs, Edward Restemayer, Brampton, and Janet Miller and friend, Waterloo, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Miller. Mrs. John Heckman and Mrs. Fred Schroeder are patients in St. Joseph's hospital, London. Bill Chandler and Mrs. Irvin Eckstein have returned home. Flowers placed in Zion Lutheran church Sunday were in honor of the 60th wedding an- niversary of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Nadiger. The day was spent quietly with a few guests for dinner and some callers. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love visited with Mrs. Wilmer Harrison in Goderich Alexander Marine Hospital, Sunday, and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lobb and family, Clinton. Mrs. Rosaleen Schenk accom- panied by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green and Jodi, Huron Park, visited with Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Schenk, Walkerton, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Becker and Wayne, Mrs. Ross Leibold, and Mrs. Henry Becker visited relatives in Kitchener and Preston during the weekend. They called on Hilton Brandt at St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener and Mrs. Ervin Greb, Immemorial Hospital, Galt. Mrs. Melvin Sherwood, Calgary, Alberta, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchinson, Russel's Point, Ohio, called on relatives last week on their way to Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchin- son plan to spend the winter months there. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Adams, Lucan have purchased the home of Mr. & Mrs, Eric Eagleson, who are moving to London. By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD The Agriculture and Canadian Industries group was in charge of the November meeting of Dashwood Women's Institute with Mrs. Emil Becker convener. Everyone was to come as they were dressed when reminded of the meeting, Therefore, the roll call was "What were you doing when!,. "The motto was "Blues Chaser" and each person read one. Mrs, Becker read short-cuts in cooking. Cook books were given out and each member read her own recipe in the book. Members on the group served their favourite recipe for lunch. Mrs. Gordon Bender, presi- dent, discussed the business. Plans were completed for the short course November 17. An invitation from Grand Bend Institute to attend their meeting November 16 was accepted. Mrs. Rosaleen Schenk read a report on the area convention in the absence of Mrs. Howard Maier. Mrs. Bender reported on the board meeting which she and Mrs. Schenk attended. Donations were given to C,N,I.B., a girl in India, Children's Aid, The Men's Club Christmas party for the children, and War Memorial hospital. Mrs. Eben Weigand read a letter from Brother Bob Mittleholz telling of his work. Ladies Aid Group 2, with Mrs, Charles Martene convener was in charge of Devotions and lunch at the November meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladle§ Aid, Helen Nadiger was in charge of the topic which took the form of a playlet, "Luther speaks to our Day". Those taking part besides Miss Nadiger were Mrs. Irvin Rader, Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs. Rosaleen Schenk, Mrs. Ray Rader, and Mrs. Earl Keller. Sue Anne Schroeder favoured with singing and accompanying herself on a guitar. Mrs. Jim Hayter, president, dealt with the business. Twenty- two members and one visitor were present, The Altar Guild reported 21 visits. The new Guild iscomposed of Mrs. Ray VanDorsselaer and Mrs. Louella Tiernan. Donations were made to Missions, The Lutheran Hour, and Children's Aid. Next meeting is the Christmas and annual meeting. Group 3 is in charge with the other groups providing a number for the program. The executive will be the nominating 234-6426 OR 234-6431 25tfnc • OLD BOOKS and bookcases, tables, dressers, chairs, house- hold contents purchased for cash. Phone collect 293-3444. 45tfnc BENCH SAW, either Beaver or Rockwell. Phone 235-2291. 46:47c MIXED STRAW—Joe Kaak, 294- 6125. 46c ONTARIO OATS, barley mixed grain. Apply Cann's Mill Ltd., 235-1782. 46c • USED P 0 0 L TABLE, good. Phone 237-3450. 46* 15 Wanted ELDERLY LADY to care for in my home; excellent food and cleanliness; peaceful surround- • ings. Call 235-1830 evenings. 46* PEOPLE to decide future of local institution. See display ad on page 9 for details. TO PUT OUT TO FEED by gain, 50 black and red, white- faced steers. Phone Joe Kaak, • 294-6125. 46c 16 Properly For Sale GOOD HOUSE — 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, ideal family home, lovely treed yard, excellent lo- cation, close to schools. 235-0583 ti and 235-2473. tfnx HENSALL — 2-storey brick, in good condition, large kitchen, dining room, living room, den or bedroom, 2-piece bath, sun porch, full basement; upstairs —2 bedrooms 3-piece bath, lots of closet space; nicely treed 4 yard, Phone 235-1056 during day. 46c CREDITON — One-storey, 2-bed- room house, aluminum siding, on large lot, contains living room, dinette, kitchen, bath- room and utility room, oil heat, wired for electric heat, priced right. Phone 234-6363. 46:47c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Abigal May Hamilton deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Abigal May Hamilton, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, House- wife, who died on or about the 4th day of November, 1972, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd of December, 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 46-48c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. • 60" 100% Printed Polyester Single Knit NEW FALL PATTERNS • Washable • Ideal for Blouses, Tops, Dresses and Pant Suits. Reg, $2.98 Yard EXTRA SPECIAL $ 1198 E YD. • 45" Crepe de Jour • New Shipment • All Latest $ 1 29 Patterns • Washable Reg. $2.98 Yd. YD • 60" Polyester & Wool Beautiful Heather Tones, 18 $198 Patterns Hand Washable Reg. $4.98 Yd, EXTRA SPECIAL wait YD. • 54" Vocama Excellent For House Chats, Dresses, • A Warm Fleecy ,Fe $.0 Fabric Yd , 6 98 * Shades.YD, MAIN STREET EX E T E R Sew And Save FABRIC SPECIALS at Your GET RESULTS 16 Properly for Sale 17 Times-Advocate, November 16, 1972 Pag 13 For Sale 1971 TNT SKI-P00, Phone 235- 0323, 45:46* 3 legal Notices 18 For Rent CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skit saw; .ad- tling machine; sump pump; 12 4, 29 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home, Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. lane CALCULATING? Rent an adding machine; reasonable rates. The Exeter Times - Advocate, 235- 1331. 46-51nc . ..„ 70 Wanted To Rent CALL BOA SKI—your best friepd in the snow. Depend on it and Your dealer, Exeter Form Equipment. -43e. . „ • 8 HEREFORD and white-faced cows with calves at side. phone 235-1971 after 6 p.m. 46e 1863 NOTICE TO .CREDITORS In the Estate of .Emiiirio Bayn- ham, late of the. Township of. Tuckersrnith, in the County All persons having claims against the above Estate are required to forward full par ticulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 30th day of November, 1972, after which date the assets Will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 1$ The Square Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate, 46-48c "The Contonn101 Office HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER.— Thames Road East, 3 bedroom frame, large living room and dining room, good kitchen, bath and fell basement. A new listing — make an offer. Zoned commercially. EXETER—Lovely frame home, recently renovated, Three bed- rooms with a possible fourth, large kitchen, living room and dining room, 4 piece bath, ga- rage. Fully broadloomed. Large lot, nice quiet location. Must be seen to appreciate, EXETER — Brick and frame house on Simcoe St., 3 bed- rooms, Needs some work but would be an excellent buy for a person who was handy and could renovate, Make an offer. EXETER — 4 bedroom frame house, in excellent condition; oil heating, forced air; lovely lot; driveway; close to schools; 2 piece bath down; 3 piece up; large living room. EXETER — 2 storey brick house, Main St. south. Full basement, living room, dining room, large kitchen, bath, 4 bedrooms closed-in sun porch, garage. Priced right. EXETER — Brick house on Simcoe St. Excellent income home divided into two 2 bed- room apartments, each apart- ment with bath and large kitch- en, Each apartment renting for $80,00 per month. DASHWOOD-3 bedroom frame, oil heating. Needs finishing. Well priced. CREDITON Brick house at corner of King and Main St. Two bedrooms, sunporch, bath, living room and kitchen up- stairs. One bedroom, kitchen- ette, living room, bath down- stairs. Full basement. Total rental income $145.00 per month. GRAND BEND — Located on Hwy. 21 just south of bridge on lot 82x126. Three bedroom cement block house, living room, dining room, 3 pc, bath, basement, oil heat. This house is modern and in good repair. LOTS FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 4 acres, cor- ner of No. 4 Hwy. and Crediton road. Good location for small or medium size industry Having served as trustee on the .Huron County Board of .e ducation for the past four years as a representative of Bayfield, Seaforth, Stanley and Tuckersmith, I again solicit your support, John Broadfoot VACU-SHINE MIRACLE 'PRY WASH' AUTO CLOTH 3 OR 4 BEDROOM house in Henson area. Must be reason- able, Phone 262-2616. 46c EN EXETER, 2 to 3 bedroom house. Phone 527-1115, after 6 p.m. 46:47* 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frank Russell Creech, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Frank Russell Creech, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Printer, who died on or about the 3rd of November, 1072, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd of Decem- ber, 1972 after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario 46:47:48c 72 Notices „Timinii„ Ailumm. arwituriNG auctioneer Estate Auction Sale OF REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND ANTIQUES AT 452 ANDREW ST., EXETER, ONTARIO Sat.. Nov. 18 at 1:00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE consists of 11/2 storey brick house, main floor — kitchen, pantry, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 pce, bath, upstairs unfinished, Full basement, 3 yr. old oil furnace. This house situated on a lot 49' x 165', parts of lots 40 and 41, plan 20, Town of Exeter. This is well located one block from shopping area. Real Estate sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, if not previously sold. Terms on Real Estate — 10% down, balance in 30 days. ANTIQUES — Round table and 6 chairs, combination china cabinet and secretary, platform rocker, 6 rocking chairs, 3 chicken coop chairs, parlor chair, 2 washstands, harvest table, bureau, trunk, dresser, stuffed bird collection, picture frames, banquet lamp. Some German, Austria, Bavaria and Nippon and Carnival glass and china, castor set, cocoa set, many pieces of silver, blown glass Easter egg, souvenirs of Dashwood and London, 2 water sets, vases, jardiniere, musical album, 2 picture albums, and many other items, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — Frigidaire refrigerator, 24" Moffatt range, Moffatt annex, chrome set, kitchen cabinet, chesterfield and chair, 2 — 3 pce. bedroom suites, bed, springs and mattress, wardrobe, cedar chest, bedroom chair, 9' x 12' rug, odd tables and chairs, mantle clock, radio, floor and table lamps, end tables, Quebec heater, mirrors, linens, bedding, drapes, kitchen utensils, card table, Raymond sewing machine, quilting frames, bird cage, vacuum cleaner, ironing board, clothes rack and many other items. Terms — Cash In case of inclement weather auction sale will be held at Broderick Bros. Body Shop, 361 Albert St. Exeter. ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. EVELYN BRODERICK Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter 11 4%4 MrdFARLANE REAL ESTATE BROKER LONDON 434.8824 EXETER 4 BEDROOM HOME, 2-storey, FARM IN CENTRALIA AREA vinyl siding, 2 baths, large modern 110 acres, 100 acres workable, kitchen, dining room and living large L-shaped barn, small 2 room. Large well established lot. bed-room brick house, new 55' Asking $16,500. silo. $11,000 farm credit BRICK RANCH 3 extra large mortgage now established. bedrooms, modern spacious 200 ACRES nearly all workable, kitchen, dining room with built in large L-shaped barn, needs some china cabinet, electric heat, 114 repair, 3-bedroom 2-storey home. car garage, plenty of trees. Asking $28,000. FOR RENT: CLANDEBOYE Modern one and two bedroom EXECUTIVE HOME, stately apartments in new complex, mansion on extra large well-treed $1 15-$13o. lot, Large entry hall with curving stairs. Also back stairway. 2 large living rooms, dining room, 18 LUCAN foot modern kitchen, 2 pc. bath. PRESTIGE HOME: Modern and pantry, 2 storage rooms at 3-bedroom side split brick home rear, 4 large bedrooms, large in new subdivision. Two baths, bathroom and plenty of space for large cheery kitchen, dining room fifth bedroom. Full basement and and living room broadloomed, 2 oil forced air heat. Sharp fireplaces, family room, rec. condition. room, attached garage, patio. DUPLEX older frame single BRICK HOME: Interesting older storey, each unit containing living 2 Storey 3 bedroom; antique room, dining room, 1 bedroom entry hall, living room, dining and 3 piece bath and basement oil room, modern kitchen, oil heat, space heaters, needs work but has good condition, deep lot, close to good potential. Large lot. Asking Main Street. $8,500. 2 STOREY FRAME HOME: 3 COTTAGE two bedrooms, living bedroom; completely rehovated, room, dining room and kitchen, country size kitchen, 2 baths, full 3-pc. bath, oil space heater, new basement, garage, taxes $217.00. wiring, insul siding, needs some work, but good possibilities, good 4 BEDROOM COTTAGE: living corner lot. Asking $6,500, room, dining room, kitchen, new electric heat, aluminum siding, 2-STOREY BRICK HOME 83 large lot, asking $13,500. Highway, 6 miles east of Exeter, large older 3 bedroom, living 34 FOOT motlice HOME: good room, dining room and kitchen, condition, asking $4,000.00, new oil forced air heating, needs some work. KIRKTON INDUSTRIAL LOTS ? STOREY COUNTRY HOME: 1'74' FRONTAGE on hwy. 83. Large older brick on 2 acres Asking $4,000. asking $13,500 25 ACRES OF BUSH % mile off ILDERTON hwy, 33 west of Exeter. Good for i'A STOREY Home: Older 3 the outdoor type. bedroom; rIeWly renovated living BUILDING LOTS in Exeter, 480' room, dining room, kitchen, and frontage, den, new wiring, good lot. CONTACT BETTY BATES HOME 227-4150 aPna 227-4071 EXETER 236.0841 INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ILLUSTRATED ATLAS OF HURON Attractively bound, a real Collector's Item. 10 Reprint of 1879 with pictures and facts of early settlement. ONLY $11.50 MACMILLAN'S MAIN ST. EXETER 46c 14 Wanted To Buy ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47tfnc 25 Auction Sales 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Chester Ray Fletcher, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Chester Ray Fletcher, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of Septem- ber 1972, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario by the 18th day of November 1972, after which date the estate will be distribu- ted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrators Exeter, Ontario. 44-46c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William John Motz, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William John Motz, late of the Village of Crediton, in the County of Huron, retired labourer, who died on or about the 21st day of November 1970, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 18th day of November 1972, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 44-46c Property Sold AUCTION SALE USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES GEORGE R. ARMSTRONG ESTATE 29 Market St., SEAFORTH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 12:30 p.m. Household Effects and Assort- ment of Anti q u e Furniture, Family Heirlooms of the past 75 years in excellent condition. Victorian oval parlor table, 2-piece cherry corner cup- board, 3 pane Gothic top doors in top section; drop front secretary desk with gal- lery, small hall seat with mir- ror, carved foyer table, set of 6 and set of 4 press back chairs, buffet with mirror and gallery, assortment of rockers, Boston, pressback etc.; Cap- tain chair, parlor arm chair, nursing rocker, wicker chest, assortment of wicker chairs and rockers, roll end couch, Raymond sewing machine, Cherry Bonnet bureau, organ stool, 5 odd chairs, iron fern- ery stand, telephone gossip bench, family at home dining room table with 6 extension leaves, spoil lamps, bureau top mirror, 2 floor lamps, cruet set, coal oil lamps, including Rayo: 2 Morris recliner chairs, complete bedroom suite, post- man top, washstand and dres- ser; small extension table, English china setting for 8, iron kettles, flat and sad irons, numerous shaped jugs, crocks rand jars, chest of silverware, 2 sets of steak knives. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- clude: Refrigerator, electric stove, electric tea kettle, com- plete set stainless steel cook- ing utensils (new condition), Motorola 21" TV, green swivel chair, 2 quilt boxes, chester- field and 2 chairs, large assort- ment of kitchen dishes and utensils, gas lawn mower, vacuum cleaner, carpenter and aarden tools and many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. Est, Tel.: Est, Tel.: 345-3057 527-0383 PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Tel.: 262-5515 Neither Estate Executors nor Auctioneer responsible for ac- cidents day of sale. 46c AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antique Furniture for FANNY OESCH ESTATE to be held in ZURICH ARENA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer 262-5515 46c NORM EVELAND JOHN BURKE LTD. Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 40tfric 11 Properly for Rent 3 BEDROOM town houses in Vanastra, RR 5 Clinton; $95.00 per month; all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7725 any- time, 39tfnc EXETER — 2-bedroom apart- ment, fully broadloomed, stove and refrigerator supplied. Avail- able Nov. 1. Apply Joe Darling at Darling's IGA or phone 235- 2794 after 6 p.m. 44tfnc SMALL, CLEAN, steam heated, furnished apartment on first floor over Canadian Tire Store; also new furnished home in Florida to rent for the winter. Phone 235-2912. 45tfnc GRAND BEND—Bachelor apart- ments with refrigerator, rad- iant heating, television, furnish- ed. Phone 238-2339. 45tfnc LARGE HOUSE, 4 bedroom, close to schools and business sec tio n, available Dec. 15. Phone 235-1326 after 6 p.m. 46* APARTMENT, 2 bedroom, in farm home, just north of Huron Park, private entrance, avail- able Dec. 1. Phone 235-1921, E. W. Neil. 46tfnc HENSALL-4 bedroom house, on double lot, ideal for children. Phone 262-2610 after 5 or all day on weekends. 46:47c GRAND BEND — 2 - bedroom apartment. Phone 238-2765. 46:47c HUGH A. EVANS MLS REALTOR LONDON GRAND BEND AND AREA 9 acres of land, adjacent to existing subdivision on Lake Huron. 3 acres of land with access to river, edge Of Grand Bend. Open for offers. Asking $6,500 for summer cot- tage on 40'x82' lot, near the lake. Good rental area, new roof. Owner says sell! I ! Nearly New Ranch on large landscaped treed lot. From the moment you enter this 3 bed- room home you see beauty, feel comfortable and relaxed. Shag rugs, fireplace, glassed- in porch. 4-piece bath, Many extras all add to easy living. We also have many more listings of cottages, homes, farms and business income progerties. We invite your in- quiries at }HONE 238-2822 GRAND BEND MAE THURMAN NEWLY DECORATED 3 bed- room and 4-bedroom houses, in Vanastra Park. Phone 482-9590. 46:47:48c' Need Signs for the Christmas Parade? CALL NOW SO We Can Provide You with (ood Service OIL SIGNS BY WEBSTER Phone 235-0680 Exeter GARAGE SPACE, 20'x25', in Exeter. Phone 262-2834. 46c HOUSE in Huron Park. Lease ia take-over, No first month de- posit, Phone 228-6362 after 5 p.m. 46: 47c RENT OR SALE—Modern home, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bath- room. Ideally located in the village of Zurich. Call Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, 0:47* PLANNING A HOLIDAY in the south? Rent this 65'x12' mobile home, with expando, at Riviera Beach, Florida. Available No- vernber and January only. For further informaton call 235-1533 after 5 p.m. 46c 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; V4 & Va" drills; port- able television; floor polishers. Beavers Hardware, 235-1033. ifitfne 46c CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT-- Plywood forms, Wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. 3. Cerriveatt, Ztirith, 4:24fric