HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-11-16, Page 16CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 51.25, 5c per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy Changes, 4c per word. minimum 80c, SIX INSERTIONS No copy changes, 3'/xc per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1,25 plus 10c per line of verse, COMING EVENTS - 39 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 BANGHART, tO1G & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main St. S., EXETER 235.0120 .,ekttt. WANT ADS A44,A44 ILL IN TN .d.isgiew.1,404 ti Page 14 12 Cars, Trucks for Sale '63 MERCURY Meteor V-8, very good condition, $150. Phone 235- 2094. 46c 13 For Sale 13 For Sale Ni4vetrtber 13 For Sale 16 5 Help Wanted Classifications F h sIdoenrer i3a511416042:c.ovSel:,I-DiOlig 1wel AMAZINGLY quick relief ior discomfort of in p u t h sores, white canker spots, dental plate sores, tender gums, with Flet- cher's Sore Mouth Medicine, $$71r '40cMiDdRdlUeMtonS. Drugs. ApPl 44J .45e:r46rWyc MacLean, 235-0800, or after 6, 235-1W. USED DRYER, in good work- ing condition, $50; Westing-, house automatic washer, in good working condition, $50; GE stove, good condition, all elements working. Phone 235- Machine17 Shop, 235-1655, 45;46c15 46c PIG • TROUGHS; pipe dies, TA" to 11/4 "; drill presses; welders; torches; power threader; vises; filing cabinets and other mis- cellaneous articles, Hamilton's '72 SKI-D00 Nordic 440, 28 h.p,, electric star t, speedometer, tachometer and cover, 5 hours running, single trailer. 244 Main St,, Exeter, 235.1531 46tthe FURNACE FAN, slightly used, with motor, $10; used electric broiler, $10, Phone 238-8156, 46* 22" USED TV, black and white console, Phone 262-5708, 46e POOL TABLE, racks, cues, 2 sets of balls, 2 years old, $225, Phone 227-4219. 460 FOR AN ATI'RACTWE smile, use Tartaroff to remove stains from teeth. New formula, pow- der form, leaves them shining white. Special with Tooth Brush only 98d at Middleton Drugs. 460 Smeary TOYS 2. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales '69 PONTIAC convertible, 2- door, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, $2,095, Phone 262-5584. 46c Yol.'11 Find The Best Selection In Our Toy Town NOW OPEN IN OUR BASEMENT Don't Forget . . . You Could required for duties of typing, answering telephone, telex, die- taphone, filing and shorthand an asset. 13 For Sale Apply to; KONGSKILDE LTD, MASSEY FERGUSON PLOW 3 point hitch, 3 furrow 12 inch bottom, spring loaded, good condition, Jack Taylor 229-6472. 40tfnc SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 42tfnc WIN SNOOTY OUR LARGE 43" DOG Come In Today For Details 6, 6, 6, • P.O. Box 880 Exeter, Ont. 46c 8 Situations Wanted LOW, LOW PRICES ON ALL WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES BEAVERS HARDWARE EXETER Walk Through The Walkway Beside AVCO To Our Store In The Rear 46c BOOKKEEPING - Experienced, at my home. Payrolls, ledger work to trial balance. Complete income tax service for farm- ers provided. Phone 237-3469 Dashwood after six, 38tfne HOSPITABLE homes for E.F,V. visitors. See display ad on page 9 for details. PLEXIGLAS - Clear or colors, Snowmobile and ski-boose wind- shield plastic, Signs by Web- ster, Exeter, 235-0680. 48tfnc QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS' at factory outlet prices. First quality only. Signs by Webster, Exeter 235-0680. 38tfric NEW SNOW BLOWERS - 6 ft, auger and fan, $485.00, Hamil- ton's Machine Shop, phone 235- 1655. 41-52c SIMPLIFY Y 0 U R Christmas shopping. In business 20 years. I sell all magazines anytime, anywhere, Mrs, Cecil Kipfer, Hensall. Phone 262-2278. 44-51c APPLES-pick your own- Nor- thern Spys, Macintosh and De- licious; 2 bushels for $5. Bring containers. Easy picking, Well coloured, quality. (These ap- ples were not frozen.) Come soon. In our storage we have the 41 above apples plus Court- lands. Ross Middleton's Or- chards, 1 mile east of Bay- field, north of river. 44-47c '72 SKI-D00 Olympique, like new, $525. Phone 235-2458 or London 439-7572. 44tfnc ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, sup- plies. Jerry Mathers Typewrit- ers, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2tfnc ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings, Free estimates, Expert installations, Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25tfnc TV TOWER installations. Lease with an option to purchase; $7.62 per month or purchase outright, For particulars call Lucan - Exeter Electronics. Lu- can 227-4621; Exeter 235-0540. Installations anywhere in south- western Ontario. 13tfnc WHY BUY an adding machine or typewriter? The T-A has an attractive rental-ownership plan on Victor adders and Smith Corona manual or electric port- ables, 6tfnc OIL SPACE HEATER, used oil furnace, 227-4500. 46:47c BLACK PERSIAN lamb a,4 length coat with mink collar, size 16; lady's red snowmobile suit, 1 piece, size 16. Phone 235-1023. 46c Snow is here! See BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL BOA SKI at Ex- eter Farm Equipment, Start- ing as low as $625. 46c '67 JOHN DEERE 950 combine with 4 row corn head, grain head and pick-up. Priced rea- sonably for quick sale. Phone 235-1971 after 6 p.m, 46c SAVE 10% on all purchases, The management and staff of your local Chainway Store in- vite you to pre-Christmas shop- ping on Monday, November 20 from 12 noon to 9 p.m, 10% discount on all purchases. 46c GARAGE DOOR, 6' 10"x7' 8", with hardware; also one 7'x9'. Phone 235-2657, 46nc KEN, BARBIE or other doll clothes, homemade. Mrs. Wil- liam Yule, 235-2224. 46tfnc 5 Help Wanted POLARIS QUALITY SNOWMOBILES "THE PROUD PERFORMERS" AVAILABLE AT 9 Services CONSTRUCTION WORKERS re- quired. Phone 236-4081 after six. 44tfnc MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for 2 pre-schoolers in MY home. Phone 235-1408. 46* TRY THE AVON WAY to a profitable business of your own during hours you choose. It's easy to get started. One ter- ritory available in Usborne and one in Hay township. Call evenings Mrs. Millson, London, 451-0541. 44-47c PEOPLE for discussion on im- portant subject. See display ad on page 9 for details. 9 Services 9 Services CUSTOM PLOWING, in Lucan - Exeter - Hensel]. area. Phone 227-4380. 43-46c SEPTIC TANK PUMPING - I-I. T. Dale, phone 482-3320. 25-52* TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfnc FARMERS! REMEMBER YOUR SNOWMOBILE HEADQUARTERS Are you considering erecting ORNAMENTAL IRON - Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236-4242. 1.8tfne HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain, Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439, Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lu- can Dead Stock. Phone Strath- roy 245-0838 or Lucan 227-4312. License No. 202. 11:5tfne CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain, beans and corn. Ted Oud, RR 2 Hensall. 262-5075. 30tfnc REDI-MIX CONCRETE - De- livered (washed sand & stone), All types of concrete work, Free estimates, McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood. Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422. 14ffnc BACKHOE WORK - Also sewer connections; septic tanks and drain beds installed or serv- iced, Pete Butler, Lucan, 28-48* ANYONE WISHING TO have their barns whitewashed, con- tact Wm. Watson. Phone 237- 3306 Dashwood, 20tfnc FARM BUILDINGS THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. BALL-MACAULAY LTD. Clinton Seaforth Hensall 19tfne Suits, boots, mitts, helmets, face masks, goggles, flip shields, tracks, drive belts, oil, gas cans, compasses, many more accessories, GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS EXETER 235-1373 DOUBLE TRAILERS $169.99 SEE THEM NOW AT Jerry MacLean & Son Automotive Ltd. EXPERIENCED RUBBER LINERS SEWING MACHINES SIGNS BY WEBSTER NEW 8' ARBOR1'iE counter top and double sink, quantity of modern chrome cupboard hinges, handles and knobs, never used, reasonable, 235- 1403. 46c DINETTE SUITE, like new; Singer featherweight sewing machine, elegant winter wed- ding gown and veil, small size: apartment washer. 235-1830, 46* 1972 MOTO SKI Cadet 16 h.p. snowmobile, cover and spare drive belt, •excellent condition. Phone 235-1453 after 5 p.m. 46c 23" GE black and white con- sole TV, 3 years old xcellent condition, asking $100. Phone 235-1685, 46c PUPPIES, German Shepherd, registered, excellent blood lines. Phone 262-5027. 46c MALE PUP, 5 months old; fe- male, Ph years old, to a good home. Phone 887-6675. 46547c GARDEN PLOWING - Fred Jones, 235-1122. 44:45* SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan. 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10tfnc Brand new electric portable sewing machines with fibre se- lector and manual zig-zag, only $62.50, with terms; cabinet mo- dels $88.50. Christmas Lay-away Call: NEEDED IN TORONTO AREA Must be willing to relocate. Specializing In COMPLETE SIGN PROGRAMS FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck Exeter 235-0800 NOW AT OUR NEW LOCATION North of the Car Wash NOW - You Can Use Your CHARGEX 46tfnc VACUUM CLEANERS PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 38trfnc TOP WAGES PAID Delta Sewing Machines BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 432-4675 '70 McKay Ave., west of Wharncliffe, off Emery St. LONDON, ONTARIO 46-51c Jobs available immediately. Please submit resume to: BOX TRS SALES & SERVICE APPLES SAWYER'S ORCHARD LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. All makes. BOB PECK Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc SMALL POTATOES, cheap. Phone 235-1625. 46* SAVE 10% on all purchases. The management and staff of your local Chainway Store in- vite you to pre-Christmas Shop- ping on Monday, November 20 from 12 noon to 9 p.m, .10% discount on all purchases. 46c 2 JUNIOR BEDS, complete with mattresses, excellent condition, 235-2751. 46:47c ZURICH Phone Hensall 262-5748 35tfnc TOWERS TOWERS TOWERS 37 . foot tower with antenna, $79.95. Complete line of Channel Master antennae, rotors, boost- ers. TV technicians do the in- stallations. Free estimates. The Tower King. Max's TV and Ap- pliances, Grand Bend. 238-2493. 14tfnc Exeter Times-Advocate 46:47c CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19tfnc CLINTON, ONT. We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. AT NO. 4 HIGHWAY AND CREDITON ROAD 45:46e LARGE SIZE CRIB and mat- tress. Phone 228-6976 after 4 p.m. 46* CAPONS - Oven-ready, govern- ment inspected. Bill Rammeloo, Shipka, 237-3228. 46:47c INTERNATIONAL 100 bushel ground driven manure spread- er; Massey - Harris 3 - furrow tractor-trail plow, on rubber; both in real good condition. Apply G. A. Cann & Sons Farm, phone 235-1782. 46c 1971 TNT 440 SKI-D00 sliders and cover, like Phone 235-1023. with new. 46c BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to MIDDLETON'S Drug Store Ltd, 359 Main St. Phone 235-1570 D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers * Complete Auction Service * Sales large or small, any type, anywhere * Reasonable - Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. Phone Collect 'Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237.3431 DUCKS, oven ready. PhOne 237- 3237, Lorne Devine. 46c KITCHEN CUPBOARDS,, sink, counter top and 2 windows. Box trailer with 1 icense and ball hitch, Phone 234-6336 after 5 or weekends. 46nc CALL COLLECT 482-9811 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else, License No. 237-C-71 4ltfnc OLD BARNS torn down and removed. Call 227-4590. 46:47c CALL NOW for lessons on guitar, organ, drums, accord- gin. Phone 235-0940 or 235-2321, 46;47c BROKER tney n e REAL ESTATE LTD. Exeter '72 MOTO SKI, 400 Capri, new condition. Phone 234-6242. 46c TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS RECORD PREPARATION LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield, Ont. 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St., Clinton, Ont. 482-7988 Grand Bend 238-8050 - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 20tine PORT FRANKS SNOWMOBILE OR BOATING: See this newer 2 bedroom mobile home, fully furnished on 70 x 200 lot in new subdivision, right on the river. Asking $12,000 EXETER NEW HOME FOR XMAS: Large 3 bedroom, side split home. Beautiful kitchen, large livingroom with Bow window, dining area with patio doors, roughed in 4th bedroom and rec room. Carport. Lot 66 x 125. All electric heat. All this for $27,000 WON'T LAST LONG: On 1/2 acre lot, sits this beautiful older 4 bedroom brick home, extra large kitchen and dining room, broadloorned, livingroom, and open staircase, large family room, 2 baths. New wiring, roof and gas furnace. Asking $22,000 A STEAL: Modern 3 bedroom ranch style home, compact kitchen dinette, bright livingroom with broadloom, plenty of cupboards, and closets, sharp bathroom, finished rec room with divided basement. All electric heat. Asking $20,000 LIVE IN LUXURY: See this outstanding contempory home today on lot 243 x 100. This home was planned and built for the owner. Words cannot describe all the features, The price only covers the building cost. Asking $69,000 INCOME PROPERTY: Large 2 storey brick home on extra large lot in commercial area, Two, 2 bedroom apartments presently rented. New gas furnace, Income $250.00 per month. Asking $23,000 INVESTMENT PROPERTY: Want to earn 12% to 15% on your money. Call now and get full details. BUILDING LOTS; Three building lots on east side of town in subdivision, Buy now for spring, Asking $3,500 each NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office CENTRALIA - Repair Garage for Sale, Excellent Business including repairs for local farm trade, Steady all year, well established for over 30 years. Included with above, 3 bedroom house. See below. WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year HOMEMAKER-Will maintain a motherless home or care for the sick. Phone 482-7683, 46c LISTENERS available for com- ments during E,F.V. See dis- play ad. on page 9 for details. C, HARRY RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne! Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-12/2 By appointment please. Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippers, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous, CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 10 livestock For Sale REGISTERED Hereford bulls, 13 to 16 months of age. Eligi- ble for government grant., Also bred heifers. Apply to Norman Stutt, RR 1 Forest. Phone 873- 5776. 43-46c PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, back fat probed, indexing to 120; also commercial boars. Thomson Bros., 229-6117. 46:47:48c COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-4833 666.1967 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, included with above Garage - not for sale separately until after Garage has been sold. Living room, Large modern kitchen, office or den, sun porch and utility room, oil heat, good repair. Terms can be arranged on above property. EXETER - 2 Building Lots - Alexander St. N. on road to Curling Club; across from Riverview park 70x125. Sale price $2,500 each. EXETER - Serviced building lots, Dow subdivision, one of the fastest growing areas in Exeter. Buy now and save. INSTALLATION AND SERVICE NEILSON REFRIGERATION PARKHILL 294-6321 44tfnc MOUNT CARMEL INCOME TAX AND BOOKKEEPING CENTRE INCOME TAX RETURNS RECORD PREPARATIONS Your home or our Office. 237.3469 Or 237-3227 31-4c 3 GOOD HOLSTEIN heifers, due in one week, bred unit Holstein. Harry Gielen, Crecli- ton, 234-6294, 46c BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING EXPERT REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial FREE ESTIMATES PHONE M.1081 frOrn 12 fill 1 or after 5 p.M, 16tfne 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1969 AUSTIN Mini "Cooper", low mileage, new paint job, radio, rally wheels with radial ply tires, linmaculate condi- tion. Call 235-2994 nights or 235- 6173 daytime, 45tfn 1962 CADILILAC 4 door hardtop With power steering, brakes, windows arid seat, fair eondi- lion, priced reasonable. Phone 736-4961 clays or 236.4661 eve- nings. 45:46:47c Phone 235-2420 LIMITED Sue ..Edgintort 227..4243 EXETEn M. J. OAISEF1 J. A. KNEALE •