HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-10-26, Page 11For the past three weeks the Ti m ps-Adropa te has. been di e tributing questions to the earldida tes in the uncoming • federal election in the riding of Heron, The purpose of these is to elerifye issues of local and haPenal interest and importance. The final set of questions and answers follows, including an opportunity for the candidates to defend their own and their party's bids for election. + + + 1.;There have been many opinions expressed of late that individuals are receiving too much in the way pf unem- ployment benefits and are thus abusing this privilege. How much do you believe an individual should receive in unemployment benefits and why? SHIRLEY WEARY- N.D.P. • U nemployment Insurance benefits are still a mere sop to those who have been deprived of the 'right to work through the economic policies of the Trudeau gdvernment. Millions of Canadians, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to provide for themselves at one time or another in their lives, and to date no government has been willing to recognize the validity of their claims on society. And, in the absence of any intention to improve either • the chronic unemployment pioblem in Canada, or the pitiful scale of benefits to needy people, the Prime Minister has systematically sought to fan public hostility to unemployment insurance recipients, turning one segment of society against • another, Despite undisputable evidence to, the contrary, the notion per- sists among free-enterprisers OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE This preliminary list of all Electors prepared as required by Section 23 of the Municipal Elections Act 1972 will be publicly posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 19th day of October 1972. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing and filing a form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk. The last day for filing forms, requesting additions, corrections or deletions is November 3rd, 1972. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk — Township of Usborne system that Canadians want? A New Democratic govern- ment would ensure a more equitable rate of taxation by closing the loopholes that allow companies to avoid their responsibilities. It would with- draw the 7 percent tax cut given to the corporations in last October's budget and the further $500 million in concessions provided in the May budget. Those two measures alone would yield enough to lop $100"Off the bill of low and middle income Canadian families. For many families, $100 is not peanuts, This would give lower income families more purchasing power, creating demand that would bring about more employment and a more presperous, more self-reliant Canada, CHARLIE THOMAS I believe the state of the economy is the issue receiving the most attention, The economy in Canada has shown the largest increase in Gross National Product of any other country in the free world except Japan. Our rate of inflation is lower than all other countries. We have created more jobs than England, France, West Germany and Italy com- bined in the last four and a half years and their population is much larger Than ours. Unemployment continues to be a problem. It is difficult to tune the economy so that ups and downs in employment do not occur and no government has been able to eliminate completely these rises , and falls, The Unemployment Insurance Program is designed to help the people who become temporarily unemployed during times of higher unemployment. Signs indicate that the measures taken earlier this year to stimulate the economy are beginning to take effect and business is expanding rapidly. I believe more jobs will be the result, very few people willingly choose idleness, In addition to creating jobs for those who can work, we must recognize the need to provide all Canadians with an adequate standard of living. The Croll Poverty Committee suggests that the poverty line falls at $2140 for a single person; $3570 for a couple; and $5000 for a family of four. Unemployment insurance must, at a minimum, meet those lines. We cannot have a healthy society as long as the bitter division between those who have and those who have not persists and is exploited by those in power, The New Democratic Party stands totally committed to the elimination of that gap. CHARLIE THOMAS- LIBERAL The present unemployment insurance act provides that an individual can draw benifits for up to one half of the time he has paid in, at two-thirds of the rate of pay he was receiving during the period. This means a person who has paid insurance for one year and receives a wage of $100 a week, can draw insurance when he is unemployed for six months at $66 dollars a week. Lowering the benefits would he too much of a hardship on the individual and an increase would take away the incentive to work. I think the benefits are about right. ROBERT McKINLEY- P.C. I believe that, the Unem- ployment Insurance Act must be changed to make it much simpler and more workable. It must be returned to essentially an in- surance against unemployment rather than a way of life for citizens. People should not be entitled to more money for not working than some are receiving for working. It would appear the lessening of the amount of unemployment benifits would be justified as well as the eligible work period ex- tended and a better system for employers to report people not accepting reasonable em- ployment. Unemployment in- surance is necessary but must be treated as an emergency measure rather than en- couraging unemployment as a way of life. * * * See Our Complete Selection of Personalized Christmas Cards (by International of Stratford) As warm, as sincere and as friendly as a handshake • Make your selection from our catalogue in the comfort of your own livingroom Pick up and Delivery of Catalogue in Exeter No Obligation Manager Roger Dowker A A .1 Present final views for electors Times-Advocate, October- 1971 Ng. 9 - • • 5 yeatt Debenture investment Certificates the mini savings S. loan corporation P.O. BOX .147, 88 DUNLOP ST. EAST IARRIE, ONTARIO (7 0 51726.7”0 Member; Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation available in this area throggh Hodgson Insurance A branch of Conestoga College is now establishing there and will be of benefit to the area, This is a result of Many discussions with Conestoga Officials. The paper that was sent to all constituents by the Huron P.C. Association mentions a few things ac- complished in the past and I would like tp assure the con- stituents of Huron that if they see fit to re-elect me to Parliament on October 30 I will continue to work in their interests with all the energy I possess, My increased experience should be a definite asset, that all people are born with equal opportunity, and that with a little gumption, anyone can "make it" in our society. Given this attitude, unemployment insurance is seen as a charity that should be gratefully received by those who need it. This naive interpretation of social security fails to take into account the chronic lack of employment opportunities, especially in disadvantaged regions of the country, rapid technological change that leaves many people behind, and the complexity of our post-industrial society, Ideelly,every individual should have the opportunity to con- tribute to society through gainful employment. But when this opportunity—this basic right—is denied him because of forced unemployment, he has a legitimate claim on those who are reaping the full benefits of the economy. This is not charity; it is compensation to an individual for being denied the opportunity to aspire to the financial and spiritual rewards that are available to others. Past federal governments have failed to find ways to draw all Canadians into the mainstream of life, and they have failed to make adequate provision for those who are excluded. We must recognize that all those who are physically and mentally fit to work should be enabled to do so. Unemployment insurance is not an acceptable substitute for gainful em- ployment. Those who talk so blithely about "sapping initiative" should realize that an individual's initiative is more likely to be crushed by the humiliation of chronic unem- ployment than by social security benefits of any amount. In our competitive society, a man is judged by his productivity, and Preliminary List of Electors for 1972 evediwpwAtitt wtotto Age wocoe zijzijAA enacted to prevent dumping of agricultural products on the Canadian domestic market, Low- interest loans would be made available to people interested in beginning farming. Lack of sensible planning has forced our young people to turn their backs on rural Canada and head for the crowded cities, The NDP is determined to reverse this trend and preserve the way of life of the family farm. Canadians should be able to choose the way in which they live. Consumers are facing almost unbelievable problems, Over half the price they pay for food products is made up of processing, packaging, and distribution costs. That is, the consumer pays a great deal more for all the pretty packaging that manufacturers use to outsell their competitors. With such a wide range of products to choose from and so many different sizes with no standardizationehe consumer has difficulty deciding which brand of product or which size bottle or package gives the best value. Without protective legislation and extensive education in consumerism, the average buyer must fend for himself. The NDP believes that an extensive program of education in consumerism from early childhood would help people buy wisely, understand the cost of credit-buying, and put an end to Many of the abuses in the market place, As well, strong legislation is urgently needed to protect consumers, especially where essential products such as food and drugs are concerned. The New Democratic Party does not pretend to have all the answers, but we do offer a commitment to the ordinary people of Canada, a deter- mination to place their needs and aspirations ahead of corporate profits, a programme to build an independent Canada of equality and compassion. If you are concerned about unemployment and the corporate rip-off, about the problems of primary producers like our local farmers, about the problems of consumers, support the can- didate and party that you feel will act to correct these problems. Shirley Weary and the New Democratic Party are committed to work to assure the quality of life we all deserve. SHIRLEY WEARY Many serious problems face Canadians today. Almost half a million people in this country are without jobs. We are losing what each of these people would have produced had he been working. Unemployment should not be part of the power game as Liberals and Conservatives have used it. The New Democratic Party would use public funds to build jobs for people, not profits for corporations. Worthwhile and deeply-needed social projects would be given priority. Planless and pointless welfare programs for cor- porations, financed by your taxes, will not be used to bolster the private sector. We must take into account the needs of Canada and the Canadian people. Unemployment in Canada can he beaten by massive home- building, investment in anti- pollution programs, improved services to people, particularly the aged, and increased pur- chasing power by tax relief to low-income families. New Democrats believe there are positive steps which can be taken to meet the problems of agriculture and rural life. A New Democratic government would act to stabilize costs of produc- tion and make farming more rewarding. The New Democratic party would establish a Land Bank Commission to purchase land offered voluntarily on the marketat competitive prices, and lease this land, guaranteeing tenure, on the basis of need, with the option to buy. Farm costs would be lowered through tax reform, particularly of the capital gains tax as it applies to farms. Producer-controller marketing boards would be established and legislation ROBERT McKINLEY The main issue in this election is the whole subject of confidence in the people who are handling your affairs in Ottawa. A definite direction for the country must be established so that the people who, generally speaking, create jobs can be assured that they can go ahead and do so with the assurance that any returns will not be all confiscated by the government and provided in handouts that do nothing for the long range growth of the country. The go ahead and back up ? approach to running the country must be changed so that people can know the direction they can move in assuredly. This pertains to farmers, business people and workers alike, also the inflation which is stifling those living on a fixed income must be arrested. A Conservative Government would provide more confidence in people towards the future of our country. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 2. What do you believe is the greatest issue in this campaign? What is your party's stand on it? SHIRLEY WEARY =The greatest , issue of this campaign is, of course, the unfair taxation system which exists in our country. When the cor- porations and the wealthy do not pay their fair share, then the wage and salary earner is forced to carry an unfair tax burden. This is precisely what has been happening in Canada for years and has happened at an ac- celerated rate under the Trudeau government. We are not dealing with one or two temporary programs. What Conservatives and Liberal governments have built up is a vast network' of corporate welfare, costing hundreds of millions each year. What we have is income distribution in reverse; from the working people to the corporations. According to the Minister of Finance in his budget speech, grants to corporations are "to provide incentives for Canadian industry to grow and compete and provide jobs," During the four Trudeau years, government grants to corporations increased by 35.2 percent, not including tax remissions, concessions and cuts, manpower training, accelerated depreciations, or depletion allowances. During the same four years, unemployment increased from 4.8 percent in 1968 to 7,1 percent in 1972. The rise in grants corresponds to the rise in unemployment rather than bringing unemployment down. In 1951, corporations paid 28 percent of all revenues collected by the federal government and individuals paid 26.7 percent; a fairly equitable sharing of the tax burden, In 1973 individuals will pay 49.9 percent of all income tax and corporations only 12.2 per- cent under a Liberal government. Can this be the kind of unfair tax * * * 3.. Why should the voters in the federal riding of Huron support you in your bid for election? Will Open for Business Tuesday, October 31 at their New Office One Block South of Blinker Light, Main St.' Exeter • Business Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday 10 P.M. 8 p.m. Phone 235-2111 CHARLIE THOMAS I believe that I could help the people of this riding to get the kinds of Federal programs that are so necessary if this area is to develop. Over the past few years we have watched two Air Force bases phased out, railway passenger service curtailed, and little or no development of our seaway port or airports. I believe a stronger federal voice is needed to reverse this trend. Young people who have grown up in this area where our en- vironment is relatively pollution free want the kind of develop- ment that retains the rural nature of the area but offers alternate job opportunity which will use the education which they have acquired, They don't want to move to a metropolitan area where they have to commute through heavy traffic twice a day. I believe I could work with people, both rural and urban, to make this riding a still better place to live, by giving this area a strong federal voice, Phone 235-1331 1.4;italeilAtg14110(Agel0Alie4414l40_044r;%.ez ROBERT McKINLEY As promised during the elec- tion campaign of 1965 I have spent full time representing the interests of the people in the constituency of Huron. I have endeavoured to be available to be helpful with personal problems of constituents and at the same time have taken an active part in party decisions and policies and have never hesitated to raise issues in the House of Conemoris that affected the Constituency of Huron, The develOpettent at Huron Park was accomplished with the co-operation of the Provincial Government and this affects the Exeter area substantially. We have a successful agricultural school established there despite the fact there were some people who said it was not needed. The base At Clinton has occupied much of my time during the last two or more years and I ant happy to say this Is going to be Of great benefit to the area despite many toad blocks that had to be hurdled, Moto-Ski'r Meet the Mote-Ski Tat: Proof that a family machine doesn't have to sacrifice performance for comfort. Where it meets the ground, it's toughs Where it meets you, it's smooth, moto•ski Lawrence Becker RR 2, Creditors 234-6486 ROYAL BAN K serving Huron, Middlesex and Perth. Associate Manager: Peter Witherspoon • *Trefdematqc 011s4oto•Skt Limited, Moto,Skt Limtled, 1972. ) e