HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-10-19, Page 20
Students get bogged do wn
Page 8 A TirnesAdvocate, Octpker 19, 197
The Times-Advocate Will
Be Publishing Family And
Personal Greeting Sections
Again This Christmas.
Details Will Be Published
Later-WI We Just Wanted
To Let You Know Early!
On the last Friday in Sep-
tember, a busload of students, a
truck full of gear, Mr, Marshall,
Mr. Probizanski, Mr. Wooden,
and our fearless leader, Mr.
Elliott, headed due north into the
wild and isolated Stokes Bay
region, The end result after
numerous wet feet, colds, bruised
knees, and other calamities, was
a new found knowledge of plant
life, and an unforgettable
fascination for the beauty of the
We arrived in Stokes Bay at
noon on Friday, and unpacked
our gear, The boys stayed at Mr.
Elliott's cottage and the girls at
the Community Centre. Meals
were prepared by the ladies of
the village.
That afternoon we had the
great honour of visiting a bog,
Believe me, you've never lived
until you've walked out on a bog
— the mat of vegetation
springing up and down with each
step, but completely safe because
Joe somebody-or-other's cows
walk on it all the time — and all
the while you're looking for
bladder wart and pitcher plant
and peat moss and hundreds of
other such creatures,
On our way out of the bog
(thank heavens!) we came
across a live, but cold and very
docile rattlesnake. We all
crowded around (at a distance of
about twenty feet) and listened to
it rattle. Much more realistic
than a picture in a book; for
some, probably a little too
Hockey tears
from 'rocks'
GRUB DAY STRIKES — When Grub Day struck SHDHS, all sorts of
weird and wonderful costumes appeared; from pointed shoes and
slicked-down hair to bobby socks and long skirts. Shown are some of
these apparitions stalking the halls.
Berserk is the word
SAVE $5.00
Tub Enclosure
Opens from either side
li ke an accordion.
Won't shatter, Mildew,
vveterspot or crack.
Keeps water inside. A
d o-i t-yourtel fer can
install it in about 60
minutes. floplace your
old shoWer curtains
Regular $54.95
SAVE $1.07
Laundry Tray
SAVE $4.00
Moen Single Lever Kitchen Faucet
UP FOR THE BALL -- The two girls' basketball teams at South
Huron District High School are busily engaged in the Huron-Perth
Conference schedule. The above picture shows action in a recent
game. Going up for the ball is Barbara Anne Thomas (20) while
Theresa Holubowicz (24) looks on. T-A photo
With pen in hand .. • 1 II
Strangers, or Are They?
Part 1
The young man with the faded
jeans and bare feet sat on the
bench watching the people pass.
He scrutinized each face as if
trying to remember every
feature of each one, For a long
time he sat, watching never
really changing the expression on
his face, The people just walked
. by, never actually noticing him.
I stood close by, staring at him,
wondering why he chose to do
this. He was really intent on this
"project". Was he a
psychopathic, escapee from an
asylum, looking for someone he
once knew? Was he one of those
people who was hooked on
meditation? Who knew; certainly
Watching was making me
tired, but it also filled me with
fascination for this young man
with the long hair and thin face.
I finally walked toward him,
took a deep breath and asked him
the reason for his watching. For a
minute or two he didn't seem to
hear me, and the silence between
us was thick. He finally turned to
me and the depth of his eyes
startled me. He then spoke. He
had a low, deep voice.
"Why?" was his question.
It's all in
the mind
Did you know 'It's All In The
State of Mind'? Everything today
in this world depends on the way
you look at it and of eourse —
your state of mind.
Last month I received a short
but meaningful poem from my
grandparents who reside in
Toronto. When they first read it,
they sent me a copy and now I am
passing it on to you, espeeially
those high school students who
have or are about to give up on
their school year. I hope you all
read it — it may help you to see
something your eyes and mind
were closed to.
It's AU In The State Of Mind
If You Think You're Beaten You
If You Think You Dare Not, You
If You Would Like To Win
But You Think You Can't
It's Almost Certain You Won't
If You Think You Will Lose,
You're Lost
For Out In The World you Will
Success Begins With A Person's
It's All In The State Of Mind.
Author Unknown
Hear speaker
on drugs, you
On Friday, October 13 Linda
Jeffery visited South Huron High.
She is from the "Addiction
Research Foundation" and she
talked to the pupils about alcohol
and drug addiction. She tried to
tell the people, in the best way
possible, the difference between
using and abusing drugs.
Drugs are used by people so
that they may be accepted by
friends, for purpose of pleasure,
or because a person is hung up on
social unrest, People who take
drugs may be bored or lonely!
Some of the reasons not to take
drugs are: the legal aspect
(arrest), family attitude and also
the harm that might come to the
individual himself. I mean life
isn't just "floating over a lake in
a balloon" as some people may
Miss Jeffery worked at London
Psychiatric Hospital for two
years and she has seen such
things as an eight year old boy
hooked on drugs.
You may want to know why it is
legal 'for parents to drihk yet
illegal for kids to take drugs..
Everyone has this question yet no
one can answer it! I really
wonder if we understand parents
or if they understand us.
Why don't we help bridge part
of the gap and tell the parents
about drugs!
This Page
On September 28, South Huron.
District High School achieved an
orgasm of delight. TV's had been
set up in the gym, library,
cafeteria and staff room, and at
3:16 p.m., one thousand Canadian
hearts ,responded to Team
Cariada.'-britstanding feat. I
sung with a
feeling that I'verziever sensed or
felt before. I saw tears in the eyes
of 'hard-rock' teachers, I felt
something that I may never feel
Who can explain the feeling we
all shared in that moment of
glory? It was something more
than either winning or national
pride. Perhaps it was that
inexpressable something in
hockey, our national sport, that
only a sensitive Canadian poet
like A. W. Purdy can give ex-
pression to in poetry.
In any case, it was Purdy's
poem. "Hockey Players", that
came to my mind on Thursday,
after the tears and the cheers and
the hoopla had faded. It was then
that I remembered the
"crucifixion's agony" in Phil
Esposito's eyes and voice after
the game in Vancouver. It was
then that I recognized and,
perhaps, understood "the aching
glory of a resurrection" when
Henderson •scored that last,
delirious goal.
It's all over now — the sound
and the fury — but is it forgotten,
so soon?
The Clandeboye No. II 4-H club
held their fourth meeting in
Clandeboye United Church
Mrs. Kestle discussed care and
use of milk and a day's menu was
prepared using non-dairy
products. Mrs, Donaldson went
over the menus and all took part
in discussion.
The girls made and tasted
Salmon, dip and chips, cheese
crisp cookies and butterscotch
sauce served on ice-cream.
4-H Dairy Calf Club
Several young people from the
Clandeboye area participated in
the Middlesex County 4-H Fair
held Saturday at Ilderton.
Iii the Junior Holstein Heifer
Class there were 40 entries, Pat
Hodgins placed fourth with her
calf in the first prize group, Ken
Simpson was hi the second prize
group and Paul llodgins, Eddie
Groeriewegen and James Henry
Were in the third prize group.
4-H Clandeboye Cow BelleS A
The fourth meeting was
"Through the Day with Dairy
Foods." Linda Hardy made sour
cream and onion dip. The
merinbeta sampled it with raw
carrots, biscuits and crackers.
Whipped toppings were
demonstrated, Judy Henry using
cream, Sandra Steeper
evaporated milk, and Brenda
Scott, skim milk powder, Karen
Coughlin made cheese Crisps,
sound of wind ' and water,
Needless to say, we all slept well
that night.
Sunday was spent back in the
muck again — this time at a
marsh, and then at a sub-arctic
' tundra area that is kept cold
because of the subterranean
springs. Sunday was a wet but
very educational day.
All in all, I think the trip was
extremely worthwhile. We
learned a lot, had fun, and got to
know one another quite a bit
better. The old picture and a
thousand words saying can be
extended with little exaggeration
to "A field trip is worth five
I hope students in the future
will be able to make this trip to
Stokes Bay. Believe me, it's a trip
to remember,
pair of grubby overalls.
Not only did the student council
permit such a shocking display,
but they promoted it be offering
prizes to the grubbiest. The
winners were announced that
night at the Grub Dance in the
high school. Olga Zemetis won
the title of grubbiest girl, while
Mike Ottewell, another real
'greaser', won the boy's prize.
We are constantly hearing hew our generation is fighting. Man's
biggest enemy. This indestructible creature is called
We clean up rivers, highways, beaches, forests, historic sights,
and we pressure the ,government into stopping factories from
fouling our only supply of air. But how blind and stupid one must be
if he doesn't see what's lying all around his feet!.
* * *
"What's this I see? Why .., it's a garbage can! Where's all ti*
garbage? It's weird that this object of cleanliness should be empty,
Where, oh where can all the litter be? know the garbage men
came early today."
"How wrong you are, my blind fool; it does but lie all around your
feet! You are looking at it when you are sad and hang your head
"But who put it there?" you ask inquisitively.
"Why, you put it there!"
"Not I," you say.
"Yes, you and everyone else who is too lazy to deposit it in this
object of cleanliness! You throw bubble gum, chocolate bar and
candy wrappers and pop bottles onto someone else's lawn, After
all, one cannot miss a lawn, but one can and does miss a garbage
can and miss constantly. You do!"
"How can I change, and no longer do this sinful thing that is
haunting me?" you say.
"You can start by putting your litter in a receptacle designed for
the purpose, not at your feet. If a garbage can is not within spitting
distance, then hold on to your trash until you come upon one of
these lonely, rejected objects,"
This may be an unusual way of getting the point across to you, but
I feel that if this doesn't work I can try again and either make you
mad enough to put your litter in the proper place or else make you
realize your mistake so that you will do the right thing anyway.
For those of you who are slow and ha,ren't caught on yet, I'll
rephrase my suggestion in words that I'm sure you will un-
derstand: Put your garbage in a garbage can, not on someone
else's lawn! It is getting sickening to see all of your rubbish laying
around on the streets and lawns. If you haven't got the energy or
intelligence to put your garbage in the proper place, you shouldn't
be allowed on the streets because people of your nature and in-
telligence are a menace to the rest of us who care about how and
where we live, and what we live in,
You 'litter maniacs' cost the tax payers millions of dollars —
money needed to pay men to pick up after you. Finally, in case you
haven't read or heard, there are laws to protect us from this
disease of yours more commonly known as 'litter mania'.
Now, for you self-righteous members of the older generation, I
have just one thought: litter mania is not just a disease, of the
young. It was your generation that littered and polluted as a way of
life! Your 'perfect' society allowed the disease to reach epidemic
proportions. Even now, when it comes to littering and polluting,
many of you are nothing more than hypocrites, and the evidence,
although more hidden from view, is nonetheless just as in-
criminating, Don't brainwash yourself into believing that the
disease doesn't exist in your back yard! Perhaps it is about time
that you were told that you are menaces to society too.
Let's all get off our clouds, and come down to earth prepared to
see the problem and to deal with it on a personal basis. Try to keep
the faith, baby, and think CLEAN.
Save $9.00
Double Bowl
Stainless Steel Sink
Complete With Strainer
Here's a real buy on a top quality nickel stainless
steel sink. Has gleaming easy-to-clean stain resistant
finish. Undercoated to deaden sound. Self running.
Measures 31" x 20 1/2" x 7 1/8" deep.
Regular $38.88 $2 988
We all boarded the bus, happy
to be heading for — Oh Joy! —
another bog. This was just a
small, shallow one, Mr, Elliott
informed us, but net so shallow as
to keep a few of the braver (or
more stupid) from venturing too
close and sinking into two feet of
After a hearty supper, we spent
the night singing, dancing, telling
ghost stories, playing cards, and
trying to dry out soaking wet
running shoes.
Saturday was the highlight of
the weekend for me. It was spent
hiking along the Bruce Trail high
above Georgian Bay, We saw all
sorts of plant life, but I think that
the lasting impression of the trip
will be the beauty of the scenery
— clear water, walls of rock, the
On October 6, Grub Day struck
the social life of South Huron. The
students went berserk! Shades of
the 50's returned with girls in
long skirts, white 'greaser' bobby
sox, and backwards sweaters.
Boys were seen skulking around
with slicked-down hair, dressed
in slim slacks or the occasional
The starkness of the question
set me to thinking. Why had I
asked? Did I really have the right
to know?
(Continued in next
edition of Guardian)
the murder
a snowy mourning dove
nimbly soars and sails
far above and away
from the reaches of reality
as i sit in peace
beneath a clear blue expanse
of freedom
but from behind a nearby
i see a reflection
of the sun's penetrating rays
and suddenly
as if annoyed
by my vigilance
the bird drops
to a fatal end
and as i turn sadly
to leave
a little boy stands
quite boldly in the path before me
quietly shooting holes
in the wings of a dead butterfly
with his brand new
b. b. gun
by lois doerr
This luxury single-handed faucet has a swing spout
and cone aerator. its sleek, stylish design plus its
efficient performance makes it a real bargain at this
price. Regular $33.88
'29" )
Has 4" centres. Cast brass body. Triple
chrome plated. Tubular spout with hose
Regular $11.95 $1088
H anover „„.
Clean, baby, clean!
A one piece
rimOld Arborite counter it
easy to keep clean,
hat contoured curved splash back
;,,land rolled non-drip edges.
Golden Glitter on Snow White,
White Milano Marble,
Avocado Caterize
Regular $27.95 $24.96 South
Regular 29.05 26.95 North
10' Regular 34,05 31.95 South
Regular 37,05 34.95 North
SAVE $5.00
Lavatory Faucet Set
This single handled 4" faucet set
with lift rod and waste looks
more like an ornament than the
efficient unit it really is. Lucite
handle captures and reflects
bathroom colours.
Regular $39.95 $3 488