HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-10-19, Page 18CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate wards. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1,25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 40 per word, minimum 80c. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3Yzc per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -$1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - 81,30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch, BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion, BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1,25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 CENTRALIA - Repair Garage for Sale, Excellent Business including repairs for local farm trade, Steady all year, well established for over 30 years. Included with above, 3 bedroom house. See below. 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, included with above Garage not for sale separately until after Garage has been sold. Living room, Large modern kitchen, office or den, sun porch and utility room, Oil heat, good repair, Terms Can be arranged on above property, EXETER - 2 Building Lots - Alexander St. N, on road to. Curling Club; across from Riverview park 70x125. Sale price $2,500 each, EXETER - Serviced building lees, Dow subdivision, one Of the fastest grOwing areas in Exeter, Buy now and Save. Phone 235-2420 I. A. }NEALE EXEl'EF1 LIMITED VtaTiV':41.111747 IViiVr41i7W 42 SOY/MAN RECEIVING CLERK S 7 N 42 fop" dralte Agency, 1110 '11wie"., 1""GEllerxrr$0/ttA elrittirsiistri"cr 3...7 1:4. E11041EC oitAnS,- ' t C141,":41;d401YutinPOA:4K IN hiAlalttinlItcy'sut:Pus;m1,41111, phol E.ypt,2$.3ite,s9sih,,mamialif:16 ticotirlGL 2...4411 telt*" Sannitary •r WO, too co, ad 10414 cr 507 4OP, Your sal At p700-sloa wk. expn6A 14""4" N. o4-sfil tt* Vs..-* Acct. CA Et4cY 7 E 42 .1 pfsvc 1.$i2 ..I. 'Elm AGEN ur CIES M stn i6o awe iKrilrOFCE * • ENT ' 11 )spond 0 00 OK AS AN 0 • A 411NA. r. k 130 DISPLAY Man IlYindowsl tool to 5100 Awe Ater%) DISP rolshIne, I9C% e-$6. nor.-Iran prom 475 51 t layout cap, Sl. 489 5TH AyE Jr 1.1, Etten orrto_St Ny3 Jr 00470 trert $4 NY(' slat tsfr 59 45 As $5.c 0 ea6tieoft: Aogre.anacy r 112 p!Ol4mi25;901:Ittlo 42 t1240; EDITL Acct GOR 4111ed- EGLI NO Opt etJUIT ,44 ICICUR 5. AC JOYS, mite' A OY, CI it DO ,onera firm, excel Atencv 509 5th A CLER GENK IR CO, AtY. 10.44 E CLERK•Yerlst, $75 HORN Aterice,, CLERKS, ad at llps, Giffin A•ency 509 Sin (ICY. Wit tele!: E7PAI EST: A esse Hlite LY 49 BW CLERIALS•ACCIQ $70.6' culvert re t NIS EX, 11 ot Ina dealer-N Y C. vicinit Waite- ArtACY, 210 Madison (401 ,r4s-s-,i,1115 to_ stertjt 5-1351. MI611•Itetts1 Itorarlel INICA I1KKPK. ItlfG CO. lel PECIALTY AGENCY, liS W. 42 RM,2(12 cLK/Asst Exec Iv 04 dens, "Griffith , (LK/ Teleteere, as res S10 90 'Griffith COME Stt MGR 5125 Hoso ,5 0 . Trak Triad Agency II W 42 5130 Queer Y. 509 5 A• 4 000 LO 34331 EE,' w/wo leaf, dsio test pqyiii. $7,97;4"; D EG NNIER.eft bit Doll.Gri ffith Atencv. 501‘$ 5 Ave SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 ELEct iim pr$, no r,0 91. ' n.,.... to w, , ARtFTSMANATFNCTUNIO er25 Y 0_ VOSIRk fancy E m 10Y--DeNce, 'oleo type< A4Ito, bbington Aimee, II John St , m CONTACT Avencylt AI MU 5:1174 CASHIER.CHECKER 13 For Sale FILLY- Three in spring. Quiet. Quarter and Appaloosa. Best offer. 238-2111 , after five. 42* SNOW TIRES - Two Goodyear whitewall belted tires 1178 x 15. Less than 1,000 miles. Also one 15" GM wheel and. two 14" GM wheels. Phone Jack Delbridge, 235-1575. 42* PORTABLE SEWING machine, modern zig zag made by the White Co„ has had little use; beautiful modern dinette suite. 235-1830. 42* 9 Services October 19 9 Services 13 For Sale 13 for Sale Page OA HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS fruit cake, plum pudding, ginger- bread houses, cookies and chop- olates. Orders being taken now to allow for proper aging. Call,- 235-2238, Joan or Linda. 42-43c SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 42tfnc SPECIAL! APPLES - McIntosh. Top euality, Pick your own and windfalls, Limited supply, so come soon. Also Courtlands, De- licious and Spys, Bring con- tainers. Ross Middleton's Or- chards, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 42-43c MASSEY FERGUSON PLOW - 3 point hitch, 3 furrow 12 inch bottom, spring loaded, good condition, Jack Taylor 229-6472. 40tfne 1965 DODGE POLARO - 2-door hardtop, 318, 8 cylinder, 1968 motor, power steering, radio, as is. Original owner. Phone 228- 6855 between 6 and 7. 42c 1964 BUICK Le Sabre, 1-door sedan, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 229-6144 or 235- 1010. 42* 1963 PARISIENNE, S cylinder, automatic, full power package, good tires; 1962 Dodge Dart, good condition, certified. Best offers. Phone 234-6326. 42nc WILL BABYSIT in my home, 5 days weekly. Crediton 234- 6264, 42* FOR CUSTOM PLOWING, call 229-6593, 42-43* CUSTOM COMBINING of corn, Phone 235-1971 after 5:30 p.m. 41-42* CUSTOM CORN DRYING - See Marcel Verlinde, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 262-5608. 42e SEPTIC TANK PUMPING - H. T. Dale, phone 482-3320. 25-52* Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a, Personal Items 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20, Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales FOR POTATOES, carrots, cab- bage and onions, call Tony Martens, 2 miles west of Credi- ton. Phone 234-6488, 40-45c SINGLE PEDESTAL walnut desk, 30"x42" - locking centre drawer, 3 side drawers, expel- lent condition, $75.00. Phone 235-2388 after 5 p,m. 41-42c 13 For Sale CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain, beans and corn. Ted Oud, RR 2 Hensel, 262-5075. 30tinc BARN & COMMERCIAL paint- ing. Spray buildings the ex- perienced and modern (airless) way. Industrial paint, sand blasting and high pressure wa- ter cleaning. Free estimates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202. 39-42c REDI-MIX CONCRETE - De- livered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work, Free estimates. McCann Construction Ltd„ Dashwood. Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422. 14tfnc BACKHOE WORK - Also sewer connections; septic tanks and drain beds installed or serv- iced. Pete Butler, Lucan. 28-48* ANYONE WISHING TO have their barns whitewashed, con- tact Wm. Watson. Phone 237- 3306 Dashwood. 20tfnc ORNAMENTAL IRON - Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236-4242. 18tfnc TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964, 13tfnc LARGE WHITE CRIB, mattress in excellent condition, $35.00; blonde high chair, $ 8.00. Phone 227-4519. 42c GIRL'S FIGURE SKATES, size 7, $6.00; skiis with safety har- ness, ski poles, boy's leather boots, size 7, $30.00 complete; boy's suit, size 16, $15,00, Phone 228-6418. 42c TWO 1972 MOTO-SKI snowmo- biles, with covers; 340 Capri, 250 Cadet, excellent condition. Phone 235-1453 after 5:00 p.m. 4ltfnc 1969 SKI-D00 NORDIC - $300 or best offer. Phone 234-6433 after 5:00 p.m. 42-43c APPROXIMATELY 100 CEDAR split rail fence posts. Phone 262-5197. 42'x FEMALE MANCHESTER ter- rier, 7 months old; lady's coat with fur collar, green, size 10; Playtex nurser kit, new. Phone 235-2477. 42c PUPPIES - 6 weeks old. Will make good farm dogs. 235-2549 after 6:00 p.m. 42c It SMASH HIT! Canadian Made, Quality 5 Help Wanted Snowmobile Suits Or EXPERIENCED TRACTOR trail- er driver. Phone 262-2937. 42c , MOTHER'S HELPER required for one week while mother in hospital; one preschooler, two in school; preferably to live in. Phone 235-2732. 42-43c MAN FOR NIGHT shift drying corn. Contact Wayne Woods, 294-6576. 42c CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS required immediately. Apply at job site, Andrew and Victoria storm sewers, Exeter. 42-43c EXPERIENCED TRACTOR trail- er driver, For further informa- tion, phone Gerber Transport, Ltd., 229-8895. 42c WELDER FABRICATOR re- quired for Ta'bor Metal Fabri- cators, Huron Park. Phone 228- 6973. 41-42c MEN'S SMALL TO GIANT LADIES SMALL TO LARGE 9 Services 9 Services Model 800 2 2 95 While They Last GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lu- can Dead Stock. Phone Strath. roy 245-0838 or Lucan 227-4312. License No, 202. 11:5tfnc STUDENT WILL BABYSIT Fri- day and Saturday evenings. Phone 235-2732. 42c WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine selec- tion of watches. Bluebird dia- monds and diamonds re-setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. 1tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros,, Lucan. 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10tfne HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439. Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas, 8:13tfnc DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home, Work by pro- fessional, Excellent rates, Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc CATTLE CLIPPERS - Like new. Phone Orville Webber 262- 2539 after 6 p.m. 42nc APPLES- Bring your own con- tainers. R. E. Robinson, RR 3 Kippen, Phone 262-5307. 42c SKATES - Men's Black Pan- ther, like new, 91; Bauer fig- ure skates, 61. Phone 235-0685 after six. 41-42c LADY'S ALL WEATHER coat, size 14, never been worn; multi colour tweed, fitted. Phone 238- 2476. 42* Stp 0J 061 Machine Covers Boots Belts MAN'S HEAVY WINTER top- coat, dark grey, size 38, like new. Phone 235-2581. 42-43c TOYS - You'll find the best selection at Beavers Hardware in Exeter. Toytown now open in our basement. Walk through the walkway beside AVCO to our store in the rear. 42-43c BORDER SCOTCH COLLIE pups seven or eight weeks old, Par- ents good watchdogs and good with children. Phone Zurich 236-4894, 42c QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS at factory outlet prices. First csuality only. Signs by Webster, Exeter 235-0680. 38tfnc Children's Suits Berc"I From 2 to 6X ...'14.99 From 7 to 18 . '19.99 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 1971 - 292 H.P. BOA-SKI, ex- cellent working condition, $400 or best offer; two 2-piece snow- mobile suits, one small, one large. Phone 228-6804. 41-42c 2 UPHOLSTERED ROCKERS in good condition, plus many other articles, Phone 235-1853, prefer- ably after 3:30. 41-42* Flags Face mask Compass Adult s „ Fun He/mats ••:se See our trailers at $169.99 c•V‘C! s,o‘os CLINTON, ONT. We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked+, up free as a service to you. Irk Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck JERRY MacLEAN •St Son Auto. Ltd. 110 MAIN NORTH, EXETER 235.0800 (Next To Car Wash) HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY ! I need a full or part-time per- son to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, geed paying work. No experi- en& necessary but a ear is. For, full information contact Alvin Rau, RR No. 2, Zurich. Phone after 5:00 p.m., 236-4877. 39-42c WHITING'S ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & THINGS •,FOR SALE: Dorgherty piano and bench; chesterfield suites; hide a bed couch; coffee and end tables; televisions; combi- nation TV, radio, record play- er; odd upholstered chairs; ra- dios; record players; dining room suite; china cabinet; buf- fet; chrome sets; odd tables and chairs; automatic dryer; washing machines; stoves; re- frigerators; vanity; bureaus; beds, springs and mattresses; mirrors. ANTIQUES: Washstands; flat to wall cupboards; pressed back chairs; chests; settees; cupboards; brass beds; child's roll top desk; organ stools; wool winders; oil lamps; hang- ing lamps; toilet sets; sealers; bells; clocks; castor sets; cruet sets; china; brass; glassware; etc. REMEMBER YOUR SNOWMOBILE., HEADQUARTERS Suits, boots, mitts, helmets, face masks, goggles, flip shields, tracks, drive belts, oil, gas cans, compasses, many more accessories. BY allE HOUR BY THE DAY ti BY THE WEEK Dead Stock Removal WE PAY UP TO $15.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES according to size SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE AS A SERVICE TO YOU. One of our trucks is in your area daily. DIAL (519) 887-9334 (Collect) Licensed through Department of Agriculture No. 362-C-72 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 37tfne LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. CALL COLLECT 482-9811 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else. License No. 237-C-71 4ltfnc Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237.3314 Dashwood 19tfne CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE DEPARTMENT of MANPOWER and IMMIGRATION Your Canada Manpower Centre has requests from employers for workers interested in the following occupations: TRENCH DIGGING MACHINE OPERATOR TRUCK DRIVER - DIESEL ROOFING LABOURERS CABINET MAKER AND CABINET MAKER APPRENTICES TURNIP HARVESTERS TURNIP PROCESSING LABOURERS SIGN PAINTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE MAN (handyman) BARTENDER, BARWAITER ARC WELDER MEAT CUTTER OR MEAT CUTTER TRAINEE FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (Class 'A' License) CONCRETE FOREMAN CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS DRAIN TILE LAYERS PAINTERS AND PAINTER HELPERS WAITRESSES SHORT ORDER COOK NURSEMAID (liVe in) CONTACT YOUR CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE IN HURON PARK, ONTARIO 4.2c DOUBLE TRAILERS $169.99 SEE THEM NOW AT Jerry MacLean & Son Automotive Ltd. MZFARLANIE REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Livestock For Sale LONDON 434-8824 Exeter 235-0800 NOW AT OUR NEW LOCATION North of the Car Wash 40tfnc 8 STOCKER HEREFORD steers. Earl Ratz, 237-3458. 42c REGISTERED POLLED Here- ford bull, serviceable age. Har- vey Ross, Ailsa Craig. 42c PUREBRED Hampshire boars, serviceable age. Phone 262-5402, Gerald Moffatt. 42c LANDRACE BOAR - Purebred, no papers, good breeding, serv- iceable age. Apply Alton Wallis, RR 1 Granton at Whalen Cor- ners. Phone 225-2266. 42* FARMERS! EXETER LUCAN 63 MAIN ST., S. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1964 42c LARGE HOME: Large older 2 storey red brick home, 3 bed rooms, double livingroom, kitchen, diningroom, 2 baths,` garage and barn. Taxes $385.00, lot 82 x 105. Asking $20,000. William St. OLDER HOME: Two storey 3 bedroom home, modern kitchen, new bathroom, large living room, dining room, new oil furnace. Large lot. Asking $17,500. Are you considering erecting FARM BUILDINGS HURON PARK COIN LAUNDRY: Building is leased at $116 per month including heat. New appliances and gas water heater. A GOING CONCE RN. THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. BALL-MACAULAY LTD. WON'T LAST LONG: Two storey vinyl clad 4 bedroom home, Modern kitchen, large dining room, living room, two baths. Taxes $222.42. On large treed lot. Asking $16,500. Huron St. - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 2otfnc CENTRALIA 110-ACRE FARM: 2-bedroom house in need of repair. Modern kitchen and bathroom, New silo and good sized L-shaped beef type barn. Stream; well drained and cash crop land. Asking $30,000. Wilson's jewellery 11 Poultry For Sale BIG BEAUTY: Newer brick ranch type 3 bedroom home, only short walk uptown, Bedrooms extra large, dining room, built-in china cabinet, modern spacious kitchen, full divided basement, all electric heat, 11/2 car garage, paved drive, plenty of trees. Asking $28,000. Carling St, WELL BUILT: Nine-year-old modern 3 bedroom ranch styled home, modern kitchen, dining room with built-in china cabinet, large living room, basement recreation room nearly complete. All electric heat, $234.00. See this how. Asking $20,000. Marlbrough St. FOR RENT: CLANDEBOYE Modern one and two bedroom apartments in new complex, $1154130. Clinton SeafOrth Hensall 19tfnc PULLETS - Red and Sussex, ready to lay. Phone Murray Thompson 227-4687. 42e Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year SIGNS BY WEBSTER 12 ' Cars, Trucks For Sale 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, good condition. Contact John Cor- riveau, Zurich 236-4954. 42c 1970 CHALLENGER - 383, four barrel. Phone 238-8001 evenings; 235-2901 daytime. 42c 1964 COMET - 6 cylinder au- tomatic, with radio. To be sold as is, $200 or best offer, Phone 228-6804. 41-42c NEAR PORT FRANKS HAVE BOAT: See this beautiful 4-year-old mobile home on large 70 x 200 lot set on river frontage in new subdivision. Only a four-mile boat ride to Lake Huron. Asking $12,000. CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:213tfnc I Specializing In COMPLETE SIGN PROGRAMS FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS DASH WOOD 1D0-ACRE FARM: Close to Crediton, neat 2 storey home, steel clad drive shed, new silo, large well kept barn, good well. Asking $35,000. LICENSED MECHANIC PHONE 235-0680 EXETER Mine BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING EXPERT REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 235-1081 from 12 till 1 or after 5 p.m. 16tfne Own Your Own Home TOP WAGE AND BENEFITS APPLY TO REG McDONALD LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD, Exeter 235-1640 42e LUCAN PRESTIGE HOME: New, large 3-bedroom Single storey angel Stone, brick home, shag carpeted throughout, living room 22 x 16, dining room, large sharp kitchen, On extra large lot 106 x 313. Attached double car garage. Asking $36,500. PRESTIGE HOME: Modern 3-bedroom side split brick home in new subdivision. Two baths, large cheery kitchen, dining room and living room btoadloomed, 2 fireplaces, farrilly room, red. room, attached garage, Patic. All these features for only $30,000. On Sherwood HENSALL RETIRED COUPLE WANTED: Beautiful 2-year-old ranch style home on highway. Two large bedrooms, huge kitchen, broadloomed living room with fireplace, full basernent, Taxes $200.00. Heating $125.00, Asking $18,900. 1 One bungalow now under construction. Three bedrooms, bathroom, livingroom, kitchen, dining room, Full basement. Forced air heated. For rrIore information call Zwart 8r Graarlsrna. Situations Wanted Custom VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ZURICH NEWLY DECORATED: Modern storey and half 3 bedrtioni frame home. Large living room, dining room, kitchen and den, Garage on large 75 x 200 foot lot, Asking $15,000. BOOKKEEPING - Experienced, at my home. Payrolls, ledger Work to trial balance. Complete ineotrie tax service for farm- ers provided, Phone 237-3469 Dashwood after six. 38tfnc ZWART AND BUILDERS 0 GRAANSMA - Ha E- ppy General Contractors HOMES All makes. 9 Services CONTACT BETTY BATES HOME 2274150 OFF ICE 2274071 EXETER 285.0541 BOB PECK ZURICH Phone Homan 262-5148 s5tinic WILL BABYSIT one or two in- fants or children in my horn c, six days weekly. Phone 235- 1145. 420 i