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EXETER 235-1070
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Monday, October 23
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Tuesday, October 24
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Page 10 Times-Advocate, October 19, 1972 Debate jobless, OFY, election funds others. Can you imagine what is
going to evolve with our iron-
sportation policy in Canada now
that Mr. Trudeau has retired Mr.
Benson into the position of
chairman of the, Canadian
Transport Commission?
carrying out the Prime
Minister's wishes with his policy
of deliberately creating unem-
ployment to fight inflation, but he
must have agreed, otherwise he
would have followed the role of
Mr. Kelm; and Mr. Hellyer and
in many cases the bill introduced
by the Government following the
presentation of our report
deviated considerably from the,
committee's report, but did pass
second reading and was not
referred to the original com-
mittee, but to the regular House
Committee on Privileges and
This committee did not have
the bill referred back to the
House of Commons for third
reading before the house was
dissolved, mostly because of the
changes the Government had
!node in the legislation that did
not coincide with the previous
committee report.
The Times-Advocate posed
three more questions this week to
the candidates. of the federal
riding of Huron in the upcoming
election. Their answers follow.
Ed Bain, Goderich, who is.
running as an independent
candidate in the election was sent
a copy of this week's question,
but no replies were received.
I. Do you believe steps should be
taken to curb spending on elec-
tion campaigns? If so, what?
I believe that there should be
some reasonable limits so that
the Trudeau government have
failed miserably. When Mr.
Trudeau came to power in 1968
unemployment stood at 4.8 per
cent but now, only four years
later it has risen to the
dangerously high level it stood at
more than 10 years ago.
I need tell no one that the
policies of the Liberal Govern-
Meat have failed. Elections cost
more each year and the
government has done nothing,
programs like Opportunities For
Youth achieved very little and
cost more than they were worth
and unemployment continues to
rise despite the fact that Mr.
Trudeau claims to have created
millions of jobs.
centage of these programs ,have
proven to be useful. A few have
been unsuccessful and have
received a good deal of publicity.
,The Opportunity For Youth
programs carried out in Huron
riding this year were all very well
run programs and have con-
tributed a good, deal to the people
of this area. I shall continue to
support these programs and work
to improve and make them even
better ill the future.
3,. What are your comments on
the recent Statistics Canada
report that the seasonably ad-
justed rate of unemployment was
higher in September than at any
time since 1961? SHIRLEY WEARY — NDP
As a candidate of the New
Democratic Party my answer to
your first question this week is
best taken directly from the
policies which I represent and
support. The need for real reform
of the present system of financing
election campaigns has never
been more evident than in the
past few months. It has become
obvious that Liberals and Con-
servatives alike not only find a
need to be cozy with large cor-
porations to ensure contributions
to their campaign coffers, but
that this goodwill is often pur-
chased at the taxpayers' ex-
In February of this year we
were treated to the spectacle of
the Liberal fund-raising dinner in
Toronto, attended by
representatives of large cor-
porations that had received
grants from the Department of
Regional Economic Expansion.
Present at that dinner, and
presumably in full view of the
Prime Minister, were
representatives of IBM which
had received grants totalling
$6,003.750, Union Carbide which
had received grants of $1,395,350,
Canadian ,Johns Manville which
had received $307,530 in grants,
Falconbridge Nickel Mines which
had received more than $4
million in grants, Noranda
Mines, which along with its
subsidiary Gaspe Copper Mines
Ltd. has been favored with grants
totalling nearly $7 million. This of
The recent announcement by
Statistics Canada that unem-
ployment has reached the level at
which it stood in 1961 can indicate
only that the programs set up by
course was only the tip el the
Conservative leaders also
expressed their outrage that
these large contributors to the
Liberal campaign had received
so much largesse from the public
purse, Two weeks later however
the Tories held their own fund
raising dinner but refused to
make public names on their guest
In 1966 Andrew Brewin of the
NOP introduced a private
member's bill in the House of
Commons which called f or
amendments to the Canada
Elections Act that would limit
and publicize campaign con-
tributions, initiate an effective
accounting of election ex-
penditures and enforce
limitations, and limit ex-
penditures during a campaign to
official agents and political
The report of the Committee on
Election Expenses agreed with
Mr. Brewin's poposals and with
NDP policy on the matter. It said
political parties should be legally
recognized and made legally
responsible for their actions in
raising and spending funds.
A degree of financial equality
should be established among
candidates and among political
parties, by the extension of
certain services and subsidies to
all who qualify.
Public participation in politics
should be increased by
broadening the base of political
contributions through tax con-
cessions to donors.
Costs of election campaigns
should be reduced by shortening
the campaign period, by placing
limitations on expenditures in the
mass media by candidates and
parties and by prohibiting the
payment of poll workers on
Election Day.
A registry under the super-
vision of a registrar should be
established to audit and publish
the financial reports required
and to enforce the provision of the
proposed Elections and Political
Finances Act.
I am concerned about the high
unemployment figures which is
the one problem in our booming
economy that we must find a
solution for. When I talk to em-
ployers and manpower people
in this riding, I am assured that
jobs are available but few people
are available to work.
This situation would prompt
me to think that unemployment
must be attacked on a regional
basis as some areas, like our own
appear to have a shortage of
workers. I believe that we must
make sure that our welfare
systems provide incentive to
This is the result of disastrous
mismanagement of the country's
economic affairs. We all know
that unemployment would, have
gone higher without the
Government purposely causing
it, Mr, Benson, I expect was
candidates with unlimited funds
do not have an unfair advantage.
I realize that the problem of
laying down guide lines is a
complicated one as costs vary
from area to area and campaign
costs are very different. Tran-
sportation costs are very high in
northern ridings while the cost of
T,V. advertising may be nil.
Compare this with a Toronto
riding where media advertising
may be very •expensive and
transportation costs small. Some
rural ridings in Ontario require
substantial budgets for both
advertising and transportation.
Even though we do have a
number of problems related to
the laying down of guide lines, I
think we should tackle the job.
Last year in Parliament I spent
considerable time as chairman of
the Progressive Conservative
members on a special Election
Expenses Committee of the
House of Commons. We listened
to many representatives and held
many meetings on the subject,
Legal counsel was hired by the
Government to assist the com-
mittee, which as all committees
are, was made up of a majority of
Government members.
We compiled a report that was
issued to the Government that
favoured a ceiling on spending
for election campaigns along
with many other suggestions. As
* * *
2.. How do you feel about the
validity of the concepts and
results of the Opportunities For
Youth program?
The Opportunities for Youth
programs have been necessary
because of the lack of jobs
available for students to earn the
necessary fees to continue their
education, At best they should be
considered as a temporary aid in
reducing unemployment and
should not be considered in any
way as the long range solution to
increased employmen v-
I assisted in having several
projects in Huron approved
because the money was going to
be spent somewhere and I con-
sidered that Huron should have
its share. It appears that this
program was the easy way out of
a bad situation in that the
students did all the applying and
the Government could hire more
public servants to assess the
This is much easier than
devising practical and effective
policies to provide long range
employment through the private
sector, but this is the way
socialists work and it pleases
some people for a while until
everyone decides that he might
a§ well live off Government
handouts and there is no one left
to generate new income. The
existing wealth would simply go
round and round and the stan-
dard of living would be much
Think Big.
mostly hidden. (Although the taillights are
nearly twice as large as ever before.)
Altogether we made 20 improvements
in the Super Beetle for 1973.
But without a doubt, the biggest im-
provement of all is the feeling you get when
you get inside,
Take it for a test sit today.
The Opportunities For Youth
Program was enacted and
carried out in such a way that
that it was merely a stop-gap
measure representing part of the
Liberal patch-work quilt of
policies. In theory the program
was an excellent idea but it did
not reach enough people to justify
the large sums of money poured
into it,
Few things in life work as well as a Volkswagen,
We finally did it.
We finally changed the looks of the
For openers, open the door,
And Wham-0:
"What's a nice big interior like you
doing inside a Volkswagen?"
There's plenty of leg room up front.
There's lots of head room.
The windshield is curved and pushed
awayfrom your nose. t's 42% larger. (That's
the windshield, not your nose.)
The padded dash is completely re-
designed and easier to read (for those
of you who like to read dashes).
The seats are more comfortable, cur-
ved and contoured to your body.
Inertia.type seat belts buckle up as
standard equipment.
And wonder of wonders, it is now
much easier for passengers to get to the
back of the Bug.
With all the newfound room, we had
to find a new ventilation system. Which we
did. And it's so good that, now, even the
side windows can be ventilated and de-
As for outside improvements, they're
The Opportunities For Youth
Programs have been successful
in allowing young people to
develop their own programs
which they believe can benefit
Canadians, A very large per-
Police attempt
to locate pair
Exeter OPP are attempting to
locate two people believed to be
in this area.
Some identification papers
have been turned in, bearing the
name of Mrs. Wayne
(Rosemarie) Martin. The papers
were found in the Huron Park
area and may be claimed by the
They also have a license plate
found by one of the Officers On
County Road 5. The number is
,638-763 and is registered to
Michael IVIcKeeVer.
Police have not been able to
locate either Of these two per-