HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-5-25, Page 2valsetwamt
>y eyle'e Ezyerleaa :n Ct►aela. 1 v/n, gbn' ay tm wase ,intoe ...a .r The pall OS� •
ZOpt1i>r I�O.i! TEAMING GrotrtutT.-tete mdursWtd
r,rd to tit petit) : W L 'shore it 1 • the Walesa, fur teaming the Melte re -
as et, Is a Let Tait re u a i ewe tuts' can't be astuim L+ri ;':: he dearest *hen this century yea in its them, Nee tluired fur tltu harbor paints, lies bete let
• le reiesNArA1•. I I. is�he L
reit, 1 IPA al der *swine, and and a f dread bc•ywml 164 teeny borders.
• elk K. Ir. ay
darling, itvo bean think:. threw fortiellbwta ie..
buerJ in N"hik he heed and after !u este dead, his
the been, eudmilkraserell yr, Katy, awry a.„tu:.d tr.uueured in the k • of
int e tit unl loths `
Yeti iyditt
v 1111 leu of . laughed at pewit' 1. was • teals .,t prtide to Tram.* to Mrito.tef Hauuvet,who wt�lwwtulente
uw, but dnlno"a1 u:.eee.r. ill
lh I . • e ••') ,.ways a O. ..* .. t.'
11.1. .wig sees ,4u 101 10.11. in rw,•,r ould lrh,ke1t11..111s1 uuc,t I In. h a1
u,d 0.11 does .Ii the qua. tb.ugs that jos ruksnrd I. M#Lu'; atm pO1h 1' J surrounded iu1 with a hale fort
• tome mol ,roar urn I'adul uuw I kit btffng y iia uwu. lite dwpoue w191lmita Ives for-
bl .nue ;end Lraod.e• -
ileo .,u Mat' -1110 Gad be
old It. A led 1 Hulp ! mieekt'. uses 1' ant 1. gotten wed his unalrting ammeter .11 life
1 all •...a put toy rtgkf (wit to*olO4t, and , feet 'f4.s is k the.
'Merthyr ail teen
' ft al a hue uo:ne.s to ditty, 18-, that *11111e bendy Ir ',a1Aw. 'Ala think
1 tt.uteJ it up to the Cove •v Cork trout they ca!1 it); '"'"ea..ti•r altha
Sally 'baled, ...1 pot there tale uol suited, 1 4..11 kuw,•-
rat, man,tlsuiiirkteeth x uir-
Thao r•,ra liths .•f fug 'Intim lion, a, ell let � �
Won, •ntg to go.) 'mock, S. t..ek mu rel that vas gni. to Yell soon
�eaa�e lel one, awl sailed t - tat dsy. get treed toot,' sea m. "., ,e ka.w y c
Wit lad u,urnly at letting i tris- toilet lav ver b„utiu; lea le anal t..
Lou--usecemery that Len. res- rid ire Caueda • tea ho•
pturrut hilts and 4.sls, its potty- girls, Well, 1 pulls on le !:see. daps sun
am.4 tis ,.!Lola.; b.y e. "loch 1' sea i 41 osubuuu leu esu heed, .,:.'... ^_e •haleuter
e,,ee f, ••lith 1101, agree.. III' •hr..•en bolds ate ester, and dept tees •-_,wining,
and a a,'II. Poul; oder Whir 1114 plaintive tell the !lies kw !thole 24.:',..5''. grttuue
w,un.twl uoga of your moandhering tad fairly pulled Ilse .e p -. Lodi, and
Me...le 1.eld .Il wu.ei; liver will tt,oclick... °bused sun (rota the bar.
.w .o,rnerale awoke nes in the early mute; - holy Pattie
tor, as one lir Hewer ronlarud to Dan,
U'Cotati.U, •the tart et Erin h:.i palset
e'er my brow.'" 11'111 Katy, ether., I
rood 11.1 tell yea much 1110..11 the voyage
stnas, ,.r how re aur telliml ^Mout on
the btq wave., f.,r week•; stints between
the s..y eacki lis ae.l the grief, 1 cuuldu't
ate a bit.! ties uiw fat p .rk and ether
iatotief .lel Mord. M,twrudi•er, rftering
week. matting, we one le (l.uyberk. The
weather Iva very mid.Item we leeded.
mud Ididn't k1,0 r , o.t 4. do eel mase!(.
li.. 1 upan' ate! the captain of tl.e beg
alp snore L could tulle light work le
ell, eh.re apt yc tw,uud fur Padd1T"
eua the et Neu.
".R;,, captim hoary," sea 1, " I'm 4.113
the uulld Hero is (waved eta g•.nl•1, and
not vert eller rbere 1 g,., s•. 111.1 1 gni
• ,,rue and a time ar eye -rather to
arse uw tbrapple,etf..r ye know i wa
*aye a thirsty sup 4k. e. fattier before
"Leek here, Paldle" mashie •'leer my
adrtca, aril emir wind the goa,la; lint honk
fur work o.a the wharfs wow, a,1d int. the
ap tux post mt" the 4x.1., and then you: ll
bud the ra • geoid," sea 1,.. "if le cn.,..
4, work for .1," its he.
he Lorre, l wenth•r.1 hew het knew my
namue, and l luukedat hies wul hulls tme
"Aireh, my jewel," sez 1, "what beak
14 it' And 111V name** net [teddy Deed.. if
I dent awl the meek ittpthl. anti thin,
az I to the eaptain.
•to tittirthe hosh am' cut demi the !me-
llow. and then, if yes tit work nerd,
"Bet, eaptent dear," ties 1, hat mewl
wed lumber 11. to mei By wore, if it our
▪ ailiat, 511 1110 eld be*. 1111.16111"
ant, "I see y• mistimes on iettrelv;
' the three* thee* called leteber." says 1W.,
"Oh, fan, is it! ' sea I. "lien that
egonld 1111 er mistier redly -me that was
--rated so tutotterty-tne. twe-
Eff et Moses, has it conie tit thser sea I.
e'lent don't 1111,1'411111 yott can pick up goad
"Bet herr ciedi I cut down the arse',
eaptaiii, honey t" sex !.
"thi tenet ate them! seppoxe," sez he.
• "Arreh tele, captain. mete ta' rune
wus til az them ter hemmed yearsethey
"Well," rove ha' as I see yetis are jele
In; wid me, just wel onteby year laming,
peddy Doyle, and show it4„ hoe/ ye an
*brevet,' az lie; ter hemmed text.
Well to limit. a long story ehert, I kem
down Pettit 1•011. add eaa lietking at all
the tree' eights, and the big she*, and
the ereeds .1 miu and layman "'Mims
that they :ells hubitees. snit smalltime(
'whet they 1.1.1111 Saying mi all ntiti their
other gibberiele whin all at mice 1411
by the sate al the breshes, and gee me a
rale nip.
flat the Ivey ye th/N1C A christen? sox I:
the " net thee -1- etimped
and nick halt ay a good-sised parer, 'hot
died in hit ef it end mettle thong!' 1 ki..11-
ie a ohm oontithry, where they let the doge
bite ye, and 1 le 1110 14011 011 te the groomed
where for the geoid, 111r sliver either, cud
Pettey see; but the ice, bad meneers 11,
tripped me up severul tones, and kilt me
av ...head, and mit the tight nut at ine
W•di, when ,mr•ng Item 1 did get in the
MA• L" V1411, at 6:-.1 I thotight he wita
lonak Iv enimgh-- have long ceased to ley the flitterme unc-
& lone for that • but 1 hope the chop. ere tien to their *mils thee when the (imam.
fee" sea 1, "and if I den't make thrill lave
that, lye mini% me name's 101 hot le,'
'Ali, ah geed SOL the firm
Pre et's ray to See 1•1151 yini*re ether ; 1),1 t
wanted thin comultry, twoen
and aptirrels, and othertataareetilve,
I'll be kilt entirely."
After 1 g•nuiebreakfastenwee and
um piled the cord av Yea. ataidn't
make • ail rope that i cove ta View-
andiver, either we had gibe it see
to me -
'Now, Paddy, y,ei'll lutist et tend
to make A corduroy read,' sae
• yonet to wear cordate
but all the ileth Tapper/sty
enough to make 4 1-01101, L .
wood, anti reads tett of eirduroy
But, Katy, aby 0a,triy•li
and thu big snow lay oti the
he. • 'I hope yell like it.
i'AN .1.Y4
Couc▪ h! Ifni to held Omni et Uv tail
at lir K:uM ed Ching's Hetet, lee Monday,
Iwuhug .... lrtely. Twenty tn+i w w the 15tI1 unit., se 10 o ohwk a. In. All the
will go to work now and in sloidIdl, ft a- members pI vM i . • Keefe ht tbe'eh:.jr,
Mud, (ruin teat to t7uuty wore will be put! MaJaw.s 1l utu.ou t appeal •tis lave Itis
I tee tote.' put,oa the full fu part .d lite
V rrrthlA*y. ---N n are noel pleeuyl tut '1ti',t•egje.4- wd J lll,t Ft11t i w
!tear that !lir ('htrrtllill- V. Dente. body 1
comwl:maed the d , li.•o of his peufesaun
furgivuu, for the solo of the luetr, hie
here, hes Mem ' auceemful in pu b:mit%
issein ease at the le;ltnolug.
?.? 4-aMQ-Qss one =lMM.
Oae dry 11.11 1 tat.. hem tatlelwd,
Jed t o., he..l W fowl.!.-
�"''a'•e" sur a4 .0 lulrut awl,
!lm• a w Int ea Noodle
1. w o,. Ivy whole too '.1.uwu.
'Vint het o atm ...I 10,411 sur. Kete "
•11'yy, 1,11*4 £14-el.t v eta ►tete. r
ihelelt were ant Wei, ley h.e•t leaped up
At no.. •e..m suit/..h<ult. it d.
1. et,tld user lilt Li. uutoGy. %be N M' .•. w1,11 . t.-er &tole lite. '
Unuo:1 •.1 thole res of lief bit !a whine.
white mote'. w..., tnitlly iwtiartd t
1 tool. •a'r•II tet. droit et two e.•
kis sun eila me fur, yell (!pima! loaf• .111 Wien Iva re, e.l•.i. 'Mi., lila le _
wilituy suocrt sus ahlel uta Ihu stet u( tr'e'e very ekitt d are Amonl e ane tieseppaval t0 have their doge taken off 0e
ole Fri lay'h;tt, ,!rtes a Lona t,ui�tuyn:�gto a i+t'iug ki!It.l, rte : Tampa '14tu1psel,
Frame. 11it ossuary L'c . 11 t,u Iiia en Fre 'oar tifl:'wti-o1 ahunut a u..lig• %1ol11tt Aadurn:u, f♦eurj Guo, %Iv. Mc- 15.x03etlerwitttoree.ly►t.
uvphew, G.0 a Il ulrlw.ir, the pwlkway to nab' tutor wo.ghnn g lib flue wlueh t1 .I Kwluy antd Ilanirl t:orataa 1 hrit to tet NyI in t on.w.d w. .
13uy,i't. acrd now flu tailors ad Nya,leue canoes ulny s e 1 KM•rv.sl in Itleohul at Mr 1,lueat to b.r > Taut 41 it they get iso utlwr I e1iJi.1. jd�.� .`den .
111.'has eclipsed the memory of thecae!.. Cl.uttlu t t otba•. 'Thu !offals tc vrsryttg M,.tul by HOorg+ Ulettr, ,w ,.n Jcd sub. t but Ihl.k lel )'t•u, deu'.rt
k Ib iltnulee K.ps 'bat b
The nmmun.uur a nmetw! ip honOTof llalattar •
e1* now becoming a racy to ths.Vsadi a et
the Cementite, who heve lust succeede•1 its
l:veiling the a Newts vuluum, which,
sunuotutel );y h:o statue, *Weal in the
1'Ltc, Veudolue. H., ouch fur popular ate
p;rtu.r, which to -day nwkue the heart let
the roan applauded leap in tritu.q h, and
to- rrow luny be chaig.dunto hte:w. 4r
gruttn. Neat week, he ode unay turn aid
the heeds that pulled down the eoluwn 1111
trying to rebuildd it
' .. ti a QAlet.n
Mr Qeora. H. flirnt, of Toronto, nada
us a species* sheet of No. 1. of Pule Cu!J
▪ weekly jourinal proposed t, be pubtiahed
iI1 '1'oruato. about the end of May, with
the grand view of lww.tlu,g, from an tudr-
petldwit platfortu aid high tuor.d stand-
pwiut, the religious, social, literary and
political tiptoe of the Dominion. The
Gehl is wide peel heady fur the harvuet, sup
we hope it wily be ably Ellal. Th. aloo. i-
ttaoa we halt. received l.eoke Surd revel• wvll.
w e ) t e leetesmrnt cult
Ktoe tea ('A.1. -One would thin tkatlu/ Ihu turiulup'.f tuulcy, us,vw revisette
t e Ctinhei Nile Jtire, trona Nie *elate Ia•,.b. finally vested. '18m1.I. The euott.
t.re way in wtitli it auileuured thetr 1110 (adjilenlyd fur 1 .leetr, after 0heti th
.f Capt• Cook roue L'ed Rii er and the car- ! a,,,,,,/l met ter grmarat bnaiuese; The
eun,staohal eeeniet it gives of 111. heelth 1' ,,µ,,0n3 ``.iitituut of nue (hayfield School
and aPlwaraKe, keine/11 bilq at s Jin � �rurtorat trkwl 11t1. 11u,43br Ili \\ men,
tenet wider 100 pants at least. lynch as I pa,uded LLD \' Yoxall; that al,.r Rwv.
all of n would like W s0e•wr 1,ighatl�r..r'rbd !levo kk•avu by repented to 11atlt4elr
tow meow, w. w111 love to waitt-ths 1.444' lw.t esertiow.L+pos:eau. tint t.oueie_.
tam a owe titllr,wSuch *lel n•4 aITI,'e nwtil Cuuu11d a special easesseient of the teem.
cent of July or bee -Maine of Angna•. sti p for !!sicca Seethe' No. 8, .width 0011-
Ceetau.4.•h.k,.hv hew Keen.dwttheleas•11.41cuyonugonly aho,.t-�a)Jacre* chitty
ter , iestilt•at Ked ltivrr, doing his diet- 1.•14 and rid laud, has a sch.r.1 termite -
nett e1 51Wut 150 children, moil el noes
UnOD I 4 .1.4" t coal ler taL Watson. rated aur school venoms wt.01Ally et. intim
faker, epawlal" the t1 tulle .u1 the than all the other a re•.te u,umvi
square, a.ljue!ed the ripe for the Nag sad lases, and tally duet In 110. average .4 the
,thane t, l.i ra Jima i11 11 i than live ans,aasteut of lbsi ekdu s„hwl see -twin is
minute.• the terietrtp,=lint. bleved 11 amend.
FRUIT 1'Ko+rr.•re.--We never taw the leeut by (te..rreu,.tle, second.' tie Thos.
fruit trees la•len with • greater wealth of Keys, that the mottne asking the Reeve the rrulmm .aaupa
bl..v4n than tbec now are. N'hi!e thv 11hp, llrevetc ask Bei County Commit. ['mew t, our' 01.11111
inter trees real early, warn weathre di.l ifor ate to sehru1 teethes Nee b, be not' veir..•d lee attout'
not ilumediately follow, and growl!, oat Kral:ted.-Carried, A circular was road 's• `t`'""n-ea'
---_.1 :- -_ t1._. t. 'Ther. Huron et.awa )
▪ The citle are now in mortal rivalry,
be teenier aud netimi take • nil of thektrying till/1:A up an annual
11.1; tl Il t• 111....
#1r. 114, . ... e,, And 1.0,1
At .1.l 1 .na-.4wr +rd loofa.
tisol oho. 1 loilt ea your liter him,
Awl whin lo,o At7 arum.
itee tepee root. enetth yea.
tax -ragmen earwax* anti siststurtax
'rpm tenserearsee or tee
The 'selection of .ties name (4
(IreysoLet du Luth, as the Mote
Lake terminus of the tit
weineeting Lake Superior ises
sippi river, nazi &pm -me
114 CAP; & F
in the us* building, erected by 'Insult, last
for the inspect -.rt .r the public, nn
On Saturday the 4t
The Loges, foal br..t .'d .. k ..f Hats, i` WI, u
English, Now York, & Qana
Hats. Fur
ALSO. Qi$ std Ctuth Crla, 0f 111. la
11, is Stunk bas' Mae lyde ('1a Irl
keewletteri of eke 11. 1' entl .1%1'
karo leu haad awl rN continual
par: in,' az I. • lath"' fair. eclipse the Provineial Ex.
'Oell. Yo ohraahane Yo atieer. ehition tum hitherto visited every
anything f' *eels.; It's hely sielAt . I rnei„-al city; in torn and this year is
Nag i00 f4r caret . The rut. competition
nety be it kicks!"
en - ly as high se the -Railway
vele ,Idtherto mine. IT Ilaind ti in
4,..ata ,900 to be offered in Prizes,
\helmets holie.diately ready with Mime).
'I.Yrithig is tortoni, the• agricultural coin -
:mete every -such additional fair wi 1
hest healthy thing for the
ets time either, he Menge mit
thing like a can wid tet whims en
. les the here. to it, end shore nos
w elt tt•er 111041141W [Ike a host., .1U
for sn hour °rive till at lest eir Lein
stand -still, w hen the innetlie de_
ink fisht•fell sr itiow, And egoo en* s"!
ing nows till thought he ...lee mill
off, and till tee .U.RXII CHM 1, me relt.if.
freathitten, and ye may 11.1.11 ese that
seen it 10 time," maim
"I &nit knew seething aeent oak.
sez I; e'Llit (miry the lint 111A11 that ever
WhOW1117 day eiver on, the wisetlea gin
wonsi snip -Of Inver maul *van wee Ins
"What's this forT'ses-I•
glory! Wita,..1 ‘11110ii-iii lay, ,And
oh it's theet (mar dirtiftwoi- pee,
id picture. on !beeline*
"and fee woe 'enable thee elver." 510
he, "and far mare .1aluatile than silver,"
sea he. lan•Miive
for I'm tee acch.an ownidhaiin air to dirty
me pockets wid 111011 likitlill."
pet the COWS to room, end the hins in th.
been. So armors !chit Yours it present.
IrOttre till dale PANIC Moyne
Pose SCSAPL-Don't show this to ins
any'. ty else, and. excews bad seellilb
ho .floot
Hai ni ig igna
I;ODEEICIL .31 2.3...11311.
tonete to beatifies dentine to ker.
.onthm Rai!. av pees thoeigh them, le
hecribing itti,004 In aid of the tindertek
et:, irrespective of what 11 eels the town
thip may grant. Exeter 'has thus tie
That great changes tit beadetierters are
imminent, we lave not the least dote,.
I arliament moots the meetly fill toditg
will tic strong enough to centre! heiele inn.
Every week, IMAM f I alloys keep Hosting
/Awl ether ind Br- atom etesplete Celine iiitendled retreat ri 5 -
what he celled a shied", where there mix Mende tihmistakably condennied- the
x b. n„. •rtaee .behint I eons oi the cabinet. The verdict of the
1,,a Id 1411 ate ni cal.i Premier's four yams' a beiniitration that
tithes inv tieht 1 ince eh.orld AP any inn uniting his fortunes with thr
the iietehet e„ ..".11 it hero. and the Peeent Combinatimi would he ire._
tioinitted ewer at the big Mgr till the per. inediribly shiperecking his ewn remits.
spentshen (see'nt Yee urf s,11•93), ran off holt. A!I that Sandfield at 110 likely to
.1 ',kilter*, .1 nor. th'iliej 1.4; do is to defer the inevitable Anne 1
tit er m
long as risible,. by en untimely delve Ove
, as I up to net inyeelf, PAW
hog, illy ',lack fellow sitting ton hie henk calloitg the Legiilature together, A1111 whde
ere, Isshint a tees right feremies tee. •rel tie has offices in his gift makine biotin tet
himself of the Dian [non of un nett teens -
to myself, 'here s a nigger, or 511111 sort ot
• funnier, and (ail, has a rde warm.
looking jacket atiyhew.' After if 114,114
1140 ter a while end saying nothimg, I
thieleht I would teach him niennere, and
▪ ,go-deto•-titta, ; throat van
keine rise simin,'Ises ',teethe coriniiiitr*coi
hmle't the manners t•i answer th• time
4.' day, •nil *Medi his n.eldle and Net
end iltre't know any betthei.'
gist then the niasthor enm along wid
pin 112 hie liaise ane eyeing the follow to
she fu.4 of the tree looking 50 impotent,
ba,o• yon cud pay tack Ilitletimn, hs
tow at hum, whet' the nigger fell down,
vele tneather dear, run for yet I art
life. or the looter" will keteh ye,' let I,
ter file for Millie% the ferriver,• sea I.
41 ell, Kt*. afthir a while ft la a ea
• owl., keel nod tok tip their A11,111 OP
Ilea NM tat rats.
in May 110 -This afterno et at
mall' in., fesigebeit while atteinet
hell, the river in • canoe. eery
"43 ' remilean,1 taken over the
Irtaa ill, e e re fin p posed to bk.
night °thither the midnight hoar, Nil uns-
Tit e If Anson. -Mr Kontian,-• the• con-
tractor, and several elliciala of the Public
Mr the use, of the nutlet> area. Keys,
seo.nded to Yo atatote
eraser be &hutted tu Carnal
Chien on the
s it hard to lielieve the*
4 that lucidity by Euro.
el the ofienization
ity were Sault Ste. Marie, La
ei theme hay, and Pniirie Chien,
neuteentli century ; but as early GA
traders, and Minot, • priest, proclaimed
of Lena 'XIV, and eetablished
earlier, in 1602. the site of Fort (tarry was ie. -met 7...;:totro dna lo. tbsel4
IoN1.1r •
Cr, usWOO -,Mefhrt RIPS'
March, 1e71.
of 11A1 , • et so se derie�.
u•„i.,iie I (! ••' •t 'ler nr.q
•Beset rill & Beeves
k Mhlo }nl�gla }u�
opt, i 1Tn1;1�eiFlet peer. Meet of
br1.q (odea I bolom la,go and ariei stuck 1
ne a thorough
iLe A.ie t
M prices that iia d• Ir c•inq,el ilieu.
W. M. 8AV .CE•
.7 LISP 12.-ECUILV.E11).
Ocideskli 2314 Kan 7871.
tho much and the ialendarof the at tow
Works Department are' neer tawn -bah."' In Jet", l''''t"""1 4," Br earth hareticen Atiunmedueon the :matt,
relation to the limber Works. We lielicline M.oved by thee d du now adjourn
I Nest trout the Ai: Lawreneu to he:Ma-
tt ie likely the week, Of making a new Woody,Thet nub (751701ilaf 10 „rely at e.
a...cording tti the oboe the market was
glutted with., salt. This week, by. the
310111/ authority "it. -number of teams are Sasslass_kgwInt. -
4hiPuHa7uttieuti.unjet:1:1":Truia,ataido. Iibrit!.71ngSrh:141:6,h,2h44.14g%ait_."10.0.fti.:!;•;°17":„..lotnlitiLli:lIteisiairupti:mnnl;'1.etatl.
inwton(hAwkwedluk,r4wilminyt;etoot brt tau
1111e' 0111 SliN44.11 the groella
A* fee Duluth, the Qtieliee archives rt, -
port lino in IWO, latildiegthuhret French
Pittion Illyereerewhet is now the boundary
Of Celina andMinumata..mailtIoneetil-
pharifig the trtleitarice.ut the
liming executed two Inieuois India& for
the mutate'. el a Frenchiume he attracted
the kotice- and MIMS° of his tuonarch
Louis XI V, &attic nausea& war by the. New
in 1%47, Duluth wits despatched by the
where he was in einuteamiof • post to tee
settablieheil • pet, Fort St. 'J. tes•yh, thirty
miles above Iletreit ; captured a patty of
A. .1110.1.. Terx:ton._:okreat. I-nese:If-in:the resources: fotr_Intoluip7n,rurdtay. morolaV/01117,thvbie f0ToThleeiritiCttbittliuiltgiveGri:It.
is tenth hae been not a little helped on 'The awns the 1114 turned. and inter
lilltTXDAY.-Like ether cities conatent stirring .4 the sell Wilt effectually
We are also "good enlisting'. .ad. Miens, thelerich scorns noteeellhed to kill out the weeds And elear the land.
ir,crti.arewv.iunnot mere • go touch Mt. the celebratitin of the 24th, .rh. exposure to the stet and air will de,
. match wilt be *bout the only aenuentant In" the $reaa '13 take ll'etteT
. tette. eer ree mile wild the ,itsiteur4-tt ;mop
Snperier line, steamed t etc tutraty, are makiug ere" ILONA *1 a r"ts,..1, "1 er"P* hei• been", es-
n.- .•rbor sith the Skar. wha 1111•0 rre:kirkiki0:13 14411.11- 1.1,10 -yid tettliehed pine:Lyle ef -geed fanitee, it et
,1 'al been waitilk in town Oxuerdette.--Tirlisst hone lie netteed the • 'al""ineed 1","41 well lbraelthuld.
welcomed the sight.
`, reveled with. load
Pr. horses and exp et me
''• fuer seethe propeller.
• than &gangway wail
.3 of embarkation cone
span of horses, aad
1' :•7 made by Verite
mowing. mahine
•,14 the univeniai
• freight Was to lit
sinnuthiuge bet
• opt think thie,
hater than ono
•1 apartesed not
fore, withiheli
W41111. ThE
eau :--Oureold
Dente) Roes.
well known anti
eneweithe James
ill, of Stanley,
of Walranteli.
Irp Items *into Narresee day
4 W
fer 411
f to
lone b
on t
triil boon
4 Whet*
of epaen
119 we
the fain
Min Cult
Teens rp, his
Marro; Hugh
an 1 Thetas MeKenz
au by iifelltatari farmers
Nicht. d &rid Alex.
Atexand . and Will'
t nen., and John Bran
tate, Campbell, of
•11, lately • poptil
leieknow and Thomas
as well two or threephora oh. sanialleit
1ierer 11111i band of ittegratit• letter sop-
•liod with liVel to give tl ewe,
:1111 tin th• entree,' ;,,d emilde them toir
once to work et their bone- "
-1.111,1 not but feel mrey rii See 110 meth in-
telligence, energy met to 0,1111 safely edd,
miens of the Krayr•ato were brilliantly
ighted all evening. end visite.' by litre..
wellborn ef our renters", partieuLarly by.
the relatives arid Venda of Captain Menlo
end trinity. who have beets long aid heti-
Meetly knovrn sad much respected in this
loran% About 11 o'clock ell,not pitmen -
ass by providing, at the ex• ni ht tii • /P1,11,1 1e with sae ho.arieet
cargo and elt Itlit of Mignon.. t
velum, tor the existence ef his eeer 1.1 ("knight tinie, esilea,„•••:
more fevered sereitors. The Toronto to the w. ihry 111 a 3, 14,7,..
-• "Th 're appee re to be nit detibt that journey them* witleeit mishap, met that
Senile Id will go out "(office ',alertly, and all the prosperity they hope for may be
that 111 die will bo called iipin to feria a experienced by them wherever they con-
thivert. outit. As cone .1 he lett area a teielude to settle. Two gentlemen, in
*aid that Sand field will give Richards the whom we oan repose the uttuostottitidence,
werth •.• than • dedgeship, Anil loaves 4 their elperience,.which will 1* itotelte
eim open to eceept • Jisilgehip at any future others leek ing longingly te Ruperfa land
•tecesion."• end. 'the+ we 'Mall patents ss mien as re
' It *mild he ton much to expect of Sand- reeved. lowed the wandorora !
%alley. la lteiti, hen supplied tu have
loom protein at the aiege of Seheneetaily ;
us !bailie was Up Matti at Fort Frontunac,
sued his death occurred about 1710.
He way regiuded ea the ditiouven•r
Minneeekte lovas *Jima,
post on Take Superior, aseendiel the tie
Ionia/Liver, at whose month tithe site a
the city of his name, and advanced to ?title
Lac, 'which 11 called Lake halide, frent
'de Freatesiac. He
iv tharatierised by...sro 'tient' de
Loth, is man iiitalentand experieuce.'
weeel new all attention to the earn. in the tune and Inhot nel am =inure eti
. • each a part as may be, atiewliet is done,
this issue. du welt. It its ter mich nicain that fernier..
the harbor. ' scree and live well beatiles. /fore teen
,iiiite a party of weeder teamed our peeranee of a ger.lin: teed& aro cleared
were Keane Brydges, Spicer,• .1Cen taford, :arty, crepa ere lioc;1 by hand; es en' "dna;
toil Lamer of the Geese Trod...on a 10111. i1 thee cleaned. Wheels are p died by
.4 insect:lion • Sir A. T. Oak 31r. gangs ef children, »Whine ix left to deprive
iarlane, M. 11'. P.; flan Ferailenti Mr. the grein or roes of the neateary heel
gemordim. r. and Mr, Jattlig. binly sad erne:minus crops are the result. While
t•teer three et rittr etkikelkk kir,* of their the cent of labia present' meth el this.
risk, or that . attention wool.) ,lesve „bie D with Oa, it &es net prevent ne from etilli-
petition in relation to thy interests ot the
....entry dwarves. eir A. T.: flatrienrain-
sel in town beer night and to.k. tee.
toed, whence they will yriared to rat
Erie, lar ;Mown. the International 134tidge.
%neon' Festival did credit to, the Com-
WI.1 suppose they bad to leave tee hiaking
4 a capital tin tn the ladies, Ana that the
men 11,tit ten nit erede in that tie•
tlignity, and we 'hell expect les lest act to Eel., Maar ef tile Western Onto..
be meetly in keeping .11h 11.1 whoa eine Branch et t "Company, wits t net y es-
terday attending to the increasing Initintes
ript came Tiie Reform party battled .,f the agency here. Our townsman, Mr
leng end earneetly tit secure the [emitter ti. If. Dieter receive.' the indemnity dne
triumph whieh MAI ac111071101 41 last let t 1..e, him, dnring period lie oat ierepeettited
and mu aeon: to strait with eomparattie front enemas Y the acetloot Whirl, re -
which the amptily dowliereed the claim;
The LesAan loans Oorriod 1 ....I a is Iris intention to inv.-et/1m
Worthy lite attention .4 ell, aa at insure*
i„4,141e, „irg heves mettle me tie itee. rei the Ily-law to grant bones .
1 ha le throw dowit ate See. I /100,000, to 1110 lottltinfl, nnid iliter"ritlettilithltrebilegiolbealltotetl, 11 briber
111101 mit lite • ralidtetik. , Bruce Itailwey. We hear this ernerelay) 05 their tr•rods, oniotc. d their midi-
" What's the iiieatter now, Ott
OW bt. io• 1 NI told too It him. 'horning. ht tah.rrant, that the Hy. nary oeettoat, *dee tierment.
y• imetee•tgeti from them erit *St carried hy a mejorify ef 220. "Aronreat Theme"- We hey, rereeeed
ch.?, „„i,. sex he. ries ia an evidence of ostriwortnews on the N" 1 "f 14'1* "'"!' Tdr",!" iteekl 6,10•01
vino Erotism ties • sell, hittpirrs.
the Miele Kinky I einkt4n Yowl in the
0,„1,1 ceeteritry wouldn't hhe lik• Mot,' MI
1, 'no natter eflilit else 111181 might du,'
p irt of the Forest City which will NO &AIM
interested eventing to their ability.
and inthinhed hy K. King D S. 1l is
intended tq he remplete reemeT .4 the
Tnrf and all •rwit• ft hi; ta
nem, in order PO appreciate them. that it fore '1`1fUlti'1 heltig CNN
frititeli to hcadrod *onto)) to yearn at (mile een iled• at pref.!' *riles and a
.teedy work to teeth one. !' I model t tegreyhy
mg the etteiit iif the lend Worked WO teak
kfIrreelle 11 e *verses crop. Wails are un- ia now laid Ilithin three miles of Lapeer,
profitable and must a...killed uut. The mid a large gang .4 men are engage.) in
serener is the mile time tie thiswerk; the laying the track daily, so thisTie
ylOw. and Sorrow th• a•ettaa tkaito- sad Olen time It wilt be finiithed t. Lapea.
ougittlat larking lawn] y Method. There are aloe 200 , risen working west of
011f-33 (HAWS,'
C3r.KOC.7EPIES, dna.
entering bite arningnients which ird) en-
able it toile a large through trellic in ten-
ncction with the Point Helton and Law
Michigan roast arose the river. We learn
that the !steamer Florence has been cherter-
a Loge %shish has been so arranged as to
beteg over loaded freiglit tars ileetepeel for
the east. Although the Port Herrin aud
about forty miles stratum& the freight re -
pato id providing • ettainer °Mist int
1.1111-1.0141Cid zon between the two
thee the irou the P, 11 and L.M. Hoed
41111, that place grading the track. The Cm.
Ms alai 'TIM Wen coin A 011itTAIWTT. intend to linsti the w• irk rei sem tu 'reads
We raise ens rota cr.43e "attend mu...awl Flint- during the preacet season. The
too alialkiw. Thi. is • put, a general, a eetenti7 threugh *Inch the read 14111011 111
• evil. There wants to' be deep tit- irettled,.and CitlIA1111 red about -the best
lege the subsoil plow used thoroughly, an in Michigan, so that aa the road progresses
ieetl too little now -a -Jaye, and westward it Duds luta a busineas &waiting
it, In fatt., we hate heard it stated that
letween Hee Huron and Flint there is
freight enough oft ritig, deetined for the
east, tr. k••ep the Sarnia branch of the
tireet Western road letity fer some months
to retitle. Lest week tie observed men at
work here making preparation:a ties
landing of slip deck ewleeli is to be am -
et roctrd smith of.theeletater for the tweoin-
4tiotlatit•tm•f traffic. All this
indicates 'that .the tireat Western Means
very important torinectitm. )(her Improve-
ments are talked of, to •which we shall
allude at mime future time.
hae accepted a peerage, with tlie title of
'fltic lady, whom nobility is above end
beyond any that reyal patent. can router,
wee boni in April, late, is the yeringeort
Inn., 31. i'. and gland -daughter, ON the
maternal title, of Mr Th. st. Cou•tts, the
leenker, to where, vast wealth elle maceediel
11111/redly. This 'inheritance, which
entitles' Alias Coutta to a ;ewe meet% the
representative women of her -time, sow
entirelynnexpected de ring 111 r oh ;
Cm the marriage of ber grandfather to Miss
Alellon, and him gift tot bee by will el
whole hod apparently diverted it
fiemi his faintly, wheat expect -Intone were
still further reduced by -a union between
his wirlow end the liaise( St. Albans. The
her own, juraly determined that the fertime
derived from her husband Amite revert to
hia family, w141 therefore adopted an her
heiress Mille Angela Burdett., who me -
th• e condition of assuming Lite additional'
name and men of (lento. The extensive
pottier of lemeteting society and her ft Bow -
have been tii•et extensive. Amongst those
of an importas4 oheractor have been the
endearment of a ltiehoprie in Adelaide,
Keith Australis', mid another in Victorie,
in British (*.lumina, the foundation And
kph.. endi•winent of a handieene church ate
creel ion .4 a thumb at Carbide 1 11 1814.
Mae Burdett Celina hem been alto. ft large
Mine. lineesool win • emit t tieing Mee. A most bopittiftif Mori of All kinds o4 ch• it ritehle inetrnotionsto 'Linton, churches,
shoat 23 years of It pe a netts* of Woe. t erein aml fleet Is preeirtiel for this maw' reboots, rofontolitoriee. Penitentlatites
wieb, England, end erieNikild , fro the 111,fel ft 11011 1011 011tOrlft. Tho drinbiessloantaine, Model -lodging house,
ent except fur the io nese with hen need, nut
tt Flee the lend
1.1111110 boa timed inesterle• styes ; dr„.61itatireeeddy, 7#0, adnettine the
Mn. 'Thompeou,Shu
'ranter Airdrie' mil Bernes anti °ea.',
ponable--,so us th -get the *tett on the
wers wither! ont and the Oita itt good
motion, stirring tt well and alai, if withal
the lend is rtelt and wit tttl, direci in the
rather -if all these things ers rigidly' Weft
tm 1 ere 'ill not, there unmet be alailure
el gored crop. A se .ere drcnith will nod
prevent it, tier a rainy moon; the ool fall
will perfect what the summer advanced.
The greet depth of seil gmel ter ti.a
moisture, where the roots ham, • chance
to penetrates and Inxiiriete even with a
rage% 41111 overhead But the land 11•1111:n
to be 'fertile, and if the manure n pet
down it will net hurt it for that crop; the
roots will find it, and the work Nitt tn.
w ith •istor. The manure should be spre••1
and peruse ted to he for scene time, hotter
Cm month.. The soil immediately Itch,*
will then have *received much of its
• teeth, and when it [owe tinder, soil Anil
iire are beth rich, and %all Cain a good
bed for the roots. The host ailments we
wee me a ns a Ao!,1 netted in this way,
horse manure being tinned flown. This
soil Kai deep; there owl a great detente
Wit MOM fell it mashed fertvarth the milli-
on, then amen, aided to the tains. It
was crop of carrots. It is ehe depth of
wou• tlerfol virtee, the very things thet are
neglected.- -remitter
The late Prefeeser - ro 0 argon while
Velletati, thou surgeon brought Win tit the
toilette 14 tare men who Were miler tfrAt-
melt for some slight li-notlire. "Woo id yi fit
ifeTehliarte-tetireeve, -"theme
haye 111111110 a living fur the last 'Steve e•ears
by beim/ knot keit iloivfl awl Tim over.
1•001117 w▪ hile the itteitation .4 Mr.
Woods the reading of Mr. Garrew
HIVP. It. and W. • Smyth gave metes
peel preiertnt mati:'.• viand the
Rev. W. ackateck, literally -4o as
"tilelsItY, I the chair and kept every-
,bing hemt in towhee Quite • Sum
am realized Mb will by applied to the
best advent y the Lad Aid Society.
Pleasant hi I poi; end good to eat, Int
the 14-0:tiee hing fee them lei the
• the feelings of all gond
eaged in it on Sa it last will futon
freo the d eon iif this dee, of
'died Y04 het tel 4, I ••1 by Robert
• teetering of
pelliehere have
aeatemer with
preleitly her
be well rwr•misunl. e
Mr.I.ArteineLY CAAA Nen.; mo, -.9h
R. Norma at Pont
a I. While raf log 1i011.11', he [le eed
1,1,1 I. rt.:, for rinititorivenr.tiol,„f it
too it the 10, fer nearly hada re," hie,
when the, ei-e e light
Th",s-Ln. ever picked up, and caned to some lel-
therli•irn, Mr Onesn and the 111. eturairee
ing the body drifted ne there 154
Arco ht t0 She Oakmont Cemetery ee
it''gattY (leveed
1'1,15 11 firekt reiterionso
author 01 '3 eloi tialeetr,
he copyrglit ia• new, to
\lew Patterns of Parlor Papers
New Styles of Satin Papers, ,
New Geld Papers,
Hew Bedroom rapers.
New Hall Papers,
New Office Papers,
sae F=Esk,
▪ h ea Benet them, Chisels, BIM nail -
were, Sews, Squares. Serneediane.
Leeks. there, Peals,
-.G2ertVarhiLiy. 1:11.
dealer Were theciirer1114 esko,11 he "bole
WI Renews," seine doubt' eau reetert
whether Eve wait ferneel fnen • "hone,'
when a poetical 1.441, reniartel: "Weil, if
Eve SIMI So loramd, it ;Mir td011
trete the here of -conten tem."
An old minister saes the hest witticism
Wear reemeed N14 kis preaching wee front
a little fell.* one had been Caliiwing
previously made. "It u said that afore."
- Ooderieb, Key 23rd 1871.
Flour 440 t.st 400
loci, per cwt
ink Nett
Chickens per pair 0:30 (4 0:30
2110 (4 2:26
et a • W11001001 per Irrok, 'me it to ern, or thr (k.rloth Met NAL owTeti
permont thr prim 11•1 PAM trnittell. fleet roll
13) AV D:r3 ZAP
Our Agent.
We have spy -oink ti Mr. Gavin S trailers
our s•.:,•t. to solicit eubectiptinne collect
the. thee. We Lep! On( hi. ndit and the
gent ral enblic will give him • hearty
tote of Ilathorit or • daughter -
At Atal000t•tilead, 4,11 'nth ton , Itre. Amnia (orris •
rPs resn, Nog bet of tharlwIlints Iraq, Novi
*ad Wainemah
owl the Irony part alit Itt ireta.1 1,4 0.0 Enke
Donner Ordrnrip.,58its
A him of the thninty Huron will west
in the Conti Room is Godarieb, upon
Monday the 51 h day et Jane next,
County Clerk's office.
County Clerk.
Ooderich 22nd Mae, 1871. w78 21
V be evert °Mein *owe work st Prelim &AAA
MgUV!" a n9 1/4 nt*ir• *he te herb, end oats leek mittarkehlY ie.
many p too et present' OliT'f, two latnoe t.ti.irr, 'he Milt, Appel) groundless. of a e smithy email. "Everette/ie.. re_
'ion of 2 eerift espies. • einto sheering MEAN retichire ea, Iwith hon.
Cow rants h II
Ina rot...trite. of A11 forme it low Co•11
too, to
7, AP titilifisfn
Land keret Wier rt.
and Int otel, e te the Cititeerte Woolen Mills better known •• Betimillef a Mills.
preperee to 611 ell ',relent in the way of Bell Carding, Cloth Fellingend Drawling.
AA 111114AP sa can he thine elm* herr. Peters reniiii$Pr-lon diititnee will iteldoie fail ge•
tine their Willi bone. • ith them the tome day ae thee Neve [me all their tischintry in
ant elan oorking meter, the sulecribere cart gilarardrke ell Work 401111 at their (holing
Mill wilt give the beat satisfaction.
ad F. Kt) wt 4 1EN OGLLRLF III
A. 11,0 et m.11 ic nerr o-tig to MI this Teat the nwneraitkithieero
retreat, .4 tietifying their enarsa•••• .4 the 101111111140.110.11114.L*CCUISteltLinillatite 111,11
211.zitrk Op dote rhe sten htte.totakettim- -
. • Coll. free Woolen Mine