HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-5-25, Page 1Bushing Mi1'ccte UR. R. P. A . M1 Dsruaal (U044 at maw CUnIVL T op Iw 1l AN •lurk: •. wry day. •Le * as a, •)h.. .. alierwem., most etesay fit. U. V 4sutton AT. D. F rrlel♦x.rclww.x,ac.,as.,urtw"te■.r, uay.n UR htolalt \N, bN wrt-LUS. II: winos, (uau%KU. 1w. Odes .4114•4urr.,.1PrCayugw .l t;wingekwl. 49, Cf. t Oto ST CC' ICI No, Ng. D. I.tcaq�IVTR 4'•I.L44 R PHr"IwNog.aas ass N a i aro Y4 r a 11.4uNw.. .h �se,n luneerl) ., • .ip,edbr II 1.P. C. tl lea, 174414 A.eet. 111A.(7I M\Ai)� . (e1 Me:IHI C 4,4e) h14D PIIY41t'IAN.IUIUILN,44a'•' 0611., .ter n44 '' 44 tt ars, dodo, k, 014(440. are. knows.. I)►RRn1TRR AND ATTURKSY•AT-I,AW, sae a ,1.,,,i.w.n4 t'moe.rf. Camay Crowe Miaow!. eul.noh.C.uad.Wee.. Ude... Coen tls,u.• e41s4e Cameron RE (*Arrow. 'ARRt4TRai, entseiN1M IN CHANCERY, he. 1sa. ►inYWr street, llele.tch. M. C Carew.. war J. LC8wwr'_ Dora -1t Monter. 't &RRIerenY AND *1roitei :", RO'.ICITUtt4- fl ,•nu,r•,rr, ae. 0,4.04014. la.r. �1.-Oona. ewe w.44 eveten.R.A. t•o:r1 I WEEI•ILY EIpIT):y oox & ABRAHAI4 81[LrH. proprietors. was 1CN DN)H'Y/C A.M.NCE, a TM Grated Poseibf. Good Wad Grodtnt PossibleArestber." UODERUC:IU, ONTARIO, D.C., •THURSDAY, 111.-1Y 25, 1871. Til1T StOVeS. W141lana R. 1{*4*. 13. A. CI,'''1e�n *ND LAW.orri . eaasa•. are 44140., h. N. y d'atremelems, Hooey lea 414 w*s.rN. rrm. O,.,wle'.wt detects . 8111. W lad .4141. emoted. DederlC*, Aye.14 lea.. was Inane g', Tomes. BD♦RRIeTIIt. .ATTORNIT-.ar.l.kW. SOLICIT°[ ch.wrryT aa, Material. owns*. ebbe bl,; k, aseg.lu. street b t9 H N IOHOI.eION'. 'C } SURGEON DENTIST. b Rooms over the Pust Office, We.t Street, fA Gwderich, •44444411th,'vs -_-- .tan( t)ARRIrTKR. ATNRNBY, *)LICITOR, 4444. ar• U e.........,.,, axe MONEY TO LBND. • *trona 4 ragwev. PpIAL ROTATE AND 11401444.14.'4 AOr-NT4. NO. lb s. Are..I. Iu,kle444, (4(414.14, 1f. r. Inas, C. 744441.11, Atwn.y-•Maw. H. R. 4uas. *444 Iso ts4e. o t). Mellonuall a 4( ICs1atINATOTIUNEEH, 444YPIll.n, Cesar ill Rid Harv. Wee. r4lege t 404104'! p••e'' .II 44 ..d. to. r 1.. R. Fiarnsln. OIVI6 IN'11N►IR 4414 Al04%YOH, LAND e m..J L,...;....r. K,00md4see. Af2,UI I I'1�M:C'1`il�t fp.. Ende.s.v.114 p up.1 rd 10 hm„n P1$MyY are u'., a u' 1 M : and 1'r.este •M .1.o.. s.p.r.a,*el 6a er vow a4 .he Warr. ( w, IODC • erns-J.nnn's pore Market ty,are. ti,d.rree, Ap41 *44. (ill. •.et I. 0. 0% F. Ir r nos tt't1O;. Cel e1. 1 woos , thor 11.11. _ .11 .,a m..rt. 1..t.nrh. •) Tn.,r«*rmru,4l4. a1 11 o'clock. al► tWg4•ue street 4'..e ter newsy. ar(4 . . L UM. ---DrA;•AYrwlBilter ar'•`t"r. Older; h. Feb. 1a;lITli. W. O. WILSON Isuer et1 Marriage Licenses,: Insurance & Real Estate Agent COMM1+$I0NRR 144 13. R. DEEDS, MORTGAGES; dice, .. I,RAw4.4ND REY, t;TE1+, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per Amt. 1 1,7.. ..17 -Ir 4••1414'11, 114, 0 Pl 7 MiutctorD. .On mess Di"*(tor . Ves- ! tit B3 M -O V' 8 L .I DANIEL GORDON, •1 &)AH34NF 1 1•IAIiII:It IIP HOL sr EREB rer 1. 0 PLAIN A.NL17rY'N(JY tg T I N W ,a R NI, COAL OIL, WIIOLESALE- AND RETAIL. 11411. Cnal Oil Lamp., Ate. he. Old Iron COaper, Bia... Woo 1 P,.•k i age. and Sheep 8k i. take. n elrhsere. -.._-- -_- 1.4rJ.aTORY. •'Dips of th Large Coal 0(1 Barrel, Godrriph, Aug 15, 1,170 se 1 CLOSING OUT !1 A. M A R T JAMES S.EWART WHOLESALE AGENT VI be hef.4rd .n. tellal,le Pt CalMri.. s Sur.eyy, 0 w. n1AD1,1 sett FOlt ALL KINDS OP RrIT Ave (RNAMINTAI. THERE, GRF.EN- E Nouse Pl.nte Ova..rJllt•71•,, tr, er ane Meek n.,t nn h,n4. nnl•r.,l ,. the /Torte. war.. 11. ". - Mune dour i•dens k 1• u Goderieh, Avg la, 1870 .70 GODt�IGH LODGE .. DO. 33 __-_.6.#s�.it. iR. A. A. III. 41111 rItHR RRIULAR COV• 1 uennlnlimt 10 ►e'd 14.44 the tint Weelo.day of e.rh mnwth •t 7. lee p. m. ywta. tag biethr.* rd*Ily is - r 44..) W, D14•44 0)0. 48.n. O•d.444rh 414 May. 4044. .4TLle is view ..fchangin.g hu busmen', has deteruuned-un SELLING OUT his whole stuck of Dry -goods et when he will in future r e tsu.u. y O:m,.,e, penmweq Le h•ls. Ly t" count..e. a 1,.l ,8. reale .f snpl. 11 k p'P ilea tM lien pin '1.*s1 t natal we tlh .Uw! tea.. oat u(tx, Pat odic* 4I e - ' at. wt of owners that might tend to i � a fru others. And 1 The toddeat. Wren I know on earth `thus, our reader.* may rest a.sured, he but alter » 'x11 deal ! Are melt wham halide am . vexation -and a i Lack Whin, bdivan by nu anastral grove•, urchase received, tr.gother' I Hor dmrn thin w+oPl and till the .oil; I the is said, the 411111 .1 IC,O as a 1 II a Lv a lroudvr uatte s paha*--he succeeded in getting his cattle unsold oII the 01w hated, and ale rtplins Air Ilall that he could oblull theta on i coming to 4:alt. Alta W Galt that gentde- man aarordingly .aide 044 Fair limy, where he received Iw cattle --and *here, we are informed, to sold them again at the rate • 11 t. 1 1111 e '41, eau n rl 0016 h ti ' c 6 ..f a4 l }}ww as thn ratlla••tirn! ehip}wal un chari;.l .f their naw owners from, Galt station the sate day, we "u(,1sste• we 11140 safely say that this aHlche e8 their history ea far as we *re ONIOUr pal ; but frront forum el- perienee--ifthey should reach Buffalo- we doll t know but what they will bud aotherowneraw_ siting them AL1)3ZRLY, - ._ .. I 1hla wilsits: 11I•a1 t yol,ltasu thin wrath f t d Il$ilCtlll[t. 1 o brown with Wel to 1 no tidal teak • a -_ - - of trouble au I Y pg NI4NA CE COMPANY ATha44fu11 wa•kfngor Wu*. FIftEINSURAN � Thu working men, whate'er the task, HARTFORD CONN Who carve the stone or bear the hod, CASH CAPl7 AL 4't,llna,ma ' I They Isar upon their honest brows CASH ASSETS 6,782,635.(19 The royal stamp, the seal of God; WSSEK PA[GIN .il YEAR'S 18,000,000, And worthier are thier drops of sweat The Largest Capital, Than diamonds in zoom:wt. THE LARGEST ASSET FURNITURE AN• W♦44ZROt'4■ TOE LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME or ANY • ow1.i�I f'7,'1•:. •, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . 10 1,04411 IN AMEI:11'.4. f7 Deposit male With the 1) n`wliaa GorernVW fear• . Gr r i*f Vol" y lo.hlrn urbuicl y. - Recent failures show the impar- Paris, May 17th. - The Column .il ;telae Companies that s(- ;dome was destroyed to -day. wRe ,l the moat reliable indemnity and the 8 HE AAS NOW ON nee 044 4,,. lar;.a4 .14 k. of furmtUn 14 1,,1 4'11ta(8..1,•,ra.t a•d4.e p•ep•--- supply ea.Wnlrrs .111, nrrytho.g 1, h* law 14n.In}ro,w wd P44I,' Met* Ih,pwn, tel* .a wtl, 1,l, de 444 le Chestnut. •1, de emery49 who* •004, Mattresses of F40Ull► DIMIM... 4 ,1M., :le r� to . .. . ON HAND A LARGE A8- 40,1(1Y7NT Or Pe -tome .,'•h 4.1111'.'11,, ., l'I,nnun.: IJtberapl,o IoWera Io of the (4..en Hat 11.4',,.•144snudemeut. .11. • f•ao14,. ranufmte,:n4 11"°� e. T.4pN), P„1,,. blames a any arty rryu" w rt Ilweetways ea hand a complete snort agent of God bleu the noble working men, Who rear the Fltfes of the plain, Who dig the mine., alio build the .hips, Atgl drive the eottlmeree of the twain. Cod bless them' for their toilingays Have wrought the glory of all Tho Civil War in France Collins & Shrouds In the Latest Style. Alww•o.. 1I I:A R 4E$ 410 hire. 2y� Vase p ►OR C/Sr�ii '2 Doors West of loose Office. t� LwmGe, m.1 (',rd,nod hlk4Y1 is Ex- change. 4 '.fere h. tee. 13.44. trig. _ PHOTOGRAPIi� 111.00 Per Dozen. ryT 1•DOZEN FROMOACRNFMAT1Vr.' 00et. sa 51 cents,porta;e tree. One dozen from -back negative 17 cents, postage free, to any address. Dcr ParticularAttentionpaid toCopy- ing old Ambrotypes. THIS 1S NO HUMBUG TOPECEIVEPEOPLE& THEN SELL TIIE31 GOODS At the Usual rates, But an actual clearing .t.b MITIE4 WIS:IINO TO MONEY T() LRND AT !LOWEST RATES. GORDON, Bas.tRisa Mtn ArroRwsT AT Lew AND SOLICITOR IN CFIANCEHY, OODERICH• D.Aa,A.a, Marsh zeta. 1171. we -m- Money to Loan on Real Estate, PPKAINKK ton n. T}ru.lead Los°Company A otUpherl40 M • fa'J y.r el 8 Coderwh Money to Lena, SECUIIEB [GAINS -wtl1-- SAVE 20 per CENT • /1R tory sisal le *ml. Appy 1104 13 novi,s, aelif Bead O.Arn,h AoV 14. 07* sot Da lip N JD Y Ar IICi(aHT Vain OION'1 LENT ON MORTGAGE. Apply at WM. a. BAiN'S rhanntgand Law Odle*, Crshb's block, rtoderich. Ood.rieh. Aug 15th, 1670. !444 GALLING AND PURCHASING ROM A. A. 31AKT1N (Next door to A. Smith's Clothing Store Market Mears.) O.MIcn-D.,. Seth. 1170. ntR-tf- CHEZ SE, CHEESE. Shephara Strachan, ORUCKM, oo1Sa1CH fIAVR been re.appnieted sole revels al ii Onderieh for the gals of the celebrated Keeler F.ntory Cheese. '.nerl dealers sopn!ied at the Factory Prints. .4RRPflAftn a STRACHAN. (!*derieh.'Auel5 18-1 was GUINNES'S an hang Tolley must be apparent. La an Le Vas London C corm e�cial College If AVE pl•uan In IntIW4L 1 lug to the puhlr of town P --_ and ,,,Ont:, aha they ham/ meg pa trom • was present, bud receive.* all OY the crowd. Two attempts were made to , bring the aduren to the ground. lin the tint trial the table broke and struck a sai- lor,,u the 1114.1, wounding 1 sethrely. - At Last the .able was again repaired, and at 5.20 the col suddeuly moved end sway- ed, old bunt into fragments as it struck the earth It fell lengthwise i11 the Ru, For either large ,,r smell photographs. The sobeeriber in ret.rninl th.n,kn for the liberal purolar• heretofore ezteneld to him, would just see that he h. made such im- provements snobs g tllery as will merit • coin tinuauce of the same. tTl' A Great Red3etlea en Large i'hotegraphs. ;R. L. JOHNSON. Ooderich, Aar. l5. 1870. -30 NMI W Waggon and Carriage FACTORY• BATES & ELLIOTT I4 op nn Mt 1Pavtetto ot. (leak E1110101 OM AtaA4L) attend peren.I., 1,, all the work entrusted to thew, and prepared rs 1.1 14 .111. „ •l_4.44 .�4ra * th. 11***,lore .f rel . re hu,l and 44141.1•. 4w as l''- for ,11..,1.ly u W Cowpony WATSON, WATSON, Ooreneh. Jan. 10th. .o• nt. Ir IO Il�BIIBE a�UPEDtI IN Tit Agri allan! INSiiRAMCIN Vele- wuTHER. - -Ever since the date of my , Irfur4 lMt mmunnl' anon thin •eatl.*-r leas 4,4.141 ! very stc*ly midi dry throughout -- }}•,ad j wholesnue weather, .411y slight) )• troubled with odd; the lingering oft ts,,4 s11P14ose, I int do; leo wittier. whlcl_ took its depart- ure aithuut leaving the entire stock o Its atmospherical bus)urss in a jndWie,usly settled condition. lin !manna over the' pr.guustital entrees of A)er'. Sarsaparilla i Almanac, 1 find Om: the estlm*le Is gen-, eerily, correct as ter u refers to (he begone forth lght-very pleasant by day and ver;. tau the emelt pinching frosts by night being toe' lin.- comm.o4augury. Our fent trues *hotrod Ott ung Indic:tuort..f elating out in. blur /Oise at a much earlier pena..l than in fon: er yearn, belt the limited Jugnes•u( Aust , and muiaWre levee, as yet, invited inview .le La Pain. The statute ..f the ex -Empe- ror lay several feet away, with the head off, and the crowd rushed forward; deep gnarls, to pick up fragments as re k9paoy , wer,.4 were then delivered by . mer• -oma- w'�o iudltll(ud i4. all Manner"( extra Ianlntage. The statue of the Empe ,serif,, eaglet ror wag 4 [rode 'ONP.*NY. how,. only .arm . a t b.late t Town Hr.nl • c 1'APITA[, treated as if It wap himself. 1 jio Nationaltent tr. ',very..... the orevalerwe of and a ann:e n ill boa urea * Iet3Y. 4V1110118114M11111441 its fav, and struck it I Jrowth and cobbler., and w they 14•4 ier $11x 04'44) th their rifles. The excitement was tri- I hang (like Barney's bb0ldrrletsa)ta a k0d- SCRPLUK - - - 4 4'.,000eine, and it ie hero now high. Thisexploded lest*', wa00a; ['oppose, lad file tory of th destruction of •bgr at get shot. 'theren,'o ret, no eery eeIn.IWt eon flee °.meds.'..r.ne.ot f••r hene4i woe ,1. 114re•'wn• a4o �) 4444444. 1 early g.oa4n seeds t.. nt,• 1,u M - crib � mewl ,Lt Man appearance. 41,• READ. OFFICE FOR QLiADA A `' Ilr.l� n I are not likely 441 do Mulch m the laminae* . INtC�8T0 N 1 t aero hof Of growing, uutnl the -Boil is favored by • wT1nal Manu shower we tau of thunder rata. He,. on Frt.,. reteerty an nor (Ire, foil rear, - f 1 r that matey Pt 1, lar. It la, I.'''CrCr, one of t he lost sea*':a (1,r n.o1..1.0t„.me, ar,annmta clmsOfbov)nn t have (• ods ofmulare em \�� 4114 Telegraph lastilute. NO SUMMER VACATION. which retuned readily e pl.., . vn,Ihle .r.41*41s in yrg.a4!iouof luny loud: dila t n t J Intl ods of 411aWrer M,rt, seem al n * firing c 1 roe u* to-night.g k y to have y l real n.inlellt telegraphs yrjua cmuan of Pansalto *fires fr .that .. L 110 as- sn rs u TIN TVG 1 • Nr ALLOWED ON e.:1tlLARRHIP tillthe of low. , VW Bae4neae 4'0nrsel4 deehlelly the mn.tthnr,ne4, nd.pr*'0 4l ever ,,,nr14,e4 into any toilege le 1'.4w1a. Waggons, Buggies, • Cutters, Sleighs, and,v.ryth'nc lin 1114.144 Ira.•, ,.f IL, +rr leo watered and wort 1.0.11. at the sr.) horst r.mu.rnaee retire. 3 U X J' d1 rnpnptly rtx•h't•.l 10. ON HAND, a large assortment of B1.. IC;1-r ' .4,4rh .ill be .lid £Wap for CMOS or Cord- wood. .t0 Godsend.. AA _I 1470. GOD}:R1UU WAGON & CARRIAGE MEA 13 r ft to r v ItK, 1..h., -.M4 WOnld .nn0nnr4 In the pub- 1. ub 1. Ile of Horne snd Brute, that he is now mew• nhrin40h4 antetam Carriages, Waggoau, Sleighs, Outtorss, 11444., (marw951h illIMI ERP •UItt�#el1 ' _ --titi#B431,1gUBII;i4-KW`r. i41'oR7'4 aDIMC II v11; 171 MANrrACTB 414 GEORGE GRANT, G ROCR, WEST SIDE SQUARE, (+ODERICH PRICE ONLY $I.7IPER DOZ. BOTTLES LN EIRLI CALL SOLICITED. To to 1!14 In Wood or Bottle ;) g 4'44M17.4"1 1SIPPLIED ( sttklh fdso4. 23,18TO. soli -it Every facility for utrhl*g Trlsgnphy. try- R,nd.uts may solar .t s*r Hew. Seal for Clrsul4r. tr. JONRKARD MrCHARr.ES Proprietor.. Lad., rah 1447 1771. .18.41 rat tillage with elect. the country hes 1• Pa, 1., s. me, s,,, annum a. clams .4t bauJtn4 a4xwus 1 ae • , trng4 un the aver A CA COMP 1Ga1 Ik puLliauu when t [ 1 geneever-been fae..lawl, and agrndvT-snn,eet , al labor has been 1,rr(�,rllesd Th of agricult Ir N4) PREbllt'M- �11Ti?K, NO 21>61ttf� da have made them fight the wltlu❑ rho by gone wl.k than vim $H COMthe.w a ale Theses' government tooter L cess \fKNr dean troops against their well. I am d I known to be pet formed before, lin u .hoot Mews eta•. nrt:il.w.. 04 tot taaW.�lotl .1* that amhLcnt belwtgi,g to the \'eras s cul ( eaten the lar tau 4444(414 tt 80 1r7Ife. a7nr. ,•n.* •.1,y b• 41 re4sr •4044. ivernmea what J"►rla 1,riaonero i1y the f tM .rola. w 4f ,,se oat Sur s J11 tr ae tr . x••44. •m. .w veers tw.rsnr., and 4luuravnta, .re tortured to death. to fort NO POLICY 3k SUIVEY FEE CHARGED \-anvros, before the capture of that pia,.', 4ln,+.ee el pn,mp 4 Tie,,, Amir„ll.r,r,.*lad. a captain of blacMahou's army was taken u tAs awl re the eat sr the 71 laminate* I nml•m, y by them and immediately :shot. The erne Attu arse. 4004,1ad th .400**worthd4ubW tr.",lla are indignant, and swear vengeance. Nisi '.f any other 484uitwny In we mate. It is believed that at a grand ewwdlt will take Losses in Canada payable in Gold. place in a few hours. A. M. HARDY, Agent, Godericb, ant. A despatch from Feria says the �•erfreil- Febru.ry HO, 14(71. int SI ista, parallels have been advanced, until they are now only one hundred meters from the ramparta of Paris. The tr'hgs an the trenches .re greatly disturbed by the fire of the nuuegenth, anti as tummy as thirty of them killed in one night, 1800. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON A\1) (11,()R1: INSURANCE COMPANY N•• nee* 1e existence Thirty-IWO tear., end Miring that peno•1 h.. ped Lusty. exceeding Five and a half million pounds sterling, Thedubnr•emrnl 01 011. enormous env 04,1 a wide area, h'.* *,14..,01 .1441111 cnnlr,xnlea to f h I t l t In the ELughter o1 Ias4aas. CITIZEN'OT ARIZONA AIE:4(11HD THR Vt' R ORR Or SETTLE/Le. SanFranciecn, May - 11. -The Tncoln (Ariarns) I drum of the 3.1 lust., has the :- a sin rri(( an. exa4pwri. - ed people have commenced the work of the e.t.hluhment o One neo (4'4414, Th if 1 t confide,,•.• 04 Pubis" r•.rcper*I,0N, \Ie.nh1,1,,, 10110%40g )ln,oehowle,., and bu.rr.. moo generally, wherever .t le repress :led. 476 the Fire 1, into ye4r,l , •Inns amounted w . s ,ts 1ah yea., 1.46, 1.� • 20th year, 1.•56, •' 30th year, 1416, neo year later, 14167, 0 -- The Mire Resew, F,.ri re wow ,4.71),444 The Idle Reserve Fond r. now 449.2n1,46R The enmpnnv .. represented Ihreushnel (1. 1■r,n and • 4th.•.•, by rnlluenus. Ag1ms fe whom sppl,ealon 1'r Inserr"C• may be made. 0.4. .C. SMI141, Re►.dentaeerelerT, M I. A. M. [O'7', A.ront for Coderah) B. Y. NIIIotl;for Erase , W. N . tye1ao - , IO,N0*lore. Goderieh. Aug 15, 4870 1430 Premien, tel 476 •• •• £17,761 £921,479 • £a'9�74 •. •• £141P,051 Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK W. HICK, Jae m eon Broca. AIiO 1-1 IT ECT AMA* Amer: oowe. \•► nor. N/ SPRING E AKn BUMMER DOMING. IIUGH I )UNLOP, *Tr:7XT 11•,1444 to Mnn7 cm! Ironer, W .8w i� r,n4.'.44 (*44*4,06"r CLOTHS and TWEEDS JORN PASi(ORE, Victoria 3'.rsat, Ood.ric► Ordsrleh, Aug 16, 1870 was Dissolution 01Partnership. Trr'4HP :Awrwr*Rlr IIRRk14IPORR 1119/100 Ietw4,n the nerl•r.IroM tr44.1M ORA** th4 nem, row ,444 rrm .,f 44•.,..14 l'• •1 X1,0 T^"I 0.•00 Q..14r 'h y. Irl. As, awn Alw,r..d se.l the beggM h.ntaray 7rr'w1 on by t4. nem. .utbe.MW. W.weem T►tw, M, aasnm,.u" 44eas1ter �,.YwwMVIdeW DiY. .r• Y, :'is.r aT'M s;W i4 T rJ 7 r ..1, M.OReka �..tlr1 eg•-pe lei My lass fill ''•4- at.** .ill*hl• for Prins 411.1 Kammer w00r, ,4,4o4. 48• le pep- pered b. make 7', In any rt)e. 1 C. Barry t• Bron. ('abinet4Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turners, gA0Ma.TON Orr. . Hams oe. M 8.wn'arrow rn4411* Shpt , where wwill l 141,. found retaliation on the Indians. Their patience has been remarkable, but the killing of four good citizens on the San Pedro by Indiana who had been fed and otherwise ;.r.,eided far at Camp Brant exhausted it. fl,ere is no Indian reservation at Canino (!rant. but b few hundred Ap rhes recently c•metherr. promised (reset., and were fwd anal' recruited, and from thence went out to steal arid, enlrder. Having tracked the guilty "urn to their base of supplies two weeks ago, the citizens determined to make their power felt, and on the 28th of April, • few of them, aidedhy 1(00I's}sjo Indians, 'WWI on a tonneau au of 'retenge and self- protection, Ealy on the meriting of the .10th they ela.h,d into the 'when camp, killing eighty-five savages and takntg twenty-eight Indian prisoners. A Luras, recently stolen from • farmer named Knuth, 'Cumin, wen captured, and some unbroken packages of centre primed rifle cartridge. and a hrea,t-pin, worth $2114, that be- longed to woman recently killed *t Tubac, A GOOD ASSORTMENT t Of,Kltohen.111Mm4m, Dirinen0a, end Parlor Mir allure, each ea 1'A BLIP C H A I RK (hair, ,.n. •1411 wood seated) ,UPIla AR18. BIIIITIAn. WA444 6141.14•. MATtneseg K LO (044* POP►K. WHATNOTS. LOOKIN : :GLASSES GILT }[1441110. Ile 4. ■ f B. ew p .jwrM.o sell er•ryth4n44•la th Cheap foriCash. 11 n A complete assort wort of (',11*. eel 94, ono* *Iwo,. on hand and 4 Hearse to her all nn naaenrble tern.. A CALL SOLICITED. Oodrrlrh. 10 Good FIT Warrented,' nd4 4ye0y ml bend. Miner, Gents' hunt..' All Cheap for Cash, O,I.Isrlrh. April 11th, 1171 TAI LORING REMOVAL. 44 ins* Kine w 4144 Arun be4, alar hep, 0.11 111a11 ■ .pl pang the forthcoming danger of their situation, !edited from th, 1uhiele whet lsshtng the Ku.tril s•ho•d hoose, sll thre rete, 018,4 I,•ss "r,, ,ro najnry freSthu r pence 1f their fall. The rosaeay teen ..as brought to a stand by ser' rime men of courageous . temp.• 1, 1,41 caukbt them In the ♦ncnuty Claoitt street, and led them op to t at AndP4rty. No blame the driver, as lie could not 'cou,.ISIICes by any mewl. wene going tluuu•'11 tite timber t epithet: _� and 1 tire None :�I!ry tamale when i airtight hie ate and shuck him teas;' • k'Haag him Met int!) Tho uturtlerer'e real tame was Jedu) M-'• fioayth He coufes'.d to killing a tum int. 6enule:y before 1. ,.4 Mg. bol ..y, it was .wctdent:dly, Saturday (4144111 altar betty/ taken ae•ross the rnrr from here he t.ok t heavy dose of strychtphtt given hula by a • lel iiiout City. , '1 he d•er.• oma tow Ih0.avy and he Pt.„v.red, thoxtgh sink y,lsWr4ay (h,'u theeffects. • J AMlrs TOTING. E/Ii1't th, Alfie »lath r t: •df a I ruat.) letter. - -•- -+ - I (r1,. tti r,J"tli Xhw Y••i k 4 r.Gwec tr- . tares !h� tuttfkli<oal►144:(4 ►t.sr►' Ahem{ ere p.m eke, w u•i;on, A m.•rl:•.D Now.. Idk Walter 11.•e0u • b,1 Rano, dul.n, w 1..•1,4,1, lin wm,p.,uy with' .nerd Ih,I .4.101..14 *1,114 �s,lltayy ..4.4144,11411* m a ,lark cell las 1 led w ,h ea.1fall a pi. ttahie0t as I•*s been , representaal. Ills L••nl-Lij•-w. icor, 481. tale - ,•dr'rd 11.4000;;• £1,4,014111 bin eon id ; hdurgo enure •eel4w.o1 for. ten te•are. I eplup..aiil••st being •M!ced tie a co 11%set ti'tb.I lip iia Lord C ----.A 1 ..I. hoose. 11 1 wet from t4'rlau l" of .*'*' fe.t s{ua44. 1 the pri1uner Atm t i IU, allowed e..1.l.es, w fee u., itntisitrmetvl'4a!a,')da0. food- �tkeJatter 4.4 .l a w.':. Al,:, o.* 001 lin be seen. lITl1 w war Met mg. has ,besn s for 11dreadsofc41114.bulran r1;.4 b Iw ul4wlo int tiro -:.1, .f the !.re.a'1t luouth: ;40. is *tot teleme.1,'and ilei tea tired, e• sin1y4,.e.10taiard•-vara*. 11,.en.ev. II s• erges from his Jnn4uell In rather 11..dilaW das•l pgobt n, ygwr.-ring; .w1y :15, bk. a - Ill Il of ICs 1 ear" .&1,,11004/6„....1"141,16g; rf Age, L4. (r Mato st•'Ilagf cud hu .t•'*- h,lla•raag, h* lace wallow, k4 hair •w Y. 444,4 wLnh•, lee NW • au:ous, **,d h-_ =i 81'044.:L brr.ltwtwa. How he not A 4 Atka.- fnll.winj Juke r ..n perprtrure.l m 441 l-.e.g share .du taw l'nrov04►ygu dh.rtl of10r 44 40 g/ Is.ctlls' •1W11,, dere h(41 T•.Iaa<o juice tip's; IM 74..ur .4 itis car Y' savagely etelatlote� at large .ell tem erfully-614111 passenger, at salad c44wd, he arose lions his rear and drlke•1 d••w1f Tae swd.ownp, the a 144, (ti•!;linvialitatly 414wut 111e other oa eon 44 .run wmrrrteed jl,7aiiln .raw, 'f 11.44.,'4 rose(w bwrtf-l.auilalE fence, aa he.ieldn•latrly' eplirtad a. u*Rtt-. ty of the t•.%Iyll. 4:111.11 (4114.11 the • a ..r the mode. ''All' right, my friend," said than ti,s4 speaker, slapping the other in a friena: Iv manner upon the elu,tlder, "titre tis a dmcru o Theta was t roar of rhvw of t '� Ianghtrr 1. ell,* car, and p.asbeng.youmbe , tea., had to acknowledge that he had bail *old, )VOI:.XXIV-N�)18rfaAe v owing [ • 11u sN+ - u' the Mny.4 wlvh eh* T11.11l '' at envoi A .a: U7' : , moi he Aube., to MIA. A.4... l bate h* toms • ;.wks wild sW 4'4wa1 tell•, .a „ rr,wsr t.syMfU I'.•.nod flewoesdilater. A,: ,.wideNM" '1 *near we 4.10.' s ,, 4,,.t a•wrr414••,41 le 4w1,ll. 114.41 •. 44.,4 .,,x 1 , 11 , it s heart lee& r... x; 4111.44'1 bat -s'1J'444,tux,, • brawl. 1+ 1,'w 14.4: rT u) •h••ui,l fw1 'r t I.yym tit,,*!, limpet ,, L '•W axe 14 4 tVt.w thr Alia .u• I (4 1a f 114: 11 "'yaoat 117 i p,.ns ,.. 4414.14 "144..41. 0.111.11 11411 Ile IaM 4. yowler ('e'. ]net relies di.w,acle113- 441114111: i•,. 11 44 .• 01 set. . W . he'll n..o,&l .. 1 tr.. xe 4 ,4 Intel. 'env, N Ie - Ile ,..,'lw_d Ina •.a 11 bode, leArceu 1 w loll bL,. wit W xi. new. nen 44.4 4 ler and hai•Ino 4044•, 7b0 pride of Kt.. green Whiner 1•.set tit, ..,r4'* ,.*wino (7)44 Dorsi ra t W oi•'. ( o' „ M4 444' WM bra ,144 And .,rear 1.1 ••w. ansta'..� .. J4., . *heru 444414 tm, iesv r. The dart Any 14.444 .o lavy44. .mrd curl .Ira•4f.•aa.w 1 TI,, .u, 4., , 4,l• t4. r el lr.owl*' lk.al A tool tr )neelh„ rj): Atli fad the *",Irl stoma Welt 'TI.4r be'..v u e. ne hwy. • The miry n.l. in dors weed rRyhl wt 11 64441110, r41„1'e .1.4.18,. 44,.4 up U,4 g ,• the »,punk ie'e th ht 8w*fl: I*e+d 1111.,;•1 gta4.uur TM •14444 1444,,1 note tb 4rv0.: b0,t, *44I"n *Yea th ,'lerere.': 1te netted the bran.. Pen W Wm Jobnul. Not w1.te.11u' I she ..,•1,l h1 saa_ala wee whit. 411, • -141. eu•m Mor : 1 ., "'tot 44,, Iw..nl r..ght bat the 01.114.4+ 4411 e Y. 444.,(:, 410 041" 141,40114% 1•le. ,11,. doe*" nen,. 7.44.4,.. Ace 1.414, hW 44410,.1: Tho dr+u red hark to *,,A 444 1.•,1 ', • .ted woes s heart w.a LL_hir.l. 1444 1444. *4' molted Me 0,4 woe' r 1)114•. 1,.44 .I rr..m 14,4414,. 1,1s; 1 .M..1 late rem .0 ln,a.l War Bat , 'lar late I A..,. ♦ t i. drysdgbn.W 114,.4pl . r , 1 .M� ♦ 0,8 l s lin KW x : ger. \ .o4,bo a at./.1.1 Darr • Tr r in.tM e Glut 4n.t• the lee, �1 .Inner 111441 1 , •) { •ally -- - yrs ' n TGr a•wl,Ti•le 1r'ap 1444 "1-,- 1- - ...I.,, Out sem fe 41.04'. weird, 4 4 44. '4 1•!4111•41,11114I 1!)....:; etas e O time even a k II h x pew tl herd, ble re -_ 4444-.t I w ,}',: L it eau .4 that 0ei4 t "1h* oldest inhabitant " s •-I;-'gt+ c•• w•e. -On eh: e Veiling of the 8111; w - car In a mail stage (inn 1; •Irriek p, j 'iie adjolrnad meeting of the Town- �,p dra.n up at KURM&I, : alit,-(''nu,.nl for the 11, v. tion of the re. the dri.•F.�,,�1 „Ceaalwn to teal" los o Aaesamrnt Roll and for mmrwl business, E,e=w-fa•w mtild,'v,tthe hones kstiflg i mt et the Town }Lail on nlay the 1:4411 a 'started hyo ' 44, .gkuedn .acne/ of i HD,(he Reeve noel unuedlars all 41,, set off .1 1.111 ruin*way.-a. •f (eeJ, • porta. After the .tinutee "f last mctlilg fig 1110lelle A11,1 tea,. fellule inefers I ging rein and approved. 111. and lea*,ng the firmer It�lt to 111 wits tienoe1 and meanie -tad that Jami. age lite mail 1.8144 at his minnp tlo. *'wart he P*thmn.ter and J' 0.•ph Morris siva! dl.creuon. The passengers antic:• Puundke!per. Carried.. Morenl by Mr lAt retie e.•c aulel by Mr lluchnn ul that .1a . Stewart se 1'.dhmaator, be allowed IOW 1,41 111lumlw•r for culvert in front of his lot. I'ern etl. Moven mill nee"ul'•d tImt the l•tiINA of 1 •yac \tartan for liberty to sell eper in the M 4itary Camp to be formed in the M.ntlana 4448,_ Iw ___,tllowml 111.4 T1'%KT.-It IS 0 414 r this weak to record the d drew Halliday, the piled pecte,l bl•cksuuth of A,i tined an the ofte:n.o'n inst. Mr Halliday las 1,.rbdly sec ladled to t -owe dsaus., and settee All num mental tacitly peeve' ..f suffering, eve menta, died en the d„r. and happier stale of , x grave. The rens*sus Pine River cemetery 101*,. by a nu mensnS c rounding population 54i-ota'AL.-Mr War popular teacher of contpitted 1w4e8*.,*4 * geld, gay, a closing c voila and tLe piddle lat. Many excellr rusts Stere sung by 1, .It also'* choice• vane were found on these Indians, nuking it a u nsiating of glees, .� matter of certainty that they were the 4,10,,, inte(wp. lard Niti* same Indians that kill L. 1i. Wooster and of (4.. yr.loa ,,,mitflar the woman on hu farm. 1t 1s certain the the con.p.oly .,tired 11e the citizens of Arizona will to, longe their beef but gb'wnlg wit nese the murder of their fellows and Of steeling of their property, and tam.7 endure It. Curless ELUtas7 ofZlght cattle 11411 1.044 MUM ma gr w. kin ehrte on thi ho Drs at nee fL bn fr1 i1 (1 an m e 411 441: n if wt.ti"n tachd to the sir ttafa .1 eel• ta t1= A hundred oxt.l'faietes Arad-& n hu•ranib ,•f the L,rn!gn JietUM that "gig: laud n the tomer 4l eeax•ntriaty,w are aril-, sta 1111 ape,: oriu4 to English wills. Then is a will, 011r at tested cud proved, scrib- bled ,na IL. hltca V1 a publican's eard..in' the fell'.woi, terrific -Dear P.dly, Was t. hay con, hall 1 liar holo .gs to you, Noy dear Polly." Another the teatnmoptary, dealnesitl,n of a-sfee.dat eteUnnggrrapbrot, it written .n "hart hand, and col tainod in kb ;Irina has. R'L411t44 thine is contained Ined ie these three words, 'All to wife.' Hen id' the w.11 of \Ioutc., Swiney, widow, who was bt*rOridtah a tarty .17 rowatibtA-4fdf he7• sillesaint•1 fhyn4a - Y tl 1. l neve.Heine - -- •r ' t Ile red e*7 144.at II h u, lode, M Mr ell. • y�..� ,401441 ' :rf�tKtrlt•9rey,�' 4art .t +I, . ad Matt dee helel14`.lr 4,.d ,, a , 04 happen, fee y fol. quiet; 1 it,. Inv.. oath 1,,y worldly Not. "T' h, any. 104•x48 r toy tee - 4• ' .1 Id thsl 1 ew lr ey L wear 1. 1t Id that thew 1 4444144 of ems,. M.tt8a b. me. .Ad tea.. '16. all the,. 444 it heel. Pray We: Inw.i ow sw.t, bateau.. this way Ill. (ei4n.y Mnora Rwl11rrr that I have ( Mr. An. .1 nisch rem- ; which hap- edsr the 7th ;me time peat aspect of his a full use of ghost * 1ona •the last Ino - pe of a better beyond the ,lowed to the N'ednenl*T the nese of the our - file .•,teemed and mime, hat lug aoementin Ash - providing th.•p0u' Lin emformityeit!. the statute.. 'Carrie.). Stored by Me. Spruce seceded by Mr. Mortis that the 4'"ort m( Itevi4ion ix, ;1,i-141MA'W much tunes the Hewer -may *4';. Utt, *tithe Hell 4s not found sat i.1.. tore to the as i ll,4* A'atetor (o n„tf.: • A n1'w Holt ant diets t wet %e ties .4**,1 r,Iln h9 1/YMay, I deliver it t, the Top Clerk. Carried. Mise d by Mr Spence ecc"ndaxl by Mr. Morrin that the Iteve ehunldcall on Sheriff Mc1,ma1.1 and request him to fnitil hie agremlrltwith the t,lticiltogrsnt a rig t -rwwl to the Itavau: Irons tha.ues r.ls -.- with, and if not complied with, the 4' .ut i1 214 forbid him to stop up the old nnt�i . 1 . Canie,l. Moved by \Ir M.trw, a 14:440441. • innocent 'scent women from their d.n,7e, and 1 b(r Buchanan drat the Ite•4,V a*d'on l Loepal .corn knit contumely on the fallen; ,,( the Connell, Should etamiIle the hill 1 y r"eil iuul'a t!wir ehsma 1 rr,all a1 on the tttkam. F.. 4) for letting * contract incident which happened • few years ego.. a Ts" 411.74 pnrminetnt dry goods stole (m 6.44 cutting down the name. 404Carried. ',Ate street, there was sgoun g,rl beruti- the Gi attd set.n. r,'. that tment le• given lin 1 ful, (swell gent (4411 gay, (44 tlru glad pus- th,ne 14, rich Firrdc*1 ti,, t (144 d.uuw14* µN,aia11 of youth and Wn.0e1440 A mat done to the wt the late tiro in who walk* to -day a pear among his fellows. and sur. wax her Suitor for honorable marriage prohibiting btu her flintily ouimeeli"ne. were iufoliee to hive. She was paw. Hi4 ,,,Lr heard of the *flair, .end introduced to the girl a gay men 1f the world, withll�prtvate it - atnii'll that hu vies to ('event t141t brother (nom marrying her, by defaming her character by public gossip. Tu -day that giri sleep" in a suicide's grave ; her lover u, the husba,d of -another ; the wfttch Who •libeled her M uriah(s in an - taller country, and the woman who 'did all for the lent' is the h*nd.otu , wliiirg mother of growing girl*. You may see then) . any clay et the pn'ment4le. Even' mow g,awagl le beginning with th. n;, aid', the per dead gel can Isiish n.. better avenger.' _ ...--- ' • E3aaaaL+ 171 her fashion linger in Chic.:g" 7'..Imnr,' \Ira. Mayne days "1 shudder some- times at the meet things which go. at people do when they go..lp. I have sewn a bury, of 4'l,ri..w4 ladies put down, and, in the meet 'income: u m manner, destroy the teputatirm of wn hnoeent gal 441.64, wbia- wn'•Ihrbnayys'd.ouue irrs(.onelhle gemai p. In order M Defrost; *omen um.,4. leant to In just ; not with the justiee •,f c,ultesy or thfvalry, but with the ju■ti, •• "1 g„ie1- n.•es. It is odd that a- Imam. M neat Wetatiu04 to his aasociats the habits of his. dials ; 1nLL • Mondial will sit in h, r pares and enlarge fur hours on the fairings of llridget in th • kitchen to some gossiping miller. The r n 40 amount .4 time 14.Ant in kindly inetrurting paid Bridget would be. more likely to 11110 in goal reefing. 'there r ere wameu, t, Amy. ,l:mowing 4.ith longue and p •* , for legi"lat itv right* to tw.rtoet--r---- them from imago nye evds, whin l.iu turned' Maitlandville. Carried. Malls( tw men* to Ing' that part of By -Law be drown pr 4,durlay evening all Page from lamming at largo, std a line -pieces of sacred of fifty cents he 1,111.1 for each Pig im- a ell trslne41 clans; pounded. the amid flu Ic.w to 1e: in force on mentor pieces. the 1st day 441 JIIIle lit/Rt. • lar I Hila, catches and J;uuesTeweley racy sprinkling _ T'1, Clerk. e rendered, and -- ily pleased with Anoth4r Xirdct'r L7aohi4. erteinnl0ut. I - - cesrcured the TRR1•RI7f1NAL Cowressen.T1r.T.6 MI•ROIRx y4'4KI4 ate Pll'e *)1411 THI [MOT Bt TIRO. YANKTON D. T., Mayas hung 15. as. afmn' seem, alias fllcllewth. a Y et Helena, C.W1ST County. Nohr'ank*, nine mils east of hat+, 'm til: south aide of the teretand that the class sicca of Mr Ward for whither practising al next setae... iAT.IMONIAI .-The Milinow' of getting recd is not r"mnl,n17 carried on to s got into serious trouble about eightoewe. The lirporegr relates ;--One of eur revers Mr Win Hall, of Ayr, knew of theecettle, and wax authorised by • Mr MIthenn, of Meeting the .proprietor of the cad in Ayr the same day, Mr Hill Infidel the t Moe, paying the farmer $50 thereon e ind the bargain. So far every thing Ana audio - factory ; but on the farmer refilling home that °veiling he mu ounirined 0 learn that during his absence his rad had been and OM the alone cattle had benaold tothem by his wife and son *ho had also received the sum of re) on the barglin ! This vow a little too much of a goal thing ; but as the Americans 'owned a ruermined v, keel, the farm --or rather tin parties who sold the cattle, to their bargaiii, a protweition was made to Mr Hall to return him hM money, end let the Americans keep the cattle. To this ilealtrar, however, the party of whom Mr Hali hal bought the rattle refused 4" allreet kftil telegraphed him to "hold on to the malle," and to take what legal steps were telbeeetart to obtain ree seminal. In thiepodtirm niat ten remained for* clay or two, until tho Americana, hiring obtained • shipping load, went out to the farmer's; aid dreve the cattle into Ayr to have thorn weighed previous to Ying th" l'stailtee on them, In that vil- ALEX. WALLACE., AND JEwELER, 'ter 111,1.11 h• A Haytoosh, Wee Parrot, nereswite sAlboh flmr have favor. .111 s red honerog....1,44 econnelin...ez•; of their Watches Clocks and Jewelsry tad wapiti's, none het Amteetema testiest.** *roadie. Regain the PreTme..IDITincr•rr0P.10• AnsoweimaitimelvelyawhomevanD•1111.1 v am. es, sr meneellyaret-etaseennomma.serl Laving bee. CLOT1FTTNG CA BE 'MADE ALEX WALLACE. ckooding's Banking office kn t'rn'th:Formairdin!ett:Wrer'it7erartedof 1;111 ri7iffn rYth1 tin' Ck""el:rat tew.: tscifiroiijidr1:ria:u.lxis...tt,lariAbtr:;,sags:7:,::',1:1".. Anssisto et Distal Violator. day. There seems toy Intro been n-. the • follow ing ittionliile,whtott ...ere., member to 'lave seen in print . A Weatent as to his identity, nor to Ins guilt, an , kn"jug "1 hig riffs -feted arrival at Goland hind' lie confessea the minder, which was rt coledblimeled Ofle, MA three .,ther wthobavoso li:hiihtiis,ntln,1 yesterday, 'mite a large eroe.1, a few from tins atde of the river wax there t., ,..- Irr.r.r..,,,l,tu'in4isaihri th:rtneltyl;taar a' murders fff wliieh he wax iwoised, ho hay. enforced his remarks with A pmetical d- ing cramped from Pail hero ori a aiisillt. 1,1atration. 'Why, sir," leo enclaianed, "I atrtinv7•14..1 elf' ilt.i.gihN8161. erulith being hung beams.. he waa unprepared to rrd,"8 " a," got °WI` 4441 !Hat WI IO combs, hair -bosh mot tooth -brash, Al die hut not because of hie innocence. He Itretr" "nr mlis find which ho need rtg,rotiely. When he wee once 'inning up, but the rope ro se and it is 'dated that he ee.11y nmokndi his pipe while they we're getting the rope ready tooth-bnoth, *A there• wasn't lin at the again. The whole nine, however retire - I menhir, seems to litre Mien condnct.ed with ...vial nednese an.1 doltberation od "ink wh___,"" "" !r"")%nd. and tie. *bow hotli Bides, the plea being that he was a I d"drt'smral vmdnli el. Aft*r using it and pitched at over into thedniehes, It um* deep-dyed ni.1 slippery ecounalrel, end th.irinsing it eft I liandoel it back ; end would only safety wee in hanging him, as no or- . 70u behr"^ i614110 tItravattant folio* j10•91 m two or three rn with. longer. No. dinery jail wen1.1 held hien. He beg= by cenfeeing to the mord. r a f Fri ^Pi' br""h, toe, end might twee laud ,,,,r, ,,,,,,„ &deck, by which time the crowd had T't, ! that hia comrade, Snicker, shot him. 119 M • 11,1i1 Ile. ' ("e ; inert -nem' to about 200. A eoto had lieen IleerMocn littewa‘Sonav.--In Segment/ n"Y i,telten awl he hed been informed that he I ^"e• long NI., I, mu• rder cf 'Locke, and on being taken to „ . - . ta'''POliwrn • avow, -,,,,,m, 71111.0W.CTrtaM.M0-1 have colon to mall lefi in 11\'' eltd"h t" rrl".10 b."! l`r47"affa for a fro., and ripen entafession have 001flonittect. 1 know that 1 will have' 110`00101144,Per•'"'' Cho' re"' al ' n1 thole* n. to be him-% and 1 only aek to he hung lilts • la I^^ S^."4""'irwlib 'be Prig ,41Y *alms. St reviewed copy leen ism old manttecript in the author's poaseassnon, and hears e f Ma,y loth. 049. which phicee the nal composition leek the dietance earn, when the ...Ohm waa yam of luny *leo %tato Oust the narrative o be*wenr14.REA „facts_ Tho see ri:ticts they were met by Mr Hall, who again cattle were then driven to (Ian for ship- ment by the Americane ; Mit in the mean- time Mr Hall litd tendered to the farmer the hill halanee due on the purchase wane) together with • notification that he wee held reaponoilde for the entire value of the rattle, and thet if not delivered to himself a snit ...mild he enterwi fee their value. This threat ?Miami tbri man who 1111 W• 1161114144TYNII, A oat, nee; tine awl Mery. Wm tools milette Ike tope • 'hr. Ire* wehanpravi tonno, sat mow ,tbe MM. role kV 1.1 Moat eau May Johetale• Hy leaar'e Mitt w non soot titbit • n4 mow, A Among mul•do Mehl Ovum for a mitrder COI 1/11fOrd, the prtneipal part of whites watt •00•1064111 !keine me I killed the, mari Locke rb,w,, A len l ukr "Al gni hme lelh. it • nist...1 4.13- . i before, but eh* nee no stenos I hest, t.n.thatgest ti.,-• sa .h.. *ars •••,(ek. •A 14 r Irmo to L100-1, Toll 1 hdlg. -1 1,4 I,. ate ease the inessunlet • ts' theineetssse • •