Huron Signal, 1871-5-18, Page 4e. w Rev W Oust ths W isseemeow, toy &-� N. A'Mist a patient at a few days grptilitoso. of ttr-u sigma will contain the Oa, folks.* advice to s (n Jnrad.; tolMwiU(, Oda is titet'ial :- ,,,p�eiegw vice tan, rub your Tho t.,rty r W be known as "The Trot- 30 Vi ready fur the ubry 'put alM ly of Vts(ahinglwu fur the settlement of the 'then, when the doctor a tilleo ogeo .lkebe.e Maims-" A tribunal of ethane IOI4 r lhdsat bs roes W knock i4 Mtn is arstitut. d tooum�stut live vim- iselto a poem the wall, and it will beat 10 goo ow by tine t6,nf iv, -the l'. mat,"lire uuwhtr in • miuuta ; thou, if 7"'u wish lis ow by (Mint ,gum, and the io s three n..errerowbe imvalidod,bruuthe lots It tch by a dratgn em Bun tritio&I t1' 1,o r a twit') bring you a t%t ,1 r+w bal- Euwerl or dat„ae . t dot i or i s no,floY i ....slew WWI, minting, in tinier to i it &&it. aur. daniypw d detail or , ,nesse Wand lathe doctor ; of course, have a 4t - d db d sad *1 ; ug, it IY.a ester chi. duty tie bit d liver w your mouth, under your to •bumf la Arasan Wong in the t . tongue, (malt, ready for lou. when he blares, whir stall ropoR two, tune l owed • uses tumid the h a_ ital want, and have • tot psinewo w pbtot powe� fresco/us o/usand • ad ore windy for biro when he lip is the tame, an spirit of •newel aid of lu nacLua ,m, vitt ; thew glvu a groat aigh ,t it taus, ud Ila greatness, .* said of its P grow. u are sure W Lo urddle- a rndei , w angst as B ell as we rade- easel lamb am" olwitou, rax pudding, prrrldryth and rightfully at all tions- wont., Geese's's stout- In tay-t you may For the adjwrge, or all Ilio.other subthoject. live on the fat 01 the land for the remain - against Great . se,"., of the d S,,,ils der of your soldiering, wliivh will not he .t Orwt Ihxtaiu t 6t, l•wwd stale.. long ; but, depend .0 11, you aro sun of a to Hth April, 1�. (rum the lark April,polio*, ,pep under tau years' wrvice."- i.„ au .s. -7t'sa 'caw uuutwiaui o We hope there are not many in the h'ope- iuuIaro t, to tit n ed, if Warn' inn► bel to 9uilo se dteer as this ",rid botcher." luepiin kr be nominated, it uw;. •nary, �was.easa llrtr•ew..@..ra.as. 011e'OSITEHLNSYMAhRNew Butcher I'WEI• BRRNTFORD BREWERY HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. ( THOS. SPENCER, PRO. rRas wtroMkq ►es NMean to I.tt. eu..naedd,r l ._ II Spencer's XXX Ales & Porter 1 4. dp•ee,l . Drltekw aMrp a tn. au, 1 Spencer's Bottled Ale in Fine condition, E•senoer's Ales in Pun- cheon, barrels and H.lf barrels. at the GODERICH DEPOT, MARKET SQUARK. GEO. GRANT. iodenck, Ju. loth. 1871. • 41 ly it nail pfneodly power. The ,awe great tdeg of 'International Aibltntlou through the inter. gamin of friendly poems, and tho wale 111,41 It o1 contest but ealf.rspwaful amity pervade the *mutations ill the treaty in regard to • tburrltcr which by that gat ur u.bjeet ire more purely Amore:ea. Foremost e coag them u the (pest' on of Ses Pother - tee on the vest. .1 the British p+eeson,na, .0 t,s whu:h It u agreed, th*t to addition to the liberty elroady secured t.. them by the treaty of 1818, the fishermen .4 the United slat' .hall have the liberty to t *kc sea thin $.i the sea comet and shores, .cud in the try's, harlrwn sod creeks of the pnrvinoea••tQuotec. N•.voScta, sod New Brunawlk, old the .01 ., of t'ri :ce h:dwud's Ts d, and .A the islands &ilia c•ht; without ing restricted to any dia- toms tataxes lona t sbor8; with permieston le lend cpm a coast, shires, and island, nod also rot he )laelolene Islands for I le w rinse, drvin; their nate and tmT et their fishl subject. .1 course in this temieet, to tie local rights of perste 1 .r..perty The same hherly is Knotted to ,:,tush wbjecte on the Eastern wasts and short's of the Vnit,d Stoles, north of the 39'1i rarallel of Wands. 1hu liberty is not to, include ,s either side shellfish, ur the salmon or s'.ad tithcrws or other 6ahenes lu tie neer and the mouths of 1 eon. 1t is further tgrred that fish oil and fish of all kinds, except fist .d the inland I ekes and their niers, and except fiel( rypre- seed in .il, the prudnce of the fuhones ••f the Coated Stats, or the Demotion of Canada, or of Prince Edward's bland, shall b. admitted into each countrynapeo- tively free of duty. It is maerted by the British Government, I.ut not ad..itted_►i_the Uuited States, that the privilegeseneeaded to the citizen .4 the 1 toted States are of gaster reds that those accorded to thesnbjens of J:twat Britain; and to prevent u' meld_ . .Dtrovesy ou this punt it is weed 'het :a Mooed Commission, with an umpire, to he appointed by a designated friendly w power, shall determine whether any c .m- l .4 5 en.. H.drl, when •.•d ..e ,n. re...gg, l.W- r•wtsauou for much alleged excess of pnot- I rim, end d en, how 'emelt eight le be poked• .�L11ta irk UHT } ACRE 1' 11.LA(:E LOTa by the United States. .1f .Baste as w. Men snort d Kw'1W'. eal•MM Next come various questions of nevi- the 1..ern net very .0,tel4. em gave •• vier ton ;cation and commercial transit, which are "sae IniOnwCe disposed of by declaring the nevig*tion .4 Also 50 &cre, of Land :he River St Lawrence and the neer. Montan, Porcupine and Sullins, for ever free and open to the eitiaena or subject• .1 both cmntries ; by providing for the oust use .4 the Welland, 84. Lawrence rod other canals in the Dominion on the .one hand, and Lake Michigan and Sl .,'1air eats on the other ; by providingfur the free transit d merchandae to and fro Ju well In the British possessions ae In the i -sited States, aboltsung the provisional export duty on American lumber on the River RtJohn. All those provisions can- • 'ming the fisheries and commercial transit aro of aura nude crntingout upon !hoe being approved of by the Congrma .1 the United States, the British Parlia- ment of Canada, and the Legislature of Prince Edward's Island. Of the pending subjects of controversy Ietween the two Governmen ta there remains to be considered the question .4 the North Western boundary line. This question, having (Mice Leen reported on by • mixed Commiesion, (that for the survey of the :ine,)the l'nited Shalee are net content to refer it to another such Cuminiaion, nor has it been deemed convenient, even nitable for apnea and 9amt.or wear, wileb b. were - :hough ran :hough rich a tribunal be appointed by a pared to make up, l• say .tyle. friendly sovereign power. Indeadof thin Good FiT Warranted, ,t has been agreed by the treaty to submit the gwkton directly too neutron power, Tlemdy-mode CIotilns,0oe•i ruraiebilw 111 .11.1111 Enlpen,r of Germany has been (rood., ala.,.,,. ►n.4. ewlaetsd for that purple. The Govern- mentof the United States hoe in ite hands All Cheap for Cash. ...Itch documentary evidence in support of r...teeleh. Apoi Istb, tat its�'eten.ions not before male nae of and • se that 11 other oda, is GREAT ErLARUEila /rests Fr. ertlassu. 1 res a the Now Tor►World] The French Free,uaw.ts have shown a strong dupeiw,u to intrude themselves into the p«htsd arena. fbev cited King 11'dh.,u to appear before them and aaawer Lr be enwr,oe conduct 10 waving war &gauss FrAnw-though why France should be regarded as peculiarly under the euanliuuhtp d freemaaunry d.rs not ap- ppweo. Nn■ we learn that the Pelletal* Freemarnu Aare .manned the ramparts, tool with the Was Isomer, the square and compass, dannmei in the face of the \•ersadlisu, are pr.'pared lc fight to ibe last extremity te defence of the city. This r.rt of thing,. quits inceMmprehetul- tile to AMen,nn Freemasons, and u in direct unlanom,l the awcsmt constitution of the fraternity, which ■trictly (orbit the mingling ill masonry and politics. Th. fact that the terrier of the l.rlge enables 1t utembets t., inttuige in the urery of free speech has led sane European Free- masons to o•orert door I.,dga into liberal COMPLETE STOCK U T I r 1_,C0 sv AND TO:E SOLD CHEAP D. 1 RGUSON, Ime IM fJostenoose k.mt.. lei vie *le Ikon he toter el..I Ned fa. ,.Need t la rhe Ladi's' Department AM IINIISDILYLRIETI OF warner Dregs Goods Summer Prnta Summer libeler,' --,.-- Summer Beats andela, political clubs. Fes Om pert, etyma of the AND NO EN') Ur, mstit4Oun Marmry itself should not be IaziLtB, held responsible. luvutariee aro ta.ght to be eel cltlleasand obedient to the taws, pil.ra:d and there u emboli,' the constitution or history .4 the frstentity which authnnue its members,as such W take part m re - R its?, 9tils. hellion, Loiterer hod may le its tib And Other KnickBiacks rd. - At the Lowest Plriei. A Schenectady farm/ wn,w to Mr /7 Greeley t, know what was the best thong W put on a garden to make seeds come up 1 LE GENTS' piglet TMLV ' quick Horace said that the most effective thi.g he ever put on a pedes for that Is Fu.iae pup ose was s thick o1 NMa Se says those Dutch hens will Ole.ao-stalesHANDSOME TWEDS, the quickest.. ...."•-"'" - - STYLISH CL c .LNG, • THE LI LE WAN ZEIR. :711I8 LITTLE YA LTE 18 THE MOST COMPLE1E F MILY S %TING 1 i A CHINE. EVER INTRODUCES IN1 NOR1H AMERICA OEURUPE AMM wt M tensest W wppli W o3.O.rt ea1Mr of weal. at . loom acne Wu vie.d bees le tow. --ten-- (kVElt 13,000 p'AMiLIE4 HAVF. ItEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE ll/ within the last two cruet, and ha, ,node for tMmsel*es hoots of frienda,aad earm.11,' n polo..' of l..ug .e i.nlw,rneahw .rt,g Twee Maeld u n pewrnlaed by slimed. of *oaMar from lbe u.udret r«mer. Won and enlighten k. tR7404(7 .ad Royal •ramlllr .f Bur," i HE IOXTT1,E-j WANZER. la 1h• un,elnt, .111 do the ,rrealot work, 11ore 0.411 moneyed. lea liable M rel ont of order. and I.LM then any °thetahnnie •meal` Machine M �nrlured Oven Meridoe le complete. with Tmilnl (Laura quilting t..�r'. Ile,nuwr esu -se tel. 441kr. Rr^lmol,0, ' Tbresd ' 1.r,' l*1C.a cued w,lh oil. wn9. Driver. 1 contorts .. -*Neat.., 184.0* W the esd. W 1'e1r4 lastametOae es full as eaalae say tw3•'• to use end Mel. the M.,. nine on oder.. Been Mewl M•ship w moualea oe • Worbk ash, ead,need las wallets nee, sad 1• sold foe 811 M L177LC \ A.Zte, on • novices 334.1. will Treadle''.t .. .. lime mese aM'D.MC-a.a with swam ' • ler•. half Caeca •• full Cue , .. FOR SALE FASHIONABLE RATS& CAPS, That VI01I*. a Tavern Stand SERVICEABLEBOOTSASHOES N tee ,Wag. of 1 •e the r arwbre dn..for lbel •t gra. USEFUL SHIRTS & btiln.Tnlo, And all the other nem...ar'ise of a complete outfit. Gents wishing to &eve money will give D. P., a tall before buying. .(yn•nt p. me Mouth rf tbe T,',L.g., the guns/net Om best clay. 30 acne r1mr.a and t4 rwn.s la 6.e I N T H E .e,pr lash. 1an4Nut ora hour, .ed lime .d Pd Grocery r/ To be role together ng, amnia Appy ram. uter 1 Department owes oe 4? letter stelae( le f 1), SWIFT. Dm onus. Koch 14th 1/-I. w11Jm - The same full assortment as usual of all kinds of (.1,. an. Yc7 •all, r Onkrs day.red th 11 pnrY of t►. Wwa, . ►nun of no day. ROBERT MILEAN. liv.tert0h /Lucl:th. 1871 .T- Sait m Flour 'Barrel 1 HOOPS. (UN P011.1. IMO'S of waned lave 0NOteetly tin tet nd, and an r.rnll."Allr burden Ione Hoops. w,10.e 0 .r .40 0101 for aka L Appy by Ulm to l ampbeli how. Ilya ae., Walnut. wa0oni, January 1671. w6111 - • Dissolution of Partnership. encs is 10 hereby glen that the pertnenk pMre- tuh.n .1,.1100 L. Y .d W 11.1.1410 11, NIGH►M u r.rm.n la culWrw ba. We this day dl..ulled br Mul nal 1.'oa5St tow' all D.1,1. 1....a to lbw said Ivrtue 0100 a. la W l'mt *aid 1' lurch e• hes sill nun t: holo Ain. lame lig 1.0, wad Parton.. g, are 4 1e taunted w Chute thane by elbow the rum will be er W1. *.rel nee 1471 w10af--• Wed kipftar •••1%404 FARM FOR BALE BAYFIEI.D. IIML RGin FARM FOR SAIF. A RARE CRA.NCE. TH. spur[ 44-7 e. WWII hale *NlMttw Caney bele., tbee..utb Helfer 144, No. xe conn oflM ).en Plot. 0.hnN,1, Co. Hun•, 100 .r..• 1 *01.1* kW 73 mom Maud vitt, nodding* Was or,hard "Very Iieoonwt.le An pal Uvular. u W priced< , ov ie be had at l4 MM. turn 'CM A ALbn CM a'.Y, W111.*..41.11*. GUINNES'S leMCE'LEBRATET UBL;N POE: TERN It M. WANZER& CO. YACTORt-CORNER KING ANA CATHARINE ARAM, Mammon, °MTAM1o. SHOW ROOMS -64 KINC ITREET EAST. A(ENT AT JJJDERICH - ABRAHAM SM171i, MERCHANT 'TAILOR. 'Esmiliha,Ass. 30th, 18'0. w4-3mos SPRING COME IND SUMMER COMING. IIUGH DUNLOP, 1STMarro M Montreal Hank, �.« no. raglan . tall .10.11 of CLOTHS and TWEEDS aeon er git. GODERICH PII ACTORY. elaedeut of better rearm .m Uta side to shim to the (united Stales the plri.eesion IIP F et the idand.1San Juan. TIT trim, /USER InIH1PARIDTnall ALLWAAHIiGT.N, May 10. -The Senate 1 TIT ,Tent into Executive session a few minutes P V M P MI after one o'clock The first thing done '.d giveWotsrtine Parti) f ....dee rdemby.d1of .RI penis, r .Irpth aMt; ones, enr 01 was the reading of the treaty of the joint T,.nah", tin or l;o.-,.. on .d L.L H. W .Iso oe Hit Commission, which occupied 0t fool. •'4•Senator Contemn, Chlorine!) 1 the Com- mittee on foreign Relations, made brief ROOT SCORERS. statement tothe effect that the treaty was CHURNS AND STRAW CUTTERS. h,monrable to lath countries, and seg tiat- .ml in the interest 1d He h1. therefore, that the treaty would receive the mood preciously neenlied by Mr. H. t.. 4. approval of the Senate, and suggested that J:D ARM0100RG. i' be given to the pre. of the country ; hut (Paathreew71. .► three 18 w eweCM Ge this *even! Senators interposed nb- - - j' cti0lln11, .. they could see no meson for A departing from the uniform practice of the FRESH It, RI V!1 LS an nu. Thiewas merely for i ormatiom. REVERSIBLE USLEBOIRD lq'ace ped leep nd•d An a„Id. .e liberal terra"• W e.Am promPtlr ) Senate. -OF - SenaGrr Sumner said he was of opinion that the claims of Brandi subject* should Ready -Made Clothing 1nthave hem incorporated in the Treaty, es they grew .4 things done on the part of Gnat Britain itaelf during the late war.- , They would not have been 'admitted if de- rided opposition had been expressed by our own Commissioners. The simpler and totter plan would have been to make amt a foie hill for the Alabama and kindred de- • reedatinn•, but he would not now ask i••yment in the way of exemplary or vindictive damages. Other matters might afterwards he adjneted. He did not how- ever inlloate whether he would vote for or against the Treaty, as he had n'4 yet had time to examine all its features, memo( which were '4 an important tuitional character. Saw Obonus-wt' L,e7r Of TORONTO. Q7TITT COMPLETE. --A new lodge ot the Baltimore Unity a.a SUPERIOR QUALITY. LARGE VARIETY 0, BROAD C15(1TH8, OASSIMER9 and TWEEDK, Alt. .f *hire .in ,ble e man ea .ort settee and . 0.erlo. .tyle. t:}' FIT .red Weeksa•shlp gearaldeed or n• IK•. Mr STOCK OF GENTS' TORN 1.110 M' 11004 opened in Termite 1a Monday evening by N. A. -Aa ...nano, of the hest Rewisg Geld Mater Ford, .414t. Mary a Af•er ifsehine. eorataetly •s band. Bwtesony MU neer, the company par basket en excellent supper At the Amen •E4RAIIA AMITII roe Rotel. Among the gene officers pro 1 0d.l.h, Wr.e 11.4.• 1.4.late war vitt we notice the names .1 Grand Retire- -- .1 U tier' OPEN El) ...motives lames Smith and Thee. Part a KAOHINO ndge, jen, London; and Jas W,rwlyett, THE 811;WIN 10ui ii r 3111111113 Inspection Invited. Goderich 1 May, 1871. r Farm ISM' di for Sale. FOUNDBY! tII(ON CD i'► m U 4.2 r=1 I1 VI" rd O Benham* Godertn►. G•derirb December ttrd 1875 c110 LET, A TWO BTORY ▪ house, neer the Markin Square. Apply to • s L.111cINTOSH. God.rak tate. 0.0. 1171. awn -U IMPORT[ D`KP.� J FROlowM TH1 MANUFACTIJ GIORGE GRANT, G ROCK, WEST BIDE MULES GODERICE PRICE ONLY $1.75 PER DOZ. BOTTLES ►Ii E1RLICI_Ll. S0L1LITED is To be Hid Wood or Bottle HOTELS PROMPTLY SEPPL11:u Gcderich Seut. 23,1870. , ew1S 4f 3tAB1pp7OTl1REL0r GRIST& FLOURING MILLS. ;,Muley anti Sash Saw-*IIL, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, SepeJrators, Tf(E f flowing valuable Farm Lends an hereby offered for ale by Ow undersign.] at low prices for rash roe time :-- 1. Lot 18 .. the 15ta concretion Township of Greenock, Coon:, of Brave, containing 100 acrea,aboet 30 of which are clear - Tlmnered with valuable pine and cedar situated within about $ mile of Olammia 2. 1.81 10 in the 5th congestion. Township '1) Haron,Co.nty of Brace..renaining 100 serve, about 20 of which are clear. 3. Lot 33 in the 10th concession, Township of Kincardine County or Bowe, emitain- ing 1011 acres, 20 of which an clear, the net .e11 timbered, iscleding pia.".s.ed cedar. 4, Lots 13 and 11 to the iet eonee'ion, Township of Prnbow, County of which .7, containing 200 acres, 80 of re 'feared. 5, Tint and Second Divisions of loot 10, Rant side of the Owen hound Rrsd, Township of Arthur, County of Wellin` ton, containing 100 scree. 70 of .life1 an clear. A good frame dwellieg house. This. a very nperier farm. A Stenos of the W. 0. and B. R., will be oe this farm or near it. {. 'oath half of 6 end the north half of lot 1, on the 1st concertina, Tnwnahip of ArtIt r, County of Wellin'lten, contain• ing 208 ,ries, et0 of which ars clear. A good dwelling home, eery fine lots mooted within a few miles of the will ages of Arthur and Mount Forest. 7. Pert of 1e1 8 on the 0th eesee.ion Township of Garafrars. County ot Wellington, oostsising 60 "area, pertly Cleared. ft, East heft of lot 27 on tree 4th 00010 aien Township ot (:arefree& Coent7 of WmLingtoe, amoebas; 100 acres partly cleared, situated within a few mitis of the villages ot .1' hsr i Fergie. 0. 13'st half of Lot 2.n the 0th concession, Tow-Ohip of (Mistrals, Cnenty of Wellington, contain Mg 100 ,ares 'beret 40 of *Ambers clear. hitealed sot fat from the vintage -of Fergus. 10. orth of 14.1)urotsb' t iRoad. Township on the 3rd C f (len' f Comity of Grey,eonteinin1 100 urea, 35 of et- oh see cleared, the remainder timbered with hard -.nod. The and..e,gnnd will An at the QMee U'ntef. Kieran...P, on Retarder, May 014. At H."ftev r lintel, WMlkertoa on Term der, May Illh. At (Sy".. 7fo6•f, Mount Forest ns Satur- day. May 13,4, At Areseia lldet, Artber, Tweeday, May Ineetf rd. Alio the comet of "The'' chum" ■se Mydly honored, that of "The G r,,pd 7 lirmodil Rol JamM milk, 1t( Lepton, to lila feet, who node• brief het fitting le - memo. The health of the 'Grand lodge .d Ontario" rimed avas♦ interesting re - y from Grand Matte/. Fond, •ho nee •!-pktp sbtietiee illietstive g,4 the remark/hie growth of lhtdlallowshtp. EMPORIUM• LoemLotto d Laited_l1ates' , One n Nerr.R.- I w.lked in my fath- er's re, and, honking .t the sky and los*there mina %Me M, mind Pooh a ;(I•Mimens s6rt•e rel the m•jst, .A OA /hat f be.. enr two o. e.Jw9.5 it. Hie lees mama it be ie ev.eyting,--in the ma ea .mart sal stark in the •Med* and the IthanArtat wr101 ' ale ',lane and rule►. W to sa.1gra Aa I spent min* rims is tales �,and think; waa laust e leo steal 1 ..tote tee milt . lswd mime w .w-._-- 111HebverHrYa- 1.10rilt2 l481 NYS, 'Dente lot/I. ant 00..r.loa Ged.r111 Vow P 1) 110 sen. 60 of • hal, a.. c 'recd s Gra tallies eck tone thermal' the Tin . I.) le Andea W. Gravel need about a miles fr P. 11„ ruin• of tlad- oriel , Tb. land is . rte, clay luny Laing Leo suite able for•heat or Walt growing. Tb. let w111 be Mrd canapes,' onto.) tern. I'e.tarloa ria b'0.'161 Garage, fur perto•ulare and memo. apply W 0. M. P•0464471$ or to J. lit MYR, 6W. 0u ertele Dederick. Aug 15. 1870 • 80 _ TWO FARMS tort SALE YOUR WANTS NOW SUPPLIED. -O- Tut enineillr.r hr lug p00h..ed . Andre lot of Gelber awl ala, b..fux the unit el•le'•eea mach leery. all be able te supply any Vuu11t7 of PINE AND CEDAR SHINGLES 3444911. 701 (.Il.. T... 1. .►Ip rel 034.0 -1barn aato 7 1' pj1Al., alt110.d. l od.rkerkl T..wosb.r August 15, 1870 430 HOUSE TO R:.N'r OR SELL 111r1THIN ill MINtTIe WALK 05 Se tbe l' 'URI Mnl'01, eNlslelna t norms kO'I'l" and 1.Pates. with soul ..11....11 . *44)7 •ta►0 at W shortest collo sad the lowest price. Y• le ale so piep..re4 le pay tM Mahle 1n,. foray other timber adtebe fur making, K4uglea &.mend at Um Nile. AM& or to apR[RT W..1141..-"C .V ON, MMeI�-TA.1st.itt:.-_- aA-tm-• v�II PARK LOTS F S• ALE. PETER LEON AHD. bile. Pat. 4th, 1171.ante-1m -. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE 077 CM 149 cad Woo Brittania n'd, sad aboet Lthirteen a. .r .m lot No, five ,re M.itlud Ceara. etoa n Toeueletp of tinde �; Mil •• 1ll.d tha Te. a. rm punk•leto A, M. horn, EXTENSIVE . e....th ..lain IML - NEW IRON A1ID WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cat or Steel Boards. Drell Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, A An. alters! Fern.ofa, Poach Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wage. and Pips Roses, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX I IA'U Vert). of the most iaemvedktnde. I Rr♦!a. Casting@ made, and Blecl'smitha' Work and Repairing don; nn short notice. Cell and see the STEEL ;t1OULD•BOAaL PLOUGHS, as roe ese AM one very .heap for Cash. Ooderich, Asg. 150, 1870 - - w30 GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) .T. I N Cl- IA I S &1/4, t) -- j) FSPECTFULLY intimates to farmers end others that they are prepared to 511 1 , all orders is ROLL CARDING- MANUFACI URINC. Cloth Drreing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satin•tts, Fulled Cloths; n Winceys, Flannels. Blankets On the ehnrt-,t nonce. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good home made goods, will find it to (heir interest to give ms s call. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get carded 0157 in nearly every testanee rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. iIIaT Ail - WORK WARRANTED. Godaerich R•.wd+n Factory, Aug. 1.•,t4, 1870 IGO 1.l. lh• h..t e..di m 10+1.5 10•0i1i'4, w 1 At 1 Ai" e n r ,pati^' 1'i, 1 nth li:t•Menat 1wr••^'•m""wf51 NI- 18th. To r eff101 •PPI p..uewl.r .5 - Wanner . a a . , I hs given. Apply potentiallyl 4ON. Wa11MeT 1 (,eplid) to H D ed b.anet.hMl April 28t6. 1971. w14'14.w71 2t- W►1eh WI/ M •ve.kla� 4)ye,..teur. LA DIV' DlfntLllN rArrsRNi r"n... - rta.onahl. (0000 ir11,01., •dube•�I54Mtrt•"_ 1 .Ain; ,050. n Very or 117 wiso a moo, et Me MO blur , a."''glfi. 011) be bngwl y Male Ma=ttes - .Ii1 Non M MapN Mg.arrr •yyema.M el lar A 1.eater aeelprg 4 ...m„Ies..tMl.awROys N w5tttrsg trial iTonm eaayein % _ M=r - �T1M Ie�Ple � r.IMtty NOW Ow west Pow ba JA. Saha{ ire• 6M1tIbMR. MOW ser Dissolution d?artnership• n1r • 633100*[ 11x15(1'0 Venn maim the to .er1 We Pew .5 h, mntal nN. MOMS se h7 the fire ,e.,,•�yyy,0,m, bre ..was. Ji Di enwya..► M ng, CARDS BILI; HEAT) plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates nrinatapatz, JAL �uoh shills Jury Lists, Voters'. 1.1 tlit Notiee- of Appointment, Oath of qualification, Convictions, �ee0.�(ea tfrEyrf'A 11A are)), ..40416 10“1146 tail. oak, I , tri, .11 PREMISES I)AL Its x os IRIS DAY REMOVED TO x18 COMMODiOUS NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JORDAN'S DRUGSTORE) Convenient to the Market. Prices,to Suit the noir- • PbNegrapbs reduced tr 11.00 per Done, ur 75cta. rut MAV Doss!. i.arge Photograph Reduced in Pro .ortion. - Also will make Um largest Mentors pb. ,nede ,n (,,.l.r Leh. very rap. Pre.4..* pKt from one seem .pwerdaet L. CAMPBELL'S . TO C.... ♦ sIieWgnph Gallery fiJreLar 0ederVl Ana. 161b, 1570. M MDR RANT HALF o .-LOT russet Fora - keath r. esalem ••f 11dletL N tM .Nedery Ione between Blythe, ..e Waltoe.poet oan ear►.ay- Good hardwoodIntendA *lib • I55000 lolling rink se... nulla[ erring 77 erne la .Il. I^ Ned to n wmrd, 1� �_R.ECEIVED ad Lars. • thrirtnP "n.MrA, t k.OA. N phone, ••d 1 well, lin 1K 1N►our rortf Ii'e i''d i F1eed 11 His 'stock of stoves dict IS LARGE ANDI COMPLETE I) 407)60. INFANT ug, ANTTHINO IN }1 rel. nae al rr..05 by Iapacmag, 1I. *lock befog, pnrrhe•lag Ner.1n All DKINDS OF JOB ASRUSI WILL L L ET Pathinasters' LISTS; L.A. NV III -AL .IN It; SI, Printed to Order. M -0f IT BLANKS, Orders nsioda ata acid �• t�erlt.. A W.4111101. 4T�THfi RF(?NAG orrirs. .I.N e OF • • Goderle•, let Jul). 1070 ale NEW -BOOKS,:_ tbvVAI I. TAPED &C.* &C. WHOLESALE do RETAIL AT BUTLER O. elarl,whne.d red currant.. Iran, red cad 7 gensobsner. mor further pens -elan Maly t Per, premlre To RANKIN LAWHO and his Ste., Aug Ode, Int, 1.304J FARM FOR SALL 40. /l,1-I„RNR les *CRAB. wi M rlmmot Ae"1 !Itches at Iran, 0mi Sias, with • commotion.. lllebrs ttarhe4 ala, h,".l biers and shed y two a .d.lh,e, ,.1.d h.40 orchard. well e Vred h7 two m" from (revel through r.4.. *4 d.e from im, and (6.d wen ' pert. w pinnil. nwparticular. ar10•uleoii, grocer GrrC, lel. sa•6 C. 11T[wART. A.gat 15. 1670 .30 LAND .AND LOAM OFFICE '(one, to Lend on MorIPgee. 11, At .s wo rates.'' n ha .Ll., bed yule 6t loads b.asbl and sold. Town •d lU.g. Tots wk. Males .1 ('.nolo .l'• late N0 ,01. oo nod .4)001 I.t.ls of 1.1.45s to to tto ...ea .l w ,.n a of the eulaenbm. L1WI3 W. (130, Wean 11.at. (y.larl•4 Dere'` er 7d Intl•. 0010 14 'k Beautiful Assortment Or JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold OHEAP A'1' BUTLER'S. Fishing Tackles, A BARGAIN. rA ACTOR. Ent p of LM f1, 10th mo. Cobra, Co. tete Hoe 7 error cleared and good log Mow. Clam title for 6500 rub ..r for One one third 4o.5 MO the rem.inMrin a .0,0*1,5.wnw•1 with arrest as pie net per Aal,l,, Apply to ABRAlI AM 6111T71w Talev 6 Sept 1070 w33 -Ili Men hut TOW la Farm for Sale. T 0ES 53..d 54, alnySeld 1700r mioo. is 158 Tnwnf.p'n Oodenc► (7nnulntng en scree, at titian over Marrero �l Barn, cad 158 H .a., .buutIt melee I., In e U'ntO.. mor Tbrm. of 'sale apply al tee O.vaws roan mike to animate, or to Yr. W1001413 TUN oe lbo nl.a Qodericb,pnAa( 15., 1970 w30 AW now r30Ne11TINO or RE1t0, Ftoo[a ad LINER Air . oven,. kiwi ANA SELLING AT ;COST AT BUTLER'S. Ool.rwh 15611 Aug., Int ..1M TOWN LOTS TO D1 304.1,11( OODIRIC II. A47LT TO W D 01.1.19. *June Hotel, ,0aderell let rebean. Inn. C-1 AT Shephard & $trselus'11, - 20 TONS OF Sidle 81110M SId1I.g�, 0141. a T1141 0111. Sell Cheap for Cash. - ;m.derieb, A.g 15, 1870. awl Notice to Debtors * LLP.IRTIDI I,n4:RTKD 4-1) THZ WT[rlatit eo vie le Ta'w •n.l rl..L.ura Hoe.11, .n salt..1.d 1" wattleup.wnthn.. n5 r 11.,. rat n.-. and are meta. u .11.r l.aldab all seaa*M will b. '.4- W. 10/IN30i- n.d.ri J If 11.8. 1070. Me 5 Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK 101111 WIN C. Barry At Bro. iialinet Makers, Urdertakers & Weed Turners, u A MTY-TON !T. _ Han n.nncert arrow til. etreel to the Ann art 11..0 W m. AAeeoo'a Herne. Mop, when will be find A 000D ASSORTMENT 1 of [Itch.,-drmmma , Molnr..a, d Parfet Poe Re«tun, 441041 09 TA BUM. Ca A 1R• (dans, eau ad wont meted) CCPIl0A RPM MR 1'Kr1 IDU. WI011,Ttelti0 MAI THPOSe,R LOCO I:M. 1011 A R. WHATNOTS, LOOTING ;GLASSESt OILT TRAM!NG. FOR SALE, arse. a aa, preper'1 Le tell e.arytkisCia Mai, line 128 ACRES OF BUBO LAID I!' Oheeplfor�Cefeh. IlP.T.ow ie:llr (rF '014019 Yi71111.38 ►MOM ,-0_ p7Asn.Plre aaw..fm•nt o/1 -..T n. amif0.med. T)..Lan. h penkolue. AIg•17 M 6 nshs.s ..d •Yarm In hire ,all ne �urablt W. T ALLI:\, HMroe Hanel A C a* * POT caro. e Oe aertrh. 11 OVLII/•A iJL - e.ortertrh 17140v, 11170. LANDS FOR SALE AT HAYFIELD. 111 NO14. 71 & 7t RAT7IELD •,o1CRwtgOW T t TownAlp of l:,d•nrh comprialsg 146 scree Mini hest 4r0lt7 M land, within shoat rmina of the Market pie. of 1poop. Warne .l Town of rdiy be propensity(' rop.. Plea remau'ler of the ,and Is clnrly ,v.e A with the beet et Nark .d m.ple timber of splendid growth. ••ee- r.lteat mad pewee on two Grine of the property wide It we.ln•tnl:nanoldand •entattledeighM„rhood Lt A .O - Int 14, Rang. A Town.hip 'tames, ernlauing WA Ivrea of wen reaerred timber lad. .blr11 cold produce • large quantity of.n.ond to the •et., The lot rose nolle River 10y0old with a enneldenble water fan .Oak .,..Id he made available for shin, or m4nul.clurin0 porpoises I 004 Mame appy to, JAM14 0. ALLEN, Guelph. or W. W. ODLINOR, Em. Hayfield. Guelph, Asg 15, 1870 w30 COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. ' E. MARTIN, Proprietor. p Corin Accommodation. Ample Stable Roam. gr Thie is admitted to be a First class ,ear kept in (roof Style. A„nnet 1511, 11170 awl 11 HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. HCMN 10 FIN PRANG, - I- Pr, ptietor. 1M. Ann. la Steed reith 0.18 ..... el., •• re trundling puhlln. Apr flUtatabllem ad;evn«p4 atMw•en,e Ay 10. 1&71 . • 1 It MRS. DAYS' HOTEL • R01ETER. nig is 'reef road trove Worth to tiaMmAse. neer, neoessaq modatios leg the travelling pohlt*. HANNAH DATA, rr H ;7am'a.erelalfatal,IRltebelIC.w NEW.GROCERY STORE. tELLIOTT ORAI.Rt48 IN OROC1RiF' plwvialnN9, Wanted to Purchase tiled WINE5 A LIQUORS, Aasw.s.XIrgptaw Russet- Mtlrbet�-tlrinare MASONIC AI'KONS volt SALE AT B. GARDiNER, dt Co',. doderieb, 5JolylS70. e NOTICE OF REMOVAL, MR hisoflieetoMr lf,ederlrk , land(gut 41,04lag, sett ams to the pmt Mane. first eat Parma ..d 0,d Land. /Or ill... 1 Money 10 LOOM .0 .er7 reuoubM 44.41 aO.d.rr•h, N,,. 711th 1510 0wtalt- • EXCELENT LAND. CB/TIMEn wale Maple and Brenn, 16 mon lima 1, uodorleh. For sale cheap, Mine easterly 111 ares of lot 6, non 4, Buren In, Iron. 0.111,14, Apply to THUS WE ATI,F.RAI.D, angina*, a aorto)« Oudelio", FOAM 010118, Proprietnr. This is th argest.wd tiealCneary Point Is W.Aev 'tonna .• nd .. • rrae a. 'esIs,.t• ea • •)) H w.. , 14,t,Mll gu0• Propwietor. amed•'r bluster OaH„re• Ilnnse snit Carnage. for His e n• A sone••Nrw•. rami Beeerle► Jo. Nee 10.0 '.n It reit, 11th, 1570. .w1,14( - REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEwELER, wren eraay. (5 A It IC Ft I C to t Tet 0HE sommotel moo., removed to t11• MO,Tfe Moly mrepmd by A Re Ili, West Greet, opposite lb* *.., .ah.. thank hr. fn•nde •n4 oh. meld e or the liberal upper* with which then hare hmn1 11,. fir 1118 I.., M Tea., and her warren. Olen that earn will peil 'c he .rM ell pehole mmge his 5051.00 mealy will M tnsappy Watches Clocks and Jewelery .11Wt .111 ginaethlhel we to the 'warhead?, .M as 011 wort has been due N myself. resinous may depend VWhen'( ,1 well eaore,ed. A gond ,sannmont .f 10,44 it.* Plated /ew01tel C ulnae , alum on hand ALEX WALLACE. e.e.r.11 Aar. 1e► 10-0 .a MONTREAL STEAYBAIP COMPANY, n ser new ,J^•Wl Se' Lw,M Test ITU , h ho.. heem M Del, ....mi...., I'' mrr"� M lir, •sem- NOV I, enMes'4 eeP,'Ji per, PPP ) f wta►S-.'rs••tw.l•,aasdMM► f f;n(leirfeti, Ass 1R, 11/70 r6 On, 11, le+A -17'a 1