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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-08-31, Page 5• • • • • . • • • • . • : • • " • • • • • •
The things my readers say
and district news
Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Phone 262-2344
Mr's. -6artha MacGregor, Phone 262-2026.
• :"•
Repairs To
MI Makes
• Lawn Mowers
• Garden Tractors
• Outboard Motors
• Chain Saws
• Chain Saw Bars
and Chains
Mon. thro Fri. 8 a.m. — 9 p.m,
Sat. till 6 p.m.
Small Engine
Repair Service
HENSALL 262.2103
107 Queen - One Block
North of Business Section
ANOTHER DEAL — Mr, Haney and Mr. Ziffel were at their best
Saturday at the Green Acres farm depiction at the Zurich Bean
festival. Above, Haney (Elam Schantz) tries to sell Ziffel (Henry
Adkins) a refreshment and appears to be getting an argument.
Guaranteed Investment
Get yours today at ...
The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely to serving
the people of Ontario.
KEN D. BOWES Manager
Phone 235-0530
Butterscotch or chocolate
Robin Hood pouch pack - chocolate, spice, or gold
Be ehive
BirdiiiiED MILK
McLarens sweet mix 24 oz.or sweet green relish
Pork Steakettes
Fresh Oven Ready
Football Style
whole or half
Wing Steaks
Ham Sausage
11 oz, 2/954 CELERY STALKS size 24
th 790
lb 490
2 .980
1 lb. 55(
60z• 3/88(
9 oz. 6/88(
2 lb. 43(
1 lb. 35'
16 oz. 5/88(
48 oz. 3/99(
25 oz. 2/85‘
100's 794
15 oz. 2/49t
lb oz. 59t
lb. 1V
doz, 55
each 230
Golden Yellow
BANANAS Product of Honduras
Product of California size 13l
Canada No. 1
TimosAd.vocafft, .August .11, 1972 -P..
A POPULAR PLACE — Visitors to Zurich's Bean Festival Saturday flocked out to Green Acres farm to have
a look at the stars of the television show. Above, some members of the Thamesville Women's Institute are
shown outside Sam Drucker's store. T-A photo
Mrs. Howard Hodgson won a • Coffee Club Food Hamper on the
C.K.S.L. radio station, London,
last week.
RIGHT FROM GREEN ACRES — Hundreds of visitors to Saturday's
Bean Festival in Zurich toured Green Acres farm, west of the village.
Lisa and Oliver Douglas portrayed by Linda Gascho and Gordon Hess
are shown above. T-A photo
The footbone's
connected to the
Think about it.
When you play tennis, you
wear tennis shoes.When you walk,
you wear good walking
shoes. And when you
work you wear proper
footwear for comfort
and protection.
Take a good look at your
shoes. Make sure they're
not getting run down at the
heel. Change fraying laces.
And check the soles to see
that they're in good condition.
Sure footwork begins with
proper footwear.
The sure way to
safety is
leaves with their bare hands.
They garnered forty plastic
garbage bags of leaves and twigs.
I gave them their pay and an
illegal beer and we've been
buddies ever since. According to
the card, they've covered seven
countries In three weeks and are
now heading for Spain. Poor old
Here's a letter from R,F.
Stedman, County Wicklow, Eire.
An excerpt: "Your column holds
for me a note of sanity in a mad
world and ranks in my mind with
Greg Clark." Double thanks,
R.F. Greg Clark is about six tiers
above me, but I appreciate the
sentiment. Mr. Stedman went to
high school with my older brother
and sister,
Just grabbed another one from
the heap. Holy smokes, it's dated
Feb., 1971. Thomas A, Smith,
Rouleau, Sask, He noticed a
reference in the column to
Calumet Island, in the Ottawa
River, where my mother was
born. He was born there too and
remembers Smileys in Shawville,
Que,, where my dad once ran a
store. It's a long, interesting
letter from a real old-timer who
went west in 1910, at the age of 17,
went overseas in World War 1.
Mr. Smith, I hope you are well,
though you must be 80, and I'll
write a proper letter.
Here's another, from White
Plains, New York. Holy Old
Hughie! Dated June 24th, 1969.
It's from A, Leslie Hill, Captain,
Army Nurse Corps, U.S. Army
Reserve (retired), Born in
Fergus, Ont., three score years
ago, graduate of Kingston (Ont.)
General Hospital, served in
World War 11 and Korea, and
read my column to a group of
Negroes in the laundry room.
How about that? Letter ends,
"Thanks for your column, dull or
Here's a self-addressed en-
velope from Mrs. Walter E.
Dorsett, Smiley, Sask. But I can't
find the letter. And another one
from Gordon Fairgrieve,
publisher of the Observer,
Hartland, N.B. He has a sub-
scriber called Bill Smiley, who
lives in Massachusetts, and asks
that I drop him a line. I will, Bill
and Gordon.
A note from G.R. McCrea,
publisher of the Herald, Hanna,
Alta. He agrees it's a mad, mad
world, has been forty years in the
newspaper "game", started at $5
,a week, and recalls with
nostalgia: "For $5 in those days
you could take your best girl to
the local dance, buy a mickey of
VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIII1111111118188881888888888881111111111eeffienememe1111111e111e11111111111111111e88888868881118681188111881816111111181181111881188111111111181111111111811111111818111811111111181111111a811118888888181111 onnuni1111111am111 annff
imilialatiED BEETS
Westons large
With the best intentions in the
world to do so,. I never quite get
around to answering all my mail.
There always seems to be some
domestic or other crisis that
In almost every case, the
letters I"get are both friendly and
interesting. The exceptions, are
business letters and bill collec-
tors. Form letters and
promotional letters I don't even
read: just tear them once across
and toss into the logical
depository - the garbage pail.
Anyway, this column seems to
get around quite a bit, and the
letters pile up, and I keep making
new resolutions to answer them
and the pile keeps growing. If my
wife would leave me for a month,
and I worked eight hours a day, I
could clean them all up and start
a new life, relieved of guilt and
Just to give you an idea, here's
a cross-sampling. Just got a card
from The Bobsey Twins, Regifia
and Kath. Postmark: Venice,
They're two former students.
When they were in Grade 13, and
I couldn't find a boy to clean up
the estate, they took it on, and did
the best job I've ever had done,
Unlike boys, who don't get into
the corners, they crawled
into the bushes and dragged out
hold reunion
The second annual Middleton
reunion was held in Hensall Park
last Sunday with about 40 in at-
tendance. Films were shown
from last years reunion and new
officers appointed.
It was the feeling of everyone
present that this years reunion
was a real success.
Guests were present from
Detroit, Flint, Inlay City, Lan-
sing, Chesaning, Brown City,
California, Florida, Windsor,
London, Guelph, Oakville and
Grace Brock, London and Mrs.
Al Townsend and family Mitchell
were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
011ie Kyle.
Fred Peters returned home this
week from St. Joseph's Hospital,
London where he has been a
patient for the past two months.
Lloyd Mousseau is moving to
South Huron Hospital, Saturday
from St. Joseph's Hospital.
rot-gut rye, and still have money
enough to buy the gal a lunch at
midnight, and some left over for
a package of roll-your-owns on
Monday. Boy, was that ever
livin'."' Thanks, G,R,, for a
grand letter.
From a lady in Bowmanville.
She thanks me for my salute to
the housewife, and has some good
advice; "I have learned, slowly,
never criticize what someone's
doing unless you have tried it
yourself," And it turns out the
lady lived next door for eight
years to the lady who wrote me a
beautiful letter from New
In a column this summer, I
compared my wife to that bird,
the flicker. Ron Cumming writes
from Port Elgin, comparing
husbands to bobolinks. "Before
marriage, the bobolink has a
beautiful, slick, yellow-striped
suit and sings a mate-enticing
Bobo-link-a-link-a-link. After
marriage, in late summer, he
dresses in dull brown, and his
song is merely a dull 'clunk'. As a
middle-aged hubby, I keep seeing
a parallel."
Woops! It's not all sweetness
and light, Just reached and read
two letters giving me hell, I must
have written a snarly column
about teenagers back in 1970, for
one of the letters is dated then.
One is from a teenager, unsigned,
blasting me in no uncertain
terms. The other is from a senior
citizen, Mrs. Jessie Slater of
Bracebridge, One pungent
comment: "You must be a
Dagwood at home, and a rotten
father. How else could you have
such a mixed-up family?" Well,
Mrs. Slater, my mixed-up
daughter happens to be living in
Bracebridge right now, and I've a
good notion to call and tell her to
go over and give you a good
punch in the nose.
I'm kidding, Mrs. Slater, Kim
wouldn't step on an ant, if she
could avoid it. She's a delightful,
compassionate, beautiful and
intelligent young woman, who is
no more mixed-up than you or I.
And I'm no Dagwood. When I
put my foot down around here...I
break a toe.
Well, all I wanted to say was
that you meet a lot of interesting
people in this business.
At the end of a hard week at the
office our spirits were raised
when one employee sighed thank-
fully, "I prayed all week for
Friday to come, and today my
prayers were finally answered!"
Your Workmen's Compensation Board
and The SafetyAssociations, Ontario
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit
all quantities 6n all advertised items.