HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-07-27, Page 4Save the fireworks
The accident in which a girl in
Toronto was killed during a fireworks
display is serious and unfortunate. The
Coroner's Jury charged with recom-
mendations and study of the incident
has returned its verdict but we can't
agree with the succeeding suggestion
that fireworks displays be banned.
Unfortunately there will always
be accidents, some more serious than
others but surely we cannot ban all
those things which are respon-
sible. A great many people get genuine
enjoyment from fireworks displays
and the annual good example in Milton
is on July 1.
Certainly it is essential that every
precaution be taken to present
fireworks displays safely with the
discharging in competent hands. Those
igniting them should always be con-
scious of the safety of the crowd and
themselves. But to ban them seems
unduly extreme.
Let's look at some of the figures.
For every child hurt or killed by
fireworks there were: over 10,000
children hurt or killed while using a
bicycle; there were over 38,000
children hurt or killed by cars, trucks
and other motorized vehicles; there
were over 64,000 children hurt of killed
by swings, slides and other playground
That makes fireworks look pretty
tame and it hardly seems there is
justification for banning them unless
we are prepared to take similar action
with all the other items which cause
injury and death.
Frankly we enjoy fireworks
displays, yet we know full well there is
a risk in setting them off and in even
watching them, Probably it's no dif-
ferent than if we suddenly decided we
were no longer prepared to climb in the
car and drive downtown. Inevitably in
life there are risks and we don't think
the legislators can ever protect us from
all of them.
Banning fireworks is just not
called for despite all the publicity
accidents involving them may receive.
— Milton Champion
Tales from the bathroom
We've come a long way from
the cellar to the recreation
room. And we've come a long
way from the backhouse to the
I don't know whether you'd
call that progress or not. There's
something to be said for both
You can't store coal and
potatoes in the recreation room,
for example. A definite
disadvantage. On the other hand,
you couldn't have a shower in
the backhouse, unless the roof
leaked and it was raining. Also a
Fifteen years ago, I was
suckered into a brand new pink
bathroom, and I swore it would
never happen again. Financially,
it set me back about a year,
Perhaps one shouldn't swear
about such things. They're
transitory, after all, and besides,
it doesn't seem to help much.
This month I've been suckered
into another one. Not pink,
thank Zeus, We're going through
our turquoise phase now.
Do you know how much
plumbers are getting these days?
Of course you do. And
carpenters and electricians? Well,
I hereby swear once more a
mighty oath, and with all you
witnesses, that I'll never install
another new bathroom so long
as us both shall live. Me and the
bathroom, that is. When I conk
out, my wife will be right into
the insurance money for another
new one, probably in deep
What gets me is that there
wasn't a thing wrong with the
one we had. It had a perfectly
good white cast-iron tub. (The
only thing I enjoyed about the
whole installation was watching
those plumbers move the
800-pound monster down the
There was nothing wrong
with the tub except that you
had to keep your big toe in the
drain or the water would run
out. And as I like to soak for an
hour, with a drink, book and
smokes, this was a bit of a strain
on the bad knee.
We had a perfectly good
toilet that required the services
of a plumber only about once a
month. We had a towel rack that
fell off the wall with a
tremendous clatter only about
twice a week, usually when the
rest of the family was asleep.
It wasn't exactly the
bathroom you'd get in the royal
suite at the Chateau Laurier. The
sink had served many
generations and was a sort of
gray-green. There was a bit of
paint missing here and there.
I'm not an unreasonable man.
I'd have gone for a new sink and
maybe ten-twelve dollars worth
of paint, and we'd have been
right as rain, whatever that
stupid expression means.
I said as much to my wife.
And she said approximately ten
times as much to me. Ceramic
tile, already. Turquoise
"fixtures." New wallpaper to
pick up the turquoise in the
toilet and the gold fleck in the
new linoleum. A "vanity" built
around the sink.
A vanity! All is vanity. I need
a vanity like I need 'another
couple of rotten kids.
It's not really the money.
You can't take it with you.
Though as an old friend of mine,
who is loaded with the stuff
says, "If I can't take it with me,
I ain't goin'."
It's the confusion of trying to
co-ordinate carpenter, plumbers
and electrician. Either they're all
working someplace else and
nobody can come, and you just
sit there in the wasteland, or
Times Established 1873
Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924
C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC
Editor — Bill Batten — Advertising Manager
Assistant Editor — Ross Haugh
Women's Editor — Gwyn Whilsmith
Phone 235-1331
Published Each Thursday Morning
at Exeter, Ontario
Second Crass Mail
Registration Number 0386
Paid in Advance Circulation,
March 31, 1972, 5,037
RATES: Canada $8.00 Per Year; USA $10.00
For some time, the Huron County
board of education has been wrestling
with the problem of their responsibility
regarding extra curricular and outdoor
activities offered through the schools.
The concern stems primarily from
a law suit arising out of the drowning
death of two area students a couple of
years ago at an outdoor school con-
ducted at Parkhill. The courts held the
board and an instructor liable in that
situation and awards were made to the
The board has now decreed that
parents will be required to sign a
waiver absolving the board of any
responsibility in case of accident or
death in such outings where there is
any "potentially hazardous"
Obviously, any activity is poten-
tially hazardous. From a multitude of
factors any outing can turn into a
disaster. A few of those factors can be
foreseen perhaps, but the majority can
Some questions remain unan-
For instance, the board should
check into the legal position in which
parents may find themselves if they
sign a waiver form. Civil action may be
warranted against other parties, but
parents may have a difficult time in
winning battles when it has been
pointed out they were fully aware that
the outing was potentially hazardous.
It may undermine their position
considerably and from that standpoint
waivers perhaps should not' be
required indiscriminately. It's a
matter on which the board's legal
advisors should make known their
Secondly, the board still has a very
great responsibility in ensuring that
parents are made aware of whatever
hazards may exist. These should be
pointed out when waivers are required
and the board still has an obligation to
turn down outings that may appear to
be too hazardous.
Certainly there is strong argument
against the suggestion of Wilfred
Shortreed that parents be required to
sign a "blanket waiver" at the
beginning of the year to cover all ac-
Parents should be made aware of
each outing being considered so each
can be judged on an individual basis
and not carte blanche.
Above all, the waiver does not negate
the board's responsibility for in-
vestigating all outings thoroughly and
providing parents with complete
details as to the hazards involved and
how those in charge plan to minimize
any hazards.
Save on taxes
by your
Money you put into your registered
retirement plan can be deducted from
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that money away in monthly instalments
in your Victoria and Grey special savings
account — beginning right now. You'll
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February next year and you can put it
into your own retirement income fund
and deduct that amount from taxable
income. Let us set it all up for you.
Get smart today at Victoria and Grey,
VG The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely to serving
the people of Ontario.
KEN D. BOWES Manager
Phone 235-0530
4 days
of pageantry
you'll never
The Scottish
World Festival
Aug 17-20 at the CNE
This year, the Canadian National Exhibition is staging the
greatest Highland happening in North American history
with a four-day event that gathers pipers, drummers,
dancers and clan members from around the world,
Festival highlights will include:
Aug, 17—a rousing Parade of Massed Bands through
Toronto, with over 2,000 pipers taking part,
Aug, 18—Trooping of the Colours by the Toronto Scottish
Regiment at the CNE Grandstand.
Aug. 19 & 20—The Inter-Continental Pipe Band and Drum
Major Championships (first time held outside the U.K.)
when 600 of Scotland's best pipers and drummers will
compete with bandsmen from North America and
countries such as New Zealand and Australia,
Aug. 19 & 20—The Inter.Conilnental Highland Dancing
Championships featuring over 700 international dancers
in 11 classes of competition.
Aug, 17 through 20—A Giant MilitaryTattoo every evening
at the CNE Grandstand, bringing each fantastic day to a
fitting climax.Taking the salute will be: Thur. Aug. 17—His
Grace the Duke of Argyll, Clan Campbell Chief; Fri. Aug.
18—General Sir Gordon H. A. MacMillan, KCB, KCVO,
Clan MacMillan Chief; Sat. Aug. 19—William MacPherson
of Cluny, Clan MacPherson Chief; Sun. Aug. 20—At, Hon.
Lord Macdonald, Clan Macdonald Chief.
Also, free on the Bandshell, the world-famous Band of the
Scots Guards and a Scottish Variety Show. Just one
more attraction of the world's largest annual exhibition,
visited by over 3 million people every year. Here's
excitement, entertainment and fun for the whole family.
Start planning now to be a part of the Scottish World
Where else can you see and do so much in one place
for so little—including free admission to Ontario Place!
Canadian National Exhibition
Aug 16-Sept 4 Toronto•Open Sundays
Admission to Grounds: Adults $1.50, Students $1.00, Children ,60
Drive carefully
Doesn't end responsibility
Glass doors on bedrooms?
"it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there!"
We understand the Exeter
Kinsmen may have to change
some of the rules for their
planned beauty contest in con-
junction with their Kinfest
The members had decided on
staging a bikini contest, but some
of the girls approached to enter
the event put up strenuous op-
position to parading in skimpy
bathing suits and consideration is
now being given to holding a hot
pants contest.
Frankly, we're slightly amazed
at the girls' reaction, although by
the same token, it is reassuring
as it comes at a time when the
writer had almost reached the
conclusion that propriety had
disappeared from our society.
A couple of events of the past
two weeks had prompted that
First of all, one of our friends
(he shall remain nameless for his
own protection) thought the staid
editor and his better half should
get out and see what's happening
in the world and took us to a show
in London.
It was entitled "Clockwork
Orange," and for those of us
whose entertainment has run the
gamut from "Toclat" to "Lady
and the Tratnp," it was a real
Pornography and violence
were the main ingredients with
completely nude men and women
fleeting across the screen in
rapid procession.
While sex has long been the
favorite sport of most, it is
rapidly becoming a spectator
sport thanks to the moguls in
One might find some con-
solation in the fact such movies
are restricted to "adult en-
tertainment," However, don't be
fooled by that.
All it really means is that
patrons must pay adult prices.
Judging from some of the young
people we saw in the lineup at the
theatre, age is not really a
criteria — it's only the price,
So if you, similar to the writer,
have not been out to see some of
the modern movies now being
shown, we'll be happy to supply
you with the name of our friend.
He can sure pick 'em!
+ + +
However, nudes are not con-
fined to the screens it seems,
A teacher friend advises he and
some of his cohorts decided to
take a sauna bath while attending
a summer course at one of
Ontario's universities.
While sitting in the sauna
cleaning his pores, he was more
than slightly surprised at one of
the other patrons who sat down
beside him.
It was a girl!
Seems there's only one sauna
bath and some of the young ladies
at the university have decided
there is no reason why it should
be for the exclusive use of males,
In conversation with a male
student at the university, our
friend was apprised of the fact
that the sauna is indeed a mixed-
member facility,
Some of the older patrons at the
sauna were visibly uneasy over
the situation and were grabbing
towels or folding arms to conceal
they are all available at once and
are bumping head and bums and
getting in each other's way, at
five-something an hour.
It's the endless decisions,
Like where the toilet paper rack
should be installed, Can you
imagine anything more
ridiculous than a couple of
adults sitting, fully clothed, on
— Please turn to page 5
parts of their body, but the
younger students accepted the
situation without batting an eye.
+ + +
We have no intention of
drawing any conclusions from
the foregoing.
Some will argue that it is
evidence that our moral stan-
dards have completely decayed,
while others will point out that it
is a healthy situation.
At any rate, it does suggest a
widening gap between the moral
•code of the generations that
many will find difficult to bridge,
We suspect it may not be long
before they start putting glass
doors on bedrooms.
Meanwhile, if you're looking
for the editor, he's off to the
sauna . . . if there's any room
+ + +
On the same subject, we
reprint the following editorial
which appeared recently in the
Sarnia Gazette:
We have had letters from none-
too-happy readers complaining
about the tone of the movie and
entertainment ads. We make no
excuses . . . they are a far, far,
cry from the illustrations we
have been accustomed to in the
However, it would be a bit
Exeter Troop No. 1 Boy Scouts
held their annual service in
Caven Presbyterian Church
laSt Sunday. The congregations
of Trivitt Memorial, Main St.
Methodist and Caven churches
wel'e united for the ocassion.
Members of the Boy Scouts acted
as ushers and collectors.
Cunningham and Pryde has
been awarded the contract for the
erection of the Soldiers'
Memorial which is to be erected
at Arkona during the summer.
Wilfred Shapton, Stephen, had
the misfortune to fracture his
collar bone at Grand Bend on
Wednesday of last week while
participating in one of the races
at the James Street Sunday
School picnic.
Miss Blanche Quance, who
recently resigned her position at
the Exeter post office, has ac-
cepted a position in Hamilton.
The wheat is nearly all, har-
vested in this community and
threshing commenced this week.
Rev. Harry J. Mahoney was
inducted into the pastorate of
Main St. United Church Friday
Mr. Archie Ryckman left last
week for Moose Jaw, Saskat-
chewan, where he will spend a
few weeks.
One of the heaviest downpours
of rain visited this section on
Sunday. Many crops of hay have
been ruined by the wet weather,
The road on Highway No. 83
between Exeter and the Blue
Water Highway is being widened
17 feet on either side and will
require 150,000 yards of fill.
The new outdoor roller skating
rink is attracting good crowds
each week night.
The number of summer visitors
at Grand Bend this year is above
It. H. Middleton, who has been
druggist in Hensall for 18 years
announced I hat he has disposed
of his business to Mr, Trevor
hypocritical for us to censor
illustrations when the "real
McCoy" is there to be seen on
Television, on the front covers of
every magazine in the continent,
on billboards, paper-backs and so
It would seem that public taste
has changed dramatically in the
past few years. We can
remember when The old Park
Theatre (where Eaton's now
stands on Christina ) played a
movie called "The Moon is
Blue." All heaven erupted
because one of the actors said
"damn" and "virgin" all in one
movie. It was a cause celebre! It
was boycotted and we ended up
pulling our advertisement out- of
the paper.
As you all know that is pretty
tame stuff nowadays. It really
gives us no excuse, though, for
putting up with today's clap-trap.
Perhaps if more letter writers put
on the pressure the publicity
people for the movies and TV
shows might react in their favor.
However, we no longer feel it is
the role of 'a newspaper to judge
morals . . . our job is to report
the times and perhaps sadly the
times are such as we describe.
Wilson, London, a graduate
druggist, who will take
possession August 5.
Firemen from four brigades
played 12 hoses on the elevator
fire at Hensall early Wednesday
morning to bring it under control.
Although water damage to grain
was heavy, fire damage was
confined to the headhouse of the
seven-year-old building, owned
by E. L. Mickle and Son.
The RCAF School of Flying
Control commanded by Squadron
Leader S.N.E. Beauchamp,
Winnipeg, moved from Grand
Bend to RCAF Station Camp
Borden at the end of July.
Janet Ferwerda, 19, a native of
Holland, won the "Miss Civic
Holiday" title in the preliminary
competition to the "Miss Grand
Bend" contest which will be held
Labor Day.
Monetta Menard's Restaurant
in Grand Bend has recieved
formal notice that its application
for a dining lounge licence has
been approved by the Liquor
Licence Board of Ontario.
Returning officer Russell
Bolton, Seaforth, has been in-
structed by Ottawa to start
preparing for another federal
election some time after Sep-
tember 15.
Lorne Hay, Hensall, revealed
this week he does not plan to
rebuild his locker plant which
was severely damaged by fire
early in July.
Engineer, B.M. Ross,
Goderich, said he expects to
complete plans for Exeter's
sewerage program by the end of
this week.
0. M. Francis, former reeve of
Exeter, has financially adopted a
seven-year-old Korean girl, Son
Mi Ja, through the Foster
Parents' Plan Inc„ Montreal.
A Royal Commission has
revealed that Huron County has
the lowest dentist-population
ratio in' southern Ontario, about
one dentist for 4,074 people. One
for 1,800 is considered ideal,
The Regular Meeting Of The Council
of the
scheduled for August 7, 1972, will be
held on
W. C. Homer