Huron Signal, 1871-5-4, Page 1finsinciss Ditectoru. I. 0. 0. F. 11 LIMOS LOIKIE NO Mt. Meet. al Ikon lin!, aeon aierlettria, :tory Tintolay arrtat5, at . j k ou Israithre. ary tat duet, • • L. CA/it'll/A.1., thoentary. UoJerirh, P. 01.11171, ty - W. G. WILSON Issuer of Marriage Limn'LI Insurance & Rota Estate Agent reittel.sioNeu ie B. R. DEEDS. IVIORTI; AGES, &C., DRS tt"‹ tNil MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per tient. et. ite, .1; Z' IIICU,Out "JAMES SThWAUT WHOLESALE ACENT or, b., famed liad relitt.la Pt Coleeerlies Rehm •• U. W. itEaliLIC gm. • FOR ALL KINDS OV voutt AND emearnecrat Two" GW1111%- .r hour Maio Ware Shwa. 0*.. Ie. Any stock met om habit Triomf ,. YIP Merles . mutton II.,..-9•Ithe Orals. timdencl M. 0 Goderich, Avg 15, 1875. w30 1:1-1313 nit cry AL La DANIEL GOPON, 4..A.111111.71MAIKElt IIPHOLSTEB.ER, ••• AR WITH A VIEW to kn.!. tip wIth the time. h,4 I Oral 111.1,10 Otto Oro I to • west of the Pon oat, a• • FURNITURE 4.LidA • W•111•Hul'all • MOS. ha trill in fetnn oarry no t h..l..,. 111...stosayerly I tan me. Whio. tleAkf .1 foe teal yPM•wasge, lot Loire let aim t,,,t,. le MICAS& eallealanew r awl in HE HAS NOW ON HAND ivr:art olloriet ruin on ter ' n•qaptyy -.lowers *IU ea.) thing at his WY. *la Al Dranit4ro ant . rot., arty /Intro. 5,1 1. in fal..4. Se Chits Ot do lifhtte tint al ry elew Fe Ohier Dokter*, Pillows. Ls • 4•• ON HAIID A LARGE AS- eitTWINT Plefilirea ..eh oil Paint or, Cheerer. I•LA•11.61.01. M:uategy4; the. goo. tog toollennitafpaartl. a 7.17•10.9 entirtoterina neer me seep° Phalan hue. a soy MO* nvainlai TOR.tet • •-•wimuirc GEO. COX & ABRAHAM sawn, Proprietors. • The GIO7a01 Plosiblo Good to tke Gemara P000ddoNwsetwr:" NAMZNP113# GODERICH, ONTARIO, D.C., TILJB$DAY, MAY 4, 1871. IVO ... • 13119illtS9 Dixcctorg. Stoves! A 14 les 0 -- MONEY TO LEND AT Li '11 EST RATES. 11, GOmpoN, Stove sflak Want •N ATTitlINET AT LAW ! ANI) scut:mit IN ClIANCEitY, GODERICR. gg1 Gmlert, Mar. h NUL apt. - fat, 1-3 132 0 0 1:11 CD A 0 ID. the stonys aft hand s complete snort meat cif ,Cuffins & Slirends In the LaIrnt SI}le. Alegi, Ala 41:01 lot kire„ CJI:lertri r' a CELS1111. 2-LAIGIA,1431 of 1'th' Mg, Metierith.Do. - 4Nosr...Ne.tv qc rcr .4747 A. I. 31". COAL OIL, WHOLESA I.E AND RETAIL. stir nal GiLLemps..1:c. Le. Old Irrn Cmpflage. Hrweeee;Wind t4hrep SI. in I.O. is neaten., 1.D J. *T1/11Y. /sr Sign of tit Large Coal Oil Barrel, Godesiehs tug 15, 1a70 .1.#1 CLOSING 011T ! ! A.MARTIN MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVgD, FARMS seeesboa ewe mount. Gina fates 55 5050055 1.9.!.184""i"11Willta as, 4 A a Laalt. •elolieitoni, mhos ittroot ratel. • Tort•A*. • ask ww. sen..Ses-to Money to Loan on Boni Estate, PPRAISEH lot he Trio...and leu•neusapati) fl •IUpper '0 M ['NUS:MAIN, or.ei t.ABs re Cadence 3119LIVOILCt. "ETNA FIREINSUPARCOMPANY HARTFORD CONN - CASH CAPITAL ..... 113,000.0n0 CASH ASSETH , 5,782,635.0Q, 154 $14-PAID11451-TBAR'1428.M.10,010. The Largest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS ANI/ TILE LARGEST ANNUAL iNCOME OF ANY Monet) to Etnb. i.sa.t 'Wets' Corner. MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reduced Rates of Interest. T1111 ini•ni4n01 has •ny ontonet of na,•••• to lo. I nos, Sloe n years. at • 1.•• rate .4 tateren ' sad M110ar.O.15 term. ttl pot, 4/t!, te•rly 111141•11Mauta rale of mos nwee wt 0 dery •otopsulots. HORACE HORTON apitraleer for the Cliniodia Per. ntitent Building ar finvetige - Society. of Tomisto. INSURANCE CARO. The rinawerim• meet 'to tanerria aseltdas• unsnaps ensinvinsIns___ ?Howell& Lea... Illammit, u•terroith itiett.d. • roe % l'1AL Hamm. . MOIT1614 •rrialca. et Tweets. 'Fire A Morine Inionto ass•Inallislowsk *tea 110RACfC TIOR1ON • Office Market Goderich. earl 1519 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY is .tmyracA. el* 1 kiegit movie ,,,th th• llomit.ion Gt,tyrnomoit, for Me 6.,tefit tl turomfrait releg.Aehlas emiumptlet. .-.....,.. . .. Ce)s. Recent fames show The ilitpor. tame of patronizing the Companies that &f- iord the nerve reliable indemnity end the value .4 5,11 :Etna l'elicy must be appiiirent, M. N. &mead alt...... et.. to tt. Itogr e ..4 I tewernip, rasrett; ..,#1. ImiA-.41..iilelic 'Pal . oe Or tones oftitert ran An nors, at. nein at too they eau he optle with rtfei) to the Coitipahy PHOTOGRAPHS 11.00 Per Dozen. tor, Af.PtintWeNfettoM 11.1CK N Eri A 'PI r. c'u'). footfall. ere. toe n from Dark tievitire -17 ceiits, nonage Gee, to gay Ad dreg& Er=2" Far Italar loention paid to Copy. in; Ambretype. ply 4 vyrarSta. sulieerib.tc in roteratit.; thottli• for the lihoritl jot rciinl. 11°Tel emon.1.1 to him, would jest sty hat hni mada sueli im- provements in tit. r illery as will [Refit 5 toll, tinuance of the same.' in- treat Red:lasso Large rhatog.apbs. F..1,. •Goderich. Any. 1.1, 1810. • !LLT T.Enniort in view kotelkangitag kis -,h dessinuaud SELLING-AjOT bia whole stuck of Dry -goods at coat. This IS ND HUM13113 TODECEIVEPEOPLEL THEN SELL THEM GOODS At the UAW -rtes, Bat an actual clearing COMP' Vall ?ARTIE,. WIPIIIING TO SECU IIE BA ltG AINS SAVE 20 per CENT_ Lit TV 1 AI • isi,ocK...(thi RAILWAY' Trick. ..... Old otale twot .4. 1,111.4g 1.11. Corporation of Galen. 51 Alma. 3 tomer...of • MI e from alsrket Wooer. tat conimaalltag a letading ttowl 50.4 tr 7.,,.. of the nioo valnable lt4ntiona Inc Sail Works in this mete 1. the rtrInSof learned and the emenomilm .fillre bane of wood. Sur reran Twos Warr apply al "THF SIGNAL OFFICE.' Onterleh, Noy 190., 1110. awl/ if 1%T NM" Waggon Eta Carriage FACTORY. BATES & ELLIOTT and rountry that they have AVE plenon la inton- ing to he pol.11o of town 0)'.'7.'.I Waggon a.1, ania e tT /1 op an , 1 Invla•ta , - (1.vois Stant** old stand.) )m. atolt etar the Dickler. ' A R. alien.' pentonally 10 .11 151, work Intrusted ts nail an enemy.' to Inf. oat Waggons, Buggies, Cutters. Sleighs,1 theta In Omit I lole, alio yen hr55 innterInt gni work manithly opt mt I hn very lemma remunerative ram ZO1313IZTG4-1 Peony. ly atlended to ON HAND, s I*71le sown tment of /Ea 11=1 Gle 74.1: IR ohleh .111 to tole Cheep for (3111.41 or Cord. flodorteh, Au 1 1.70. wan,0 o 0701 P!ANOS, ?mg -BY- CALLING AND PURCHASING FitON A. MARTIN DIXIE 41.15544.410. 1 1.13138. • • THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON N IP 41,1 11.013 1-: INSURANCE COMPANY H. • net, IR mime.. Th•rt•-two yes°, and darn' that perool hos p•IS 1.••••••• •extrod at, ' Five and half million ponadasterling, Theghotetneinrtit 11$1•'es.trintotlp • Wale snt•, 51.5 without .1..111.1 coo 10 'dart to ihe eine letolisnent of the. ili--fhe confidence of Public Corporation.. Morehann. Doe•elowdem, wad immense wee generally, wherever It is refinsmr.tell. In inlet yen. 5.46, the Vin Premien.. • Oa lath year. (.46, "T ' •• , f41;11',.97791• . "30thli .4; 91371f •Ione a °flannel to . r• year later, 5i1511, it" The Vet* homers. reel anw 55:711,464 The 1.4e Itelwerfe Fowl ,. wow 0".t.11,4htt • The rompan• in repertemo4 throat/ hoot fl. 1•110 11.11110.•, art/Ileotol Agints. 1. .101n tpplont tan tor 1111.l.11.• mime he Sonde. la, .(7 . SAM H , jt#•#ittlti SanniarY. Mev e•L A. ROAN, Age•t for Cede/rich ; V. linsell,leer Bleier W. W.N. Watee'. Conlerieh. Anglify 1815 .30 • Liman!), Morris& Co. MONEY TO LEND on narr TIMMS iscoirosanDi -1•11#41 h. D. Okla HURON & MAT: SAVINGS LOAN somt.TY. CAPITAL, - • - .700,000. frets room Arnow's!' moor,' ON eget, -a Oitrof 11.1 SINK mid ea ter 557 Iseersin • lenriiwws. NOLA VVIERS' CORTE ARD •rh, tele?, re.• ,t. Rolteitor'm ...Va. tat- Pain .4 11,1ey, 70070 41X1.1 iimitarna, Is lent • r env noodles of years from one le Money may lee Attained at any time with h•tie .000 .telay hr7on1 Goo oe. ropie4 Om Intorthemithr the 0n4 preparing the Ilartkein, eon of .115•11 it poet a• The fall 111,101,Si nth, Son ia arlyantie-to Solent. 14•1hg 41*.te T...4.413.101.11. .4110f •hieh oft. add so materially t., the eemt of a loan other No.. MS or Orem iuditidga., teremer repay 511. 10.. toy yearly, arty, or mann, pay. nosh The penniteal „Inttointento Ine71.4., 10044.. Innen, a nose -vim for irtoripal mot any aro an din len that At theo j•41.1nrIII the debt In entirely et• tlie oiurt..age doelarrysti Ili the es.1 tna Ince tt 1.014'1+1 tOOX Aa Irf#1C -.0 Roarover ohliama $1100 11h4. ht.% P.51..„,0111,0 h t Thi ,a 44..4 ermvang le•Onetem ot I him .0I51.'..,1 et tont • al .4 the far. trah whit+ it la .001.• .0 the h ... to, rtaintiner, and in popolaellt oilittne.o. twitter in the inert.. 1(4 0,01•1111/1 lehAiheee...... -T known atoll 'teleran/4 71,0.. asnall paynomin tennis...God inehoint the yearly entailment, thy honorer gro4n. ally •n.1 without iron., pant off, hit S.- th. ...lino tn. riak oflootaf porynny whirl. to often In mon .51.0 77,. prtmeipal tali. Aloe ha star, mom at hhowsolestaltailema. 17. .150, '01.44**711091.1771701•NWININiIiii71•717•11Palli7707- timmemeoftifte neferweaw Meefeiteetwe -.4.14,4A111116 otthe barrovey.t and harm. Atari WT. nt per maroon will be allo•ed ea ah 141,turyIn .5 54. './..":11.1ort clan an./ loan table nay ha 01.1•inet at the iikevieryft "Moe.. Sy otter en/Orli& tottretoot ia the in. reran, to fro... •ror of the Sweiety's valuator. CHARLES PLETCHER. tilitator at (!odartell (Vest door to A. Snittles Clothing Storei Market Square.) Ooderlea. Dn. MO. 1975. LOOK 01'T FOR THE BIG WATCH MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, , CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools. dec„ &o,, liaatilarl urea to the retlehratott hon. U. R. WILLIAMS ft CO., TOROKTO 111. WM...204W, maker. 4. 15,. ntilemigned Ira, to Intimate that he h,,7,.'.,. I. appoint* 'rat ter inlet -lett itn,1 the •nrronn.ling ••••try of the alone Jena. relehratoi arm, and is pre pared all meth 'es made ity them, .5 AXIL/ truip w„Lruscse. hippo ateartalm• ante Wanoltionia. Reaf Motet DANIEL GORDON• : Generical, Ang 16, 8170 ern MONTREAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY - P 11. sem 01.011 meenewp Gederielt, Aug 15, lee .36 • • • .51 AS YOU GO TO '111E POST OFFICE. "-no TVIDOLAPA IlltHEREI • Morns ltin Harare theta+, 0. tho pal... for Ho goon,. patronage estop' el him. slam, he room...need ...atoms lailt hill, and 10 4rternenoil luor.411.1 nmem., wastA roll formai attenllon 10ih• RITSbELL WATCH For the *tale of whir. ha 7.55,?' agent In neeseth Ua hat an hand a nn atm ?Stiehl. onto' ‚7,.,,, to eell ....apt And Igrege./.../ew,• nothing mon temensinit Ina. • AA, ..• and I, TV) eirne• for bring •noymi with in ek, when Tv. IC 251r#### te to to had rho.", Ain A ...O. ao.riniont p.14 and stated WO. he. one (look, Opole.' IR • Wort, manlike num.,. Pail .n4 /OW/a/A Jiff MINE/1121ge fkolonek, Hareh lath. 1179. Opticians and Oculists, 2/E4:10NICFLEI 1701Z; flpreitteln, 'itfloanted V 00111. CC, .1.54.1 .54 lartiestra, eteletorieh. fho the, %ow A.,' for 6.5 p1.... Thrt have 'Acre ea, to 0,0.55, needn't inotrar,iorit. Taal nave Ito 11.170, ot their Arent the retyurement• 14 +V eanontere An oppoilmotly .11 10 440,1tffi.ritril prmosfe. 81 al. lomr• Rpeclattlivt onemintlerl In soy lot their miagereneeving qt.'. • • Ton ronetroannot lo and. 1,Melt saistinfit• Orr. the ortlomor team, wow,. non. em aionmerintt wavering .4 ilte eight diatettena, mher oennegeott, Nit .70 ,51. T....Ivy Cr,. the pereilier ton. *Parte. of the Ion.... they bra soothing opt plememolo ...nog • feel., ,4,I..( to wearer. s0,1 Arodnentyr • ear., •ell ;Poona melon. ma n th• "mural hcllitty eight They mre ihe ,.Iy NIN'Oarles 'AA, PRESERVE AS !nu. AS ASSISI THE SIGHT. th•• an the olortaint neonate the NWT, SIV•SyS Mat tog ...111.0 0.11.1411 thong.. being 7110•1171.11.7. employ 1w. P•ranti. P'. J1)RDAN m in arc t fat 'thiderwlit nonfidi Mild 1579- .1? NEW BOOKS, &c., &c. WHOLESALE & RETAIL AT BUTLER'S. 1 Beautiful Assortment 717 ,JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST MeV VET:, neidt is sold CtHEAP, 1311TLEIVS. • 44 $200 TO $2000 O‘1111.R.F.,:`, A, :11,?..1 • !ti 1:1 ;Lt."! A L ..•••••••1111111.1m111•01.10... Dina Offiaa, A 'triumvir,' a Improved Vern lid ra. Land let,rale, • to 'Al -11tUILMAN. Galiwirb, Are IS, IS?, 01111131- tt "iffeert.irsetler-t-soolraer• AV14711.1:011 R Warn.• V111.4/1:: r owe to he see, 14,111shAr twig* Hotel itodwrIth, 7451 A usnalt 1171 • * anmenrterts Fishing Tackles, IP ALI, ,14,10.,..1 AlAn IA I 1,1 oo 111707,6, HANK KT 9, EA ITS • satillta .1f mom* Mee *NG Month's, S coat Vrtrly- Yearly APIA/ 5. 9'. W. WALKER 1101101tor r, redlimah lemur 1071. 54,00 MONEY t LEND Otirj119,:v1;:,t1,7,T1o!T. Miumz.6,he. Onellerhb. • rt. IAN. I 05 0. of - r10110Y tO Lend. Her dear eyes looked into mine With • hive most true and tender, For which the trembling, faltering tongue fitting words twat& render. Closely together we citing, With the dreaded words unsped en, As if the goldei. link id lore IfY a farewell could be brolln. I fain would have held her back ; My yeaMilig !wart cried "stay,' It seemed the hitternees of death 1% lieu her dear face turned away. Blot lingered e'er yet 1yerfeek tlad created the threshold tire, And bent on me the tender gaze U1 her sweet, sad eyes once inure ; One yearning farewell look Of love, and longing. awl pain, But never, oh. never more on earth Shall they look ititu'initre again. late, ah me ! too late ; With tears front the heart's depth. rung, With kolas of lore and agony O'er her cotfiuud face hung. But never a word she smilr, And never a look she gate • ., • ' Heedeereyea haunt uly soul 'fire4e Bul Ono wow drifts o'er her grave. 1111in J. klinallaTiLLS. • -PreearieWerter. Patrick gouts in rhyme his reasons f wishing then Biddy "nay vote : Hurrah ! for the time is eotnin' Whin the ladies -shall rote like the mint' ! won't the poll be a bloonain' Y. Id Others and crinoline aunt Election day, thin, I am tkinkite, Will be the grand day of the year ; When lame and lads will be drilikin' Togither the candidates' beer. What's the use to wrangle with Biddy Atone who the livin• shall maker An' sure. if 'twill plare he!, I'm ruddy TOSIY• III; the lied for her *Ake. An' by *Myra' all day in the shanty • T4 tiled adousistie affairs, A Win' the bafe arid potaties An' mentlin' die rips an' the ...irbitetbit gisoisg, With tog bunts 4 reOeie swat Sere beer. Air/Inlay is standin the trate, - I'll bison the sidestilo For my werwebudin: Bidde Merlin. 'id a shirk in my arms, aeclrawite A sib slid souther nue in. I. An' whin' she is makin' her @pubis • Reberu the greet Min of the land, - Shure thend-will lend her my britches An' sit by her sideon the ; An' &Wier she's dime with her Whitt' An' the peopld are cheerin' like mad, Thin off to the pont. we'll bhwalkni' An' rote for Biddy, • b bawl. An' whin all the votin' is ever:* An' Biddy elected, sure thin rii lire like a pig in the clover Alkd- Hon. Mrs Merlin, The shanty I'll quickly te leapt An' lit in' wid illegent teste, Will a helve en' a shay for my drivin' . An' a neyger to wait outlet baits. It's niver. a lie I am spalrite, • But thrne Were word that I say : It'i menet( that niver am takin' Thwright yf the lathes away, If a lasaie, think in' it proper, Should 'bifida'. the mortar end brick, • Bail huh to the man that would tither her I'd black his two eyes purthy quick. The way iA to kape soy An' give the deer ladies their way ; They'll stliep epee' vote like a dear. No matter what blackguards may waY ; An' thin; should the be /make?, Or twirlin' the pick or the sphade, .An' for us the be mskin', Who awes how the bay' is mal,? - Conirteoy W 4i lawn. - - Agrle slotlw • sly. Semen ItrOW At ra• a troy love atrantlanop 4#4.:.0 weeded Phew. Outlaw is the ',run 114 :- jimmied the Wert ;', 3nd, V %ter `If.siug emend #44,Jisi Briredfuoi, "Ifourfg Relate VIETSS,A IT REGAN et •" 2 "Q"0q4./Pee* ;" 2reL'Iluutvr, "To .„ -y.„„I‘Illardfirettinif w1. Jided M.st.g OtietedeaU.' •P.Cietans, Pour en tt ies --la. Win Woe "II. fad Ott°1•24 l' ':iiiI,Joiwtili 'hilh'fbilitie Burns,' 3tal,Jelet Mb teliell,,Yeting Costa de Lieu.' TLIDS.111.111 IIILLD A _________ __ apocitl prikes to Yoi.01 of Droesttelti. •- -Two etetrite,;-181, W .1 Daly lag Au.lty i,' 2114,1 Itateenbery, 'llteracon.' *rani • - , Theresigh.hred.....nier tw iyeire,fireentrirt e -let. 11 Smith 'r OHO 1.11 As. f' 2.,l Thee. Crud, 'It slitey ;' Sid Rune thoteuluelt. 'used Maitland.' ..e4ur.itisruxitaita. _ „. . '- Pere settles. - lit, .las firm ire it. 104)4 of Maeon ..• ?nd, 11 Love, len. tlafeul ;' 3rd, J 11 c.a.A., ,,rai,o, IA..- • Ws.' • tisaniti ' Oro/ two yeari, t lie:et weries.-Ist Ctm . • -• ()KADIN chrialt rer ...rime, - ,. 4.4= ett t net. -144 3 iiiii Kitchen, 'Ilitigt- er id FARO, t. Zit 1, Witt Wee), 'Fredereelt Willman ;* 3rd, Alta it .ma. •Uantbistribi ES YOUNGI Editn:# . X XIV- NO 13 Tug 52D Arctivca.a.sy 114 (11.0.ftwe..(11:411:18141troplif. 1%•'•3 and benebeeine It aroma, song the kreat nroidi.les itl - 0414111.......110W0DIP. . -..5 i Os Wednrelsy, 'Pith inet, the Brentree of Huron Lodge Na. 62, I. 0. 0. T., wet at the Loago Roost at 7..30 p. marelicti prYee.itin to the New ('1. oceien Chaim, where so appropriate st.riuom . was preAelketi by Uzveretel W. Slept', a Blether of the ILIrdcr. The merriest SW, WA by ranging a hying _102 1.1„2 igt., the sentimaits iti.iatuela are radial: atplisiule the Iestitetiog't-et eteMiTeateser, wet 'my meet f 1...L41 14 4 a .41.041.4 ..4• , illiata.:eutuitiogliatlibs.r.1:474:4t;thesthet.Anugrilri, th.ittNtreaortli: 013:,nitty"."6.' Ota4r tlyni4pal.Z'almg Amato ir16.1041.1,14.111.• tees, • ern sky &watching, in the, mat emses,their • Art7ton °we 011.0i toyit, • 't rikHeigil aendit T 0U rOnt 131141'llilet "111.‘7!:1;11 La 't'hu: . Asea ler t4lote.' soy Wenter• Yestertley and •to dey the eights Lae, buena little chillant frosty, there lens been re tool 'Inaba OD sown), life is beentilthl&ld,,41.11 th, earoitli 1110 air, 411,1 the geaerallitie of peasant hetet could wish. Tim Orckarda ailignise".4.1rdrevtusurnariingb04ivegi,elet1nliim,..) at.111.:17iisutirb#441a prok.iins of gardensand wild darer apt AN11111:•:LV. - I . 15'°'. 00 r oau tn. r. 0110 1,1••41.7 ---- A plat Ilthla Mt- sgaiTnia„- Fier noire than• a ifo.'19,..k the weather, all fo' goof tit a Ittgalltifg he the poiouit ef agricultural toptitatielp gm eicantei v boots up to Ili. Standard t4 Inman itherteta 50111.4111) nicht:fLI A?•ra At• tit .r,Il. k. Thei inderl, for the most part, beeti dear saki bewiedul, 0,(i the eltleirtioll Of Ilei Ilfi- day end someday, •Ileei it tall441 art mitt • 5.1 • lit tie, but the tfighttjw, eater"! were extretittiy mild, &Limited with very heavy lifor.truets. Very brillunt and When the moot attpleae alit 4,04 ow.. are ;AA holt o Leo. 1504, yttro 7 f. Aol snit •or Soria 1, .4. • After • fervent prayer for the world, the aim/legation a sad the Ord.* of Odut Ilewship, esti univeraal propegatton .4' the pruseip101 of Ifrotherbou aud. clarity ismiltiaten by . pear in full blossom se the more 'Sheltered the Iustitutine,the COI Nile Iwo "1.4". uooks of the forest. Farm work of all as the lessen of tie Jactileg. kiwi"' worts late anted:forward state of tinegrese hymn, the comp' 'on i9 AnillbiabOP jt Itt portiodef seeilinglat been done ; t 11;AL Away). sop.ar.d 111 many places to be badly int jittaid by the wet awl cold, is now menu - tug untimielly protinsiug .anpeorantot, and if • gradu•d toilduies ;Wet:We foe a short Mine a very emly and.prolitic emnof all aortae' consalewill likely he the pleating Saws Settedart-Mr..Prileherd, of the saw -.Hill here, sent me, the ether day, a sample of Ma atingteo,totted- at Tendon, and certainly • mere perfect article a the noraja net likely to he produce.' .y the sawing pros...4,4i. at leo* the .l, -fila of smother lifetime. • 1 will ft irseril yeti these shillala; fine .4 these day., when pm Wilt gad that I do not wane:tate iu speak - tares. • Pewarliertis 1W•it er w4o**. lt siII dead nat. --- W. fat:ma ommi fa Pew" koli it asky 141,49 ail • ' Dig °moo* f.w imn krona lila% . JOIn•ro IMO) 1,1117 1/1111111) kali.; - Ain kee 5151 "-4"o IP - ..1.14100Ae•Vtlelle. • • ftm t 1, steel tan tk• WY. . ,Nuels Itaam-l•toffrot a. le • -The nry Sonnollo04.:5161111 001.14 samby4 OWL F. se natal 4M, 0„11 .1.11Id keg% 'ILO g lt AIM Itioste L..j that or of I -to. T1116 RSVIIIIIIND BA0111111 choir, Se the telt of ue 'bluest sermon who'll he preach. tle past Gains. it ut chap., nib ing '11 thew 4114112. Serge -'• gor we 14 Willem." After 'wonted fired I immense with the ira.g.etiisnigtanttihn.ity2oirta:: ezpliiotog tie eirctoseteset• of Abraham st.d Lot v der ,hick the former, with It*tt: 1161515=1111". ill, • se fait •fosulfte futon town • sl'outs 'Balton 'dud, John Steel.' ' e• 'reitritrirearriart•wellfirot ;Ma- oF7itint '.Vetillettl- lonirersal brotherhood ot inan,as • oentra 1 teeth td 'ditch all Me bound 70 1515? in lAwit adkee a.. lite selfishness which tend* 55515 rtfmile • to - by the claims el unive•al brotherhood was the must of all de diseeil and blood. shed in the a orkkaud every sp#ci#s 01 vend,. 11., mis glttl to say 01111. 37'frr ,710411' sire yi,u:9g 1#ti 111 p?IlICIpIO tbo itl.eied 10. of ne5„4,,,,tg, ..'Cl, of wieldy circuit', stance. lu f.cc of the loot that, in each nen's elpeticoee, illuirsery *Mats the w(017,11mheutehdoss irr,iicds u:rue)nitni gargu t iiromuotittih a vac fWA r#, and that 411C WARPs of 50 eemertp.,,, 4001.401140n every rile. of as majuird agatost.Chrietiatiity re,j 31551 Afla Gino th,siek nest and eorrntrercr beere es Ile seldom se o the i ret ac k net e e t, weep with thaw that weep lif,iitte,hip has associated Its Ir the rel' -f' of the ills of life. aevely citizen:inns the b.rethriet 'to the to bury the deed, to sJu ' the erpetiti, awl to care for the .i It is not too hutch to say that is si-aols of Crio. CIO UR; of 5.7row hits beta tap .1 away, ucli of the dying smoothed, th,. h of the widow cheered, and the of atolls in levitiglysupplied by #111 et Odd tellowship. t,nrely tyro bre' t sec in put #uc.ce..* 101.1 present icrity that OA was 'toiling 141100 u. beemtse tlicy wtre biteralby. oirrytait When reale emortety rem .0 to pre°, tki gratitude or reciprocity, it COMPS Ill per- ttri,1 ite inteteled floor . When *Mtn i toots are ettiifte.1 so • right their tie.; end spirt. AVG gone. When two loon: inol.11.-7egail stolen take aft peahen el blockade try the elicits .1 t iueffensive urea, 051.iiie drawls "1 'IMMO, 4.14V -11•114,1.1,o41 pkitandint Us other areal* in ren/y, "I on'I know what.* heroine -el nien's gallantry,' the immediate eftpitnlenin of the besieged is & tribute to feiroM pertinacity, not 7, sentimental tendernese. let it was from a feeling uy 1.7 hennas to the linpti led Chit alry helpleeenosie of soman that the codef o Woman Wan 9oripest,1 te neak and oterless, anti the help 0 man was ,f, til by the precepts both of Christianity rel of generosity. Had the earlier •g.,,.1P75.ltlSe inattention "(wrong minded ono:Ile-aged females, stratige attire, volole tongue, and etacting de meaner, i ill probable that the code of chivalry right have been A • it ia, • 170 11111.16 fee the protection of the intett chewing has been etailirined to the 51,171415451 the lewd interesting of the ; oi it is tench to the credit of Amer, an that, that in their own country, they wrcise • traditionel gallentry even end.- the most unpleitsing eeeditione Neaps neither they tiiir the objects of they attention know how tench their peetiet. is influenced by the discipline of ftextetrel Puritanisin. We vispeet that in England the sort of gallantry athileted by 5,51 Caval;er and non -Puritan world wail often anything bet respectfel ; and that atiticiiiirtemy, like els inlinesa and ',tomtii. slaty, wax among the imperial name of a her "4 sterner elms. It certainly 70 the ease that,if one want* to fend the moat widolliread and ,wobeinill eirteay to Hite men now a dam 0110 must look for it not among the 'polite' 5 ranch or the refined Italians, hut *wing the deecenilantrof the American pilgrims or among the cultivat- ed representative.' rif Engtiah Pentane. llow far modern theories of female °diem. tion and women's' rights are compittible ON sore s• roan °rem apply oil h. L. flOVI.h. 151*571'115*••Il..kI Hoelerleh am 11. ltin • 5.1 az) "T E'IC AT SICICIWT Ioldie merry LZNT ON NOZTGAGNI. Ai* rdbitra V.IltrO,Vtr.Ontort*o•Cor ILVAIND..,A1"....., COAT ars. '-„t -,trotr•-•.",ost - A T tRAITIMANI. Ihrestel law A.11w9. 55104 4/4•944404044141/Oneee,. difficult to say. Gallantry was tient median ted on behalf of forlorn entetures Whese helplessness was eme of their atrongest chains, emit/he *ere kit ignorant of RT- bition ha they sere of the a!phal t. We do net MT that it will perish under the lleergrin were of learned feemles elbowing medicel atielenta in dissecting MAID*. 00 of fest winnen "ping tho diseolittold•••td fast men ; tint we state the emit very mildly when we prephecy the1 this rivalry of the two Mem win rent the ehintlemis 711(1155 10 very Ileagtel test indeed. Per haps it *emit not he too miteh le einem *Iirtsetforttprflicstrinnme741molteeinn•risremilb --rinteh women tool 11.0 feed women hare an 111firrfOr•Trfeveneeleawwwwe en .11 awl for the sent nnewohy The Civil War inFeaneg New York, Aeril 2d, special comet pendent telege train Parie• alonder evenaig :-The natives .1 nine lere are eseimited from military( service on product', al of iertiflative tar I.rth They are t 11k f for the invader' roes.' the Prussisus, which secures to them thi. exesenetita. Jett Ile. • company 41, the 112th bate talon is surremiding Rite Montmartre to disarm (110 Ltd. Ltattaliee. 'The truism are disheartened and refute to -gp out ton night. -- 'Ilia afternoon s'aetts were falling in tonna ft% . 11114111•CS invert utitrailleittes, and. the,ialiatit. mita and Natientle wore firing in all &Wart tottntt seeking shelter. a • 111(1, sety• the ertniatice is strictly WO T/' thane', TUNAS', pl:/n74 beirigt.stinkkin• °neither sides. Many of the Verse illiat's shells Niel to exploit. and are again MINI by the Panaians. A strung reinforcement of_ l'arisians will be reedy to march to Neutlly - Verse:ales April 26.-Ailinteel t'othnen has docile" to- (boatel fifty four sheet! 5 circular, repilnialing gorentneek interfereece in the elections use the 34th inst.; is generally•preised. tot - 'eitiatf-a-laalia 44.13:-1lii.uersTa55oe Lad; •filr kidding ineetiiig,of ouch a nature 1iii•Moral Sel.' lita lig, Afttirkoll I lettl .1001tIFI5,Ond also fuirthe fleceilional services .4 *gee .4 the snrroundme clergymen,wh• voluniari ly offer to utliceme there by tern, on !dab Meth afternoons. 1 alderman.' the eaten. prise is likely 10meet with • favorable re- ception, being pretty laberally subscrited for already. Go •ahertl, Aniberly ! Long may t «1 thinnsh,'and 'niter need a Jail hi mune Ftstaixii.-34eurs D. Thoihnita and linithera, hare commenced their sim- mer optirotoons in fishing ; and worwith. Mandeng sefew. iliitieultiesoresiug front the stote the weather, have, within Pic last week made seve,ral very suet:earful heels of as .pretty Trete and 11"If1tutiali as ever piped/mai epicure could be suppeeed to lick !tulip. over. The demand fur these fish Is fest becoming very popular Rent will, &Radice% prove a retutinitterative atLiir to Mr. Ttiorlf3ro, whit jtiet ly deserves averyetnammmonent for the energy. *boat.. with he hit tialiing experiments, 'and the h.) thereby coolant on 'the surrouieling MEOICAL -11. Walden E.1 M. D. hea removed his tent -from A nitierly and' rine to IksjoUrtaiii gale when I under. Mani lie.goue int..' the practiee hitherto belonging to Dr. Ssotrtt, 'emus has Leen constrained 'la helot front practice rtiT 400 /Mit Of 41 littalt h. Dr. %Y, aid however meet with partiri who may desire hi consult with leer on Titeaday of every week, at...the prouistis of Mr A. Fraser Merchant Amberty. „Fa tr TREKS. -Ilia RI the season • for endued plmittiaLT:alld IlelgfiltimIra seem 11, 155,,, shaken ..11 trieir old prehitheen,- Whital hate hitherto led them to neglect it too, long ; however, it is Miter, **Late thrive than never do well" and they are now to beseen hurryint•alentorit h thew • se ilia Own 1A* of 1,4 1510 04'41 44 gotisleveled withlargebiteillesdeli Varieties cd together by FriondehiP, Love and of fruit trees from rarities netraeries both uth and is united in its 1111411 and labors. in.VAni•la and the:it:kw*, 1# great many .4 e Reverend ',tether then ptoceidel which I should any in i._riminti1tee4,•pn e tlifullyto 1.0irtNkkthebethren thir pt,rtif! :sY5:t ty. 'their dutytoled,- *ees ecey have from,any niir7.TIo.is .gre:tr:..:ih Wood- -4isreeererese i'lc::finr:014,151 Odifllowsliip knows no rciguni muchinliteha111trzt tuos prtotleof truegionsrepitr50,h.mt;7;4 (11011 .u5Iu( 10 ititduty •orst atspicion as to the honerty a( their tiler, to 01.11titate a spii it of brotherly vendors thriffighout ;• think however, _me to dwell in peace aud unity, and to that %little opposiben 4,, illaa line_ as in ;heritable even rested* WI 1.malts or malilit(11•71 ft fioductiet V 'beneficial thren'Thty haft also a duty to the ewiredr'le iHnirleirsPeZatilerb *hatch cjitIter:fiink wok!. They proftss to feel for human ofliiidooi, 1 hut di. woe. Let 111.111 POP •Illber I hsf the CA Gat! bitety friend, mit •mett, pr, omen,. or laai-wry is sin, and they lure pledgal them tlio bawls mind and healthiest specs - to weir against ace in eery Nem. In Melia I liana ever yet seen in this part of TOitelUti00, IS a christian minister, who Ontario. • might never loin hay, the privilege of .4 addri•seing them al a body, while peening epee them the duty of benevolenee and twit', he must also press upon them the neeessity of sei uring the salration ot' their own sotala by trusting in the Redeemer of the world. The service* were clk eel by arneing rat CLAMING OD& wovenl hsnit you al!, pea. P. jolt frirtolly call :1,.."1T a: 71 To aent.1 .n11 11.0'. 115*1, Frote pp:WI Poll• flood .40417..l n7.005., Pea t. -.• A' .1 f• thort, St& $7 I -"75 Ilte riot, The.1 0 .7 7, Ana I ot • I nifetah 1,71 rapt.% Aot Irrreh, whit le nail enure . 110.5 I...4 man After the heno44tion. the fftemletre of • the order riefornted the p • toieten and marched hick to the' Lelge room. when 417.1111 were voted to the New Connexion Church for etpensed lihtieg.np and a Very Darin note 14 thank,' receriled VI emit Jima Theineon end the ladies and gentle- WIL IL unto Goderieh. Ang11141 16111 Inalit it iaIa.plr4. rev over tifty Mellows attended the services and wavy fair general audience, largely enenpeed of ladies, who, 50 110 glad to say, wilt motel have en tommirtiltiity afar-f- irr the ,irtler in thee (.44 6. Th la eery tce tut carried 1,115 15 obedience to procleniation fer s day of Thenksigiv ing by the (Irma 1.144e, 10 entemeno,ra• timid the IntInItolimeht 01 Odillellowehip OA (hie Continent. The fent meeting ires b^ld *t Baltimore on 2fith kpril 11112, by fiat brethren Front alit small hegtnniftd it ha+ illehnilmn1 fit ipasiffir Otattersadleasslaole Lie ein....euttt1PcY*.,..... ""Vt, 1'1014 1.0 Mi lAritlaarnee lilenernortrovinhoesite.MIStairtliP,14..a*AllikAi ..taf It Aleimeedefaileef tnernmareeeeemeLereettl.sterCoitectl hem en the seine roe hirie,t mitlionm In tette, ing distress. lin' Itotillttlifl nr et 15 Vereaillie, April 26. -Port DI. ert plied hot Ittettie yeid,,rday, to the are of . thoitattt;rtes of the Versatile, army. It hi thought that the liiturgstnIs w reein evimeate the Vort, sie the income TIM army Of ant "ireinfiljire estiddisli; ing twerteett bridge'. nano the Sinn* at Pattern a, ant - • Paris April 25. eveiting.-An armistice fr Stint Illfintlitti until 12 totnight ha§ been emielirdc#1, to allow tins inhabaante Nuttilly to leave the place No 11100V - mem on either' side will to permitted.: only the delegates amreinted bit the C• en, tweet' the lbws to petit fle. _for eti;pf41 linnet, Aral VertAillel mill 00 offlutt the et ireieg wept, web ;mod. TI,., and,14111.,:ilt.rentao nthir•e••mmig,n04,whsin Maue plitteardr ',stow nowiliation base been posted up. Pyatt has irithdram n his remit Munearerminsais ILinlre.1 thousand frame mut ie wthin:fit toproride for the "nen un, der artitann.1 condeet the war. A dello. gation hien Lyons atincals to theAlsomb • aol CORilltlitla tot ensile their trifereed 1rua4acss-- have 'manual tharenten are iinfouvided. Tra ;:t Ir. MAN SHOT DRILL A farmer living in Niremitri Township. 'of the name of Duncan AloViinnel, Irak shot aown yesterday by his hired man,. named Cyrus Plaint It Appetit% that settee dietinte mane haween the two rot gthliii4 wages Nick...noel, for senie lostII or ftilier,refuntt to pay, n hermit., rieard,beingstratell *ith single-barreli pistol, et largo bore. fired at him, an wounded him a.. serious.y that the mita-, tunat• moo died soon after. The criminal was captured at St. May's, and lodged London jail this. afternoon. We limier.' • mewl that the prisoner Pickard ,.h.i the crime, end when fished his reasen for am, . ... fig the fearfnl drool, replied tIliq ha vas mad, ,te mat the deco#4,4d hat,A mule hen 'nal. The kill ent retl the linck of the Yitton, *hoot the Cerra' or fifth rerteLradentied throilialv and lodge,' In thci, ef the left bream. The ',mower, who only recently raluttiod from the lnitedi States went to "'Amend some arrears' of eagps, *TM 'tfog etifiond by 3i0Vanne1' the *hire tregic Stella toot idae,.. • 117. Ilk Debt. Asneitetn pepe' arel beginning to, grew weary uf their ealtanitll, to pay the hea•y national .101,t i iciirref during the tare stuggle. 'this feeling hoe foiled prectical titterince ill Centres,. where ft n pre imitative from New frlairip.. shire, Mr 11eli, bee introduced 5, reside, Lion 'frith atra., to limit (Iso rate Lf par-. °tent herooft.r 1,. h3•f,100,000 51 year., epregengoa#,:reratirstriatp,„ nitlyio_ f teorof,the Adopt inn 14 tide rinotiition. 1040.3051 (51*511,11 went 'math( to be oheeelked. • aa raiment ere deposited sigh the Cleri, the Cotart of' Q1141•1t qt./,', 'tt 151 tit* r. turn 01 wre, Cohpilettin fee Atm 5500.1C ,f M. Wei. Fitssimroorei fin Breekvillef .,f for Itn‘otll ;of 1r. 11/ W. :Bosch int Carleton; of r 0014 .trik.o• for l'rit0 -1.16yard ef Mr. ',with' .-t,11reidoss fin Monk , of )Ir, (;enrye 111 'teon fl, for l'rette At •01 %It. Allred noel, bre for the .North Rid- inettt,,o of Trahe or ; omf.ess1fr rtfor the Nano Riding of nrwne; 4' 11e p.p..; t A, Hoe. Carrie, Of Wonamt is/' • Craii, of OtaitAarry: I.tork now %grletiltoritl 0 0.101y, SPRING Snow aT etieflIT.-iiip ahem of c.w.o. stock, enter the sespicee.of.thls Sochi ty was le 1 en I hursday,' 27th bee The day .11. heoriitt• aod toe stock • bibited !ler), tied. le 11 tries di: • awe 1 3 caries, ell ticauelass. Ilia entries id Ito Is were 3, which *00 splenditoSecougleteed ani • wale. 11 ot.r.s. 01441.11..na 1139. presented hi An Society t), 1.1107494 .10 Me Jail (olborn, Slyer .n -'I' rItmari‘ Peia;, CS. "lend flyroe," owned by Mt !WM Teethed. eal.,h4trd'owedrM#lien no 04 I' ".1#11ryn' Tn ;I.r •trnolihee -w . owidr.lerftry4 Oferile'P 0 1111V3'144...,Ynl,uvegl kno.ukn°w' .e'' Ide ow,,,by ofo owe. I by Mr George McRae. Thf of "rite St' "intke or Clarvill Tb.10,11. were all Rohl* thrOlip ltbflO1 /whittle *01 11 required ray mat Jeannine. non on the pact ef the ledges to deems.- Thisehrm three ewe.. fro,. Wit w•ioll11. - 1ti jout WAWail011111 laket'l. 1.04 1.1 reel. rai tvner11y.ee11 • • p4:s (4 !,I. not ithatthe Imlay s:s,::m.h.s quit. 5 &teem. time in me little then. kedges -Moment 14 Conant/n.11, leuelennee, 12 itlilimiih, Iteigannoi, an I •Peon, Ile • •"- • -eti•-•sr- owe e • • MAL. Inn% Ilttd. 41055 1)11 Ocri,-D, a.- iroi! io ontemporary Iterine -"I do midi think that no Plelieh- thorechy find ruin le hi. ro,„,„ ivireerymert miles la hes krpt et buil-Joz vended - full! like es, r.oy ialerferiti • spinals. tibierve F ,iry. lonowa At "OP ttf141Ti WT911#1 if; a salt Idol of ewe. joy tut w ; Inlet g.intt tn et r pimple et Ihr pr,' hog at i heels .11,,,opt. Ole j4 °Men, atemi,y, imlitt rime kind a doe .whe well I gtt ogibe 0.15.1 her own Irene vs. 1101 ni tot myna OWL, buoun**6 ear ,nl *Po wing otetsotevitia( with what darvvntstirtnn Weld% shell- joy,.thiseotot Montag go mwm.t -11111117•41.nrenntwrt•-dan id e t t am1 Grimm ots vette. ly 1 it rottgliotit thtt l)tttinfirta le it I. twee • .4 la 411 it4 ni t,. 1011104111 14, tk 1 • 6. 51 • 4 17