HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-07-20, Page 1ai
A WET CHORE - Trying to hook a chain to a vehicle well
submerged in water created quite a problem at Riverview Park,
Friday morning. Above, Kim Robertson of Graham Arthur Motors is
shown trying to fasten a chain to a station wagon owned by John
Rogers, It was reported stolen Friday morning and found a few
hours later in the river. T-A photo
Parents to 'sign off'
for outdoor activities
TOWING VEHICLE FROM RIVER A car belonging to John Rogers, Andrew street was stolen
Thursday night and found the following morning in the river at Riverview park, Above, Exeter police
chief Ted Day hooks up a cable while two wreckers prepare to pull the station wagon out.
T-A photo
Huron County parents will have
to accept more responsibility for
their children while taking part in
certain outdoor activities offered
• through the schools,
Where swimming is a
possibility or where participation
involves use of a boat, canoe or
other small water craft; where
transportation is by other than
(or in addition to) regular
transportation provided by the
• board; where students are
transported out of the province;
or where there is any "potentially
hazardous" situations, parents
will be required to sign a waiver
absolving the board of any
responsibility in case of accident
• or death.
Board member Cayley Hill said
he didn't think it was necessary
for the board to assume this kind
of responsibility.
"Parents should be aware of
a potential hazard," said Hill. "If
they are in favor of their child
• participating, they should say so.
If they are not in favor, they
should say so."
Vice-chairman John Broadfoot
who conducted the meeting in the
absence of Chairman Robert
Elliott, noted that any parents
who don't sign the form will
• automatically prevent their sons
or daughters from taking part in
the program. He wondered what
would happen if the signature of
the parent was simply forgotten
Receive petition
against playhouse
Taxpayers of Stephen township
have made payment of 79.5
percent of the 1972 interim taxes
due June 30 and 3.76 of the final
payment due in December,
O This report was given by tax
collector Wilmer. Wein at
Tuesday's regular meeting of
council. Wein said $160,700 had
been received from the first
payment and $10,839.69 for final
taxes, mostly from summer
property owners in the area north
of Grand Bend.
Council learned recently from
the Department of Tran-
sportation and Communications
that supplementary bylaws for
road expenditures would not be
available this year.
• Supplementaries will be
granted only for emergency
projects. Stephen had made
application for the purchase of a
new tractor replacing a machine
that is 20 years old.
A petition was received from
three property owners in the
Concession A and B area op-
posing the Huron Country
Playhouse being operated this
year in that area.
The petition said they were
against a commercial enterprise
in their small residential area
and felt traffic on the gravel
roads would create a problem.
Burkley Restaurant engulfed in smoke and flames at height of blaze
GB delays issue on posts,
lawyer advises settlement
SILO STILL STANDS — Five blasts of dynamite failed to move this
silo on the property of Gib Dow, just north of Exeter Community
Park. Checking effects of the blast are Ontario safety inspector Tom
Smith and Exeter police chief Ted Day. T-A photo
Blasts damage homes,
intended target standing
CEILING DAMAGED — A ceiling in the home of Gabby Mol, 64
Wellington Street, Monday morning was damaged when attempts
were made to dynamite a silo on the property of Gib Dow, several
hundred yards to the east. 'T'-,A photo
Ninety-eighth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, JULY 2Q, 1972 Price Per Copy 20 Cents
Restaurant gutted by flames;
Mayor cites interest in land
Owner says
he won't sell
Fire started
in basement
Grant announced
for dam repairs
The Honourable Leo Bernier,
Minister of Natural Resources
and Huron MPP Charles Mac-
Naughton announced Wednesday
approval of a provincial grant of
$4,500 to the 'Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation Authority for
maintenance Work on the Darn at
Exeter's Riverview Park.
The work costing about $6,000
was completed a few Weeks ago.
The surface of the spillway was
severely eroded, exposing soft
end badly deteriorated concrete.
The entire surface of the darn
was chipped to sound concrete
and Was then resurfaced with
reinforced concrete,
The Town of Exeter as the
beriefitting municipality bears
the Authority's share of the cost
Of the project.
by the student.
"Would that student not be
permitted to participate in the
program?" asked Broadfoot,
"If he's 18, he can sign his own
form," answered Hill, "If he's 16
and his form is not signed, I guess
he'd stay at the school."
"If parents are in favor of the
program, they'll sign," reasoned
Hill, "If they are not in favor,
they shouldn't sign, After all, how
far does educatiorl go?"
Wilfred Shortreed suggested
that a better solution would be to
require the parents of each
student to sign a "blanket
waiver" at the beginning of the
year, to cover all activities.
Hill suggested the director of
education study the feasibility of
such a form.
A dynamite blasting project in
Exeter Monday morning may
have had more ,repercussions
than percussion,
An attempt was being made to
drop a silo at the residence of Gib
Dow at the eastern end of
Wellington St. and five blasts
were set off.
The blasts broke several
windows in the house on the
property and cracked the ceilings
at the nearby home of Gabby
Mol and in addition, frightened
a number of people who were
unaware of the planned blast,
The silo itself? It was left
Police Chief Ted Day reported
the incident to Exeter council
Monday evening, asking for
approval and to prevent further
use of dynamite in town Without a
permit and proper approval.
He said the contractor engaged
to do this work had received no
permission and hadn't told of-
ficials or neighbors of the
planned blasting.
Reeve Derry Boyle noted the
dangers involved, pointing out
the proximity of the local
playground activities at com-
munity park to the blasting area.
Chief Day said he had con-
tacted Thomas Smith, a con-
structioe safety officer with the
Two theft investigations are
underway this week by .officers of
the Exeter police department.
Friday morning John Rogers,
226 Andrew street reported his
station wagon was missing from
its usual parking place in front of
his home.
The vehicle was found about
hour later in the Ausable River in
Exeter's Riverview Park. It was
apparently driven intentionally
into the river and was located in
about three feet of water.
Car victim of
flower power
Only three accidents were
investigated by the Exeter OPP
detachment officers this week,
No injuries were reported.,
Damage was set at $500 by
Constable , Don Mason in a
single vehicle crash on Sunday at
2:45 p,m. A car driven by Ronald
H. Dawe, RR 2 Grand Bend, was
turning left off Highway 21 into
Highlands 3 subdivision and lost
control of his car in the gravel,
The vehicle hit a large stone
flower pot.
On Thursday a single vehicle
collision resulted when a car
driven by Brian McIntyre,
Exeter, skidded out of control on
the Mount Carmel Road west of
Highway 4 and struck a tree. The
car then rolled over and, came to
rest on its roof.
A second car failed to yield the
right of way to McIntyre, who lost
control of his car while trying to
avoid a collision.
Damage was estimated at
$2,000 by Constable Mason.
The other crash occurred last
Tuesday when cars driven by
Jean Triebner, RR 1, Exeter, and
Henderika Grasman, RR 4,
Goderich, collided on Highway 4
north of Exeter.
Total damage was listed at $525
by Constable Bill Lewis,
During the week, the officers
charged 27 persons under the
Highway Traffic Act and issued
warnings to another 19. One
person was charged with im-
paired driving, six under the
Liquor Control Act and four
under the Criminal Code.
ministry of labor in Kitchener,
who arrived in Exeter Tuesday to
view the situation.
The project was being un-
dertaken by Michael Dietrich, a
Dashwood area contractor, who
had in turn hired another con-
tractor to do the blasting.
Mr, Rogers had loaded his
vehicle with camping equipment
Thursday night and was planning
on leaving on holidays the next
Several youths have been
questioned in connection with the
Monday, the theft of a radio
from a tractor at the Thames.
Road East location of Exeter
Ford Farm Equipment was
reported. The tractor was owned
by Junior Doupe, RR 1, St,
Sometime over the weekend, a
number of young trees were
uprooted at Riverview Park by
unknown persons.
Police Chief Ted Day asks if
anyone has information regar-
ding this infraction to call his
department. He reminds the
public that Exeter bylaw 14-1962
provides a reward of $25 for any
person having information
leading to the conviction of
persons responsible for
damaging or stealing any town.
The expected settlement of the
fence dispute in Grand Bend
failed to materialize Monday
night when council decided
to withhold their final decision
until the next regular meeting.
Village solicitor Bill Dyer of
London presented an agreement
from Spindrift Inns Limited,
owners of Monetta Menard's
Tavern offering to accept $1,000
as an out of court settlement.
Solicitors for Spindrift
originally entered a claim for
$10,000 damages but in meetings
with Dyer have agreed to drop
the suit for $1,000.
The writ of summons was
issued shortly after council or-
dered the parking posts in front of
the property in question torn
down for the second time.
In his summation to council,
the solicitor said he felt council
should accept the offer. He went
on to say, "I don't think Grand
Bend has any right, title or in-
terest in this property and never
has had,"
Dyer continued, "Ownership of
the property has never been in
the name of Grand Bend, The
village actually relinquished all
rights some years ago when this
ateawas rezoned and assessment
and taxation put on the proper-
In answer to a question by
councillor Bill Cochrane as to
why the village should pay rent
through an Ontario licence of
occupation, Dyer replied, "This
Jeweller closing
out retail store
Exeter jeweller Jack Smith
announced this week he is closing
out his retail business.
He has rented his store on Main
St, to Simpson's, who also rent
their existing quarters from Mr.
Smith beside his jewellery shop.
He built the building housing
the two businesses 22 years ago
when he moved to Exeter. Prior
to that, he had travelled as a
salesman for a jewellery firm.
Mr. Smith reported he would be.
conducting his watch repair and
engraving business from his
home on Pryde Boulevard.
Convertible is
'pony expres5'
Residents of the ieth con-
cession of Stephen were sur"
prised to see a shetland pony
riding in the back seat Of a
convertible Friday afternoon.
The pony was owned by Russell
Kirk, RR 2 Dashwood, and had
been stolen while tethered in a
ditch near the Kirk home.
The thieves returned the
following day with the pony —
again riding in the back seat of
the convertible.
Constable Don Mason is in-
vestigating the theft.
It was one of two thefts in-
vestigated this week. A boy's
bicycle with a blue frame and red
seat, valued at $35 was taken
from the Hensall residence of
Norman Mattson,
Two cases of mischief were
also investigated,
Unknown youngsters ripped up
10 tomato plants and a row of
snake beans in the Centralia
garden of Roy Soldan,
An OPP cruiser was tampered
with while parked on the lot of an
Exeter service station. The spark
plug wires were switched.
An Exeter youth has been
charged with mischief as a
Stolen vehicle
lands in river
property is not included in the
27,5 acres under lease according
to surveyors,"
Replying to Reeve John
Payne's question of the village's
chances in court, Dyer said,
"We're very badly precluded
from walking into court. We have
a real problem as far as defences
are concerned.
Thesolicitoradded, "I think it's
a fair settlement. We brought it
down from $1,800 to $1,000. Yes,
we could delay and delay court
proceedings, but that won't
Councillor Murray Des Jardins
stated he was not in favour of a
settlement and asked that the
matter be deferred at least until
the next meeting. ,Coehr ane
Paul Panet, another member of
council said, "I can't go along
with this thinking, it's legally
clear cut that we don't have title,
Let's get out as gracefully as
possible ."
The question was not brought to
a vote, At a meeting concerning
the same matter on May 1, Dyer
Please turn to page 16 —
There were indications around
the Exeter council table Monday
night that some members would
be happy not to see the Burkley
Restaurant rebuilt and the
property acquired for the new
town hall complex.
Council have already been
considering the acquisition of
additional land for the town hall,
and the land on which the burned
out restaurant is located would be
discussion .over the •
property' arose when' contractor""
Milt Keller accompanied John
Tzavaras to the meeting to
request a building permit to
rebuild the structure.
Keller said the walls would be
ripped down and a new building
would be built to the
specifications required by the
Liquopr License Board of
He said there had been a "lot of
rumors" around town and he and
the owner wished to find out what
the situation was.
Council were asked if land
could be purchased off the south
end of the lawn bowling greens,
but Reeve Boyle replied this
would be impossible due to terms
set out when the Lawn Bowling
Company deeded the property to
the town.
Mayor Jack Delbridge pointed
out that a restaurant built on the
site would require five parking
spaces for every 1,000 square
feet, and on the measurements
supplied by Keller, this would
mean approximately 15 parking
At this point, the Mayor asked
Tzavaras how much he wanted
for the property, and while
Delbridge did not specify the
reason for the question, it is
presumed he was thinking of the
property in terms of municipal
Tzavaras replied he would not
sell the property.
"Everything must have its
price," the Mayor remarked, but
the property owner indicated
once again he would not dispose
of the property.
Reeve Boyle said there was no
way council could take any action
until the property was surveyed,
although Keller pointed out the
Please turn to page 3 —
Hundreds of spectators lined
Exeter's Main St. Wednesday
night to watch the Burkley
Restaurant being devoured by
The blaze broke out around 5:30
p,m. and roared out of control for
over two hours before Exeter
firemen, assisted by the Hensall
brigade, brought it under control.
Only the walls remained.
The building was owned by
John Tzavaras and the business
was leased .by Gus Pittas and
Angelo Pappas: They also owned
the equipment.
Exeter fire chief, Gary Mid-
dleton who was on holidays and
returned to assist, said total
damage has been estimated at
$55,000. The building owner and
the two operators indicated they
were fully insured.
Robert Kaufman, an inspector
for the Ontario Fire Marshal
office, viewed the gutted building
on Thursday and reported the
blaze apparently started from a
short circuit in a freezer located
in the basement,
The flames from this raced up
the wall and ignited grease and
propane gas in the pizza oven.
Employees and persons nearby
reported hearing an explosion
and the building was a blazing
inferno when firemen arrived,
despite their close proximity to
the blaze.
Mary Holubowicz, a waitress at
the restaurant, said there were
about eight customers in the
building at the time and the
smoke and flames "chased us
right out the door."
Everyone escaped the building
without injury but nothing was
Firemen and spectators
managed to get most of the
furniture out of a rear apartment
occupied by one of the business
Another waitress, Joan David,
was forced to flee the building
and watched on as it devoured the
contents, including her purse. A
fireman attempted to find it for
her, but was unsuccessful.
Mrs. Holubowicz said two of the
customers came over to her
during the fire and paid for their
meals. "Now isn't that
something!" she noted.
Although there wasn't time to
get the money out of the cash
register, the latter was rescued
later and the owners counted out
the soggy money.
The Exeter brigade appeared
to have the fire almost under
control at one stage, but they
couldn't get at it as the structure
had three false ceilings and the
fire was between them.
The dense, searing smoke also
caused problems for the firemen
and five of them had to be given
oxygen by Hoffman's Ambulance
All returned to the battle after
the assistance and rnostwerestill
at the scene at 2:00 a.m, before
they went home,
Hundreds of people lined the
streets to watch the blaze and
those with good viewing points
were the lawn bowlers in Exeter
for a tournament.
They adjourned with the bowls
on the greens near the restaurant
and resumed play for a time
before the dense smoke again
drove them off the facilities,