Huron Signal, 1871-4-27, Page 4• • • .41.A. " seit. Weer ier 44.„„„, 111, • les t" &gait,* "I'lak • ler Weer .....set••14. es. -ea 1 1.0,...1.1.• MA 5E4 art sairtiet.111.,,,,IA ekes he 'tom11•1 et• Lalir "A..& Tlefil•541... is) test.o111 r••,11/ g wort .:E Oct Use &ore ••• talhies .r this Erbleatiela les* 44. amity. r ,rii 11 .1 m• .5aivt rassee..ae. 4... iota 4.•oJm kill UMW., or et. le met le seat. Reinitsat total baort.s..0. r cep h. se• se h• • "....1.4,•31 3,10 ,5,5t, I I.. :4131:515 girth. • "type toy a 1th 111, 101.1 liMph AN*. 4•01.4 1.4,11..•isoulw,%. ve este es. Isisa • Up hisamen sa.rn ti,.pa.s. I • Ill: '14 Ile 'MC( 1.11. 14 eirey..., 41141 4"4 4141 eroaderthl y a their ratio. otter 21.* timer lay. ere *a A a tiribi ...1 Wiles prigs • wt. e 1111thiN tufted he limey, 1 thresall pea late my pipe Il Ibt• roe.. redo loader, dill b•.. hell be haste A.4 Ill 0 a rodent. heath f r coot v Wawa b. ay teeedy elm • 1 meld swami Abe and pew toi. that thert .441c0.1..? Wait their p thoir tort ti. to. f *'AN. kallonitth'iAiallashadal•WIller wNit you would stake : Few by their site, met labour is Viltienrelea aherstsoae 01 uur raomtievesagg Ws health as welt ta pcusperity : but WNW WWI caped pert.m immunity fr,,in Mohnen, st is right that Oho hest means of curs alisstd *Inset. reedy. Now tor (mid., smegha, flieninot mei WHO., crawl... Shot.; da nothing ltk• the -Canadian Pain Duttoyer." For sale by all Drugging 141.1 vo00i1, V istatora. Prise :13 lams per bottle • I dried ter Mom Chula . tad I disain....,f erboolo Illow IL 0014 the Ireasy welll get 14. 0.. slaw 4•11.1 1ft koala . Where world the Cbarlo and *54(0 4.; the .1 eo art the envy. !revery 404 aweiwthee '14 4l,04 lo,,y ipeseettiT S e ...war klaiwAty loretneomum ler rtoos.411 ye.' vs •1441.j,ot &set Ai. t,1 ". 441 S11110W,..pp. fr..017.:Lti-iu.., 1242011 Eilbeim Wky Sorriest Men Bert - litre Kuck. lora. Dr. Hall, gives the following reagens why rimmed per., Wine tongerthantnis- e. w ho remain Tangle :-Bachelors emelt**. in a elate tore* ; they feel untetthill- If ind era after supper there ia a seise of aolitarissits, isoliiiing a redness, if not settled nselmscholy, with all its &pivoting liableness ; and ninny hoer' in the course 01 111* year are spent 111 gl.o01•174vitY. altisit is adeerree to • god o.Ii • yigortitis and healthy circulate As Hie 0410 .taniher or loose braiggo iate the bachet..r is inclined to seek Aversion outside. in suppers with friends, in club. which are intrtaltictorisa to intemperance •ed licentionenewe ..r to those more un- blewbiour ut•ociatvots 'which, under the muroref dark/teak lead to rpeody min of breath and in. ; and when thou are gone, the way •i • anwanl to an nutimyly gravel is raped ocd certain. On the other -Istrol, marriage lengt-rtertearntaftV • • 4s making house tritium • by the cant- les( infloences whish is hu upon the cher- oots, noel the af..ctiotia , by the enItiya- _lion of the better feelings of nur nature, arid liftlabt-rweanovtinit ria•ing from Tier and errata There can be itt, healthful td• - Temps nent of the physical fenetions or our -Inatome asthma marrioto ; it is necessary to the perfect 011111, for Divinity has an- nounce I that it was "not good for man to • gj..c•.' Marriage gives • landahle and happy till.- ject in lifts, the provisions for •ife and children, than present comfort and (mitre welfare, the enjoy -merit tn wan...ring their happiness, and tits daily and hott,ly par- ticipation in *Sectional. interchange of thought and sentiment, and sympathy ; these are the conatilerntions which Antag- onise wino. and the burdens of life ; thee agreerory, flearevemisidestetaws wWwitikwe* gahrog its atirway. 0" 1 iota rep 1/111 Mae the h Art fat a , The Deily News of Montreal stets Chat an KnOtala Company is in the •enitew of formation, haring • atonal of 3100.. 000,0(0, for the purpose of buildieg l railway through C-,nai.ie tre Pectic. tnon the tre's of the land grant and 'money ee' aide as sanotioued by the Legislature. MCIFIC IN PUBLIC S<HOOLO.-Mr Win terbothaen addressed the English Howe of Commons lately in an enthunianie pies for Matte IN a subject. which Mr Yonder should not have t, ft out ot the New Coile for isbo•L icisto action. Mr interbeithain Aid sot, he ciptaieed, sak for mus -k • ef "those beWling young savage., theelseri- ky children of St %"ants," lest fee niereegi. •07•1 system n0111100, away aaretrei.- Music he maintained, er ebonite ',lady elagiantion of Mr Perim the intpli; barbarian,' Bullet:it. - oh seeded •twhisali reeily eultivated 1 - Vs ) wow and noeultivate • lia I to dere, d himself 1 our of being "an ammo is elbowing bis negleollof r . Attention to this setlps I. in Canada. • The New York ore DOW Ser421,4122 I), ited Sio•oo who 000 arid spored., bee ipmt dfi T,.0 po, Ke..t y: Spriogfield, Ohio, • led h.y scoot, .; ;ire re t011 u *mom tit' boat Gower - -There in the me 01 3) it minr trim .tLotii, 8)000'15 . Th. oast d at Washirg ed eederlht b amid? lUrsIce San° Seth 3. 4.1*.. seri,t• ly discussed in the Clanton de Vaud, in greatly such a law is ty ▪ try tiler be gathered fro C415 under r0IF notice a when one Saturday night gaging at a well -used c whom tender years We the girl who anoomPanto4 or the fact that ntiato smoker 04 th taut of that type of purl profetunesAbla IMMO., WI Allinn immured the Pat groin his "Wink about w ipasekeeper, snaking sh gensnes, riot tes speak o four, should be shielde tobacco by tstor, mo tom. Eng dumpiest • Poach for Swias legis th. street*, who are es eigsm (with Ida who 5 .oke with betog sob& feet of Heinz sick, • peaspe& of some one preseribor Is law. Pam. the ()rend Ceseltd, of the =Wa to impoorMii moo on every smoker. 1/11diartell, noes hare ears to atisportt serves to soothe, ers--11 e smoking Bine • mowtorpiece of a.'ton mist *balk ; and , will lik• "a nay.' f he Seise to ape the chum League, soltilts, se it lop MI to allow A al all. tirr551051 .4 .11)11 late - of the Row this 'nun- s caw SW year no, woutiterwi a child sod loth, be five, • 1.9. lick a vie It an un - Dr Dick- fi••ciety, they, • under ands' Watt eel elea, and. VOA 41514 ia wield II. oil the A to tax 414. 14* Reg 1 waifs Ing for od o1.1 objeel Itinent exls. Vend two nlike thee rid 44, 1 0.3. 114 so 1* Mina sr - and ng - •••••••• *a A re inlay (1111i..n nitwit reeetttly *milt • alciperste att. 'opt, to destroy the moue meat r the tow b of Cum.( C-voer It I ok fear term% men to take the madman rate etutoly. U. P. Flans sees. We venture to say no Government has ever made se inagii.ficeut au s&hibitioi of two y,•r•t1,40...141 work as that •Iiieti we pub i h tis whining. Tho in receipts ova. those fro, '67 10 ise saseunted to 4.994l'49111.8 74; the de sew: ie ex ;ensue, 1 26,700,9 49 21, do esdeetion 411 the public debt amounts to 11204,751,413 09. Then) is a negro ,4equesou about thew numerals which eltemeelestuy Finitude of the Fourth o July -- Tribune. • Tiee- 'liest Daps are Now. • 4144•111arieramisi irisW:m Of cooties there ow Mao rule with as extsption, and thaw ems bo positively filed weight for •,sertm eunater o( weber, but the esperiesee the las Dr. Hinehieson 14 ecorth harks if fur sothing except ita peouliarity. T Doctor Studied the weighs of his healt patien's, and, alter was thousands trinht, 451111111 40 the conclusion that t following was about the oorrece 'hi .g : IItght Weight. 5 feet 1 inch ..... . .....120 pounds 5 feet 2 i,,o11i 118 pomade 5 feet 3 Melte* 133 pounds. 5 feet 4 inches ..I 39 pouude. 5 tut 5 inches . 144 pounds. 5 lett 6 mew@ . 145 pounds. 5 feet 7 inches 147 premeds 5 le r 8 iltobea. ..... • 155 pounds 5 feet 9 inches . 162 nounde 5 11, 10 inch,* . 169 pounds 5 (1, 1 taches 114 pounds 6 feet If 8 pounds. 1-0rstr110 or Tali WELLAND nAttAle7 The St Catherine's filmes speakiog of Cs Wi t Wellaad Venal. ott Wcine•day,osyr- .TL is co great tt weugh fare wesopenedst 12 o'olook ket night. mail wire th. atespitinue event or treseelels. set and small halm comment •41 U. thtir hileouteprogreati. It Deed not surto se 11* any one a• quainted with this old Maga.s h7 d ..... et, that mie.h an 000U rrenee should f i 0t.! the Is, .rts of oar pop:o with j..y. he • TMe Weather I l'o.tiington, April 11, 7.30 p. m -War D. part new, otliev of Lac chat 51 41111 af- lame.- -.I he 0t0r141 It ;kWh was 4,11 1.mday ne-taing in Illin..re has mored ematwertl, end ie now over Labe Ontario and Central New Y ark. 11*. barometer hss fallen oyer the country south of Uhio, and a break . soutliweat wind with light rams ts now re- . partud at point* on the Atlautio. Brisk •I triode have been experieneed •front Lake Michigan to Lake Ctiterio. A I think that the sivillsed world nemeses,* 51 ).appy it atte.vot times as it ta 110.0.-10 tans ely, I &IMAM contparrd with what 0..1 *VW 84.484t,.. if you gu_back. tutu. tiemeneyeirc-vrert,.nri artitthrd t so. Mesa lite to praise old time*. They like to praise, for IRS, &MCP, the Zuted, old hearty time of liti*:and, before King Henry VII reigned, when there was soupticay, and ellen there was • nide Yeomanry virtue *11.1 .her Men erre gar and happy. 1 tel pool, 6,11 were ,•••1 ,4fi4.e those men up and terry them hawk then., and 4.t thew wirier where men 1514 then, mu) let then eat what men .to Wen, awl let them 0/ whet mini 4o.,4 1.. do then. and take away hem then, si tut nue dill not hate then, tea 4„ ou would hear the 1110.1 patients moaning and . hiniugaiel coon ingo that ever 11111:1e4 your e an. For tee have grown in the number of enjoyments, the refinement the reit- lisataidi of life, 111 ell the sweet elemeni. thatv, to constitute aatisfaction ,n life. pod Gan tiresdal,lio 541gt5* elk* 1014, th. growth that Las berm stole in fn.:hundred years. The wend is steadily growing, - tkeekre. ITCUNVE11111Y. Murk 10t8 1171. Tat Onearit ow worsen ts kij.sneeta AU 11404411641 .011111. 111.1015 titareri eve mei aro spy total, iefervoit e tee 11,14iseeileV1114 44, r tle WM a letter 40190 the Cootttil MP, tam • 'ellof Mon. strt.no Owl the cowed er Morn. o•oto-J Um metier to is or'.r till aft041.• wetly. id the Cottrity Council Jaw Er lima report.. he 1.11,14J.. of clean. aWalf4..drele.w.1 "4 444 bfolge -0 Ina greet I noel .1.049 of 91444* to -.sod neer hie Om eta* of han't Nr 11 ',seated le 1.4 got • yolk. mole she Job'. for 01 A. 15, 4.' Gory repot los 1,70 •••• ei Wood hy the 0000 sheik 0*. No.,. 40 44*. 4-0.4 144 19_11r. llogg t...1 the Auollooro ro pert br W.W.I MN •41t.) n.I 1,1 the r lert nt th. report pidethed. Canoed 11.,0 thy Mr 15., h r by 11.•iL.. sea Albert I war r, 40 reNindri 55 dots. If% in Jo Clemloo. r.• Jot, Jo. Drell, p 1••,r•, J • . .o...miptei.-tieJo ..IaNa0t*1t. 1ro. 'Ikwt utk10 olbenr-iiie'oile/rri. a1.ls.e $R.14, 41.. tta p .r3J1t- , 1..14eeI. Mr ti.r. Joh. 41 Jnr 0.15 lthood 34345a. Ars4444.r44,1'i44t.,•, W Jot.Ate. 11ot0.51. lee4. A. 4.4.1.e r .4- to MCollro eakty mutotaloo .4154 4114 Nos 3 ad *0,, "1 It 5 - tso 2 ereteeth,cosoe,g Joint Otos pHthff a Tar. 1 • .•e, W.. enad se •i., Lem ▪ •• pa4Mfrethohm.awl I01 I. Um W 1,1lat. atwg .1 t WY I.,. I...yo , 1,y for 1....b toa. tuaci. .m 13,• Pi 1. )0.4. inYe J•110•• W I ilol.105 herd . ow. 4.41. JAMES JiIINSTGN,.., wo mr 1, WeDiln11, ..4.110.1 11.101 haowtkr.. J. haa- - moneocer. C10,44.1 J Hugh 4 J,,Ital Coai, WW 1 y cork. ; Via her. 1, R'lzr ;t....a i 14,5. 14., Wes `Saar. 1.'71-14 4.4 1, intelligence from South' Amtrits tie the.- usual reied is • of sera anti inakes. The insurrection in its Ar. tine Reptildie has not been suocessfill, ithestreggle4. xprected Neal tontej•.. sin Br 45t the standard of relmilion raised 47 -td reptiblican i4eas are et be extending, $o that the empire' is opardised Fi„htieg. is going on in the to of Buenos Ayres, sol in the city of at name. Forgetting apparently its fair les : thirty deaths have -omitted daily h ell... fever, travelling is as &neer- •Ver, 54 the national mail an been robbed of half stnillton dohars but la 111 Rre Uositosei of Vaokee Sold). • era Irmo. th. Re.ord I A snored woman named El Oh nth Gault upwansof ltv SlIY oiniYPhenri d tp dfft Morirjthn sub. oblanilleich, was oyn Silts .lav night last in a ditch rime to her nely demo. It appears that this house has ly beenfrecpienicil by drunken Americas, soldiers and other person' bearing ,lar.- putablechtrutera. 141, the night in pies tion, oven soldiers from Fort 1V•tynt. Michigan, cneseil to boat to Sandwieh. and reporeu to thia house, being well Imp plied with whisker. Thir they caused the W0111•11 10 drink, and they the naelvea 1'.r bona rendered the nigh( hideous bt shouting, dancing, smearing and ,,th, t met disgraceful acts, which were contain ed by Stein till one o'clock on tIoniley morning. Two of the soldiers then milli, the woman in their arms and dragged het out of doors, the rest ('.lowing. The magi Norton who had also been ill used, war afraid to follow the men. In the • pence who wax pusing f.eind the woman lying ihia.r, with but very little clothes on her. A Coroner's Jury was emmnuellet and a post mortern examination held. She was found to be bruiled, but there were also •videnous of apoplexy and eon gestion of the Minn. It apreared from the erjdenee adduced that the harsh treat- ment that this Woman had been sit bjeetel to, therefore, only hastened her deot),. flie jury rendered a verdict accordingly. Bmidcs inakingtOomit Von flimmarc's a prince, the Emperor William intends flax he stall receive an aeknowledginent from the nation of 1,000,000 tilers. Fatly Boson ?re Killed by nivel. 3*015, Galveston, Toss, April 12 -A apc eisl drepstch from Austin, T. -ea., to the o dreston Nemo says : - Keard and Miler's train, Inwled with boom), from Chihnsbue, for Fort Bacon was attacked nose rlot ta,andary by s band of Indians. Ken& his wife, awl five other Awed - coos were tilled, The Chihuahua from tier 110 -1, ensued the murrbrou. hand We very much simplify 1)1. II u tel. loam's table, and say that as • ain't' weight in. creases add at the rate of 1,. pomade feu eery inch of Itei311 514 this rale la old. good fur all promoil purposes. TasMINICTIS AND TM DOMINI& On Sunday laat the Rev. Jehn Purees, of the Free Church, dedbargh, took occasion te, explain to his congregation the views ne held with regard to the instruction of re- lagiou 11, achools. As • .ter of the Gospel, he said Its was in his plates rhea he repeated, what he had for many years 9104999/tle999n of reZms into 1.1101.1. ems elioncoming of the object Mined at. Re- ligion was an elemerit which, to be effectu- al in its iutbience in human conduet,should be comiiiiiiiicated under circumstances *here it• impressions would reach and be mtoinal by the young with tenderness and tle tout ems. The schimItniaster woo not,in atuid his fagging and multi- farious duties. qualified to bring Gospel truths itith ettimer to the youog mind. the midst of the discourse, Mr Fvfe,the rector. Neat Academy, evidently thinking the remarks of the Drew:her were applied to himself, exclainoad to the pews filled with his boarders, -'Rise, boys,' and with his long train of youths and asaiatauta pattering en behind him d• marched ..tit of the church. Mr. Purves went on With Inthoutistlics her sotiee the interruption. • Am from Circle ref 3Itm. Dr. Russell, in -one of his last letters from Versaillita, tells ,is the real nature of the inac uncle with which theCiermansatir- ifoun.led lite French capital, 115 say a: - •'Pars was fur four months and snore bound bye,, iron hoop which France conlil not break 'there sere 500,MS/ins1de 'guild 250,000 glIell outside. So 500,000 men were kept in by a baud of 250,000 men. - So 500,000 men were kept in by • band of 250,thei men. Irian will yield. 11 ma be woken or bulged, melted or snipped, it can be Med maunder or rusted or Cut. But the 'iron circle' round. Paris, tried by heat and by 0.4.1, -by fire and by frost, by file and by point, Rarer gave way. The 19.514.19 OBt411011114 the, nia:nt to rho mod. Where ta thin iron otielef A circle is • well defined idea. There ought to be no rift in as nu enmferenoe. 'flock or thin, It should be onisttnuous. You may set out, ho• ever, from Versailles and journey n.und Paris, and you will be (rani set DI any trROP11 a • Clfel• at all. There is not a wall of inni now, norm fen-NeattereeLnoir timid of of forts, nor continuons entrenchments, ner parapet.; in the fact, • 'nothing tine can 0.44 'inure at all. No. l'lie 'iron circle which ass around Paris arm made of 'lace.' For time month. the Prussians stood cm the defensive. Every aortic against them has failed. The rea.sons «( 144, failure 14010 that In getting over the natural difficulties .1 414. gr. mid the assailants were *speed to the tire of fixed batten., from the in- trenche I front, which swept the troops be- fore they °tic ld debauch and form theireol- !dams in attack. Often the heavy French field artillery. delayed by bail roads, by rheas and slippery me, could not get auto 411C, //11,1111C.1 had to regret the infat for large caldires which had led to the skandoiimentof the pieces oaf 5, which could vinic well at 3,1t04) metres, and which had .bn mow ...... made -outage ofbeing able to it/anywhere. ' A yonrg man, becoming engaged reoent- 7. was dolmen of presenting his intended ytli • ring, appropriately inacnbed hitt being at loss what to have inscribed upon it, called upon hie (ether for advme. • 'Well, 'said the old man,"put on,rwhen this you nee remember me. The young lady was notch surprmeal • few day. after ttt receiving a beautiful ring with thus in- enetion: When this you see remember father." Reedits eat the Couricil tit, thelallil A meeting of the cour.cil of the Ontario little Amociation was held at the Secretary .480., Torontii,on Monday last Pnsideot -• Sr. 43,14. (Iso'wski, Lieu t- Darts Lieu tt- Colonel (.1.4.1mor, ColonaLUSWIsy and afrajor Croft*. 1 his minutes of the previous tweeting ware had "and confirmed. - The President presented the animals, - port of the Association, and informed the Omitted of 114.mein taken in regard to the Wimbletkii team. the arrangemen•• with the National Hale Aseisciation, and the proposed organisation of the Dominion dais Asentiation. The COltneal-mxprem a hope that the donation from the mother country, ar d the recoguition of the usefulness of the Asitomation by the Legislature ef the Pio- vine., will stimulate the institutions and ;envie of Ontario, outside of the volunteer organisation, to aid the Association in thk work It has so sticeeeefully commenced, by spontaneous aid to its funds,and by honor ail memberships and donations, withoet which it mit not carry on ita operations with succesa, and with 1111 oompelling its mem hen to aue for suppurt, as they have been hitherto obliged to do from year to year. It was resolved that the .,,,.nal prise meeting of the Association be poatponed until Monday the 24.11 done, in tinter to oteaesinps enontle;ting .tth the formation a Iktgado It was moved by Lieut. CoI. Gilmore, *oonded by Lieut. Col. Oraeey, and re- •olred. That the lin of prtees, as pr,. rented by the Presidont, be adopted ; and that the Secretary take step* to had the risme printed end honed at onee. 1 lie following were appointed a Com- mittee of Arningements: Major Croft, Captain MeCleneghan, Judge Maedonald Lieut. Col CI Imes', Lieut, Col. Boulton Captain Webb. Lieut. Col. Oractey and Major T. O. Sochi.. Lieutenant Colohel Dispiann and Neje? Otter were appaio.ed eseetitive and range Whom. aortas the !tonneau let° the Mr C.8, Oweraki,diend-Col Roes and Stateittuld andesptu red so r., /Mar °nil"' "ir .14.4614 ern th, Ereentire Cotentin* ref the mateh. he eked States 6.nom at Fort° 1 win til to retest the Indiana, and ....tie in mks with the Megiean seldie“. A 111 ensued, in elite!. the mann in ling 464? •1 Fort Owed win Ned 40 American Irdera were killmj. The M, lieu soldi- er numbered BOO. Warbingtow, April 12 --- Th. War Fishing for !trembled trent dors not non cot htte set roestrel any tideless, L_ SNOW nntil the first of Mao next, and the abaia; tollo"" light b'lw*" tutu empires nu 8atk id September. Tne WIPP' arld M "W. Gum l`rotution aukniee are determined lee eft dui 04, 1.14 is enforiwi. this year Ant,saftiderf fewele rota?. Koh Our, ported: • 161114. al had lately was the m - The Posolenf IWO authorise(' to omens • somber of8niderileridde mot Msrtini- Henry rifle, am pries, to procure a Ladies' Cop:sad to sffilists with the National Ride Assoeiation for 1871. The mostirg dire adjourned. north -teat •lorni was experienced last night oil Lake Superior, when the wonli are now froth westerly, Fresh easterly winds, with light rair.s, have prevailed on the East Atlantic. Brisk southerly winds have prevailed "11 the W id -Atlantic ward, clear weather, succeeding the clouds u( lastaight. 14 4, probible that freak winde from the smith -west anal north-west will preyed on Wednesday on the upper and lower lake., with eleartug weather, partially cloudy, with fresh winds on the West and South Atlantic. Cloudy and falling weather in 1110 KlatarrIl States, (Mowed by clearing up weather on Wednesday night. Astoria' of toIDO dimetisions but of short duration op: pew* Tr. threaten the emintry from Woad t'irginia to Connecticut. As Anglican Nortoottformist minister was residiug with SI faintly in 0Magost, while on a riait to that eity, whither he had gone un • deputation from the Wesley- an Moreinary Sciety. After dinner, in reply to sa invitation to partake of some fine fruit, he mentioned to the fain ilyaeuri- ons circumstance °oncoming himself( yr hieli he had also mentioned repeatedly to my correspondent) - viz., that he hail Getirr lila life tasted an apple, pear, grape, or in- deed any Lind of green fruit. Th. *reined toenikeotasidendtlesurprise from 1 heoom- pony; bid a mut- Sootaman.of • practi- cal matter-of-fact turn of mind, and who had listened with much ORCellIttortl, dryly remarked, " It's a piety but ye had been ori PlareAliew,,,,endtbsewettelieThaisii 0,47 fa'." A valuate womeeme, Now,* few words as to the Is rge or uo• bound looted wouon. At Poo ('bow se hare a working clam that liaeo unbound feet. This class has much more liberty titau the lady class. 'fhcy carry burdens through the streets, plough, plant, reap and tow the Loan-, in fact, do all aorta of hard work,eucli suit as falls to the strong- erex Iti our 111010 latuured land. Their dreme LI the plainest kind, althotigh they toey dress their hair very elaborately, adurningtit with largesiiver ornatuots and gay (learns. They wear silver earrings six, smell and even eight inches in tinnier . leretice. Their sire.. DI lIWAy/ of bLck or Inge .ver of silk or satin, newer mI gay awor,t.soltieg ono d4y in her 44fe-0 her wolcogsday,when she way put °tithe joyful o of of twarlut.Stic may not put on W1114 as an outside ganneet even in sum- mer, Her W..9,or upper garment, hu the .,„"me itaraitlalaketthe-lady.dier.panta.. 'aria arc 1130 f 113ue or black dyed muslin, end gen. rally do not moue below the kuer. Site wears oo stocking, mot eveo in winter, and ib. greater pint of the time uo ohm*. She 1r, like her led, :doter, ignorant and aupersti.ions. She is often the "beast of burden" in tie family. She, too, is the slave of her husband and his finitly. He may whip her or starve her. Ile often ionngss at hoine,scook.ngtobse. 0, ur, worn still opium, while lie-watle her forth to plough, dig, r carry burdens for him if he im enowni, he may eyes rent her entirely linty.- dirs. Alitittiit, js liessthers Wo. nun 5Friend. Sombody advertises for agents to eell a work, entitled, '11-tnential Instructor." A contemperary add.: 'The beat hymeneal testruetor we kn•.1r of is • young widow, What she dou't know there is no use in learning." IMPORTAN NOTICE. F. R. MANN. !louse Sign & arrtage l'aIater pir,SIRE TO AC91: 1107 THE PURIM' 1.4 17 1,.' ho 1.011001 p . shop oe North a1..4 meet to the Wesleyan )(mod., choore14,. with varnish room ttIerhrel anere 4..,' repareol to til .14 .51.-,', Pr0"111° fly, amt at reartem. pritri Tfitrihrti for the patron gm oft*. bort 7 yeilit HAI itet sootintosocs of the wow Now Is the time to Paint yoar Cotters Sleighs, and Carriages. 43.1101.14 froeI oolotry Carriage 'bop. atteame elth 111 vetch. glir4a187111,G ild,ng. Graining, Gluing. rapet- -Pe-itte-MANN: •Hotiorleh, Ale, 15, 1870 awl • Dissolution of Partnership. N 0112.11 sihr.74nbil ‘'.:;':„:"A.;1•:117,P.:71•1')•:r71 serf WILLIAM .11. 1101144 Tamer. In "UoNsorto bee Item 1414. 4., 1,.,I,01 .•,,„„”. 111 Ilettle owing t.. the ..14 pertntrehip er. (0 4.. reit a Charlr• Cherth who 0111 myosin. heir All. agalnat partner.hop are t» 10 presented to twirlee thumb by Whole the mone.011 10 witusa. Rank WM 1413 JOHN BELL GORDON. Nome 14 licarer nivrm, TIIAT.Jft flOR. 40e. Bierleter of limb.. h, le not my agent .4 ha. sto authority to metre ogit 5.7re. my eteotaot. D. DeDoa A r.n Tnfoon to Old Vert h wn. YOUR WANTS NOW SUPPLIED. 11111" pnn•heel • risme. Int of 1 Welter awl ale 51, tag the mod app.. gsgyg .111 he able to .opply any einetaty of PINE AND CEDAR; SHINGLES et the ehnrtest and the lowest prier.. He lit 0. 40 ',mt..4 to pay the h,shost. fr... for pine or any nthrt Goth14 onitabo foor nod.,0 shingles detinesd te• PETER LEONARD Pine 7.11.44. 111444 eeeete-. • IIU ItON HOTEL, 111111CH. CO. RUMOR .1111174 PRANG, - prepeter„. ITN 154.5414 4t4.1 se AY aeon .'..,,..i.,..fo tha 11.1- 54r 04.49404411114 11111.1"....t tttellithnee ad. •15 .44 %IRS. 0A YS1 HOTEL .714. 1* (4..1 the direct road trod liesteeth te W•lkertne. nervosa?? IMMO natation tor the trev.11 Anhi„... TikNNAll HAYS. Catosessoerelutlieroter tie14et10.111 win �H7* RICKS, l'rcp-ietor. This is th esevelcoeiry Mame •Wmiter .444•411WfW as tiederersee ger Mare Olocaroti. Vise* Propose, ,4041esese *585.4 .15 Gerrelee&CW4 1ert151245110•0• 4mo*5of witting 7211011webewlesar3ie. BRANTFORD BilFIERY THOS. SPENCER, PRO. Spenoer's XXX Ales & Porter Spencer's Battled Al. in Fire condition, E,ftencer's Ales in Pun- eheen, barrels and Ma bane's. at the GODERICH DEPOT, MARKET'SQCARE. GEO, GRANT. 144144•j Jan. 10th, 1111. 4.4147 - THE LITTLE WANZER. THIS LITTLE FAVORLTE IS THE MOST COMPLETE F 1MILY SEWING MACHINE EVER IliTFOCUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA ()EUROPE o VER 15,000 FAMILIES HAVE SEEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE within the last two years, and have made for thetneelres hoots' from 144. *Waal Yanese0. aed ideghtsre to the Nobility au. Royal y..44* of INTO'. of friends, and *treed the repute Goa of belt. s,Itelotpenual.lt ertitle 'these memo.. peteettoe• he alludes of eotorty LIT a.i...3E3 1. 141. Amplest. .111 4,, the ....lost variety of work, 4,so. easils, manespol, Ir. Ilahlr to ,..l...t .4 114,,, aed ones light.., thee arts othereettottle9rah g Illsolone monoftotoned Rion Rohm, lo vomplote. with Tahlos 4l4•54 tlefitmg Game, Ilendidn, del( 1.... Wolk., BetkItiolder • II..4 Oder,- o Il l au 51140 5 itk oil, Octet, 110t.e. 4 dobioth 4 Needle,. 1 Spate' of lam& esti Mated Isetasettose se tun as loveable thy tenth 15 51 and keep the Illoohose te aryl, soov ii.ad Moen.. le mom. te4 oe • Marble illab, awl perked Is • east Iltne eras, .adl. sold for WA *I 1.1711A WANNER oft • ale. Ina Coml. edit treells *00 •• - 6rae Stead .1,1 name., .1141 Dessert U 011 o o lager liaIf Cr. MI le '' •• 1540 0,.. as oo R4-14. WAN-Z-144Hr CO, - - FACTORY -CORIUM KING AND CATHARINE IIT11111111, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. SHOW ROOMS -64 EPIC STREET EAST. AGENT AT 03DERICH ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR. Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870. w4-3104 HURON FOUNDRY! FARM FOR BALE. A RARE CHANCE. 1/1115 PROPE ITT Of - THE j•ATIt ANDREW 1'"y loving the IMmath rulf„fr,. No. goal ante loon Ptol. A10olet.1 Co. Moron If 0 acre.. 15 1,')... laud 70 acres hewed , elth buildng• ath "•hTer•Iiima Very 71easonallerell p tnkes a• ptsde, h0 be ledattee UM. 007Li,aitmit mm;.od.nb. flederieb Daaeter kad 1044 FOR SALE. AN ores tit:001r. or GOOD gs Ng,/ Fowl gg, mat tabled. lei Bala Wee. L CARET, Oodeneh Igarei-isi NIL '11,0 ,LET. A TWO STORY 2 house, noir the Market &tune._ Apply to L. MOINTOSII. MahnsilOtk, Feb. 1411. TWO FARMS tor SALE 7.1)• sae two Very •11111•1,1, esti as In the To •It r Alpe/ • Oodorirli. Fur partm ulere apply to /011E1'11 ofii..n Dorm Roads Dodo:oh Tow la sh.p August 15, 1870 J30 HOUSE TO R -NT OR SELL isryntiN to altSVTIM estat 09 ry iUNT noose. moons. 411. 11.'.. ead (emir) 51141 got gaol., ,.l15, .54 well. Apply sit &lie oh0 tor to ceii-STEAMCMGINe-WOR i( R. RUNCIM N, Iaxt.rtom.rritEn 111, GRIST & FLOURING MILLS lluley anti Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators IIor,.'te PONVerld, 1 )1'11 V; 7..411 NN 04, IRON AI1D WOODEN PLOUGHS ! Cut or Steel &rds. Drill Ploughs, Gang Pleselem Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters, Agnsultural Furness, Poise% Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, We700 and Pipe Ross, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVFS insU: and MaeTema a nr wider &else on short entice. Call and Wie tile STEEL IIG4.TLD.110ARD PLOUGHS, .5 roe ma Set one very these fro Cash. Godskie, Aug. 474., 441'O 'G0111E1{101 WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) N IL I St Rt. PI CO IN 144, RSPRCT FULLY intimates to farmers anti others that they are prepared to fill Ib.JI order, in ROLL CARDING- MANUFAC1 URNC. Cloth Dressing, Custom Sinning, Dyring, Satin -its, Fulled Cloth,. Wineeys, Flannels, Blankets thr the shortest nonce. Parties wi-hing to exchange their wool for good boom made gitods, will 4414 11 to ther intercat tn give ue • Gall, as 14! ere • lipitiorl we have the goods you require. Pirtle* coming from * distance with wool to get carded may in aside every tostanee reit bn getting their wool bomo with tbest the 'same day. oar A WORK WARRATED. Goilterich Woolen Factory, Aug. 1.314t, 1070 " .13 FOR SALE That a1nh1s Tavara StAnd See. ha* heea dorto Tor Moped 10 roods ALSO EIGHT ACRE VILLAGE LOTS afl Of need" t3e Maio street of the Villyre, •DolnIng and very 111111thble Oaf Stone. or ether taal• Mee. porpleme Also 69 &ogee of Land *15.4 3' tenth of the Tillage, ,,(h. gret.I th. hest rlay, eM1 elleollred eirrl the holism, • ,n 110. ▪ 1111111. Kleaneot now been and 15, .,,.I gem eater. SW Tn he .14 together or sapient& Apply Mae treinats by tom, Moller' to 1.), SWIFT. Inimanace. Merch telh, 1/171. w11-7111- Nw Butcher ShOD OPPOSITE HENRY MARTIN'S HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. MDR Neheerther hod pleat.. fa fella etIng that 11 • has °renal • lAntrher *hop et alms. old... Anti he *III he pepere1 to emprIt Der chnle•st onalIty • of otett• et • lower 00. 9,.. elsewhere In tow.. GIN • hint an weer tell. 49 09Iere tl•liven91 In •Il parte of the town, a boon of the tleg, ROBERT MeLEAN. fholerich Marsh 7th, 1171 w7 -- Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK 1111ft 2:111•1 C. Barry. & Bro. Cabinet Makers, UrdertakersA Wood Turners, MI.A.IMOLICATCsEir II•ra remitted /tern. La etreet to the etrai nevi 40or Wye. Anh...,n • Harms. Nhop, whore w111 he forin4 A GOOD ASSORTMENT 1 ed itehrto, Rednwee, len,egroton, awl NA* no el.. met. . TAMAN. 01,4151 (101, NUM end wood emoted) curnoehrs SNORT*IA, W•ttli Mt ARDS, w•rrerh.gs,S LOU mak. snow" WNATNOTS, LOOKING GLASSES DILT /RAVING. tiro4. ill ani 91e7.04 to eon everithIng In le•Ir line Cheap/for Dash. 11 N A erenciv.r.z.4..4: . of Catiltar ,e1Azo . v I CA.LL SOLICITED. (1.4119, 15 Notice to Debtors A LL PA RTI WA INI)I'IITEI)10l 11411.41771514 fa. 54 14041....., • Hebb., Si 1/110 11qt14.01 to settle lop with rneorll or before !I et De • wet rye co•WD, •• atter that Mean emote1* .1411 15 Mod. Oodelith IT Dee. 1870. *051414,41 th31 u'llEt.SE, CHEESE. Shepharo Strachan, 11 GROCERS, GoDaatcti AVE hem re.anpointed sole 510fitt el (},yhtrich for the sale of die celebrated Exeter Factory Cheese. anal dealers supplied at the Factory Prima. MTh:PH A rm t STR ACITA N. 4. oderich, Aug 1 5 48'? wI5 WLBORNE HOLEL CODERICH, E. MARTIN, Proprietor. flood Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. Thie is admitted to be A First clue hone. kept in Good Style. aroma isikirre. .11 -11 Maitland Salt Well PLTT'S PATENT EVAP0R4TOR. 'he nniereirsel ia prepared to FURNISHPo. 1 SALT, IW AV? QT7ANIITT •T 7415 1_5 0We/flit ll'rEcte. Irma THE ABOVE w ELL !VIPs D rmr,owt. eln&delt, Aug 15, Me tete WttlIted_stalintiallt 4. mon loorrwsiaP----"'.."7-47 - /A 11etth helfilvoth erestse, eeerpol. 414451• wlt51lI lettIWINWIAOR WOW. '‘ A.• 1444AL •'111e, Deo 8,1575 .4141 -41 1•051111W0.00e. Oaderieb. rah. MON 1171. VALUABLE 1OW1( a PARK 1.018 -IVR BALL ' OTH1100.3111aad447 ea Brody.(5 med. mai *beet LI thirteen acres 1.4 N.,. Orr oe Cierasne eau la Tossalop 1i..1.01.1,. • Itlits •be tbe Tose. For partoculere .).ply tv• WWI, Uorlareh, 4.410 141 1171. .1441/45.- IDFIE EAR? A1.1 fir 4141007141. /11415 TO SELL • 1 teentlt comeasow »I Nulled, .41 the hotortary hoe loth..., lho and Walt...pet ollIt• ow It sty. 0001 *tool o roist 5114.1sI110 tower hiding ereeli lied art •r •yo,ng 01.9 well loy the homm blf..rt ...y......,sh..ner.nro..:e ),. „st ,11. .:..„,.1, 77 i.,4. ed. reek .oho lAor (oth. pal ttrtlers •rsily .0 Ow bhp 11. 1,11. esel red ,,,,,.0t., p.n.. rad ....43.4711,.. noo preetmee TO RANILIN,LAWOOR .54 11,, /1.1),J. Aug 16th, 1rTt FLEW FOB. SAL. r n.T.40 (‚1141. 10. W 1111.04111746. 105 ArPRI. 1300 ilea -net g...I .lattlItot hon.frme weak efteebeet Agri .1.1116.1ieetesamataa.'ciatleartii 1,4841144.1,4841144. 14441 5455".4 3.5 tWn etrele to nem, tbroa the farm, 511 001,4d walls Slith led. haw pas.... , 4 'NW* Gootertch. rot pootmeler. apply 00 the promtee. to o54e040e4 im Mr. Earaurel. grocer tio4 lth. C 07714*147. Asrisit 15. 1570 Wao 4.N_D LOAN OFFICE. ralr.'•• ardeen to elks. oed I,..4. 1.041,1 .54 Tosa ea. lila. let* Nal*, Kele, of Cony. Comtenrie lode Negotiated sad deof Loth of Lauda to le eade at the Ake et tile tooteariterr. 171414 W ORD. Wert 11141.0,041,1*41 Deecorthre tad NM A BARGAIN. O 4.41 41C41611 Beet/ '.11.1 29, 1011. me. Coshed., Cs.. • 311 Mani 7•1h7ols . learol eret peal log Mouse :ear tale for 11100re i.h Wr 4.1301.1.• 141,01 4,10. .n.1 the remaarter to 1 sothal wIth lateireet at 0 ptt trot pre annum 4497 10 ABRATIAM 31)11111 Lidoler 3 Rept 1470 .33-4,t Svalbard Tat.. Farm tnr Sale. r ors 57 0,4 34, I'm yfiel- fl roof...inn , to 15. 44 T., wodorp liooleroly 40 o these 91, '101100., hoar.' Wofh Pod .1 on, ..I 1,,e door. •Nout 11 'oi.. from 1•, p1,, For rooms co sale app,7 mi the II. r,ist..• •41.5fle) or ro 34r. W19014.,; Tonion rhii prams.. (1 -.1,... ), Ai • 15. 1'70 w30 l'uWN LOTS T. OH 904-4)I41 GODERIC- II. 17114'TO • . Huron Hot& Oedsrldt 14411.1raser, urn await FOR SALE. 128 ACRES OF BU- SH LAND 11 THE ToW1111:111 oFrOI.B.N F. 7 MilRN 111011 1 Gouda* Pot teruktiara evl), to 14.11. A LI.i 74, Ilaron (total Clertelidti It Her., 11410. LA -NDS FOR SALE AT HAYFIELD. II"rj NOR 71 di 73 PI AY11111.4) ,ociresiinw T'"h'i' »I ooldotio h. oompridog 101 erne of the 'sato. it, of Wei, wilbta shoot ?Ind. col the Martel 1'." 0(the Town nf 114,4*4. liter. (ss .1.4,55.01 14 1.1 ...rr n which crud 1.01117 he prepared tow "op. The mown.,, 41 141. sod .0,11.1 the beet 4 WWI. MIA InIttril timber 4petn414 144,. roof peso.. oe 1•0 soots of he perms tibia o1001r1 .r. an ,44 and well .tt,01 A UPI. Isot 14, Hauge A Townehip Otealey, containing...sem .1well ...erred tom., isnot wide\ wond prod°. a 'Mtge meant nt flivweed fe the Wirt Tiff 1..t run. th. Nit er held • , of000lerabh mder fah tithe 1,ml/1'1v made •rodable for friklag ole m.o.., tor.. ; Fur l04 .4,4. 1 to. JA MRS D AL1.111 Guelph. or W. W. CONNOR, Iraq 1 57104. Guelph, A5g 144, 1570 1,30 NEW CABINET A ND UPHOLSTERING is 10P, 14107 OTRRITII PPOSITE DANK OF MONTREAL, OODERICH. ERIC hilcKAY, WOULD RE14IIOCT/11 LT '174 vf ,,on,'. that let like op14e4 • 5.114110 I% Or sl•• ott Weft 0(0.1, th,, iggygg t where 44 .111 keep constthtly 0111 Mod et make to eater FURNITURE OF ALL KIND. 11., 1,4 on Mori era .eortreent of Upholotering material, he will I. prepared to on promptly ail...fors 1m thel b2e • qoantIty of 0111•54111neewnte1 Naomi., 05 Picture FramIrg to Order. 14 He troete 11, etrlat ii`larAtes to basin ••• Se n. a shore of p.4141. petreeese Vellaellera* la, Ma • 1"4114,41 I 1'4,4•41 J'tJBTFt .E 0 ElNT DEP AT Shsphard & Strictly) . 20 TOIS OF 1111111,1 SHORTS' matter., ---- aim* lir. fq,•41: Bell Cheap -for 1Cash. Ooderieb, Aug lb, MIL nil FAR)1044FligtE BALE BAYFIELD GRAVEL ROAD,, 11 nitro tots, OM soiloethise 0410* lowtehte' 1) 114 ass. le ofelnela ere elatal.a lava Jahns melt... through demigod. TINIA:4•113.11111. the Gras.' redd shoat 1. *the HAW to.. el flede •k4.. The land 1. • visit clay Moth. *147 14)1' elle for •heel or 11041 41,1411. The lat will tesid awl tie Aso tonna. Patateeleg IWO urge)* Par partviilan me WM& grod..e. S. roam/Nisi 4. 1. DAV Ire sea. liodetich, .1ag 15. 8/4 «34 A MERRY CHIattIAS - •ROBINaoN & co., 71IA410Br IN 0711117140 1110 rttr.r ABE BOW SUPPLIED WITH 4,4 41)4) 11117.1 SUITABLE FOR THE COMING filaIRTEIS IND NI;W .TEAR 57490•• WHICH 111117 telt' riltl'AltlID To SELL CDR A P. L11A.Eig 40 eta, eoct., 75.1. BOIS 31 .044 1=2. TJ I 'r s.. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VALENCIA, LITER. & tra LESS RAISINS . • - 18 'pounds OF CURRANTS FORMA Is 4.1,4. 04 14. eute *fur BLit or all OK M DS I GOOD AHD CHEAP A larva isiettty or,, salt water Herring on hand. tayrat .*.1C15..t st.•-• of Crocker) Is e•Nol. Ooderieh De, 13114, 1570. 1w341 NOW 18 YOUR CHANCE .141 - - Prices to Suit the Tie- • Photographs reduetd te 3:1.00 per Doz., oa Thrts. IRA HALF loogIN. Large Photograph Reduced fn Pro •ortion. Ii..111 make the tamper Photon,. pe. made ,r,,4,, leh. errs rheap. Porcelein pirterve fr. ose dollar ups ardsat 14. CAMPBELL'S ...661.10. Ass. Ilth. 11715 "V""P•14 '4167. Ontario Carriage Shop, (llueillton , Glialmjek, R. J WRITELY,J *5111111 ' 11114 eperatoo, aed la tee" oat super. Carriages, soirees, Wapu fall kinds SLEIGIDI CUTTRRA. re, A nnenherh rd hest ekes Reggio. ne hand, *,444..I. shrepfr. Leh Pr.. of all 01 Gm line that r.antett• fevorahlt with any in l'oe ("..ly lie all work Particular idiom*. laid WAV.0 sod fierier 5e- ...43 It. I WHITELY, Godereh, Aug 15, 1070 U4 Salt & Flour Barrel HOOPS. ge4fieVirentr see,eon kr ..I. at _preeern. Apply i.7 147111.1 Ien•• el Watford 4*. e ecastannra 4,4..0 aro ....finally hey.. t.roen 141414,.,MOW 113CIthydwil 41 -...Rot 2g. , Wat(0t4. W•Wbei. hankary ISM "b1•t-• EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISES , ) _A_ 'V I fot 1HIS DAY REMOVED TO 1S coMMODrous NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY ,bPP0,1 I f 1 .1 1 11 DAN q DkUCSTORE) Convenient to the Market. His 'stock of stoves 8cc, IS LARGE AND' COMPLETE Iry /3•71ra:gwA:T 04 Af1711:141,n1.0 1 4, i..„.44 One. hoofers porches.' cl.whe. ALL UNOOF JOS WORK WILL E4 DONE THE SAME AS USUAL. noilerick 1.1 3.4.1470 GUINNES'S IIELYBRATEDDURIANIR TER. .1:l:1'11D:F 711101111 1 MANI/ Af 11' R1.,.4.24.:4.01 41 7 GORGE GRANT. G ROCR. Warr emir 841/ARE, C/ODERICH PRICE ONLY 31.715 PER DO/. BOvTLES AN EIRLY CALL SOLICITED. Wosit •er RAU- HOTELS PROMPTLY suryEso Galeria Piot. 25, 1570. srill0411 •