Huron Signal, 1871-4-27, Page 1Business, WtEC tOrU.. 1)r. Y. A • McDougall rr l T Kura FOR OONIULTATI N epos Veto*, R . a• ..ry d.M rW ,..tau •1 *III )eaf,talsr.e I .lnlM t r...T`- CC. Cf: allsraaaoa. M.0 _ s TatOtaN, ltfltulWa. ammo•, ow• 4yw ---- - MoL•MAN• YU V. CORONER. bc. udim PSwed ta....M9".uMaeCSour wtu(C•ullrttlnehuul. 4. ueovti ;tLsif(i1, M__ rIIR% IIc IIIaTItOult1aS r1ld1Me homer luras, U K•IN!. e. r. 0..w Elgin wspol by Mr. J. T. C. tlk,y gin Moret .0 - - _ Jay. C Ater. A I )Y. dN Y.WII CoWN4 I0I1Tr CIASI,wRuw,N.at'.. Vire."' 140 Off1 ,i tore, uueerlea• went rte. • Ile WALDEN, s/• 1,10. 1 13lista coo Director!). MONEY K KCWsuv, a GEO.O03& ABRAHAVOSEEJ g03J O &TEN1)4• >M Y1CALl Nt^v1C. wr rl;r.Y EDS IcDN es! PelbitleNtant C : sT tlJtyli0l, +i+!e ao«d to the angst's! J C N >»Ls - GODEItICII, ONT RIO, .P.C:, THURSDAY, A )RUL 27, 1871. fillet t ctwD'HRI R al TO LEND A.L.Lt)N EST RA ,sMoest., v(Lek, Meow Saerbirw.• • . -:-- r f. g• Q11$DI N, ICI trot legtertli•w la Waggon atd Carriage BARRISTER ANP ATTnRNET AT TES. 11e.•.Mr mat mit a RIaTRa - YR O A'riva mor,;. to • FACTORY• U Y lLeito algut. its is C ('mon sato 4n rfuJ.neb. C••a,mwwt. wae. l:ueri Row. 11[. 0: hawser... . B ►aMQas. tTrorNRTt. oo rrsTaaCr= alaget. et , uuderlek flat.. Caraerow as l) arrow. aNs%4rI i0Ll1•I P.M IN MARCUM', Ili. ttah.t. Waal. .6 olooleh. M. C taus.•. Tla J. T.O.=anw. Law P'•'roans. le RTTTR'no The, WNTr `. OV, tlar.- .bb'e hl.. •k. niatpou. street 1 Dash" A taunter. as*ilTRRY AND ATrorIls*, I0.1CITVsa- Ba..'hw'ery, a<. Uudeorh. Ilan. ). Dents-_ e.► w Y. Neet•t. it A. • lRllltam Et. Rata. D. A. CRaRCaaT orrl4•R caseate ■•w istos•• 5.malna, Street lionertek • r N1,le N. ■ -&'rove, wee. Money lent .isle .Kusa Diver. I defective tot, • to r«I Witl.W. O,M..e.b. Asg.14 IUD. =mw M- N ICSJOLMON. t-gigeR•►SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Oodovish. .sou Amon ilia. IRO CIFFORD ELLIOT. A TTORNET .t t.., Sullen* -t0. Clieaeery, Can resew. sr, he. WINULLAY. Orr,_ Crn.a Y.••r te Nv1. DI•Puted TOJ.a ,sant, .wee... tool rarest• ubtelud , A••1a,• • •. •.:--N JV alt►. tare. - BATES & ELLIOTT 1IATE pleasure laatlmot- tug the uWly ,ftowa ..d orate, that toy hart u.t( wyµ,.aw d, r•lavr shop .,. Ht , l bay Id•e at. - (Urals EtW5'. old Anal,) 4*- steeltoy •eleln/pg the *awn 11oW. R. L t *Well a eel) the week +trust, 44 that,. awl sten. Sleighs.? and Non' 5** In floor d•t1the,'et y toe," the ter, reew.4 tunteriel entire .•d wahmaa&, )•.0 rale. Jr u 1 N C34 Promptly attend.., to. ON HAND, a large assortment of W. lt _I ill to WF3 14 Cheep for T-04 C.11;r .15 • Ooderleh, As 1 tine. Stoves ! Stoves ! i .a Law AND SOLICITOR IN CIIANCLI'tlY, GODEBICS • T. 1E, Intone*. •• A MIXT FM Sflt(Th4RD AO CC'LwTF'RA,. A•ata. (Juggle eh-ra.a,rrulwr .11'' t , w tiNW R•••d. M. M.steom.on. , Le. k) inaverER. ern:t V RT, .OLICITO& 1* U l:', IMun, 1M. ras MONEY 10 LED. wtaos ac tMead.r. f ttA /'1T tTR t!gwt%tr1 1.'.RA lrTR. 110. I.4a.Y g. T.-1. .lit•~w', Locum. o tCoran', arctrIO%e.RR. ',trollCll. r*4w of S.Ie. .a village or rooter punr.1711! e4. ♦ Recon. f-lira .0.4• t. 54. fn. Ha.alsa. CIVIL R%OIRURR ARO N'RTRTDR LARD rttteaMn.• 1 ea. U•ae.raa.•r• A.Ft.ci IrrE,c rvFt V IV'4$ aJuutn•a u eel * Karnak Mae, toot route. tet el.. * ..per .1.&,492 . reete.a 'e the Welasrvi . MCC 4 wetee-Jerden•e 114,.1. w.hrt Sorra. .. N 4)410,on, Aril ph. 111l. I2AIN•rir c HENRY ()LUCAS, Hoose, Sign & Ornamental Painter, )APKH 11 sn Y•r.n.l I,, .t..r• .fol -.,u4 -al Y-rhle IU NtJ /'CU T: More•. t. G7-ODDIXIc,11. $ * t•r* 11..4.-rde iron_ esderleb, em 17th tale. lyeal PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS - 1•1. NIN.ANDF'ANI:Y T I N W IL R GelenM, Leek 15th. 1411.1 w►Y- MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED FARMS [N .wee. from *21st spas,• arta., rates *totem Chargea,,...-,ete spluv M. rl.ATI'T ❑ \DWICE a 7.4551. Solw:lwn, M Clog Ntree• Ent ll...at.. Jae,tl•t, tett .sea -.0 Money to Loan on Roal )state, ` PPR/1114E11 tot he Trusteed LoaseoaPM) A ulOpint U.o*ia. '0 )d. rrlreMAN. er.•t Hmmar* l:edrrleh Insurance. 'ETNA FIRE INSUR AVE COMPANY HARTFOaP CONN. Id CASH CAP19ALil..l H CASH AHEM •1 X LOSSES PAID Mil' 0 Q m A O - • - - MOOSUP euRtr. District paid to the Grand Mester of f.• Orest 1lritain and !reload, each 014►., out • du 3 Ut39 I C11 0.i• • .. •^^-^^"^' ^^""^""""'" I land, that l would he Celldtl upon t - of the Commisei,e of Arh11r.- ...5, a .d bo HOPI ETV V PO:r Tula: poria to any tosat or make any reniarl.. the luso high contraetiu; parte., )0yty, . -.. - _.... STA N /811•AV'. F rise, however, with the greatest pleasure third amber of such esmminteet; .,rte tow -Ito Ju w. Awed In the fist p acs _ ....a ............. then .......t ,,., ...4...r. Mostget.ery'e di4cbIrge, he bJ l epi.• aerate tnWrtiew with her, -.RJ au MIPIPI. ofthe velverntien hf a.euled her the. he would beep avert Yh.tterr fuel pass" betw-ho them, and would also art hey know his nest pl rep of meld nee. There was nulhie;; avid Medd a :Dirt. She I eubrgiie ttly confessed ha r guilt to her hu,b rid. Mr Mel/1.l J(ln'e stntrmrat,wn neat taken. He rrlrted tbdt on •bNm return (rem • bueiue., trip to New %' it. .n the I letter part of Fet.ruerl tire- .': •i • s I tran•pire1 that Unite. d his •u'p'.H'it , 1 against his wife and Ment;,;wuery, and ho diseh•trge1 the LitLt.-Atom ha enoploy: }goring tIc terit two or tLne days by so 'Oen -s i...Lict t owe of bq u0. ow eteItsequerl I•r of anrrit,,h• I •Ire rrn.rR' the t g ps ce cannot &tree on ki h.uutractin rti EL MO MOV .L DANIEL GORDON, p13INJ F NIA.Icu UPHOLS rEBEB, . fi,f 40 Ort 5,78'2„638.09 EAR'S 28,OUO,1100. The Largest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS Art THE L&RGIST TNND -INCOME Of ANT FIREINSUR t• CE CO]IIPAIIT IN ARICA. tic 1A•pnsit .. dLr iek tae 7)ouI,4lu5 (;...o-..tr•H.t for T brn,fl! raj (..wadion. /', Ivy hr l lr,. lrcf i r/y. .2 Iteccnt fa lures •Fool the Imp... p4 tense of pstronisiedt he Conipaniu that al- !lord t- ILord the .Holt rlili}bl indemnity and the Q value of an ALtnsa' icy must I,e apparent. yy N. R.- Fopeeo1 sttee Morn t. the boon".+ t •Y. IL -tuna... nun h q1 Mod tool 1'.Ihh. Hud tong• tar pd yea....,4, three et .•w• .1 noes as low as too/ SO m be noun, •44 w ,.he Gnus&", tad DIXIE WATSON, `1 4S WITII Avirw to loth 7, tooth the flake. p.Ir hoof J 0470.1 op 14.0 •''tie 7... 4... -. west ,ome Not (4RIM u • FURNITURE WAEar0C4R oboe.* will h futon rem no the •Mea tents.. more ostensively thaoYrr *hpe fh44f•1 bar peel Petrone" he hope. by idiot att. uu * to mirth - ,a.•t•...0 wed .arta, et •upte.t. HE EASNOW oN HAND 0.4 or the lanetet •toete d Donna* la the Cutlet, ., 4 b not the .loote.t n..u'•teI tkit Log, o u .appy r.. W.mero 4th ,vrrytnn.lr Drewiagtevan wet Parlor 7.ot. *a•i m Rett to Wen.ut, M t ('loofa wet. 40in Whip. ,eel, Feather Solsthrs, Pillowttroore -of eters, ., se pt14 ON HAND A LARGE AS- SoItTYKNT Irr rlru,re. tovl, axe u Pen al tnq•, Chromes : Lithograph• rkntyrr.))d• of the ,nee" Lisette/ made arrangement, with • meront, Yaau4et,ri.ur Witter•'o' {tint COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ger Coal Oil Lampe, he. }•e• orb ••„aper. arae. Wool Pirko age. mad Sheep .1.a,a .n'hal1l. J,t J. aTl1RT. T7eT Skye of tb Large Coal Oil Barrel, (hvdrriet& kat 1.''. tette owl EXPEDITI00SLY & PROPERLY .wenn, I. 41.n.44. the totted ~AN t .1.1114 a. I)tTiNT Veneto.' or 0.e ewe -- ' ''44'° he A gut'/ 1• ,.1Mite tea pen* HOMY 1 itIAT • ,,it.. C.asda. leechule.l 4841..'&. Soli •Iter 1. leakage w:' pnn•btato•n. _. ryh, 11th, 1171. w..l,- . L O. 0. F. 15111:HCRON IF4iNIR %O 41. Y.... 4. t l .r Nell. II.Mn Wort, tirelerteh, very Thursday •tenta4. at o'clock. Teton s Kimonos moot.' Vnn„W nthren -n r.,Wugy I.el„'CAYPRRI-I , 5.ent-ry. (i.4rf14. rob. ad. 1071,-'' .a-ly- TAI-LORING a .A.DaNCla1 KCYtR.{ A.1 NE EKETttANlfe fort (every Il.tter,Seeeruunae.ea 1 halm. ,volved, tea• be ...omen. ed Mooney. In licit who nal bet nr ewe toenecote ore, ane -t• Io tna.der0.7.401 fo Of. lest.ra.olr n•ein, dote se. need l.yt ...tie t,arrylnpl Business Extensively 17.4. SMA Jen lath, 1471 y - atati3. OL & THE LIV P A 1 t 111SURAMC h. • Dean in exalt don.' that peril • pool 1.•••••• eleeed.sa Five and a ha lion pounds sterling, the est thioshlae mwIridenr, 'a !wherever t NI A gait. nut.re rreaua • -•r .4) 1•e,Oee• It?' Hes .Iways on meet,o( COMAS at Torttato haud a cote**, Resort Shrouds In the,Latest shall TO" tit you and the Brethren tray 'east *Meer' • lath ant up to sitoll deor.11. or any soma Kant. : thank. cd, tin, kindly in tbo ' be app.i &A by the Eniperer of Alrelrin Awes Viet idyl. op our PloClety 41.on the 6144,40% NW racer in suck commission utter it ie to- t Mott I would remark, that It bill a mmtor piss gi,r•ey out to auntie NA Alio*. ha API, it A weather awn agme wine, perMat ay u.r that seise toetniter. lac toL et a hal Nothing e. AM be finer or onre Iethutlftth to •eot 'flue the hoot os utotoille. procieedisto of thht 1111 Bine nor t'al tight • PAPP fuo.,i 0. Th. Ilrown he read • paper. met he reeoselettetol ream 1110...Mille hones -1111 !alma/ that no •atheately rear ; had Jona* them *lied the Chao fi.r • onsreuslou0f the rums, 1111 he ould prove tit/tithe...1168We hones +to olio of has lost mule* Then Brown 1.14olled • bitter stalls sod *aid he 1th. et faint . It apemen he bad bees trete...* ma June& faintly istet Now I heti It It dece-t for • wienttle gent itepiy by beetle,/ rot host Itini to ay) 4.4,141k/11. TWO !bar! IhMIt of stagers raised • poltst of order, shot A chunk of old red or.Istonte Wu/Lhasa la the abdomen, Also, II EA ILSE! 10 1111.0. To In Iwo time Voir [write every Member gei etc T11111.. tholl of en 114 tuAnthnoth road tte heed uf TL lu 2 Doers West of Post Office. • el. /Admirer and Cerdicood token Mt Er - LONDON COMPANY Thirty-two rearm, mid end employing none toot lion Immo econA t ti OOP* 111 lee N.,. e.lisi,ing.•smeilon liseernie it nubile set CLOTHING CAW BE 1.9A117 W. G. WILSON InSurance &Real Estate Agent COMK1101110N111 IN 13. R. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, dm, AND RiltenTI4D, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. WHOLESALE ACENT Rama relish* et Catherine's Surgery/ FOK ALI. KINDS 01/ WOW*. Ilmoo .-Illeitbodellle. Gatwick Goderieh, Aug 15, 1870 w30 GOD ER I CH la 111.1.1 year, t alone W.011111 30111 veer.) The Vire nit f he Lite 1110. Tee mileracesilla Ear thte enorrnoo• goat over Doe In•iiinhon. in 'the Vire PRON1011,11 tiol as nor, 09.26g.ses gemmed Ihroovhool 08. Aft thls, fa 0111011(4 MIST hr. M•1/e. 111, Itreitlent for Cadfroch ; V. 1870 .30 CLOSING OUT ! ! in view of changing his business, has deurranneel on his whole stook of Dry-goodo at cost. Lazarn orris& Co. REMOVAL. T tt Soho, her Vann; monotone@ 40 the pub a lie 01 11111•111 Awl Dolce, tent he is now rn Infector.. g 6.1 Carriage*, Waggons, Sleighs, be sold CHEAP "OR f'1181.1. ALEX. WALLACE, AND JEWELER, 4_4 Victoria 8 reel, tioderich Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w30 Ai▪ tonl 60 411,41 n eedful nor,* Owte Anew. An "mon cony anint 004 mooch ran!. 14. onion., ateO seneetton, lot, 11 si▪ ght. The THIS IS NO HUMI3113 SELL TIIEM GOODS At the Usual rates, weather here very warm he alto Uniti liwtyvatell .a. thhne: go, ...ti irl;lu ipal y y thhit,sypeo.p.leniaid vi.t. to. seism 1 Illesep.nueds,pess..40:ble.olfbie,rvhit:,11;,idl h*sistel, ttmeh..a.4:15; t.tu. it., -..t ii.' cia bo-- go •wo„.1 un c . , that while it was onld in Canada he loped 0°""l'ell 0"i. fit 114 .4,, -Nova &retie,. family the timons-of the Vinod States eas '"''''ci'iina' on • relative valne of pertlege "t' Arieldk!" i'svA4sie•t" ;4'11°1'1 'Y i igi"• hey liad welcomed the. tau ,it . Ellp1111111, 5110 OrAl not otily .4 rand Master II iswitivetrwitcsoccoi:iicuTicLiy:uicirtr:iidec,:srip.tlisberawittiT:ien.rtedie,jec,1:htehi.es:1:isou„.11,:h7gia,,,,:fi,:t..011. 1 mime :: Th itClifir.- litith.". ty . ne o at tag he of England litit also Grand Nsatern/Ca.ntidea ila. Ile had ..oeasion "nee to travel with .4°41. a 4504,4 the nits (milking tore -Arent:- . • siek friend in the llawited States. though tn....powwow, ..whow_it bew,Ani, , bertidIA than toe other party 4 t bete -fitted, .1 g,tu• rr kat di.' not And 'Mai. 04 )1,41.11 be vi•itel a nituake.5 of jewelry fki,::.":71.riltititite'L itaurh-e1;71:1:4:11‘..rdie,::,71,Yei:71:, :57,11.:416.11:4:;; . ' 1 1.47,11,::a:::,:d1,21.-....:4,.:::::.::::::::::::::;,..".:::-.,,,:.,...:,:im:.,-.0:,:ii....,::::„:7),c,-,..:::::::1:414;:t.:': 11',i4•07:37:;1.‘f.oflutlii:-tiy,tlet;otf -111".t., :iiithitoc.71H,I.Isrri,:.1::.,:,i:',..i:"1:1:ii:r7(:""14141..:67:4r, v-,041:118:t1;44i;:.. _ t he centenary of the lint ish army, It lore it WWI oe ii / ea, one to be agr001:1,11.1 by tomb ot di. Iii.i I •It reTnast tits which Moideout ry name !lint urine t ie e6 dishimpr, (het In• se .h nts.lo *sr coofession. opffolia,jou had hall or.me4 wRh 011.1 -lie rseardeal as the utter •••I this ts all I hate totroy of thee. it...piper estop., •n4 I te 10171 ou simple lanottaire what 1 Imo* &hoot row That Naha •p our huelety Upton the Istankthe. Nitemseete Fraternity A sheet account of the attention paid by the Magiolis at WagnIny,too to the member' f the creft on tit* High International umeonseentm bat hoot. !already published, Earlda'Grei. and Sir John A. kt will Mill peeve -Mitt, eating :- Mixt Viorshipful-Bir .Brother,- 1 have to return to you tnesreratefuithanks for the very kind recep • whirl= have been pleased to eiyettrinethis even- cmiste-1 --know that it has been accorded te me m the representetive a the great bale of English Moms's, and diet efore I think may venture to say, es the represent" - title of my countrymen, sir, the- leading. principle t.f our ancient croft is fraternity among all the nietithers who belong tet it, whatever mav be their race or nation ; wml therefore, it wi•u!il n..1 be wondered (11,1 American Masons shied,' be willing to greet with fraternal feeling any foreigner who mtglit come ann dig them Bet, lair, 1 ilo 7..4 feel that here.in the United Staten, not at home, and while tt is trim our fsa- ternity extends beyond the bounds of nationality, it i• nu less tree, on every Bationic principle that the tiea which ought to bunt 'Americas and English, Maim. are narticularly clime and dear io their character . 1 believe all true Mimes are inapired by feeling of patriotism, and that men are better citizens of the United States andketter subjects of the crown of Ragland hecatise they are menthers a our ancient fraternity. lf that he se Masonry might to add .1111 Moire 114 „at the with which nature hut leen& Amenea and En -- land together. Sir, the reeiarks which you have made tine evening, mirth those to which we havq_iiist liatenell and partly these you larrisaild.reased to tut Ot another reeethave reminded me of an old election- eering story which M connected with a name I suapect aa dam to Aineries-ae it is to England, the name 3Ir Burke. (Ap- plause.) Standing for bristul with his colleague, who was a better emareercial man then *maker, and having made an able and eloquent *dams. to his constant ente, he was followed by that colleague who had nothing to isy to the electors ez- • ter.) Ko 1 have little to say to that part • • the ()rand Mute's remarks exeept that (Next door to A. Smith's Clothing fitnre I say "ditto.' sir ; it is true we have Market Square.) the sante history it i• true we belting to of English 'tort 4110 noblest works of E.g. ',ate conn..ry el well as hall art Indong to ours, and threfore itis not strutge you have been pleral to soused to me, as the representattei of Enzlish Bosons in this country, • 'rem and cordial reception.- If • I ntietake yon Mill cherish in some of Ent an actual clearing Amid raturses 'mamma To • *or beer Alt•n owe an goo eh lave rinifo.Oorie the •Ininv nt.pnrents .1- ell enatiorners so tlf.eoled porente, et el tot lir go, foe then month. M. to their •norrlont. over "Tr. There el innirrine, o part Coon ih• pee. nor too heJlthy AS ASSIST THE IGHT. PRESER thew ere the SEGU RE BARGAINS vessel of the American 'toys, and, la- thmigh thev had given it up 00 lost.On.eite the Vented litotes, dei not fimget h• was a Mae ,,,,, and returned the most cordial and frtendly way. 'When he returned to Canada be. would convey the 1Msenis there an sec iunt tac big' honor which Man Fagged DruIVII*41. Ott Mebelny Issi Mr, Iferland end Mr. itond, below els. Malls, esid otattilliNtion tuella it to lei • .nSts. Ile was taken mit, audeu ILind&Y. Dr itetfre Coroner, held an Itattenbury's 11 eel, before the fal.,•imit j,ttv Th. body ersatz' tenbory's Imre, and aspect. . The lace an CALLING AND P1TROHASING FRO 51 ram.. th• low. shy., holing le Agent for tinderschl PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. NEW BOOKS, &c., &c. AT PCTLEE e. or pout nay Merit of-no-SrStetill.C. r Slated, the Slim n pf G.eat !twain mid Ire nod. and the Parnsate tt 01 the inemeion tu be • Really fixed by the Jena 41igh Com miesion. Such it is said is !hoboes um, We have Manitoba papers to the 25th The Yetis Letter says the merrier n' -012-ina and IL It, It in a fittinse manner by the represent* ire,. of the Clan caumbeaLis the Sensoren, Mess, 1st 0. Sergeant Volume . pro Posed the loalth of the bride aml The Sallie paper may* Ili It bas been o ufferioit from the gout, hut having out off the taciting cause of it, is mow re- • Strgeant A. W. Wright, No 5. Com- pany, has been promoted to ,be Color In rite* in Rat- ted a towable • wenn black. eura by es poetry to action of the ft. nyytetittrwry-bmillili-214 that ha. tem ford. That he rasa timvt, dermal tinit-7,- di-11 "eo.. itgrisgt hlat 114 vowed an -1 n iggled Meted. Fle was a stoitt 'mem show. 36 years of Ir. and bad a farm in 31 inn. sota, whisk he warted until tl.e death ,,f er &weenie sir years mo. Ile watt 11, ramptish Ins farm and give the care his OM infant cluldren to it married sister &On in !libber'. His farm partaes were shout to red hy a letter on lea Alot114 an 114 wes,he must etilt to intke any head - hiring board 111111 1111p• especially 1.5 he spill or. From the diary found *appears that he foitelit manfully. A4 on wrote •ow,,m, help 11114 not drink for 11110 TVIIIT ; hilt March splicers the melon - ion that Ile hail fallen, hut lie person. Wor nave foetid i way, after 1. porting his anything in tot Inspects. motion thi ot Folmar on tt.e choly micas halo* and struggles on. Coder incline:1i* may have taken poesessiou of his bread, and he may have C01110 to the ▪ conellusion to deatroy himself From the eviilleme hecould have had little or nit wormy Mt him to line', induced any 011113 ter iiiiirlerbim, twenty-six cents ,being all that walk found on,him, and his wages and payments out leaving him veer little he- hiM. It areseare lie left the salt well thr, • emits rig" Saturday, when he received his patsted said he. ea* going to visit his chialmes, asking Mrs Pollock, at whose heasete hoarded, to get somebody to feed thaimert„ and ha would be back toi Senility nights From the evidence of his brother- ietne.nwele. :eehoirgte.iirtwejs ,1,6407. the n eje etshle CVO, Tdylor, Chatham, Warly Aitiknem, President of the London & Port Saantey itunos.1• Damien sod ez-tnavor of tbst city, tull Witham Situps n Smith, itr•tohant liteinber Otl'Ol1111111/Cilt, aim be the der n Innen toted r. potation. . • The pririte clerk of the Detristt Super:. iitendent ot, police testified to en inter. reale. ly denied_ the teetteation criminality mi her part. ' NleGioughlun was called ap,4. 4ein reiterated her sworn d•cliratioq her own awl Montgomery's intimacy. , NItmLotn,ry was also recallei and titact respect. emu t then adjourned until 9:3 that the runnotng up would eotamentre. TTIT 11•444011--A4AAIALLULAXT Tat JUST Tho the gives the couple of the Volunteers of the 1.1ii.1 11 notei to get the Weekly Tak•graph and other paters, fur which they weni °untie • m the cells seven d•ays. There are Do a grest many newepapers time for to get them for fear' of being The explanation ta simply this : Mr. 1ht,ilson took an Naive part in helping of their candidate, Capt. Monad being incensed, leis supposed, at thie, caused y his irifffietice Mr. Mdl..r's Hotel to Ise declared out of hounds. Such name retaliation is very unlumesuieg miniater of the llovernrcent:' Th. Mutate/eon says: Everythi, g in, dicates the 'near approach of spr. ug,altigh- riihng, although it may last for C. alple of weeks yet, begins to +bow signs el angling to 11114 end. Thl 11110W on the •I141 . min., the river gad Very 0001i traltelling will 1,7 -cone, deeijedly march out on Die 2Ist. The *molter is getting too warm fur such exerciee in whiter clothing. • A Cmopauy is about being projected in Winnipig, to bo ttaikel, 'The Nee* West Gerteral_Mausfactutinz and lobe*. Tee emirs day was. consume" by counsel tit mowing up. Detroit, April lftsh._,) The Court reconveneo thie mustier at 8.30 "'cluck, after a 4)04 amI tedious 441.11 *SI, jury returned a. to Court ancomeing Omit they could not asrer. It is understood th eitlit ware fur couvittion and four for sick quillet, A ems trial *ill take place neat. • LOOK 01'T FOR T11,, me ancient: lodgee warrants; bearing dste BIG WATCH in Englato. Your masonry, like y.,or history, lie sprung (nun the Old Country, and the OA Country has not forgotten the glbrious ?intik° which has spring from her mins. Nell, then, if this be so, end if I have rightly interpreted the trimming of th• kisditeita you have done tome tiedaY, you wit not be surprised that I *hall carry avith ita from this assembly recollections of nie deepest gratittitle. I *WI tate back to my I/rand Lodge fin eccoont of the nocerreneem of to -day, and 1 am confident when 1 relate them they will be reeeived with but one feeling, and that feeling ter • cheer union between the Masons bosh countries. (Applature.) And, sir, I will take heck with me across the Atlani an Alter recollection, and that te the MAI • tweed this evening the health of tnr 'nett -num aitvcreign. NMI sir, Ifer Majesty the Qtnitun wss the granddaughter of 1 Ie..rue the WM.-Happy-Me it Ulm AS YOU GO TO THE POST OFFICE:. tiannienviliaat tlieruailey.d Cie wounde of that rule Crown of Fnigladd, and esteeming her aa 1 Happy is it that 1, the Minister ft, the -: 0 should have the signal hon. 1Gro.int Ortnrnuay:tnt:dlinIM:11:10:11 jan:ivinig:_entd.h:ewfmiltg:th:rheogie 1111,1"AhithihiWeigisaelinhofe- 046344y. Wes. Kir, I " Al cents, postain tree. One dozen from hark ne4ststre g7 cents, postage free, to any ' address. flint :ited•ri..1,Lez h;•Ing mimeo.' to the More lately 11-7r Par I (War Attention paid to Copy - loon go oho lain IN IMarth aml logs Pocono. them thstl For eiaher lar.te or small plintlerhabv• Th• lei eilion will be leered lots•to aeonttnneors of the" ouhapribor ie retarning thanks fnr the liberal ogstrentage ,108 mottoes .v041.111*. toupply patroLage heretnfore eStendril tO hint, Watches Clocks and JeW818TY v0041 iv61 100 th" I" h" n'"'1" 'H." im- wwritillneelgroornotoe ALEX WALLA.OB. • 16.1 NEW GROCERY STORE. WHITELY ELLIOTT MULES* Ill tea Large rimier -Agin. I,. JOHNRON. Goderich. AOC 1 5. 1070. .30 Beautifnl Assortment or JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JEST RECEIVElt, nod to No sold amvolt PI!, C4 2 ACRE 11; 111.0CICe ON RAILWAY Tthedt. Imenedielallif Mat WO 111•01 AA. POPP 14 WWI, Teiations rd. -Katt Werke in thle P. rttenter• apply itt Fishing 'tackles, on Saturday inglit,and then went to sister, who had his children in Ile left there on Monday, and it sal that he come up by train on y night, and perhaps tieing intosi• inhing on to the halt Works, had ;Into t he pond and was unable tt. meets imelf trom drowning. His body meet have tains conselerable Urns In the water frothing appeerance. Tha reason no -inquiry was made after him, was that his datives thought he Wall safe at rk rit lip from Hibbert aml removed the corpse for interment. The evidence, of which we hare gieen a summery, eetild lead the jury to but ouu In conchision 11 -Cannot relearn from re- ferring to the orderly, btesteablike man. duties, end also the medical i'ltneest Dr. diech▪ arged. Under the which he fait etretimstauess there are but two theories t„ .c.e„,,at for the death, enicitle or ex- coneral death, andwo incline to the latter theory. As to murder, We may mention with pride that one has never yet occurred in our corporatien.-Nrie KET'I'LEME__NT ARRIVED AT. rant chit st a en tumh SOd orri RUSSELL WATCH nnt on fade friesiiiiirellTilt-t-fiadisevere is for the highest interests of eivilimtion oos of *huh 1, I* lirde event In flotertett ),„4i0".., it is for the highest heepe. in a putt.. oei ehrop. 50.110 intoned* 05 AMOSTIPIS and England, that eiisr•othe t`' th. Th""" the sheuld he the 4i/tweet and nn est inti- ir A tontplete eesonnont nf anld et plated hetet, in however eittall therear tO that JoirOlory Watekenana Chola repetition' In • onrh t and *dile ohject,1 shall deem myself rnanillot magnet, Call Over frfa e ( A petit*** • erglIctil tie :11 Joni A. liteltDIVA LP. OW4M1w11, Illarett !Wks 111711. London, April I Stz-Britai' Is of fighting on Monday Asitiers, she* that the Yeysail; les force* c the Communists to, evacuate the torte, hut did not theinsalvat, .tectipy it. The Comin • rusts in the after., noon remxtipied the place whvre they wens. again attacked in the everting liv the Vert. mdles tr. 044. Dientig the night there wad, forces maintained their peeition with dd. ing says : -The Versailles' army has no. returned to toe olTunsi, M. The belligerents - though confronting. each other are actually separated by the island of tiranti jattn. The Communist's losses yesterday *ere' very heavy, anil the Netamtel Glianle are groat, dimouraged by their stuttering awl 4".."-letn. eines quantities Ithreroretred in the cellars tat theireeteet• of Trocadero. A speeinl tr.; the Sten lard seem the Merit' evinced by the Verneillee troops is imeatis- factory, and that even deception is waist . ing. Same correspondent says at is prob-, t'°'T'llft'aeYre. are minors of changes in the. French minierry. A despatch from Paris en Tuesday. 1.914111g reports violent cannonade at' ,tnnmenpeon. bye:: dirtied the semele Ooletsibis... A large nmnber of ineurzint• were. killed, and wounded and made priamcia ia tho Asniera is now thre•trn on both sides' by the government forces. Perim, April 19.--.A progromme, which' has been suggested, end has met with' lie; the granting of commercial rights to Pith; an,1 other video; and the a:interim'''. of the National Guerde the diesolutiotioft Communal Reptieentative Atuteitthly in governments for Paris and Veresillee: the' deelarai ion of an amnesty for all Offenalg neinut the government, and the shottimizar en armistice. The inenrgents Omit having been regd.' *A at Nonilly, but claim victorien at Lai Asniern, via Vereatfice, says that the' weather is Ind pervious to..elat inauttetien is falling to pieties. TRIAL OF THE ACCII:,ED AT DE- TROIT ORIVIltri DAY . TtaTIMoNT 01 11111 CHM ACTORS. Tho trial of W.D.MeabairhInn, of London the Imes, for ithooti-g J .mes Montgomery, at the NI ichigan Exchange Hotel, Da Doh, in the early vitt al! Marco last, won commenced at the Reeorder's (sourt in that city yesterday. The case Coelho preeeentim um ;moderated by Prosecuttaig Attorney „Van Dyke and Chipmin and, Livi T. Griffin, of Detroit, with Mr. Warren Rock, of' this eity, ay - The lima trim,. called wipe jon„ A. Montgomery. He teptifiell to the eircum- Macey' connected with lie di•missal from Mr McOlughldn's employ, on the 6th or March, and his oubeequent removal to Chatham, where he received • telegram tomtit at room 38, Michigan Eieranan, Detroit, where he would hear ot work at ,B iy City. On entering The room he watt coAlronted by Mr. MeGtoghlon, who intim., with Mts. hleGloghlam, and '. New Toot, April lfith. demanded that he limn it. Montgomery 4, pi,, 4"' awl cemmeneed firing ot him wida a revolver. The 5rat allot, took eff ct in the loreheed, hi. arm was wound- ed the shoulder elightly grazed' an.I ' mil •• tatiretepiestrad hie Modica. Ile h and shoaled • .▪ 11' New II unseick, Whilewshing 'the arrival of the Police, Maws to fish on °•murder,'' hie shouts bringing sissiee,nee, Nov* Krona, Neefosndlsad and Prince 11al 14004010n again seised the revolver' and have renewed • protocol for ilte adjUktutellt of the bnherieS upon the bun of reciprocity, which ie now nearly in shape to be signed - - ousuLiLetiii the charge_ Mel &elan perty. foi'lliifliiirente• of miring fish/ slaying imputilk19.113.. 11TErirt aware until II I Asatorrof the ronrtehip drain 11w,, 1., entirelv true. l'he John Br end other theological boob, held in high esledie Wy the Soottiabr, In Ile wok SO sinenlarly modest amid ba•titat that the. had- never eteetweed ag, pee (hie ilet it oonittireil may • tilt. • eisel /4.01111 tlis ter*. This provision, however ,doys not ap. I ani W07fotrntle,enr" thee he had 411 intervi, a ply to ehad au salmon fi•hing, or t.. fishing al iort,,d Seened-Briiish or Cseadian fishermen 11 with NI re. NI etilnAh Inn befiiii.-rel cohuni ;neer:, any liind in rivers. inlets, he, ahall have the iight PO fish on the coaat of the 1 L"I'l^", hut it "5 'wird, in kriniii" I shout a shtrt the servant United States north of latitude 33, and shi.:1 • , have the same rrIvilegue Coi shore as those , find. greeted in IMO Orel article tO Am ohm,. li•to 1 The telt importent witness •am Mrs. 'riven nn hetes and mists of the British. Me()) .ghloe. Hee sem.", ,,,,, to thip misty tiering Mr MeOloghloa's 11511ene5 ' It had admen nr shell fish. North American sine holm e . :initiated now for Me rye „no.- my Foriukt Iria•e” sonlarbahr characterise' oftly Is fieewasit• mod al mrtul. ..ii, vroisorge.w i hot Mill flilytoti 410611111 MA MIMS NOW Hoy yrs. tan. ve.17 If 9.1•010110•11,6111"" volt ,f4tr