HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-4-13, Page 34 DisetMer■ Poelite ltaIlrwad, The Northern Pacific rwiIr..4 was last Wedeesday opened from Duluth to Brain herd, st tin crossing of the Mississippi E tna', aLstanos ,of U3 mile.. The grad- ing. aboutoompletnd west from the Mi- aissip)i 137 miles to the border of Dakota, making 745 miles in all. The bridge acnes the.Miuiuippi river is nearly finuhed,amd at the present rapid rate of progress the road will be in full operation between Lie Superior and the Red River of the North before September next. Between i •Md Bill rifer as west. 4•4441.114110411x4- nigh i,r ,tievR1 Tml Oasetry of uluurpeased rtchuess, and the esti a Red River Valley, as far north sa leek. W innlp.R, u cue of remarkable fer- tility. The people of Manitoba, its British America, are already taking measures to cumatrurt • railroad to connect with this branch of the Northern Pacific at PsmM- as. This will render the British provin. one west of Lake Fupenor onnumercially tributary to the Northwestern Butes, and important political result. may follow. V@at N*kSti..-When • pen•+% has moped as article and foeld it good, ant answering the perpose for which it is in- tendeo he will not reed.le abut on it for one of doubtful leputauon, or concerning which be knows nothing W• are led to make these remarks ovine W the .ours., always pursued hy those who have u ed That eel. bested and Truly valuable horse medicen knows as "D.rter's Ar.bien Heave Seined," -all are 50 Wall pleased with it that they -�-_-- - - will ml nos any other ; many have waited several weeks until the ag•et could obtain a n ow °upply. There is oothin f alasl to d as • oonddion Medicine, or for any complaint affecting the .ind of horses. Remember the name, }and see that the aigaanre of Hurd L Co. is ua asrh psekafe. Nonhrnp L Lyman. Newcastle, C. W., proprietor ter the Caoadu Sold by all =tore deals,.. The Instrument of - suooess,-We must work if you would make : Few people live b7 their wits, and labour is the natural istfrritancs of our racs,neceesary to health as NU u pnaperity but as none can .[post perfect immunity from Mcknets, it 5 nght that the best means of cure should al eats be ready. Now for colds, coughs, rh.umatiml� Neuralgia, cramp, .hullo, ic., There u nnthia Ttf. 1E. •'Canaelun Pain Destroyer." For sale by all Drugguta bottle Health lr Atroneth. -To prevent or ' en. V.I. diatom. is one n' the grandest at- tainments ever aimed at be man ; and Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers will as sure core cough*, odds, tickling in the throat and pelstonery enw.plaiot., w war and pestilence will destroy. Severe colds if not attended to sooner or later Lead to incurable consumption. and the strength of the strongest soon fails if neglected. The read.est and beet me.tl. Setae for the cure of these complains is "Bryan's Pnl- mcnie Wafers,' which bar. been thornngh- ly toed for the Wt twenty years, and have never been known to fail. Singers and public sprlkera will also „donee great benefit from the use of them. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 ata. per box. bile has Ice Charms for the Dyspeptic, hkb i. sot tobe wondered al .hes we take Mtn ll• aecoosl the amount of bodi:y and mental thffer,ng that this di.tressinz mdadr gen.ratea, The Peruvian syrup (a pro- toxtde .f iron) hes cored thousands who Imre 'Abney from thio di•sar, The mind governs the muscles through rhe Nervous System, u the telegraph sp. prates is Influenced by s remote operator through the wire. If the mind is impaired by age or other eau... the •emoalhetie perms become debilitated, and through Inc the muscles of IM Stomach, Liver, Heart, Lear. or Genital tlr,Jaes became weakened. and dosses in the at Openers a, Disease of the Heart, Weak Lon. s, or Oenersl").bility follow with, their seems. paying train of swell. Fellow.' Compound ,sap et H7pnpbrapbites restores tone in the mind. IM serves end the moods'. In this arae it overcome. di°.ue. THD MARKETS Oodmch, April lith. 1871.11 11 F.WlSet 11 .I:,(1 1.23 $priug Wb.st 1:16 (w 1:25 YI ((i 11:00 Oats 40:48 1'.5. (4040 Harley , , . .-so (4 0:52 Potatoes 040 lima.?.. (i016 f:50 -Egg. 6O0 Hee, p ton 1:110 10.00 Miles (green) .... 7 :00 (4 7:00 Wood ......... 3:50 (4 3:76 ea Nee', per t. 540 (4 7:06 Pork DeM 7:00 Rt 7:00 Cheekiest per pair 0.39 (40:30 wool Silo 9.03 (Sheep 3:00 ((b 4.00 2:00 (4 2:26 s AppI.0:60 (dl 0:56 Ilod.nE.A.S. wholesale,' o.b. per lbb J.30. our 5:54 0:43 . 0'10 0:26 Jambe Ullnton Markets. 1711.nal T•I.W5PS bhp. 51pww1. Elision, April 1 1 th, 1671. 1:30 - 1:25 ... 0:44 d 0450:74 Potatoes 040 Flom IGO AN1er 0:16 Pat 7:40 1NEgt 0:16 Fall Wheat Spring do w. act u•r:..4-1- 41 Sestorth Markets 1:40 1:36 6:46 0:47 0 76 1:50 7:00 0:16 7:25 6:16 My @pedal Trkp•olt 4 th. '.15.01. &albeit', April 11 tb, I R11, Noon, !d1 Wheel . ... ...... 1.30 (4 1'30 Spring Whoa..,,,4.... t'70 (,) 1 35 Flom. nes the ,,,•..... ,. 8.50 (at 6:60 0.46 (4 0:411 0:48 (4 050 0.36 ( 036 0:73 ( 0:75 ()ata Barley Potatoes Peas ... ft.ew-... ....... 12 0:17 Pork................ 15df0 (4 6:00 Eggs 0:12 (4 0:60 RED RIVER. One of Wards' first clam Steamers will sail at Unclench abont the 15th May next, for the purpose of taking nn parties des- tined for Red River Temtnry, by way of 7"-- p.Il.th at the head of bake Superior. • From that point s nigrante will have their teams, Imggags, lo., bonded through 77, 14, territory by the owners of the boat. - Thu is by far Ih• best, quickest and cheap- est hapPest route to Red Ilion. Parties intend. lag to avail themeelvee of this flee offer ptrrld do well to 0.11 upon Kr C F. Stack, at Dark's Hotel Godsnch, for further p.r- ttemlave R7 11r. Trueman's aleRegtater April, 12 Mortgag. Sale at Kinnbrtdge Int N of He Int 1, 71,'o. A.htdd W A Mebonald Solieiter, IIaMIltnl, d '' As Mart 3 valuable building lots, Market Square, Onderich. • For the Benefit OP 51.8. N rdaT enw.ww Tn. M.14 •1 kJ ...Int N Trw./.ug. Mak wm.e% (1.,4.o.*, ea 4e ..erleV 16A April, 1871, aJ t * o flirt pee. A rN p4A26e.b. O. Bt. rRIYEIAN, 4 wwt,ot5.r, ,10k5 Aa5a Rer.611M, malt.-. It 7. Special Notloed. • -•• a'IURE TO RENT. LOOK OUST• FOR THE rf1YR a sol til, lv, lrrone n)RY vain BIG I A a O R . '- ossa 0rw.tw..\e ..w neon .deer dad (hen . THIS by Nr wee Kerr Urwar.ud Tltc regulation thl..i.. ea-. t6.d Fawn: NO,. J.%A„awl at. par•ha-N Mgt b A..b.ael -near sM■tly u the piss. of the HURON MIU (adieu{ made awJ n . 4 l.M ova n you . ' NSL_ wink u W be nawrW t lass weer kaw•l past ('hwlt•'1 Y••n»•fir. 1 .purlM rift,. • �'-� 1.11vn le d (nYu Ile cnrre- lu W r111..n W ay M 11. 'owWUw, Md • not dao 4..U5. ► -'� •(gt•K hlt.n'I lv.rl•,. ••Y, •11 Dint u.1W.4 „04, Wm. Dor 4isw r u to \e ..R.v or in, 1'/ r'/r✓ tN lrHt:R w.11,DiLL .tr•'uayt Ten Ayer's Sarsaparilla./ Minas ►'Ahead of Time. 005 r 44 re 8ankinlUGH. Y P f tVCYr S'l'kEKT, ISOUERIOH, 'fug rt sarraau rats 4.2.•••. t othuaat.V•stet buy a 4.11' ' ASR All AMSMITi, Y' tlWorleh lWkY a Intl 1.•I /�/IF� w•rrrurno. Inrat•rne bottle of Ti. 1'.i% Uodnrk►, Marsh Ilk. lift. .11-11- • 1 we■ d tk-rdhlbr with taw, than tea )MOM. KILL•. "1 nae .1 CAUTION. "'Be' sstur•tel reit T ant o Inn rata. ley ,4�RUll1.1`«s:(.'rUl;. �i .' ".,:` ." -+ .. yurtlkd n, herrn been Terri 1�n,k a iron •• .--....�.,, .. Rr rurulrt,l,�d cured try R� Till J5. elt•dd e4PM. farm. n Rp• Mead lag with tke .a low. WY dn.,. a,d.., to..nWag the IMMO. ,o the maw Weft : Yrely cat ubt • senate , .W In.t nigh', ran w' DICK. Willy ap..k hobs «, hew.• awl wage W had the o•ro.-Jud..'• Hb. •, Market moan. tltllw'I.e tutha Yl- •YJ , orKn .Il��„ty.lw La. M. w..r.'.'.'`dl":'Jkaela I! , r M W Y���' MK" //.....1% w kst ..0 --� s a6a-tl... mu w r M M u +••. - hal V"r'ha,.1 the•'hdr el Jw4,kn,w lei ere ao . MP do you blond Ju- ahe.w.o, Le., d .W Pena. Iend.y., THE uwlenln«I lase ash ��. �ltv 11AKKE'1'11 BY 1Hlf lr»rat u•1 U•11: el-111At..'\w ga a.'theALHits% cu tn. u,yw• , porta.•,, i... • n Ln•u ndM.Mly _ 4/ /ant nag pd. w«I M uwr J,i. Urns •.f T•Y„raj, tared la foss& treat tint. �� alraa..t rrrry 10yn...._�_..,,_ ..4//ant nag 150 •i • gt:ang�yd,ar aceta ,w,,•..,pYA' tle.nfthlrylasen,thnlo agada h...1y egad W ,r -'- a blmrnw,Rof Il: rinuen rr n•e!g tf.` � G R AND -TRU N K�t. R. '�`- r�ifu la o. titin asap res Ir pw .,.. „I .I. . • .,� r,ob.a•re,se of int mist d50lradlR A'.►% 1 *5, * YII,t R1: . .semis• 15.. race. IMeo, tilt 745 wad mirth*405 N. U -Por Tor ...If rip• ,., Apply In A I.5 *Dv* Wal oy lherowaulent uodrnnh5e rM..w.rk,Hwm, Mid 110114.. the M•o-k of rnfr.•LRng or heal Owego•, o/«n1I,,,A snJ .en•h,.a 1,.: ,',aA all tM ,'•.0 u., ■rarand b • arson.. l'R c11OD4 (\NE itFE1rY 'r0 HAND YEil Eltl).t Y. FROM THS Eder. nrnw th lir Ib.. low ro.tan11u4hw tool. bred. no Padau-Ltua .W raw them A:.u.pkl.ta and ..uk • heo...k u .• are al.gn at trouble, awl Itubt I. • IszJ..x aI 4010.1 .f se cool! awl wmethlaaaa W wee .we Dew. JMtwue. //■e.aJu'.-troll Mary. aaytklar for • ,set two. w e .14 try h. Pan -K t t.... 1 T 4 ...flwwxl4 rip- The rate KILO,. le • awl stern• remedy fur loon r5., In4rw 5..1., Cram.. •lam.' aurid.. Cold. .eel •tool dlwr,Hlw, . f.. dna.. ,n .ter 5111 ger bnm•dute rile(. A. • llnl,naat It k without an ....l , it µ,1.e path .l...41 I,.l.utl). De ▪ W and gut thag•.ulue owl. by P.aar Uarl. t...p sa4 *old by 5I 14ugg5U sal Unwin, ..12 -les FELLOWS' HYFOPHOSFHITES. Amongst Os diseases overcome by the use of Follows' Compound Syrup oI HYPOPHOSPHITEB, AR1 ( \.,w■tllslinn, Asthm., a, rrm•empllon I •renettl Nen.... IeWmy, .Pena. Chronirllm5ut�..�,1 15merte- tn.m; M •neIe411*7 runtime. rn.m TypMd awl other I.w item Illpblherllh' Prot . anon (57,4,14. Ilym.b,n.lr,a, An,enurrhe., r-51.- r.rb, Ana,..;., Loewe Dee: Mendota E.clabll,ty. N«..mus or w..u•r ofthe Mue•IM. Apbnnla.w 1.....1 5.n4, % hr.n. or rat. (,tis✓s nen, elugrleh- INr el the l.1re. l.torr. pled ..d FeebleArlo. of .Mort, 7sW'•U.g YeSaga noosed by murona u1mtr5*Y.• ,AY* 1.01* sod Air Peen Iwt,ng thus°. Md Lletellty fr0.., miens owes, u-•sy came of wink aplwar5 5..p51 , SOLD RY APOTRLI'ARIER. Pere, al.04 , RI. for $7.14. JAMES I. FELL()H S, ('Aemut, m. Job., N D DAFLLEY'3 ARABIAN O I L 2OR HORSES t CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY ' Mortgage dale. TI LYAUI.T henna hwea tord• m p•yw..* .0. Mori. 11 pare Leena dale the lel Menlo, la.4. tom. h. r• Thereuokr.n,wNpw 44Juhabnw+Cllr Tnr,,.Y.,.d 4. thy, 1. 4e Chanty Yt.ot•w, awl pr. rot • Power of r.e cow ls..sd M aid Media the fol- io... d.ew.w. pn,pewr, 5,1: 10{.5.5., rMewr. w .. Thr.. teeoth n ar•.kw .4 u•.en.hip w !Hawk), ., a. C...., to Doom co,. g by elemarema.I Ihoe Is welted and 5t• ....1 mVest mow to le.a:.,d les .4 .l .he THUNMAN. Annll.. Mut, m the Corn 0 U.denrs, u, IM l'-ww•y e( Hovel. al 11 e&clunk. e .r, asthe ilatb. Aprils 1871, ....1 the aon„a (Wenn m4 Nommen non. Mod. Terns wok •....u.w ,y. SMI.. tealP,.4.r P,.er .4 5..k ral.r°d M nil Mon - ..r. farther 'annals .4.D& 00011 I NO, e,d.nw. 1n• .5.. ,,., of Menus.., • Dated Ord apr,l, 1411 SsMld W. HICK, Manes% mom. ROHITEOT Masai eka.v, Uoderteal. GODEEICH POMP FACTORY. 1. IIE RUR2^RIRLlt 18 PREPARED TO ►ll.L ALL urn. In, P ZT m le. • 454/Mrt'T.IL,u 1 :rtl..wan. warn by sial .111 ply.. l° depth of5fewk(0,., ■wilt. IpuW Me blames. e� oavA DA►L! rRLPA II ITION -COMM\Ffl pop M1 LU l all tNs•dlewnl rime• of these anal.• whwb RETiR81t1•i Il>•�tiiiin • our eapaebetwe ise...wed to ...ma Pio Mom nate tin sr dR ,en "r neA W"jr"r, -.=6=7. --- wn(RMe..vrmen.t:nn..,P0.I..JL, yinv.": CHURNS AND srtta • CUTTERS. • 11.,........ arwl.5.... bras., 8....e, 1.1r. -n... a...ge, Who.... awe, Mond Cruet., Yometer•,i r? .11...1.4 .h liberal taros.. an ordorn pnw5all Yee, Wen Ib«e,np•r, aw.11mp, sod mane when attennle,l to ,�tt d ws..e 5,5 Imre. a ..d a dile ere eideer1 ,o. Mewl prc4ou.l7 .o*lp.ed Ly Mr. 11. 50..•1,1. Thr aa4.5.. Yt Luna. W Sao. one* 4.. wreT •' 1. D ARM7TRORG. yes., •ta rad.i lin be to cheapest wady bol ,: 1,..1 nrb Mash 4u 1111. ...TRO • • 5.•.t cid mow, r ed able fetal. ,. wM easel .cmpdawt. • "tiered -- - fa,h. m,M a I.I. 0ksn *5,1;•:5-054 VETERINARY SURGERY he.fait. eh rod. Tn,1.45.4 .M all Dreraol. a.4 Conn.. Mn,h..I• • thnmghout in ebnu.ww. P.a. 1.. 1w 5.114. NUMTHItt:Pk L1'Ma:, N, • . Ihal.. Pr..pr,rinrs !old ,n 6m,erteh d, Pa Call. an r lord in : 1..nlmer ,et CO. Its tb. : Jan. tlwahats, R.wlg,rV,lk; J. fl,k..d Engler ,. H. Cotten, Clleto., Maned, Tore n ew; E. Hata.. Rrafortb, sad all Y.dw'g thanes. , • .5s fUN1911:1 PUN DESTROTEK A Family Med mean well east favorably known fir the pen ten year- nersr fa Ln( in a single ,nwaac% to pre permanent rel. when hm.dy . Bol, ens we hart neper known • ring raise 01 dma•o.urnon when I be d,reet:,aa h.,e bees w operly followed, bas .a the soalr.ry all •n Jeltglf7.d wok 111 op -ret inn•, tad speak in the known them. ot'I, Y.n.,, and Magteal elY els, TNR rA.NADIAN PAIN PFSTROYRR hes won lord.t(a repul.doe,14.5 I.Innl pin @ n, attentive wom.h inn r, panted tee the hutch, of medical per pewit oras. 11 .kd„m title to rare Dyspep.., ldeer nComplun,•, InJrn.. H.,brrrwr Piet Heed.rhe. Moine. e7om- pl.:nla, AS.d Sloms.b Pbth,nr.r 11.nm•, tad wino. In 14.1 .0:.,,y to eyelets deb.d.Med by .,Senna find 15,...e. It• m. d.ed w nndrrint snrr... In earn. •..palm sone, wen throat. Cough., throttler. 5.s ase a the e.k,l,nn. ted busk, nettled/..41o. h! ache, rhcomahc and other patio/ is any part of Ihr hdr anti from whatever ranee, ba. given 11 • plan ,n ever, hourheld and r fast eapentd- .n■ •11 other pnp•n Lone of tap kind. 11 n des, •n stn tuns and prompt reme ly lir Ankh. Hurn., Nmaea, .prom. Ch 1LIon.. rr.., Run, !:ramp. is In Emma.&, Dtarh.., I. soler• mr.l ., If.lh... C.dir, Chokes 1•11w. tum. Dysentery , hr. Irene only L1 sen,• per 5.411.. 1TORTHI:OP,I LYMAN, New,talle Orner.I Agent fur Cansda. rr•,k is Ceders► by Perk. & Cattle a,d IF, J5.„ fain; Ramitis. k Co. Hayfield; lames Newham, It..:f4•rrd le; 1. Pkkard, Eserr; 0%h.. Dilate*,3er..ed, L•eknowl C H. Iona O text• .au alValets. 10al.,4. Ile 71TL 610 TC ♦NNODNC'L 77 *Mt s• 5d. b. &seed_ GODE11.ICH RL• TI1CI4`1 AT, 0x15 APRIL When we will be prepered to cowl to Wer - hl hie„ Tithe. or County. We have folly .idled .he Dubow owlet pee When PProw. bah m m r) .0 O. enamel,11 ,r sal.* n. w el . .•r•..,1d. ,e, to tw,.e s,, ►d 1• er•.h.rg.. . and ,her•rrt"1 tre( a sreheduss h. the latest .4rant spooned g,eteett., w, MJa *5 warn ,he ensiles'a mod pairkww ry if.�lt-rrmrw.tad. J •, *4:Nt AX, ..-d, M I:i5 5844.1. "No. sol a.11e. 1l 1i .td M,Nii- a .f 4•iir RRYIU. R.gr.m .hip Apr, rah, ,.Hrtm 0 SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Sash, nogg, Blinds, Mout gs,llooring, _ Siding; sit '.S kinds., (`1 R. 11'1': NVCP Tit I<, Bosh is Ci V.dhe Sint and name. rift Omit Aw en ..omens* i. ?.tory Work,th.71114y dh :love wnd slim 10 all who may error theta It acid. 20,000 feet Dry inch aid a quarter FI bead. TERMS I 'BICTLY CASH, JAS R17CHANAN, ' DAVID LAWSON, I INH ROBINSON. Goderich, Au016, 1470 w30 TIM I9 MONEY. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDYadli. a.)a work in roe Jay rt ! of the jobb' Job Moses' Periodical Pills i w T1111INV.(LC.%Sf.E MEDI(INF. IADX11111,11(0. l to the ewe „r .,1 those .10(,1 cid der y.r...• dreowee 5 wi telt the fetal. ea...Welton la mitrel. 11 moth-mt.. all erre. nod ren ems .11 oletr.c . $, •..d • speedy rare ma Is 5,4.4 rap. the beet and rh•epe ,n 50001.5 laid. Saab, .0,t\ 525 YO It to p.ewad.•a,tM It .11, ins .ken in., briar on w a,muly penal ria regel.r:17. TAsae Pile shooed eat a keen h Pronln des r/ws a. DI RI EACH kWh flit ST THRRI MONTHS / 1,41..4er, •r airy ereM4new ee e.e r 4.agM Niunrr5.p .44/ al sag other Hes. nag 5oderlc4.. Mw\ •1011, esu ti- ers re tars. In ell C5..5.f Menem and Mp.t.l Abnlnn., Pan i. the Hank awl Limb., 'wirer ans41.1.0.4... Alpe. en sewn. R Whit. hit. 1he. ilk 'omwul weer• nn greln •R Mher ,.aa hare felled; and.Item.& • powerful r •toMt, Si not en•I■m lees,, TOEONI O AUCTION MART. ehm,el, u,nnwny o'thrape, h•rtfalw the ..Mita. Una Fel I ,44H•),. in an Immpklel amend seek pykaga, s wih o plN*hMa17 pr Joe sows. 555 ,oa., ..n • r.nra1.ns, PATEN r NOOVED IRON It ROWS r ,474' 4 In rundw holy (411 p.5.. invited at SI y cid 1. J con. for l.waga. 15 l.: d a Ntrlhop k lg... N.wrwle, (5,5 , indeed gree ler Ow I)mm,nl.m, wilt thews • bnttle,ro.taln%. oras M rat., 1sT 110.1* Nil. NORTHRUP S 1 THAN, levee's's,r , W.,genera .gent Ierr amide 1P held a Oodene5 by PalterA Oasa s5.. P . lord.%, Mud., ag Co, lky54d y larges Henaum, Hntunlle 1 J, Pleberd,F utterI 1.H. 1:o•w.he, Ola)os 8. ed. Lurk•op y pts, 3,I.Ry(be s� to k': Madiera. uIi CRs s _ 60 BUILDING LOTS -Luta Mak 1a th.. Tow• N (etdrrk5 f Th.. 1504 are r•r7 f1mn:.ly eltnotwl M hnlM- k( 5057p0o 5 5r Mrhaale• •n,1 ethers All Inning .1,51. eve m.o.. walk Inf. 1M'mlaarw, For Oh. .M prtirnlan, 'apply to CMARI.RR w111n5R, Peri, ne thurge H.11anna., Goderwh. April /th, 11.71, .11-ff- GREAT UNRESERVED SALE -0 - Valuable Lands. TAR r7Nnseetwten 55555 RFCRylCt1 IN.1T. n•tlona from C J Rn , Roy., Managing Ulrwrlrnr the nr.rd Teeth Nader., an sell by pub11e anetlen. at the •4ve rooms. abut th. ant week 10 M.,. Nato to bail.. to two or NCM days) u..' 505. Nth. - ilaarpin.; I.wsul - Mao Not.), Md 1,.4 Huron Rap.y Company In ending ,•15.hk 14il0 Land• at Dodorid,, Valuable Land. at the pnnrlpl nnlnte on t.Ili. All wheaten .ed data of We will be ll,,. In two or 14 .. don, P, W. 00.1:11a t.,, •Mtl 1.15. 755* aeetksmrs eitet - WANTED. ..noel .ww ,au In . ....II fan/, Man ken gaol wags. ass WY.. Apply t at b (404en,b, April 45, 1.71. wlr-tf- KEEP YOUR FEET DRY! R. B, SMITH Has Opened out 26 Cases and Trunks of New .13O'1'lsl ii.m(1 S1rOF -tV 111. R A11F'. STYLISH, GOOD AND CHEAP ! -Al.... 1 SEVERALCASES AND BALES NEW DRY Goods, in tho following lines, Dress Goods, Prints, 'Grey & White:Cottons, Hollands. dtr•., &c. 10 T 6,20 per Debt Cheaper than last Beason. (iTderi.h, Msreh 17th, 167 f, 4► I A3 YOU GO TO '1 HE POST OFFICE. -:0:- 7'o)l'UI.IWI M.. K KNEIL nitwits hl. •lion• thank. II M the Pohl. for the amiertu• patronage ea4-ul ed hint, un. -e ha r.mw. owed be4•.* Del 1a11, and ,0 determined te dere• It anode M4 wore He would call mental ette,U„n W the RUSSELL WATCR fir the ..de of with h he 1. 5..1. swift k U.n1.N.ls. Ile h. ,m hand a ten large.York of this nell0bk tone - keep.,wee.5.5.-..l•,aP.1{r,5. t•, «•n ,t..,*.. •Ito ln.nntee milWeelh,a to the purrh•se. Then M „•.th,ag :..rc taI.b.lug ala any.• lnd watt h ed linen WetICton 'm. foe 141Jetfr/ICL.L1. to had rinop •las, writ wMw [P..* ea, pW4.- .5 .a* of golf .i d pr•!W J.w5llary. ova-hM.W ('lucks relined a • work ...alts waw. Val DOUGLAd.4 MCKE VZIL1. O.4wM►, Leek aMlt, HAIL FRESH ARRIVALS Ready -Made Clothing SUPERIOR QUALITY. LARGE VAlclrr 1 GP BROAD CLOTHS, _ ,�fltDIMEIt$ and TWEEDS, 7 . FIT and Wurkmaaelup gwanst ed or eo INY STOCK OF GENTS' evaxieHING UhnDM QUITE COMPLETE. N. B.-Anas.nrtment of the lost Sewing Machines eor.•fantly on hand. ABRAHAM' M.1IITII eedRY,Ilswt lard, 1,71 .9 HOTEL FOR SALE -I 0 t - THAT will kappa, Irish alalia, ul• 0-- T MAITLANDVtLLT HOTEL Taal54 t en^t"( Wok. In tM Martag wane M1utMwS.11e, tp the heir ..f the wit .4,ar4t N Waw.., Irrrr.table 50r.r.ng ahs/ an SAO ram, attached es• p Us.5r.pW. to 04. 3.5053 lg. T Rae. alk. 1171; ..17.41 New Bntchcr Shop OPPOSITE HENRY MARTIN'S HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. THf: Rnh.rl*', Ma pplra tot re Is Initr•HMg that5. h. up•nel • !hitcher Shop .t the shone adder.. And he w,ll he pr •lwre,t L. Orap, Ir the "540514 .7:11117 of mss at • lower pr... than chair hen L. to.w., 01t• Muth holy roll. N-9- Order. 4.11.1') t• 011 pro M tM tn.n, .t bun of the day, ROBERT M -LEA$. 0..-!•ne5 March 7th, Ig; 1. .7- - FOR SALE - That Valnhle Tavern Stand IN IM,/ll.,14 l/urxauem.komen as W •Pr1.es of Wale.' 41,41, where a .o, el and arroods/ ;mote 15504 hes been doe for teep.nt Ia Irmo. ALSO EIGHT 1 ACRE VILLAGE LOTO all Waster. ll• Wain street of the Village, eljnlnlnl/l Um Ts, rru..nd very suitable for •torrs or other Loral - mos purport.. Also 60 Acres cf Land A/,.nt) • ,elle Month M ter VI'l.g., nn the gnr.l nod. the bratclay, :N arm r lowed wol the 1...Y•r .n amt er .r bath. Lnrllent new house sal barn and gond ••ter. Se To be mold tageue 0r ...pent. Apply ea tie prn..k 0 r b) tells, prepaid to 1), F ICJFT, Dungannon, M.rrh 14tk. 1e1. w1b5.- A GOOD TEAR -OF- HOR8E8 FOR BALE. AI,ML • 100.1 Waage:. enol flint.... Arply Jame Craig. (hiedoar 7errww, oppw,4 the R. C Chorea, (1o4'rie5 Mar. 17th, 1671, wl0 1t - • T1XDR514 w111 5. rrelvnl up 5111 the third day or Aprl:1.71. for the ere,tien o1 Three (:°Dane. In the Tow 0 of 11 alert. h. Plane .rad Mpeelerallon can be ern et my uece, JAMESEMAILL A rel. ennui - *704.54,5. March 4Mh, 1671, AUCTION SALE OF I'ALUABLE WOOLEN FACTORY IN TOY Town of Goderlch, IN fllE COUNTY OF HURON. I)7 virtue •(a Pernna Rale contained in . earth% en.7e51 5485. R.N oa Tursdsy 151h day April A D. 1871 AT TRR1,51 O'C C1 NOON. At Trainman's Auction Rous in the Tarn of Oorlerinh. PAROf]L 1. Th. Eaatarly ballot Int nnning Marche, Twenty w, Month of Rut Rlr.rt In the Tatra M HMrrich nate, of Heron and PernIn.-, of Ontario crrtalnmo by •dmuatire ten( twisty preens be the sine min nnlr. tad which .14 Int ray he M50r.1. known and do elMd as follows, that k N y m. nwenring et a pulnt In the North Ewa angle .0 .14 1: d Nnn, M• witty nine, *benne duo Went along the t5 :ll, • .4• of Feat Stn., ala*T tiren and three Alb an. tour• n lean In • Motet ?oddest Nolen.. the 40mhe.1 .n4 ?Colby... engem of mud I01 Dumber Tee. nt7 Nine tans. d.. Muth two chain. two ssJ throe quart. link. nun r I.s tn • rm.. •twat. midway on the Atnlghl Itn. )Mn%5 the Months.{{ •M ll,lhw.t antro of .14 Int, Nua4r Tony '$:n., I.nn d5.. end along the tnlgIt Ile, af.wo..ld .Irty Mew •w4 trweenha 1%►. more 5.r ler !n fie north •50,1 coal. of mkt lot Nnmher Twenty Rine thane. doe Nur. two.halr two and thr.g..rmr holm mow r last to Dapple, of I nntoning. Then n M the pant.. • mink 74.11d1nt Ian 4MIe. Mtn mien . a Wooton Artery ( ('loth More add hA' k•'Idllinn In the ter, erl nee tory w•ntalmag R.hlnery. Muth* and Ron- M Lt knee 1•7CRMIR rine teeth ay the pnmh0. m,5t•y M he paid Omen nn 1. day M ale for .range tonna 111 be kwnwn at Ih• W. Per Nether particular. •e. My h, .JONASop ,JON ER,t A reliei1.r, MnwmL. Malt OR Tre , 1(ORAI'R HO)RTON, Req� (I.i4.ri,•A, Minh 141 O. 1571, .11 14+- : OSTP011E1[ENT The Pale : of Town Lot NO 9L34 ON x. B S MIT -II. siwt 1::1.;-'t s . n° : '• THE fust tbttSrmas Fmk at lie ret! lowest PRICES/ �'�....R O. i rRtlla6•R THE TEN MINU VES AHF. ^ D OF GTIME. l aawar ,,.•3 0504$ eaulaAww GRAND TRUNK IMPROVING1 Mw.i 70, 1.71. 1w57d/ s� ,R5ou, caviling • as pyS to n of Its prioen--. Ap b M•erm,u•*r-t Wf Y! Ihroustool*M bah,,. int then, OD s5. a Avurabk ..,tato., rap5l*) dei clop Into one or wirer of RB McMinn fora., either... owl euro.% or await the vk1J.. 1a the hue', fanr- rte. may be .adok.lr epnelled In the lump o1. heart, or lawn formed la to lister, or n show. 1. Vn•rm•0 by enpUrn. on Ila •k . wr foul Wee. aw,5t on some part of IM body. Drown the oar%. .Metal we of • bottle of fel. Nnre.ry.wf. k ad- 11.a1le, wry. ben an ail,% tmplrwo• of db.. •1,5.505. Perham am4.Ant with las hJMow5.g eon. .4lnb 45,4,50117 4.1 Immediate relief and, t \, cure, by 0e% of flu. dAR4.dh-dlr1i, L 41. •efh .t'. ITC., Na. or Jfrp%lp04e. }WMer, MY Rheum, 555404 N%.4, k4utereerw, Y. , •e.. Sore, end .u.. .vu t0.. ,. viable ora . 4 Pensfk l.r• dloeaaek,Al la the snore .wrnkd win%, as N� ape.yl �,r•.«.. eer. Mara.. rite. 1J41.yar. �'e.e Jyea, WI Use t rre�nt Mue errs ..lterww of In Wow. Lr wul n=icest y.4ou- Npl,Aill%ur I'e.,rr,.l and afeer..4lel 1M..... are .nmol I•y It. humid. a lung limo 1. ...wired for • u 1. hue. the., obeli/late luab.loe l r ant mr•dkl.. Dot lung .outlourd u of the a„lirus. .l* sur. the r Weil. l.r5eerra5s or II Miro. f-ferl.. f *e.rwnar., 5nd r -.waif jfN%r.. ,, an tont- wooly ,..on relieved end alllmaten r -trial 1,r u. Iwnr) log enInvigorating erns M:40*. 144•1•r - Own wr nisch c•.. are f.ued w our Atmpnu. opal grafi.. 1Ar5w.04wa .5d Genf. when maga by an.wulatlaw, of extraneous antic-. la the• n blond, Oi.Wd.+7uwkl It, •a also Lire Twet /an NUi• Leer, awl .4...45.,.,fen .Colloye-erine or n.lnar to IMV often 41, frrte the rankling pot.one la tf, Woad. T1k 541R4M,5kI, LA le • gnat rr. D ore, ftp *4.ar•eagth and War M the •yeiew TT.,.e who are iww/wY end l i.elr.., bs. .- dew,- A14414.ss, lysyl Inwbled with Nen... Ap- bey/..rNa.• r were, or any of the ar.ctMna ,pt..nngbn of free, e. fel luomnlleree relief •�0�(At rr nrmring enWear• of IY *Htoratt. aw.r upon (.11, P1114111) RT Dr. J. C. A111111, t �0. Lw.I1, MI5, 1rweMpef .ad 4ee&gele t Chemists. sOT.D BY ALL DRCUGISTS Ev71*rwIntie -«NrH'-P a i,IR.... a..,.. . ..4 , .la..al. P. (heart*: .. w• j-bd41 la 40.Ierkh le Pinker ♦ Cattle •sol r *'e.t.a, *44„Iln.,5 -.. N.)Lrtd. 4.u:.. 14.,,14..., 4..g•MIh. J 5._,.. 1 u iMl, scrod, Lurke•w. IL H,c►rm •..(.run at. .11 MetlIeIr lAI•k0t. 'n 0.17 CORDWOOD -AND- Cordwood ! Cordwood' GROCERIES ARE DOWN I'I PRICE. Black and Green 'teas, $1.00 Young Hyson, 75 cent Young Hyson. $1.00 Black Tea $1.12i Imperial A Capital Twankay FOR 50 CENTS- • ARTIE'Sr�narntt dr, 0101 ran buy tl,a J,Iin.n,1 l) 1 u1 w',..,l. fu 0.ir.0*5. .'" R, .1•IM:e oras the 11,111 Mad. NrCo IItT. CIIEA15. 1 Dulwich, Eon5I7.4, 1aa .ws.,at_ .1 LXTI11ORUINAll1 1.015 73 ('h\Tri FOR 60 CENTS - FOR 75 CENTS. FOR $ 1.00 And all other Family Necessaries in l)roprotion ',MAW AHD ►(�A1 �iW `(rl'o�8 Neat Door to the Post Office lturuuo, Fur sale Il} Choice Seed Potatoes, such u Early hose, Goo .rich ai,d at low prices. Goderich, Meeh 28th, 1571. _ poop �--'-.,...-_1.... kr - 'O -I` .- '.. For Salo THK one belt lm•i.■f1 ly •e50 r, 44 50(11159 I l lass, ro. y lag is In rest it(U,.tn,.14 I ro 0.4 tenon liberal. Jot further prtl:ubre. u.5., to the ...birdies, Ysrc4. p,rrttt'L *14RT174, ala. 151'1. an% GREAT CLEAnktitF SELLING OFF 11. r.:121 REDUOED PRICES. J• C. DETLOR, 18, C5.,' HAVE JUST RECEIVED, SEVERAL CASES NEW SPRING TWEEDS, :FANCY COATINGS. A QHOIOE LOT OF FASBIONABLE MANTLES LI' SILK, VNL,VETEEY AND CLOTH. A Large quantity ' ETYLEi) -OF - $PREY$ Vie SUMMER T 11 Y.E[15 GENTS' EATS, (NEWEST • • • ENTIRE STOCK DW' • IOW - BOOTS ANDSIIO"ES &c., &o. (TWO BALES COTTON, JUST AT HAND ,A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS TN TAPESTRY, ALt; WOOLS, (2 ply and 3 ply) THE NEW VIENNA CARPET, 45e PER YARD. ANOTHER LANCE IUPPL-Y or NEW TEAS ANT) GENERAL GROCERlEg, HARD W .A. 14 NEMM,T RVRRYTSING REQUIRED IS THIS LINE. CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT:-'-- " CL.1SS CIA1 Eli, Ac, Fi,.•claat lauun cuu.0 luy ewployed.' J, G. 1)1 '.L'I.I)12, h Co. Goxletrich, March 24th, 1871. NEW COTTONS NEW COTTONS ! NEW COTTONS-! ! ! ATJOHN IHARRIS'S. NEW PRINTS ! NEW PRINTS! ! 'NEW PRINTS!!! SLOPPY \VEATIrEIt PREPARATORY Cts 'EW GRdCERY STORE: W111ELL Y'tc ELLIOT1' 14KAL1W til GRUCEI:IE4 - IWOVIaIONA, _ 1wME3s LItirOlt, • .;other Kingot..n Streit 1 lllibgllparP (3t)1)f31a(:H. Ood• leb jam tab 475. vw@'7d• t N AWAY sits.- - 5)7.4'• Nerwsy laths (,r r•;i l am pmpwr esmy ••rel.•. t., h„fo7pl,.crt404.44044404 41146•,A . Jty rd.. Tt...fly •s sep .rite.&l K. f 4Rs*.1V4 5. 4 •"_ II. UUW111LL (ie. r5. i Dec (5. la7s 01.34 MUSIC;. _ ;'ly9 SKIMMINGS, INGS, TEACHER Ot Dune for Pianoforte and Cabilne7 'organ. TERNS -011.00 per quarter in. o Advance. (:..kris& March let, 11175. aw54-3m-•' Elargement of Premie,.I lr1' xxcrtE-LAND. -�ND - 75..k 10 toil. Irwrq e 5.. br 15a •M7 11 •••' •o los, AMMId,01 . .l -*' *YATHCNAI.D, KYg:Y.w &40.y., Arrival of Soling Stock) G "e4. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTIOM OF JUST REOENF'D r LAPGE ASSORTMENT PARTNERSHIP,' %T(1TICR 14 Mill PnT Gh'1N that the hAw•T.11M, h.•rcb.f"m,wnaln4 between PAU/Ila•CAT(,4 „'m'U+'4'11 1K"14�"'r4'1. , sat;y'sf! wr. . t ,Ad duh. %wIns t.. Ihn..M Pn/w.Mpa 1..4.x4 +rr las le I.li.l Nn MDDPI Y 1'.5TTl.h: (who .111 n• In•,r fn. Iln.inon. ,n Ihr ..:,1 •4wA1, and all .l,.1!r•� + • :4 meld Die twe.l,. , ,n 11.,Irc L• ,oMh ah• I.rwr•1 a , •.1 In IJ Dem * Cattle, by • hon. the game will I. r71407 1%0.11 In 0./.1 h 3h. ICU 141,.1f70 .555.1 Insolvent Act or tnt49. �U}•� 1n the m•tter..l .511.7,1445 MT.%S UC RT, of Marrow 1111., aa Il.. heel. 1)Ttonn. III! pc., v..nitni 1' 01. algoerel )) the Male 5.1.:t..1...71M 1,,4 it 5111/1"114 *.4'4 d, 1. will .per, 1..r o.le at the ml.o..,, of Dewey. R ln,.aM, It the T,.n o/lw,l'nrh. M the tew•ty ✓ 1114,.., I/n15.,,-,. Thursday, fke 191A dray of April at the hour •fl.he o•e5, 5. n, 011 U Orden.l,.l the 0.1 leant eat in 11.1 ....tete man ''gid"v, tract of loot and pre 5..4.•. .Iliac. Irby •rel being o• ties n,.n.h,1, .A l.,11«rn,. en 41.1 wetly awl pr..', ,.. .f erenal.l, wulletallp •a Int. Se. 4, la Wrhlgr-.54, t':r., In the.m.l'r.005.54o ••f rel(„ren, being pct n7111 .•k letter 1 , I.nrin0. horde.• of nee Rods race.•; or5.ow on th.' 5*,).50 •Me M the Norther. On, el Rood „nteoni74- Ica .Imr0uratemet 1.11 saki., N the sante more or I l., Dor lone"d.,5. applyIn 111...111...r.,.. *1454 1,., t *5 ;0 4.0. W.,wd.,." Mr Lefton, *.ab -r1,►,• 4, W the rand., nutted J.%1515 0r.,41tTYW. 1115.5l *..( n.., w..4.40,5,.Fel. wh.1.11.• 4,41 • Summer Tweods. AT JOHN HARRIS S. New Hats, Spring Sea;on 1S11'poop _ New Caps, Spring season 1871, ' New Paper Collars, Spring season, 1871. New Tlas, Spring seised, IR7L, ND IN IMM N3 E V ARIETY AT - JOHN HARRIS'S NEW 'TEAS! -NEW TEAS!! NEW TEAS!! OF DELICIOUS FLAVOR, ALMOST AT COST. AT JOHN HARRIS'S. Unrivalled Coffee. Fresh ground daily. AT JOHN HARRIS'S, Goderlch, March 23•d, 1471. 0.31 *7- FAS1IIONA BLE TAILORING. ANT. h J. li A.Y HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE SUITS TO ORDER AT CH.EAPEERT RATER, THEY HAVE itECEIVED NEW COMING!! FOR CIIk AP RUBBERS Go TO D. FERGUONS'S, Ooierich, March 1st, 107L, Norway Oats. TAm iirr'.IVIN: A (11Tsl0MYRNT n► 7l781 true Mures, hits front the.lpnal 1'operW. wail grower., 014,1, 1 will Sell at 50 cents per Peck. AI.n Ih...Mon, pe,rnnl Coen 'r MSA ripens In peat; Swot In vow,or•len at mon, n,.. Early Roy, s0rr1...,- .,,I all Io/I, eta tared tee..Wdn4.o, WILLIAM CAWPia*I 8,40.4_ 004.4k. IM Feb , Irl, AST.. 8,40.4_ STEPHEN. 'rug C JURr OF ITV ISION POD yt, Tnrnoh,n mf W5., h, n al 11y held ��•, Ceeditca,en th, 6nt$atlp 7.ire IHV 1'471. C. PROUTY. , Tpt21.rk.- • leaserelsegraMal/rtl 1. st'R. TWEEDS AND COATINGS, NEW ALPACAS, NEW PRINTS, ego YOUR WANTS NOW SUPPLIED. Onderich, March 0th, 1071. s.55 tf- THE NEW STORE IN FULL BLAST ! GEORGE ACK 3..O N 'Is now settled in his New Store and doing a rush - 11\f(# 1.1Ub1INN1 kslf.4 Nwrl WI HIS.took of Dry -goods, Whiter Clothing, Monts A Rhona, Flannels aii4.rervthing in M: h••• 1611r •1„7wnlh.r 50,-ing pr'„A..e4 a 'Mib, lo( of (Oahe, eel .bin hen lug u• mon, no1'r1r0.1 wank 15.17, VIII he able be nom* 0.7 q•unpt7 n, PINE AND CEDAR SHINGLES Minh 15th Ila GIIA:(CERI SALE II -elf - FARM PROPERTY 15 T111: TOWNSHIP OF A SHFIELD ' MACm).Y, I,11 p., 1►ITZOERALJ',' RE !,Dora l.y ruts a.Mlt.m „wwnant M 0 Il:ere. M 1M rL w -a • 5 .. .ed hop i., Aafe *M JitaLlle w. '55*5, 4494 .1 . nn*l..nl.-o,Ne• bunt*/ dam e A 74 'lino,'. A. O. 1611 ,Hide M panwan 1. M I, d..I*- allA die'ro-hee•w .4 .5 Legge, ,,.. ramlWlor 4 IM .d taunt al H•wRtao, s5. Friday lith day of April A..D.'1871 11 I ).; rl.w4 n.uow'Ty r .get Nrto TrusW, 44• err at •1 lM •504.4 nn11M 5..l lM 70.5. pN n. li ....L,.J. ,th i1'•'.,I4', ,8..ia �7HaI�R M 1•t•pw,d 5, 457 1. M05r4 rrin foo piss's uta MMr. Ildlw.,(tabs he .5545. .5115.8.• d.R,.r..t al 11irnp6. wire tM NII"' ?o .04, 01 1,&0.4.1 IA. /JInwI..�Lk•,. Mlle, 5.h. 414. 1571. .SHtte_• .w taw. oselr"'1 504 tap..1 Hafd at NrtbtO.N 5.pIn Ale*'• Ib. 71k C+'0r°.ion 5* 5' £ 4505+.0 a/'1M T..5a' - l)13v01s11ns 1f Pirlaershi s M AM►ehl, Co rata ,A 11•rnn and rti..,1m. N p e5. ems,* the 4.5.1,1, nit Jeer. .54.0 1 Tw. h - M 5.)'. 4.IMH'.l d.ea.•44 in M 5.1. nisi 4' nig rem CE b o.,I, `Iran .het IM pw4nente keg,- In. of As. pusher ....v and akin ... P^ 1. dote wart letwrw 1'111 NIA. 1:44,4 N ••t^ n' •1Iw11h 1M.M Ow.* 444.1,1,',. mhhgi,b .1,110 I I0HRR r L'.rtw•r. IA tMher,w 41he tm"05..0.w)).,71,1a mop or.* r.e..47T tale 4.y 41.4.5 by 5,1,01 C..n.en) 1110 the •...mile. M tai PETER LEONARD. tali.. DIVFT •CRIIJI .LN 8 FRESH, GOOD AND CHEAP. 'M "� "he �,wm°� _ wMar7, en. .M ..poll •. K M ti•4vr.•. : 1 .,•her• ill ti,e,i,w., SI'I♦IANDII) GRO�i11RIES BONN 9ELl. pOROCN. Tdlw."lawa.'11.al4 nThl{•nl•d.de raw �''' ♦ ♦. /ITIS h RYRkR, Olt'/N, THAT J. R. OUR- ra1r1 M (1.a.e.•e a •e« .•i •4 Urdnele A, b as.l mT 54" 1) `w'' _ E5..shv..y_pll.;. .04 ,,,Ij Rinse; of e•MMin +1• w a.iG� •+t w ttt D. its \ n, of Jew.. e. rin•bh sy4Lder, M1.drr e1 rya. a It ren ..1a•• p„rehemer P.. ore.W 4 toy we pall r (loth. l'MrrA .An .till r,m,ln. k,,. A.1 the Vreol.o to M ,iliaekb hr Jc•oemelo. t, _, 1 nim. wind Ma prleenMp are Co . pecwonted a, .ossa �,e Ih.4.r o1 rode el* •.M v.r Me 510411 • 1Man 'myna ,a meg All ,keds fleets, t..M prlw.nh(R n•. bol. - 1 5.4w , Anrc5 1y whew, the ..m. will be550 tH. M..i filth, 1471 • Aee I~ femme 04.1 im:5tan. 1 AL tying 4 11.011.1% /M Igo :Aw11.h IDE , tl.aser. - eSKtw R t4TLa K. wselw,vA Lti 1. Qe6114C6i DOC 2a►, r87M, , rl W!wb,; , •n, ew Il»m,.«5.. IV•�rr• •