Huron Signal, 1871-4-6, Page 3i. I 7; • - -... mailogne , - ' AS Bede- Aeltraftsattea _ Ilwasnowitri- SPeelal 144aticels* ----__=------ - uftesi-Esherith WEIRMIr, terlec-teca nyll. -- •••••-• _.!_----......-----...--e.--. ' gelatine that. deeply agitat- known in Goderich, aoille 20 years ago, This Ss ing our mintsterialist contemporaries. has,: died, as sun be sue by our obituary, FELLOWS' t4. • W• ourselves are quit* satisfied with the 11` Cidifornie. result, considering it an 1011110e improve- ment over that of 1867.. We now propose to John Sandfield M•odunald to test the question, by sumniouing the Logien'. ties Aseembly of Ontario to meet at an early day. lie hurried un the elections with the very shortest nootiu,and it would be extremely inomsuitent to put off the meetillenufritesehmaitut till fell. Such • course would be contrary to all precedeut• When the types' hes been litnaig to tl.• people, the reins of government 111.14141 at th• earlieet tnomentbe placed in the hands of those the people's representatives are prepared to trot, whether the present ministry or the former ..pposition. tt'e ask the Premier, then, to assemble P1.r- 0110.001 • Admit delay, and teat the ques- tion 44 -Who is in the maioirity 1 11 7. Shrink frouilhe ordeal, we will know right well that he is afraid of the people's chides aud wishes to postpone his politIeli dm miss, by an undignified hanging 00 to his position, contrary to the rnample of ell statesmen acknowledging their responsi- bility to the constituencies. EtrannioN -Mr. ()mage Mackenzie has Made fin addition to lila store on Hamilton Street that will no doobt tionble Ina so- COIIM 441141011. He region,. it for his in- creasing business. as --estmee*.•--o• 0, It'Istaf Illaisaut of 704.4 he ty 40 ••• ownbi uallon god • form lualeorr for healing atm curing tliseusta .1 74.. thrust, long. and cheat It i.urra • io ugh b. loo.eitteg mud eleenaing I771177.,, and allaying Irritallou , lima minoring the iwua0, instead of d. y log up44. cuuslo .74.7 404.44077 taa 0,o,41 legated, TIII M•TON.ALTT-Tb• Star, in the is - OM before last, authoritatively announced that W. T. Hays, Esq., had resigued the Mayoralty, and in to -day's wee say. he has withdrawn that resignation. As meeting of Couvi71Il hu talcum wises,- U. which either tact could have beton properly made public, will the Skir fiver de witb the curcurnstanees wawa The Quote!) Electiona-The Pres •incial elections for Quebec will take pine in June. Mr Cartier, .Ir Perkins, loud Dr Bernard are spoken of Air Moo - treat Centre. In the Western Division Mr Ogilvie will retire• Ald. will come uut, bet him support ef the Grand Trunk Canal Bridge' scheme has xeriously dounaged his previous popularity Mr lirydges is mentioned as a eertein eandidate for this division at the neat Dominion elections. PARIS Republicanism is rampant in Parte, and the Communist Committee is pre- tending to regulate the affairs of the country. Meantime T biers and the authormed government have called to their rescue the troops in which they - Oa- IS -11.pnl the HYEOPHOSPHITES, Amongst the diwases overcome by the use of Fellows' Compound Syrup of HYPOPHOSPHITES, "ANN ilowittiretliat, otlitna. Cowmen Ohm laryngitis, Seri/olio 1777701177, loyepv pato I liroitIr Chiron.. litarrtvisa Melancholy. 141.010, rosulting revel T)pitoid and other low resets loptillivritn. Picot aluatwou. liyunirlonadrOa Sorenossierea. soot., Smelt. Lou.,•cilana, Nom ..us S ao-italdlit v. klatalliwaswww•MerseSag al thelITIONNIa. ApPecia,ur Imito of Vol..., Ilion. 4.1777 Vito.... Ilene., Sluggish - ...6 7,7the litarr. luta...opted and *717744 01 • tea earl. '14o1sating giudoug• caused hy mac,"7 utwtout.touits ol 14,. Lungs .04 4444 Passages lewl.og thereto •nit I a 1.1 lit yTtoot clarions eau... *WO unlow of •Lirl ap1'eal...1 hopitleme. soh!, 110 AP0TIANC•14,1101, Pro*, .1.70 Slit 'Or r.50. JAML. 1. E L(.111, 2, Chemist, St. Juba, N 77 The report 01 1)4* Canal C iuissioners W.74 laid upoti the table. It is a bulky voit11111). and with appendioes will intend to over 300 pages. The Commissioners recommended the immediate construction of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal. The en- largeineut of the Welland Canal at a cost 0(66,550,000. The 1111provement of the navigation of the river Et. Lawrence. The enlargement of the St. Lawrence Canal', and the construction of tn. Bay Vern Coma'. nine arc the works which an A.Ft. 9 ARABIAN OIL FOR HORSES £ CATTLE. Pt NEVER FAILING REMEDY TriellilltoretWA=147"10 1111grraul°Na/ItItHrhorh ant aperw oe ha• plowed In p.m. ,k.'..7 mie 1.105 efhowtol or/mech.l for the eau 01. Ihroh Non.w14, Soren., Bruises, U.II. ni all limes. Cracked 11--.16, lam Roue, amain. Caltoat,Thieult, nwooney, latono. al Pnoutto Scratch/ea tireere, 07,.,,,, tameness, Whipoont, C. ..... , Sand Crave., V.unideeed Horn Dairy:ate, dwoll•np, and many .41... AS YOU GO TO 'I ItE POST OFFICE -....; TNOUGL•lie RNSI retuma Ids attune thatolu to 1141 1,44 1•11. for Ilto un..0110 1447,470 ettenil .411,4,0. wore buOnee• 0.7.744,57744 d dirt...toed to dewarlic .1 .4'!' and lie *wild eat epecial &Welton to the RUSSELL WATCR of which h• Is Note agent in 1O.aler eh Ile low on hand • very tare ato. It oil O. /‘..1414* tin* keeper • Inch he a In • posittm ..1 lua, la inaraptu salleartnnt to tho pun !meet Theta le n othly „ore talotaItatn., that. a wat• h awl there • "" 1-t77 7 nsi it. U Kr A complete ativiriliient of gold plated 77.10 tery Weklesaut Clod. tepalted Itt a unrk manlike rouser. Can and Me. DOVOLAS4 MCK E.N.Z1 E. tilenetsis, lierea Nth. 11777. considered of the first importance. Jawalw• win .10 &cora .41 7411•••• In. to. taw ceiebraled L ousel hav bee. tiaca'YOT= Lite Is thin Old LlOs at -6-• yew., ii011 70-711-Fildfd Oftspernm MoromPOT 1 FRESH --ARRIVALS . • conuthiol to he the elawipeo and meet te-1. An English pspelra reggikuktg oars alkzed tails while weedy 6~1 and In order to tut Item soon in the deadtif talthholly applie- d. nielit and without previous +Yarning t •Ii nmesso sod roam,* Igerehnote fieet could he brought into an liaise en- gagement, at about 10.30 at night the crew. of the various shine ,of war stationed At Portland were mined by an order from the Adiniral'e ship to practice at general qiiart,ere. In the short morn five minutes after the signed was 774*770 the first glin was fired with blank catridge This wsa immediately followed by such • can- nonade as was, never before heard in taut rff the world. The night being very the bridge of Seems with Decrees men able astonishment Snot Consternati-;11 hitt and adds ; The battalions :or the Com- neighboring town of %Vey mouth, and the skirt last eitght fearing large Imminent ef pereenereulied thysliir an attaek. There were 10,000 mea in round the harbor Amid the din the sul llland • lamber len Meini of the enormous guns of the 77 the Bout dcouorne nuh11.0" bivouacked to the Champs Elyse*. The ti.7-bta&Tii.0.1‘1'17.,'`Iali%c:.'"Irde t77,:f7Y...dall: gates of )laillot Atari) and Point du Jour lenr.gc"ontio . The !ionic wPas rept op with were closti. The Mut d'Ortlre says the great spirit for about 20 minutes.. and then sitting of the Communes will Woo be !„ud,i„„iy public. The same paper slats that the battali- ons provided with eamping material marched out yesterday in the direction of Ihe commune desiring • isoeila. tory settlement of the gees, ion. Bismarck hassnformed Thiers that up. less indemnity paid before the 15th test., 80,000 Geeslin will enter Paris, suppress Abs %evolution, sod cassia as til 1110647 Plida - DI:11407LN NON• .o1411001 IttItT11111:17 1. * 7.07 " No • -• 00".1r..Pywrpoietere !NW in Gooericis de Pa Caul* end 77 Jordon ; tr•erliner St Co. Se t Jaren Hudgeewille; eick•od Lacier . H. Cunt., Chows S•eord, Lac nowt K. kyottaso. Seatoete. and all ' hledies 'healers. CINAIIIIN PLN DESTROTER • thh.,413, , •stlyn_wellead NvOnktillitlfo molder? to eive permanent reins Rhea timely ...a.aLwithaye . *sows • magi, ease of diustistartion where the directions hove bees wooer!, tollowed,bu. ee the euntrery are deligh:ed wah es operation., and emelt an the borne.. votes ot Vino. and Magionol .81 .7., - THZ 15 Goderich. 4.11 4111. 1871.‘ Fall Wheat . 61:23 res 1 3. Spring Wheat 1:23 'itt 1:28 Flour .44--„: 550 (4 6:00 Oats ..... . OAS (4 048 PON ........ 0:70 ® 0:80 Barley .... 0:50 (4 0:52 Potatoes 0:45 (it 0.54' Sutter.. _AAA - Ego etas •ria HAY, p ton 800 kl 10.00 Hides(green).... 7:00 (47:00 Ts the Zaino ef the Huron Steal. Wood350 (.4 375 plea SIR Sim), 7 11114 SSW yds we Beef, cwt. . ..... 6:00 (4 7:00 1:00 (4 7:00 mm'Per pees of an inirly opriniothe iinpmvemeot 1 w`001 iPrir have been enjoying.the weather, the pre -.1 I Iwo,. -.•••••11,. of the roads, the pleasures of Gad labour,ligheep and above all a quiet repose after • sharp Ptifitica( Coates& 4I - The affairs in the neighborhood are as - turnips father an emulouecharacter. gob husband seems to be trying to make his MVO spouse the owes -tern woman, is the counts y. The consequeno is that pail after pail of rich syrup is brought to her to be converted into sugar ; nor does it end here. Even the boys have beoome affected with the contagion and have actually mode nide on different bushes in the shape of night prowling. In conclusion, lir. Editor. allow me to ask yon for a statement of the wood an- snally consumed in tularich. . Yours truly, JABUS. April 1st, 1871, LTAITS011. ThmltTLt AS AN 07740077 -11777 bas16 AWKWAILDNIGIS WITH HIS HANDS. The London correspondence of the Boston Advertiser writes :-You must sit near Mr. Disraeli before "you can`nt•t°e1 0:48 (al ths- assr that he is growing old. At • little 1,ass . ...... 0:76 (4 distance he has the appearance of middle '1„;,_ ; and in his oratory he plains the Pork . 0 :13 (et ... 5100 an 11 12 (4 030 (i) 0:30 0.00 (0 003 3.00 14 400 2:00 (4 2:23 0:50 (54 0:55 (rotlerieh Salt, wholesale, 1 tr.b. pet lbh 1:20. ----- Citnton Markets. Ready-DIAde • Clothing - Or - SUPER' OR QUALITY. LARGE VARIETY t -t GOODS CAME SAFELY TO HAND liKiTERDAY, FROM " ERN MARKETS BY 111Ii . GRAND TRUNK R. R. • VIE I AST - Gooding's Banking Office Ayer' air vigor.--;_,.._ WEST STREET, GODERICH, ..easeetstem at 6 ear mit mums; emu. ow mil. strionew waufest L Area. 77741. 7.. lett. se OM' --- - FARM TO RENT. Its natural Vitality and Color. Iontuy kaa t arta' Narklialle to For restoring Cray Hair Id Iwo6•4141+1.-. fur .term of throe rear. au *a rut farm IA lowtioiltlp Hawanuels. TS 1' I/lotted 001 le wool ittsto 01 77 Shelton. fatly UW flout brain, frame •lali‘e Ros.' tr lae. tuna, erchartl, a WA hou (skint Met 7.770.1 -"hoot hir several year• 10 1 datollIty hut, Jolty 44, 411, pimp, it. All w winualiolts and °Oat t A &cooing whieli Is at once agre.mble, healthy, mid effectual for preserliug 11777 hair. Facia eli• Fru, hair u soon eastern! - - -- -.••••rni..,, mamas A.I/EAD OF...TIME, - ............r.u..."1...4...............,440 .....z4:547=004,14, •0444 0.-0 t.1.87z..._ L. • ••,,.• . ,• oloo•-• Ant nit. lo u..1f. a 201, `"' _ jrashasa_af youth. . • witA the gloss ariI. re its origimal colsr, Vlildiir' iir IbUllt. ' ' T 11E- G It A N D 'IRU __N.N_K 's I 11 LI ROVING _1":eir_'_7_"!•_1*ft. - - 7 ___ , 71 -7 - DO \14 N IN PR1E. . gr"..EAT CLE.ARItliCr.: hbyairitawhuesere. 111N. oit.ohlituiegie,casurortd.sestiorerocilid.: r ties often, though not always, eared ened, falling hair checked, and Laid - or the glauds atrophied and decayed. Lint 'web as remaiu can be saved for ' usefulness' by this applicatiou. Instead' ' of fouliug the hair with a pasty sedi- ment. it will keep it cleau and vigorous.' SELLING OFF from turning gray or felling off. mot consequently prevent baldish/. Frei 1121 OCC1111i011211 use will prevent the hair from those deleterious substances which ' make eons preparations deugerous 77774 injurious to the hair, the Vigor mai FOR 76 CENTS. 4 .a. ooly benefit but not harm it. li wanted •i ER DUCED_PRIUES. Oferaly for a HAIR DRESSINdi A Capital Twankay . FOR 50 CEPATII. . ENTIRE STOGIE . nothing else can be fouud so desirahlor. Contaiiiin..7 neither oil nor dye, it doed not soli 'White cambric, and yet Iasi bag on the hair, giving it a rich gloss/ lustre mid a grateftd perfume. And all other Family Necessaries in pr opr ci tron- 1._ -OF - • GROCERIES ARE Black and Green 'Teas, 81.00 Young Hyson, 75 cent Young Hyson. $1,00 Black Tea $1.12i Imperial or BROAD CLOTHS, CASS! HERA' and TWEEDS, m•Aa......-ebeat aetace.anJ to g1-'fit and or mos P guaranteed o no M Y STO CK OF PURAI/1111110 Wel* QUITE COMPLETE. T!fR CA.VADTAN PA1NIIE. 771.0 77,0 itself • reeutete.e. tie • blood PhIM IS , aliviner h ton r, onsornotaa.1 11141 Mean y mullet! preparations. seldom tn core 1). apnpone, Liver no, 1 ntlysa. 104erhuOn, "4.4 Illeadsche, Kidney Corn - plaint•, a...1 Stahl:omit Pht e or Ast ham, and raaoorealo 1,101 activity the syeteni delb.etteted 40 auflerine•A &write. Ile magical and •onderttil OntorWall In •D•1115 11.111WII co..111. thmet. roue., Deptherm patn• in I he onle,linne and bork. neereleta,tomb: •rbe, rheionatir and other pitin• 7fl any ort of the tamly •not Iron whatever cauwe, has (tr.* ti a lose. ts 'Very kolistehoid a itJ few au pentad - AT well know.. butlilitag, one other prepamo Ions to • 1 1 1.1 Also An atal ....l..4 prompt remedy for E. -IL -An asaortmeert of the hest Sewing )IaChinee enretantly on hand. ABRAHAM SWITH. Ooderlell • March Seed. 0 ILETIIAORDIt AIWA- CHEAP EOM 76 CENTS FOR 60 CENTS. 7.0101,101)4A Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer &dd.; -AT- Next Door to the Post Office DRY GOODS LOWELL, MASS. ))- Choice Seed PON60411, such St Early 11.'., U00 trick and IlAritsun, Fur sale at low puree. tiodericb, March 281h, 11171. HOTEL POEMS - 107 Spielal Telegraph forth< Alerudo Clinton, April 4th, 11171. 1:20 (a) 1.40 120 (4 140 046 (4 0:411 (1.60 0:52 072 (4 0-78 0:40 (. 060 740 (4 700 0:10 ('4 0:16 740 (4 7:25 0:16 feet 0:16 Fall Wheat iprtng du )ale .. Barley Verne P.,tatees 111nar Ittiltott Pork EZ.0 --••••••••••• Thulals• Solto•• beseaset Bf DI I N... Crest 11110.1atoDNI,TW 1. note.. melba*. Pinions c.boliie.aananua (5115. '54*. Ifwereterv, ke. P1104 uely zS .,'II' per bottle. NORTHROP 4. LYMAN, Newt -sole . C. W. Oenere I Agent fur Caned* . 1:1101011 4. Codertell by Parker 6c faille mai F. Josidani flardihou k Co. BAVflokl; James fl477'7.' I.J P.ekerd, Emmert J. H. ao B ke. Glisten; (Awned, Leeknow; E He been 0. Mats ammi an laseiss. Doss. mai 5oarorth *arming By Spacial Telerrnob tn the 'Signal. Seaforth, April 4th, 1871,Neoe, Fall Wheat 1-25 (rii 130 1-29 04 140 7 00 Spring bent Flour per 11477 Oats Worley 600(.4 0 As oa 0:47 040 a, 0:40 0:50 077 0:15 6:4770 0:00 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Sues' Perigites1 Pills. Mee peculiarities of ht. youth. I sat in a low g,;us . gallery oppoeite.his the other night, and --ge--.---3°'r for an hour watched his method snd manner. Above all things I admired the art of his tailor, Never wire there a finer triumph than in Mr Disraelis frock oat. The fit is perfect, Ont it is not the fur the porpose of taking en parties 'fit." There is a finish and a poetry des- tined for fled River Territory, by way of Doloth at the head of Lakero Siopenr.- about his clothes 77)7)14ciespe definition. From that point is ,,IFtrant• will have their And, oh, the eveleeeness of other men. teems, h . iggege, Ac , bonded through I.J. There i. Mr Foster just op;solite, with h • . territory by theowners of the boat. - rough cur -sway ',At, bobtailed and badly inajs be far the best, quickest and cheap - :nada, looking like • rough son of the is ,,Ie to Red Myer. Parties intend woods, There's Mr Gladstone, even I in g to avail therneelen of this 7100 offer I would do well to old) npon Mr C E Slack, dressed with a carelemnees that would I at Dark's Hotel Goderivh, for further par - 4 tieulars. 62 MAIVANDVILLE HOTEL Nee knot nt me mit oteittr.Ht7 rwt.1 at 4 el 7171.14e, 14 rITTOtly teataricl•• large 171 to ty eloolina1 ?kw rivon Too loartICulars MU, to NI t. J KS Lb T tiotleich. 110001 010', larl. -1011111I77TALVAHLH 77Y1ICC7H111 UNFAILING ▪ .n.77. owe "77 .0 thooe penal .4 and d/ne•nwe liwaw• in %shwa the Cenral.. a...nation HI oat., II moderate. a11 elcas• and r•oanalial all shaalaCtsory and • epaedy ea, Tn. two *171,4 01. To 1.11111att taDIAA 00 ta peen,mov moot 11.111. in • abort tame, bring 110 nantiala inortod vont reetlertif• The 1.4t s4ov14 a, at Worn Ay renal., thorista 771111TIIRK 10:111e1tif P...tatawry. es tete o, RED RIVER. One of Wards' first etas' Roemer* will callst Goderich abet the 15th May nett, New Bntch'f Ehop OPPOSITE HENRY MARTIN'S HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. NE SPRING GOODS AT THE -- 111° , C.. 3D'I'T-.01%, a, co, 'RAVE JUST RECEIVEThiEVERALCASE-- NEW SPRING TWEEDS , FANCY COATING. A CHOICE LOT OF FASBIONABLF, MANTLES IN SILK, VELVETEEN AND CLOTH• A Large quantity SPIIING ANDSUIIMER TWEEDS. Ti' HATS, QULESSISLY.LE5..1-. _ aluberirli •r hits pleasure, In ions •tint that h T low niwnwl a Nov at the oho.. al,loma 8.1 1.. will he proper...1 to supil. th• M000sut quality of meats et a hour price Pun •late here to nue, • Glre Minas soy ean. geriTellsruSuseS, is opus Ss -WYSS tears ai ia• am. itOBERT 04*4elt 77ee17Ttb.11CL hirT-ot FOR SALE That Nahrthle Tavern Stand IN the vinare nf lhotraenon,Itnown 0.01,0 .577.4.' Rotel where a rood and Inermaiss um is aunty.. twarriaga.,111W.PA, "*".. an talc. _ ALSO Ell;HT I ACRE VILLAGE LOTS 711.10a 01.00. :dltRIPI,P • e„lnit , Natuoal BOOTS AND SILO Es A Tri:L'InutierIcIt Ire sour Cow r t41. Loresee S. SWAM* theash. Met *It 11•41,ae L05$'(.te J.0 Au. ilerdowr 1:* 11.711•11. Rooleervtilo J haat. Maw. J. - Oman. OUP &o. '1' 113C: RRERA-RAT Oft Y_ WHITELY s. ELLIOTT Two BALES COTTON, JUST AT HAND Elargement of Premis:s -AND- Arrival of Spring A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS TN T APESTRY. ALL WOOLS, (2 ply sad 3 p)y) THE NEW VIENNA CARPET, efoc PER YARD. I, ANOTHER LARCE SUPPLY or NEW TEAS AND GENERAL GROCER1RS. • laII mutate unotttla W' le etuart 07 (77? 7711 lag. Adjoining anahhoesel•nowoo&r me‘lc,.1, not contintot •••para. welnael, antimony,orwiything boriolto the coenta- Pullehrectioge in tohe newohlet •r*.. d each ptelege. whirls ohotieheerthlty prooerve."""' l's •Wa eurtrms • ogCIea. wtoia whet insanInce f7t101 the Tate..sd veryuitblsor other total - way of dress we have had nothing for yesn like the spectacle of a good, pions dissenter, a men 01 60, who spoke in the 'House of Commons t..t woek, wearing a 'merle% uniform. Never in the history of masqeeretlea was there such a eurinus sight. The honoreble gentleman was stout, and the coat was alternately looee and tight, hong ugly ridges crossed his breast. Hie arms were as if clothed ,n • red night-shirt, and the Indierona 11-1 pression of his las made the picture complete. Returning to the Tory leader, 1 may remark that his 01,100 in Setter than it we grind the affectation in his aes at • is not so appsrent. His peculiarity is his ristleseneria as to hie hands 0- dirarily this is a mai k of neryouitneee but Disraeli, one would think, ix not afflicted by 'Seery of that description. However that may be, he cannot keep hie hinds for two minutes together. He puts them on the box which is on the table before him, he shots them ; opens them ; places one in his coat potshot behind.; pets two I. there ; take* out hie tv.ridkerrhier and pato it in .pin ; folds his hinds, opens them ; puts Ms fingers merely on a table ; boldly Side his thumbs ender hie ere' pits and tosses the miler of his mat bask ; again drops them et his sidle - 'yell are some of the mcvemeeta be keeps up while delivering one of his set orations. Another pecularity 1 will jot down for the b•oeit of the curious • in the orator'e eddresi es ; I have observed that when he is about to say something amities!, ene csfthosil witty phrases that reel in the sensory, sod which are (pertain', not the sutures 01 the nsoment, he slightly opens his legs, and in • seareely percept- ible fashion bowl down his body. Aa the thews best net his, Lore seems qeinItened. If yon see helloed him 'nal Tooth% • chaos@ immediately. Ma se - customs& onallderse props 1. 1.1 andasity; • aretlby rote art twd)I.IPIIS*tsIdl ,..901uri•b..0.4atii 17921.1871. rule bie eirdiesies .1011500M, aloW VoN11, 1nt.7 la 00 and 11)"e57" for power., encl•ed to Nosh., loman. Newcastle, l'iot general ascots forge* Do.te mini), ll mnn a. a Lottle,rontaini.10.4• SO oy, mourn mail NORTHRCP 1 YMAN, N eweeette, : • tr• •gentlore•n•dr lap' Sold la flodeneh law Parker h Cattle 5110 /Jordan Iludiror er Co., Hey, ; Jima.* SentInun,ltoirenvolle J. Plots d, tete r /1. combe, 071'11017,g cord, Loelineer; E. Hoek: goe.3es7701177. sl: Medieln., tarsier.. ...177 • - - G. It. T rueman's Pale Register April, TIME IS MONEY. 1, Ton want to 40(70 .layo W- M* 4, roterky, eat a pot ttf the r.rat Inwin.1 Iran Harrows. )10...t and ✓ e, In Canada. Ouly g18.00 rash, :c7.25..0. Inspection 17,144 •t OK,1(77744,74147777 Blarlonalth Culotta, saran tote, 107t. vat 14 GREAT CREDIT SALE -01T- FARM *STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ETC., ETC. tsatesetiners -BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 024 LOT 41, 2so CON. TUCKERSMITH, Tue$daY, I 1 th April 1 871 Also 50 &ores of Land ',hoot I. intl. Routh .1 777," vine,. nnt the travel road. the heat clay, SS acres ...eared And 'thy Asian, ns flee sugar bush. latcelleitt new lout Una and soot w•ter. tr To 1*017,1 together or seperate. Apply es the prenleas or Id lettat propatt 10 1). $ICIPT. DayalUcca, March 'MO 3477. .71 .3w - A GOOD TEAM -0E- • NORSK* FOR SALE. " 6 FainM1v1Loa7 - IniWt nitr1i:n7:7g 1a7 -it 17 ne'ielm;-ki.0sans. Ns -.7ram01.m•":is0'soryts*iMssoa inSt,r, ilyrcif04;nCne a. eO 7rtIt11Z1i enau"'D"tC"it".'-7.-7- 8 """" Insolent alek e • Fortuna.- rng renr and h.,. vioart old , 2 E 'MANLY iiimarrshio REQUIRED IN THIS LINE. nesiAns 0R0CE711E. PK, icywrs-6Quoti4. WIri at • °omit Kingston Street .0 Afarkat„liquatill Ilmtertel,O BM jr1.01 18 041 I UCH, „oaf StOCii NORWAY OATS. J112.T RECEIVFD LAM ASSORTMENT -OF- Summer Tweeds. SLOPPY WEATHER camp CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT. • FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, ie. Plist-chies 100)015 consmer07 eaapirguth- - A LArl a gond Waggon and !tame., Apply to Junta /A. craw. Caledonia Terrace. oppeeite (4,•77. C Chetah. (1oderleh AWN 0718,1171. 7710-1)--* MORT/NMI WM nol untered 07. ttit tin. tithe 1., of 1 AprIl 1071 for the erentlon of Three 4 Mugs. In lait Town ot 0 choler.. Plans and epwoleatioa 0044 YAW.. At wry okra of Iteal Est Ate in Maitland y ille nary.. St'ne. 4 Heifers, 4 Pllearo 20 Ilheop, anti aloo all nereintery Impleoventir air -the nortins of a Intl, Stanehory's Store. els oa farm . elm whont loi1 loiehele ef capital rtfa " 12 Mortgage lisle at Kingiihridge Int 1 Spring 7777,01, 10? wed, Nil Mould 7.15 7.004. Pt .1 of Ni lot 1, T Coll Allhfteld W I Tram* or 0,714-A11 room limier 115 oath. nwor that R Sea:meld Solicitor, amount. t. mmthe emelt mit he given hy honeeli teg eprreve, wocarlty. A per cant 416.•nunt for rash. Hamilton RF.FRFRIIMENTN AT ONR 0.01,005. 4 " Al Mart 3 *stumble building lots, MarCh Nth, 1771, ell td - Market Square, Goderich. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY! • R. B, SMITH Has Opened out 28 Cases wand Trunks of New BOOTS ,and SULC/ILS Alt1- J AMES SMA ILL . AWL 110411rIeb Rauh Nth, ISM w11144 - AUCTION SALE VALUABLE WOOLEN FACTORY IN TIM Town of Goderloh, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. n a Virtu 070 Power of hale metalloid le ..rt.1t 47) id,rtg05. 4 which *ill be pro...trod .1 74,0 Bale on 'Tuesday -dif April -17-13;'1871 a, C. I) IF.'1714( , A CO* Ooderich, March 24th, Int NEW OTTO N NEW COTTONS ! ! NEW COTTONS ! AT JOHN IT ARRIS'S. FOR CHEAP RUBBERS GO TO 0. VERGUONS'S, Oederiph, Ilisteh 1st, sw56-tf NEW PRINTS ! NEW PRINTS! 1' NEW PRINTS !! ! AT JOHN HARRIS S. New Hats, Spring Sea lon. 1871, New Caps, Spring Reason 1871. New Paper Collars, Spring SeasOn, 1871, New TIas, Sprirg season, 1871, ND IN IMMENSE V ARIPTY AT .101IN HARRIS'S NEW TEAS! NEW TEAS!! NEW TEAM!. OF DELICIOUS FLAVOR, ataosr AT COST, *TT77011'7' O'Clfnt NOON. At Trionsises's duetion ROOMS ffi OW Town of tindorteA. I" A.1=4, 3E1 L. 3.. The Festally half of tot marina "twelve Twenty nine, Moth of Riot 07,0.1 In tn. Town ti wtortch Couty of Heron and Province of inter*, containina ln admeaumendit twenty penime he the Mina more anima Arid whlrh mid lot Moy ho otherwise known and dearrilial at follows, ihat le to say rornmenrIne mt• point la the North law tinitin 07 .41,1 lot Now. ber Twenty nine. otonee dna went alone the South skle at Mut litn•Cmtity Din. and (77,0. 0,), Holm moo* 0,700i to a point midway thetw.en the :tort bout oind Nowthruio analee of said 10,1 14 tomboy runty Nino thence dee chains ton and thew gnarl** ottas nr le. In a 1.01 altnat• Inttlway on tha etralghi lino Odning the Sootheast apd tiouthweat atglea *7..,'l 3.1 07.7017700 Twenty gine, thou* •Ina out aloha the •Irsight 0191,wa44 •1117 three and (1170. 07.1.0 IlnIta morn Al los* In th• Rooth mot anele of said lot Nninter Twenty ftin• thee...dna North 1.0 ,15401 tan and threerinarteer lInt. woe or lees 0.01.074014074 melanins. Thera arm ori the premlut a Prick Iln04Ing too storie. high, Sont as a Woolen 7.ter0'0-7 4 Cloth atom •1111 Odle It•ilditine in the rear. 4.4 nee Wry nontelnias .Nannlarory, Sorban and Rolle- of *1horse One teeth of the pnmhome mom, to 77.p014 Mom on th• May otos!. Miaow, tames ba enure al the Male For farther particulars ap JONASap JONES, aolieiter, 5dl17101771 Hail. 0111 00 NOR ACE IfORT011. E • M.4. rat, :171. POSTPONEMENT / STYLISH, G00111.01) CHIP SEVERALCASES AND BALES NEW DRY Goods. in the following lines, Dress Goods, Prints, Grey & White:Cottons, Hollands. &t. ,.&C. 110 '10 20 per cent Cheaperithan last Season. 1?. B SMITH , 7- 0. • AT JOHN HARRIS'S. Unrivalled Coffee, Fresh ground daily. AT JOHN HARRIS'S, 001 if- (ioderloh, March 23,d, 1P71. FASHIONABLE TAILQW1,__ w. •Sr er. IK.AL HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, AND ARS PREPARED TO MAKE 80111 TO ORDER AT tflEAPEST RATES DUI" r. M.o7. lads for I eat prepare! ow Nig "Mora ta, ferwt... inia..1117 74t1,10.41.1•01 ••116 -.tad tarway hoe.. •selIng surd o.plow* of: ler ear ly 11.44 ouly 1.010171.1054 OA ode 11. nowiaa.a. Gedertelk Dar,- Oa ire MUSIC: _ mosa: SK.IMMISitiS, 'TEACHER Of '• • 1111.1r for l't n..f. Oita 1111 'Uottotat Oresn. TERMS -66.00 per touter advance. Marc), lst, 1871. ••44.3at- • 0 AUTIOM. EXCELENT LAND. 1_, thottro h. Por NM cheap. hivIng (10111111 with blepla and Week. All maws 44441159 11 mar alai 6, am 4, Owe., I. 111.170,0 4s14e74. *0547 (0 IlIVI WRATH eltALD. Maglaem • Momoyee chelleRek. 11...1414, 111711. •001.01... NOTIOg OP DISSOLDTIOB O)' PARTNERSNIPi • It ft tIVRIIIIT 0177,0,H 04.1the Peetiseevalo. OA vrt•if.iro evelins tote/era P.111771.11t C ATTL4 ae I'lanttels sa.1 1 ouggivt• In three Sound, Ilerhe• awd tIoderirk, luta Irani tate say dleitelyeal by steliel «event A owing to 177.101o1Pirtne07blp 477 Itarlonek or. to la tool to 44R011,4.1 CATTLE lobo .111 weft cie Litionoaa lo rite *14 it0ite4), and all elem. ag onat •414 rartr7407770 m 1 1,1.1, a ata tt• remove_ 04 0. 44144101,04. C0411O, 1, vollbeellittworra dab" *01.1 ,. flowIrroh Iho 1901 .1•10. 1570 rwtli rrnr. nottorliirnott havlos foe n-hased tho orhnio right 1 nf rending Ihroogit all (ha (77017 771 Ile*o in the Provier. of thitano. • met•In 100141 and 44 077 INNINoi Nowa e.04.1.40(4.' CO Inuit and 701011774 117 one John Oray T .... ato 1 hooch,. cantina all Turtle,' scsi..et infringing this right as In au doing they will he ploaeont...1, Clot P O. tolinty ellingtoe. sw7.7.tf - TIIEY HAVE xtECEIVED NEW TWEEDS AND COATINGS, NEW ALPACAS, NEW PRINTS, &o The Sale of Town tot 140 9 34 Org. sort NT, rigpleriMer.. 117:17%.:117 HI &dwelt R. 0. It linrillan Wank ..,. Goderieb, March 6th, 1871 6.55 if - CORDW3OD Cordwood 1: Cordwood ! TIE NEW STORE IN FULL BLAST ! GONE ACHESON Is now settled in his New Store and doing a rush - ITN IllUSIINTILOSM ASTIR.granting tIty .talt holy deilver4 Way wbereil. row• anply so to JA WIN McCORT. &Mimeo emir th.Thill Shed. Oalarka, ittx.h rth ten set 31- Inaolvent Act of 1069. la th• motor el.1.1•74 IIITAN UV T. of Demme 1,111, SII UPI h On( . 1) o Irttio .11 lloo ;corer voato.1 7. 01. I) the estate mud eSert• of UN sior• nannat 0.441 vent, will off, for male at the ma woe to id George . I rows.. ln tbe Toon el thelerank. In the C Wirt, Ont•rwo Ina Thuisriny, the 190iday of April neti,. 0l!,' hoar of 1 wafer o.rlock noon, ell Illte aloha asid ul,1 1.,Iten1 that Porta,. too., olt Its. t n1 1104 04 prontivesalloreic lyliag 611.1 40t05' )7 1 no/n.1,, ol • .M...4, ot thel*.wiatj .1 en...M.. .r.”...eite. 40.747 1 leil. Ns 4, In ilrlihrowlet rho., i)Ito •a1,1 Too. 55.111p of C•Itrorn• tun nt letter 1. lat boa a Pont.* of nt • /101a lawn not tlw Festoon es, 0,. Nonto. Nuo, loy ufineaaiLlteroorlat half eallerne, a.aw end., • For pardrnhra *tidy to 14-..m. Illebatehwel T -ON, *den no. 0mel.to77. Mr Isere}, leiderile•; ar taw ondbaleved.4477770,7770*74)4004111. °meat eardebre.. Ifeeldnee 74, 0177 •4 14 POTATJES. rpm! Ilnloserther 77.. .44711(7 Iletra-Inota 014 ilt..11, .1(4mnd...eh Potato.. which he. oonera 1of We at 71 rent* r and P:nrly lemma Potato...It for 51 tJtpmr Anoka! Warronted tre. ton um. Orders 60701.1 by Mehl, N. iN, blyth. el ONO, GRA NT noolto h or iht" '"I'• OOR1074 1007441 1 oltorne, Marek lath, ISM .44/11 MON- IN THE' BLOOD. ia Drip 1,7 sr MUM rrittrrinutirrnrr mated the west or... and expels dluaote by upplythe the Won with worears owe VITALISM. •alner-IROYi. ==.6fuel. 1.1474111011, Fr‘'swiTeree. .-Tlemr• ynn wet Ternetan No, 770 714-7 Rt., Mew ten. • INN 01 nruselet•ININITNif.. '• For Ton\••• rat suemi saws ewe iyhiete •ec tens Illteftl. Fowl the eebeeolhor, 77.04 011, ICI, Norway Oats. f AV NIC40ITI40T1 CoVIIIITNITTINT OP TO 1" 1..rwer Rd. him thoo *rivet/ Importers grower., which 1 *111 • Sell at 50 elute per Peck. ‚no 1.. yonnIns Panto, I (' • ..•, /. ea74 it ton r nr4o. itt one*, alien Pawl/ Hew, 1155(011 eist all leading 0.114.1111 1,11140114 WILLIAM CANTIIIILI, Cheler'rhfat1(71,mr47. Salo . .• In /oho nor. 777a-ev1IM77 the Port *0linden/1E Pei, nether particolara. aerie to now (cr noirrhu. tio311 54. Dissolution fir Partnership. N*T"'• • arI nodta tormae nvao*mTt matee IN ete•re1at1r1.4tnl11e- hr ee Ioa Mothla4, Mwlml by Men* Cmmento t A.I DMvine the md pleht. era,b in cheni1hn.4 tu411rmeln•ne 0774 maim, 00un774 arteailpGenhe pernte hrt. thebr&mebeMR•8855)044d Borah MN: 111ereetIAjLawel"aII WILLIAMI.niMSRr, 110 11111.7,0. YOUR WANTS New STEPHEN. TRE 11 -It 1' 41F REVISION FOR ills Toerenn of Stephen wri I km 11414 tee Trove 11.11, Creditto,on ilia first tiatawley Why 1071. C. ci.h. C A N A C RE S PROPERTY rt e r , INTAR TOWNSHIOF SBFER 1t. nL Iy ••Df•kr• l e fe: MAC/t/N.. LI FITZMERALP. n.1-e.ro Pothe *0.7)07 7'510055•74 7 7 0l ay1 4ii nf eOune Inf 071sown4 hewing Mae ofVAT ) tal •n.l 01 aioWoks dote the 1477 du ef P, 7r! 7Ir;;""':Vn'l -.toe .194set,.Ai;/(i,t:a Vst4ta,rtatSidltne.17 lith day of Apr:11): it IToalorom by GereMo, Teentee.Awe eserr .r::DITa0ra ia Valr ta wnoRn tFe e.a .r0 o."pm,.41 tr.,o0t oR,.rnrtMabh .1e ith m. eaKvy Auo h 77 y....o-nr .h5.l0.the?MI.'S,ktop Ulang rTy.4110snoror IrNne t77.508% 11411M Ow North Half not 1710 ttNaeut-,e t•on n11.'. of (k 1 haheold, 1mattf Noun mi Iwtiae ro 111• of Tem. rtam,14. en, W••.I tho .a py b, 774. olritr ••••••-tIn ther-r- it 7t 777,1' N 04. Te"e" meeeliteelm w* belias. e a nigsock of Drilmde, WinterClothing, Boots A Shoes, noee.aisiiring SUPPLIED. ado.e'777. . l ; . . . '1 " t " 1: 4 1 et rot 2-I DI 7E1 II3 yammer.. dat 4.7 wl se. wit% leslawww.%41 the e e e .r.o1 14.•.".0 t r a t e • • •.• N I "p e s` am FRESH, GOOD AND CHEAP. Tlow" oit• ae•da nI,et O 1.1v, • " * t " " " Mnt ttotnawn pebeebend tpo•wiWn14;rtheemtlrr = 6. 4. a d 1tht: I• "nI1, 1 "1 e .M " t I"1• 6o"fd . thN 1 •1 S" I14.n 1."i4Me,b I"te r.r e nrbasr OMerare ",f e* ' "e7m o *l eOIn••:yannnnlitI of o n t 0 .".^a..1" . 4 t " e ""1An* N" , • 81iENi:lpGi°C11sPINE AND CEDARI SHINOLES 4bm Nored tonr oeWI, 1rrh:rettl:1...1010...Pa 08. fnitfiltllnitliitSatlheverj 1ies74 e4p PRICES, Wfk 4 • PETER LICON A RD. 8,77, 7.01 es ;or' as 4* Jr • yrs e %.74:44...verviss 1.e40