HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-05-25, Page 16Ready Mix CONCRETE plant 235.-0833 Residence 228.6961 C.A.McDOWEL1. Pay* 16 Times-Advocate, May 25, 1972 14• branches attend district annual Lucan WI hears about understanding Conveners are, citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. Harmon Morton; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Wesley Lewis; education and cultural affairs, Mrs Ray The Women's Institute Rally was held at the Church of Christ Disciples, Prospect Hill, May 16, Fourteen branches were represented. The minister from this Church gave an interesting talk on "Understanding." He said its not just hearing but if message is not understood and acted upon, nothing is gained. In other words, actions and messages must be understood in order to com- municate and to lessen the gap between generations, races and creeds. The theme of this meeting was understanding reach to the future in a changing world. Mrs. James Pilkington, provincial board director gave the effect of legislation on women's lib, The subject was raised at federal and provincial levels, but was not acted upon. Mrs. Clifford Playter, district president, said the federal Women's Institute bought the Adelaide Hoodless home and the Arland Lee was purchased by the Ontario W.I. Mrs. Pilkington introduced election of officers as follows for 1972-73. President, Mrs. Clifford Playter, Mt. Brydges; first vice- president, Mrs. Otto Zim- merman, Kerwood; second vice- president, Mrs. Martin Watson, Parkhill; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Chester Brown, Ilderton; assistant-secretary treasurer, Mrs. C. W. Grieve, Denfield; federal representative, Mrs. M. Hodgins, Lucan; alternate federal representative, Mrs, Henderson; family and consumer affairs, Mrs. Robert Hudgins. The question arose for paying branch fees and a raise of 30 cents per member was accepted. Hostesses for the day were Mrs, G. Wilson, St. Marys; assistant Tweedsmuir history, Mrs, Cecil Robb, Lucan; auditors: Mrs, Glenn Gordon Komoka and Mrs. Wilfred Culver, Poplar Hill, Coldstream and Keyser, Harold Brophy, Parkhill; district delegate, Mrs. C. Playter, Mt Brydges; alternate district delegate, Mrs. C. Richie, Parkhill; Tweedsmuir history, and district news LL Correspondent: Mrs, Thomas .greqty.,Sr, Phone 2274702 Lucas Financial Statement Banquet for girls, moms Lions take wives out for dinner The Lucan Lion's Club held their meeting May 15 in the Anglican Church Hall. This was "Take your Wife to Dinner Night," Jack Tutty introduced the guest speaker, Gordon Sanderson of the London Free Press who gave a very interesting talk on his column "Sound Off." He said he has been with the Free Press for 21 years. He explained the frauds he has exposed, from fake Bust developers to Storm window salesmen. As he receives an average of 100 letters per week he and his very efficient staff do the best they can. Following a question and an- swer period he was thanked by Larry Hotson, The business meeting followed. It was decided to have a walkathon from Granton to Lucan on June third at 2 p.m. Any walkers wishing a ride to Granton are to meet at Lion's Park at 1:30 p.m. Forms are available from the Lucan Cold Storage and from Mardlin Store Granton. Proceeds will go to Lucan and Granton Parks. It was also decided to pay for umpires at the Community Centre for all ball games. The Lion's will also have their baseball team who were last years champions. Refreshments will be served to the walkers along the way. June 7 there will be a picnic held in the Lion's Park for all the walkers at 6 p.m. At the close of the evening two draws were won by Gordon Sanderson and Mrs. Sam Taylor. Sunshine club sends flowers The Sunshine Club met in the Masonic Hall Thursday with Mrs, Harry Bond Sr, presiding, Euchre was enjoyed by all and 14 members were present. It was voted to send flowers to one of the members who was taken to Mason Villa Home London. Lunch was provided by Mrs. Mary Hodgson and Mrs, Clarence Rogers. Recreation Committee Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the year ended December 31, 1971 RECEIPTS Auditor's Report To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan. We have examined the 1971 financial statements of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan as at December 31st, 1971, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. About fifty mothers. daughters, and guests attended the Mother and Daughter Banquet held last Friday. Mrs. Beryl Kraul introduced the graduating Gold Star girls and Wesley Stanley gave each a certificate. Gold Star graduates were as follows: Karen Leitch, Cheryl Hardy, Christine Stutt, Cora Engel, Kathy Fenwick, Wendy Kraul, Sandra Avery, Janet Goddard, Joanne Cunningham and Diane Lynn. Mrs. Jean Staffen .was guest speaker. She spoke on Parables" with guests responding and on communication between mothers and daughters. Cheryl Hardy thanked the speaker with Karen Leitch presenting a gift. Mrs. Wm. Froats and Mrs. W. Tupling gave farewell addresses to Mrs. Beryl Kraul who is leaving as counsellor. Mrs. Tupling used each letter in Mrs. Maul's name as farewell to inspire the girls and thank the leader. Mrs. Sawdon lead in a sing song. Rev. and Mrs. Carson, Rev. and Mrs. Tupling and Mr. Stanley joined in the singsong. Toast to Queen was made by Kathy Fenwick and toast to the Church by Joanne Cunningham. Wendy Hearn proposed toast to Mothers and Mrs. Robert Stutt replied. The evening closed with ex- plorer prayer. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr. were in charge of the kitchen and were thanked by chief explorer Diane Lynn. Arena rental $21,888.47 Pool 3,185.50 Provincial grant 3,911.00 Grounds and sign rental 1,217.50 Municipal grants 618,77 Snack bar rent 800.00 Barn rent 386.55 Interest earned 733.39 Donations 6,325.70 Miscellaneous 134.40 4 Church news Rev. W. C. Tupling took the worship service with the sermon "The Gift of the Holy Sprit." Sunday was Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, fifty days after Easter. In his text, Rev, Tupling said the Church exists through the gift of the spirit. The Church is the body of Christ, but without the Spirit the body would be dead. This is the contribution of the Penticostal movement the realization that the gift of the Spirit is essential if the Church is to survive and do the work that it is called to do. The gift of the Spirit is threefold : the gift of salvation, the gift of love and the gift of unity he said. $39,201.28 KIME & COMPANY Licence Number 4233 City - London, Ontario Date - May 15, 1972 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and wages 13,228.75 Repairs and maintenance 6,352.89 Administration 7,076.92 Light, heat and power 4,500.07 Supplies 330.50 Playground expenses 243.74 Capital expenditure 7,313.01 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1971 REVENUE 1971 1970 39,045.88 Excess receipts for_the year. 155.40 Balance, January 1 17,604.98 Balance, December 31 $17,760.38 86 $ ,842 43,874 11,705 $ 111,855 48,001 12,486 Taxation Contributions from other governments Other 172,342 Total revenue 142,421 Former Lucanite dies suddenly Mrs. Constance Vera Ross passed away suddenly at her residence, 124 St. James St., London, May 20, 1972. Formerly Constance Vera Prendergast, she was the wife of Lt. Col. Duncan Graham Ross and mother of the late Duncan Graham Ross Jr. Mrs. Ross is a former Lucanite, having lived in Lucan since she was married. They lived over the Locker while Mr. Ross worked at Ross' store. They later moved to what is now the Hoffman Apartments. The funeral and committal service was held May 22, at the James A. Harris Funeral Home, London, with crematiorill• following. The service was conducted by Rev. W. C. Tupling, of the Lucan United Church': $ 1,234.38 3,000.00 13,526.00 $17,760.38 Bank - current account Ontario Loan and Debenture Bond Bank - savings account EXPENDITURE General government 14,938 12,580 Protection to persons and property 22,782 11,156 Public works 28,187 34,501 Sanitation and waste removal 14,156 15,922 Social and family services 3,962 3,802 Recreation and community services 2,000 Community planning and development 200 370 Financial expenses 1,664 Education 17,868 69,932 County - share of expenditure 22,884 19,842 Other 3,_5.02 llllllllllllllll 111.1111{111111111,11111111,11 llllll 1111011 Lucan personals Water Supply System Statement of Revenue and Expenditure M.MM llllll M.MMM.M.M.M.M llllll MMM Mr, & Mrs. D. J. Porter and family of North Bay spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bond Sr. Mrs. Frances Saward, London visited Mr. & Mrs. Wm Smith and attended the W.I. Rally. Mr. & Mrs. Al Whitford and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prince. Mr. & Mrs. Archie Sinclair and, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cowdrey visited Mr. & Mrs. Crago of Kirkton. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kennedy and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kennedy and families spent the weekend at Colpoy Bay Wiarton. Mrs. Anne Kish London was a weekend visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woods London were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emery Jr, The Lucan and Biddulph Cancer Canvass raised $2,100.The objective was $2,000. Thank you to all volunteers and to anyone who helped in any way. for the year ended December 31, 1971 Total expenditure 132,143 168,105 Excess of revenue over expenditure for the year Surplus at the beginning of the year REVENUE 1970 1971 10,278 4,237 13,751_ 9,514 "Relazawier $ Sale of Water Residential 19,203 16,733 Other Interest 752 135 Total revenue 19,955 16,868 DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS 13,751 Surplus at the end of the year 24,029 Statement of Capital Fund Operations for the year ended December 31, 1971 1971 1970 $ $ Fine cooks EXPENDITURE Head Chef Comrade Bill Smith and his band of assistants Comrades Dick Worthington, Bob Anderson, John Moon, Jim Simpson, Jim Freeman, Bert Thompson, Emerson DeGraw, Earl Knoblauch and Sid Daley. It was a pleasure serving you, ladies, and we trust that our efforts on your behalf assisted in making your bowling season a complete success. The following is something I came across the other day which is included in this week's Com- ments for your reading en- joyment. Take time to play - it is the secret of youth Take time to read - it is the foundation of knowledge Take time to work - it is the price of success Take time to think - it is the source of power Take time to dream - it hit- ches the soul to the stars Take time to laugh - it is the singing that helps life's load Take time to love -it is the one sacrament of life Take time to enjoy friends - it is the source of happiness.. And that's 30 for now remember - tomorrows hap- piness depends on how you use today. EDITOR'S NOTE . . Sid Daley is currently on a vacation in Europe with his 95 year-old father. He will be back sometime in June with his weekly column. By SID DALEY Ah-ha with all the fine com- pliments flying around of the way the Comrades of Branch 540 catered the women's bowling league banquet recently , it is no wonder they are walking around town with a very special tilt to their berets, The secret as to what was on the menu was maintained until the first dinner was served and we feel sure the ladies were not disappointed - here it is for your information - following a self serving of hors d'oeuvre the ladies were served with - now get this - Southern Baked Ham au Raisin Glaze, whipped potatoes and green peas, dessert and coffee - how's that for an impressive menu. A special tip of our berets to Transmission and distribution 8,892 6,776 Administration and general 4 82 140 Total operating expenditure 9,374 6,916 Total expenditure 9,374 6,916 Excess of revenue over expenditure for the year 10,581 9,952 Earned surplus at the beginning of the year 15,549 5,597 Earned surplus at the end of the year 26,130 15,549 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital expenditure General government Public works Transfers to others 835 211,340 75,000 1,755 1,755 287,175 CAPITAL FINANCING Notes to Financial Statements Long term liabilities incurred 75,000 Contributions from other governments 205,540 Contributions from the revenue fund 6,635 287,175 1,755 1. Charges for net long term liabilities Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows: 1,755 Biddulph man passes away Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year . 0 0 Principal payments including contributions to sinking fund and to the debt retirement fund of Ontario Water Resources Commission $ 4,278 Interest 8,424 Public Utility Balance Sheet - Water Department as at December 31, 1971 ASSETS Joseph Zubal Sr., RR 1 Lucan, passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, May 18, 1972, in his 72nd year. He was the husband of the former Pauline Sulej, and father of Joseph, London, Frank, at home, Mrs. Ken (Mary) Van Dyke, London, and Mrs. George (Ann) Spearin, St. Marys. Also surviving are six grand- children. Mr. Zubal was born in Czechoslovakia, and came to Canada in 1926, He farmed for the last 30 years on Lot 9, Concession 3, Biddulph Township. Funeral services were held May 20 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, with interment in Mt, Carmel Cemetery. Pallbearers were Steve Zachar, John Ondrejicka, Her- man Steffan, Dean Gibson, Earl Greenlee, and John Fazekas. Flower bearers were his grandchildren, Barbara Zubal, Margaret Zubal, Gary Zubal, Grant Miles, Troy Price and Kim Spearin, $ 12,702 CCAT Graduate Carol Anne Haskett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haskett of 80 Main Street, Lucan recently graduated from the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology with a diploma in Home Economics. Carol Anne took the Fashion option at Centralia. photo by Doerr 1971 1970 Of the total charges shown above, $12,702 was paid from the revenue of the municipality and is included in expenditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings. 3,080 3,080 142,699 145,779 68,529_ 68,529 199,115 267,644 Cash Fixed assets, less accumulated depreciation 2. Provision for Reserves Provisions for reserves amounting to $11,000 are included in the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. This amount is included in "Protection to Persons and Property." LIABILITIES Payable to other funds Due to Village 41,514 41,514 Long term debt financed by the municipality 75,000 Surplus Capital 125,000 Earned 26,130 3. Contributions to Reserve Funds 5 231 5,231 Contributions to reserve funds amounting to $1,012 are included in the Statement of 2.evenue and Expenditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings. 4. Net Long Term Liabilities 145,779 Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $252,800 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of The total value of sinking funds and the balance of the debt retirement fund of the Ontario Water Resources Commission which have been accumulated to the end of the year to retire the outstanding long term liabilities included above amount to Net long term liabilities at the end of the year . Retirement Reception for Mrs. Muriel Cobleigh and Mrs. Margery Morley 125,000 15,548 267,644 Some parents could do more for their children by not doing so much for them. The banker went on a diet; there was too much collateral in his blood. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31,1971 ASSETS frMy mother is coming for a two.week visit I !, her you'd be overjoyed see that you are' 21,400 1970 $ 1971 Cash 2,246 Accounts receivable 169,596 Taxes receivable 18,666 Other current assets 6,121 196.629 13,307 15,896 19,247 18,473 $212,927 Lucan Public School Auditorium 48,450 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years 212,927 Total assets 409,556 5. Capital Outlay to be recovered in Future Years Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Special charges on benefitting landowners Municipal enterprises - lll . ll 143,205 191,655 Fri., June 2 8:00 10:00 p.m. The Staff of Biddulph-Lucan School cordially invite all friends, associates and former teachers and pupils to an open house in honour of the retirement of these two teachers. LIABILITIES $ nil 75,000 $ 75,000 Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities .... „ „ 112,492 6,268 3,823 122;583. 1,378 321 1,699 6, The public school requisition for 1971 was a Credit of $22,229. This amount will be used to reduce the public school rate in 1972 and futnre years if the amount is greater than the 1972 requisition. m Net long term liabilities - Reserves and reserve funds . Surplus and unapplied capital receipts 143,205 33,000 13,751, 212,927 50,017 24,029 ..41111maL EXCELLENT CATERERS - The duties of preparing and serving the meal for the recent Lucan ladies bowling league banquet were handled by members of Lucan Legion branch 540. Back, left, Keith Dickson, Bob Anderson and Earl Knoblauch, Front, John Moon, Jim Freeman, Emmerson DeGra w, chefs Sid Daley and Bill Smith, Jim Simpson, Bert Thompson and Dick Worthingtom T-A photo 409,556 191,655 /1101111.1.,