HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-05-25, Page 14• Enclosed please find my: 0 cheque money Order for._.„. tickets at $2.00 each 0 cheque money order for $18.00 for a book of ten tickett. Make cheque8 payable to "Kin Lottery" and mail to Kin Lottery, Box 1779, Cornwall, Ontario. 160.38 NAME ADDRESS APT CITY • PROM kin totter g Draw date June 15th 1st prize $50,000 2nd prize $20,000 3rd prize $10,000 $100,000 total cash prizes Kinsmen - serving the community's greatest need. Kin Lottery licenced by the Province of Ontario #115257 Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased from the following authorized sales outlets Bank of Montreal Exeter Flowers Fred Larnkamp Esso Bank of Nova Scotia Len McKnight & Sons Ralph Genttner Fuels AVCO Finance Men's Wear Snell Shell Service Exeter District Co-op Dinney Furniture South End Service Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased from any member of participating Kinsmen Clubs or authorized sales outlets. For information on becoming a Kin Lottery ticket agent, write: Kin Lottery. Box KIN, Cornwall. Ontario. UdJ[12)13 RIGHT PRICE RIGHT SERVICE RIGHT NOW limit (11 inell)'5 RUSSELL ELECTRIC 432 Main Street, Exeter, Ont . ANNUAL PEPSI DRIVE — Members of the Exeter Kinsmen and Kinnette clubs staged their annual sale of Pepsi through Exeter Thursday night. Shown up on the truck are Brian Sanders, Fred Lankamp and Ray Cockwell while Wanda Reynolds is at the wheel of the truck and Lynda Sanders out front, Fete bride at Saintsbury; church marks anniversary I, RONALD W. CALDWELL, Dashwood, will not be respon- Sible for any debts other than those contracted by me per— sonally or with my written ap- proval. 20,22* 23 Legal Notices THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION Licensing District No, 1 TAKE NOTICE that INGE- BORG SABIENE KARLA GAL- LANT of the Village of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton will make application at a Spe- cial Meeting of the Liquor Li- cence Board of Ontario to be held at the Windsor Jewish Community Centre, 164]. Ouel- lette Avenue in the City of Windsor in the County of Es- sex on Wednesday the 21st day of June, 1972, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock D.S.T. in the fore- noon for the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE, for the sale and consumption of liquor where foods is available. for t h e following premises known as GALLANT'S MOULIN ROUGE RESTAURANT situate at Municipal Number 36 On- tario Street North in the Vil- lage of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton. Any person who is resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. Maxwell Schott, the deputy registrar of the licensing dis- trict, whose address is 306 Can- ada Building, Windsor, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the applica- tion is to be heard, DATED at Exeter this 11th day of May, 1972. Ingeborg Gallant, 36 Ontario Street North, Grand Bend, Ontario. C.V. Laughton, Q.C., Bell & Laughton, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. McGregor Top Quality Beef Government Inspected Whole Half Beef 70' Beef 71' Cut and Wrapped Quick Frozen Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Phone 262-5839 LAMBTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER The Lambton County Board of Education invites tenders for: ASPHALT PAVING Plans and specifications may be obtained from Mr, E. T. Edmonds, Controller of Plant, 190 Wellington Street, Sarnia. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. D.S.T. Wednesday, June 7, 1972. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. E. J. EDMONDS, CONTROLLER OF PLANT 21c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, 1972 for the supply and delivery of the fol- lowing materials: Job #1: North from Hwy. 23 to Lot 3, Concession 10-11, a distance of 1,25 miles. Approximately 8,000 cubic yards Clay Fill; Approximately 8,000 cubic yards "B" Gravel. Job #2: North from Hwy. 23 to Lot 12, Concession 14-15, a distance of .5 miles. Approximately 3,000 cubic yards Clay Fill; Approximately 2,500 cubic yards "B" Gravel. A minimum of 500 cubic yards to be delivered per day. Township to do all spreading. Work to be completed by Sep- tember 1, 1972. Bids will be accepted on one or both jobs. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars con- tact JOHN BATTEN Road Superintendent, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Phone 229-8831 or 229-6363. 20-21c 25 Auction Sales CANCELLATION AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings and Antiques WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 at 1:00 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL for Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner and Mr. & Mrs. Wayne MacNaughton HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE Watch your paper for further notice. NORM WHITING, Auctioneer Exeter 235-1964 21c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 25 Auction. Sales Property Sold Extensive AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Household Effects, Antiques and Garden Tools FOR INEZ AND CECIL VAN HORNE 1 mile south of main intersec- tion, Highway 21, Grand Bend, SATURDAY, MAY 27 at 12:30 p.m. sharp FURNITURE; 3 piece bedroom suite, box spring and mattress; double dresser (excellent con- dition); dining room table and hutch; round coffee table; one upholstered chair; 4 chrome chairs; 2 studio couches and chair; pole lamp; floor and table lamps; beige all wool rug and pad 9x15; telephone table and chair; oval braided rug; small rug 6's6' 9"; assortment of mats, pillows and blankets; chest of drawers; utility table; long coffee tables; TV tables; step stool; roll-away bed; swiv- el chair; matching Coppertone GE frost free refrigerator, fully automatic Moffat propane stove with rotisserie; GE electric dryer (new); GE floor polisher; Woods deep freeze; Kenmore wringer w a s h i n g machine; portable aluminum laundry tubs; electric coffee percolator; tea kettle; waffle iron; deep fryer; irons; 2 burner hot plate (new); chrome kitchen stool; electric fry pan; toaster; bar- becue set (new); 2 fire extin- guishers; 4 sets outdoor Christ- mas lights; kettles; canner; roasting pan; kitchen utensils; silverware. ANTIQUES: Railway roll top cabinet; sectional glass book- case; cherry spool bed; large apple peeler; coal oil lamps; Aladdin lamp; German shotgun; shelf clock; steeple clock; cap- tain's chair; sauerkraut cutter and press. Antique dishes include: candy glass pitcher and 5 matching glasses; large assortment of vases, teapots, cream & sugars, cups and saucers; figurines; knickknacks; liqueur decanter; 3 trunks; flat irons; coal oil lantern; meat grinder; rare bird collection in glass case; two 5 gallon crocks, one with lid; assortment of jugs and crocks; 4 antique dining room chairs (excellent); 4 milking stools; oil paintings; picture frames. GARDEN TOOLS: Rubber tired wheelbarrow, like new; exten- sion ladder; lawn roller; 22" portable electric fan on stand; 12" electric fan; 18" electric fan; dehumidifier; electric drill and bits; emery and motor on stand; ice bucket; 3 garden hoses; garbage can; Coleman lantern; forks; shovels; saws; carpenter's tools; lawn swing with mattress; Lawn Boy mow- er and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: Cash Proprietors nor auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. INEZ & CECIL VAN HORNE, Proprietors Tel: 238-2415 PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Tel: 262-5515 20-21c 11111 ..... 11111111111111 iiiiii 11141 Too Late To Classify FOR SALE — Two-storey white brick house, 3 bedrooms a n d bath upstairs; 2-piece bath, bedroom, living room, kitchen, sun-room downstairs. Call after 6 p.m., 2364360, Mrs. Helen Thiel. 21c 25 Auction. Sales TWILIGHT ANTIQUE AUCTION COMMUNITY CEN'rliE, PARKHILL SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 27 at 0;00 p.m. Glass, China, Clocks, Primitives, Furniture, etc. Paddle bidding. Lunch available, Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON, HUGH FILSON HANLON McDONALD, Prop. Phone 232-4376 21c Mother here from Germany By MRS. JOSEPH CAREY MT. CARMEL, Mrs. Berta Luer arrived at Malton airport Thursday from Duesseldorf, Germany. She is the mother of Mrs. Nick Jeromkin and it is her first visit to Canada by plane. She hopes to visit with Mr. & Mrs, Nick Jeromkin and family for six weeks. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SA I NTSBU R Y Mrs. Hugh Davis held a trousseau tea, May 20, in honour of her only daughter Heather Alarie's forthcoming marriage. Receiving guests was the bride, her mother and the groom's mother, Mrs. Hoffman, Dash- wood. Donna McFalls and Debbie Taylor were in charge of the guest book. The dining room was decorated in tones of soft yellow to deeper shades in flowers and streamers. A lace cloth in matching tones was centred with a silver can- delabra with tall yellow lighted tapers. Assisting pouring tea in the afternoon was the bride's step- great-grandmother, Mrs. Richard Dickins, Exeter and the groom's aunt, Mrs. Ken McCrae, Scouts at camparee By MRS. J. TEMP LEMAN STA F FA Gordon Miller, David Tern- pleman, Jim Scott, Steven Quance, Keith Butson, Dennis and Glen Parsons were among the. Cromarty Scouts who at- tended the camparee at Wild- wood Park on the weekend. Persona Is Edna and Janet Miller, London visited on the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller. Rob Templeman visited with friends in Niagara Falls on the weekend. Bill Worden graduated Sunday with his B.A. in Geography from Waterloo Lutheran University, Waterloo. Present at the graduation were his father, Alvin Worden, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Richard, Bowmanville, Rosanna Worden, Toronto, Joanne Wor- den, Ottawa and Bonnie Miller, Hamilton. Mrs. Robert Mayer and Brian, Kirkton, Mrs. Bob McDonald, Mrs. Jack Kraft and Shelly, Exeter visited Monday with Mrs. John Templeman and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and families. Darlene and Debbie Taylor, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Bev Taylor, danced on "Big Al" over CKCO Television Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Eaton and family Orillia spent the holiday weekend at their home in the community. Mr. & Mrs, Leslie Miller and girls visited Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Bert Hemmingway, Brussels. Enjoy trip to `Opry' By MRS. STAN PR ESZCATOR CREDITON EAST Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jesney and Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Grasdahl returned home after holidaying in Nashville,Tennesee where they attended the Grand Old Opry. Personals Mr, & Mrs. Bernie Clark and family, 'London, visited Sunday with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dye. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Miles, London, spent the weekend with the let- ters sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dye. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Taylor, Georgetown, visited over the weekend with Mr, & Mrs. Don Dinney and Mrs. Chris Dinney and Charlie. Mr. & Mrs, Stan Preszcator attended the Smith-Freemark wedding Saturday in London. Barbara Preszcator spent the weekend with Joan Klemke of Centralia. Elber Lewis, Goderich Hospital, spent the weekend with Mr, & Mrs. Leonard Wein, Margaret Ilaist, Caledonia, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heist and Robert. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Excluslveheallag4ubstance proven to shriek hemorrhoids and repair Op rnp.pd tissue. A renowned research Institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes And speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place Most important of ell— results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (hio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. We Specialize In Custom Slaughtering and Processing To Individual Requirements * Cattle and Hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abattoir for Your Protection. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Beef Slaughtering $5.00 Pork Slaughtering (up to 200 lbs.) $4.00 Cutting, Wrapping and Quick Freezing Beef 7c lb. Pork 6c lb. Curing and Smoking ' Hams and Bacons 12c lb. 'Slaughtering on Monday only. All Processing Guaranteed EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 235-0400 Page 14 Times.Advocate, May 25, 1972 24 Tenders Wanted 22 Notices Dashwood. Also helping in the afternoon was the bride's. grandmother, Mrs. Heber Davis, Centralia and the groom's aunt, Mrs. Jack Soldan, Zurich. In the evening tea was poured by the bride's grandmother, Mrs. George McFalls, Centralia and the groom's aunt Mrs. Mervin Tieman, Dashwood, Tea was also served in the afternoon by a friend, Rita Ritsima, Wingham who graduated with the bride to be and by cousins Marylou Tindall and Tracy Quinton. In the evening, friends Sandra Errington and Vicki Poole and cousin Jean Barker assisted. Showing gifts were Mrs. Ralph Simpson, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mrs. Wayne Love. Gloria Meyer and. Nancy Tindall. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. Don Meyer, Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mrs. Bob Tindall, Mrs. Ron Carroll. Personals In reporting the shower for Heather Davis at St. Patrick's Parish Hall last week the names of Mrs. Ralph Simpson, London, Mrs. Larry Greenlee and Mrs. Leslie Greenlee were forgotten. Sorry. Mr, H. S. McLean called to see his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs and family on his way to his home in Teeswater, from Florida. Donna and Darin McFalls spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll, Ian and Brenda . Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and children were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Clarke and girls, Shipka. Mrs, Earl Greenlee and Mrs. Larry Greenlee accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Anderson Exeter, to Windsor Monday. They at- tended atrousseau tea at the home of Rev. & Mrs. Dixon in honor of their daughter Marylou, whose marriage to Ken Anderson will be held May 26. Mr. & Mrs. Ford Dyer, Sarnia, spent the weekend with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Carroll. Anniversary service will be held at St. Patrick's church on Sunday with Rev. G. Anderson, Exeter, as guest minister. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood and Bill Lambourne will provide special music for the occasion, Everyone is welcome. Mr. & Mrs, Tom Kooy attended the 80th anniversary of Grace Anglican Church, Ilderton, Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Hilda McIntosh, Ilderton. Personals Mr. & Mrs. John Gillespie, Toronto, visited the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm McCann, over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Waller, Peterborough were guests over the holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ryan and George. Sister St. Paul, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visited for a few days with Mr. Joseph Dietrich and Paul, Mr. & Mrs, Clem Boland and family and Mr. & Mrs. Joe Conlin and family, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilflin and Bill of Blair, and Richard and Wendy Trainor spent holiday with Mrs. Mary Trainor and family. Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Ducharme, Windsor were week-end guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey. Michael Hogan was among the many students from N.M.D.H. School to enjoy- a bus trip to Washington last week. Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy and family, Maidstone, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Ryan and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan and families. Rev. Father Cyril Doyle, London has been assisting Father J. Mooney for the past 10 days. Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie O'Brien have purchased the farm of Hubert Arts west of Crediton and have moved from the farm of Roy Thompson. Mrs. Mary Trainor was the lucky winner of a CKSL Coffees Club food hamper last Thursday. Nora and Margaret Hall ;'" Windsor, were guests of their parents Mr. & Mrs. John Hall and Philip on the weekend. Many members attended the C.W.L. May meeting last Tuesday evening held in the school gym. Mrs. Wm. Regier Pres. & Mrs. Marion Sullivan were delegates at the 52 annual Diocesan Convention of the C.W.L. and held at the Can- terbury Inn in Sarnia. They each gave a very good report of the two interesting days. Whiting Auctioneering and Appraisal Service Profit by Experience We give complete sale service . Book your sale early to avoid conflicting dates Free service for charitable organizations NORM WHITING, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone collect 235-1964 Exeter o- 4,