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Huron Signal, 1871-4-6, Page 2
.s ���� , k -�- ., . , ' ' i.. I I . . .1 i w .. .]C -. _.. �"'...+-•�- 5t "_ . iz Taira +■ ,v.r s ��: - - y.�. _ ( .. - �" - «s,:. -__._ r• i �, _ 1 - ,__ ,,,� _..� •'`_'..'�►'•= _ .:._its-��emc __ • awe .•.�._ ... _.-,_--_.-._.-.__...- ,: --_ - - ---- - --- _ --- A(IODh,RIOHBVY. v y vidwlr that senator should eft bel Prnttoatwo- lMr °alt -m facterwo dowharles I(thsatT"( We""P•hed, b• where this late beery lr•sta bore spaded ��� � 11K� cly;iblefur eppetuament tnofbotsietha,bMs° w»t pentioest•theallo wofCem- prupenyhuld°nwwoWuuduubtrispairtAa �n,mt;t.lklGntN,x (.Aler.rdN•roh and Wightadtttoso""'4A "' Hnrs°.nd AL1T� FOR TIIE��ILLIuN I I t I gilt, sod whu-h would be hknly to maks Fwd 8ureaC••pr,Yingfuawrat-.atoll- dwha, it they g. t qtly rn.■r,uab;r amtrot Uattl+ In -Ili au`ch ►. owls al)d HrV, i. ,� a�� 83'.B,HAVINQ ESTABLIBHE:D dN Fa :LIIBIVE I. n ut the doriaiuw d lbw Howe to of thr,Q. Hr. f+wJtrlr In"vur, ar:uod•d {th, son clip tete t••11�•wwg : how■r•r nthrr dltliuult w prvr:uro, Ix+u+a - ------ them /h• tele, of IM minipq, wY i itte+, at the second gaodi11 [ /h+ b i1r. NAlva s, that t!u C;.,wwd reengnise Ts■ haw $u►.Aw•hau+.-Yooterdsy, in g.nurol fat l0 fiuJ, and Iwrtly to lion- ZZUCX o�RU 6th, 1811, brought rD (or disposal. There voted for IC u y g rAti•nn, were e-noico'c-1 ;fur raising ch"e. !1l T, ('A P, rb FUR STURk _ _ Mir Blake's meuure 57 and • ain" it Tati 4, take oKtM int or do nage the neewut� u[ puttu,o too senile aeon �� th40 »ew mhear-Ings w bleb barn t.nuu aren - Tat DD1xI•zaaL Hnlcos. La the asw building, eloctod b ) ! a utkM' sen rat. De. Coleaae tM hart,,,ryuay urge the d"uks thrroolt to y umMlf, tut skimmer, on Wot SiSa, Mukul & nail tib, the Dearest sppnmah to defeat Jobe i oa4itr .i .( seafurth,hove Ilona dews an ejityvut •tat° u( kip it and a , w,n,t w K ♦bltllta4rwd i[Ul1oa Do11811,r. I � I 11 d rt the Atwrc,rn lt.teiu La the Hxrlrnsr 9'h40 itt-hurt hltlwrto mrntiunud .. 15 NOW RECEIVING AND WILL OPEN e,�„ A. bee had, thiswn•iow. Air',°marowi to •�Ppla�rnt the pet tion$ b, Word .1 is"muntiw '.f the bfavnr, Crrbh, 8&1"&" Onmolia°lunen, skid it a aapocte.l they leaving Aeon, to sows extant subscribwf alma dsd dot ° ar ow obn divtaMefell maetY 1 hats a r• um Wr a (eine hop• DrucY. sons tiu,cl.t,r to a,w will lr hoisted lilt• iarltu•u t•, dot. These (o: Ly the member of Mr, tiranta' cun¢ra (kir Ih-tD•peotieD of the publi°, oat AxD A ■owD•aD anu.ro> xuna. PPe ( eider the utste•m as•erteo.the lift)' e a rliselovs f"r-rue" uu.6r■, bollen, .Co., .tion, Andw bis .van t" that untlouun OA Saturds thel4th d1 of March, (871, _ �■11d Uta qutution ie aakrd : N'hrro was hstttsyt+uyeree•ed. 9 Pl g g g g cert of ntlss,ee.ry w•�rk• rod relent a, null („ and [rum veaeela, aro ihr Lorgtla ..t flu Y a tnbnto of the rMpnct then wolertru, r r Salry treat Canadianit.,kaf„r.ar•l .,ti16,Nr. Cemeroerf W'e have no doubt oat] jilt IrlasT TRIP.-Oo Saturday, al uteettu of 0,.,cell. Me.en >:aNth kiwi in trrland. The • ale ltkl (,web b {ellght 4, the ttmr wtian the lis uuoi mrmberoen natj.footrily ezp:riu hu abanea ` m., lM Wm 1• sserr Irft llodstirh I g > iK m "their (uator, he► not ytlt TM I,u,Vsst leen faatAuJ llub, UAp,, sold Funsishi,sy U •y e■ar 6,vtuJltf w Q• fereoA. p• M D.ruoo drier-lit.d the RPp.istm•Dt of and well be ablo to lift op to GU t"ns,whsell been purchased ; the subscription however ,.,..wows taw. ».etr1 et, 1a. ut *ill watsrd tn,w the AtLnge to teen 1'rci- l and we should like him W do au at otNe. li,r Rineard'Ine with • full osr([o of ai,eroul eommlttva+a, whenither• were l71ms. emAl be cantly raioororl ((,nu a Tess"l to the is undunterKl t, • Vrnttr wall rrivauwS, r } _ 4 En lish, New York, � Oanadian Fashionable Si ar i ti•. and its auto ttadroel ler•,ma ihr z";!,• -'-- Freight and a Isre, namb•rof passengers.I wltteus f,•r toe pur,xre. M(r. MyWKMM quay or sirs eeran, and lowurtd into file and i; a to ba ho�pbd the Uurd. geullrmai. �- POS:7LA.i.ItR l3RNERAj-'3 RB• g proper piece with comparative same, They will rant beequgy,ed to his cuur(ort •lite Hats, Fur & wool Felt Hilts ■ay e.f b.,th hennephctvr■, Ituc this mtwh POd'f, `he rMurned t.. Galvrich on Slnnd6) at thou s rue duty world ba lint Y�rluw ' Rsrois the um,( It sou our duty to repair tete what( if It NI(1 Atl w,Kk•d_wlW twU rnvtll'ublw atlglnea. arlla!•Ctb,n, M tete •lwttl ut ihr noose at I - - -.. - 3 a, m, and 'eft for I wY own, and a iso be nse•rrr a, Y �LSIJ, Ailk and Cloth Crpe, of tM latest St les •till Patterns fur spring West. Moet of ? ten 14deaired reault atunot he "td)' am - - y 1Ruvost is about s'2,*A They have been present, »+ske. bis journryeowa a very irk- y . wwttAts»I. W'u bare beta aiuuuu to ■,rid! Wo have received, through )L C Camc- trenenR+ &, early a 6r+t trip is Does- certain this, awl also how4he dred inK ibis Stock has beau m&•le gw»n611v to my erdvr, sod Y 1 claim to have s thurougb ren E M. 1'., the I.,rtula.trr t)erunli •m .h•a at lhie coon. The ro elan, s g made b D1wn. C"urtons alt Stevonwa, sone end Iahuri•mr task. In con uncttan !bI"liar, op w 3Uth Junr. 29:0. Ctin Awe. 1 F P`' W"nl•i kffwa the matter. Ouce that was from dei w fist ishe d byyMr. Liters, C. with the above romarka, it a currentI ro- knowledwe of the 11A 1' sod CAP bwinw sed like elle (witb Iha hogs' sod varied stock I }tntisb Colruhia Waite bar dcatini s auL ; Y w. ptir„I, behswe& br+ti:i[ully and his taotortly, vertrined, the work should Q ig purtad, also that a testitoonul of that, bar° on b►nd.vdwpoWinudb rocrtri&I(,) tsa teat! would h• tW last to throe nu.s f„r three years (ret a 1411° tabulator! : S., to al "f whwm ihr dvel n e. work• any rneadlw ot.tseb in tkw ora 11'u \w rn •u t,,tt••+w a.v.... s, , _ much Itryter ospa°ity for carl(o, t» does. Ila• Crabb said ut an interview Ill aut.ip •n htgbly erroditxAle. Thaw ur a wmow�lat ■tmilrr nstut■ u un the TO PiEASE THE EYE AND FIT THE HEAD OF THE HOST y. 1►Ilh tM Midkur of Publio Works it re& greatutilit) ie& crone.- tape& for theSiyxal'sAutherlytwrrespendout Fam"unjs, &lid st prkwo that will defy competition. r.ws-r h..r a,.. l ft. Gtlnsns'tt Stn;9TY.--J. J. (fri[ht d� tl rtsstat tkst all) 0 Works would °Iter-le¢swill hoof . would have been willing to se:n8ce nut a leu,,; ,.• , t the Pnse lout, cells lbe Awaaa[ y tion with the r tpidly-incro ming trade, and Y a token of the appreciation in which hu . . . 1 „ . "q soot make s Harbor of lt+hsgr wltAwd tbu will sgord immation f cilitise for the To u,ntribitiont are Iwld b the readers ,,t little to secure for (utero aenentious w Isom a.'is 1+,•., •., 1-1,1, I,es' tmerlin of the StG"WItst $,nvoottmt end Mr. moral of &,sell hear asterisk"taws for that'ourna1. 1 ho the award hurmrable R anter+ control uE tAe H.trb,q )J Canadian.ns-bard on the I'scific. We Iso 61 u 11.v_w.,.. I7, A u: $clatter for Wu appoinn*g p(*Soen (ur Brydgea stated, at several interviews, lent( Whish then aro iutnt dawl. will 440 ween W th fin, r canon Y thorn We M' SAVelCKa J tt Yu uu, 10I t,7r7 t.l:: h• aY n n. -- . object however to m"rte ago our mri,spenty uta •.•a• the fear d the era°aa�,it-an of other p l•• l to gtwo them this c""taut •Phe Me. Luura referred to is the talent- aro more thea Dae ie& this locality who Guderieh, March Lt, 1671. / � - � `----- The folt"vewg new arrangemaiutae p �.use".r<IVA platland Hotel, There could therefore be °cuceh any Io K• b&1(w untur►, upprew Dorset vee walls prell : -•"('Ise mlrod'tatwn n( what ►re Imp T ed sem "t oar erk oft Pa"o,n L. idem dnsituw to des am h that ified b'a -- v, 7th fljwil at . 30 p. til. A dunbt •b,»t this anbjnct. But the tnaD Liaar F anteaa nablr taxes, end retard the earn- kni,wn Re'p+ts►rds' in the U'tletod heir ed S, a is nested. p.sltiontor a thin• ° "l•. Clerk ut t.a Yoaen, whren Noathe ! MlstilT aro boat rectl6rd br- _ - - WY nut Ill a hll&ndl&1 k +nu ►leaned b erserenn Indicotwy, t• re& oho 0ecur. Thi. u mNut r u» of ever uthir sseteon, area (•.r ►web `lam, and the eogveuietsc/ whiebk Wtel [011 aMMt • u h ro air. A tem <rxr n win would U°a°' Y i g Y iJa" !* - fp+aa y In hero att.mlad that, mss, have indtswl zhT n 6Acnvoi Mustc.-The j I 1" Y P w• aro ple"ed W 11a+e eke l(nraegs of -00 Allard Poiwcs I rnY:uon b ear utTilnry. TM erh.nno r be uw1eM. Bat the Cwiacil dn.nld lint .. - Ihe Daiwa tutent to utak• arratigos..ssb ler (jptegsratur of he i filent 11ewey on, eihr ,cajoling, saDuut. HATS' HATS ! ' HATS 1 f ! .t 4. )twe•lottald-Cartier odmiueetr&tblh CM m•asfrWur* of on ell pyse easdm t N. K the ■erect, which w" of the width u(:r3 ii •ors A the se reckless extas•ag&nt u.d the oar sof the pluMio ie& Ganda TAM• built for this W,•sltru Church by T. F. f rt, in thoI b repair. Though the n • Dr. Weldon our village physician from OOLBORNE. anaulewsaultk• me"urws, wbicA •b+i.kl ni°t •avds well M eiW at .ase Seat each' iooM l:uj Toronto will b•• celebrated vain of the dtwk would wne6t him largely hie una"11meng dad gentlnnunlr bearing dNOTHE$ LARGE CONSIGNMENT Ji73T RECEIVED BY sh��dberesiikedand•reake. Which should 'iI-A o1s7 Dopresdt.rr AM Warning within Is a Of fel C"Reert of Sacred Mu.ie, he wYr,uMi°utiowlt opposed W the et-$AsaaTa&•tlone,Coxvtt*Twr.-ATown- since hie To i *roe here, u wall u In..., `{ the Do minu.n- rod *ill be amre;;w G rte son W,tdMdaT eveni Ai Mnditure, He thought the Cooned should hu skill m cbe treatment of hi• pwkrnta,and ,�r• .0 • =1U �i ) Melee thkbe+adtho[ihelawd.Tlle m ,tat ' ship Convention w" bald st Seajtbi Hill other intrinsic menis, u fast bec.miD a - q P lid 1 d stination, awl be delivered ja like mils ft afpaoy Blarkbora, nr_anist or the to InTo the gwestion-**"00°atld.i'noulact g Came & $ .� L11eIIIr - t b. ign,w• a (nwdamental principle in mer ner aalh letters- the mise dont coTetTo,�Cle Cldrtgb of fly H.ly Tenet Toroab, the Wood and Bridge C"mmittre t9yv2.mr, on" -Palley; yl•ttalW,-" nb+ultals saheatls piblic fa•onto ; atud rlthoOgh we cannot cue bdh of elle card aDd of rlai[7• y the street. Hovel by Ile. L'rsamtse" me. were roproernted. Then were two ees• natnuwN itih tar oetghbon-ynorr than .-_. _ ._- _ _-___. --toy RnpY .eat, a int •t this •w.•m •w tM leant aM ddgs ao • UKutituttos,-that principle on which "n, p CTT -6 p-jilo st the or(jart, a treat cs In• h Mr, Smith that the i oad and Linde Interco, 01140 to the ifteODIMU at -2 o';(ock oursel, r to be .+igen, or says lY, sH°cttd - ratp�.• , t, a•i r".r ee+. at r P•••a a +h.0 t''tr I rat• O -- ' (%%seen re presentatiom in ha k.4-- The Packet sen tou with the Djt• I Y g + - 1tw •flkriwliasia*w l+,W. *.nd0.r and School nru rl. •°a ri:inais •+�+- -�------_� - --- Pu etoertyy d Kingdom hen earned during a TOW : etfaaMnaliAtion may b azp•eted of no C•.mmltteo new the barb r wtroat, aervr- and the other in the evening at T o'clwit bJaiekaslis, dis"ter, kir wee ul tbs surw•s• ±� "-_ __ wmlltt tr° e.tkceat,t stone to calldonn upon Crdtnv kin 1. i'be ewrwl 1rt of the stn the robablsart "(ro rn sod n rt ous Ill" which flesh i+ heir to, we cottaiuly eddse.,iiii 1M„ Iilff. '- - --- _ atrrtY. Dsw"r&reci f P P P• P' ' ""- - - __� - , In thestterna•n, the chair wY oocnPied Augur tar him " much true a inh:s "'" - it imr40wtved cewdeumation. Tho p ""!" Tn 1 fmm C•.aaa 1.116.104 1.831, ' pr*FTi+ume by been rzet'Irntly provtfed to ihr nnzt me40tng of inclair Mr. M •g -_."`--'--'_- I'nbb se& rod thxt lit Sinclair should by S/r. John Varo a And the followieK ad- pwtossurn " the dthe Lord n al resulting tion kit British G.himbiw, Ay sll aoo•oants, Tu ora (.,:n c, r tts.,ake ei.n. wil ^.Ire Ch,�ir of ells C onvd=Altion Kif••a Moo our li►bilit to the unlmaucag "1 ro- h lis Dwt over 60,0(x) or G0,000, 01' these on; Between U • Cnetsd S" &evil CanadA 2,• Clerk & to hie mull to are up l the *lid t e wen dnli,•et•ion" b theth rechla,la Y P _ . y will beaRist• d by ijr enol Airs Thompwoo Cork enol Tw"urea to make& u a stsu wldenw may lander it necemuy Iur cell lUl SIIDDfI'IlSfnlfllCL (roan 12,OW to ID,1ges Saw "lies a.d the 29-3.003 letter° were outawbsog.d. Tile and clticr abl • voaabots wbomour e-ttacno P sod their organirahoa" by OM Rt• Al r. bre . roman t t aY ase •x -dare h ter ri ski Mttmated a: "OUL4• •neat t our linrnmol •Burs, including our Ing hu sear Ices into ARKIAiti. driver. Whu sett With t eco se& idea bwlaaw In•lioms skid Chinese. 'In them n letter Itegir are ales• dtle�ted to bn40 the pr�rileK• tndebtetlunr. It illi ht tAeu be pwlble Dunkley; "lr,cat Cu°r°cations' by Dir. H. TOA, rAaruuw. """""`^""'""""'�"�' u Pn.Poswl �o gi,s a roprrwntatirfn of ti (IW, only 71 of W hick to ray way mise"t- g Ant Yater ight m f W'Ith the oma ),w- ..eeshece is the D•ineiwnn P,,rhatuent. or Tied, 33 of these being made g,.,A Dy tilt Of Joem g b• Yet hope oho pabhe will po b"1n,w • tow the end ivee, arl toe "if J. Nott ; "The Teacher's PAa int re and The monis to blah lits, -, which 1 lithely, might say that 1 boom it re,all ji tr%Dut 1 tavern 10uant,the W hlte woko- ppawrrtses resp.,nable f.•r lite waualty, 'I ha not lace 'be eppnrt ri"or of enj sting • the sho and throw the bunl.n a little oB Duty' by Rev 1.. U Rios. tis ubje t. A Dude o nders Land weeks -ntp hu, i am 40,1, if o. isr o i■ str W tech acyvi { r hge PAPERS. •w, kine ie& UnNteiu we are content Diitt'fmmt* *w•wfwrd 324,291 ; 190,UU1) mosiwl 'earl, et an ordtK that se1Jom Uta shoulder "f the paean' napayen. ,lucnaiun bwk platy on e(ech wbjnK, A ¢'van w understand, hese prep eased until I wewl gen, u to m.lrusR bis ows • K� mil WALL z - -•-- I ler. H„rt,a thou bt the race Was inn rawtuhi 1'eacheri Aruciati,ra was then June. The chufcnuw of chi■ Anlay, ins from the tannate gear►lee of the youth. wI• '- -- - sled noddle b°lan.e of 1`11IN:MQ'xay MLOM& _--- K �+ q p matter •o mnmrntuu". is I bahora W bis . beeanso this t• theproportwn we are en empu.. -.b 1-1.1 of td- swat that As-. YaAenmle s Onubing a youth's head with a stick d ahmuW ba b lho Ounn- od wit'.11oefeiluautgoRdoen 'Pr°°I- attributed to the express wish of the par- rather a la a diameter. If kis hand In tttltuLto by the U•ntedarati,ts Act. Th.s anmmari" &s f,dl,W& tit.Crwl :.c I - yFaabgwi Ij4040ntwry.mQd cilli of the ` FatrfiirandedrWtwAlthou • --^ - -- - _ .,I.tyaunbed, he would have had playing l 4-ou� i•✓,ie7rlrk a -tat /e -ew. Aeeeant l■wwt .,n tYed ,; sig nett at ..J') for lKew prtnuos,'ea sore done ir. the nese .,[ Nwr,i- _.- - - '- -. '- --: _".. ha a LiarMae -Club. reel. Yetdiem of feorgu N. Persons to Trouurer, r. - , ` to °�_.7 Lrnye batWr u vre4abdiuu. Through cheiri" R unto of Harbert hill droln; which sell, in deruot o , rt -- tsiba and now Pr.p.soc l tar :A d•," a en this !� iii (i; i'ewas All vera OS, saw, ntusitvd t.i r�"lepwa�ibim-g .o�� -eoA of ht► -lots. -fir .Haan Andrew Dsrl,JAmea IitetheriDJtun Lshal d•,ctnne ut thmr C.,de of Nxtrral ar Q--Pa-peprt: -• - - -` rase of British u.lomtns, is A c rsm i ., ads a.am s: attend. (ernes to Komri end tiro(gs C.,motittee PT`ioboTu Y iiSt?tsh.-dchn Ililisas- *J pa., r.ob L t,. haYJ9 the nuptial. 1 i-ce t bra talars i W An mulcted out o 1 r - _ � adios frantfit with ornoos danger re& •sola And tM f•dlowi ora• tb• twuit of last ARcntr�j tYe would Ball the g g� tete too dollen it 1 a,uW elect •cum ya P tutor° iktwwn Af nu,t"bm skid Briti.b Dg ra- Petition for • plank aids-w&Iit on Weat St. aka ; M meet half -yearly. There wore celebrated en the m,mth ^f )dry, as *alt him, aul male ilia touter mon WeW.t, Q�,,lss of Satin Papers, - C•Jn1a MA th+n to tarotvey wthaam fur°ar�° bodne+" attention of �Isb':o to tfieadTt rtiwment sod oSenng kr pay hal[ the cert by Alnz• Dnoont Tuiton (rem the :a7de end Dun- formerly s/Rgro+tal. Avemng Y they do --�� "sv '-- with dnible suwrit lhet •cerlrunld )Soot• though A deagtiun of this kill of meth• - , et 13evenue.................. $91,418.71 of %,% itis ,it.et. Ws have fro• ruder Walloon and J„bn Brackweadge gannnn. AttM eya11in rlaootin which e" Y cine auuld no doubt do him good. Iso New Gold Pa erg several oro•1OoM, &rel a contu,tunu40 I Cwt of "Artseedgeasrtvw• IIIb 97 i" granted. A wtitua kr the owe cff+a uu l g' tush proverb, which rune tt the °ffat.tbnt, cAmcl0•ton 1 mt ht add, that Votor u a P s .,sell n ,L&W-11s of relative right• might •--_•.. qu°ptly urg Dir Hiok to open son f woll-attended the hall Ming crowded, Mr. (iif ys marry in ",_Ye R else Jen site ! q ` e,tlndn 6s u gwwlpeng tM It•R•ti�nats uu Profit •-_- "Q1ce, het ssve nal of hi• Is11e Kingston St. opposite Cox A Macdonald's o,wanl. \\'hy diat'e h• no! hke a man, P Rice seem the first speaker, deliverin Now Oak Pa ers, fluenw of the already ulnen Prerinew, s2oa0•t1 groce•y, Rnntr"1. The Strost lrupucJors 1 q • is )use "trn40 " bark l,rint. Uf onnrea wy(n hu naps ie& hu artedM, Aud nut P -- •- - . P"P -Rod known fi den hi• abilities in - end the dor IueAlble ead wunld be the de- In the Scaring• Rant department tAe ort- e�X rophr: sons ,wad And rrtwived. Auiwnt of re0iul address U •'Prreau." Rey James some ;,enPle chin the dlatsnc/ina of being snookin¢ly elanrEsr decent people tbrongh P Arebiteetural 444ng. u well 0 a Prue- T. Andrews. Belie[ 82.00, onlered to M endowed With entire microWlipic prlwen of r,lmmlxrment and kine the •xun.am o{ tot depwlfA arcus 1st April llfdd to 91st 8uirrnt(ht, foderich, ijd t►ed, al& very tb• pram., oust 'the at her same "f NOW Dlning Re0111 Pipers, _- Confmieratean. Bili 'this &grct "f the s* as',r.rT Least m,•ebanie. IL would here play that paid. Air. Sinclair moved and Mr. Davi- that ,,Teaeben And Ctiilrlroq" (n • tory ruwn• than tbrir lenerodote neighis ; YO,+rD I moat '•ay that then i. sum, nnNun a not the mart sonnus, 'In Ie&- oto building esu A emustruct roperly son wounded that shale tree° he planted Interesting manner. Mr.I)unkley spoke •red oro doubtlru move con,enrotthare- anah,Ry hat se+sw Vetere •mnpsihon aiod qq Dec. 1970, were 60,991 $3,3`i3,2(1:•,00 hy, with the laws of fate, which mw oat e- Now Marble Papers, -. Ane Bntuo Columb• to unite with its, K tthJrawrin 2U,lfbd 1,4.iU,i UL4O without a •cil: d'srted plan, bis m and pndxtetl on the wh"le of East Street „n "Tempprerattci't" ill children, expros. y what tAe tory "od, when sent �, b,rruw a ' the debt "f the Pn,rin.ar smnnntinR t, seldom thoulh+(by thn•r who b0e1J and an West 1St. from the Moutreal Bank wig the t}ea=rn t^ see the pl+dge intnduri rally an,ngh ece,wmt W in the present °ane' saw. •'Pa wants a br.&d-aze to saw an Showing the •rtsdxctory reale "f about to the Haitland Hoall-tarried. M"val for •v"tdenq meati.( May !e F.., in this ern t barrel of tl,.nr In two to make aur New Bedroom Papers. 61.666,620 er 130 r loewrl of the white small boosrn. 1L roan has an idea c1 into p hi 4o >dorW,le. Mr, .Nott !ol- r P 7 � � t9,rO.d,Uex) dorp'riteS 1n wo.11 mons, the br Mr, fiver• Yr. Crabb manlPs7wus mun►h u( iia For ro Psrt •- - p•• oIati•,n, the winutry desires the Do aver a t,vin 13U,00, no d"nbt chletl by of the structur•ewhi•k t - menti° W bail,l. ip uoss be a AY I^wed up bis a njuct ^[ the C, tepee. ty 1 tan we Y far throu •hythe lits ut an old cow a If" imugh." Mr Editor the Mew Nev; Hall Papers, •g s 1 that Mr, Ybtli Nuuw bs oDp•ekitdby this ,tllatin ten ihr uselulneww d Ou,zlillnun, k tl•uM.d nleeuon prorandeol me (wen reply- _ _., mtaon to anumr, inr"hinq A yearly enter- the w.wk sewn of that oorL lr fie deformities rf• a rets near) its P - R Teakettle " moot ,,that le caan ; but - -- w --^•- _ ethch d l lfk),cos. the "VR,il wt ,as T' 1" 'P P 1 y Cutencil to pound sll pegs and ¢euw nso• concluding solea Wnue happy remerke on p°"t' inti e.wner. tau will obllg■ me bj pub- New office Pa ers ' srr Tbnfflilwwiftersre the omav wtaimtend 48rs s>td ser, IeNnR lbs dCtatk to Ile new At 1 un the streets ant seccisn the thr,ugh the etmt d tbls o()t myNul• steal lush this in our valua.Dlo t p -_..:-:dere ferther pie.lg.d thenuaelrus and seek 6 •rKW several M los Sclur.l wpt.a. Air. R. Ing Y paper. wW (ter earryins tbe'sn►lD is this vngit- �t M tba tot aditweeL Tltr teM [kir the aama-Corned, t of prukiem i really ant tet ora. A"erily, g,,..d so sol• PAr iamentte, a,mmencewithin'2 pled _ --ilccou° Treleaven, Dawgawtwt, Baru a short kid- Your get. / {i1 i twrbxd rose ugeore o Is •enoo of misttktR J B i,omerv,llw relief, 818.tif,1enirrndtse d~4m pMasst•ast I'wi x+w you, tIK m°rcA ^[Intel- h 21i Is?I Wm. WARBIARO( / _- y*anwu,( finch wutoia lU year 7000 A.wrleylnl+a•■ tf.M i P b» 1 itsw 11bt tow:efMsuse dwoug 1111wiiier � ••••-•--. I)eficienries d Istsawngmeot make M p►sed. Hwveyj lie«i, for EmeRrntets dth40Conrantwnsat hoping ttwoid3beTeaeherof»w1:..,1 V�Qi Qn�nrD _ sail° ^[ railway, which thoy estimate well I:aen-,o w ».elan �4 06 g The fuflowing little •ala- written not ma r ji n ���I�/ j e iso 61UU,000,40), hot which a more like 11 ra,a M a, sw.M their appearitde t usaif' wheel it is too bard. T1,00, ordered to Iso paid. t\ hitter a stinlulas to the S.0 be h , not workers - Ip..e an Y.rnmk w m R Elliot relief 62.76 sertered he paid. of the ilei hfwrbovd. Sir. Win tour, u cen[nriesAR•., by ono \\'illiaw (ant) Yhako- '- (�� - + 1J top take 6J00,UUa,WO o,u.idering that t u,o <., w r„ra y: out tr7 w late to coiji et the rvB, Phe rzpaaae of j K w •Detre, svemirymewhA w • to th a IM greater part of the route wo.11A be au,.. w,wih•m ltt a. K tf P p" P j W, T Hays nexouut 130,00 G,r de(emtltvg tF.e Isst epnaker. Ito cepa re401 hui»e!f P P Rtitatst -The sb,r• miwt now ton_ __ . __ 1 obtainin to r lamytae+ob' u'ioI of y ;,all sid- hariug PAPERS I, ' ane b • barren and reeky cannery. It stet" a. tw,mtq ssw se& actsun ut roo'evm. Finance CommitfOe. eery touch ptuasel with the meeting-ihr ,Bur :- nor t•,n. r n.h .nee• elude thio tv,ntruven g a. art oary: 03.lr ems. 1'be ebnrt dgblal"we" of this Mored by Mr. Sinclair seconded by Mr. tint of CM kind h• bad Men at, and hr tn.r. • •r...n e&.1 n.i ow; •-- been pretty (till beam.=SD. 81u.rat. like latter amount ahauld be tw.)uiretl (ea . a. w Saivism s1.ee view hall been shown Ins :be necessity (yerd',n that every person lantin� shale tied en . W. doubt it would) it would riot th" Drs ao t,r"r oaot u M P j• yed hi:nagll fere much. H• war ir, hi, 4•" « 'Paver, - 1T u.Iora6 KI...Mi a er+m which a W often ievely► of additinns trove o site residence or rt shall sora t" sat nine@ he bol ren the ore of ) r!""" ,u.� / ©PENED ��� sinion intutor"t the further goes of{120, a ou fHre l ! 1 I, IP f� Req your Go the s mt Ms¢gw A ao w L.°tor"•' esu M and dterAliunP, whiek eM. aha far &►ter the sewed eAr,et eke sore hvin And aha Hall two of tM tau- ren had writ- Cfk)Ak'1-aiy wy a:•s h., a•r a"•"rt .n.l til. • esJ a yesr. The pretext sow" Quota that Alta ornfininR onnehn t. tbu neigh- I , Y ^ g lis, n,s , Mullins nett d.wr to the E'•mt Ottkv. t w" not W build the lou Mtt more thiq an gechiteet's fro. ;end fail In Protectw),rvc•irea promnrmeF.Scents per ern him complaining of hu S"Ing w, dad Thr trwN'. kat, btmear .eon uau. �. ReNlpber 18man's is eha tea{ - 'Swv.r%4"a b,rh.w»rl, °e find the Nalwnet J -c., o[ troe-Carrie!. The Au.litan Itr rt re he w"old not he able to ve it - -- - that it weld be o,mtntoted by s private aatul j e el all. lie wnafc reeommsu,l fr' 11r pain ; •e- W lace to bD or evil Unstabsoks. , P� juan :_■ np to 3.Kh Jua+ 18?U W bo as femd tO Finwnw Cum. Mr. Rnncimsn, the ,r t f yr the h,.ur on Sonde until hr P y ermpmny, to M pais io Rranto u( tans. [n f„lluww was ^no ttiet pinpr,ws bmI•+{n to gtvs Der -- P hi n,h ro tet wet Mh an ,,.A, =_ y ® I I�.1li If' u� 'fit U �o tf'� t dranAg• ondtusctor that in leen bran�1,tthe mattes IsG,re lbs Towmhi 'I" 44 the sable being given by Heak Al Cali, and We fuel$&Light they wit 1': P co1.stM h aMivnwMwti n I t Bretlgb (7olwmkis to arch •onto n♦ f,r a..."1 sense s•vaus °^•.'rat �• ,...-Alfswu,t of pwn,u&l srlunty t • onncil ekml:d n- ('A•umnl. A ch,Wr(nnlad tam tbe3msth'a � - Tan �"so•6f. tntrs,w.. f!�' WAlbhea asd Clacks tepeinwad, 't Por aaralion. I.,.co• sentreprdtit. lieopeuea-w.few d&y= toiwalar(perperevnaseo(,Mcontract Hill&lso-wl,contributedby their singing irtoWealwthempwtn... • Smart'sobesp-the setAguilraeteed. i ---------_BATES. -- this pore w,tt a Dominion is make,( W pay some. r "ire xoesey. - that Pravio" soother 0100,0(00 a year Y see in Jordan t 610-k rnee. Mr. Cranb moved and Nr. PaWm--6 i ieiy-girwh W tljwpleu•u , f f tb*Abooung, CloWW"hs b"a"be fav W (wtaa■nd the _, _ 4 __ - c.mpenution. Whelherbutit by scom- s s J Sce(*og.. $iuvlvartowt.-Tk ewstnin •ec',Ddel that 25 per cent be retained - _ __ - -- „n*I---- --_-. -- -_-._ - ConolstRprien, snpreraterlt ttAA-e* ,Y. • s•PPf newel t..t ..T a• w .eee. AT 11'fO�IISE'S t• ant, it k aIle obvious tSs money �lmMrly tnl,ft M,M f se whore •d tht t'••utral and p 1 :ich•w,(a ir11u hew -(.omni. Ne belmyo the dam AMSEaLY, Piot, (ata', w dialed "tM great nonage of own �- ""-"'-'•-----•--_.__. Vd••*1 ^ q rano,. r,_.ro a s f m ase coutrect ems theIt signed. old hereto be ❑used by Canad•,snd for '.ysert Ae,.:l am14 a,+s elle bra heldbn 1)'rdowed.ty an raursdAy race, And yet in Ike ferelu5sv wtagn, All I n.uut 11.71 se,w 2.00 „( thew -W IPromouro..coernpoerLntl 141.A.Csrramta9seiWt Imona rum laintsmarThe reedit Coo-' setlml■a A).rawklrn. , wweeN wati,nal •uhequrr wmshl bs MIJ brl,r.ve 1704 ae,m sou �� i•�::.tr,"n, .mt h..... ml ed A'■on PA.ran'r Pulmonic W.Urf.` nmpniAihls hs tt, (kir all Time. )rears $n Is•.n 11.r el w fait 3:.r JL%6Ta6 1ttow 0! BRR -The A M.exmct3rT 1v1.• ,.._ . tt ase tT.-r, F. 7 t Th40 a rn&oh of ■tin nhhmt h e►id•nl Art mil w tlw•k Ik■m. rn, a The will relseve the wont coo h to • few Film le Hmcte Ilad a a,nfsa that kir, taro. tx st n Y ass PP P g a y K w u...Y VA,w &kin km Ituteher6 is'�r r Re,rket here t •.aao� ILooms Esq, "f Toronto, shd hls ;r?vetting a ntb•r tansy, and very fitful on iG d C90RC9-11+r, nen• My b, M tM.teq ■aA 14 min°le., aeJ (rave s matt krne flue( i°- ---- '-'-r1'4t sopGeist wnrdd anAertaka the whom, ni th 3wf.&t n,Aa Poo _. S7URE sv RENT. .othe,wt A sibstd of 61,2:,0,000 per do- e.ne•, tar,w M ,gee11.It l5 J.'I,ea to Iheir ateoot a kit if r. firsenwo al arson* eft eJ, in I .?neo, One day w• have softly sight ills t finance on else bronchial and almuns _ J Ka gag . Wit" Lw••, that, so dvm _lei .0o, a•m. which he ww,llyexpeetedrbw Dem,- Centile a�ae,a pil•,„w ta't fm F7enkt utgy11.1�1s... 1qe ,••odi't the Wesleyan Church, patting tngedw, breezoh, And m°Itntting wn.hta°�1 hsDl+ P�Dllc "A►krn+rf sol n .i��lw de • /�Tp ttXittlNtotoyi/t►tDR[rnaffRRl.T Dean u r. Titan when the tum waa ,;r.a,trtea lu,s• w.et t.n4 fat C.ws es"Chall Ooet1•R to 1 neigh the spleulid ",gin e"rntnlcteS by S[r, I °"rnns.tngleS ween :a g&rrllleu' n' p, Cnndnnt,hanna aria's. rno,a (pr it" e S eer•plad ry sr. w. e,.r, nr.rw,.w msmPleted, if it did. wr•t pay, which it tm,y.•.,r 1M,µ °•,se i m lu,od id 1)1i11R.-. sRd__wetIIb•ing , the hattonng° of the Bla° Jwj the caw:^g o[ •1+rc t• ^°t a kilt'• at' ravel trilabe by Iwwg 1Mm. =,; by sll Ju ...v I...ri.atmm, and.antra p�a•wlq/�aM'ek'.d tea 111: Iw,N »IO- w"ald be little liked tr, for • r nart+r of s x ,.A.MvuM I%.n M,sr x.00 Koome for the Rey• W, 8. Blackitnak'A the fooka, and the meleadions detc.•nt of d,u,(�iatt skid country dea!en. Pace YS team AAI., h" Ia 1n M -,neer wet ane,. y l aba..t t. MIx Tw I..7 sggr,Kafe I` P�AX)Ibs hove bran aAmd louyou no..r. f. t4.. . •entnry,wbo would keep is up I Who,in raaomr sol et 14 M •.Io - by thein, n9 bit,at lot ever •," 110GA sangregati(m. iThe stops, sixteen in mem- the unaller, but more harmonunstribes it bow, u:r rnr».A.O w all • ant t- rtreus* ►.,yaw coo II.N fee fealbuod ve,caliste, that mewl lilt ahoai - t,'605VII .tioui . •r'sms be, r»r th, oned amt the sew res, twee. sepWr w e&•1• a�Mwrw w to. d.al, bet the DMesunurt tr,v°rnm40nt a p hese Afr. Thom" `srewr ber, aro as [oRatrs : -n n die a..m, stn y rate . } Aafll6'm Alfie. .1,,1,11.4 sa"a M tittle 2f ne erieh. 'a a Pe P P h Hong. -A. nrae sh ,;ter to corer in tw* a.dwkk, garret ata 1eL *tl•tt- Nee prulrhle n4 kit 6•e milllune •yea ,;a,y ws.rt eta n fop , (naso spray W eprsy, quMing t sir sw*et• Ae4 • w11W1 n..-er re'rr htonma4P�a. P micro ' An•I ell chis, Mwcdouabl, Uarteer, ser s. rid e•m t n has 4 We i .)1:. Steve Anidrews: tea bast, stop troblu dalcisns, viol di Ramh&, Mt ►ntha11s to honour of the bloomin - - Ion"n1 he•ru, tW wrn°r none of wkieb is - - -'- • Muscles and Ce., haA the hanI luawl to any Mur. aa." r w ee/ 3 0o snil Ur, "40 Hi:ton 2. Tho I*iest Aute, ,yrincipal, trumpet, tremnlant, pedal seY„n'a impending advent ; all emuluui Asutleld. t'sw •irrlte dr women, and from whose dabs A I�L6 ! l URE, tk&t they hal 1,.hnrs:Dule tett sat aro is a lar a felt b Mr. Geor •e CK"ne '- .growl to du fur British Co tisane seas If." 1 •e 6 ) • F• )• "tIsn, C. U, C. to F., Bourdon (16 tt), m th.ir veiled atreine end warbling Dal- all other bten'np of tinlisef ti(e aro to be raw w,A,r•,e".d m vv"„'l ` fam.h Rare, np- lmm�tx in the form td a treat , which Per Kmuu to + Is 1a f rat Tucke cent , wri hie 1580 Ibe Mith• euccm not one to cab each other in the e•th.:ad;tor or the Mow,a to •l, trared. But e: n0 It w cum !err 1 r•h,"n•••,..., , kir l',,Ni. and rr,+wn lwoa, Y - ` l K 6 Viobm (3 C), (Fambn m►jnr (4 Et). Thr I Pea P. J r Mti Kept•'^ )tr NM Sae Pan.,. hament ora b,un•I to approve but h it nu uk,,.t +tM )*,ta ft, nrzt (r to fr "It of tt.e lot) a threa tar instrument ties a pedal coupler, pedal outimmi-Ing° of their tuneful homage a �- Witbuat. m wypty of tAe "Canwiirn 'til •d•M•b•o a'nr^"'"'"""a.� 11Ic6 night to deacons When they found thee In. is •. ml.w >Aset f.w DIS heljrr tett be \1 r. dam del t,arnatim the shrui• of inJulKeat Haan, Ant, also, $Ise Match lAi L Dt'strofCr, ' to pnrert der --se or for the O,n,r-le,a.n •. Pk.LM..h.I »,I�r.. K.", .•lo w.n r,ta r.m check, wind •ign•1, tw" comp�+etiun pedals - `'Now Mi•ther Iditor• I send rather °poke f L �� pr' angel not sox40s1 in tbu line, lhev tiled Wintamok w 11 Ills loss (r. weiWitre I55u Ib1.- to m•eu'un Ala IrMcoputwble ascenSencv lis euro n era he, rolde, wmmer cam lainu rkder n, A i wt, tare. awes Via m ,re indecent conn° u( nannn&tine s 1. M w lost f nn � . _ _ _ _ And swell. The pedAlaction a tow add ihr sante of ►«sl eawilusw, arca ehai 'I ve then rite as I •m fysd wt cis is but raenmaii•m, aeare!Kia, dr. For ale by - 1 that thnngh it w" pmlwr t, hold uy ''^•t ttt.n Teal te.rr f a dOD$ -- believed u be incapwbis n1 ga(tmq o»t of wmbiauns wed psetk".ted rival-J40ann a msnu( ate lanlin soil ne ha 1 mane. �1 DruRK..0 aeJ country dealer. Yncs Mortgage 16aie. uh -t It i,.. ts� w za.r f a EACH TO WN COUNOI. )' r thane tete to Rrit' 11oIDW.b:a," bar aa,.e.t. Al 4a a to f w order, and no other organ en Ontario h", Wat.un --(ale" Ibe Cal",nian /Adge Rpn. - k jig want t, till ye Reformers m bit of my 2S cents per hotel bean treA D n A Parliaoi•n•., it di,I w • ,,Ih x501 ski nit n >a M roan.) Nett day we learn thegronnd fresh' and eoA show )•as how a sole drive the •'�- -- -- pLrACY.Tb"•,N Lase •owe. m peym..t nT• fen+. •g W , At-at"K, flat 111. like title n11a+ three stops on the pedals. y $ollg•oDT $An. -'•Thera u wmrlbie l� r•M lard t "•'a'►e 1a w..,". dew w. tT Dot foil"a that the Domineon sh�•uld ' • ai:inr- &i�, �n sii.lo ib lye"orad urea with suesor ; and ill 4h. Country torobiltun.. g Tik,-A41.1- «oraI'd1',11lat-&•»I,prrh.f•.w11.61p1 eery par'tinular in carrying them Det, We aru,a;.r e:. , 2e1 an L,, The Rome., mvetinp o(the Town Qon- The internal machinery, n40tWsteaTily i)Itfi• chlllenq and Mnumbin¢ agoneM of •mid Yes ha• tarlwd Out poor misthee HAM Peculiarly, sttrac.ive ,n a Anne. }l s Ie&- »u 1,r, ,,, ,n, r ,,,r +M•i•••n T .an. n. ane p•r.wM frhtrre that in f the 4.re-tis _ ar,.n ; r,47 too cil -Af h tato evening. Present :u ote,u of the Tory beat vurkmanohip, rend winter ago,waphere peping around, And ,nd I am of"fd it wit be the mans o[ his welligent eye end ear, hr lofty carriage, Mr a P-er -(%s ,.,ur,n,a ,n sort o,»ts4• sn. ret- tlrmr/os u •Ds ,��' I,, ., p 0p , .,■ I„� warmer rm,r., I►. TI l - . J.;=q A. T'h•retrrrYtwlRtlMr*miuds ate r r 1"rcebl firereI (D ch&fr;'ths t RCes, •r the ready d0utr"1 n[ the tickling oar un and macaw, in a rearms, lith, Now eM *old hk to tell of the inn sod gmeeful won"o, hn vast urvnalh ,,,,,Ik �,s,r„uu, „r ,n, T --hi ,,1 „mnl'y. h, m. eefe"me We.[ se.h the d• Int of - i)eprt y performer and y ° •) Maerhmatd. He w ■ at ,ire readin able ,fah«in-l6aent ronn,wrr,,ti"n w e "boreal to be enuundwratod. Cattle �iorsrmint mi in the same we, $ore hr olall end temper, and hen less t o. ok c,uwy n, n A, '....(, ray ae°w"•.r.m.r lyse K Ch6,rd, `Sarnge, Cesb, Wuronghly sdmpud 4. do ie& work. The a - use, all endear him to u. We leve u, look 6.Imr.n ..oe r.• eofe ,.r sand nes ser ere: akin M f to eatry a maj•.rrt� •.(toe Houas .ren Arm• '!y 1'•rt•n"ern re, cairn &,r the rwwpunai btu Iherp and /owls cowi,nng kind Ihitennq n lidrtt'tAw �HeTermmt mak dolor Mls n n ar en. Ff urrrn A nelson Mart. m W �-'s let spru of thep•lwnt roustahae of.UKcken lutirs they perform, bancy, Davison, Gordon, Smith, FAs largest pipe u 9 it 9 inches long by 7i sheltered places, wreopt up in wlrmr ;linty" fish in H,rron by jilt makin a .t bis fine proportions, and lake in 'the m �.wn m o•.•nn,s, on Ili. r•.,.my of H.rag, u 1f si•, Bkk•. IK it , Hollon, Ang,is. !).uian, - -_ more. The menntes of last mseling ter, enchoo in diameter, and the smallest i c'%It•ton eoncornin4 the Mak state os icter nn paper and were wihn to ¢iv nz "➢'ration of hu eorvy and pullet,' but it s .,eke•t,'"i m. ire AtcDottgsll, .1-y and w ho et "f other able real, •ppr-)ved and signed The nhbbm- inch i ,a by inch in diameter. Df r, their prospect°, in the altered cut° n• ,brae for our Tote, only for Te. Bari• only Rhea the horse is piopeily cavil lot- 104th .dk]ir.J1ls erns men. Thr find puts wee DI !ur the gar How They I ole Hem &tion of j"hn M.Plittson, " Lloona . Im g + things since yesterday ; olid I"wmg, blest lldnt Sltst),er Has& til me h,msilf he wild when he iv free from diee°ae or o.■ound,:ew . he. Ili,.•I 0 du,n. rat'u-p,. be . ,pees- [tAsomec"falhe metal d tkn pipM and ofan kind that be. wdl exhibit these oints Termsm le known nn A.,.f vi., ennuent skid SOsgKiner, )n leu miwaitt • apector, R" road a,d acwytod. It ser mq and cackling to all passara by, wiU. kine erre Dull piker t bxd wid nu MIs if it 1 P rl"4 a",1„ R,a:, kir a.1. -,.,-it 1. rkf yet. io at ery ameted,o+nt, we wen planned w Th• other dory o -le n( the Mon'real m„vod by Mr. Horan Hort"n, seconded weaker them in their entirety in Tornat,,. I,,oAsofutLerbeatWarinent,and hungry .Mnitrrye"p rilionvutin'bntxry down! of"snrrctoo, wild without whec6 ha vof lowp, F•,, rine., l+lttr.r•..pptj r o. s. 0000. and 'be name• of Cameron and White. ro•'untem proposed ' 1 bre° green& (or by Sir. T. M I)Ancy Hut Mr. jric Mc�(ay Th. wh..a a enelrwwl iD I handmrme anticipation : and little peg&,Muble to w4vt led lecke t" the min that wit hinder tho bat little value. A package .• f "Dsrlay s tio, 11,el.. a. A-0o.a kir s,wi,•g• Asad, r.f Hnma. TAe .holo aBAir k itr (lenrge C&rtirr," Menister of �tihteA.- t» wPV'rinled L+tte"e ln■pwalor t"r tAr Gothic eAM, I1 feet wide, lf) te.t bgh •nJ the nwhng n.bletn ut hfey beneath th, :uvermenl from given a liana man a dolor. Arabion Heave Remedy and Condition Dsna s,d April, nett. ..•e/w ahemwfnh anti re roue And wtll,d oar- halonoe of the �ear. It was mnrwl in I toot deep; to be Rrsined widu-at. The li htl Inmost surface ^t the sail, rituniu (,q hu vote. Il,.wnt the fevermist • rite vtedicine,' ehould be in poowssion of every 1 t" they wars heartily gi+en. Senrd the (font i l y tt roan who owns a horse to be wed Ie& ease rod, M ►n eBactorl homer against Nww •mondment Ay Mr CnbD that Mr. Thum- P Dee rouse tram 9 ft 9 inchM is � &rented gnustinR, snorting sod sgneakin: t" do what they hk wed tM moony they 1 I6 r. f""ndland and Ponce Mleand Islan.l '"ITV, iiW° °hap jeeet right, As H,w»I be ap ,inted lsioenw Inspect"r length and 7i in, in diameter 4, S it in in every key of vociferous euphony ase took thimsilve• 1 1 wild Ilk to Tito more tot al emer,(ency Dun'1 fail to pt it. wtstsg in their I"t *tell n°. Ruch a fi. on `r -- , - ___ .-'-' for the balailoe o[ the Ye". Mr. Paernn,rt ength and 41n. endismetre, wiihoonelrgsne, •ppealeog frantically us man and to Alston y° wb..ut this, Mut me bind u belittle wore Remember the name, and we that the °w e rise Panay wools °Dant make ,nit indoiio d T Oityin. V t►N�e. 4eco»dd the anundonont, 'Che CL•rk •:- diaprnd design, in salrraw rr,loPand gold, ogkunat the mc-uebtency ,,f the tu°•itabl•- than Huron in a thunder etoren. I wild +igastsro of Hurd A Co. i° on each porkage. ,04 . \ s r! men pw rof,iu .e heavy " this feuin plainwl that Mr, Hond was not yualsfiwl "n a bea„teful green gntund, lunninwting came, and showing all manner ref disposal rather swing me shelaly thin the pie. Br Northrop t Leman. NewcuUs, C. W., w 'r Awvdsa whsh oPPIse.Ie now Arit"ri, uI ateT We won! l remind these interootwl by last y"sea roll. Mr Crabb ,ecordu y s! the Bottom in teak Ing Iia, A4 of theM linen not G, •arnpt Ilse situaltain,'and world the wen of Work nukes if I ioL at roprietore ter the Canada@. !fold by all 1, ri P^ a rte fessAbMs, It will be sa evil day (or withdroW hk anwndmenC skid Hr. 1Cri, (runt pe for• ar apexking ppipaa enj an Y ailY-(If pq■ du nn virtre et IAL him wid nil shelal 1'd chase thim to the Wificiw dealers. „e perk". Wbe" the O.-OrnmaRs at, f the tog:• of liou4ehold Furnitaro d,,•. owG.l "ornamental, rhe weI t "f the xnunn. tearin ouutt their own bristles, in (tells o[ Hab Ino (locker than tho iver '- - , � UcKay was wppdat>d. A ktur wJ real gb !--a,�ry ♦ W , H I Q g allowed, without hsveogokek^-_•I.w w•.0 hr by O. It. Trueman Auetiown tw, tnert Mr. t H. Pars'= °nclrnl w Wha�e, will b* Over.2i torn into tion kid h R y I y r.lk,we ""'I"en+ byrup kir i4Paph.mhltw fs ' K ►soilage us +( ugguh despsrt, r same lately JeAtnct wjnl W Parltmint But etruse me,Miplth- J..n.e•. ». •+.. - iaf,,rmntbet and on mere ■neap •ea„n. tY.doe•d.Y, 5th inat (tilmorrow,) At the l,wtetenn tntha .rernment frost 104 reel pieaea owl theereet ill0�: Fev* ur ei: t premweray the nest pnp6•mss 1. -ly ray . • R' wknhj.t,rr ate FRA i s- Mee tea ad that .;r.liiit"y, 1 est t Jsee Q1t a fu d"lan f••T awl w.■ .MTI It Ic. he,•n mtruevL•ed. °nit u u a A It C I I i 'I 1•: C T statism., t, pledit" th°mael•o° a. ,,uh e% rend -new o•the late Me. Dunlop, Dunlop's dents kit the town waking soak cl.an,(on en competent jndgws in Toronto have tested own 11Ahol.ments on i nstaining diwomfi "loin Gar thew (avers •bd to u it aloe 'w^••i�lyerthM°r pnparatwn. M -4t »,.,.,, . into debt at the rate 0f millinne of d,tlaro Ilill eolborn°. For psrtimulars see ad- the Harbor plats, u Would lint dopriv,. the organ and pronounced very faw,,rble list* at the receuw Parliamentary •lvetttno. #lilt if ye wd jtat Coll At mi place, (1 teed _ _. a Jeer, foes an nbject Rend in itself bat not 'vt tt meat in another oolemn. thaw int°rntsA kit Jo,ek u:eo,aodation,xn,l opmiuna nn rt. An"tlwr sm1eR raw A 8aoromentn, Crllti,rnt►, gardener hu Por O o deal o *' - ---a:. BCI,»eau, .n •he lake ahowe and tut name Is I &thrick a b• . " _•' W,nth to w■ at present one ••,the n[ the Ykinot the tn.oncil to adopt a regulation in Men ordered for Bishop l,awis Chomh to found, in turn a an old hot"bed, • l- u.r, a 'ea -e PoarnRtxxwr.-- We direct atuntinn t•. ottmw►. We heartil con ("mmwtw em th40 lake ssems to have 1'R'ee but theraecatl m° Woe PAC end ro K P pIn e r oru.t demnli•ted, and when they aro per eonfmmrty themes Is and fnrwapl it b M. J t7rtulato the nfid ach, which, been�l struck b hu s• 4 - wtiusvl to pr,rtitou our nmu^nal hash"t the •Acer-ua,nent p,etpnning the sale of C, C•mernn, Il:eq., 'for presentation. Mr amgroRAlinn nn the iealnititinn of an m. lgmno 11n reality. Moveral vessels herr •+u cal( me that name) I'll tau ye til • ■ • w" a ht m halt. TAe fibrse Ofltruit sop rite +oln.bl• A„si,• s, stand°• o n i•e of b- n °erre within the t week, m Irv. of the boo of shun M me nam is Paris J r V dad usw, without Mmg b,wtanl lows, th. , Homo• Herten supported the object And atramentsw high'y ealcol&twA to enhooc. „ tr P°°° U P t' are Yid to appear " perfect " in the not- YArket H t,.are and HAmiL'rm st., from the s Woos of the church &kid ennoble P "oda skid d"wows e. rhes aPppeewarr RITHRiCK (i W$]L. To led &re 0 on f h t the nbjeat Mlnp steer same diecnwn.n, Mr. Norton moved PPM u be no I#»re eco Boating abort to rniang �. - Drat cute. the lilt Mug en the same eon - pp evwi we &hue& M allowwA to 111ril at {!h April, til! Trosewedry E2te geld Nr. Danny seo.nded-That • Cnm the service of ettag i impolite n(livmg fell clition, W e read, Allen, ut the Shult&r. Gal diwr.gar l our Irl • an.ais8al ill a1 1 U n. rat,, at Mr Trtmm&n'• Art ,nitth onnsutin of the Ma kir, Danc ex r40Aseon to uwdh the r, limit and rand- ar nerigxtvin ; and it the wind° d^ nisi n, Psart1w14 ( ) P R.,o-n. The sale is nnaT ,idabl set »,ned ) y' P y anme sealers pwde tow b„tsten,,s, ib, --- afun,or, that the bel) of • boy reoe11it eb• ^m^,"n ort �he swbjrct, ami I P l draft i Doyle ri Htsatm M a intwd t, emcee wMeh ahontd be +hilt' too p of r" tat• xallerrtM Moron n disinterred there,•" found W be petrifia� 60 BUILDINGS LOTS w* kxnw that the nor rho r^twd aiih '+n a000unt d the ornrr txing nnablw, dn(L • memoriAl in aerootA•nai with th. ohre•lian praiea. tVe aro Daly trxy apt 4, R`mbnq, kir marine lode of Cards m&� Son :- In lis inle t th" 2nd inat, i° rhe head, taw, neck, hands and Md alI the ahrou h bmm�o" en ments, to be rr henceforth ►e carried un without any a 7" l^•arnmewt to•..try thwogh tick s Res• P 1'■titinn-Yking the Minister Of I'nj,lu neglect therthetiw "( rrleRlnn, sad we t•rrn tbn arum from • tutor enfinenrAm In article headed, Ktephen, front the n eetllnd thmrnn¢Inel form, I )R Ran 1w( in,, orana,rt,n 11wn1•.,,1.g, red...... r-hemw, will meat fort Poch a °eat until the latter date, a W,,rks to take the matter into hoe fav,r- hope this effort will give an tn,prtna to IM M P a d Voter, in wh" le he frllectoull tatlackx '""'w' P t t'tntm r.ry rArn .kit , 11n 1 am rveyl A FtR■ 1AWATION.-We wonlddireck the aster David Thurbnrnand Bn,then have y A Missussl , I ,er, drwnbu. the •[- t 1a •tear xw hwl,. •� ntn.rs. alt Mma rwewlAum a+ the •`axe -grinders did I"i albntinn kit m&nufwcturers t, LM Yle n( &hh consirleratinn--CarrivA, Pounce entire community. We had the prowl- jute cnmplaud •new, and esten o,o mil ne, and it is my d,ity to reply. Voter f P PAI g .�m. I%a mtmd.a •d6 1mm tn..•,.ar.. *l,"M- The plan ties, British U,.1no iM„ Commiltea r000mn+mlded !hA! the arm "t Ia•IRe of liatenenq to khn lrotrrmwut, play M tog, and will o i easpiclowly charges me of barn a mem1 er hots Ot the recent tornado in a portion of FK term...4 emrtk•nmra apply m CRARi,109 will 11 s Wool Factor ad•ertived i* this t bar the, in of r Rshi pe , l thkkl tvtau, says in eta report that ''some of wtn»aa. M"., w uemta a, r.,woa.. I dal., Hrothrr J•mathun's Arms, d 1i'gan� 7r sA,00 leis pwid in (kill n( AE r, 8kirmninp ao- .d by Mr croon Wnod, leer A few menutew (j,. ewwm en •few lave, rid •t (east as "/ ihr Tnumverate, that, he aaya, rapped Otd.Mk, A se&,, tenet, sett-tt- those asTw,a In n"t Rrwnted, a ,Here Ae,n wU°' f I• •H- wain ss riWi6Senw ran be placed ie& thv p P Me Queens hero were& nJssofuently du• mnnt-CArrfal. Pention of W. Se moor to ds Thr Nrni r"& n"t Rniand, nor to hu Dnt artide on Ota hail. rine icioet uovsrveS nnles sway, part O/ them vntiroly (�y AN aDs a•••+•I •w..at a •ern f may, w'IMAa'trt n the ume tkmrwe a( C„fld[+d1 TD■ SMarewtR OrT.-A'e sew r,eeMien tC Co., R. Hwwlay, F A R„beruoo, J. V. yet A•If eke power "n whwh it well finally ay&to"( the Take. m mann ins4nowa, u the precursor u( ,til of their Lthen b ihr totes of n /at well ant dean a ApMr •a a&m Haat-lu-Ing F,b' prawhm t. the ?Ler.- ally.d a morning, toms ent►asi"tie short Dollar A Aon, C. Crabb, ho., Rc., was have. Th• quality of tone is extremely AVnARM-AxtwO. �nwoh mischief snit ,ll teelieff Anapicien, p� „ y .IRte Belittler ►r1 totheiio"rgwo•ent Rad Re,.r er,o ut with lies gun ,over his shoulder. X, real regnwel ng tier Council M put the fin° and eha wffoot kit tAe soft stops Tery A„ kir mskiD u m ahead of fob ecu•ted Yo ter t, °rite hie first article, this hwrrioano. Mostsh AV01 sin, ten, .flab with Ibe view „f „ ,mpg the Gm"nn Mt ter there h" bene nn luck Y, tlaWwy(h both dnob, neer dilwpidaud, w net►te of "weal; &Dene nisi -faN rlear Buu like nntM R g g" l .fednue•mmded people, an not onl --" ser Lmvw 'Fier &nil .uftlr ¢,wA far m . p grnnw have •wed aver ro r. M: Sinclair thno ht, Y a la being perf•ctl ischanti We ex t a °genre just n"w.-After n temporary dry ,oxham°d of themselves, hot Alen of rhe ~ D[aTli. 60DEflIaS PB�P FIOTOflT, 4 fe Wild docks and 1 ( P•r R ago y �' »p at the t egimm�q ^[ the wawft, which ye yr_'wY ap nAt•onxhbtr as 1,• 'n 0•oak•, they bwre Mten fr�n much rf IAr pr,rti,m of LM MwRe wY pwid tam thee IiranJ rveult when pnlemertmriY etTt»•r. clnudwl overrh• rr u n( tM Mn r Inends ; thui&thn caw wthh Voter, or hu •^w�r•-•1-'-•amu •••--�-••.••�----�•+.r•,• --a--- ,, a sol •w w„ul.l ratAer weir "h1RMywr^ order to bs remwAwl frog N••rA t�narterl rn►tnnahle amnnnt of wloney-•!•--- errs Fanwer.[nft.he hi bang, the Allier. I•rnPer ugn&tan w"u(A have been own &t At Ooderi°h, nn the mrwni of Monday l�tltrAi1w11CR1RTR1& PRRPARRDMy(1.L ALL h p I P• W Axomrrovt ODetxcwlcatbtra,-q" aro thw conclusion of Ms artiele. Analogy, in 7 1 oras,• r,•.. / U dwnebia asw &minraaon of A tub Irma Wub r•Aor end sAoof, W b not w nolo M •z rwtwl b n it the drro4a nation elate of the trcather h" step pun- ,nail tnatantes Mu a sore the 3rd instant, the wife n James Prs4- sad easb)taw dandle mor national d°t:t ,ry the elperimttet of gosling sop in a Mr. Bovese w" under the iaprMaenn that &instantly pw,tarnclwith th6m and invaru ail mnreaeepimous than we& even at 6dt Y B guide t1 inith, ten H. A. Head Afastsruf the H,gh Hch� ol, P V M p Mi ItewU.wnl land And t'r.na b tll,v,n ( a stnaat Tan then and that it w" the dot informn roe, who Voter'$,for there to sena .M kfre.w.r--inn. r.n1n .dna nrd• meq w•II . . )♦Ilwee'd r y Myolwalgn tAwmtnthe+Ybtt"kwt,Penia" tlmjeCtnred ; snd many who hat) already . semdsrit subsutin between hu ut & r,n. w pu.•aa dw1. es to kir. n rr m pi.tmm,, w eeinq Haul bM � • If Ror,L.hn A Mrd.msld FIF"Ar, Aa11VIrk 1. - Revile) a•evies. Of the town to keep it to repair. Mr. wishing to ventilate their repit0one on nuts- been rwk,onmg the !sent part of their lett- y g Ilrse - T....IIm, Ao.�oftrm,wml_ nae Int. Ir, hw.lse •s Ally pend •curlew couract•migh •oYioe ken,, aR f"roe .11 ski rmnR, 'Aa►a Mvn Awld awry egning this wean Crabb Wald then .Y w rllwrf tho t win of be roetton, +tilt, m tM7 e th IMI, nature ono ltd, well nhtmately rd f, u henna dly peraesnulatea our nmghhonrkmtd, DIiD _ R�y(I,vQs1BL� afEOl,6.BtiARD ,, ..y tuwsa� Iti to them When they a^m.. at ,".?At n rk,ek, In the Nrw O.,,,,,*-" well oo a °tro•t alluwanon. i[ the Town "f In wpp1'e•aar or not, nnut glee them to os in vel with art wbundsnt reward f„r theirtime ahecb makM him son e" sub ^"'r"""^"^ r m,tat� g or ■toardshlp, befury Ch*rwh, or,rducted by He•. W. Smyth, (instantiate pelt them ;n rapairtollsshonld be Rlnfldsocy"an evidenea of Roid faith. arid trouble : w,mr hnring alnrly rtawhs- y lect foo A QQT SC FFIEHS, -'rid° weo'rtt• and will M c mtenurd therm bout next ohsrRwd wfiioh would Mlong to tM to.n. TAvee romarke wp I own t uthM*, to al+n is, of any o loo of only orschool At (indetteA, ren Monday the Std iw4nt, g P I. loge ed frons 700 Ib to 1, 0110 Ilse of dry Iugnr, ability. Voter, writin from a mahewus Fa•naatrat Jowmxvnx, infant son of V weak. 1t should be aewrtauo.d who ,a* wharfatRe "Uh",yer," (io earth Township• betidm Al want quantity of etr•Ilant Inol- tt CHIIRNB AND STRAW CIiTTETtA. belnn to. if the ro fi0blen could - - �"- -_-___-_ ,stat, motive, of the vidence to of tae Mfirw,l, Jamea end tWm S. , Cal., . ()nntat,bnwttn.-R'e ors gla! for hear � � Pe*t7 -- sat g, tAot mr wrideap a sod Alnehnrit rr•nwila ne nnar.t k,•ma •r,K n.e.n p»mr+rr y On* �natton %V11tad. Thar • L d is shoot t., be opened in Kirr get s charter forte wharfage npposiu AaaTMLTraAt, to a id a e. eo&r.:el written, M(u►e he n ~',,,nlnrr- At G Ifni, Csl., raw eha 1Mh •ai+trer a". �. their rt ill would kee Il en r40- W&RNING. I March, iR71, Th,omea }leaven woodlllf, mumP'rvtnw•ynr,.rrahyYr.It rh,Ad s. c =.,.o . Thor ,na■foralien .01 lake !sow Pe"Pa Y. T P Most . alatons "f winter life age font c,nnotentlT states, that i °men me(fieeent furimorly of Uoderiph, wg40d 66 yeah, 1. D Awfsnnwn r • ,4p iso atrti�, W,•r.w r • ■emw time la )lay. P (air, &tIA then (tiny should he • lotted Iha '^-' vin l.o. t, tAe rr Aratlrals at !)low ° N. ('' Cemewon tall■ " alloawl to be charged Ay Ant rd (hemtalcs, Art1T, tad, 1871. R P p p �"r ARrI- Tw cher. i[ Yourwknowlyd o m• et - 1 Rrm° g OWN 'a. in.r,% uk 1471. ..at f r a, hn itln•rTART Darts. -Th• n e nt do ooIterr puresufs. farmer hArw had A; �entln the f^rrner gots° he moat d^ an, ,s • Riewn •n empfYfk Central 8rlm.dar*sonar heii f>i% Pns isomv t. ft ithoobt 6 t^sfoeCaned• ji'UkL WALlf- 'Le -- THKROYAL JVBii,K9 4ti+etrelRat)rre k the I vK w40nk11 P*a t7ewpAt.T they n^ dnoM 4 oesferred it IO rww N1w svlae' war ee wtg..t." . glfa l n soil kit their vently a done in the ktrsr, r tt h , (11f, weknuW ch g a w{mnetlo"■ of bis fiheaslslt theta fesinp AI tAe ►rfrtelpel. eke ffeswA Trank, ante lh. (7rasd Tnuak EaAD fits,-Y-All"w me thretn ,twf tAe fall and will e,nwTnontlr tr found m diner fv,n1 etb,n, GK malAn saoh IAr• --- tr!� , s l (rt're Ori, o1s .M alt, ,I•u, h. aro w,»h..sal M MI� I V T N C3 B t T" filet bs is I," , TW penatiY ornnothe lose, biKbly °.mined" bed now ten To d1 kb hM to tyre r •forward sflto of mw+ns t^ meAt the &p in ohan in so Mort w s he is no i li P M .►In&h10 anlwmes fn inform s Yuen( Ain g p'°" t ..r„v,I,.,,. r r n.mu, lin,pn, --rte - *bets he naked A. d' Amoapt tAelaaser i.+Isaswtwpmwy saT40•wtWwwl. if tb*-Obmwa salt( join ski Preac g toed -time. Those Who haps judge, d any magna knelllioney. V°twr wAnt•aL &1/ItR. 1tg/.f/AIt TA 1.AOT4thi. T,.w. .mw •.old Na.t sop that i "Is tl► aem°n i in this town, thw►il bks owe. ewoeA n hi rill to gen, aro sow . •d 111 t9147It'af nT ease. y ►1^ g °s ss s, that he understsnda tbat I wiah*d W rl"evrl,•". oh Awn. 1471. .Wwsu K■Neg. Mtr ijyi. + °F case t U1° Helene istleewlN•d •ed + s" * ry. basin y P rs.t een.w Ikrn s.. H. o, we W.v .-Ino, i 6#0 Ona NA r N&IM VArTI'uew w dab,- y �� eebad ten -�'.T til^)Y MWMnp1r {est/ I1•le{tDI wise ; an`"ndd■on40itlhe mMWs vt a d Par ser W s iroul tram the eeNMt W kwr ---� _ " _ N n traN a vlrenW Mi til ors w1%, II ,v .w.r ttead111 al•M ski wl,d .w alae aaeY 1ST n "r7 pmnmene lass, weal) not let m* :emu IBOMN B E (.t. GOauoN• O11C, A 1 rah it ora, Ira. b7 these Iwt+l**ssd er,fid b► M P'ts` or wrrmna s? VI ) v Tile a •ef.! 1 ry k°tP the ""Wet Ibo lto and f*M1+nrweA AJ teUk. no, ilffog{tm wid cbe ►o•e arta f.w the tut Mw•eRisflBAj /ioT:" itift li 1. Its M tl+utfraw►• ;mend d, Im a 1k• taw+ » 1s. R-Aw: kir e'w.om • 1•• , Y we wet• for w.wleat with tM►My low Iso 0e 24 wlhb "*"nAi halt f• er be" lAns•ir Awa•) Itvno l�s just, "a with nor most sAr ulnahn t of • e• _ ra�a•Mt'(�a�sx4lstio, , fs1')," 9,% vto t.•,•.tn«. vow ria...,4s A elate. •e w*aid ie Me seplly Wt wets it Tlnwy aro sirs u abs ed• Hottif tAr Te, n ire • /tr�e►ev* 1l tAiir names WIIi M*uAa MIs a also is )war in Awak►Rdr -ball kinds � sb~fit• Ina are. nose e"werve rn, G n my s,.wailR YMraflwgessen. r f +=s . psahalFlbeh• n ref Par 1 Feet ; this unduobtadly, ie lM •t•", with Ia •a .n i6 rye ee.wewwym wee er .neer Tn a.eemwr ssa,grn~ A r•t*041 ..f rhipPiteg iso bulk, w►ks► t►,mtA ke heal. Rede ate oeekr even eery wtN kn^An, &11 whwa a for Uu" grse pari, i* Al wre►T ingr i wolnd, kit As n"rer would hate my 4,«.ae. s�tt.w4 aw.r.«t..f. it r.wu A nu n••"• .e Asters, toy w1t1 son dorobt .serine a font -held oat • d to f1N bwre Aso >w wY m+AAw,- j Penson ,, ,eAiwnl rsr•! , promu.ng rnndneon RitA the et x n kit D IIe.."'D• w.wuy w ktwA onil &a.." ohs Qww 111M MA*r at[e, iogva°a j °•Pt pen wliod a falashoml,tnrl oov w etprermel T•.ww.m s1w s.w,g IoM. nesl+v �'ss• sod every Nww a stung° eta•mrt name to 1 A DaAvg . 1 wbai h-4 Mrw+ *.V;i 00 teat wilily flelda• Do^ a desire tri any ,We@. He says, M i' r s . , I , wsgr' " 1i• o . A, 1 iS'r! a 11. y • , � . 1 t , , I� a r ",,, �� a ./ .. , - .