Huron Signal, 1871-4-6, Page 1ligatures' Wn tdorg. - • . i n•, Dr. P• A •' a[eDeawall %•a as AT „ttOMa Iva Cu IOI " • M.O. Ab M.A. plIMMVAILetta4801t,ite•ise.,0u 1L11Ra1D• w 11p DR• McL,CAN. •j rad °leanhoeire IN we u(CesersI1 .l. 0 li.M.•MoliECICINCG. M.D. r. toesitaTK cowing PI1y$IC err .ap WM. J OWN* C. N. 414 44rtwr, tM turas lora.l) ..aI•eelum11v Mr J. e. C. •isklan, E11I• moot. F)R, Or1NVAUY. ' a'Iwlir ' • *Alta Aire: a derkk,'Uatadu. •. WALDEN, D. D. Px YIHC14N ,IUII000N £CCnuct4RRlt�� AC. urue.nd it.odrnea (laia,WWaw t(.aPharour' Hutq. Amherly int., Muuab•r II se Iris w44W. Ira Lowe. I)ARRI*TKR AND ATTORNRY-AT•LAW, awn )) a d,_.t.otn Chsueerv, County Crows AUwwy, a••.on:h, Canadaweat. WV. is Court 11.48*. ,14.40 • , ' r M. C Crmerea. .. BARRIKTRR, ATTURNRY, OU$YRRA844 0I. eo., K1.&•w• •t.,1uderiek, rat; IDrmeran A Ciar,ew. ARRIaTKi4* SOLICITORS IN CHANCRRy. tee. ones, Kiesrw .nowt. Wsteelcb. M. C CASsw., etl J. T.baasow. Ilene. Y. 'Torn.. BARRINTRL ATyOKXKY-., r -1. 4W. IAL1CI'hUR IS 4:8..rnri, he, o.d.n,. h. Untarlu. Da.- _ -.ebb'. 4o_k. [Moreton street .4011 B • Doyle dk N•,uior. BARRIRTRY AXD ATTOR1t1Kn, 110LICITORe- ,•tGN,.r•.ry, ie. Deadens IM,. 8. L. Duma. • cwt W. R 'teem. R A. --.- )Tstlla.o..Ii.-llrtm 13 A. _ R t!t('KRT AND LAW OTPI('K ..•w•a new lenelaasRemese ,- *Te O k.wn. M. 11-,'.rrrryar .n.l( X r lent u. rn.nnahle •res.: li.s,00e cat ,f.T.enr• tpUoe u, 'yea' e• ... e. OuMr.8. Aus.11 Poo. rweur C7 � 11Fl;y=: Al. y1CIIC) .N()Y, SURGEON DENTIST Rooms over the Pat Office, West Street, Oodench. Auewt 11(8, 1411 .8011 CIFFORD ELLIOT. Ieyw.:er, 4r. WI4nUAM, Orr. 111 II Ladd I rlulii Jul IDA 1'4. T. IS. Woke.. ' A 004T FIR eat%Trion, A,RICTI.TORAL 11 watt. •(J.raei 8hu,uau, pruprn:turi. 14.14. e, ■•yaad Meal. , - 1411.144, M. NLalt•urn.on. ire - BA`IM us t, A rpm SPY, otierIuU,wMia•. MONEY TO LEND. • windy le _ - -.. Apt • WCrer11t JIs wklislOIC 0IAL MATS AND INSl KAXCR L01MTI, •O. 11 a, Arey. Nawi.a. 11.41,., N. 7 $.,I.. C. '1148,1•, Ata.My-•$'L80. A R. DOM. Avg.13ta 1414. sora It. Sie$oo.atl II IeW(RR* AT)TTu 8884 `"'"." t a; ah,ectr ••t j �r _ e Moir.-. r.a. u rdra..t ry p...rart-1 -:r- - -..T it. ._ -.r>-loot lee 1 ri r1 IrTWIN 11)IgE !In M, 1 M.rt• .t their Nall, Ileo• m,.rk, ti.1tMM; Ivry T►„ .7 •904ing. at 1ludo+k. Entnn,. 08 Caplet Meg* VMmly !ratite. .r. e.Jully 8.11.4 D. CAMPAEI.b; 8.etelary. O.4fak Ter 14.Ia11. tidy - HENRY CLUCAS. House, Sign & Ornamental Painter, 1)4114111881.84. 844 Ins rotor* ofw.o,L ud Marble L K rill nTl)N,/stnwt. C#O��RxsO$. step*tw Saeader. lrardrsrde war. 0e•aeynra, Arg ittk. We. e. IMI W. G. WILsgN Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Inanranoe & Real Rotate Agent COMM1a110NKR IN B. R. DEEDS. MORTGAGES: &Ce. DRAWN AND K1a'UTRU, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. 064 esti fl70. .. _ •.1T44 RURIA:IL (4., JAMES SiEWART WHOLESALE . tAC T "P TM to -fund .n,1 oli41.h• int r•AIT„riue'. Smell ,. W. UP A1,1.E 1.`u FOR ALL KiNDS OF FRUIT tun 1,.i'1484r.N AL TnEP8, COMA Mr. urn•evi.r•, A... Ng. Awa stork 111.+1 on Med, osier.. iM t e.. Mike. Hos.--Manlu drill,. Wd.(4rh f' co tra.0 peL.' Avg 115: 1070 w1A Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK G. Barry r ! Bro., Cabinet Makers, Urdettskers & Wood Turners, dMT1r-TON pay 110. „ read 4.1,••• In, .Wee4 to th..tnr. mat '4,, 1 is w' m. A.b...4 Damn,. Shote, whoa ill he Wand A GOOD ASSOBTMENT of,Kurlw, D+'arww, outimonnm, amt Parley Far T - st„mss qch C{IPMisrAsh ium him rad wood ..we) WASII MT ASDr, MATTHEITI ,N LAor SRA. 814. WHATNOTS, LOOKINL GLASSES pot! SHAMING. era R tier ua roperd eell everything In •-4 t • ,F --sate.. • niton. ere.Jj: •••-•-.r ate - 41' WEIOTit EDITI(')lel iiEt). COS & ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. • s e 7741Groatut "mak Good a Ma °ressalePbssibkNuRlLer.n, • a ll(ulmbr of Men Lost In the biome: Lams and Supp oned to buvu 7t, Ii ,i ' i c" Pwrlanad Iu tL o Cola. yl . l litl l tt r Bao FANw Rflmny Marc'ono,- ThufnlLort , Ing has bean teou.ived from iiaklauOrisd, t�k -• Tann aiatw6 it ,1"a1l "„ .1 tb,ylldh .- 11 Oleo t'nlley,-w in. thug wntry, len into sAsrrYn, the coast rat 4e of mountains for testi k lu-i to hunt; Intending to fet,irM �dori utght.Dan/tintbn1 search has been Reade for them, but mrtraw h.. been found. 134mii turn Who went in. 'march natio, pantheist. • Thee of one party of eye are also MAK d - _ _ ed to be lost, as they did not nitwit at-. --- '- - -'^ . - - cording t'.ltgr enlent. Another tatty of JAl, ES YOUNG, Editors ate is uIl)p ••.sol 1J to hat. Imre* Om; � __� �_: � Y _ _. _,-- ._ I paniee are : a ming t' go info 114 MOM. 7RMaall�-•= - NO pines aflur them. It mahatma certain that NOLs XX1\ _ NO I l Hie" have perished with wild. it 1 as bead ICY, APRIL 6, 187,. _ _ C,da.er tyre f,,gt to �,,,e„Iataie.,..;,f. ' -:r r -s -y'. /iii an rrwriM' 9!. "> > `�� ; "..stroma• _ _ - (*QDILI3.IGJi,DNTAaU0,-1 ., TUUB.�• 8uslntse Ombra.' eul9siut;js OitectatS, $nsurnnct. Waggon aLd Carriage R a►v A` L INSURE TOUR PROPERTY FACTORY • DANIEL GORDON, Agrh ultura! I?1PI1RA110E Company UA.IJINEo r MAIcuit IN ---Il ; BATES & ELLIOTT UPHOLSTERER, 1 r 4 V L ,l -nano. lug mllmaM i near W the hoc ufWwa a.d r , Wy ("1"they 1e.e yy...M . wglrnn u d t'ara.rr �,• •�""' *W,pon Ml, 1).vld'.wt. (leak ElnoIl's 01‘t stash) tri,. ut«dl,lel .,1.(84,84 the w.tern hotel. D a r. attend pirr,aallp 44*11 the-.!ork eats"ted w them, end .r. pups. w tuts out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, .s.l every... ,u lore I1.,., ,of the v.ry lent eaterlal and wwhnau•bIp and at the eery lose.' remt..alive rate.. 3C) UXNC1. Promptly an. 111rd 1v. ON HAND, a large a•eostltlent of s!4L17ICI-Ti-L. h...,. www .,w I.J.•ap t. r ,,1, rlen, 1110 1 1.70. .W Lazarus, Morris & Co Opticians and Oculists, A1ONTIID A T ,, HAVE. 11'1711 .I 11r: t 11, M): real THr. IN. SI CID Ael:lr /Or son it IV I.nrnt.d )affected N rrt.,8., •rr'na.d r J4/Rio4,., ep,ra.l t .aI Ur•lag •l, lion. rl h IMI floc 5.,. Aerie 4.r Ike e..w i 8.? hale -'Jaw err lug t• 41. a IMw Arent. In Ns hp r.lnrn4 .if all ._•noire An o810','nno, 8,11 y 1. .e.•nt,l 10 procure, are, •t •1 ria.• •prn•cle. • Il.4 by any IW Owe rr.q.h. nu. c ,rel Le .d MIMI, ••perl'wnt neer O. wen.) slaw. win,. there 0 no ahnnornn., ng ,.t Ihr stint dowitteew Mher unpl,e.ao( w8•a10.•, 6.1, au the e...1..), Inns Ike perW..o 5. w.r•.'d the le,n., the. err .ahlog sol treasa'I en./ • leclnq .♦1.1400. 1'.• w.•,.), 11d Ir,arornq • .Iron•^/ ,h..unl Luno, e. 'u IM Irr•1 herthy ,1.hY The, .re I6. uu14 04eelw'4. 1844. Cheap for Cash. N n 4 ro,npl.ln +.u,rhnml n!,'..ln n. ,nol Rhrnndn al tavola, hand sed • Hearn 1., bor. .11 on rea.aarMe term., A CALL SOLICITED. OM.r4b. 18 *10 REMOVAL • ALEX, WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, em. RI. ?, s3 arDICR1CF1. Ing Sonar rolwr n+ring renr•yett 10111e alM. 111.17 M.a Ay A Ney,n„h, ROW Ntr.., 0prn,il.,h. Tot .4a••. wWr.40 ,Mena h4 M.od, and the Pponhl o, r thenh.r1 •n pr.n *nth whi,4 they have Iheored bow 4 a. 1..t IA roan. aril Mgs towel, them ,n.1 an ,n M .pard torn,01 ar00I,nnanr• of t8•,, ,.1m�, h,. asp lona 'fluty 844(1 ha .mortal, • Watches Cloaks and Jewelery •rich *111 a,.,.•Ioa..1mm In the p.,rhaaer, and.•,i HAA h.• boon dune hr my... .sw,m.,. may aapa1A son M0,ttg a well e..rnM. or A enr.na•w+nm.n, of (I0M.n4 010.4 J•*e4r,r W1.,h... C *Or a, , al*ay nm h•mt ALEX WALLACE. •' l o ag deist. i.e. 140 u'e. PRESERVE AS WEIL AS ASSIST THE -0- 111T At WITH A-71040 i1 W krp up with (14. time. un..wl Med up ties atme two door. woof of Punt "rbce u a FURNITURE WA1RRora1 Wer. he wilt In .,ter. carry ea (8. above Mnemes. rens nt...hely than.... While thankfal for 1•••t paints." he hope. by Merl carni. ,u to 40.(41 s continua/, a and ,8. Twee of support. HE HASNOW ON HAND .u, r n. I.,..,1 ,a. k. A fern Itur. In thea County .,.1 a ulhr .I limo ',pato," 1, .nI ply , ,.a•u,.,,. wlu, rr.ryllw,4 In he amt, each 1/matm:rannr and Tartar 4htl. - Dearoo n nett. In W.1.1• a0- du In 'i+IP.nlere;' 1.. .10 In White J, M tt,.'oo.. nI every der•rlpllo.. P.a..r 11. I.W., rPt/lu.. le., de. ON HAND A LARGE AS- S, d(I44\I..1' Mr4ee, .u.-1, a. 11,11'amn„tf.. t1 , 18'.• . Lithograph. Plutupw1.h of Ihr 14 ee, I1e. Mg n..deurna4 ew110 with a loos. Manufacturing Hun. w •u(W7 P,.t„n roam. u any .1)40 requited at TurwW proves. ICT Hu always ort hand a coaplote aewft went of Coffins & Shrouds la the Latest Style. 1-1147REAMI P to hire. rs est o osiOdiEe Lomb. a.4J$ Eastwood taken ia�z Mange, -_ (i.,loroit Der. 114.4. trite. Isar NEW BOOKS, SIGHT.. e'VALI: PAPER 'IN. are the '- heap.. tarn.. tlrw4et then, bare - L� aan•-,w'• willows hare. lery 01 4842y. Ate 61 dCc• ptrW.ewpuy u.7o,,I6.. . F. JORDAN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL role Agerttw lterinal O.Jetir►Aag IS )oto. .0 AT,BUTLER•S. . PIANOS 7, Y77 MELODEONS. ROUSE ORGANS, - CHUR',H ORGANS. l_ Piano Stools. &o.. &Cu M.onfa.iurel by the rel.nra4d Firm o4 R. S. WILLIAMS & Co. Toaoyyn. TM mast Meader waken 1s the tbml4wa "T1lE, ba. st 4.1.011, that M hos Lrer emutry yohiCy m,dt .0448.' e.tn 10 m- »» y e.I,.e.4.t tom, .ad w m- essed le .11 .11.x11. ,r. m.4. by tb. , .t NIAMEY %C'r11RE Wei PRI('Efs. Lori veiny he .an 40.1 term. .retry.- .u4 W.ra•nwm. Wert /Wort DANIEL- OURDON. Dederick, Avg 15, 1e701 'w20 5'r31 �- fdl . Beautiful Assortment JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CHEAT' A'1' 13tJTLEit'S. Fishing - Tackiest • A LI, KINDS. JUNa1*TINU Or tl101d. PHOTO GRA1)L11,7 DAeetITAkA1T11,00 as $1.00 Per ' Dozen. H\LpU(1/.1..NFRO CKNEOATiVIt it cents, po.tale free. One desen from hark neg1tcve e7 cent., pontags free, to any addre11. try. Particular Attention paid to Copy- Ing old Amhrotype. Fnr either Iarze or small photograph.. The . uhecribor in returning thanks loo the liberal patrnbnge herealnfore extended to him, would just nee that he had made arch im- provements i"hi• SII lnry.s wilI merit • c on - .nuance of lila same.: IT'' ,1 Great Reduction es Large rketographs. E. L. JOHNtON. Goderich. Ass. 15. 1870. �D SALT TERRITORY FOR SALE Dora ACRaio! LAND Fora Near the old Railway Station on the Huron Road. Thin pro- party has groat facilities for • _Salt Bloch being hear the Rail. road Tracie and having foVT roads sttrr,pnding it. Apply to JAMES MILLER on the promotes, or to G. M TRl'RMAN, Auctioneer R Land Agent. Fehr., 11th. 1074.., w. r ew)nJm.- - UX.i.-. • ofenrnotkwd AND SELLING AT COST AT BUTLE1t'S. U„derl, h 19th Aug . Ir: n, .• 194 CLOSING OUT ! ! A. MA RT IN, --�Jo- t IWW7K OVPANY. Inwroa only Farm RKdd- Ina sed 1.1•ted lbws lboidenee., c Wpn.1 Mid.ww.awd hued... W 184.ilt. CAPITAL 8100,000 SURPLUS +12•",000 nepooltel with the th,m4loa der.m4...q4 nn lo'n.nt of (haa4.,. Polley Uol4.1 `rt•84 RMI To I..I..-,eased 100000 on the nr.t ut June 1811, HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA . IrJc .BTO N Faru, property M Meat rtes. torr+ e.. - It,b . n 1.1+. hot Town resident• /n.,, 110 to ,^ on earl/ 1110o fury years, aerunlial W aye of bantling A CASH COMPANY, NO PREMUM NOTES, NO ASSESS- MENTS. _ A ant el.n nick hoe. 70 pet Iodated for 111n0n. N- ano., for gown mors wry N,444 A onus 4,.,.. son w 7., fe-t Iodated omits o,lr 14 per , rut Oa 3 .an ,n. and NO POLICY A SURVEY FEE CHARGED All1n•.r+ p.,.1 pn.mptly_ The Agriulttlral"+toll. el th _V 1 of the list of the 74 In+u mane Con, on r, att. }fate 'It New York, ..d Ds Wyk is worth doubt. that of any other,Comprey la the 4444.. Lessee in Canada payable in Gold. A. M. HARDY, Agent, Goderich, Ont. re4ruary 10th, 1ST!. , - .1.11 HARTFORD CONN CASHCAPl1 AL - 81,000,000 CASH ASSETS 5,782,63'..11;1 lA)88E1 PAID IN 51 YEAR'S 28,000,000, The Largest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS AND THS LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME Or ANY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA. 0) Dermal! w4pde 01111 the Dowti,i..l (},s.ntanit Jos' the bentfit of Gsaadinn 7'..(o -y knf fore tortuetresy.. el.- Recent fain eenhow 'the impor- tance of patruniaingthe Companies that af- 4o.ttk.tlti lugs4�7� li,a,b a lalemn_i_t,y and the 'IE1- 0. al.7l.RMt alae!ie0lp a 11 Egwtal attennoo giro. t, Ihe.(.nna a .f Dwelling. (Ann nee, & n,rd and Public nun IMO nor trrm.,,f three and urea Iran. at rate. as low a. th.y .1111 be aWe wtth safety to the Company iaeieve of changing Lis.knri•ess,Mao determined SELLING' OUT hie whole stock of Dry -goods at soot. THIS IS NO HUMBUG TODECEIVE PEOPLE& MEN SELLTIIEM GOODS . • At the Usual rates, But an actual clearing O�'Fi • DIXIE WATSON, Agent. Dot, rt.h, Jaa. SMk, tell. 4 DUNOANNON• rte#Pltfatturjny intnroets",^wlH the- of hr to die feuitb as woodsy an I -- u( Messrs haunbv, liarru and Dinner. y coinwruu R.reaM (e,x.KA71oy One of the Then fylluwed Ute "Agricultural inion w r rows a supwrtluuu Irk 1 he nr- • ' pleasantest little gatherings, we hate ever eats' with thunameaut Meson\Vashingto del or the popular mind ha u•ly eatieip.ttd YO 1'BJfEY711 %N rARlnf: ` C Gavin, John llurn., Jubu Harris, ani yoke 4f wend crilicnn. /tepid' u has attended, soca bald in Dungannon fe fluZr;iirten retell u(au ATION t)F•A SUU•('J►.YIAA�/ ghere his elevDu I1elt. Treleaven. evening e g d Tuesday, 28th Inst, A few of Ma. \V•sHIXdT,N roj•rd.d tM AgnaiL itki't an fork alai tricks that are vain,' Ant - CU,Y1J11TTLrL. the reformers of Dungannon and immedi- ate neighborhood Laving coin. to the con- iii any country. From the products of MN M 1'urtunny, ud'u equally hen Ashur to bug AARteALDI RONURARY PRne1DSMT: elusion that 'all work and no play slake* soil • eleavenation'e greatness tiers. The lm- I ern ties Situ, aid a {b Lute of bis tom- _ Jock a dull buy,' got up •n oyster supper nueltiu(p le Aboutproyetuenthat tiof the last 40me 1trs were r ria {o I s"sr1e1eyros kuworbis u4it ,sed Sy cellie 10 � r.n rater NFW ARMIES TO BS FOR I f): in honor of the triumphant return of Turontu s sinal) buy, lLwa, then "And rtfad•usln, and iu robust ursaylb Las 11e . 1'. (}ib.oii, Esq , u( w re issued e* M. dr Mile York'snttthe oonntry &roiled it I charm of euaae spontaneity. h u areae .Q/MrLAIM VISOR Tuner, To Rousf4r P. 1' A few invitations were ivaed (one almost s wilderness. The improvement l +o led by I p mute u! the Nuc•' current, or 4 forced t s b t Nail b Paris, March 2+•-Tbis afternoon d of which we had the lemur of rrceivmg) '1'Iro *access of Inst .lection was and terms of • CORIract. Thematic" element m and come entity triad and true min gasemb. till► cub-eentrel committee was formed, eon' evrryLt,1,1 t expectetioro. N'hee one Htet Harte u tempered by a luring sense of slatirpt of twisted members. M.:1+a 1i led to congntulate each other, on the bap- ehougLt .d the patronage the Guvusaene I hrmauily and a tender -pathos easily taker' Y py result of the late election confect. The had to bestow end tla defeat the dud !tee place of bis fun sod (r ,Ii . 'The present yrC.l pr:•'ilaut, unl Garibaldi bvtiurnry notwithstanding •uatatned, it ape well l volume contains few pieces that aro not al• *rift intent of the eommhtec, Dining Room of Mr. D. Swift's Hotel (who (,.r the prugrus, f the Honour lorry. Thti j ready widely known to the public, moat of jkerees very Matted kr the forinatioti by the bye, we ought to wntchou. her party has the wealth and u,trlhp(/oe. of ; Ibe. indeed havio„ br•euue as headier athe or twe.11-8ve bettdfJns of MLuty; within the last two months returuea to the country in'i Tank.. The come* of I•yr•ol' ihe,oursery by sosatant reprtil,un- twi.iiy balletic* or artillery, and aftosa his old stand) was cl..ely packed when the goveruul.tt durili8 the poet (stir years Thr tollwint poembunet hate, yapn•led batten.* of mitrsMlkuaes• The Natinae� nil,a1 hate burn huwih.tiugtoevdytbink-, so utter is some other, tkuu,th we can i;uards ere to be paid Two and aha eL4 company sat down to a capital supper. ,u Ulan. He anwNlled (htw�sg�t tp�4uody bops to present M to 84147 0l' our f K .'.��•_s•L' nnd.ra for the brat d ne 1 Irma d•Id (3aucrap Ddral� o�eaniaq Mn. Swift had performed-4er dwti f.mo- he -fa rttlfni hr /.. l „% ls• ugly ;the ureters Luing duos to •pyre, to thea {,nnc{plsa hWe.r.e4ur s.rvae... - tau ar4ITlc ), (leery die Infantry, •uJ 1t!in concomitants all that could. Fie desired, Ju1N 31oK u8, Eep., will Old �10 sol - IT y., A.aiilal,r ,iota (b.t11'7'414.11r, -+ - - -- Blom..- Nra "'elf?, ----lb.y -*To •atktrr eu mtm lnteIl est mutt, end b. r h'ut a„rn. n( y,,Iurlir.- e'• 4 used to levy i gUl8III us on everything - and a bountiful supply provided of every Y g Hrl.4,' un •,soy tn.1 •,a . n... eh rt h 4 d twl Il If I Dourer nor eta of p J•hn Dun.: Oowreb, • 11, MINI' ill the committee; sten a e rectuom 1 a oosmands the gunboats in the Seine. Flourens has re.igued, Volgramie is re: Signing, end Garibaldi has been offered supremecommrnd of the Na\inna1Gnards. 14 ie not known whether he will accept.- - oommnne will be officially pro` - claimr•d oa -Thursday asst. Of 310,00U registered voters in Paris, Daly (30,000 voted St. Petersburg 25th. -Tho Passion& .,e ✓"olprptsllipfateii{ib-LM ra,�; r►Tllhr-' t.. ---..i., 1. -_- - T. sold de he ,..rk rid a, 1. la duturbuig the order of the church id nil. t pail. 4 -1 ! hat sou rug bow for t... u loon of t r.. Uul,pna. ,. The answer of the Synod wilt It>r)li cut MI •,,, h tan, u,i . fhrw _appear ,n lho Official i r.ul /t-,--ligm•rbw -' ; trying till urn saasg, W • 0..14,1 Hut. u.. tune, llueharent, March 2S. -A- new Rooms- - ala cabinet las been lorwed, with thine, rel Till as wini,to ,,ef pttablio work., and Floris ma commlwloncr of war. Iu core .rquepcce of the passage of an iudireee Yule of o•nrurc, it is cl(.eeted that a thin .olutton of the Chamber will Imannesso t since then as they all knew, wasaotsatng, r outo weary ram o k, t r man 1(1368. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON ANI) (8 LOBE INSURANCE COMPANY' h... Been on w+.wires Thirty -tiro rears, and during that prrnd heap p•,d Losses exceed ,ng Fite and a half million pounds sterling, T4•,Ih.tor, mend nl Ohs enormous .n,, over w wale ams, h.. wnh.,nt /10104 Cont n hole, to the r.Uhluhment ill 1h,• *8,4101,00, in the runadnnoI I'uhhc Cor atm'. Merchant., HouirhoIdrra, and Moan,. Inc. g Ilp, wherever It a reprw.%ted. In lug let year, 1.76, the Vire Premnlms aloe. at...ar.44..... £9.974 . n• 10th year. 1••46, 17 £47,763 • 20th Year, IoM, 0 " tv22,t79 • 3014, year, INe6, '1 -e £Nn9338 roe year Inter, 1/h7, 11 •• rr L816,o5A The Yire Resew., eund is now 54,7447,464 The 1.Ik, Resew. Pond a now 09,,8!,468 The eemp.ny a repwraled ah,00ehoul 0as fano and vortex- by ineoenuu As `uta, fn .'tom tppt.tlnnn 1%Ir Insurance may be made. O. P .C, 8M11 H, Rearden t Ssrr.tsrv, MnaTO80*. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Codenuh ; R Y. K,lnru,ler Exeter, W. N. Nalco`, IorSralorh, lioderieh. Aug 15, 1870 .:40 Maitland Salt NV ell PLATT'S PAT�:� EVAPORATOR, The enders, FURNIS prepared 10 .' 1 SALT, Iy A.'1• 't` Y AT 7111. L.ONV4` k Yoke. 11eaeeaala va.I . Jac)* zip; Al1OVIC. 8',SLL, - AND tP�AfaT BA ulO7aa\tB�T 0-- _ --_-_ wBLOCK`t.ON RAD Too., WAYs7i•CV1�Ei7A11GAIlTS Trask, tawedkWy nut .bo- .rid nil . ...- Joining the Corporation or flololo �win- aMsl11guarl..nfanil efnnn I.044.rl t4pnan .d rnmmuAiog . lw}y . SAVE BO per CENT Ir us. laone of the inn, v lue* Wanted to Purchase. h espnos for Salt Works in this -BY- nm.1 w town. fl. N. DETLOR. Goderich, Ing 16, 1f70 .30 •,- ,nn r.,r the avIny r,f renmin OALT.TNG AND TUROHASINQ ,t Mu,n Stl.T wF.l. f,. p and oh, rrnn..mMa Y Uw,tn hnun,n., .rood. prrr,rnM. Anarr•n Ur. Pae,. M 1. rnr fi,rth•, part lin IC P.,•ay..t rnh toll M•t'r,dan and DAM. " hI./NAI. "TBE SIGNAL GFEIC i':. FKOY mre. fio,lM.h, Noy. 111th. 1610. .m ,i , / �� , Dee, 1►. 111101 *a7 -Mk- A. MARTIN SASH A D.' JOOR F ACTOR Y. f3 eoaeral4Ned having parrhsece i hs PI„n- 1 tee M111 and Noah Fneiery owners, and nr• rupioid by thonald ('nmmons, nos now prepared to r4r-y nn the/Mil/Wu 01 mannfartnr.ag Sash, Moors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. Siding, .rid ell toot of C i [2, C 1.11: %L' l) 11. seek s, Circle .rid 11.ehte IIa•h and Pore. They (hint from 1herr ,1per„nrr ,• ?oratory Wort .1 h. ahoy ran g,yen.i,aferl,nn 10 1111 wen roof Meer neon with • rill. H. --Al ihan ,hemnet to the Credo• 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring net bend. MAA RRCRANAN, DAViD 1.AWMON, AM. RORINSOW:... GoJericb A 16 1870 .30 was (}f1DF.RI(;11 (Ned doer 1�a �Swath's Clothing Ston • 0.A•rkh, da Ant 844.. .wq•tf•- I IMPORTAN NOTICE. F. Et. MANN Monne Sign & t;arrlage Polster 1Jr henhan • t'4 P hopp 011 rt ,1(lt 41 .Inset s rt,to the w,.leran MM184(4. l'h rh. with ..ml•4 nn," ,tlnrM.l when he Ie prepared to 411 all order. ramp 111. ,rid at rr•a.nn5b4 Pair. T4ankftl fnr the retro. . ter ,d the het 7 yarn .nu, It. • soothingly of the n ame Now is the time to Paint your Cotters Sleighs, and Carriages. gay nwtern Mem r00nW7 Carriage.hop* 40..AM to .1.h A(.patn4_ moan yrs wun4, 041,11ng, Draining. nlarnns.;r•p.r- angina. tee. , a n F. R. MANN. 1 awl Goderich, Asg, 16,1870 WAGON & CARRIAGE alho sv. J , 1_ M a. am f ea o t o.1 v THR Seheenter .mad anannnre In the pub 1 eel Huron and Roe., (Ant he meow' m sa- ahctnrinr Rrr-cl•. Carriages,. Waggeae, Sleigh%r cruttores, .44th .,k M eeh CHEAP " OR, CASH," JOAN PASMGRR, Vietoria e.reet, Goderich l Geduld, Ail 116, 1810 wag nn Ile WO'1, 0 w s4•, wuu w,wl..- TWrrti)l uta tAudoln•t,,,,, dew. t whch t1*,i.0. owl. nm•,n.h .11 r.U, toga atkleh•Il It Dut,.l.1 hi. oto, i, tlm..Ml •*)!i!{y.. re- Thal,. ,114h tea .944- ray. Shat was la July; M --f.a..-.•. �t{aw &ud Thr ♦,Ay da)' flint ' l..r.l ti, man 80`1 llno„ruf, u0(0.. 040,4) H•Ier,l and tewtr•. Iw�ksanl noels) r)., inion p.um • t lhur. Meade ilia. hams Vic_ lel"" 1 'night tell 1„w 4n1 IM lay Mpro, t , 011e: hrs Ye Jul. Iturn++tn.dutM ruttare troy P) ...LLahea,u 111. t r hi. the 1 kl ♦ud felt tarn both eatable and drinkable of the He had 7.e a thsupsot • t finest quality. Justice having been done ty of Huron, and this was Iha gee to the good things, the cloth was removed, victory the reform party had and the iutereh.lge of feeling and *puttee wait sometIiug for this Con lo preeeuted by tworef ,rmere began. • two at Toronto. They will WM. Mat Loco II, Esq., who occupied on toga through the ordeal eft the chair, felt proud to be in the positions: eleetir+n. Let caul. yuat4.wWa They ware met to congratulate each other self,use huinauence,an'I to telt victori.,u in the futures. nn the victory over Mr. W. T. Hay., and T E.a, , OAI - the returner Thomas Oiheon, Eaq., Write- -frith air' He W* gni -t1'e lett Gtr b so largq a ntsjintT. He wrytom beast' - ' 1 l '-,,» - uearKl4t,/Ilt `a presei 3�l�In-ifiem wlnt m•D) ��y'(.,•'ll• l �' i' 1` w�►1 ylanl wuu, wood oleo, merit-, u there were _�plrntly r t able speaker to �»std ..n. If the' w ro d ,Rttertatn their- -f_ . !. _ .. ,...,.:.,.a, ,;. L: • no . en* au an a mu tervals the following toasts :- them. They should ke The Queen. The Prince and Princeton_ illy did gel geepd''m'en. of 'ales and the other member. of the t, TAY;"1"o * i, war furmen had mad*.rush e ]fugal Fancily. Their Ezcolle•cies the were hen -to celebrate Governor General of Canada and Lieut. •aa well satisfied wit Governor of Ontario. These haying been meld like Lemnnundr not du nptht, 41 weal drunk with an enthuaiaam which made �vmer,. to s 'roof and rafter ring again,' the chairman could not craws fu proposed a brimming bumper to 'Her to resign. They ish Msjesly'■ L.,y'al opl,osltion eking moreireelytutlleir Mown R'illiam Young, of G�Iborne, and Jame. Semer,ille of Lucknow, to reply. The tout was drunk with thew robbing &mere. . _ speak, was very warmly applauded, and • zpreased himself highly obliged for the let them go on tine time came round. meta principle, get &dile,. and d he did abort hie • lousiness renegade* -already lob:m ted _ are thetnselves .- e reformer. that rece tine the had t, and ver ba cold : or a Porti t �" y barony would.prevent f to be present. Be had been pretty- freely the Gills. If an abused for the stand he took In the Paan would ju.t say election, and had been tool 1lmbed no right Higt,jander soh to change his upioion. Ile frankly con- sad luoktd the (eased that he had been what was called killing •boar, l'ory, Pur the paean thirty years. But he emoted nuhcd u w that that party was every year getting herself has kl worse and worse, and, therefore, he had 10 give, such clanged his opinion and was nut ashamed tory party. totown it and act accordingly. He was Mr Sworn glad to say that many others, Who had thedoqqrr been conservatives, were also cunning to [Airdovt'CI be of the same opi„ion with thin,. 'there w. wasno better man in the North • Biding an4-1huhFur than T11110141 (10./4011. Ile was well -D'- not d ,in S 1 that they menta -61 -the riding intimately, and was gave iuhin closely acquainted with the financial con- a very a dition and wants or the crnlntry. No one So,nervill who ■ippnited him, would be deceived in flattering him, aa he was a perfectly honest man.- Ur. J u, He would. make • valuable member of ..py,p„cee "Iler Majesty's loyal opl,osition." h _ _ _ JAM►.. 110M!RVII.t.r, l:w., was received Treat, w all spoke well and pointedly. with a perfect ovation. Ile thetlght there C. I;rem' Leo replied l) the toast of waw not much tmb,rhim &soinganything. 'lief-,,, principles.' He .aid that at thelst He had been alw. eread:.for 148411 ulr- Eleet,,,nienly 7 yo4A 401 Wwat.Sh wem " on the p :Arm aide. In 1852 Wawatiosh only g5 17 vote* for Hon. Malcolm Camera, In 1871 the two Wawsnoshrs ga/'e 32 `or Thoma Gibson. This was 4(444881111 _ pmgreu. The' rofesaiun.l-inters to". were Brunk to, con yrd with the name orf Dr. McKay. Then cane the "Health of Thoma, Gibson 1. our member Elect.' There we& he 44th an exhibition of gencronn and man% enthusiaom,u world have done Mr. 1;,bata'i heart good, if he had been present to witneo. it. R. Ct.tnn*Karo Koh. rPeposed 'Ole health. of the Hon liuorge rho Reer- 14 Sr:. with vv'citcrnsehwrmg,akl 44eetvtut•g cheers more for the Toronto (Wet After remelnbering "The Ladies," "The net and Hostess,' and "The worthy Chairman," who suitably replied,the hap- py and secoessful meeting separated. We are;pm,ned to be connected wit h men .ueh e* those who were preront nt thin gathering. Every owe of than was weH purled, had thought the matter out for boneelf, end could .land up and tutorage; hi. idea with nn little fluency. Th.y u. c* ,le n1 'rt.!" volutiuninng the aenudonts of any locali- ty, and we hope dory will tile their influ- e•we persistently and j,dlmuuilly, in the noble cause .1 Reform. We were delight- ed to be poo'sen', and confess to haying re- ce,ved • fresh Inceutive,to keep on unaa+l- gingty .xertln4 ourselves, in the cause of formed man generally, knew the require -- t,•ukn dawn the 4,u,',,..ln-.l, ' meet Where n t4.e .4aIo of hrs peaceful vas, find' ge tee, y would lir 1 a,�!hyw J,r .urw 1 r l kiddie re - tar. They Ictory. He MO Gibson, but tut if he did the duty of n- and- f he Who wooled only 41, .... rine True, ._ Trurbtrl no n I,) son ieIhw Thum. W kl. 4411441 elk 4oy-4rkd kla ,- t rtt, o1d•r.hlw.wl awl Natter of -foot I, *Mow 4. argue,14114•1k m a.a. Out wan the Iwwm, a` 01001 hike sty, He fousld w 5111814st winds stay. And le •A. terrible nn tl., tight Raoul 440 h ewiet Y.- • . TMtrd.rett • tt u,anml,mu.t for„rn w 1..�� - to „*surer. det,am btu 40140 coins o•sob, (*- H speak oftener and LI like thea n.„ tM hu'. lips r w.v,.1161° - The 1Cleotlona to ManitObM ••ho,e* and cot Thal All lh.t d.7 , ung rasp"' ... - • ed till election : up w the et, W.,nlrla teed - - womd.hnl pinwe,t inn ulnaml plod.;w'innrpcg 1tlrt 4, vim St Cloud Mind Mould go oR a we.a.uht.u'Irt,,r..npn,tn04td.d,. ?Ime2(.-The Dumi•iou eleotionswent sola men M pprr,M eh uronci fence. here and (hen „ • v n ht .roil h:Toured w.lr *Minims on thea air - off quietly, on the 2nd mit., ezecpting K Un T4'• very nee. were at(4rl,d and bars ; i !Alger end Marquette. In the fount hey had enough of. T4. lam• lief' ,o..r het 1 Y. bow grain b '7g 4 rid- the ,,h,".es who Were heal t u h.rrt•I• ,.f the cat• • dist. pot 1110 vote stood, Schultz 3I ii .d.. -rhea rattle lett ,r.t nn mgr teary, 64pr yt. The aluutww will he pre. '77"---:.-.; tended -ale tit* ground of intioidetioe,- fatonmeiet'l at :1W61"e�s I.ow.e*ttir is "icer 141011.1.411! or a hod bribery, and instal voting. At one awl *eat to the youltinse• Wag aga. id a mnjonty in every pirish, but at atid hearty 'wanner. Mr. ,;,,i,..,a k,,in -11.14,9' . 4•••40.1 hp .1 &wk.., * district, the figures stood tor Itelewas • posed "The Prima" nil iffy The moo. fo tin, Solo,. eho woo Al4 ch4hor . 172 D.on '29. The local (louse hat If A Jeer and .coff, .. _been called 1itr the despatah. of business' ' • Young of the Sighed. The atm.' tier.. l'eo hewn,. mt.,: ea. . a ing loyal to the heart's core and composed of honest, upright and streightdhorward men. On the other side the members had prey- ed themselves to be the very reverse. - Last four years of the Ontario) Parliament speak fur themselves, and judging from them Blake and Mackensie would now work for the people, and send Sandlield Macdonald and his s.urporters into the cold shades of opprmitooL_ Front Geer-, 1U Streit Mr, there was no said that right only atonic' rule atul right Dominion Hoem, a• • they already purged that of Opario. The Motto of an lance is the price .f liberty." They should now organize. intiffewnship and Eleotoral Divieion Cemneiees; the latter to meet monthly •nd ne former say once a year These committee should to the revi- sion of the voter's beta, and take care that the name of eery man entitled to 0 vote, no matter whit side he win on, should -be properly reeorded. And at these meetings the actions old votes of the membere could be watched and criticised, so thiit people telling atones around the conntry &Selec- tion time. teoUld at once he refuted, where - ever thev went The Reform party has got the power and will now htieeat chimer of showing whit they can do. They would pore and rissporunble government. tha hey ,be credited on thIsho dts for base the ad tontage of blitckentieti talent thlin thereon. Blake, whb though young was of ampaesing it may he etatvol. further that., in order *Mho and Aborting integrity. Me. FA LC, on IR favored the company A servant girl in F.aston,• Pit, read a to -expedite the operations of the Cionmator, story in the papers which told how the a circular has been loomed to the Raton' • ohne rnes.. •ii rower. 111.1, v.....o. rhecheJ ; ' District elections in Manitoba laud And ....throw the w114,tahold ttlii.isA111.4 Mic•ke In th•• ettneetem•Ittond right hem' ; Lisgar, l/r Schultz 31-5, Inkster 4.).74. rhaingli else ratan in whisper*, and ...ewe law, The l'a.t 1,4 the Nation in tooth. thee, , 'II hat the glr.in 0e hr. ••1•1 while hat gr., Ar Uniform Ourrepol. 3114 Bruce !tail way Company be instruct- 0„„u„ey ,. f shmost.s ibet „a 1,0 Di'N'Tclre7fri,e7solliere-r"r o'f'61rried{11:44'ialowttod:1-oyn,.rfinf :nine:. 0,,S:1,01,,,:,..:',,,,ir,,,,,,1:18.1i,":ljeyiw..,!:,`Iceqw:r:w:ii,,r,:acity.odillawi,a1ThcabouP.,lehro'... A old then went honk In 1114-bma Ned eats. !,, , At • recent meet ing of the Pl-ovialonal citrrency provide :--Ist. That after the 'money had not hale made would have been, , payable tii the present currency of Nov. to be, *nil if aid' alterations of the cur, tt"od'f°tinthonrei'irth"eitivn::Lereh%dinern:il:envi.e'tnTd4raol4laerath.(631":77 :July -.no Dominion note or Bank note pep, - .nrrancy, ,t.tt ith• On and after the 1st Oh, for the purled. a defray i tor the pro' bank, and all encl. notate tanned before sank , olforgaliti 17, Myatt) I and that the names coins bearing the seine proportion ite mites payable in the corrency of Gould* shall be anhatitoted for them. Seh. (Joh/ stock -hook AA subscriber+ gnome ehor.teorh vreioht toi Viet of the British *overawe whims live dollars bear to 6.111. oloolheee fog erfdlipereeste) shall pass Surma& -snot he m a legal tender tn Canada for CI, 44.0., aorilf 'llior Maj. sty may ensign too them in . thee tender. tleh. C dna already in eir,31184 tionin Canada under the siets nooe in dorm/ .n antArtii, New thiinseick and Quebec,. shall continue to I's current therion, mid liraftsr the Int of July. he esteruirt ire . them in Cor.ada, 41111141 DIVOT Will IVO • ovest or imoire to the ainurwrt ot 25 eta- ,, 7th. All laws- ineenvistent with the hire, going resolution* ere tepealod lIndt..1 the 11nel Owego awl Con 'find day oof July, Dt71 thectirrency of - Nona Scotto shall Wo the same am 014 of the remainder of UtAnaills 'And. That after that oiate the British eovereign elm!) pass curl ent at 84.021 cents,. and inat all pill with & very mirth -provoking an we - rendered Scuttlak song. hunters of lithena, when they are hitngry game* of Messrs It.. Clentlinning and it i - ,, 'tam rtordon. THE CM'S illibell then pt.-VS.1 ..._ ''t-As.e and bees no food, lie down, place a WWII' 04111 theetomach. and get floor corn- Thitheday, 6th of April, between them a take, place et Knoll '11 Hotel, Seeforth, on • 1 peptone to in tee 'narrative, the Stberiae hunter i 'timed, - the repreeentativew of the Company,. to WILLIAM GORDON KAM. Was, like the ittely nem like A giant refreenred with wine consider atuidociile Upon the beet means rest, very glad tolmeet ao many fellow-elea- hear, . ay.: feeling just as gond as if had he eaten a tors. An regard' the Mercantile interests, y heistman dinner. . Now this' named in aid ,if the raiiwav, and for ally for securing e bonus froom the binnahip11 he could noot say he lied been very unfor- domesti urea' turning the matter over in the daric'eet recess Of her intellect. could the enterpriee. It i* quite clear thet the for him. Twenty•twoo years ago, it did not .,,,Ay as stet% to tin Ameriy,o babe " to 1 tnnate. Wawariosh had done very will not perceive why the principle would not ISirectorearill Ione no time in pushing on wee hit shanty 8 X 10 and had to thke it adrspring of her iimployer cried with hnn- with Jhe llotedittione that tiny lead to a wild rover in Siberia. So &hen next the r 'nob and tunible. Ile had not conception ger, Out wonian,'inatead lit ;siring mitten - art, that Iiia head would be &hove gromnd to nee the improvements all round them once immediately from a glum brittle with a gum thing on the nootle, went and got the pie-board,sprea•I it over the imenspect- In bontlett, every eight minntee, night TI e A.istantstebylietn•tobe an ilegtotnioui R. rive/infest:en ESSI• *SS gled 10 oleos. , , mg child, and sat on it a quarter oof en sea oleeomonebooly rhea ; every five mini . , 00 010,07 imnest race°. H° liked ene'x' hour. Like King Henry, 'it never smiled re. a child is born. Thie great city coils - to take the trouble ot ntag it en I et: , and the hired girl told the inan tons as many people on the whole of Heot- 0011111.1(ea 8871Inli ntetterea, th,,ge wmieg gatherings and especially such a gathering ,iiiin . yr o has charge of th• jail that there moat land, twice es many a• Denmark, those tendioig to She 11,1 711eif Di /IVO Al the in this Ile had heal in mercantile nur• be something wrong about the Siheri -.n , time* on UnAll S4 Cream, and 400 ',met ma eopy hook, ouch 1 1 n iti, ii of head, 1,1m suits IT veers atnoong.t them, and had no reason to complsia of want of noncom. Ills mercantile interest. had greatly aided 1,^1110,,tel ef nearly 4,000,000 it haas 140,- free, ;lam, burin, ors hem!, eel low soy bonier spitfire, or else the newspaper, did many is I lenrgetiorrn. I). C. In its yam stad holy, es .41 toilette th•orrf-M write a the development of the county, and had rend women. 10,0110 professional gamhle• a, iera:hera i, 4,01,1 be a et tube. 04 it now grown to gigantic dimensions. . . load now our merchant princes ea well a* There sre 320 defaulting t older countries. Hut he wmild pot dilate revenue eollectore in the (leiter] Stal4K1 1 nternal thieve. And recelvera of stolen goods, 5010, 50.0010 critninala known to the police ne writing impliment., Itoiahedylt•t, earl lot en this subject, het *spree. hie piessoire at the total mount. or *Anon indebtedness ' org)e,o,ii,,,,ii frequenters of aublie home* teat:Ming youth. A ....mom on 4 Giotto up over cto,00.),ruu). six twentieth's 1 ,,,,d testnett street Arabi. To keep thiA hal tor Ill,'2.i. l'oe mo.1,1 esoov b olif biking presenton Shia occasion to rejoice witt them, in being able for once to Rend a man of their own stamp to represent them in Parliament. wii,Ltam mute. Zap, &lighted shaftnai. lotion ceiling 'iron him for information, . .,. nf whieh iii due from ten individual*. Mr. , vest enoiltiteole era', 4. THilnly eitir.eten i„ *web 04.0 eihi..,!•,1„, 1,4 ,, ,f,,,, is. tot.. Rontwell ref owe to 811. oar s lionee rern. r ,turihing like obedience to the live, ofoo ,,f penmanship, ft" 0 tr., ki h 1 there Vein Ochoele are so ppliel with h„ IA 1 .0, *nos trio* "Jockere far awn" which he and several preminent Republieene have I t' .1 .0,... mei with tooth taste and feeling. Th. mom tome koas the elate wee "The but v, ;4,0.4 sfses, slop ithtag is Worth. Sepik -- ' Iv olt abeentees from *buret, on every Hun. • Mr J. P. Flaiisitin is prosently •t Ifok't Motet talibm or lers tor t *4001 In