HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-05-04, Page 20MONEY MAY TALK BLIT IT NEVER GIVES ITSELF AWAY You won't waste money at Ron Dale's. You'll get high quality at prices to fit your budget. RADIO EQUIPPED 241/i& TOWING PA,m6235.1710 'EXETER c:41:C940Citt SEZ; 10.114.4,..01, Int. ROW AUTO SALES TOYOTA SALES AdSERV ICE Got A Lemon? Trade it in On One Of These Peaches. 1969 MERCURY MARQUIS 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. J30085 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAiR 4-door, V-8, automatic power brakes, power steering. 771460 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. 5882N 1969 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, V-8, automatic, radio. K43268 1970 T-BIRD LANDEAU 4-door sedan, loaded with extras, including factory air conditioning and power seats, K40020 1970 T-BIRD LANDEAU 2-door hardtop, equipped with all the T-Bird goodies, K39968 1971 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-door sedan, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, rear defogger, N48418 1970 CHEV BELAIR 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, K40636 1965 CHRYSLER 300 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, K70010 1969 DODGE DART SWINGER 2-door hardtop, 340 V-8, automatic, 39,000 actual miles, K39836 TRUCKS 1965 FORD F-1000 TRACTOR, fifth wheel, saddle tanks, air-lift trailing axle, wet line. V59907 1967 FORD F250 PICKUP styleside, heavy duty suspension. V37913 1963 INTERNATIONAL STAKE, 20-foot cattle rack, tractor equipped, certified 344228 1969 FORD F-100 STYLES1DE long wide box, 6 cylinder, heavy duty suspension '2495 '1395 '1895 1695 '3995 '3995 '2995 '2495 1095 '1895 '3300 '1295 1195 1195 WE NEED USED CARS Trade Today For A '72 Ford TOP ALLOWANCE Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider 's Huron County's Largest Ford Deal°, Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235 1640 LONDON 227 4191 Open weekdays Until 9 00 Saturdays Until 6 00 Q limas-Advocate` May 4, 1972 94404 out 4 440eg Many guests at Kippen event, view pictures from Holy Land By MRS. RENA C-ALOINE14- The thank-offering meeting of Kippen United Church Women was held Wednesday evening with a good attendance of members and guests from Hayfield, Brucefield, Zurich and Carmel Presbyterian Hensall. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs. Orville Workman, The president, Mrs. Wm Bell, welcomed everyone by reading a May 10. A social hour ended the evening. Holy Land in 1970. The tour in- eluded Rome, Egypt, Greece and the Holy Land proper and lasted three weeks. Her commentary was very interesting. The Hayfield Ladies Trio, Louise Talbot, Ann Chapman and Mary Lou Tait sang four musical members with Mrs. Tait ac- companing two of the numbers on the organ and two on the piano. Mrs. Wm Consitt gave courtesy remarks and presented the ladies with a small gift. Mrs. Bell read an invitation to Kippen UCW to attend a Daffodil Tea at Centralia United Church Always drive with your doors locked. This lessens the chance that you and your passengers will be thrown from the car in a collision. Personals Kenneth Jones successfully passed his second year examinations at Guelph and has returned home for the summer. Mr, & Mrs, Ken McLellan and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cooper spent the weekend in Nashville, Tenn, and attended the Grand Ole Opry. Keith Lovell had a narrow escape from death Friday when the train parted the tractor he was driving from the vehicle he was drawing. poem entitled Welcome. Mrs. Peter Dewys had charge of the worship and used the theme Praise. She said that this is the most beautiful time of the year, when trees are wearing bright, new, green garments and the grass blades have a polished shine, We may praise God with our minds, with our service and with our lips. She read Family Beatitudes and closed the wor- ship with prayer. Mrs. Ken McKay introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Louise Talbot of Hayfield, who showed slides of her trip to the -0( The U.S. Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety is currently setting up criteria for the safe performance of plastic fuel tanks. 11 The longest skid marks on record were 950 feet long, made by a car that was going in excess of 100 mph before the brakes were applied. CHAMPS OF "B" LEAGUE — The "B" championship of the Zurich and district ladies bowling league was won by the Town and Country Six. Back, left, Hilda Vander Boeck, Marg Thiel and Doris Goldsmith. Front, Evelyn Regier, Doreen Deichert and lla O'Rourke. T-A photo Couple move to Centralia A new spark plug with the correct gap setting needs about 5,000 volts to fire. Oddfellows attend service By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Rev. John Beaton delivered the sermon in the United Church Sunday morning with Oddfellows and Rebekahs attending the service. Singing in a double duet were Mrs, Ray Mills and her sisters, Merely washing and waxing your car regularly helps keep its body rust-free, and can mean a saving of several hundred dollars at trade-in time. We'll be happy to help you keep your car's engine in top condition at .1. LOCAL GIRLS PROVIDE MUSIC — Music at Saturday night's anniversary service at the Exeter Pentecostal church was provided by local talent. Above, Susan Davis is shown at the piano with Cecille Hall, Ruth Thomson, Betty Jolly, Martha Erb, Chris Cann and Mary Triebner. T-A photo See nephews at services Mrs. Allan McLay returned Wednesday of last week to her home in Ripley after spending the winter months with her niece and nephew, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe. Mrs. Lorne Hicks visited for a couple of days last week with her sister, Miss Wilda Pollock, in Kitchener. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe and Alan, accompanied by Jim MacGregor of Exeter, were in St. Catharines for the weekend and attended the musical comedy at the Laura Secord Secondary School where their daughter Elaine Powe teaches music. Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden were in Toronto for the weekend and attended the 30th annual banquet of the Canada Packers Quarter Century Club, in the Royal York Hotel Saturday night. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! Bonnie, Robin and Fay Ann Blair with Mrs. Lorne Hicks playing the piano accompaniment. Mrs. Mills was the organist for the service. Personals Senior Citizens met in the Community Centre on Monday afternoon for the last get together of the season. The meetings will be resumed again in the fall. The U.C.W. will be guests of Crediton U.C.W. Thursday evening of this week and ladies are asked to meet at the Cen- tralia church at 7,45 prior to leaving for Crediton. Ladies are reminded of the Blossom Tea in the United Church Wednesday afternoon of next week. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich, Victoria Street, which has been under con- struction during the winter months reached completion last week and they moved in on Thursday. The Dietrichs have sold their former home to Con Foran an employee at Dashwood Industries. 41 4 Kaplun Camper Trailer 411 USED CARS 1969 SPITFIRE III, yellow with black top, Michelin tires, radio. K40368 Honor bride at Greenway By MANUEL CURTS Janet Lagerwerf, Marlene Bullock and Janis Eagleson were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given for Irene Eagleson, bride-elect of next month in the United Church Sunday School rooms Saturday evening. Irene is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Graham Eagleson. Euchre & Quilt Draw The management of Corbett community centre sponsored a euchre and tulip quilt draw last Friday evening. The winning ticket for the quilt sold by Irene Eagleson was held by Betty Glanville of Exeter. Euchre scorers were as follows, men's high, Paul Lagerwerf; men's low, Omer Berney; ladies high, Mrs. Nor- man Tedball; ladies low, Mrs. Orval Mellin; most lone hands, Graham Eagleson. Personals Dawson Woodburn has returned from Newfoundland. He was adjudicating at a music festival being held at Corner Brook. Several relatives from here attended the funeral services Sunday in Clinton for the late Clarence Stephenson, Mr. Stephenson's widow is the for- mer Blanche Taylor of Varna. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Hay and Diane of London were recent dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Wolper and family. Mrs. David De Lisle and Judy of Brampton and Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Larkin of Windsor were weekend visitors with Mrs. Grace Stewardson. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Woodburn visited in London Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. David Cluness, Mrs, Bruce Steeper has been visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Huntley and their infant son, in St. Catharines. By the way: The amount of sleep required by the average person is about thirty minutes more. 1971 MIDGET, radio, 12,000 miles. By MRS. KEN McKELLAR CR DMA R TY Mr. & Mrs, Otto Walker at- tended church service at St. Pants Presbyterian church Ingersoll Sunday, The service was unique in that the service was conducted by two brothers from the congregation, Dave and Dan McInnis, who have completed their third year in theology at Knox College Toronto and will be receiving the College Diploma at Convocation on Tuesday evening. These young men are great nephews of Mrs. Walker, and a younger brother Don has com- pleted his first year in theology at Knox. This service was announced as "McInnis Sunday" and the large auditorium of the church was filled to capacity, Following the service of worship the people were invited to the lower 'hall for a presen- tation and refreshments. 4-H Staffa No. II 441 Garden Club chose the name Happy Weeders when they met for their organization meeting at the home of their leader Mrs. John Wallace, Officers elected were: president, Kathleen Douglas, vice president, Pamela Wallace, secretary-treasurer, Margaret Laing,; assistant, Gail Harburn; press reporter, Margaret Laing; telephone, Gail Harburn; book covers, Cheryl Riley, Kathy Douglas and Margaret Laing, Lorraine Laing won a package of marigold seeds 1970 AUSTIN Mini, automatic H6912 FOR SALE OR RENT 1965 PONTIAC SUPER SPORT CONVERTIBLE V-8, console, automatic, radio, H83751 Full Range of Models To Suit Every Need SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 1968 AUSTIN MINI STATION WAGON, new motor, 4-speed stick X25099 1971 AUSTIN AMERICA 1300 K40005 FRESH TRADE-INS r+1 Corning Soon 1967 FORD XL 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, don., sole, better than overage. 1971 PINTO 4-speed, radio, grabber green. 1967 AUSTIN 1100 1969 AUSTIN 1300 Quality Handcrafted by The Original Builders of Lightweight Alloy Canoes AVAILABLE AT IN STOCK • '72 MGB • '72 Austin Mini • Triumph T114 • Austin Marina 1971 COUGAR CONVERTIBLE power steering, power brakes, console, radio 1970 JAVELIN SST 2-door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, console 1970 METEOR MONTCALM 2.door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger, vinyl top 1970 TORINO 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio 1970 PLYMOUTH 2-door Roadrunner, 583 automatic, radio 1969 FAIRLANE 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering 1969 CHEV CAPRICE 2-door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio 1968 FORD LTD, BROUGHAM 2-door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, twin comfort lounge seats, vinyl roof, defogger 1967 'PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, fender skirts South End Service HENSALL MOTORS LTD. liENSALL 262-204 EXETER 235.2822 Open evenings By Appointment