HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-04-27, Page 17Tirnep•Mvpcate, .April 27, 1972 Page 17 REDI•MIX CONCRETE Washed Sod 815tOtte (AtS0 FOAM MAW McCann C011St. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-338i or 2373422 ,41•1111MOMINIIIMINIMMINIMMIMIMMOIMIONIMI DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Election set BANGHART, KELLY, DOIG & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main St. S., EXETER 235.0120 Kitchen Cabinets & bathroom vanities for new or remodeled homes CARDINAL SALES °FLIZI1?)" JOE ALBLAS 228-6447 HURON PARK Lucan end district news Cofflpondent; Mrs.. Thom** EmerY., Pr, MODELS ON PARADE — The annual spring fashion show sponsored by the Lucan United church. ladies and Young's store was a huge success, Wednesday night. Most of the mcidels are shown on stage. Photo by Daley Fashion show a success If The Spring Fashion Show, presented by the United Church Women of Lucan, was a huge success. Decorations made by the UCW enhanced the setting. Topiary trees of different colours on white background were placed on the tables and four large topiary trees of red on stage accented the fashions. Tea and dessert was served from 7.30 p.m, to 8.30 with the show starting at 8,30 p.m. Fashions for spring and summer was shown by Young's Clothing, owned and operated by Mr. & Mrs. Gary McFalls. Dave Morton of Yamaha Organs, of London provided appropriate music on organ, If your family enjoys boating trips, take a radio With you and stay tuned to weather reports. When a storm threatens, head for shore. Be water wise. Keep in the sWitri with Red Cross water Safety all summer long. Amisiimosinhm The Matronettes Lucan United Church wo., MAY 102 8:36 p.m. Admission 76c Lunch will be served Sponsored by the Friendship Unit Decorations conveners were Mrs. A, W. Thompson and Mrs, W. C. Tupling, Lunch conveners, Mrs. S. Revington and Mrs. IL B. Langford, Coordinator and commentator, Mrs, Terry Decks. .The models were Mrs, Neil Campbell, Mrs. J. F. Tuke, Mrs, Ivan Hearn, Mrs. Ross McRoberts, Mrs. Thomas Barr, Mrs. Wesley Reid, Mrs. Kenneth Latta, the Russell Thompson Family, Jeanette Barr, Nancy Young, Joan and Jane Lockyer, Marlene Butler, Karen Hodgins, Ann Revington and children, Wendy and Cathy Hearn, Heather Hodgson, Terry and Tammy McRoberts, Todd Deeks. Winners of prizes donated by return engagement. You are reminded, due to Slim's immense popularity, admission will be to ticket holders only. Tickets are available from either Smilin' Carl or Li'l Len in the Sea Land and Air Lounge, just tell them Sid sent ya. Avoid disappointment don't wait 'til next week — do it now. There's goin' to be a fun night at 540, May 13. Hi dad, still got the night of May 12th open— the young guy at your house has his fingers crossed — don't disappoint him dad be ready to bring him to the annual father and son wind-up banquet. That's the 12th, now. Talk about time passing quickly — had a visitor the other day who during the course of conversation advised that 53 years ago April 6 he landed in Halifax following World War I, This Comrade left Canada a private, while overseas tran- sferred to the R.A.F. returning to Canada a 2nd. Lieutenent. The person to whom I refer is none other than our charter president comrade Percy Vahey. Branch 540 is indeed fortunate to have men of this caliber as members and we wish him continued good health. and that's 30 for this week, remember — Minds are like parachutes „ they won't function unless open. By MRS. JOSEPH CAREY The monthly meeting of Our Lady of Mt. Cannel P.T.A. took on the form of a social evening last week. A short business preceded the dance for which Harry Maas and his band from Grand Bend provided the music. Many of the parents applied their artistic talents in the various Art Centres Mrs, Marjorie Glendinning had set up. A draw took place on a basket of food and Mrs. Marlene Jeromkin held the lucky ticket. CWL The C.W.L. ladies from Mt. Carmel were guests Sunday evening at the evening Mass at St. Peter's Church, Drysdale parish. . • The special Mass was m honour of Our Lady of Good Counsel feast day and was followed by a social time in the parish hall, Personalt Sister Thereaa Mahoney, Windsor visited her mother, Mrs. Veronica Mahoney over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard 'McCarthy Maidstone, visited over the weekend with Mr, & Mrs. Tom Ryan and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan, Wendy Trainor St, 'Mertes spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Trainor. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey and Mrs. Clara Harris and Mrs. Lois Thompson have returned home after a pleasant holiday by plane the four beauty shops were: Janice's Beauty Shop, Mrs. J. Shipley; Bridget's Beauty Shop, Mrs. Randy Paul; Joyce's Beauty Shop, Mrs. Terry Hixon;Skylark Beauty Shop, Mrs. A, Murray. Avon prize donated by Mrs. W. Hodgins was won by Mrs, L. Ditty. All the models had pictures taken for the 'Miss Judy Com- petition.' Church news Anglican Sunday, the choir, sang hymns from the new hymn hook, one of which called Lord of the Dance is not found in the old hymn book. Rev. Carson preached on the Christian Astronaut. Among other things he said the Christian, like the space flyers, cannot put himself in orbit. He needs the power of God the same way the space ships need the tremendous thrust, • Next Sunday the sermon theme is 'Finding the Right Course.' United Lucan United Church was led in worship by the Rev. W. C, Tupling. The Sermon was "The Spirit of Truth." The subject was the doctrine of the Holy Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit which is the spirit of God is also the spirit of Christ and if we are sincerely seeking the power of Christ in our lives we are under the direction of the spirit of truth, Mr. Tupling stated, Pentecostal The regular worship services were held in the Revival Centre Sunday morning. Rev. Gerald Rees chose as his topic "Freed by Truth," Sunday evening the pastor spoke on "Practical Holiness." The youth chorus sang "I've Got Confidence" with Allan Melanson at the piano, Wednesday evening midweek Bible study commenced in the parsonage with the lesson cen- tred on "The Prodigal Son," The young adult group met in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Butler for the monthly meeting. Mr. Butler presided as president and gave an inspirational talk. Following entertainment the hostess served lunch. to St. Petersburg, Florida. Rev. Father John Mooney assisted at the confirmation exercises at St. Patrick's, Lucan Church, Lucan, last Tuesday evening, Parry Thompson, Toronto, spent the weekend with his wife and family and visited Dean Brown who has been ill in St. Joseph's Hospital. The youth group of the parish served do-nuts and coffee after Mass Sunday and received a large donation of cash all to be turned over to the mentally retarded workshop fund. By MRS. 'ROSS SKINNER Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion, Mt. & Mrs. Ross Skinner and family were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr, Alvin Cooper and Mr. & Mrs, Harry Murch. Mr, & Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Murch, Alvin Cooper were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wm Morley of Whalen. Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Margison and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Delmer S kinner, Mr, & Mts. Carman Herdrnan and family of Orchard Lake, Mich., visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Squire Herdman. Mr. & Mrs. Don Well and family of Clinton Visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pyrn, Bride honored by grandmother Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr. en- tertained about 30 ladies in honor of her granddaughter's for- thcoming marriage on May 6, at Lucan Holy Trinity Anglican church. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hardy of the fourth concession of Biddulph, Guests came from Ailsa Craig, Kintore, Clandeboye and Lucan. Gather load of bottles The combined Women's Institutes of Lucan, Granton, and Clandeboye held a bottle and jar drive Saturday morning. The event was a huge success and much credit is given the volun- teers for this project. The glass was picked up in cars and delivered to the depot which was at James Lockyer's Machine Shop. A full truck load was dispat- ched to the recycling centre in London. A visitor at WI Mrs. Frances Saward London, formerly of Lucan visited friends and attended the W.I. meeting. • An organizational meeting of the Biddulph Township Progressive Conservative Association was held recently at the home of Mr, & Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin. Among the 40 members present were the Hon, W, A. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, R. E. McKinley M.P. Huron and Mrs. McKinley and Wm. C. Franks candidate for Middlesex and Mrs. Franks. Bill Franks announced the retirement of Mr. Bev Westman as township chairman noting the excellent work done over the years performed by Bev for the Party. Nominations were opened by Mr. Franks for a new township executive and poll chairmen. Nominated and elected by a unanimous vote were Lloyd Mardlin; Fred Dobbs, Len Knight; Bev Westman, Poll Chairmen; poll 1, Harvey Hodgins, poll 2, Mrs. R. Wor- thington; poll 3, Harry Carroll; poll 4, James Dewan and poll 5, Mrs, Stan Crawford. On the suggestion of Mr, Franks it was decided to form poll committees, to involve as many workers as possible for the upcoming Federal election, Poll chairmen are requested to recruit four to five workers in each poll and submit their names to the chairman or secretary as soon as possible. Bob McKinley addressed the meeting and suggested that a June election was still a possibility. He stated that the Party was well organized and prepared for an election. A By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mr, & Mrs. Harold Glanville visited Sunday with the former's father ; Harold Glanville Sr. who is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Orville Pearson of Spring Bay, Manitoulin Island, is visiting with Mr, & Mrs. Harold Glanville. Mr, & Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent Sunday with Mrs. Muriel Biernaskie of Kitchener. Angela Biernaskie returned home to her mother after spending two and a half months with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator. Pamela Schroeder of RR 2 Crediton spent the weekend with Lorna Glanville. WI installs new officers April 18, the Women's Institute held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Glenn Haskett with president, Mrs. Harold Snelgrove, presiding. During the meeting members were reminded of the bottle and jar drive Saturday for recycling. Volunteers were asked for this drive to make it a success. New Slate of Officers were installed as follows; past president, Mrs, Ronald Crozier; president, Mrs. Harold Snelgrove; first vice-president, Mrs. W. Tupling; secretary, Mrs, James Lockyer; treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Les McGuffin; citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. Cecil Neil; education and cultural activities, Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr; family and consumers affairs, Mrs. Murray Hodgins; public relations, Mrs. Sheridan Revington; Tweedsmuir history, Mrs. F. Hardy and Mrs. Marie Park. Resolutions, Mrs, Harold Snelgrove and Mrs. Frances Saward; auditors, Mrs. Gladys Atkinson and Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr.; pianist, Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr. and Mrs. Harold Snelgrove; branch directors, Mrs. C. Robb, Mrs, 13, Smith and Mrs, F. Jolliffe. nomination meeting for Huron will be held early in May at which Bob will seek the Party nomination, He thanked Bev Wcstman for his work and sup- port in the past years. In his address Bill Stewart pledged 100 percent support for Bob McKinley in the coming election and urged the township association to organize around poll committees for an effective campaign. Bill also thanked Bev Westman and the township association for the support given him. St. Pat students attend concert The London Symphony Concert held in Centennial Hall April 24 was attended by 65 pupils of St. Patrick's Separate School, Mr. & Mrs, Geri), Milner and small son of London were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Katherine Fischer. Kleinfeldt Held died suddenly in Vancouver, April 21. He was the father of Sharon and Wayne of Newmarket, brother of Doris Butler of Lucan. Mrs. Rosemary Shant of Dunnville spent a few days with Mrs. Katherine Fischer,, Mr. & Mrs. George Garton of Tillsonburg were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kennedy. Mrs. Katherine Fischer spent Monday with Mr, & Mrs. Thomas Thompson of London. Mr, & Mrs, Byron Sangster of Chatham were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kennedy. Mrs. William Varga and Marie of London were Sunday guests of Mrs. Katherine Fischer. Mrs. F. Jolliffe is visiting in Walkerton. Her friends there, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Dupuis, became the proud parents of a baby daughter, April f8. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Zinn have returned home from Florida after a three month stay, While there they visited the Cypress Gardens Ski Show, The Belln Car and Music of yesterday, Jungle Gardens, Barnum & Bailey Ringling Bros. Hall of Fame, and the Fort Myers Factory of Sarasota, Sunshine club The Sunshine Club met at the Masonic Hall, April 20, with Mrs. Harry Bond Sr. presiding. Euchre was enjoyed by members with Mrs. Thomas Emery Sr. convening. Fourteen members were present. Lunch was provided by Mr. Arnold Hodgins and Mrs. Tom Hodgins. TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RECORD PREPARATION Business — Farm — Individual Returns LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield 4824260 50-17c NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY ME, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERTFNCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666.1967 R. D. BECK (Gabby) LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER For Complete Sales Service That Satisfies, Call 294-6578 or 227-4204 GET ACTION BY AUCTION BRING YOUR PREScRIPTIONs to Micoi-EToN's Drug Store Ltd. 359 Main St. Exeter Phone 2354570 D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES " Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers * Complete Auction Service * Sales large or small, any type, anywhere * Reasonable — Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward, Phone Collect Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237-3431 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippers: Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensel! (519)262-5515 7-17c FARM TAX RETURNS and BOOKKEEPING V. RYAN R.R. # 3 Ailsa Craig 237-3227 Phone 237-3469 litfnc 1 ' Phontig274702 By SID DALEY All we read about these days is speculation on the projected date of the election well, I am going to dispel speculation right now and announce the date of the election — the date will be May 10, 1972. Yes, Comrades, May 10, Federal? No way, Comrades, • Branch 540, but just as important as far as your Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is con- cerned. Exercise your Legion right, attend this most important meeting, nominate the Comrade you feel most capable to carry out the aims and objectives of our great organization, following nominations comes the voting, look well to your ballot. Vote then no matter what the outcome — the selection will be the choice of the majority and as such deserves your full support. Remember the date Wednesday, May 10, 1972 time 8.30 p.m. You owe it to your Branch to attend and have your say with your ballot and make sure Branch 540 has the best available as officers to govern its affairs. Set this important date aside Comrade —attend the meeting — this is the place to have your say — the power of the ballot — 8.30 p.m. May 10. The choice will be that of the Comrades who attend. What are you doing Saturday night? Why not come on over to the Sea Land and Air Lounge and let the Country 3 entertain you while you 'quaff' a couple, Smilin' Carl will be on hand to welcome you to friendly 540 where comradeship is a byword. My sakes where does all the 6. time go - Wednesday May 3 is almost upon is, it just seems like yesterday we were thinking about it. What am I rambling on about, why this is the date the men cater the women's bowling league banquet. Talking to chef Smith the other day from what he says — you women should have it so good — what a spread. Slim Gordon 'mania' will be striking 540 on Saturday May 13. By popular demand Slim has accepted our invitation for a Mount Carmel parish enjoys social evening Conservatives elect i n Biddulph township Time was, you couldn't get life insurance protection when you arranged bank loans for your farm business. But now, the Commerce has changed all that. Because effective May 1st, it can be as easy as signing your name. The Commerce Farm Credit Life Insurance is optional. The cost is low, just $5.00 a year for every $1000.00 coverage. And if you're under 60 years of age, up to $15,000 life insurance coverage is available with no medical required. Also, you can get as much as Now, Farm Credit Life Insurance. We've made it easy to get, because it's veryimportant to have. $100,000 coverage if you qualify. Ask your Commerce manager about Farm Credit Life Insurance today. We've made it easy to get, because it's very important to have. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 4> You and the Commerce, lbgether were both stronger. Ir ot tr'