HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1972-04-27, Page 7Got your Made-to-Order Savings yet? Take advantage of our volume discount prices on a wide range of quality lubricants including world famous URSA Motor Oils, HAVOLINE and all-purpose MARFAK. Whatever you need, we have the right grade—and the savings tailored to the size of your order. Now is the time] Farm Lubricants WM. McFALLS FUELS EXETER, ONTARIO PHONE 235-2840 callus today and save! By Mr15. CLARKE KeNNgOv The general meeting of the United Church Women was held Tuesday evening, A short choir practice preceded the Meeting in preparation for the thankoffering service, The theme of tile worship, No Greater Love, was carried throoghont the worship by convener, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. Wrn Brenner interspered with singing. Several members handed in their pennies for Peace banks. Mrs, G. Godbolt of Exeter, a member of the Association for the Mentally Retarded was the guest speaker for the evening. She outlined the work of the Association and then showed pictures illustrating how retarded adults can be trained for some types of jobs through workshops. Mrs. Godbolt was thanked by Mrs, Wm Sturdevant. Business followed and several recommendations from a previous executive meeting were • presented for approval, The 1972 budget was presented and ac- cepted. To pay the IJCW share of WI The Women's Institute held their annual meeting Thursday afternoon in the town hall. The president Mrs, Ed Gill presided. Roll call was answered with 'One thing I would like the public to know about Women's Institute,' During the business, reports of committees were heard, Plans were cliscussesd to attend the District Annual to be held in Egrnondville, May 17. 1VIrs.Max Turnbull read a poem entitled 'I believe in the Home'. A committee, convened by Mrs. Don Hendrick served lunch and the new salad forks, bought by the Institute, were used for the first time. The 1972-73 officers were in- stalled at this meeting by Mrs. E. Desjardine. The new slate in- cludes past president, Mrs. Wm Love; president. Mrs, Ed Gill; first vice president, Mrs. Alex Hamilton; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Morenz; assistant sect'y treas., Mrs, Frank Plumb. District director, Mrs. Nola Taylor; alternate, Mrs. Alex Hamilton; branch directors, Mrs. Art Finkbeiner, Mrs. Verne Ridley, Mrs, Wellwood Gill, Mrs, W. Love, Public relations officer, Mrs. Les Adams; auditors, Mrs, Taylor and Mrs. Don Hendrick; pianists, Mrs. C. Reeves and Mrs, M. Mason. Standing committee con- veners: agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs, Carman Lovie; citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. F. Plumb; education and cultural activities, Mrs, S. Devine; family and consumer affairs, Mrs, Elgin Webb; resolutions, Mrs. Leroy Hariteau; horticulture, Mrs. Colin Love. UCW Tha nkoffering United Church Women's thankoffering service was held Sunday when a ladies choir lead the service in song. Mrs. R. Keyes was in the pulpit and conducted the service assisted by Mrs. G. Thomas and Mrs, Jack Eagleson reading the scriptures. Mrs. A. Webb led the reading of the responsive psalm, Mrs. Morley Desjardine was soloist. Guest speaker was Mrs. E. R. Luther of Hensall. Her sermon subject was 'The Name of Jesus', She brought with her a record of a Salvation Army Choir in Toronto singing and she played it for the congregation to enjoy. The offering was received by Mrs. Larry Desjardine, Mrs. Jim Love, Mrs. Elgin Hendrick and Mrs. M. Walper. Rev. Dobson closed the service with the benediction. Persona Is Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baker of Grand Bend celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary, April 25. Word has come from Charing Cross where Garnet Paterson has been convalescing that Mr. Paterson has returned to hospital in Chatham. Gerry Kading is a patient in Exeter hospital. Rev. & Mrs. Harold Dobson visited at the beginning of the week in Powassan with Mrs. Dobson's mother and father. Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Kennedy left Friday morning for Kirkland Lake to visit over the weekend with their daughter, Elizabeth. Mr. & Mrs. Ed, Odhert arrived back in Grand Bend last Thur- sday having spent the winter in Tucson Arizona. They reported having seen a 'heavenly show' in the Western horizon as the moon and Venus appeared to come close to one another. Although millions of miles apart the two bodies were in 'occulation' lined up in the path of sight from earth, This took place April 16 and happens only once in every 15 or 20 years. "I think I'll have a milk shake for a change." etarded workshop outlined to Grand Bend 'UC la dies the cost on improvements in the Manse was also approved. The meeting closed with the benediction and lunch was served by Mrs. E, Gill, Mrs, G, Thomas- and Mrs. E. Hendrick, I • •• 411 Public Notice ENUMERATION 1972 The Huron-Perth Assessment Office will be commencing its annual Enumeration Program in the Huron-Perth Assessment Region on May 1st. All enumerators involved in this program are vested with the authority to ask the necessary questions and each one carries an identification card. If any problems should arise, please call the Regional Assessment Office, Goderich, Zenith 66500. • SMOKE AND SOOT E Our Furnace Blew Up. Our Loss Is Your Gain As We Slash Prices SAVE TO 50% MORE AND UP The Coal Strike In England Is Over Marinas Will Be Available Again By May 1 South End Service EXETER 235-2322 Open Evenings By Appointment See It TODAY The All New AUSTIN MARINA Compare it with any of the foreign or domestic compacts PRICED AS LOW AS '2395 RVROR WHEN YOU EAT IS ALSO IMPORTANT If yen are skipping breakfast, it could be Upsetting your whole daily balance of food in- take. This is even true if you are on a diet. By morning you have. already Used up two thirds of the energy supplied by your evening meat. By mid-morning there is nothing left and you could drag most all day long. What about vitamins? We believe a properly planned vitamin supplement can be important and we carry a complete stock of vitaMin pro- ducts made by relnitable inanufactuters. 'But, they are in no way a substitute for a Well bal- anced daily diet. Start your day off right, You could feel better for it, Bob Middleton, Phm8 Stan Horrell,PlimB EILITON Dru PHONE 2;5-170 EXETER '13,1R.VRNRVR,R S Il By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN At the annual meeting of Kippen East WI reports by standing committees and officers revealed programs were in- teresting, educational and en- tertaining. The program voted the most outstanding was when the members, husbands and friends enjoyed a banquet and a tour of the plant at Dashwood Industries. The Institute sponsored six 4-H girl s clubs, and donations were given to the Erlin Lee Homestead, Pennies for Friendship, Children's Aid Society, C.N.I.B., Cystic Fibrosis, Retarded Children. Sewing was done for the War Memorial Hospital in London. Officers for 1972-73 will be: honorary president, Mrs. R. Bell; president, Mrs. M, Connolly; first vice pres., Mrs. R. Kinsman; second vice pres., Mrs. Al Hoggarth; secretary, Mrs. Vern Alderdice; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Caldwell. District director, Mrs. R, Bell; alternate, Mrs. James Drum- mond; public relations, Mrs. James Drummond. Branch directors, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. D. Adams. Mrs. H. Parsons; agriculture 4cl Canadian industries, Mrs. b.' Triebner, Mrs. Grant McGregor; citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs, Grant McLean; education and cultural activities, Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Mrs, C. Eyre; home economics and family consumer affairs, Mrs. Al Hoggarth, Mrs, J. Chalmers, By MRS. SUE EDGINTON Mr, & Mrs. R. Richards started a peoject last Saturday for everyone in our town, 'Lets keep Clandeboye Clean'. Many children worked hard and the Richards supplied all the garbage bags. This Saturday the children will be out in full force and are hoping for some of the teen agers to help. Mr. & Mrs. Richards are only new to our community and are coming up with great ideas to keep us all working together. Personals Mrs. Maurice Morgan is a patient in St. Josephs Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs, Harry Murless spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. Joan Boggs, Tracy and Vicki of Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. John Edginton visited with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Edginton, Sunday. Convener of standing com- mittees, Mrs. C. Eyre; resolutions, Mrs. Ken McKay; sunshine, Mrs. Wm. Bell; curator, Mrs, J. Sinclair; sewing, Mrs. Alex McGregor; pianist, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; assistant, Mrs. Ken McKay; auditors, Mrs, E. Whitehouse, Mrs. S. Pepper. Mrs. James Chalmers was in charge of the program. Mrs. Ken McKay commented on the motto, 'Education is not merely the road to earning a living but is that which makes living worthwhile,' Miss Weiler, physical education and guidance coun- sellor commented on changes in education and the credit system. Mrs. V. Alderdice showed slides of the Hi-lites of 1971-72. Mrs. Grant McLean gave courtesy remarks. Mrs. R. Bell was in charge of the business and thanked the members for their co-operation during her term of office, Mrs. D. Triebner was co- hostess and Mrs. J. Sinclair and her group served lunch. Personals Congratulations are in order to Mr. & Mrs. Arie Binnendyk on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary, April 27._ Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Lynn Gackstetter and Bill Anderson of Guelph visited with Mr & Mrs. Harold Jones. Rochus Faber who spent the „ There's A Treasure of FOOD 1 /4i,-1PECIALS 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m FRENCH FRIES Oc Per Order (Reg. 25c) 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. .... Chocolate or Vanilla SHAKES 19c Each TUESDAY, MAY 2 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. — FISH AND CHIPS 59c CHICKEN SNACKS 69c Chocolate or Butterscotch SUNDAES. Buy One And Get One Free tl = :14 nutidim,,,,m,,,,..mumilm11.0,11.1.,, ntlimniiliiitillmilommirmiimmoil E Children's rri = 99' - '2.99 190 - 490 Socks 99 Denim per yd. --3. r-: = E E in lin i isi i iiiiii ii 1t 1 in 1 ii ni si i i llllll wilt ilm in !urn ll i ii it iltiliitittiiiiiiiiiivitmll ,i iiiii 1411111 iiiiiii 1111,tt1,11ilimmin...., itii,11..inoi, iii Coloured ,.„„,,„,„,„,,„„,,,,,,,g. = ,..„.....r. Ladies = Nylons - • Panti Hose Purses a = Slims Marked E- 19'. Pr. 49' Right Down = Es = = st49 - '2.99 =„„„„„„„„„„,„„.„„,„.„,..„„,„„„.. ........ 1.„,......„,„.....,,,, hill ...„„„„.„„„,.., iiiii 11111111131111111111111litili111 iiii ii ili11111isti11111111111111111111P- = = Brought in fresh as a special for this sale = = = = ,...,..1, 110%of f rTAHN4',-Tr,1 NOT PREVIOUSLY Assorted -Cookies 39 1 = = It int ii i ii onimioteloosionkiisomiiiiiivrioux—: Itil 1V1ARKED DOWN 5 w ii,....ffilffliffiinis.o.i.......iminolunuffi iiii fnsimiat,,,,,,to“ tttttt 111111111111 11111111111i111,111111111111 = . = = Ladies' soiled r.. = Ladies' 'Barrels O'Yarn rortrel 81 1 Blouses i Shells 77-.. 32's ak 000 1 1A4 - 1 99 obz, 1.99 pCorositdt,on = Black Only 99' L- 34' s U U ..1 . i Fr. 5-1- --"ivosolittittottimittitlitlinittlimillei 7.... itsiotolai.milinoli0000,000000,0 000, tt t i tt 0 mi tt i t th,ounito,d,110{1141 Ijim11,11m111,1111111111%11111i1A111111141et - ..... = g Ladies' and Girls' 8 Track az Regular Childre n's Name Brand Labels a " Small Tapes = =L,P:s -E-: ..11 Sweaters 1 Skirts Sizes ,.. gi Reduced Greatly to I $ 1 qq ,. $2.99 1 99' $3 17 =•.-I. Clear ',mil, - ‘ = Intiminowlimmiglinfaioliiihittirlioilimittaiumninimi•flf•thiliffiwiiiiistoktimii•iftriolii i . iii ii 00.,fflotimofie ,iim.inmii•iiiroil'utitimooveimiimi . . . Ei 40 , . . _ MAIN. St. "2-4819 H5NSALL EL' RillittillilltillIlifillillillfflill1)011111111010111101011111111fflitifillillilitliillitillliitillitliffillitillillitiltilinillillitiffitl iiiiiintilliMiti ffiliiinhiomomll000loollong =111111 iiiii 1111111 iiiiii 1111111111111411111‘11111.11111111litlItiiiiiimiiilillii111111111111 iiiiiiii Boys' Girls' Slacks Slims 5 1 39 - $3.98 GRAND BEND LADIES SET UP QUILT: Mrs, Nola Taylor, right, president of Grand Bend Anglican Church Women, is helped by her friend, Mrs. Ed. Gill, of the United Church, in setting up a quilt in the Anglican church hall. The quilt will be quilted and sold by the ACW. T-A photo WI votes on programs last seven weeks in Florida has returned home. Linda Workman, Guelph, visited her home over the weekend, Times-Advocate, April 27, 19.2 Paoto INVEST NOW 0 On 5 year Debenture Investment Certificates You earn highest interest on all 0 The Municipal's Debenture Investment Certificates. Interest payable semi-annually or left to accumulate. Terms: One to Five Years Amounts; $100 to $20,000 For further information: The Municipal Savings and Loan Corporation P.O. Box 147, 88 Dunlop Street East, Barrie, Ontario, (7051 726-7200. the municipal savings & loan corporation MEMBER: CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Available In This Area Through HODGSON INSURANCE Exeter 235-2420 at Ron Wareing's HENSALL FREEZE KING e MONDAY, MAY 1 HENSALL FREEZE KING TREASURES Ontario Fiddler's Contest JUNE 16 & 17 is 7 BIG DAYS Follow The Map And Find The Bargain Treasures THURSDAY, APRIL 27 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m PEPSI 4c (Reg. 20c) 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. HAMBURGS 24c Each FRIDAY, APRIL 28 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m....FREE FRENCH FRIES with each chicken order 11:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m...CHICKEN SNACKS 69c SATURDAY, APRIL 29 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m • PEPSI 4c (Reg. 20c) 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • ... Chocolate or Vanilla SHAKES 19c Each 10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m FISH AND CHIPS 59c SUNDAY, APRIL 30 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m All Children 12 and Under Can Buy ICE CREAM CONES FOR 4c (Reg. 15c) WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 All Day Special iiiiii „ ...3 PIECES OF CHICKEN FREE with Each Order of 12 pieces or more 9;00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. .. FRENCH FRIES 9c per order (Reg. 25c)